Score copy in Zelenka's hand of the Magnificat septimi toni of Cristóbal de Morales /1500-1553/, from book /liber/ I, preserved by Zelenka in his collection of works copied for the purpose of study titled 'Collectaneorum Musicorum', a collection of four books /liber/ compiled during Zelenka's period of study in Vienna with Johann Joseph Fux between the years /1716-1719/. Other score-videos from Zelenka's Collectaneorum Musicorum >
I honestly think these studies are pretty wonderful. It shows the hard work and dedication to craft that went into Zelenka's education and on into his compositions. Also this demonstrates how composers often borrowed from one another in one way or another. If only to nail down the basics of counterpoint or melodic structure or whatever as in Zelenka's case. And as in Bach's case, his transcriptions of Zelenka's works.
Score copy in Zelenka's hand of the Magnificat septimi toni of Cristóbal de Morales /1500-1553/, from book /liber/ I, preserved by Zelenka in his collection of works copied for the purpose of study titled 'Collectaneorum Musicorum', a collection of four books /liber/ compiled during Zelenka's period of study in Vienna with Johann Joseph Fux between the years /1716-1719/.
Other score-videos from Zelenka's Collectaneorum Musicorum >
I honestly think these studies are pretty wonderful. It shows the hard work and dedication to craft that went into Zelenka's education and on into his compositions. Also this demonstrates how composers often borrowed from one another in one way or another. If only to nail down the basics of counterpoint or melodic structure or whatever as in Zelenka's case. And as in Bach's case, his transcriptions of Zelenka's works.