Broseph LaCasque Ch.
Broseph LaCasque Ch.
  • 182
  • 661 144


The Problem With Donkey Kong in Smash Bros.
มุมมอง 9K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
The Problem With Donkey Kong in Smash Bros.
The Lego Star Wars Glitch EVERYONE Missed
มุมมอง 15K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
The Lego Star Wars Glitch EVERYONE Missed
Who Are the Tri Force Heroes? [Legend of Zelda Theory]
มุมมอง 22K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
Who Are the Tri Force Heroes? [Legend of Zelda Theory]
Being UNREASONABLY Annoyed by Star Wars on Disney+ [Rant]
มุมมอง 2.3Kปีที่แล้ว
Being UNREASONABLY Annoyed by Star Wars on Disney [Rant]
Curly Brace is Best Girl, Here's Why! [Cave Story]
มุมมอง 3.8Kปีที่แล้ว
Curly Brace is Best Girl, Here's Why! [Cave Story]
How TotK (and you) CHANGED my Map Theory [Legend of Zelda Theory]
มุมมอง 92Kปีที่แล้ว
How TotK (and you) CHANGED my Map Theory [Legend of Zelda Theory]
I Solved the Map of EVERY Zelda Game! [Legend of Zelda Theory]
มุมมอง 383Kปีที่แล้ว
I Solved the Map of EVERY Zelda Game! [Legend of Zelda Theory]


  • @nahman3836
    @nahman3836 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I honestly love the theory that the Hytopians dye their hair before going into battle, it's both appropriately silly and would be fun flavor text. Also wheres that map video?!

  • @uniguy2126
    @uniguy2126 วันที่ผ่านมา

    46:18 this would be so funny out of context

  • @Kilthan2050
    @Kilthan2050 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The solution to it all is that both Hyrule Warriors games are canon and reset the timeline, merging it all into incoherent timeline instead of three incoherent timelines.

  • @pumpkinssuger4422
    @pumpkinssuger4422 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i will say the issue with time travel in ooc is that when link travels back and forth its a constant 7 year loop. when he goes back or forward in time via the master sword he doesnt go back to the same day he pulled the master sword he goes back 7 years exactly. the key component isnt the ocarina its the master sword. but when zelda uses her powers mixed with the ocarina of time to send link back to the past the timeline splits there because of a mixture of 1 link didnt go back to the past via the master sword it stays with him and he doesnt go back specifically 7 years he goes back to before things happened effectively breaking the timeline into 2. the adult timeline where everything had already happened and now there is no longer the master sword in said timeline as well as the triforce of courage breaks due to link no longer existing in that timeline and the child timeline where now the master sword does exist and because link magically has the triforce of courage with him it causes the divine prank where the triforces of power and wisdom are automatically given to their respective holders ganondorf and zelda. the only questions i ever have that arent really explained but its up to i guess player assumption is what happened to the master sword in the child timeline why isnt it there in the temple of time why arent there 2 swords in said timeline and my assumption is ooc came out before the concepts or ideas for ww and tp were even thought of so the notion of there being 2 master swords was never a thing but i feel like the notion of the master sword no longer existing in ww was thought of because you have to empower the master sword so it can stop ww's ganondorf. side note while i love ooc as a game it holds a special place in my heart i have to say i absolutely abhor time travel in any form of media. its never used in a way that is wholely satisfying and it always serve to create more questions than it ever answers. ooc does it well for the most part but even they leave room for questions in the end, especially when you bring up the downfall timeline i despise that timeline because it makes no sense its a what if timeline thats considered canon either make it non canon or make the timeline split make sense dont just leave it as a what if it doesnt work.

  • @seventysue8090
    @seventysue8090 3 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @RoryRose_
    @RoryRose_ 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    why so condescending in this video opposed to the last one?...

  • @yuseifudogamer4717
    @yuseifudogamer4717 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    44:08 I hate to break it to you, but plenty of even the very movie you used as a reference, Back To The Future, even saw risk of the timeline completely changing. Because as you said, it's a closed loop. So yeah, it corrects changes that happen primarily IN THAT TIMELINE, however, since we DON'T see the drastic changes that would've resulted in Demise getting sealed, this contradicts your "the timeline doesn't care" argument. The change was so drastic that it possibly results in a time anomaly rather than a closed loop. The changes made were only to keep THAT timeline intact, the HERO OF THE SKY'S timeline intact. So in a way, you'd be right, the timeline DOESN'T care, just that it doesn't care about the timeline split created here, especially if it creates a timeline where Demise is already defeated.

  • @computernerd1101
    @computernerd1101 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have a different theory: the other two Links are from the other two timelines. All three of them are from Hyrule, but they're actually from parallel Hyrules.

  • @iLors
    @iLors 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Echoes of Wisdom kinda messes with the A Link To The Past placement, since the desert from ALTTP is indeed the gerudo desert

  • @Dr.Beam_likes_Fallout
    @Dr.Beam_likes_Fallout 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I grew up with lego star wars 2 on ps2 and i love it i cherish it

  • @Narbmaster
    @Narbmaster 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So the bee gun can shoot fireballs but what are the parameters that must be met for fire rather than bees? Is this based on intent? Do you need to douse the bees in gasoline in order to produce fireballs?

  • @Narbmaster
    @Narbmaster 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Didn’t ganondorf destroy hyrule castle at the end of twilight princess? Wouldn’t that explain the move?

  • @MonkeyDXeno
    @MonkeyDXeno 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    so... what you're telling me it that skyward sword does indeed lead to a timeline split, nice!

  • @corban8472
    @corban8472 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Conclusion time travel is really really stupid

  • @n_ova3314
    @n_ova3314 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    a zelda video made by a mad schizophrenic talking about bees for the first 2 minutes of the video. 10/10

  • @adamdeffendall9428
    @adamdeffendall9428 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Love your intro theme. Pitfall the mayan adventure is an awesome game. Also all your zelda videos have excellent points. Keep up the good work.

    • @brosephlacasquevtuber
      @brosephlacasquevtuber 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I love when people get my weird niche references! Glad you enjoyed!

  • @vedansh_codm7852
    @vedansh_codm7852 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ngl I was felt in lover with her

  • @rafaelbustos9
    @rafaelbustos9 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I know I'm late to this video, but with all time travel, a new timeline is made; there are just no games on those timelines.

  • @nathaniellambiaso
    @nathaniellambiaso 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Aww, just missed it

  • @ashercameron
    @ashercameron 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Can we get an update now that Echoes of Wisdom throws into doubt some of the justifications for the placement of Lesser Hyrule?

    • @brosephlacasquevtuber
      @brosephlacasquevtuber 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That will not be my next video, but probably the one after that. Give me some time to mull that over.

  • @andrebirman7819
    @andrebirman7819 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Regarding OoA, there's still a way for the Goron vase and the bomb flowers mentioned in the pinned comment to still fit the McFly model, even if the explanation is a bit convoluted. We just have to assume that originally someone else gave the Goron ancestor the vase, and someone else introduced the bomb flowers to the Goron area, but then once Link hears about those actions in game, he goes back in time and replaces these people. The timeline has no need to self-correct in any noticeable way because, in the grand scheme of things, *who* did those actions did not matter, only that said actions got done, so the only needed change is to now enforce the closed-loop so that Link's relative perception of time is maintained intact. I don't know if I explained this well or not, but this comment is already too long so I'll just leave an answer to my own comment with a better explained example.

    • @andrebirman7819
      @andrebirman7819 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Let's say you travel back in time to 15th century Italy and rename yourself Leonardo da Vinci. You aren't the real da Vinci, he still exists, but now so do you in the same time frame and with the same name. You then proceed to do everything real da Vinci would have done, before he has the chance to do it himself. Ultimately the real da Vinci gets forgotten by history and you fully take his place. On the grand scheme of things, nothing has changed, a man named Leornado da Vinci still did all the things history knows him to have done, the only correction needed is to now force your own relative time frame to stay consistent, so now you are fated to go back in time and replace da Vinci, even though there's effectively no difference between the da Vinci recognized by history being the real da Vinci or you. The closed loop *is* the self-correction in this scenario. Is it needlesly complicated? Yes, but it is an explanation.

  • @sogmeister
    @sogmeister 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    the way i see it, time travel works two different ways within the zelda universe depending on the tool. some devices transport things between different times in the same timeline. some devices transport things to different timelines, like the ocarina of time sends you to alternate timelines like the adult and child timeline, hence why the blocks change between times in oot based on your actions, and also why in majors mask the sidequests restart themselves because your being sent to a different timeline. i could be wrong.

  • @juans.n
    @juans.n 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    2:53 BRASIL MENTIONED???!?!?!?!🪇🇧🇷🪩🇧🇷🪩🧝👯‍♂️🎆👯‍♂️🎆👯‍♂️💃🏿👯‍♂️👯‍♂️🇧🇷🪅💃🏿🪩🕺🎈🎊🪩🇧🇷🪩💃🏿🪩🎉👯‍♂️🎉🪅🇧🇷🤵🍾🇧🇷🎊🕺🎊🎉🇧🇷🎉🇧🇷🇧🇷🎉🇧🇷🕺🇧🇷💃🏿🍾🇧🇷🪅🇧🇷👯‍♂️💃🏿🪩🕺🪩🪩🇧🇷👯‍♂️🎊🪅🇧🇷🤵💃🏿🤵🇧🇷🪅🇧🇷👯‍♂️🇧🇷🪇💃🏿🪇🎉🪩🪅🎉💃🏿👯‍♂️👯‍♂️🎊👯‍♂️🎊

  • @GrukDaCaveman
    @GrukDaCaveman 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So this was at the bottom of the steam list. Cool

  • @gamemaster2819
    @gamemaster2819 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I can think of one possible explanation for Skyward Sword. There are two Gates of Time. Zelda travels through hers, and her effects cause causal loops, being ambered and giving Impa her bracelet On the other hand, Link uses a different, but visually similar gate, and causes McFly effects.

  • @gamemaster2819
    @gamemaster2819 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think the bean side quest is just a case of gameplay and story segregation. Having them guaranteed to sprout would work canonically, but then the player wouldn't have to bother planting them, completely ruining the gameplay

  • @ceedubs
    @ceedubs 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I've always interpreted the time split to have been caused by the player in OoT. The original timeline is Link dying to Ganon, but not of the player's fault it's just what happened. Then you take over Link OoT and change history, which causes the first time split (the Wind Waker timeline) and Zelda causes the second time split (Child timeline) by sending Link back. Also all the other inconsistencies with time travel can probably be explained because of the player actions, but just not enough to cause a split in the time stream and it folds in on itself....or because it's a work of fiction.

  • @TheOneJunkey
    @TheOneJunkey 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Me love Zelda. Me love time travel. Instant sub! 😁

  • @HuchiaZ
    @HuchiaZ 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This reminds me of the map video by Super Geek Bros. two years prior to yours. And I'm glad more people are talking about this and finding the same info, essentially.

  • @pepsiboydystopia
    @pepsiboydystopia 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I absolutely love the video, but I think one thing you could consider is the fact that we don't know how many Links there are. Over 10k years there were most definitely more Links with the spirit of the hero that we did not see, due to Demise's curse, meaning that the Master Sword could definitely have been moved.

  • @Arxkhero
    @Arxkhero 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hey... dont throw Shade at the hero who's there when shes needed most! Linkle was exactly that, the hero who showed up out of nowhere, saved the kingdom when its fighter's (Link and zelda, off on a dat... i mean putting his sword in a hol...... yea ill stop) and saved Hyrule.... Ravio i dont care, that... that game existed and i can safely ignore it.

  • @kivodul82
    @kivodul82 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Too late ):

  • @zman837
    @zman837 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nothing unreasonable at all by being annoying by Disney. Everything they've done is unreasonable

  • @zman837
    @zman837 หลายเดือนก่อน

    hoping less totk & more us

  • @nathaniellambiaso
    @nathaniellambiaso หลายเดือนก่อน

    I keep just missing you when I come home

  • @zman837
    @zman837 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gold Standard. I watch this regular. Not watching the TotK one, bc obv that game throws out all established lore, so TotK & EoW aren't canon. But this, this is gold. Edit: I watched the next one bc I had questions, and now I watch them both regular. & screw totk & eow

    • @tee-yup
      @tee-yup 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      i hate when my favorite thing change too. u'll get thru this

    • @ricardodnda3826
      @ricardodnda3826 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Eow is canon and conforms to all previous lore. Your complaints are just classic fan nostalgia mixed with anger.

  • @Confron7a7ion7
    @Confron7a7ion7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm less than a minute in and I've already had to pause. Was that Buck Bumble? Someone else remembers Buck Bumble?

  • @linkzellda
    @linkzellda หลายเดือนก่อน

    This confirmed why Iw as right about The Timeline be Faulty. No one cannot proved anything! It is clear that Nintendo is not a very good reliable source for confirmation nor any Zelda Theorizers. No one and I mean no one cannot actually 100% confirm was is canon because everyone relied on Faulty Evidences, and Information instead of actual In-Universe Confirmations. So Nintendo can't really confirm or prove anything, not just in Trice Heroes, but in other Zelda games as well, because they never care about a timeline at all.

  • @linkzellda
    @linkzellda หลายเดือนก่อน

    Actually there is a Good Logical Reason between Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. The difference between them is that in Ocarina of Time, Zelda sending Link back to his Childhood Time before their meeting was a In-Universe Key Event. Meanwhile, Link's traveling back to the First Day in Majora's Mask is a game mechanic and not a key event in the story, with the exception of when it is first used. So, every time Link travels back to the first day in Majora's Mask it is not a key story event, but rather a Game Mechanic and nothing more. Nintendo was fully aware that the Player cannot complete all of the Side and Main Quests in 3 Days, so they obviously gave the Player the ability to travel back to the First Day so that they could complete all of the quests. Game Mechanic will never be a Confirmation canon event because it is a Game mechanic, and nothing more; In-Universe is the real way canonized something because as longer something really happened withing the Story; then it is Canon. Which is why the Zelda Timeline is not Canon considering that it is based on faulty Eveidences such as Songs, Easter Eggs, and Reference along with Nintendo Interviews and some Books that all they do is Copy and Paste those Easter Eggs, Songs, and Reference instead to actually In-Universe Events.

  • @felixmckinney7132
    @felixmckinney7132 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Chuckles is one of Links. This joke only makes sense if you tuned into the Tingle Stream.

  • @elineitz2428
    @elineitz2428 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You really should’ve put a trigger warning for that Utah jumpscare. I thought you were better

  • @ContraEye
    @ContraEye หลายเดือนก่อน

    Keep the comments civil? NO! THE GATE OF TIME IS MADE OF FIREBALLS

  • @greatpyramid4348
    @greatpyramid4348 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe this could be apart of how the timelines merge for BOTW

  • @GregoryB-jx3pc
    @GregoryB-jx3pc หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wonder if the location of these events matters. Both the fight with Demise and the moment when Zelda plays the ocarina to send link back seem to take place in the Sacred Realm. Perhaps the Sacred Realm exists somewhere outside of time, and events occurring in this liminal space can generate new timelines. Do any other instances of time travel occur in a setting like the Sacred Realm?

  • @davewilliamson5609
    @davewilliamson5609 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How do you know how you said that you do reaction videos to Nintendo the reacts under I know you’re only the reaction videos of a Nintendo direct or something special well my trailer is deafly special my Thomas trailer it’s a movie you see a picture of ash and Pikachu from Pokémon on there and you see the name in the trailer so check it out Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe and hit the like button and also the notification bell so you never miss a video if you haven’t yet anyway long time no see

  • @jonahlouque9621
    @jonahlouque9621 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You’re not overreacting, I didn’t even recognize the theme when you first played it despite also playing DKC in my childhood. I just assumed it was some song from a Donkey Kong game that I hadn’t played.