Fr. Mike, I’ve discovered your awesome videos years ago posted by ChurchPop at Facebook. At first, I was not interested about them. But when I finally clicked on the play button, my life changed in a way I couldn’t describe. *Sighs dramatically* For years, I’ve been looking for spiritual teacher to guide me and God answered my prayers. He sent you. Although we’re separated by vast Pacific Ocean, I’m from the Philippines btw. You made everything easy on my part. Your weekly inspiring videos, how weird it may sound, like you made them just for me alone. Haha. Thanks to you, I’ve never been this so in love and awed of my Catholic faith (I was 12 y/o when I converted to Catholicism from Philippine Independent Church). You, Bishop Robert Barron, late Archbishop Fulton Sheen are my heroes priest. P.S, I’ve been a silent audience of your channel but I’ve decided to make a TH-cam account so I can comment anytime I want. Keep on rocking TH-cam, Fr. Mike. And whenever you feel down or weary, always remember there are young people like myself (from the other side of the globe) who will never get tire of watching and supporting your TH-cam evangelization.
My wife uses the acronym T.H.I.N.K. to tell my daughters about how they speak to others. True, Helpful, Inspirational, Necessary, and Kind. It is not a bady way to think about how to verbally criticize.
I like it. Personally, I think you can't both love someone, and also not tell them about hell if they don't know it. If they do know, and they do reject Jesus, I'm of the opinion to be kind and love them anyway, and also not add to the fire they might receive. aside: Hell is a place built to destroy fallen angels, to bring death to eternal beings. Humans who have made themselves possessions of those fallen angels, as in the fall of man and what Adam and Eve did in the garden, are going where their owners go. I have heard from folks that worship the darkness that those fallen angels view their possessions as some sort of a cross between flame retardant and food. In the cases of hell, or even jail/prison it is more unkind to not train your kids to be law abiding. Nobody loves them more than you now. Let the discipline come from someone who loves them, because the convicts in prisons, will have no kindness when they teach about the consequences of breaking the law.
I love critic/create dichotomy. My struggle is my tendency to always focus on what's wrong/missing/what could be improved instead of what is good/unique/creative. But I've found cultivating a spirit of gratitude really helps me see the positive in the things that people are doing. As I've transitioned into expressing my creativity in preaching, writing and media, I've also seen my capacity to appreciate the creativity of others increase. Thanks for sharing Fr Mike! Stimulating, as usual!
Dcn Alex Colautti i wish i was smart like you ... how do i get smart ! Please help!! ..... i suffer from many disorders probably like 5 of them. CAN YOU PLEASE PRAY for ME father i eould appreciate that A LOT. My name is Salomon navarrette and im 17 3/4 years old. Thank you
I like what you said about unasked for advice being criticism. It’s’s seeing that something could be done better...which is not always welcome.
"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau’s famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau’s, who is, in this critic’s opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau’s soon, hungry for more." -Anton Ego, Ratatouille
This was the message I needed. I love making criticisms of others' work - good and bad - but I need to have the guts to finish my book. Thank you Fr. Mike!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🧐 Unasked-for advice often disguises as criticism, reflecting our tendency to judge without being asked. 01:00 🎬 Criticizing comes easily, yet it's crucial to remember the effort and time invested in creative endeavors. 01:56 🤔 Critical thinking is essential, but it's not equivalent to Socrates' deeper pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. 02:54 🎨 We're called to be creators, not just critics; having a creed means taking risks and standing for something. 04:22 🙏 Confessing our beliefs requires courage, contrasting with the risk-free nature of criticism. 05:16 ✍️ Embrace your creed, like the Nicene Creed, by signing your name to it-declaring your commitment and willingness to stand for your beliefs. Made with HARPA AI
Thank you for this. I struggle with this SO MUCH! I am truly trying to be helpful but this resonates with me. Thank you. I will be praying for this change in myself, because I love my friends and family
wow. this was powerful. Now to actually understand the creed and as Catholics that's what we are standing for rather than just saying it during mass with no proper understanding and meaning. never to old to learn new things about my faith
God bless you Father Mike. I had a dream with you walking & talking even though I haven't watched your videos in years; this video resonated with me so much and was an answer to a prayer, beautifully put by the grace of God. It's time to stand up for what I believe & express it with Joy; regardless of criticism. Proverbs 29:25 [NLT] - Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the lord means safety.
Liked that. A persons response is to be considered! Haven’t we all gave a kind word to be met with suspicion? (Whadaya mean by that!?) there are those we bend over backwards to not offend. They are gaming for a kind of control through intimidation. If you construe my meaning as criticism sometimes it’s on them. I used to be so wounded but now I see perspectives are varied. I dunno, it’s just tricky.
The real strength doesn’t lay in having a creed and standing for your creation, but actively questioning your actions and thoughts with the goal of finding truth and not just approving yourself based on earlier assumptions. It’s important not to relativize criticism one what one has “created” themselves but to take the critique, how simple it may be to express and value it the same as our thoughts, treating it in a neutral base. the goal of such a discussion is beneficial for both parties.
It ABSOLUTELY is true. Unsolicited advice is criticism. How can you be trying to “help” someone who didn’t ask for it, which means you believe they need it.
Find me the juvenile delinquent that asks for your opinion. I dunno. Some are so rash ya gotten say something before harm is done. I’ve worked with youth and they just don’t think it through sometimes. Maybe I’m misunderstanding but I can’t stand by in every instance. I’m probably off his meaning but it’s what I heard in my mind. I teach critical thinking and if I succeed they think of themselves are having had a stupid idea. Maybe that’s the difference. They think it.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
i'll include you in my prayers too bro. Tomorrow is the feast of immaculate conception. I did a lot of sins to her daughters. Gotta make reparation too...
Thanks Fr. Mike never thought of it that way when critiquing and sometimes as bad as sounds I don’t realize until it’s later. But I do have a question though but when we stand for something doesn’t mean we are criticizing those who disagree with us. Like when we proudly say we are believers in Pro life
What about constructive criticism? Is it not right to give unsolicited advice if it is done to help the person grow? Or would that fall under critical thinking ?
Sydney Lynn I think that if you speak the truth in love, and give the advice with the intent to help the person with the motivation of love, that is constructive criticism that is good. Tact and love are the two qualifications for that I think. God bless ❤
Sydney R I think it is a very Christian thing, if we see someone about to fall (particularly into sin) that we should offer "advice." In fact the Bible tells us to.
But criticism is not the same as condemnation!! Too many people today become entangled in the idea that if you criticism me or find some fault in ANYTHING about me, that you must by necessity hate me...and THAT is just not true!
Criticize comes from Greek crino, discern. It's our duty to discern good from evil, and it's Christian charity to enlighten people and move them away from sin
Can't you bring the light of the Truth (the word of the Gospel)? What about catechism? Always, of course, with the help of God, but we are asked to spread the Logov
There’s a lot of ignorant people with no knowledge criticizing others. I’m sorry but it’s a fact that before you’re a critic you must be reputable in some sense.
I made sure this lent to memorized the creed . Now I've been saying the creed for many years when I go to church. I was pretty sure I knew most of it but I wanted to be sure. I didn't want to revert to the old way we said it, which inadvertently I still do some times because I'm really not thinking of what I am saying. I wanted to be sure this is what I still believe, and it is. I now say the creed with conviction. I also had this thought that if Im up at the pearly gates and they ask me what I believe I want to be able to say the nicene creed. Silly thoughts As always thanks for your thoughts and ideas. God bless.
All you said is for all to hear. I guess I am guilty of being a critic also. I am in church at times wondering how many really get why they are there and know that it is a privilege and a blessing, not a task to be at mass. You are right, all must stand tall and let it be known they stand by the creed and the church.
Karl Keating's "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" might be helpful, as I wrote above, though I don't think it addresses criticism from any Eastern Orthodox (with whom Catholics have much more in common doctrinally than do Catholics and Protestants).
Father, I ask this with the utter most respect. How can we as catholic christens learn science as fact when our religion denounces and denies religion as fact? As in school, we are currently learning about evolution and I want to go along with it because it has factual backing but my religious teachings denies these facts. So what should we do? Accept religion or science?
I was wondering if you could talk about eating disorders. Because the Bible says not to damage the temple and I was wondering where you say EDs stand with that.
What about for those whom believe in God strongly but very little for the church? Any church? Where does one go to find information free from the tainted hand of man?
If the criticism is valid, fair, and just, it is a good and honest criticism. If it is biased, unfair, and unjust, it is a bad and malicious criticism.
#askfrmike Hello Fr. Mike! I am in 8th grade and I go to a Catholic school. In my social studies/science class we were going to learn about Human Evolution but my teacher said we have to skip that topic because as Catholics we don’t believe that we were once monkeys or something along those lines... she didn’t really get too much into why we skipped the topic. Can you talk about the evolution of humans, the Catholic Christian view on it, and the reasons behind it? Love everything that you do!! P.S. I’m not sure if you will be going but I will be attending Steubenville 2018 in SD CA and I’m really excited!
Mike, I’m not catholic because there are many things that seem to contradict Gods word that are upheld by Catholicism I think because of tradition. Can you help me reconcile some of those contradictions?
I haven’t watched much of your videos and I do enjoy them. However I was wondering, how do you feel about people who are not catholic, or people are homosexual, or have abortions. I am not trying to start a debate I am just genuinely curious.
I love the new outro, please keep it that way! If there's any way you could remove the fade to black at the beginning of the video that would be even better!
#AskFrMike: I can also tell you, as someone who writes stories in his spare time, that reviews inform you that people are reading what you've written, and like it or not, that's a massive joy to us writers... better bad reviews than no reviews, that's my position... even if your work really frankly stinks to high Heavens, hearing what's wrong with it, though it can eventually get to be too much, is useful and delightful in and of itself... so to other writers: I'd say: take your time with going through the reviews, especially the negative reviews- those're useful, but can overload your ability to bear criticism. It's not so much the criticism that's the problem, Fr Mike, it's the *quantity* that can overload us, even the strongest of character, so I'd say to my fellow writers: moderate your replies to those who criticize your work, in order if for nothing else to be gentle to your fellow fans. So far as having a spine goes, that's never been the problem for me: standing for something is the easiest thing in the world- as well as sacrificing friends and friendships for Christ; problem is: I'm probably more prone to sacrifice my friends to "eternal entechment" in the name of Christ over the tiniest conflict over morals than I am to sticking with them and trying to save them- discarding friends is no problem for me... that's one reason I think that I've got similar "personality glitches" to one of the worst men the human race ever produced; like the old Secretary General of the USSR, I haven't any problem with getting rid of a fan or a friend in a heartbeat, especially if said friend proves to be an obstacle to me retaining my own virtues- then it's more "GET DEAD, "Friend"!" than anything else on my part- and sometimes I'm even inclined to use that same phrase on my own family too, without any hesitation, too!
"Unasked for advice is always criticism." No, I do not agree with that. At my last Bible study group, one of the gals was recovering from a cold. I asked if she was congested in her lungs. She said, a bit, and I advised her to get some gordolobo and make tea. That stuff will clean you out! And hardly anybody in America knows about it. But one of our rules in Bible study is to refrain from giving advice, LOL. Personally, I love advice. I don't follow it all, but I'm not the brightest bulb in the knife drawer. Also, life is short. I don't have time to learn EVERYTHING the hard way! (◕‿◕✿)
+Luke the Catholic Guy Yeah but the DC guys criticize Marvel Studios which make better movies anyway. In reality DCEU movies are pretentious films while MCU movies are films for comics nerds, fanboys, and casual moviegoers!
Criticism is not the problem these days. It's having the courage to standup for what you believe is right and wrong is what is lacking in our society these days. Our culture is pervasive with the "you do you attitude and don't judge my life attitude" But.... We must express to each other with respect, love and understanding in our hearts with the intention to unite NOT divide...
I believe the Nicene Creed is good .And I also believe that other denominations are of value too! I really don't think that God will condemn someone who thinks differently than we do. One holy Catholic Church is a lot to digest for someone who gs raised in another faith
Can't agree with the idea that if we advise our adult children that we're being a critic. I have three grown children and no, I don't run their lives, but I've been here a lot longer than they have and sometimes they need to be advised. Again it's not a constant thing or even a regular occurrence, but there are times when I need to speak up. Whether they take my advice or not is their choice, but it also means they can't say, "I didn't know." In any case, they're awesome kids and they love me so much. What more can a mom ask for?
Ha! This was shared with me by a member of our armed services who vowed to uphold our Constitution and then apparently had his feelings hurt after receiving some criticism from me in his failure (along with everyone else's) to act on that vow instead of sitting back and watching domestic and foreign enemies infiltrate our country with the installation an illegitimate, unelected dictator as President. I guess instead of criticizing our military for their outrageous failure to act as the last line of defense in guarding and protecting American liberties including our freedom to select our own governance I should be taking up arms myself. 🤔
Salvation is not a question of whether you are forgiven or not. Jesus forgave those crucifying him, mocking him, etc but that does not mean they were saved then and there. There seems to be some sort of purgatory and I suspect that we will have to face all our problems eventually either way so suicide is without any advantage. Depression causes pessimistic delusions and my depression has been caused by these things before I cured it. 1. A negative view of God or what God will do.(I mistakenly believed that people would be damned to hell forever and got depressed whenever it crossed my mind. Look up biblical christian universalism) 2. Junk food and food sensitivities or poor nutrition. Eating the wrong food or food you have undiagnosed sensitivities to can cause crushing depression where you would otherwise be happy(try cutting grains and potential allergies out for a while and get your digestion in good shape with lots of fruit) 3. Not enough exercise. 4. Not contributing/helping others(depression can cause delusions that you don't do any good for others or it might actually be true but it doesn't have to stay that way. Volunteering, self compassion, etc can help. Anyone can be helpful and any thoughts to the contrary a delusional) 5. pessimism and focusing on bad crap.(try abstaining from watching the news and other negative stuff) 6. Addiction(I was addicted to porn in this case but learned how to get free of it with Don't underestimate the physical health side of things when it comes to depression. Good health leads to more emotional resilience and optimism. I lived a very unproductive and uncharitable and isolated life but addressing these problems led me to become much happier.
Would you risk telling your friend what they are doing is wrong? Or is that criticism? We are risking a lot by not loving others as Christ loved us enough to make Himself into word. I agree that criticism without love behind it is meaningless and harsh, but we have to determine how far we are willing to go to help someone. In a relativistic culture, it is easier to avoid speaking the truth than to criticize. I pray that we all seek to see the beauty in life, and not to judge but to love first. In doing so, we shall find the opportunities to impart wisdom through advise, and not criticize. For fear of God is the start of knowledge..
#AskFr.Mike: Not so much with being criticized about the quality of our work, but the fear with me is leading people into sin via my work, even unintentionally, for that carries the same condemnation to Perdition that any other act of scandal does in Christ's eyes, Fr. Mike; that's why I fear to create, because someone somewhere, somewhen, might be led into sin by what I produce, and even if I'm canonized by that time, it's a sentence to effectively commit suicide in penance for harming someone else; even to be merely *accused* by some innocent whom I led astray- even by complete accident, is something that behooves, nay, *requires*, in God's court, no less, the complete self-execution by way of a *PISTOL*, for the violence alone, in penance for leading someone else into sin, and that offense in and of itself, Fr. Mike, is ever sufficient to ensure that the one who produced the product that leads someone into sin, for any reason whatsoever, is sufficient to ensure, no going back, that even a canonized saint winds up on Christ's left on the last day for that treason- and any effects of evil acts by them on us is infinitely greater than even Christ could forgive, for once you die there's no changing of your mind, and hence there can be no repentance, and repentance is vital for forgiveness, added to all that, once you commit scandal, even accidental, inevitable, or unconsensual scandal; the same sentence applies from Christ that applies in His words to those who commit scandal deliberately: "better to hang a millstone around your own neck and drown yourself in the depths of the sea than to scandalize one of these little ones..." so no matter what, anyone who commits scandal, even a saint by what he writes, or the effects thereof, no matter the consent of said entity, especially one in the next life, the punishment for scandal is inevitable Perdition for all eternity... as well as for those who pray to anyone who's led anyone into sin to begin with, irrespective of the consent of the one giving the scandal by their own writings- always and ever may it be so!
Not so much about would I agree with you about the parent of an adult offspring, as an adult offspring who lives with his parents, I *do most certainly* desire justified criticism- the only criticism that I'd ever object to is on matters where it's not based rightly, as in false... aside from that, it's a gift to facilitate the buildup of my own integrity, there is never any greater gift that can be given than to fuel someone's character buildup- ever, Fr. Mike. But that's if I'd agree or disagree with you on *that* detail, and a brief summary of why exactly I'd disagree with your statement you just recently made... this's aimed to be not so different from the letters that passed between men in ages past on various articles, rooted in concrete logical viewpoints, and why, as well as testamony- to be perfectly blunt, if you're a child of Our Lady via adoption through Baptism, and you're *not* being criticized when you do something wrong- or imperfectly- then you're being given a disservice, not a service at all; you're being betrayed in the most profound way, and to Perdition at that. Any friend who doesn't confront you when you cross moral lines or do a bad quality job of behaving is not a friend at all- they're a false friend, a traitor, who has to be discarded immediately and without remorse!
Clive Bunker I am a Christian. Convince me that God isn’t real. I’m also being genuine. We have to know where we both start to have an actual debate (I use that term cautiously because I will not continue with someone who is sarcastic, name-calling or yelling down and won’t do them myself). If you would like to know why I believe in God, it’s a great number of things. I believe that science and the Bible are harmonious. Creation in all of its intricacies doesn’t seem like something that could come about haphazardly. I can see truths that the Bible contains in everyday life. It gives me comfort in dark times and also when people pass away. I realize that, left to my own devices, I am not intrinsically a good person. But, and this might not be a fair debate point because I believe it to be both irrefutable and unprovable at the same time, the biggest thing for me is that the message of salvation and God’s Love came alive (don’t know how else to say it?) in me when I heard it preached. It convicted me and it was the most real things I’ve known. And really, I believe that only the Holy Spirit can do that to a person
+Ryan Clegg I'm a Catholic Christian but what if Earth exist in a wider galaxy like Star Wars, what would all major religions do, if the concept of the Force or aliens are real?
Clive, so great that you are open to the discussion and the debate! Here is a short but great video from a debate that might be good to watch (sorry about the quality):
Do I feel sorry for theswe youth who make a comment and think they know it all ? No. Y never was able to just make a comment And think I could pass a course about anything.
Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots...
That is perfectly said sir!
Love this!
@@palmina77italiana good Luck then !
As a traditional Catholic I must say WE NEED MORE OF YOUR SIMPLE WISDOM!
Fr. Mike, I’ve discovered your awesome videos years ago posted by ChurchPop at Facebook. At first, I was not interested about them. But when I finally clicked on the play button, my life changed in a way I couldn’t describe. *Sighs dramatically* For years, I’ve been looking for spiritual teacher to guide me and God answered my prayers. He sent you. Although we’re separated by vast Pacific Ocean, I’m from the Philippines btw. You made everything easy on my part. Your weekly inspiring videos, how weird it may sound, like you made them just for me alone. Haha. Thanks to you, I’ve never been this so in love and awed of my Catholic faith (I was 12 y/o when I converted to Catholicism from Philippine Independent Church). You, Bishop Robert Barron, late Archbishop Fulton Sheen are my heroes priest.
P.S, I’ve been a silent audience of your channel but I’ve decided to make a TH-cam account so I can comment anytime I want. Keep on rocking TH-cam, Fr. Mike. And whenever you feel down or weary, always remember there are young people like myself (from the other side of the globe) who will never get tire of watching and supporting your TH-cam evangelization.
My wife uses the acronym T.H.I.N.K. to tell my daughters about how they speak to others.
True, Helpful, Inspirational, Necessary, and Kind. It is not a bady way to think about how to verbally criticize.
I like it. Personally, I think you can't both love someone, and also not tell them about hell if they don't know it. If they do know, and they do reject Jesus, I'm of the opinion to be kind and love them anyway, and also not add to the fire they might receive.
aside: Hell is a place built to destroy fallen angels, to bring death to eternal beings. Humans who have made themselves possessions of those fallen angels, as in the fall of man and what Adam and Eve did in the garden, are going where their owners go. I have heard from folks that worship the darkness that those fallen angels view their possessions as some sort of a cross between flame retardant and food.
In the cases of hell, or even jail/prison it is more unkind to not train your kids to be law abiding. Nobody loves them more than you now. Let the discipline come from someone who loves them, because the convicts in prisons, will have no kindness when they teach about the consequences of breaking the law.
Amen .
Lol Fr. Mike has such a childlike joy. Great video, yet again! 👍
Amen to that
I love critic/create dichotomy. My struggle is my tendency to always focus on what's wrong/missing/what could be improved instead of what is good/unique/creative. But I've found cultivating a spirit of gratitude really helps me see the positive in the things that people are doing. As I've transitioned into expressing my creativity in preaching, writing and media, I've also seen my capacity to appreciate the creativity of others increase. Thanks for sharing Fr Mike! Stimulating, as usual!
Well said!
Dcn Alex Colautti,
GOD bless you for answering the call and follow in Father Schmidt's footsteps. Become a great evangelizing priest.
Dcn Alex Colautti i wish i was smart like you ... how do i get smart ! Please help!! ..... i suffer from many disorders probably like 5 of them. CAN YOU PLEASE PRAY for ME father i eould appreciate that A LOT. My name is Salomon navarrette and im 17 3/4 years old. Thank you
Salomon Navarrette 🙏🙏🙏
I Love saying the creed during Mass, it's so reaffirming, it makes me feel bolder, stronger & more in Love with my Faith & God.
Really great video Fr. Mike, we all need to stand up for what we believe in. God Bless you and Ascension Press.
These notifications are the brightest spot in my week! 😃 Amazing video as always! Wooohooo! Catholicism is super cool!
Maria, it gets hotter. Rapidly. Lk 16:19-31
1 Peter 3:15 “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
I liked that. Thank you.
@@Donna-cc1kt I’m glad younger me could help lol
I like what you said about unasked for advice being criticism. It’s’s seeing that something could be done better...which is not always welcome.
"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau’s famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau’s, who is, in this critic’s opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau’s soon, hungry for more." -Anton Ego, Ratatouille
This was the message I needed. I love making criticisms of others' work - good and bad - but I need to have the guts to finish my book. Thank you Fr. Mike!
Thank you so much for putting up these videos! You have really helped me grow in my faith.
Same here.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 🧐 Unasked-for advice often disguises as criticism, reflecting our tendency to judge without being asked.
01:00 🎬 Criticizing comes easily, yet it's crucial to remember the effort and time invested in creative endeavors.
01:56 🤔 Critical thinking is essential, but it's not equivalent to Socrates' deeper pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.
02:54 🎨 We're called to be creators, not just critics; having a creed means taking risks and standing for something.
04:22 🙏 Confessing our beliefs requires courage, contrasting with the risk-free nature of criticism.
05:16 ✍️ Embrace your creed, like the Nicene Creed, by signing your name to it-declaring your commitment and willingness to stand for your beliefs.
Made with HARPA AI
Thank you for this. I struggle with this SO MUCH! I am truly trying to be helpful but this resonates with me. Thank you. I will be praying for this change in myself, because I love my friends and family
Always,at perfect timing when I needed it the most.Thank you.
wow. this was powerful. Now to actually understand the creed and as Catholics that's what we are standing for rather than just saying it during mass with no proper understanding and meaning. never to old to learn new things about my faith
God bless you Father Mike. I had a dream with you walking & talking even though I haven't watched your videos in years; this video resonated with me so much and was an answer to a prayer, beautifully put by the grace of God.
It's time to stand up for what I believe & express it with Joy; regardless of criticism.
Proverbs 29:25 [NLT] - Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the lord means safety.
Wonderful, as always, Fr. Mike!!
thanks for posting them all in one place! Happy Advent!
I have to think about this, I don't remember having the creed put before me that way! Good video, obviously thought-provoking.
Thanks Fr. Mike, God bless you too
once a guy said
Picasso paintings are awful
the question was:
are they really awful or you think that?
there you go
Liked that. A persons response is to be considered! Haven’t we all gave a kind word to be met with suspicion? (Whadaya mean by that!?) there are those we bend over backwards to not offend. They are gaming for a kind of control through intimidation. If you construe my meaning as criticism sometimes it’s on them. I used to be so wounded but now I see perspectives are varied. I dunno, it’s just tricky.
The real strength doesn’t lay in having a creed and standing for your creation, but actively questioning your actions and thoughts with the goal of finding truth and not just approving yourself based on earlier assumptions. It’s important not to relativize criticism one what one has “created” themselves but to take the critique, how simple it may be to express and value it the same as our thoughts, treating it in a neutral base. the goal of such a discussion is beneficial for both parties.
Hey Father Mike could you make a video about Pride, Im having a hard time getting around the fact that i should have pride in myself if Pride is a sin
It ABSOLUTELY is true. Unsolicited advice is criticism. How can you be trying to “help” someone who didn’t ask for it, which means you believe they need it.
Find me the juvenile delinquent that asks for your opinion. I dunno. Some are so rash ya gotten say something before harm is done. I’ve worked with youth and they just don’t think it through sometimes. Maybe I’m misunderstanding but I can’t stand by in every instance. I’m probably off his meaning but it’s what I heard in my mind. I teach critical thinking and if I succeed they think of themselves are having had a stupid idea. Maybe that’s the difference. They think it.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Pls, pray for me I need to finish my homework. I've been procrastinating for weeks. Thanks!!!
The summer of 2005 What is your first name?
The summer of 2005 You will be in my prayers.
Thank you so much bro!!!
i'll include you in my prayers too bro. Tomorrow is the feast of immaculate conception. I did a lot of sins to her daughters. Gotta make reparation too...
Thanks Fr. Mike never thought of it that way when critiquing and sometimes as bad as sounds I don’t realize until it’s later. But I do have a question though but when we stand for something doesn’t mean we are criticizing those who disagree with us. Like when we proudly say we are believers in Pro life
What about constructive criticism? Is it not right to give unsolicited advice if it is done to help the person grow? Or would that fall under critical thinking ?
Sydney Lynn I think that if you speak the truth in love, and give the advice with the intent to help the person with the motivation of love, that is constructive criticism that is good. Tact and love are the two qualifications for that I think. God bless ❤
Sydney R I think it is a very Christian thing, if we see someone about to fall (particularly into sin) that we should offer "advice." In fact the Bible tells us to.
I suggest people try to find the beauty in everything as much as possible...and less criticism to feel more at peace inside.
But criticism is not the same as condemnation!! Too many people today become entangled in the idea that if you criticism me or find some fault in ANYTHING about me, that you must by necessity hate me...and THAT is just not true!
Exactly...that was my point!
Love this and it’s so true and helpful!
Father Mike you ROCK... 💝YOUR VIDEOS.... plus your pretty funny .....BLESSINGS .....
Criticize comes from Greek crino, discern. It's our duty to discern good from evil, and it's Christian charity to enlighten people and move them away from sin
Can't you bring the light of the Truth (the word of the Gospel)? What about catechism? Always, of course, with the help of God, but we are asked to spread the Logov
There’s a lot of ignorant people with no knowledge criticizing others. I’m sorry but it’s a fact that before you’re a critic you must be reputable in some sense.
I actually loved this! great topic.
Stand, live, die for ❤️
God bless you father stay safe.
I made sure this lent to memorized the creed . Now I've been saying the creed for many years when I go to church. I was pretty sure I knew most of it but I wanted to be sure. I didn't want to revert to the old way we said it, which inadvertently I still do some times because I'm really not thinking of what I am saying. I wanted to be sure this is what I still believe, and it is. I now say the creed with conviction.
I also had this thought that if Im up at the pearly gates and they ask me what I believe I want to be able to say the nicene creed. Silly thoughts
As always thanks for your thoughts and ideas. God bless.
Oh my goodness, thank you!!! 💯💯💯
Another delightful video Father Mike!
Father, what does the church say about someone who receives plastic or cosmetic surgery?
"Destroying your temple" I think.
I love this video! It's just what I needed!
All you said is for all to hear. I guess I am guilty of being a critic also. I am in church at times wondering how many really get why they are there and know that it is a privilege and a blessing, not a task to be at mass. You are right, all must stand tall and let it be known they stand by the creed and the church.
Thank you. So inspiring!
Awesome thank you 🎄
Pls tell me I’m not the only one who kept thinking of Apollo creed this whole video xD great video!
Hello Father, could you possibly talk about the commonly held extreme Anti-Catholic beliefs by Protestants and (sometimes) Eastern Orthodox people?
Karl Keating's "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" might be helpful, as I wrote above, though I don't think it addresses criticism from any Eastern Orthodox (with whom Catholics have much more in common doctrinally than do Catholics and Protestants).
Can you do a video on whether or not missing church is a mortal sin?
Father, I ask this with the utter most respect. How can we as catholic christens learn science as fact when our religion denounces and denies religion as fact? As in school, we are currently learning about evolution and I want to go along with it because it has factual backing but my religious teachings denies these facts. So what should we do? Accept religion or science?
Father is it okay if i switch churches for example "orthodoxy"
Is Father Mike criticizing criticism?
A double negative is ... positive
Looks like your channel is nearing 100,000 subscribers good job, I am also a subscriber to your channel!
Thank you for being a subscriber!
thank you
I was wondering if you could talk about eating disorders. Because the Bible says not to damage the temple and I was wondering where you say EDs stand with that.
Thanks ma’am
Thanks an
What about for those whom believe in God strongly but very little for the church? Any church? Where does one go to find information free from the tainted hand of man?
Very good and funny videos bring a great sense of entertainment!
Do people ever tell you you look like Jon Hamm from mad men?
He looks like a young Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs.
Aspasia Tzeraki he totally does
If the criticism is valid, fair, and just, it is a good and honest criticism. If it is biased, unfair, and unjust, it is a bad and malicious criticism.
#askfrmike Hello Fr. Mike! I am in 8th grade and I go to a Catholic school. In my social studies/science class we were going to learn about Human Evolution but my teacher said we have to skip that topic because as Catholics we don’t believe that we were once monkeys or something along those lines... she didn’t really get too much into why we skipped the topic. Can you talk about the evolution of humans, the Catholic Christian view on it, and the reasons behind it? Love everything that you do!! P.S. I’m not sure if you will be going but I will be attending Steubenville 2018 in SD CA and I’m really excited!
I read an article on satanic symbolism in the beauty and the beast movie, maybe you could do a video on the topic.
As always great video Fr. Mike. I'm curious as to those statues you have placed on the mantle. Are those saints?
Mike, I’m not catholic because there are many things that seem to contradict Gods word that are upheld by Catholicism I think because of tradition. Can you help me reconcile some of those contradictions?
Karl Keating's "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" might be helpful.
William Possidento thanks
I haven’t watched much of your videos and I do enjoy them. However I was wondering, how do you feel about people who are not catholic, or people are homosexual, or have abortions. I am not trying to start a debate I am just genuinely curious.
I love the new outro, please keep it that way! If there's any way you could remove the fade to black at the beginning of the video that would be even better!
Revanima Love the irony in this comment on this video. (All in good fun 😉)
my favorite priest. makes me believe my damned soul can actually be saved.
The video was ok, but could have been better.😋 Just kidding. I love your videos Fr. Mike, come visit my seminary some day please.
I vaguely remember Socrates greatly annoyed Plato because he only criticized without offering solutions.
#AskFrMike: I can also tell you, as someone who writes stories in his spare time, that reviews inform you that people are reading what you've written, and like it or not, that's a massive joy to us writers... better bad reviews than no reviews, that's my position... even if your work really frankly stinks to high Heavens, hearing what's wrong with it, though it can eventually get to be too much, is useful and delightful in and of itself... so to other writers: I'd say: take your time with going through the reviews, especially the negative reviews- those're useful, but can overload your ability to bear criticism.
It's not so much the criticism that's the problem, Fr Mike, it's the *quantity* that can overload us, even the strongest of character, so I'd say to my fellow writers: moderate your replies to those who criticize your work, in order if for nothing else to be gentle to your fellow fans.
So far as having a spine goes, that's never been the problem for me: standing for something is the easiest thing in the world- as well as sacrificing friends and friendships for Christ; problem is: I'm probably more prone to sacrifice my friends to "eternal entechment" in the name of Christ over the tiniest conflict over morals than I am to sticking with them and trying to save them- discarding friends is no problem for me... that's one reason I think that I've got similar "personality glitches" to one of the worst men the human race ever produced; like the old Secretary General of the USSR, I haven't any problem with getting rid of a fan or a friend in a heartbeat, especially if said friend proves to be an obstacle to me retaining my own virtues- then it's more "GET DEAD, "Friend"!" than anything else on my part- and sometimes I'm even inclined to use that same phrase on my own family too, without any hesitation, too!
Criticism of criticism
"Unasked for advice is always criticism." No, I do not agree with that. At my last Bible study group, one of the gals was recovering from a cold. I asked if she was congested in her lungs. She said, a bit, and I advised her to get some gordolobo and make tea. That stuff will clean you out! And hardly anybody in America knows about it. But one of our rules in Bible study is to refrain from giving advice, LOL. Personally, I love advice. I don't follow it all, but I'm not the brightest bulb in the knife drawer. Also, life is short. I don't have time to learn EVERYTHING the hard way! (◕‿◕✿)
Aynge Mackay We don't have time to learn everything the hard way... great point!
I wanted to make an ironic comment like "I grade this video C+" but sadly for me it was too high of quality for that type of post.
Create something and get criticized. It’s natural order especially now in this new generation.
Don't you feel sorry for the people who make DC superhero movies? :-)
+Luke the Catholic Guy 😅 yeah. But they did good on the Justice League (from what I was told).
I have to see it to believe it :-)
Agreed. This is the age of cowardice.
+Luke the Catholic Guy Yeah but the DC guys criticize Marvel Studios which make better movies anyway. In reality DCEU movies are pretentious films while MCU movies are films for comics nerds, fanboys, and casual moviegoers!
You look great.
Could you do a video on marijuana ? And the churches view on it
Criticism is not the problem these days. It's having the courage to standup for what you believe is right and wrong is what is lacking in our society these days. Our culture is pervasive with the "you do you attitude and don't judge my life attitude" But.... We must express to each other with respect, love and understanding in our hearts with the intention to unite NOT divide...
I believe the Nicene Creed is good .And I also believe that other denominations are of value too! I really don't think that God will condemn someone who thinks differently than we do. One holy Catholic Church is a lot to digest for someone who gs raised in another faith
Praise God!
Can't agree with the idea that if we advise our adult children that we're being a critic. I have three grown children and no, I don't run their lives, but I've been here a lot longer than they have and sometimes they need to be advised. Again it's not a constant thing or even a regular occurrence, but there are times when I need to speak up. Whether they take my advice or not is their choice, but it also means they can't say, "I didn't know." In any case, they're awesome kids and they love me so much. What more can a mom ask for?
Could you do a video on homosexuality please, I would be intrested on your outlook
Tom Love Not the same, but he has one on Transgenderism
Ha! This was shared with me by a member of our armed services who vowed to uphold our Constitution and then apparently had his feelings hurt after receiving some criticism from me in his failure (along with everyone else's) to act on that vow instead of sitting back and watching domestic and foreign enemies infiltrate our country with the installation an illegitimate, unelected dictator as President. I guess instead of criticizing our military for their outrageous failure to act as the last line of defense in guarding and protecting American liberties including our freedom to select our own governance I should be taking up arms myself. 🤔
Anyone notice Fr Mike's eyes look rather red?
If i commit suicide can i still be forgiven ? Do you know the answer or no ! 😣🤔
i don,t know. but don,t risk it, its not something to take lightly.
Salvation is not a question of whether you are forgiven or not. Jesus forgave those crucifying him, mocking him, etc but that does not mean they were saved then and there. There seems to be some sort of purgatory and I suspect that we will have to face all our problems eventually either way so suicide is without any advantage.
Depression causes pessimistic delusions and my depression has been caused by these things before I cured it.
1. A negative view of God or what God will do.(I mistakenly believed that people would be damned to hell forever and got depressed whenever it crossed my mind. Look up biblical christian universalism)
2. Junk food and food sensitivities or poor nutrition. Eating the wrong food or food you have undiagnosed sensitivities to can cause crushing depression where you would otherwise be happy(try cutting grains and potential allergies out for a while and get your digestion in good shape with lots of fruit)
3. Not enough exercise.
4. Not contributing/helping others(depression can cause delusions that you don't do any good for others or it might actually be true but it doesn't have to stay that way. Volunteering, self compassion, etc can help. Anyone can be helpful and any thoughts to the contrary a delusional)
5. pessimism and focusing on bad crap.(try abstaining from watching the news and other negative stuff)
6. Addiction(I was addicted to porn in this case but learned how to get free of it with
Don't underestimate the physical health side of things when it comes to depression. Good health leads to more emotional resilience and optimism. I lived a very unproductive and uncharitable and isolated life but addressing these problems led me to become much happier.
Would you risk telling your friend what they are doing is wrong? Or is that criticism? We are risking a lot by not loving others as Christ loved us enough to make Himself into word. I agree that criticism without love behind it is meaningless and harsh, but we have to determine how far we are willing to go to help someone. In a relativistic culture, it is easier to avoid speaking the truth than to criticize.
I pray that we all seek to see the beauty in life, and not to judge but to love first. In doing so, we shall find the opportunities to impart wisdom through advise, and not criticize. For fear of God is the start of knowledge..
#AskFr.Mike: Not so much with being criticized about the quality of our work, but the fear with me is leading people into sin via my work, even unintentionally, for that carries the same condemnation to Perdition that any other act of scandal does in Christ's eyes, Fr. Mike; that's why I fear to create, because someone somewhere, somewhen, might be led into sin by what I produce, and even if I'm canonized by that time, it's a sentence to effectively commit suicide in penance for harming someone else; even to be merely *accused* by some innocent whom I led astray- even by complete accident, is something that behooves, nay, *requires*, in God's court, no less, the complete self-execution by way of a *PISTOL*, for the violence alone, in penance for leading someone else into sin, and that offense in and of itself, Fr. Mike, is ever sufficient to ensure that the one who produced the product that leads someone into sin, for any reason whatsoever, is sufficient to ensure, no going back, that even a canonized saint winds up on Christ's left on the last day for that treason- and any effects of evil acts by them on us is infinitely greater than even Christ could forgive, for once you die there's no changing of your mind, and hence there can be no repentance, and repentance is vital for forgiveness, added to all that, once you commit scandal, even accidental, inevitable, or unconsensual scandal; the same sentence applies from Christ that applies in His words to those who commit scandal deliberately: "better to hang a millstone around your own neck and drown yourself in the depths of the sea than to scandalize one of these little ones..." so no matter what, anyone who commits scandal, even a saint by what he writes, or the effects thereof, no matter the consent of said entity, especially one in the next life, the punishment for scandal is inevitable Perdition for all eternity... as well as for those who pray to anyone who's led anyone into sin to begin with, irrespective of the consent of the one giving the scandal by their own writings- always and ever may it be so!
Criticism is great, everyone, and everything deserves it.
Not so much about would I agree with you about the parent of an adult offspring, as an adult offspring who lives with his parents, I *do most certainly* desire justified criticism- the only criticism that I'd ever object to is on matters where it's not based rightly, as in false... aside from that, it's a gift to facilitate the buildup of my own integrity, there is never any greater gift that can be given than to fuel someone's character buildup- ever, Fr. Mike.
But that's if I'd agree or disagree with you on *that* detail, and a brief summary of why exactly I'd disagree with your statement you just recently made... this's aimed to be not so different from the letters that passed between men in ages past on various articles, rooted in concrete logical viewpoints, and why, as well as testamony- to be perfectly blunt, if you're a child of Our Lady via adoption through Baptism, and you're *not* being criticized when you do something wrong- or imperfectly- then you're being given a disservice, not a service at all; you're being betrayed in the most profound way, and to Perdition at that. Any friend who doesn't confront you when you cross moral lines or do a bad quality job of behaving is not a friend at all- they're a false friend, a traitor, who has to be discarded immediately and without remorse!
I’m an atheist. Convince me God is real. I’m genuinely down for a debate and curious.
Clive Bunker I am a Christian. Convince me that God isn’t real. I’m also being genuine.
We have to know where we both start to have an actual debate (I use that term cautiously because I will not continue with someone who is sarcastic, name-calling or yelling down and won’t do them myself).
If you would like to know why I believe in God, it’s a great number of things. I believe that science and the Bible are harmonious. Creation in all of its intricacies doesn’t seem like something that could come about haphazardly. I can see truths that the Bible contains in everyday life. It gives me comfort in dark times and also when people pass away. I realize that, left to my own devices, I am not intrinsically a good person.
But, and this might not be a fair debate point because I believe it to be both irrefutable and unprovable at the same time, the biggest thing for me is that the message of salvation and God’s Love came alive (don’t know how else to say it?) in me when I heard it preached. It convicted me and it was the most real things I’ve known. And really, I believe that only the Holy Spirit can do that to a person
+Ryan Clegg I'm a Catholic Christian but what if Earth exist in a wider galaxy like Star Wars, what would all major religions do, if the concept of the Force or aliens are real?
Clive, so great that you are open to the discussion and the debate!
Here is a short but great video from a debate that might be good to watch (sorry about the quality):
Who is god?
I have a question, how do you do your hair? Lol
What if someone said “Fricken Heck” on your Minecraft server?
Nice talk but I thought God said to Peter, "Feed my Sheep". If I go to a Catholic Mass it seems like a starvation diet for the Word.
But if you're blindly following doctrine and faith - what exactly is one allowed to create? Their own truth?
A lesson in critical thinking coming from a priest? That's rich.
Do I feel sorry for theswe youth who make a comment and think they know it all ? No. Y never was able to just make a comment And think I could pass a course about anything.
the easiest job in the world is that of a critic
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