A few comments/thoughts on much of the feedback so far: MIRANDA - I instantly regretted my ranking for her. She deserves better. Time to prepare the Kilphe treatment... RAIN & LASSWELL - A lot of people taking issue with these two...however, we need to be aware that both of these two require very specific UR weapons (at max stats) to see full potential. Crimson Saber and Purple Lightning are not gotten easily by the vast majority of players. It can be easy to ivory tower certain units if we forget that a large population of players are casual. A lot of units can vary GREATLY in performance based on gear, espers, and vision cards (think about Kain w/ Demon Wall & Wind Spear...or Gilg/Agrias with Icebrand...or Laswell with Purple Lightning). Whereas certain units perform well regardless of how hardcore your gear & VCs are (Orlandeau with any sword, Glaciela with any spear, Ayaka with anything). I attempt (poorly?) to rate the units in a vacuum, but this is also why tier lists can be problematic. I very much appreciate all of the feedback and disagreements, especially comments on the differences between PvE, PvP, and unit roles. I'll be looking to make improvements in the future to breaking out the roles more effectively, and defining pros/cons, PvE/PvP and hardcore/casual.
I think if you're going to be foregoing the whole F2P thing with gilgamesh and sterne and whatnot, you should forego ranking units based on equipment/espers/VCs. it just doesnt make much sense. if there was time, making 2 seperate tierlists would make sense - one for units at 99, 15/15/15, +5 equips, 99 VCs, 80 Espers, and one for kind of middle ground average accounts - bump down premium units, bump down units like rain and lasswell who require specific equipment to function properly, rank down characters like whisper who need lots of investment, evade units that need lots of investment, and mostly look at units who function great in their role even with +2 gear and level 60 espers and level 55 vision cards, maybe missing a few job levels here and there.
Started this game today and rolled: Ruin kinght sterne, engelbert, vinera, ildyra and luthana. Wouldve rerolled if i did not see this tierlist. Thank you so much!
I will have to say that I agree for the most part, except with Laswell being Chocobo Tier. He's considered top tier in most PVP, and with the release of Kain his Dragoon sub he's high end in Pierce comps. Easily wrecks top 100 in Arena and in almost all cases much stronger than the newer Xmas Units. Otherwise, love the video and great work!!
I agree that so many units can be extremely useful. My kitone is always in my top three, paired with agrias and HLeela. I’ve recently switched her to have Doton, which is Null attack type. So she can’t be resisted except earth attacks. I’ve tried to put vinera in, but she just doesn’t perform as well as kitone ! Good video.
Ftp here... This list makes me feel good about where Ive put the limited resources Ive got into. Illdyra is such a beast and has easily carried my team through a lot of thw content. Im glad i decided to try to pull for her when i started playing. I almost didnt.
@@NerdNight I wouldn't say Ildyra flies under the radar as such, although I get what you mean, some players simply don't have her, or it's taken a while to pull her - looking at you Diggs LOL! - and haven't yet gotten the max power from her. And power she has in spades both cast and heal. She was also MVP in the Ifrit raid - my build took multiple HUGE hits from the boss and brushed it off as though it was nothing; although you have to have the correct passives on and Spellblade sub for that to work. If you do have her - or are willing to continue pulling from the normal UR pool - then she's a unit that MUST be maxed IMO. She will reward you no end, and as Umbra Rays once said, for the work you put into her to build, she's probably be the best return on investment unit in the game. And now she has, what can be considered, her own UR VC, albeit limited, which gives her even more strength. Although personelly I would put this card on our favourite werewolf and put Trousseau on Ildyra.
I gotta say, Warrior of light and Agrias should definitely be able to reach behemoth simply because of their tank abilities, although Agrias isn't as tanky as WoL, but I really like the placement, also a relief to know I won't be missing much from the christmas units, other than just a second costume for bad characters.
I disagree with a lot of the tiers in this, still enjoyed the video. Very high quality. I just feel like you aren’t specifying if they are good for pvp or pve, for pvp the tiers would be a lot different. I think this is just who your favorite units are and how much you like them. Not how good they are. Either way, you still get a thumbs up from me.
I agree with most of the list but.. Rain is unique in many ways I feel like he needs a bump up.. Solid fire chainer, reduces fire resist and laugh s at magic damage Also you did kain dirty lol but he is only the true beast with demon wall vc maxed Lastly wol can tank all damage with the right set up. I run gilga, ruin sterne and wol in guild wars.. Causes havoc
@@NerdNight I had just downloaded the game so I was surprised to find videos on it that weren’t cctv footage so thanks for making quality WOTV content that doesn’t crush my brain :j
I think your rating for Miranda is a little low. I would put her in Tonberry. I definitely get your opinion about being outclassed by Ildyra, but I find her as valuable as Mediena and/or Skahal. But all that aside, this is an awesome list!! Love your content!
Thanks! I have a 99 Miranda, and I tend to agree with that actually...there may be some personal bias in there because I don't get to use her quite as often as I thought I would when I built her...thanks for watching!
I just recently pulled her on a free draw, so it'll be a while before I get to build her, but I undoubtedly underestimated her when she first came out 😅
Ayakas AI has definitely been altered in the past months, she behaves quite a bit dumber than she used to, which is lowering her efficacy. Also a smart way of Gumi to covertly trying to get players to shelve her.
One thing I've noticed is that white mages prefer Raise now to Full-Life. Turning OFF Raise on Ayaka (if running White Mage sub) actually makes her better, though she will still spam Shell/Protect in the back... 😒 Thanks for watching!
@@NerdNight I've always ran her on Time, my issue have been with her refusing to move, then being too far away to reach everyone when she needs to react with an AoE heal or a Full Raise, I've even seen her get to a corpse late after refusing to move, begin casting full raise as the corpse was expiring, it was painful to watch! That being said I still use her in top 30 GvG
@@POOBSPLAYS that's what I'm feeling too. Lol. She haste and isolate herself from the party, only to be killed later without the chance to heal/ full life
Alright when you say Oldoa is a wind Stern, I kinda disagree, yeah Oldoa possibly deserves that teir if you just looking at her damage, but she comes with some top teir breaks, has really good ap generation for a soldier. She can basically use her LB turn 2 in pvp which comes with a very strong defence break, this can set up fellow wind units like Lucia to absolutely destroy enemies even some Ice units. And she is somehwhat tanky if you go into a max hp build as she comes with drainforce which is a good survival skill. And the assassin job can make her good at evading too.
I'll start by saying I like your videos especially the planning guides, the format for these tier lists is good but...I think you really missed the dunk on a lot of these. Seems like you're just looking at who does the big damage but fail to consider what actually makes units useful. I have Vinera, Kilphe, and Gilg and use them for some content when they're useful, but guess what? It's not as often as I use Rain or Miranda because what they offer is unique and pretty much essential. All big damage units do is serve as an upgrade to the previous big damage units. Xiza is another great example, she is a great steal time unit because of how fast she is, sure. Oh but wait, she's the ONLY UR IN THE GAME WITH STEAL HEART. I already had other non-UR thieves with SH for pve content but in the last tower final EX floor the only way I could finish was but rushing to build Xiza before event ended (I had her LB3 already at start of event but had to awaken her, level her, and pump her full of JP in a matter of days) and bring her in to steal heart. Long story short when Vinera, Kilphe, etc get outclassed by better damage units, the units with great utility will still be doing their thing, or in other words we'll probably see 10 or so mages outclass Kilphe and Howlett before we see 2 magic tanks outclass Rain. That was my take on the big picture, here are more specifics: -Rain should be Ochu. Still one of the best tanks in the game, and he chains, and he has jamming thrust, firaga, and cura. -Miranda should be Tonberry. Jamming thrust, quicken, resistance break (extremely underrated, still, somehow) -Frederika should be Tonberry. Ranged attackers will come with higher damage but her access to ranger subjob (sharpshoot and height range) combined with her massive range will set her apart for a long time. I think the fact that Lu'cia came with the same subjob fuzzied people's perception of how important that is, but once Luartha drops and they realize they can't hit a target thats high or low they'll remember how good Fred is. -Xiza should be at least Chocobo tier if not Tonberry. Basically all the things I mentioned up top, being the only UR with steal heart is worth repeating. -Skahal should be Tonberry or Cactuar tier and Mediena should be Cactuar tier. If you're dropping units to lower tiers based on being outclassed by newer better units why beat around the bush? Mediena is no longer the best farmer and Skahal's got time mage sub. He's good but I don't think you can seriously call him better than Lasswell or even Ramza. Final thought: maybe what you should call this tier list is more of a "power ranking" because it kind of contradicts what you say about it being a useful reference for f2p players deciding what would be an asset to their account. Your future planning guides seem more appropriate for a f2p player trying to secure a very powerful unit to define their account so to speak. I think for this type of tier list to be appropriate it should highlight units that will be HIGHLY VALUABLE in their respective role. So, it doesn't make sense to have all the 9 best slash dps units ranked ahead of the best non-limited tank. It doesn't make sense to have the best 8 dps mages listed ahead of the best time mage.
Kain is behemoth-tier in PvP meta, but lacks a full suite of tools to be there for PvE (pierce resist down and slow are nice though). Slightly a glass cannon, though it seems Paladin sub is what most are running in top-end PvP. Thanks for watching!
Kain is tbh only really strong when he has the DW VC and a wind spear +5. with that, he can easily one shot all tanks and nearly all other units. But he‘s really difficult to be built in a team, since he‘s an unit of its own. I build him with KoR Stern and WoL and got under the top 300 in PvP. But still, it feels like he does not fit into the team.
@@NerdNight Slow on attack with high chance is gold for raids and Trials of reck, top damage for pvp, and as you mention paladin for Sentinel/Courage resistance. I get 6.7k score in ToR with a light slash comp and him only. With his card he gives slash resist which is very topical for the meta. With viking he gets a nice hp boost. And even now in JP it is a recurring unit after light element counters like Yuna and Sakura... so yeah, he pretty much rocks in every way. As Wali points out, maybe the fact that her requires a lot of specific gear and seams to not fit the comps may be the highest detraction.... I run him with kilfe and im doing quite good, but he does seem to do his own thing and any good unit would do stuff in that slot, like a RK Stern or even a Landu.
Right there with you. My main does not have Xiza and it's killing me. I've been buying up her shards with PvP medals though to get a headstart on if/when I get her... 😒
@@NerdNight same my account has lots of ur units and the only one i dont have is xiza. I have so much other work to do on my account that im not too worried about it but it is disappointing
You put vinera in behemoth because of her "versatility" but you put lasswell in chocobo. He's a great raid unit because of ice imperil, has 2 hits. He's a top tier PVP unit, a great evade unit and can be built for piercing. His range also increases with the dragoon subjob.
Thanks for sharing. Wonder if there was any consideration for the different damage types that sub-jobs can give characters. For example, Sterne has access to piercing skills through his dragoon sub-job, which makes him more versatile than a character with only slashing skills.
I am a little worried about that ranking. It's difficult to project units that aren't out yet, but she gets pretty decent run in JP PvP (killed recently by Tidus though...) While she has those limitations, her ability to contribute to fire/slash chains and break AGI (limit burst) for raids & bosses should not be overlooked. These are things that Lu'Cia and Rika don't have.
Best units for f2p imo: Mediena Frederika Yiza Mont Shadowlynx Simply because f2p can work in them with almost no visiore expense buying with different medals, and save for a limited unit or whatever unit they really want.
Agreed. Xiza is a little more expensive (medals/shard) but yes, all of the above are perfect for F2P. Mont and Shadowlynx surprisingly are great contributors!
So I should MLB my Shadowlynx? LB3 her and 4* .. Should I get her to 6*? My team right now is Kain (MLB next week.) , Cecil at 89 now, Ildyra (LB3, 6*) , Mont at 89... Next would be Glaciela (LB2, 4*)
@@AIIXIII0 I think you should. Shadowlynx chaining for slash teams (for PvE events) is great, and she will undoubtedly contribute in other PvE like Tower events, etc.
1 only have one good UR based on this list, Howlet. Should I still use other UR vs MR units? I'm still new to game and basically want to finish the story mode first
My first account has Nivlu maxed and kilphe lb2. I got ildyra and vinera too late. I Rerolled and got Luartha Graciela Ayaka and frederika right from the start. I think is pretty more balanced. If i get sakura soon, i will be set for life.
one suggestion: if Cidolfus is behemoth, then Agrias deserves to be there as well. fully upgraded Agrias is a beast of a unit, with on par defence and resistance
I disagree with Aileen treatment. If she's properly built with her high base atk and buff and her ranger atk, she deals loads of damages. She's a ground unit with slash resistance. In PvP she's a orlando(?)slayer (Sorry I'm French dunno the name of the behemoth hoodie guy in English) for her agility, give her Sirene and/or the wind spear. They will bring her back in the game with a perfectly usable speed and piercing damages up and even more resistance to slash (Iirc). She has a long ranged atk which pulls massive punches as she closes the distance with the enemies. Aileen is by no mean a low tier UR. She's totally a hidden gem.
Gilg belongs in Behemoth no doubt. I have a lvl 99 Gilg and Id take him over Super Sterne. Yes S Sterne can hit harder and shred WoL apart, but Gilg himself, put on Soldier subjob, hits hard. He almost keeps up with my Cid in DPS. AND he can be a perfect support unit. He has versatility. Rain is criminally underrated. The best magic tank in the game and one of the very best raid units in the game AND can switch to Red Mage for really good DPS. Both Rain and Gilg, if the opponent is weak to magic, they can dish out magic. If the opponent resists magic, they can dish out slashing physical attack. This is underrated as hell. Nobody talks about this. Super Sterne (as godly as he is), up against high slash resist, he has no other option whereas Rain will fireball you down or Greg will laugh a meteor storm on you. I also think Agrias should be ranked Behemoth as well. I'm always top 500 in arena, but the few times I have made it top 100 and even in top 500, she's probably the single most used unit. Ayaka also should remain in Behemoth. Her LB alone should keep her there. Otherwise your list was actually pretty good, thank you for making this!
Bro, the tier should be like more balance, in term of unit skill, diversity, all rounder, bruiser, dmg dealer, etc, not say it's bad but the tier has to be look on other content as well
Orlandou is still a lot stronger, since he has higher range and his Skill set is a lot better than Laswells. Laswells only advantage is his Deffense skill, which blocks 1 Hit. Also Orlandou‘s Limitbreak is pretty strong, gives him haste, has a higher range and aoe coverage. Although Laswell might even beat Orlandou in PvP, he‘s not as versatile as Orlandou.
@@ivarleonis I do not agree, Orlandou is way easy on high levels of PvP, maybe he is a great unit because he is great at a lot of tasks, but not top tier because of his lack of PvP competitivity. Still I respect opinions and I personally use Orlandou still a lot on hard content and slash teams, cheers!
I'm afraid that I have to disagree with you on a few things man. You have a few units rated too low in my opinion. The one that has the highest disparity between where they are ranked and where they should be ranked though is Rain. Magic tank, fire slashing chainer, barriers, and an all stat break. Just because he's underutilized doesn't mean he's not fantastic.
@@NerdNight That's true, but in the video you said that you weren't going to consider the amount of whaling needed to make a unit good. If you just judge based off of the units maximum potential, Rain is one of the most versatile units in the game. Just my opinion though, and I do see where you're coming from.
@@samuelbond573 Thank you for the response! Given many of the comments (like yours) I think I need to be much more versatile and clear about the pros/cons of many of the units - especially units like Rain/Lasswell that can be SOOOOOOO good with specific gear and setups.
Hi. Why Luartha is so great ? she is fire gunner, with no bonus of range (because passive use are tune up and self sacrifice), she hasn't the bow job... can we help me pls ? lucia or luartha, is better ? thx
I can only disagree with a lot of your choices. Example; Ramza totally belongs higher up in the list considering his T.Blow and how he's essentially a huge damage dealer in Light-Slash chain combo. Niv'Lu would be at least of the same tier as Luartha; if not higher for her versatility as a Sniper/Gunner. There're a lot more in this list I'd like to continue on about like Rain and Lasswell, but these are just some of the units that I feel you'd have ranked them extremely unfairly.
Why is Macherie so bad? Is it her kit? I don't fully understand things about her xD And still gonna MLB Xiza as soon as I get her 600 shards. Probably at end of 2021 hahaha. Just been collecting her shards. I have Vinera and Kain but probably would hold for Vinera and work on Xiza after MLB Kain. 4th priority.
Am new player yet I already got 14 of those UR lol. Seem this game really good for f2p players :D I don't trust reroll and plays for story, I'm so lucky I get em. But I will max ystella and shadow lynx first because of free shards XD
Just started today and had a feeling I got pretty lucky Illdrya Cecil Kilphe Mediana Glaciela Vinera I assume I'm set for a long time. Any advice or are there bases I need covered?
First of all don't make my same mistake. BUY all the azurite job, elemental alcryst, skip ticket and Growth egg that cost MONEY in the shop so you have less story farm to lvl up your unit job soyou can use that energy to farm the unit daily shards, Pot Chamber and when you need it Grouwth Egg, yes i think for f2p early on it' better to farm egg only when they need them so they can have more energy to spend in other content. You got a good cast of unit if i have to say try to snipe Ayaka and Xisa. Mont and Dario can easly be your tank, Cecil can work as sub tank but i'm not sure for high end pve content, and he's limited so you might end up with a weaker tank than just mont or dario (mr unit). I would ignore Mediena, you already have abetter farmer with better utility than her (Illdyra). Mixed feelings about Glaciela because she's my n°1 unit in this game but her best weapon it's wind lance (limited time weapon), her tmr it's not bad too but i still don't think it's the best choise for newer player Don't ignore mr unit, Shadowlyinx it's a really good chainer to pair with Vinera. Other non ur unit worth investing early on are: Mont - Dario - Grace - Salire (i would use her mainly as healer at the beginning) Phoebe/Chel - Adelard - Grace - Rairyuu. For VC card: Vow of Love - Secret Orders - Deceptive Vows, Honest SoulsMetal Daemon, Iron Giant - In Search of Myrrh (it helps with jp farming) - Leonis Castle - Great Detective Little Leela. There are more Good mr and lower VC card but i think those are the main one you will end up using. Hope it was helpful and if someone want to corrrect something feel free, this is what i think it's the best for that account from a f2p point of view.
2 units u got insanely wrong. Lasswell and Rain. Lasswell gets massive range with jumps and pounds out dmg with his weapon just +1. He can also never be 1hit and gets lots of AP from using mirage. Rain counters all the super ice units, all magic units and is insane in raids and pve. I dont even have him and i know that.
I disagree with most of your placings for the units specifically Rosa's placement.Rosa can imperil ice by 38% improving viktoras an other ice units damage output an it's in her main job ability slot so you can sub white mage for buffing or healing an stay back she can restore hp an ap with her lb and is versatile l love my lb4 Rosa she's only limited unit l went for an Cecil is at Max lb.She has two guaranteed two hit moves in holy and surefire shot in main job slot so she can at least hit evade teams recently hard with holy
i think Vinera is not that strong. I have faced many and no one has ever managed to kill my engelbert when she was described as the engelbert killer. Speaking of wich i think he should be at least tomberry because he is so good at what he does. Tanks are definitely relevant in pvp in my opinion.
Yuna has the "privilege" of being the strong unit of ff x set AND in the first batch of ex jobs so now she's compared with Sterne and Rob rather than Hentai Leela
@@kasid4759 yes is like comparing Kain with Cecil and Rosa, or Cid with Ramza. She's the best of the FF X lot, but she lacks comparison with the other meta defining units (limited units as Cid, Agrias, HLeela, Kain, WoL or core as Englebert, Lucia, Vinera, Kilphe)
@@mrmengcake4701 this is more like comparing kain to orlandeau. tidus could very well be the meta defining unit himself, unlike ramza who lacks a proper equipment/VC/esper to properly support him at that time of the game or cecil who has an awkward kit. Even then yuna pop into existance and outclass tidus anyway. She feel like the best unit of a far future collab. Orlandeau already have plenty of counter that was there before him wheter it'd be tank like mont/engel or units that could 1 shot him like mediena or sterne. there are plenty of reliable ways to deal with him when he was release. The same applied to every meta defining unit. For yuna it's either 1). you have yuna to fight back Or 2). highly geared dark unit to 1 shot that monster with 5k + HP If you are looking for meta defining unit EX job, then look at mediena. She's THE meta itself for the first month of the game. You can compare her to yuna Or christmas vinera EX job. A limited unit with EXjob release after yuna.
ufff...to much to change dude.. Gilga, Agrias, Kain, Ayaka, Howlet, Wol they are no doubt top. Eldira and Luarta are Ochu Kifle is a tomberry or chocobo, she is soooo slow and with Howlet, and zombie...she is a candy in pvp for them. Graciela is totally outmatched for vitora at least in pvp Rain is better than Mediena and Skahal for the god sake Cecil is a moguri, not even close to Ramza. Ramza and delita...they can be paired, but is more easy build something around Ramza no doubt. And the last...Laswell is a Ochu at least, and in pvp he can be easy a behemont. nice tier list
Decent tier list but imo, there are some units that deserves to be swapped to the other. Ildyra, while she is amazing for insta cast, is not as strong as H Leela esp for Arena, i would say she should be in Ochu, i rarely have seen anyone use Ildyra in top 50 arena as well. While i love Vinera, she could either be on Ochu or Behemoth since we now have more units that have 100% hit skills. Gilgamesh deserves to be on Behemoth tier since Kotetsu brings so much pain for enemies with that 38% slash debuff, pair him with other units like ruin sterne or any ice units, can decimate your opponents easily plus Greg is much tankier now than before, also have quicken that is so good as well. Kilphe deserves Behemoth tier since she is so tanky, she's just that scary in pvp esp with well geared one with max vc and support units. I say Ayaka also deserves Behemoth tier since she is still the best healer in the game and is so good at that. Viktora could go Ochu also since we have very strong VCs now. Lasswell is a total beast in arena with proper set up so i think he deserves Tonberry or Ochu tier.Miranda should be Tonberry tier not chocobo. Also Xmas Macherie could be a potential Ochu tier. Oh and lastly, Kain Glaciela deserves Behemoth rank and Orlandu at Ochu, i have these units but based on usage, i get more damage and kills for pve and pvp for Kain or Glaciela than Orlandu now. I've reached top 50 in arena with Kain and Glaciela combo, they are that strong. You cant go wrong for both for pve as well.
Great comments. Only thing I would say about Vinera...this list factors in PvE as well as PvP, and there's hardly a single situation in the game where you would take her out of your team. Evasion Vinera can also ALMOST solo the entire tower. Versatility is king for that ranking. Kain/Glaciela are indeed great units, but in the next couple months we will see some more pierce resist tools that should level that spike out some (though both are still excellent units). Laswell...total beast, but Luartha spells trouble for him very soon, as well as Rain. His movement and squishiness are his downsides. Kitone's TMR seems like a no-brainer for him. Kilphe's only drawback is the strength of wind units at the moment (Lu'Cia, Howlett, Hal-Leela). Fantastic unit overall. Really, you can't go wrong with any of the units in Behemoth or Ochu. Thanks for watching!
@@NerdNight i think even in jp, Kain and Glaciela are still being used up to now, that goes to show how powerful they are, not to mention the exclusive buffs for the vcs for them. Totally agree with Vinera being really useful in pve, but her downside is that she goes down easily with enemies with guaranteed hits. A well built Rain can tank even physical attacks. These are considering maxed VCs since they are so strong with it. Luartha, while she's strong for pve, on arena or guild battles, you can always rely on well built tanks specifically resistant with gunners, like Delita, they can easily go down with Glaciela and even an Ildyra. But yeah, tier list is good. I just prefer those units being swapped to their own real tier. I consider arena guild battles as top priority for rankings since most of them, when top tier on pvp, are also decent or excellent on pve as well. That's why for me, Kilphe deserves higher ranking as well.
I dont think that irdilla is behemoth , because she is Very fragile . And kain os behemouth withouth doubt . At least laswell is chocobo because oh him mirage , can be game change
Update after watching the video: I was meme-ing at first but on the reals, Lasswell as an attacking unit with built in defense penetration and some really decent range for a unit with a gap closer built into his invulnerability could have been at least a tier up. While he's got less utility than Greg his damage is plenty capable of one shotting most units
Undervalued Lasswell, Kain, Niv'Lu. Even with Yuna, Kain is still highly regarded as one of the best 5 phys attackers in the game. More consistent than Glaciela due to immortal spirit and his slow in LB can help with raids and PvP. Lasswell lacks range, true, but makes up for the fact you cannot one-shot him. Range is less of an issue in PvE, but Mirage is the main reason JP still holds him in such high regards. If this accounts for Yuna, then Rain ought to be higher too. Anti-magic or magic resist characters are very valuable, especially those who can draw aggro and survive a hit. He is specialized, but Rain still shines as a premier fire, non limited UR. I think you're overvaluing Luartha too. Luartha does creep Lu'Cia in terms of raw damage due to Self Sacrifice. She also comes with the problem of having every gunners problem with elevation. Not having a sure hit, while perhaps not as pressing due to her archetype, does make a difference. Lu'Cia can guarantee kills and is arguably a better pick against evasion units, especially with H.Leelas being rampant in everything. Meanwhile, if the map doesn't have a lot of elevation differences, Luartha definitely shines
A few comments/thoughts on much of the feedback so far:
MIRANDA - I instantly regretted my ranking for her. She deserves better. Time to prepare the Kilphe treatment...
RAIN & LASSWELL - A lot of people taking issue with these two...however, we need to be aware that both of these two require very specific UR weapons (at max stats) to see full potential. Crimson Saber and Purple Lightning are not gotten easily by the vast majority of players. It can be easy to ivory tower certain units if we forget that a large population of players are casual.
A lot of units can vary GREATLY in performance based on gear, espers, and vision cards (think about Kain w/ Demon Wall & Wind Spear...or Gilg/Agrias with Icebrand...or Laswell with Purple Lightning). Whereas certain units perform well regardless of how hardcore your gear & VCs are (Orlandeau with any sword, Glaciela with any spear, Ayaka with anything). I attempt (poorly?) to rate the units in a vacuum, but this is also why tier lists can be problematic.
I very much appreciate all of the feedback and disagreements, especially comments on the differences between PvE, PvP, and unit roles. I'll be looking to make improvements in the future to breaking out the roles more effectively, and defining pros/cons, PvE/PvP and hardcore/casual.
I think if you're going to be foregoing the whole F2P thing with gilgamesh and sterne and whatnot, you should forego ranking units based on equipment/espers/VCs. it just doesnt make much sense. if there was time, making 2 seperate tierlists would make sense - one for units at 99, 15/15/15, +5 equips, 99 VCs, 80 Espers, and one for kind of middle ground average accounts - bump down premium units, bump down units like rain and lasswell who require specific equipment to function properly, rank down characters like whisper who need lots of investment, evade units that need lots of investment, and mostly look at units who function great in their role even with +2 gear and level 60 espers and level 55 vision cards, maybe missing a few job levels here and there.
I'm new player and just realize have 2 UR behemoth from watch ur videos, keep up good work
Watching this I realize I have no idea what I'm doing in this game.
I’m JUST starting this game TODAY and this was very helpful 🖤📍, appreciate this man frl
Awesome! Glad to help! There will be a new tier list coming out with the 1-year anniversary in March, so be on the lookout for that.
I liked it very much, I'll be waiting for the next one.
Duuude finally the new tier list. Thank you!!!
kain, agrias and lasswell deserve higher ranking
Started this game today and rolled: Ruin kinght sterne, engelbert, vinera, ildyra and luthana. Wouldve rerolled if i did not see this tierlist. Thank you so much!
I love this channel, very helpfull for someone like me
Thank you! Just hope that the videos are helpful and make the game easier/more fun to play :)
Excellent video!!!
Great Job! my Godess Glaciela *-*! Rairyu Hallween is awesome... and i love frederika
I will have to say that I agree for the most part, except with Laswell being Chocobo Tier. He's considered top tier in most PVP, and with the release of Kain his Dragoon sub he's high end in Pierce comps. Easily wrecks top 100 in Arena and in almost all cases much stronger than the newer Xmas Units. Otherwise, love the video and great work!!
I agree that so many units can be extremely useful. My kitone is always in my top three, paired with agrias and HLeela. I’ve recently switched her to have Doton, which is Null attack type. So she can’t be resisted except earth attacks. I’ve tried to put vinera in, but she just doesn’t perform as well as kitone ! Good video.
Whisper...oooh sempai Cabbage may have different opion. But awesome content none the less.
Awesome list.
Ftp here... This list makes me feel good about where Ive put the limited resources Ive got into. Illdyra is such a beast and has easily carried my team through a lot of thw content. Im glad i decided to try to pull for her when i started playing. I almost didnt.
Good to hear! Ildyra flies under the radar, but she's so valuable for both PvP and PvE.
@@NerdNight I wouldn't say Ildyra flies under the radar as such, although I get what you mean, some players simply don't have her, or it's taken a while to pull her - looking at you Diggs LOL! - and haven't yet gotten the max power from her. And power she has in spades both cast and heal. She was also MVP in the Ifrit raid - my build took multiple HUGE hits from the boss and brushed it off as though it was nothing; although you have to have the correct passives on and Spellblade sub for that to work.
If you do have her - or are willing to continue pulling from the normal UR pool - then she's a unit that MUST be maxed IMO. She will reward you no end, and as Umbra Rays once said, for the work you put into her to build, she's probably be the best return on investment unit in the game.
And now she has, what can be considered, her own UR VC, albeit limited, which gives her even more strength. Although personelly I would put this card on our favourite werewolf and put Trousseau on Ildyra.
I respectfully say I disagree with your decisions on a variety of units .
Same i dont think he does high pvp
@@chefmacon9576 or even PvE with some of his ratings...
Like which ones?
Rain less than Mid-Tier? LOL
@@chefmacon9576 Well this kinda of depends on what you consider "high" PvP I suppose...
I gotta say, Warrior of light and Agrias should definitely be able to reach behemoth simply because of their tank abilities, although Agrias isn't as tanky as WoL, but I really like the placement, also a relief to know I won't be missing much from the christmas units, other than just a second costume for bad characters.
The Enron joke...godly! 😆
I disagree with a lot of the tiers in this, still enjoyed the video. Very high quality. I just feel like you aren’t specifying if they are good for pvp or pve, for pvp the tiers would be a lot different. I think this is just who your favorite units are and how much you like them. Not how good they are. Either way, you still get a thumbs up from me.
Just pulled dark Sterne last night on a free pull so damn excited! But Vinera is still godbae and my focal point.
I agree with most of the list but.. Rain is unique in many ways I feel like he needs a bump up.. Solid fire chainer, reduces fire resist and laugh s at magic damage
Also you did kain dirty lol but he is only the true beast with demon wall vc maxed
Lastly wol can tank all damage with the right set up.
I run gilga, ruin sterne and wol in guild wars.. Causes havoc
I just started this game 20 minutes ago and I just got sterne knight of ruin ildyra lol now I feel lucky
Two great units to start with! Build up these two units and you'll be able to clear a lot of content. Thank you for checking out the channel!
@@NerdNight I had just downloaded the game so I was surprised to find videos on it that weren’t cctv footage so thanks for making quality WOTV content that doesn’t crush my brain :j
you should do tier lists based on roles as well as this game is literally a role based game. Best tank healer support range etc etc etc
I think your rating for Miranda is a little low. I would put her in Tonberry. I definitely get your opinion about being outclassed by Ildyra, but I find her as valuable as Mediena and/or Skahal. But all that aside, this is an awesome list!! Love your content!
Thanks! I have a 99 Miranda, and I tend to agree with that actually...there may be some personal bias in there because I don't get to use her quite as often as I thought I would when I built her...thanks for watching!
Yeah Miranda is really underrated. She is definitely one of the better URs.
I appreciate the Kilphe segment because I felt the same way before she changed my life.
I just recently pulled her on a free draw, so it'll be a while before I get to build her, but I undoubtedly underestimated her when she first came out 😅
Ayakas AI has definitely been altered in the past months, she behaves quite a bit dumber than she used to, which is lowering her efficacy. Also a smart way of Gumi to covertly trying to get players to shelve her.
One thing I've noticed is that white mages prefer Raise now to Full-Life. Turning OFF Raise on Ayaka (if running White Mage sub) actually makes her better, though she will still spam Shell/Protect in the back... 😒
Thanks for watching!
@@NerdNight I've always ran her on Time, my issue have been with her refusing to move, then being too far away to reach everyone when she needs to react with an AoE heal or a Full Raise, I've even seen her get to a corpse late after refusing to move, begin casting full raise as the corpse was expiring, it was painful to watch!
That being said I still use her in top 30 GvG
@@POOBSPLAYS that's what I'm feeling too. Lol. She haste and isolate herself from the party, only to be killed later without the chance to heal/ full life
@@ervin2831 Use Null Ct Changes ability it will fix the problem, she won't haste her stupid ass anymore xD
@@NerdNight Try her time mage with Null Ct Changes she will buff her ally and won't stay in a corner hasting or protecting/shelling herself!
Alright when you say Oldoa is a wind Stern, I kinda disagree, yeah Oldoa possibly deserves that teir if you just looking at her damage, but she comes with some top teir breaks, has really good ap generation for a soldier.
She can basically use her LB turn 2 in pvp which comes with a very strong defence break, this can set up fellow wind units like Lucia to absolutely destroy enemies even some Ice units. And she is somehwhat tanky if you go into a max hp build as she comes with drainforce which is a good survival skill. And the assassin job can make her good at evading too.
I almost have Oldoa maxed out and will have to try some things out. And yes, she is definitely different than Sterne, especially when EX comes out!
I'll start by saying I like your videos especially the planning guides, the format for these tier lists is good but...I think you really missed the dunk on a lot of these. Seems like you're just looking at who does the big damage but fail to consider what actually makes units useful. I have Vinera, Kilphe, and Gilg and use them for some content when they're useful, but guess what? It's not as often as I use Rain or Miranda because what they offer is unique and pretty much essential. All big damage units do is serve as an upgrade to the previous big damage units. Xiza is another great example, she is a great steal time unit because of how fast she is, sure. Oh but wait, she's the ONLY UR IN THE GAME WITH STEAL HEART. I already had other non-UR thieves with SH for pve content but in the last tower final EX floor the only way I could finish was but rushing to build Xiza before event ended (I had her LB3 already at start of event but had to awaken her, level her, and pump her full of JP in a matter of days) and bring her in to steal heart.
Long story short when Vinera, Kilphe, etc get outclassed by better damage units, the units with great utility will still be doing their thing, or in other words we'll probably see 10 or so mages outclass Kilphe and Howlett before we see 2 magic tanks outclass Rain.
That was my take on the big picture, here are more specifics:
-Rain should be Ochu. Still one of the best tanks in the game, and he chains, and he has jamming thrust, firaga, and cura.
-Miranda should be Tonberry. Jamming thrust, quicken, resistance break (extremely underrated, still, somehow)
-Frederika should be Tonberry. Ranged attackers will come with higher damage but her access to ranger subjob (sharpshoot and height range) combined with her massive range will set her apart for a long time. I think the fact that Lu'cia came with the same subjob fuzzied people's perception of how important that is, but once Luartha drops and they realize they can't hit a target thats high or low they'll remember how good Fred is.
-Xiza should be at least Chocobo tier if not Tonberry. Basically all the things I mentioned up top, being the only UR with steal heart is worth repeating.
-Skahal should be Tonberry or Cactuar tier and Mediena should be Cactuar tier. If you're dropping units to lower tiers based on being outclassed by newer better units why beat around the bush? Mediena is no longer the best farmer and Skahal's got time mage sub. He's good but I don't think you can seriously call him better than Lasswell or even Ramza.
Final thought: maybe what you should call this tier list is more of a "power ranking" because it kind of contradicts what you say about it being a useful reference for f2p players deciding what would be an asset to their account. Your future planning guides seem more appropriate for a f2p player trying to secure a very powerful unit to define their account so to speak. I think for this type of tier list to be appropriate it should highlight units that will be HIGHLY VALUABLE in their respective role. So, it doesn't make sense to have all the 9 best slash dps units ranked ahead of the best non-limited tank. It doesn't make sense to have the best 8 dps mages listed ahead of the best time mage.
sorry in advance for the huge rant, I just really got interested in the topic and hoped you'd appreciate the feedback and my perspective!
You should say whether this list is for PVP or PVE.. Also you put Skahal above Rain? Where have you ever seen someone use a skahal like ever?
I met quite a lot of skahal in arena. He is one of the units i am looking for when choosing target to attack :)
I started building Skahal simply because I never see it done.
Kains gonna be top tier for a while in the meta
Kain is behemoth-tier in PvP meta, but lacks a full suite of tools to be there for PvE (pierce resist down and slow are nice though). Slightly a glass cannon, though it seems Paladin sub is what most are running in top-end PvP. Thanks for watching!
Kain is tbh only really strong when he has the DW VC and a wind spear +5. with that, he can easily one shot all tanks and nearly all other units. But he‘s really difficult to be built in a team, since he‘s an unit of its own. I build him with KoR Stern and WoL and got under the top 300 in PvP. But still, it feels like he does not fit into the team.
@@NerdNight Slow on attack with high chance is gold for raids and Trials of reck, top damage for pvp, and as you mention paladin for Sentinel/Courage resistance. I get 6.7k score in ToR with a light slash comp and him only. With his card he gives slash resist which is very topical for the meta. With viking he gets a nice hp boost. And even now in JP it is a recurring unit after light element counters like Yuna and Sakura... so yeah, he pretty much rocks in every way. As Wali points out, maybe the fact that her requires a lot of specific gear and seams to not fit the comps may be the highest detraction.... I run him with kilfe and im doing quite good, but he does seem to do his own thing and any good unit would do stuff in that slot, like a RK Stern or even a Landu.
After having a lot of UR units, many maxed, but not having a Xiza ... I will put Xiza as the god tier above all units..
Right there with you. My main does not have Xiza and it's killing me. I've been buying up her shards with PvP medals though to get a headstart on if/when I get her... 😒
@@NerdNight same my account has lots of ur units and the only one i dont have is xiza. I have so much other work to do on my account that im not too worried about it but it is disappointing
I think based on your liking that there must be a Frederica Tier on the next list. ;)
You put vinera in behemoth because of her "versatility" but you put lasswell in chocobo. He's a great raid unit because of ice imperil, has 2 hits. He's a top tier PVP unit, a great evade unit and can be built for piercing. His range also increases with the dragoon subjob.
Thanks for sharing. Wonder if there was any consideration for the different damage types that sub-jobs can give characters. For example, Sterne has access to piercing skills through his dragoon sub-job, which makes him more versatile than a character with only slashing skills.
Your rating for Luartha is pretty off IMO, she has no 100% hit attacks, and having no ranger sub limits her attack range and line of site/height
I am a little worried about that ranking. It's difficult to project units that aren't out yet, but she gets pretty decent run in JP PvP (killed recently by Tidus though...)
While she has those limitations, her ability to contribute to fire/slash chains and break AGI (limit burst) for raids & bosses should not be overlooked. These are things that Lu'Cia and Rika don't have.
@@NerdNight then u should pull rain higher smh
And why must tidus lol glaciela put her to sleep at JP
Best units for f2p imo:
Simply because f2p can work in them with almost no visiore expense buying with different medals, and save for a limited unit or whatever unit they really want.
Agreed. Xiza is a little more expensive (medals/shard) but yes, all of the above are perfect for F2P. Mont and Shadowlynx surprisingly are great contributors!
So I should MLB my Shadowlynx? LB3 her and 4* .. Should I get her to 6*? My team right now is Kain (MLB next week.) , Cecil at 89 now, Ildyra (LB3, 6*) , Mont at 89... Next would be Glaciela (LB2, 4*)
You forgot the Goat himself Zazan
@@AIIXIII0 I think you should. Shadowlynx chaining for slash teams (for PvE events) is great, and she will undoubtedly contribute in other PvE like Tower events, etc.
Robb can be built for 100% crit chance! So he can potentially hit really hard
For sure! I love the Robb critical build.
1 only have one good UR based on this list, Howlet. Should I still use other UR vs MR units? I'm still new to game and basically want to finish the story mode first
All units are useful and can be good! It can help to build up units around your top vision cards and espers as well.
My first account has Nivlu maxed and kilphe lb2. I got ildyra and vinera too late.
I Rerolled and got Luartha Graciela Ayaka and frederika right from the start. I think is pretty more balanced. If i get sakura soon, i will be set for life.
one suggestion: if Cidolfus is behemoth, then Agrias deserves to be there as well. fully upgraded Agrias is a beast of a unit, with on par defence and resistance
Based on this teir list as a new account (7 days) I have god teir luck...
I disagree with Aileen treatment. If she's properly built with her high base atk and buff and her ranger atk, she deals loads of damages.
She's a ground unit with slash resistance. In PvP she's a orlando(?)slayer (Sorry I'm French dunno the name of the behemoth hoodie guy in English) for her agility, give her Sirene and/or the wind spear.
They will bring her back in the game with a perfectly usable speed and piercing damages up and even more resistance to slash (Iirc).
She has a long ranged atk which pulls massive punches as she closes the distance with the enemies.
Aileen is by no mean a low tier UR. She's totally a hidden gem.
Gilg belongs in Behemoth no doubt. I have a lvl 99 Gilg and Id take him over Super Sterne. Yes S Sterne can hit harder and shred WoL apart, but Gilg himself, put on Soldier subjob, hits hard. He almost keeps up with my Cid in DPS. AND he can be a perfect support unit. He has versatility.
Rain is criminally underrated. The best magic tank in the game and one of the very best raid units in the game AND can switch to Red Mage for really good DPS.
Both Rain and Gilg, if the opponent is weak to magic, they can dish out magic. If the opponent resists magic, they can dish out slashing physical attack. This is underrated as hell. Nobody talks about this. Super Sterne (as godly as he is), up against high slash resist, he has no other option whereas Rain will fireball you down or Greg will laugh a meteor storm on you.
I also think Agrias should be ranked Behemoth as well. I'm always top 500 in arena, but the few times I have made it top 100 and even in top 500, she's probably the single most used unit.
Ayaka also should remain in Behemoth. Her LB alone should keep her there.
Otherwise your list was actually pretty good, thank you for making this!
Bro, the tier should be like more balance, in term of unit skill, diversity, all rounder, bruiser, dmg dealer, etc, not say it's bad but the tier has to be look on other content as well
Accurate in some tiers, but man... Orlandou top tier and Lasswell almost bottom? Are you playing high PvP?
Orlandou is still a lot stronger, since he has higher range and his Skill set is a lot better than Laswells. Laswells only advantage is his Deffense skill, which blocks 1 Hit. Also Orlandou‘s Limitbreak is pretty strong, gives him haste, has a higher range and aoe coverage. Although Laswell might even beat Orlandou in PvP, he‘s not as versatile as Orlandou.
@@ivarleonis I do not agree, Orlandou is way easy on high levels of PvP, maybe he is a great unit because he is great at a lot of tasks, but not top tier because of his lack of PvP competitivity. Still I respect opinions and I personally use Orlandou still a lot on hard content and slash teams, cheers!
@@alejandroindustrial5151 hi, i have reach rank 39 in manual pvp with orlandeau and no quicken, Orlandeau is still a beast in pvp dude
what about garble ? i was hopeful to synergize him with DK Stern Vinera and Kain for PVP ..
he worth?
was wondering this too pulled him with sakura so gotta do more research now
I'm afraid that I have to disagree with you on a few things man. You have a few units rated too low in my opinion. The one that has the highest disparity between where they are ranked and where they should be ranked though is Rain.
Magic tank, fire slashing chainer, barriers, and an all stat break.
Just because he's underutilized doesn't mean he's not fantastic.
Rain is very much hampered by the requirement to have the Crimson Saber (and near max) to be viable. Laswell similarly with Purple Lightning.
@@NerdNight That's true, but in the video you said that you weren't going to consider the amount of whaling needed to make a unit good. If you just judge based off of the units maximum potential, Rain is one of the most versatile units in the game. Just my opinion though, and I do see where you're coming from.
@@samuelbond573 Thank you for the response! Given many of the comments (like yours) I think I need to be much more versatile and clear about the pros/cons of many of the units - especially units like Rain/Lasswell that can be SOOOOOOO good with specific gear and setups.
Kain is beyond god tier
I wanted the full limited unit explanation as well!
Hi. Why Luartha is so great ? she is fire gunner, with no bonus of range (because passive use are tune up and self sacrifice), she hasn't the bow job... can we help me pls ? lucia or luartha, is better ? thx
I can only disagree with a lot of your choices. Example; Ramza totally belongs higher up in the list considering his T.Blow and how he's essentially a huge damage dealer in Light-Slash chain combo. Niv'Lu would be at least of the same tier as Luartha; if not higher for her versatility as a Sniper/Gunner. There're a lot more in this list I'd like to continue on about like Rain and Lasswell, but these are just some of the units that I feel you'd have ranked them extremely unfairly.
I dont have Lazarius, but i think he is a great unit when i combat him in arena, i believe he is at least in top 10 characters right now.
IMO tier also depend on tower content, pvp, and hard content. Is hard to do an overall tier. Still i like ur tier.
Why is Macherie so bad? Is it her kit? I don't fully understand things about her xD
And still gonna MLB Xiza as soon as I get her 600 shards. Probably at end of 2021 hahaha. Just been collecting her shards. I have Vinera and Kain but probably would hold for Vinera and work on Xiza after MLB Kain. 4th priority.
Am new player yet I already got 14 of those UR lol. Seem this game really good for f2p players :D I don't trust reroll and plays for story, I'm so lucky I get em. But I will max ystella and shadow lynx first because of free shards XD
Just started today and had a feeling I got pretty lucky Illdrya Cecil Kilphe Mediana Glaciela Vinera I assume I'm set for a long time. Any advice or are there bases I need covered?
First of all don't make my same mistake. BUY all the azurite job, elemental alcryst, skip ticket and Growth egg that cost MONEY in the shop so you have less story farm to lvl up your unit job soyou can use that energy to farm the unit daily shards, Pot Chamber and when you need it Grouwth Egg, yes i think for f2p early on it' better to farm egg only when they need them so they can have more energy to spend in other content. You got a good cast of unit if i have to say try to snipe Ayaka and Xisa. Mont and Dario can easly be your tank, Cecil can work as sub tank but i'm not sure for high end pve content, and he's limited so you might end up with a weaker tank than just mont or dario (mr unit). I would ignore Mediena, you already have abetter farmer with better utility than her (Illdyra). Mixed feelings about Glaciela because she's my n°1 unit in this game but her best weapon it's wind lance (limited time weapon), her tmr it's not bad too but i still don't think it's the best choise for newer player Don't ignore mr unit, Shadowlyinx it's a really good chainer to pair with Vinera. Other non ur unit worth investing early on are: Mont - Dario - Grace - Salire (i would use her mainly as healer at the beginning) Phoebe/Chel - Adelard - Grace - Rairyuu. For VC card: Vow of Love - Secret Orders - Deceptive Vows, Honest SoulsMetal Daemon, Iron Giant - In Search of Myrrh (it helps with jp farming) - Leonis Castle - Great Detective Little Leela. There are more Good mr and lower VC card but i think those are the main one you will end up using.
Hope it was helpful and if someone want to corrrect something feel free, this is what i think it's the best for that account from a f2p point of view.
how important is it for a new player (me) to re roll for good UR? does it really matter that much?
2 units u got insanely wrong. Lasswell and Rain. Lasswell gets massive range with jumps and pounds out dmg with his weapon just +1. He can also never be 1hit and gets lots of AP from using mirage. Rain counters all the super ice units, all magic units and is insane in raids and pve. I dont even have him and i know that.
I disagree with most of your placings for the units specifically Rosa's placement.Rosa can imperil ice by 38% improving viktoras an other ice units damage output an it's in her main job ability slot so you can sub white mage for buffing or healing an stay back she can restore hp an ap with her lb and is versatile l love my lb4 Rosa she's only limited unit l went for an Cecil is at Max lb.She has two guaranteed two hit moves in holy and surefire shot in main job slot so she can at least hit evade teams recently hard with holy
i think Vinera is not that strong. I have faced many and no one has ever managed to kill my engelbert when she was described as the engelbert killer. Speaking of wich i think he should be at least tomberry because he is so good at what he does. Tanks are definitely relevant in pvp in my opinion.
Yeah I specifically target her in arena lol
"Every unit is balanced pretty well, *except yuna* ."
Yuna has the "privilege" of being the strong unit of ff x set AND in the first batch of ex jobs so now she's compared with Sterne and Rob rather than Hentai Leela
H..Hentai Leela?
Nah, yuna is being compared to every EX unit so it include the same FF10 collab new and shiny Ex unit too not just robb and aileen
@@kasid4759 yes is like comparing Kain with Cecil and Rosa, or Cid with Ramza. She's the best of the FF X lot, but she lacks comparison with the other meta defining units (limited units as Cid, Agrias, HLeela, Kain, WoL or core as Englebert, Lucia, Vinera, Kilphe)
this is more like comparing kain to orlandeau.
tidus could very well be the meta defining unit himself, unlike ramza who lacks a proper equipment/VC/esper to properly support him at that time of the game or cecil who has an awkward kit.
Even then yuna pop into existance and outclass tidus anyway.
She feel like the best unit of a far future collab.
Orlandeau already have plenty of counter that was there before him wheter it'd be tank like mont/engel or units that could 1 shot him like mediena or sterne.
there are plenty of reliable ways to deal with him when he was release.
The same applied to every meta defining unit.
For yuna it's either
1). you have yuna to fight back
2). highly geared dark unit to 1 shot that monster with 5k + HP
If you are looking for meta defining unit EX job, then look at mediena.
She's THE meta itself for the first month of the game.
You can compare her to yuna
Or christmas vinera EX job.
A limited unit with EXjob release after yuna.
You doubt the power of dual gunners and a time mage...quicken and highest agi make up for any lackluster dmg....
When did/will Sakura come out?
End of January likely!
cid in behemoth tier over kain ur crazy
Cecil over ramza seems insane to me 🙃
Both are useful in their own ways. Ramza is more dependent on the other units in the team, whereas Cecil can be a little more independent.
Cecil is more versatile than Ramza.
ufff...to much to change dude..
Gilga, Agrias, Kain, Ayaka, Howlet, Wol they are no doubt top.
Eldira and Luarta are Ochu
Kifle is a tomberry or chocobo, she is soooo slow and with Howlet, and zombie...she is a candy in pvp for them.
Graciela is totally outmatched for vitora at least in pvp
Rain is better than Mediena and Skahal for the god sake
Cecil is a moguri, not even close to Ramza.
Ramza and delita...they can be paired, but is more easy build something around Ramza no doubt.
And the last...Laswell is a Ochu at least, and in pvp he can be easy a behemont.
nice tier list
Can anyone explain what is the purpose of those mobs on the top??
They are just different names for tiers instead of SS, S, A, B and so on.
Decent tier list but imo, there are some units that deserves to be swapped to the other. Ildyra, while she is amazing for insta cast, is not as strong as H Leela esp for Arena, i would say she should be in Ochu, i rarely have seen anyone use Ildyra in top 50 arena as well. While i love Vinera, she could either be on Ochu or Behemoth since we now have more units that have 100% hit skills. Gilgamesh deserves to be on Behemoth tier since Kotetsu brings so much pain for enemies with that 38% slash debuff, pair him with other units like ruin sterne or any ice units, can decimate your opponents easily plus Greg is much tankier now than before, also have quicken that is so good as well. Kilphe deserves Behemoth tier since she is so tanky, she's just that scary in pvp esp with well geared one with max vc and support units. I say Ayaka also deserves Behemoth tier since she is still the best healer in the game and is so good at that. Viktora could go Ochu also since we have very strong VCs now. Lasswell is a total beast in arena with proper set up so i think he deserves Tonberry or Ochu tier.Miranda should be Tonberry tier not chocobo. Also Xmas Macherie could be a potential Ochu tier. Oh and lastly, Kain Glaciela deserves Behemoth rank and Orlandu at Ochu, i have these units but based on usage, i get more damage and kills for pve and pvp for Kain or Glaciela than Orlandu now. I've reached top 50 in arena with Kain and Glaciela combo, they are that strong. You cant go wrong for both for pve as well.
Great comments. Only thing I would say about Vinera...this list factors in PvE as well as PvP, and there's hardly a single situation in the game where you would take her out of your team. Evasion Vinera can also ALMOST solo the entire tower. Versatility is king for that ranking.
Kain/Glaciela are indeed great units, but in the next couple months we will see some more pierce resist tools that should level that spike out some (though both are still excellent units).
Laswell...total beast, but Luartha spells trouble for him very soon, as well as Rain. His movement and squishiness are his downsides. Kitone's TMR seems like a no-brainer for him.
Kilphe's only drawback is the strength of wind units at the moment (Lu'Cia, Howlett, Hal-Leela). Fantastic unit overall.
Really, you can't go wrong with any of the units in Behemoth or Ochu. Thanks for watching!
@@NerdNight i think even in jp, Kain and Glaciela are still being used up to now, that goes to show how powerful they are, not to mention the exclusive buffs for the vcs for them. Totally agree with Vinera being really useful in pve, but her downside is that she goes down easily with enemies with guaranteed hits. A well built Rain can tank even physical attacks. These are considering maxed VCs since they are so strong with it. Luartha, while she's strong for pve, on arena or guild battles, you can always rely on well built tanks specifically resistant with gunners, like Delita, they can easily go down with Glaciela and even an Ildyra. But yeah, tier list is good. I just prefer those units being swapped to their own real tier. I consider arena guild battles as top priority for rankings since most of them, when top tier on pvp, are also decent or excellent on pve as well. That's why for me, Kilphe deserves higher ranking as well.
I dont think that irdilla is behemoth , because she is Very fragile . And kain os behemouth withouth doubt . At least laswell is chocobo because oh him mirage , can be game change
Laswell - tonberry
I think federika + quicken is the most broken team in the game right now but well...
Are you talking for Class Match / Manual? Definitely an OP combo...mostly because people generally don't prepare for missile attacks.
it is funny that i have all the moogle and cactuar tier URs
I would trade 2 or 3 behemoth tier units for a xiza.
Damn, where’s Duane 😒
just when i saw rain and lassworm in low tier i stopped this vid lol
lando should be higher
I'm gonna find you in arena for disrespecting King Best Dad a SECOND TIER LIST IN A ROW... and beat you with a better "samurai"- my Lasswell.
Update after watching the video: I was meme-ing at first but on the reals, Lasswell as an attacking unit with built in defense penetration and some really decent range for a unit with a gap closer built into his invulnerability could have been at least a tier up. While he's got less utility than Greg his damage is plenty capable of one shotting most units
Love that Macherie is still useless
EX jobs will likely make Macherie more useful!
Undervalued Lasswell, Kain, Niv'Lu. Even with Yuna, Kain is still highly regarded as one of the best 5 phys attackers in the game. More consistent than Glaciela due to immortal spirit and his slow in LB can help with raids and PvP.
Lasswell lacks range, true, but makes up for the fact you cannot one-shot him. Range is less of an issue in PvE, but Mirage is the main reason JP still holds him in such high regards. If this accounts for Yuna, then Rain ought to be higher too. Anti-magic or magic resist characters are very valuable, especially those who can draw aggro and survive a hit. He is specialized, but Rain still shines as a premier fire, non limited UR.
I think you're overvaluing Luartha too. Luartha does creep Lu'Cia in terms of raw damage due to Self Sacrifice. She also comes with the problem of having every gunners problem with elevation. Not having a sure hit, while perhaps not as pressing due to her archetype, does make a difference. Lu'Cia can guarantee kills and is arguably a better pick against evasion units, especially with H.Leelas being rampant in everything. Meanwhile, if the map doesn't have a lot of elevation differences, Luartha definitely shines
I hate that this is a mobile gacha game and not a true console release