what was that spacer you used on the smooth supercharger pulley? im doing a oredator timing cover on my coyote and have everything but that. is it a factory piece??
On the SC idle pulley? That spacer should already come with the pulley. I have one for sale on my ebay store. www.ebay.com/itm/285717233667?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=k0tyd_i9r3u&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=k0tyd_i9r3u&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
@@Oxman_Garage yes that one. ill check when i get home. i bought the pulley used on ebay, it may have even been through you i dont remember i bought a few parts from you haha
Looks great.
nice build.
Absolutely beautiful
What happened to the 3-2-1 build?
I stumbled upon this 2021 GT500 engine for a decent price.
@Oxman_Garage nice did it ever get done?
No, I sold everything off to afford the Predator engine
what was that spacer you used on the smooth supercharger pulley? im doing a oredator timing cover on my coyote and have everything but that. is it a factory piece??
On the SC idle pulley? That spacer should already come with the pulley. I have one for sale on my ebay store.
@@Oxman_Garage yes that one. ill check when i get home. i bought the pulley used on ebay, it may have even been through you i dont remember i bought a few parts from you haha
Flat or crossplane?
The new GT500 has cross
Harbor Freight is making them bigger and bigger..