The stick part was actually wood ^^ I had some leftovers from another costume XD My Odin spear was much better, but that thing took me (with all the frustration pauses) 3 months. XD
Thx that you contacted me ^^ It's really much fun. The people around were the most funny part because they didn't know what we were doing XD But I hope when I wear the armor in the next version of the video, they will understand that I am cosplaying Loki from Avengers ^^
omg this is awsome!!!!!!! all the "normal" people around watching like "wtf! why are they wearing such strange things??? is this some sort of a S-M-thing, or what?!" (i cosplay myself and i also got asked really silly questions like "are you doing this on a volutary basis?" I was close to answer "no i get forced to do this" XD)
Hey, this video is actually really cool. We met on the S-Bahn Thursday, if you recall. Wish I could have been in town that day to see this, I bet it is much more fun to watch live!
I saw this through reddit, and I liked it. You're obviously having fun, so don't let anyone get you down. It takes a lot of courage to perform in public, it does not take any courage whatsoever to hit a dislike button or write a rude comment while hidden behind a computer screen. Also, I thought your outfit was very convincing! And that stare at the end... gave me SHIVERS!
Why is everyone asking for a moriaty? XD I should really have a look into that fandom too one day. But I think two fandoms (doctor who and loki) is enough for now XD
have a look at my other speeches ^^ It was my first and spontanous and I was nervous. You should see me now, in full Loki armor Cosplay. I REALLY enjoy every moment now ^^
Because you cringe people take it as a serious video too. I'm just mirroring. This video was just made to have fun. My camera men had almost no idea about the scene, the people knelt already at the first time, so I had to speed it up. And my armor is not finished. It was a joke. I never thought a huge mass of people would actually want to 'cringe' and talk about it so much. If I wanted to make sth professional, this would have looked different. Just a gag, made for fans to show Stuttgart.
glaub ich gern dass du da aufgeregt warst! aber kam sehr sicher rüber! verstörte cosplayer einblenden ist ne super idee! ich hoffe doch dass da auch ein video in voller rüstung kommt :) ist sicher lustig in stuttgart zu studiern, dann in avengers zu gehen und sich zu denken 'hmmmm moment maaal ich könnt ja mal....' XD ich glaub in voller montur ist der speer auch besser (da muss dann auch metal dran! zur not wird das bling reingeschnitten XD)
PRICELESS! You are by far the best Loki that is well...not played by Tom. You really need to get the helmet and "war" scepter done so you could change, via movie magic, in this shot! Made me laugh when the scepter wasn't long enough to hit the ground without you dropping it. Funny! I have some tips and comments about the costume though, but I don't feel like I should give them. Your acting distracts the viewer from the clothes.
I saw this on reddit, I was afraid you might slip and hit ur head or something. This was awesome :D Great delivery, great attitude, this was just fckin awesome. Disregard the haters and don't be ashamed to be you. I'd give my left kidney to have your guts (terrible pun not intended)
Thank you for reviewing here ^^ I hope I can produce much more stuff soon. There will be funny things too (Have a look at the video describtion. There I've written some ideas for funny Loki videos, how he has to deal with that puny mortal gadgets we have here on Midgard ^^)
Thanks ^^ It was my first. No real preperations. Just for fun. Just for the few people who took part in it. I never thought I would reach such a huge viewer number XD It was never made to be that way. It was just a joke ^^ But I promise my next ones will get better ^^
That made so much fun ^^ I will do it again. Now people are getting interested and ask me if they could kneel too ^^ And I am working on the helmet next week, so soon I will look more like the full aror Loki, piece by piece ^^
I just wanted to say you did a really great job! You were really in character and it must have been difficult to remember the lines. I think you did a really great job!
It was my first official try ever. ^^ I was so scared to do it in public, but almost everyone liked it ^^ I got questions what I did, I explained and all very impressed ^^ (Although I must say that... I surely can do it better nowadays. Never like Hiddles, but better than here XD)
Thank you ^^ Sorry for late reply. Yes, I live in the real Stuttgart. That's the most important reason why I did the knele speech, because I wanted the people to see the difference between Cleveland and Stuttgart XD And simply to have fun. This was so spontanous and made to be laughed about - but in a good way. I still smile because of the cane. It was too short so I thought: Let's make it even stranger by going down. It would look strange, so just point it out even more. I hope you laughed ^^
Schade, dass du nicht da warst. ich brauche immer noch mehr Menschen, die mitmachen XD Aber ich werde es ja wieder tun ^^ Eigentlich habe ich das in den letzten Monaten 4 mal die Woche immer in der Mittagspause gemacht XD Nur habe ich nur geflüstert und keiner war so wirklich dabei oder hat gefilmt XD
Wir haben uns vor *nachschau* 4 Monaten über meine kneel speech unterhalten und ich hatte versprochen die szene nochmals zu machen. Leider habe ich nur den Helm als gehabt und nicht die ganze Rüstung, aber dafür waren mehr Menschen da und ich hatte mehrere Kameras zur Verfügung. Kannst ja mal reinschauen, wenn du willst, oder vielleicht hast du es bereits XDDD
Goddamn ...this is not cringe worthy. And Loki looks good sharply dressed.Keep it up guys, I am horrible person, a horrible troll on the internet yet this kind of earns my respect.
Thank you XD I really need some hugs now because being Loki all the time makes me feel more like a god and not a human who may like physical contact XD
Hey, I can't find my original comment that I sent you. But, you asked me when I was in Stuttgart. I was there in 2002 and it is a beautiful city. Hopefully I will find my way back there soon.
Thank you ^^ Yeah, it was just for fun. And it actually made a lot of fun. I have seen other Loki Cosplayers doing the Stuttgart scene and I think my speech wasn't all that bad. Next time I will work on how to move my left hand. Oh and I will have a spear and the helmet ^^ Finally someone who is not thinking I'm a boy XD And for god's sake, I will be 22 in some weeks. You're never to old for that, right? XD *attempt at swabian* Ja, uns'r schä'ns Ländle hier hat's halt druff. XD (We rock. XD)
Thank you very much ^^ My next video will be even better. And I will make some sort of "news" where I can put funny scenes into one video and comment on them like a news speaker XD
Thank you ^^ It will be even more perfect if I finish the full armor version ^^ I hope that the Stuttgart-ians will then understand who I am cosplaying (and stop calling me Harry Potter because of the scarf and the glowstick XD)
well, they have not watched the movie XDDDD i wonder what is gonna happen, when i do that once more, with perpared people and not such a spontanous thing, and with the FULL ARMOR. maybe then they recognize. oh, i got a lot of good comments about that thing later. from those who know the movie. i should make a behind the scenes next time XDDD we had so much fun.
I'm a woman, yes. I cosplay every gender, just for fun. I have e.g. from final fantasy 7: Aerith, Sephiroth, Lucrecia. Trish (from Devil may Cry 4) and some more when I was younger.
Thanks I am training that for a while now. Loki's grin, I have this naturally, but that thing with the lower eyelids moving up, that's new to me XD I have to train more.
It made so much fun ^^ And it's getting easier every time I try XD Maybe one day, I will be charismatic enough to actually make normal people who know nothing about the movie, kneel for me XD I am having some sort of god complex... >>"
Dankeschön ^^ Nächstes Mal muss ich es mit Musik hinterlegen, naja, vielleicht. Aber auf jeden Fall mehr als ein Mal filmen, damit ich das Video interessanter gestalten kann mit wechselnden Blickwinkeln, und dann am besten so genau am Original dran wie nur möglich XD
Dankeschön ^^ Ich habe übrigens bald eine Art "Nachrichtensendung" vor, in dem ich verschiedene lustige Loki Cosplay Videos als "Meldungen" bringe, damit es einen lustigen Kommentar von mir als Nachrichtensprecher gibt und das Video häufiger wechselt XD
That "banging the staff on the ground" didn't work out that good XD The cane was too short and the wood didn't make enough noise XD But it made so much fun ^^ I've waited for something like that for months! Next time I try this scene will be in the real armor version, or at least I hope so ^^
I believe the funniest thing was my staff XD Much too short to perform a really good "BLING!" XD Ich will record a better video with the full armor version ^^ And maybe more people, like normal ones on the streets who know the movie, will kneel too XD
Thanks for reviewing here ^^ If I hadn't been so nervous I would have laughed too but I was so afraid that the police would stop us in some way if I didn't hurry up enough XD The first two times I tried that for pictures, I had 2 people kneeling, then 6, and now in the video, which was very spontanous, I just asked them and they did as I said, I got around 30 people. Next time I will organize this and we will triple the amount again maybe ^^
Thanks ^^ (Sadly today I got 4 of my 7 dislikes... and it would be really nice if those people would tell me why they disliked... I never wanted the video to look professionel...) Yeah, I think Stuttgart is one of the cleanest cities in germany. Not the best, but a good one. And the people can be nice if you're nice to them ^^ When did you visit it?
Ja, das ist echt schade... Aber wenn ein großes Treffen ist, dann kommst du doch gewiss, oder? Dann werde ich das als richtiges Event anmelden ^^ Und vorher alles genau koordinieren ^^
part 2: I will try and record the "walking down the stairs" too but Königstraße 28 doesn't have normal stairs XD The cane didn't have to be dropped by me to smash it onto the ground, I had to partly kneel to do it. Didn't train that part and I had no idea how to smash something as short as that thing XD So I simply tried to make the best of the situation. And for the next time I will put metal on the end of the staff to make it "BLING!" louder XD I want even more people to kneel before me!!!
Thank you ^^ I always wanted to make something as popular as that one and now I finally have the chance. But you need so much ego to actually do it, i tell you XD
Ich seh mich schon vor Weihnachten für Thor 2 jeden abend im Kino sitzen, natürlich mit vollen Cosplay (während ich die menschen hinter mir mit meinen hörnern nerve) Dann muss ich den Ton wohl mal rausschneiden und dann bei mir einfügen XD
Ich hoffe, ich kriege das noch alles zusammen bevor ich nach Japan gehe. Wenn ein Termin für ds Video feststeht, musst du auch kommen und so viele Freunde mitbringen wie nur geht. Am besten im Cosplay. Das sieht dann am lustigsten aus ^^
Were you the "dislike"? XD Well, it was very spontanous and I was on a little trip with some Cosplayers. I would never tell them to pull their wigs of. But I actually think it is funny. I mean, this is not a proper video, just for fun. So guys like that fit XD
i will be so glad, when i finally can finish the real staff with the blades XDDD The cane thing is creepy, but hey, it glows ^^ I am still trying to work out, how I can make the staff shine even brighter when I want it to. But slowly powering up LEDs is... well, not easy, so to say. And that mind gem is so small... try and get enough LEDs in the thing...
I really liked this! In fact, I'm jealous! I'd love to cosplay Loki! But I'm blonde and don't have a tie or the scarf or have the proper ending of the staff.
I am working on it ^^ AndI'm working on the armor version. We have a new very very huge TV on which you can see every detail. The armor will be perfect ^^ There was a link in the describtion. The first one where I walked about the helmet. Have a look ^^ THIS is going to come ^^ And next time I won't be that nervous and my right leg will have healed (I couldn't walk properly without the gadget. But soon it'll be better ^^)
Es war so ein GEILES gefühl ^^ "I have all these Loki 'feels'" (quote from tumblr loki fans) Es wird auf jeden Fall noch eines kommen ^^ Aber das muss dann mindestens ein Mal gefilmt werden, wegen den verschiedenen Perspektiven. Und damit sich die Kameramenschen nicht gegenseitig filmen, falls ich mehr als einen mit HD Kamera zusammen kriege ^^ Also bereite deine Beine schonmal vor XD
I believe you wanted to ask if I am a 'girl'. Yes, I am a woman and you should have a look at my tumblr page if you are still uncertain. I just uploaded an old Cosplay of mine, a female one.
That was one of the most amazing things I saw!
I wish I will have people who will cooperate with me too :-)
You are a beautiful woman ^^
I said, **light tap of plastic** KNEEEEEEEELLLLL
The stick part was actually wood ^^ I had some leftovers from another costume XD
My Odin spear was much better, but that thing took me (with all the frustration pauses) 3 months. XD
No matter who you are, you'll always kneel before Loki.
You should totally cosplay moriarty
You look like Moriarty from "sherlock" (BBC) :D
Merloki❧ omg i love that serie
Thx that you contacted me ^^
It's really much fun. The people around were the most funny part because they didn't know what we were doing XD
But I hope when I wear the armor in the next version of the video, they will understand that I am cosplaying Loki from Avengers ^^
Your name is now lil loki.
I said *clicks staff* KNEEEL *oof*
thx ^^ 'cute' is definitly new XD normally it's either cringy or funny. XD
omg this is awsome!!!!!!! all the "normal" people around watching like "wtf! why are they wearing such strange things??? is this some sort of a S-M-thing, or what?!"
(i cosplay myself and i also got asked really silly questions like "are you doing this on a volutary basis?" I was close to answer "no i get forced to do this" XD)
They are probably thinkin what are does incels doing
Hey, this video is actually really cool. We met on the S-Bahn Thursday, if you recall. Wish I could have been in town that day to see this, I bet it is much more fun to watch live!
I saw this through reddit, and I liked it. You're obviously having fun, so don't let anyone get you down. It takes a lot of courage to perform in public, it does not take any courage whatsoever to hit a dislike button or write a rude comment while hidden behind a computer screen. Also, I thought your outfit was very convincing! And that stare at the end... gave me SHIVERS!
einfach geil geworden ^^ freu mich aufs nächste video wo ich dabei sein kann ^^
AWESOME!!! OF COURSE LOKI-SAMA-CHAN!!! *kneels while grinning*
Disgaeagirl565 of DA here, and I must say, pure awesome! :D I also laughed. XD I cant belive you got that many people to kneel!
I'm epic ^^ Yeah ^^
It liked the last seconds when I look into the camera, flirting with the viewers XD
XDDD This is so cool! Can't believe all of those people (cosplayers from the looks of it) went along with you!
Why is everyone asking for a moriaty? XD I should really have a look into that fandom too one day. But I think two fandoms (doctor who and loki) is enough for now XD
das war so geil :D du hast die besten ideen steffi :D bin dabei °W° yaaay x'D
she says it to fast, Loki presents his speech slowly severing every word every moment
have a look at my other speeches ^^ It was my first and spontanous and I was nervous.
You should see me now, in full Loki armor Cosplay. I REALLY enjoy every moment now ^^
im not criticizing or anything
Because you cringe people take it as a serious video too. I'm just mirroring.
This video was just made to have fun. My camera men had almost no idea about the scene, the people knelt already at the first time, so I had to speed it up. And my armor is not finished. It was a joke. I never thought a huge mass of people would actually want to 'cringe' and talk about it so much.
If I wanted to make sth professional, this would have looked different. Just a gag, made for fans to show Stuttgart.
glaub ich gern dass du da aufgeregt warst! aber kam sehr sicher rüber! verstörte cosplayer einblenden ist ne super idee! ich hoffe doch dass da auch ein video in voller rüstung kommt :)
ist sicher lustig in stuttgart zu studiern, dann in avengers zu gehen und sich zu denken 'hmmmm moment maaal ich könnt ja mal....' XD ich glaub in voller montur ist der speer auch besser (da muss dann auch metal dran! zur not wird das bling reingeschnitten XD)
that was AMAZING! tho i wasnt expecting the group of cosplayers XD i had to laugh but the speech was perfect!
einfach hammer geil *____* ich musst so lachen [gomeen~ >o
PRICELESS! You are by far the best Loki that is well...not played by Tom. You really need to get the helmet and "war" scepter done so you could change, via movie magic, in this shot! Made me laugh when the scepter wasn't long enough to hit the ground without you dropping it. Funny! I have some tips and comments about the costume though, but I don't feel like I should give them. Your acting distracts the viewer from the clothes.
I saw this on reddit, I was afraid you might slip and hit ur head or something. This was awesome :D Great delivery, great attitude, this was just fckin awesome. Disregard the haters and don't be ashamed to be you. I'd give my left kidney to have your guts (terrible pun not intended)
Girl, I am your biggest fan ^^
You are absolutely amazing.
Your Loki pictures on facebook are perfect :-)
I admire you for dye your hair in black :-)
Nicce outfit :) looks like you had a lot of fun. :)
this is just fantastic.
how can 3 people not like this!?
Leave them alone, they're having fun no need to be bullies about it.
Thank you for reviewing here ^^
I hope I can produce much more stuff soon. There will be funny things too (Have a look at the video describtion. There I've written some ideas for funny Loki videos, how he has to deal with that puny mortal gadgets we have here on Midgard ^^)
That narrow-eyed glare at the camera at the end was chilling!!
Damn, I also live in Stuttgart and i missed this....
I will do it the next semester every... week or such, if anyone wants to come, I'll do it again in full ARMOR, if you want ^^
Thank you for supporting me ^^
Thanks ^^ It was my first. No real preperations. Just for fun. Just for the few people who took part in it. I never thought I would reach such a huge viewer number XD It was never made to be that way. It was just a joke ^^ But I promise my next ones will get better ^^
Thank you very much ^^
I will work hard on my full armor version of my Loki Cosplay, so maybe I can finish it before I go to Japan for 6 months ^^
That made so much fun ^^ I will do it again. Now people are getting interested and ask me if they could kneel too ^^
And I am working on the helmet next week, so soon I will look more like the full aror Loki, piece by piece ^^
I just wanted to say you did a really great job! You were really in character and it must have been difficult to remember the lines. I think you did a really great job!
It was my first official try ever. ^^ I was so scared to do it in public, but almost everyone liked it ^^ I got questions what I did, I explained and all very impressed ^^ (Although I must say that... I surely can do it better nowadays. Never like Hiddles, but better than here XD)
Thank you ^^ Sorry for late reply.
Yes, I live in the real Stuttgart. That's the most important reason why I did the knele speech, because I wanted the people to see the difference between Cleveland and Stuttgart XD
And simply to have fun. This was so spontanous and made to be laughed about - but in a good way. I still smile because of the cane. It was too short so I thought: Let's make it even stranger by going down. It would look strange, so just point it out even more. I hope you laughed ^^
Schade, dass du nicht da warst. ich brauche immer noch mehr Menschen, die mitmachen XD
Aber ich werde es ja wieder tun ^^ Eigentlich habe ich das in den letzten Monaten 4 mal die Woche immer in der Mittagspause gemacht XD Nur habe ich nur geflüstert und keiner war so wirklich dabei oder hat gefilmt XD
Wir haben uns vor *nachschau* 4 Monaten über meine kneel speech unterhalten und ich hatte versprochen die szene nochmals zu machen. Leider habe ich nur den Helm als gehabt und nicht die ganze Rüstung, aber dafür waren mehr Menschen da und ich hatte mehrere Kameras zur Verfügung. Kannst ja mal reinschauen, wenn du willst, oder vielleicht hast du es bereits XDDD
That's freaking awesome!!!
Thank you ^^
I believe only Cosplayers would do this XD I just had the idea to record it that day but it turned out to be pretty interesting ^^
Moriarty is that you? Stop fcukin around pretending to be Loki.
Goddamn ...this is not cringe worthy.
And Loki looks good sharply dressed.Keep it up guys, I am horrible person, a horrible troll on the internet yet this kind of earns my respect.
Thank you XD I really need some hugs now because being Loki all the time makes me feel more like a god and not a human who may like physical contact XD
Hey, I can't find my original comment that I sent you. But, you asked me when I was in Stuttgart. I was there in 2002 and it is a beautiful city. Hopefully I will find my way back there soon.
Thank you ^^ Yeah, it was just for fun. And it actually made a lot of fun. I have seen other Loki Cosplayers doing the Stuttgart scene and I think my speech wasn't all that bad. Next time I will work on how to move my left hand. Oh and I will have a spear and the helmet ^^
Finally someone who is not thinking I'm a boy XD And for god's sake, I will be 22 in some weeks. You're never to old for that, right? XD
*attempt at swabian*
Ja, uns'r schä'ns Ländle hier hat's halt druff. XD (We rock. XD)
wahhhh wie cool >w< *applause*
( ach ja ich bins krissi ;D ))
Thank you very much ^^ My next video will be even better. And I will make some sort of "news" where I can put funny scenes into one video and comment on them like a news speaker XD
Welches Wesen warst du nochmal?
I see deidara!!!!!
Have you sent this to Tom's twitter?? I bet he will love it!
Thank you ^^
It will be even more perfect if I finish the full armor version ^^ I hope that the Stuttgart-ians will then understand who I am cosplaying (and stop calling me Harry Potter because of the scarf and the glowstick XD)
well, they have not watched the movie XDDDD i wonder what is gonna happen, when i do that once more, with perpared people and not such a spontanous thing, and with the FULL ARMOR. maybe then they recognize.
oh, i got a lot of good comments about that thing later. from those who know the movie. i should make a behind the scenes next time XDDD we had so much fun.
Lol. When he slams the stick onto the ground, it's like "Bop." In the movie, it was louder.
My problem is that in Stuttgart the movie didn't become so popular... So I have almost no other Avengers Cosplayer...
I'm a woman, yes. I cosplay every gender, just for fun. I have e.g. from final fantasy 7: Aerith, Sephiroth, Lucrecia. Trish (from Devil may Cry 4) and some more when I was younger.
I am training that for a while now. Loki's grin, I have this naturally, but that thing with the lower eyelids moving up, that's new to me XD I have to train more.
It made so much fun ^^ And it's getting easier every time I try XD
Maybe one day, I will be charismatic enough to actually make normal people who know nothing about the movie, kneel for me XD
I am having some sort of god complex... >>"
Dankeschön ^^ Nächstes Mal muss ich es mit Musik hinterlegen, naja, vielleicht.
Aber auf jeden Fall mehr als ein Mal filmen, damit ich das Video interessanter gestalten kann mit wechselnden Blickwinkeln, und dann am besten so genau am Original dran wie nur möglich XD
Hehe, well done. Also, Stuttgart is a beautiful city, but I have not visited it in a while.
you the best!!!!
this was beyond epic
i got freakn goosebumps when i saw the original scene and now i have them again watching this scene!! Tom would be proud!
thank you very much ^^
Dankeschön ^^ Ich habe übrigens bald eine Art "Nachrichtensendung" vor, in dem ich verschiedene lustige Loki Cosplay Videos als "Meldungen" bringe, damit es einen lustigen Kommentar von mir als Nachrichtensprecher gibt und das Video häufiger wechselt XD
That "banging the staff on the ground" didn't work out that good XD The cane was too short and the wood didn't make enough noise XD
But it made so much fun ^^ I've waited for something like that for months!
Next time I try this scene will be in the real armor version, or at least I hope so ^^
I believe the funniest thing was my staff XD Much too short to perform a really good "BLING!" XD
Ich will record a better video with the full armor version ^^
And maybe more people, like normal ones on the streets who know the movie, will kneel too XD
Thank you ^^
Normies out there not kneeling should pay for the disrespect.
XD OknO-
You are amazing.
Then post it everywhere and try to spread my "information" to all of Midgard (earth). ^^
You're fearless! I like you
Lmao. So cute! :D
Thanks for reviewing here ^^
If I hadn't been so nervous I would have laughed too but I was so afraid that the police would stop us in some way if I didn't hurry up enough XD
The first two times I tried that for pictures, I had 2 people kneeling, then 6, and now in the video, which was very spontanous, I just asked them and they did as I said, I got around 30 people.
Next time I will organize this and we will triple the amount again maybe ^^
Thanks ^^ (Sadly today I got 4 of my 7 dislikes... and it would be really nice if those people would tell me why they disliked... I never wanted the video to look professionel...)
Yeah, I think Stuttgart is one of the cleanest cities in germany. Not the best, but a good one. And the people can be nice if you're nice to them ^^
When did you visit it?
Yeah I am quoting Loki, if that was your question XD
Ja, das ist echt schade... Aber wenn ein großes Treffen ist, dann kommst du doch gewiss, oder? Dann werde ich das als richtiges Event anmelden ^^ Und vorher alles genau koordinieren ^^
part 2:
I will try and record the "walking down the stairs" too but Königstraße 28 doesn't have normal stairs XD
The cane didn't have to be dropped by me to smash it onto the ground, I had to partly kneel to do it. Didn't train that part and I had no idea how to smash something as short as that thing XD So I simply tried to make the best of the situation. And for the next time I will put metal on the end of the staff to make it "BLING!" louder XD
I want even more people to kneel before me!!!
Thank you ^^
I always wanted to make something as popular as that one and now I finally have the chance.
But you need so much ego to actually do it, i tell you XD
this is awesome wish I had the cosplay stuff also wish I was a guy so I could do this
Hab wohl was verpasst, oder?
thx ^^ i should talk to my deidara cosplayer from that video that so many are happy to see her in there XD
Ich seh mich schon vor Weihnachten für Thor 2 jeden abend im Kino sitzen, natürlich mit vollen Cosplay (während ich die menschen hinter mir mit meinen hörnern nerve)
Dann muss ich den Ton wohl mal rausschneiden und dann bei mir einfügen XD
Yees! I said Kneel!
BAHAHA the short little staff xD love it
Ich hoffe, ich kriege das noch alles zusammen bevor ich nach Japan gehe. Wenn ein Termin für ds Video feststeht, musst du auch kommen und so viele Freunde mitbringen wie nur geht. Am besten im Cosplay. Das sieht dann am lustigsten aus ^^
Were you the "dislike"? XD
Well, it was very spontanous and I was on a little trip with some Cosplayers. I would never tell them to pull their wigs of.
But I actually think it is funny. I mean, this is not a proper video, just for fun. So guys like that fit XD
i love cosplay vids like this.
i will be so glad, when i finally can finish the real staff with the blades XDDD The cane thing is creepy, but hey, it glows ^^ I am still trying to work out, how I can make the staff shine even brighter when I want it to. But slowly powering up LEDs is... well, not easy, so to say. And that mind gem is so small... try and get enough LEDs in the thing...
Ja, so ziemlich XD Aber ich werde es nochmal machen ^^ Und dann tanzen wir als lustiger Abschluss des Videos den gangnam style in Königstrasse 28 XD
Wanna hug you!
she got the evil loki grin on point
I really liked this! In fact, I'm jealous! I'd love to cosplay Loki! But I'm blonde and don't have a tie or the scarf or have the proper ending of the staff.
I am working on it ^^ AndI'm working on the armor version. We have a new very very huge TV on which you can see every detail. The armor will be perfect ^^ There was a link in the describtion. The first one where I walked about the helmet. Have a look ^^ THIS is going to come ^^
And next time I won't be that nervous and my right leg will have healed (I couldn't walk properly without the gadget. But soon it'll be better ^^)
Haha, this is epic XD
I love this soooo much! You and Fahr are the ones that got me into cosplaying as Loki! I wonder how Tom would react to this?
Es war so ein GEILES gefühl ^^ "I have all these Loki 'feels'" (quote from tumblr loki fans)
Es wird auf jeden Fall noch eines kommen ^^ Aber das muss dann mindestens ein Mal gefilmt werden, wegen den verschiedenen Perspektiven. Und damit sich die Kameramenschen nicht gegenseitig filmen, falls ich mehr als einen mit HD Kamera zusammen kriege ^^
Also bereite deine Beine schonmal vor XD
I believe you wanted to ask if I am a 'girl'. Yes, I am a woman and you should have a look at my tumblr page if you are still uncertain. I just uploaded an old Cosplay of mine, a female one.