OK, so Kendra Bentley is one of the most infamous Amazing Race contestants forever and the team of her and Freddy is widely considered to be a prime example of the "ugly American" stereotype. That said, I feel like the hatred towards them is overblown; some people feel a sense of righteousness for calling them out for it as if it makes them great crusaders or something. Uh, I can't make you see the world my way, but I watched TAR 6 with some friends who are getting into the series. One of them had a very reasonable argument to the "Breeding and breeding." comment. Our conversation basically went like this. Him: "I can't defend that. That's a very unfortunate comment." Me: "Yeah, it's actually one of the most infamous moments of the series. People still hate on her for this and there are entire Reddit posts dedicated to ragging on her." Him: "Really? It's an unfortunate comment, but it came off more like a spur of the moment thing from someone who was out of her element. If people are still offended by this, they need to find better uses of their time." There are lots of moments from old-school seasons where people say or do things that REALLY haven't aged well, but you gotta remember it was a different time before social media. Also, she apologized for it post-race, said it was out-of-context, and that it was meant to be a point about how impoverished countries often don't have access to birth control. She also donated part of the money to a children's charity, so I really don't think it's reasonable to claim she's just some kind of evil monster.
@@MrOsprey104 Chillax. They're definitely not my favorite contestants either, but I think it was more like global ignorance than it was malice. It's also been ~20 years, so it's reasonable to assume they have grown as people since then.
Rob and Amber were the most entertaining team in history, I wish more teams played like they did, the best part was that they were villains to other teams but never raised a voice at each other. They were never really mean to other teams either they just played the mind game.
My dad and I always talk about how they were always so good at getting locals to come with them and show them around. I realize in the current world of smartphones this strategy isn't as necessary as it once was, but we could never figure out why more teams wouldn't ask locals to come with them. It's smart as hell.
@@teheyepatch And even before they were on the show, we had Danny & Oswald use that strategy in the Thailand leg when they found a student that volunteered to go with them and show them around the city
A few years ago I actually met Brendon and Rachel at a movie theater, and Rachel was actually an absolute sweetheart and was incredibly nice to talk to. Funny how your view of someone on the show can be the absolute opposite of who they really are as a person.
On her later seasons on the show she was actually much better of a person than the beginning and Big Brother. I remember thinking, wow, she has really grown up and seemed like she did a lot of work on herself for the better.
Jonathan was a terrible person. If I remember correctly, a cab driver actually kicked them out of his cab because he was done dealing with Jonathan Even Phil could see how much Victoria suffered from Jonathan's verbal and borderline physical abuse. One episode, when they reached the mat, Victoria was ugly crying off to the side. I think it might have been after the shove. Phil was like, "Jonathan, I think you need to go talk to Victoria." Phil was clearly upset by what he was witnessing. I feel like if that happened now, producers might step in and tell Jonathan that he needs to lay off.
I'm still hoping a twist where the Gaghan kids coming back and no other racers know who they are. They'll be in the perfect age to win, late 20's/ early 30's.
Rob and Amber were the first ones to really play smart - that meat challenge they threw probably triggered PTSD for him of the rotten fish in marquesas too
This may be controversial, but I loved Charla and Mirna. They were obnoxious but they were so entertaining. It was like having two Abi Maria’s in one season
Sorry but in s11 how many times was smirna told not to touch anything on her tracker in Guam and over and over she kept messing it up plus mirna being a lawyer she definitely showed both seasons to be an outright hypocrite and liar
I liked them too. I never thought they were bad like Abi Maria. I could see how they can be seen as kind of annoying but they're definitely not like Abi Maria imo.
Glad that you added in the Bickersons. I don’t consider them villains - other than towards each other - but your impression was the best part of this list
I'd forgotten how much I disliked the cousins. Strong team, but just not my cup of tea. The thing about Boston Rob is that you could see how much he enjoyed playing a villain on his first season. Whatever the reality competition equivalent to chewing scenery is, this was it. Of course, he and Amber played it a bit more straight in All Stars, and got booted early. So maybe there's just something about Rob heeling it up that makes him better?
I didn't. They are legitimately my least favorite team. Mostly because of how condescending they were to locals and the way they felt entitled for other teams to be uber nice to them. There are other things but those are the major standouts.
@@kyletucker3811 With your second point, it was the other teams who started the dogpiling on Rob & Amber before they did anything to anyone else, since I remember straight off the bat at LAX, before Rob & Amber even get there, we already have Patrick telling Debbie & Bianca how dumb Rob is, for an example
@@soldieroffortune308guess cbs had to get ratings somehow. I’m sure cbs paid for their wedding after their loss in season 7. Cause there ain’t no way uchenna/joyce should’ve gotten on that plane. The whole “the plane/pilots chose to come back on their own accord” crap. Yeah, sure…🙄
As a fan of the show I got some honorable mentions for a possible part 2 Freddy & Kendra in S6, Kendra made ignorant comments about the people in Africa and Freddy had a huge temper tantrum after allegedly being hit on the head by someone else Lake & Michelle in S9, mainly Lake who constantly yelled at his wife wasn’t that fun to watch and was icky at times and even threw something at Michelle on one of the legs, he later apologized to her after the race Nathan & Jennifer in S12, They constantly fought during the race with Nathan yelling at Jennifer a lot and at a point he even shoves her in a taxi cab on her birthday doesn’t help he cheated on her in the past and they went on the race looking to patch it up Im shocked Jamie & Cara from S14 & Unfinished business didn’t make it on the list considering how they treated some of their taxi drivers and some of the people who didn’t speak english, I didn’t mind them but I know they do have their moments that might have people hating them, they even admit on unfinished business they were either loved or hated
@@landonmillwood180 Well, she was forced to due to the "six roadblock rule" that was introduced long time ago back in S6, whereas Flo & Zach, that rule didn't exist, so Zach could do almost every roadblock in the entire season.
Uchena and Joyce should not have made that flight! Also, there should not have been a non-elimination at final 4 because back then, if you survived a non-elimination leg, you had to give Phil all of your money and belongings, and that should not have happened for the final leg!
When I saw it happening when it aired, I was mad. Especially re-watching it after seeing him in Survivor. Then, going back and seeing how the plane supposedly came back of the pilots own doing. I call foul big time. Producers just didn’t want to have 1 team be that far ahead of another and basically run away with the win. Guess that’s why CBS “paid” for their wedding. Cause I don’t think they wanted to award Rob/Amber another $1 million dollars. Their wedding was the consolation prize. Then, in all stars, you could see Rob/Amber weren’t into being back and racing against the same team they got screwed over.
Is it hard to swallow that a African-American couple won? Just move on. Rob and Amber had the biggest advantage out of the newbies in Season 7. Their performance in All-Stars with more restrictions says a lot.
@@OnceUponAnIsland And i probably watched and liked that video...twice! I dont watch the amazing race so i probably forgot. I only watched that season they were on and dropped it after they got eliminated
A race video! Good to see. I’ve always felt the Amazing Race is an underrated show, and typically the only race TH-cam videos I can find are clips. Also, Charla & Mirna are the best, do not blaspheme.
@Shan_Dalamani I think you're forgetting that TAR is a high stress environment and that we only get what the edit shows as context, and even then, we don't get the full picture. Unless it's a blatantly obvious case like Johnathan Baker, it's not our place to make that kind of judgement
Rob & Ambuh is always peak for me but I’m glad I got BLAIIR stuck in my head again, thank you so much. 😂 I haven’t gone back and watched Sri Lankan twins since seeing them on Survivor. Forgot about the cash thing, but that definitely tracks like Natalie conveniently forgetting who to vote for energy.
I honestly rooted for both Rob & Amber and Will & James because although many people including the other teams on their seasons hated them, they were really smart and played THEIR GAME to do everything they can.
The only thing I didn't like about them was how they'd constantly scream, 'TWINNIE!". That must have been so annoying to listen to in person. I have to laugh at them during one leg when the task was to eat a plate of pickled herring. They complained and whined incessantly, while I was sitting in front of the TV saying, "I'LL EAT IT!!!" I love pickled herring.
just some reddit insight: im not on TAR's sub, but some subreddits will remove frequently posted topics, so that may have been the removal reason. But idk, sometimes mods just get power trip-y
I have no idea how any audience member could possibly vote Rob and Amber as one of “villains” they most hated. Like, seriously, it is utterly baffling to me. I can understand how their fellow players would be rubbed the wrong way by them, but ultimately they are just extremely good at playing the game. They don’t even have unlikable personalities. Hell, compared to a lot of the other people they played with, Rob and Amber seem like genuinely nice people.
@@alexpoage1078yes they were. Then, to be asked to come back on and race against the same team you lost to is a big slap in the face. They could have turned the invite down. But, I’m sure tongues would’ve wagged if they had. So, to save cbs face, they chose to come back. I just don’t think their hearts were in it like the 1st time
I thought Hayden & Aaron were too. But that's great that Kris & Jon are still together because I always hoped they'd stay together since they were such a sweet couple.
I'm surprised TAR 6 had so many couples. Usually, there's more variety. Having 7 romantically-involved teams on an 11-team season is very unusual. Having 8 co-ed teams is also unusual.
Dishonorable mention: Brooke and Scott from Season 29, where they paired up stronger for the first and only time in the race. When these two won, people lost it like crazy.
Anna Leigh deserves her own spot. I don't know how Steve didn't completely snap on her. My wife and I literally dreaded anytime she was on screen. We tried to keep a "DAD COME ON" and phrases like the sort tallies but we couldnt keep up. 😂
Tara and Wil honestly have one of the most intriguing arcs in RTV history. When I watched TAR 2, I was interested in seeing their story play out, especially as it looked a bit better in the beginning. There were times where Tara was right, and times where Wil was right...but never at the same time. Their ending was karma in a way, though I thought they deserved to win. (They would also make an awesome story video) Charla and Mirna were actually my favorites of season 5! I liked their relationship and how they got along; the confrontations with the other teams also stood out. When they were eliminated in season 5, Phil shed a tear, and I think that says a bit. (Is this why people think Mirna would have a good run on "The Traitors"?)
I don't know if they were a villain but I would have to say my favorite come-uppance was Season 3's Aaron and Arianne. They had some weird Moby Dick-like obsession against the twins, and I was smiling when they fell victim to Dieselgate.
Well S6 had Kris and Jon, who are one of the best teams in the shows history, not just good racers but good people too. They've never bickered once throughout the season and are instead grateful for being there.
I'm glad Phil didn't choose him and Victoria to participate in the first All-Stars season, otherwise it'd be another season to forget as his behavior never changed even after the race.
Villains not mentioned: Freddy/Kendra - not only the racism but also that moment where Freddy started accusing everyone of assaulting him Lori/Bolo Colin/Christie 1.0 Ray/Deana Amber/Vinny Kelly/Jon Dustin/Kandice - likeable villains at least Margie/Luke
Ray and Deana losing to Meredith and Gretchen is a legendary karma moment. There are no hard feelings between them though. Ray has said he regrets how his comments of "I'm not losing to a 60-year old man and his wife even if it's a game of checkers." or "Gramps over here is a sacrificial lamb. I'm doing them a favor by not prolonging this game for them. They should be at a retirement home." came off. He claims it was meant to be banter. His post-elimination interview even has him say "I regret how those comments came off. Meredith and Gretchen are great people, but they were a threat and I wasn't going to give them a senior citizen discount." Meredith and Gretchen also stated that he actually emailed them before the season aired saying "I made some comments in the confessionals that I regret. When you see them, please don't take it personally."
I was getting into Amazing Race a few years back, but seeing Flo cheer about winning made me stop watching the show. Her getting half the money as Zach after she did almost nothing amd treated him awfully left such a bitter taste in my mouth. I went back to Survivor.
@OnceUponAnIsland these are some more people I think who should be in your next video(s): Colin and Christy from Season 5- I know they had redemption, but their first season is hilarious! Dave and Rachel from Season 20 Brooke and Robbie from Season 25- I was so happy when they were eliminated unexpectedly! Scott and Brooke from Season 29- They were like a combo of Flo and Zach and Blair and Hayley. They were like Blair and Hayley because they didn't know each other and they were like Flo and Zach because Scott carried them to the finish line. Brooke was a little more likable than Flo because she actually did try and didn't try to quit.Eliza and Corrine from Season 31 Amber and Vinnie from Season 36- I liked them at first, but then he turned into a jerk as the race went on. I was so happy they didn't make it to the finale! His proposal actually made me cringe, I didn't want her to say yes and I couldn't believe she did!
Honorable mention: Season 15 Carol & Brandy Season 20 Vanessa & Ralph Season 22 Max & Katie Season 23 Tim & Marie Season 27 Justin & Diana Season 29 Brooke & Scott
In Flo and Zack's case...... I can say the same thing for season 29 of AR....... Where Scott Flanary....... Not only Carried the team..... But faced his fear of heights in the process..... His partner Brooke was such a let down......
@@OnceUponAnIsland ........ Brooke Had the hardest of times doing a challenge that she was whining and crying about...... and it barely Costed Scott and Brooke the Race ....... I forget which country they were in...... While they were doing that leg.
@@DreamTeam7887 i cant remember which ones, but two other teams practically did parts of that challenge for her as well if it was the making the ladle thing challenge. scott should get 70% of the winnings, brooke 10%, and 10% each to those two teams.
@@DreamTeam7887 They were in the fourth leg at Tanzania, but luckily, Michael from Liz & Michael came to help her do the roadblock, while Shamir & Sara fell too far behind and had no chance to make up lost time.
Maybe unpopular take: Will & James deserved their win. He has a huge alliance at the beginning, they were all very confortable and by final 5 started to get picked 1 by 1
They deserved the win because it was smart. That doesn't mean that it didn't practically ruin their season however, The Amazing Race thrives on unpredictability and mistakes actually costing teams time.
Jonathan and Victoria were the absolute worst. I felt bad for Victoria, even though she was mostly a cry baby. Jonathan was just straight up abusive, and I hope Victoria to this day is in a better place. The Weaver Family were just so obnoxious and annoying, but I enjoyed watching their suffering. I loved every second of their demise too. The Family Edition is such a complete mess but gives me that Gabon vibe from Survivor, so I love it. lol. 😂 Rob and Amber were so fun to watch; I really wished they beat Charla and Mirna in Season 11.
Zach (and Flo I guess) did win, but they were also the recipient of the most generous non-elimination leg I have ever seen in the show's history. (It was a non-elimination leg after the previous week also being non-elimination).
Oh my god yes. I had already watched it and tried to use the season as a jump in for a friend, and we never finished, but I remember us both HATING Dana.
Ohhh boy you forgot Chris and Logan from 27 they were a menacing couple like being paparazzi on its own but they stole taxis were very nasty and spend the entire race screaming at each others Also Diana and Justin from the same season i hated how Justin was soooo smug and cocky and his end was just the best when he lost 😂
Oh, I loved when he was left crying like a baby. His whole attitude was “we’ve won 7 1st place legs, WE “deserve” to win that $1 million”….was jumping up and down when they lost.
Jonathan from 6 is hands down the most terrible person ever on AR. Not just abrasive but verbally and physically abusive from what was shown. Imagine what was not shown on camera. 2nd is those obnoxious brothers from the Paolo family. And season 28 besides 8 is my least favorite season. Nothing but "social influencers".
i know you only talked about the US version but I beg you to watch season seven of amazing race canada. Dave and Irina are the textbook definition of despisable. They constantly demean the other teams, they steal answers (which gets outlawed next season), and it is a spoiled russian princess in Irina and a douchy french bald man in Dave. Wonderfully villainous.
Zach remains after 36 seasons, my favourite winner of all time. It was the first season I watched and seeing him win made me absolutely love the show and watch it every season. In fact I watched season 2 after and saw T&W, thinking: wow another F&Z, only the guy doesn't put up with all the crap. Although there was one point in the finale in Alaska where Tara says she wants to (or will do everything she can to) lose the race just so Will doesn't win. I slightly wanted T&W to win, just so Will could tell Tara to take the money and shove it. While I'm glad T&W didn't win, seeing Tara "get her wish", especially since she was the one to lose the sprint, was even more infuriating. Also 2:41 who reacts like that after blowing $1M? No remorse, no regret...other 2nd place teams were down in tears, she gives 0fs.
I can't believe no one mentioned Colin and Christie. He was AWFUL to her always. The redeeming factor is that they came back on a second season and he had really done a lot of work on himself and was a stand up guy. Great to see people can change if they work hard.
When you say "BLAIR!!!", you sound like Marge Simpson. Also, I can't remember their names, but there was a couple on the show with a woman who was painfully racist towards some of the townsfolk in some countries. I'm surprised they didn't show up.
Hated Jess & Cody on BB19 and hated them when they got on amazing race 30 yet the fans that never saw how terrible of a human beings they are, guess cbs wanted them cause of Cody’s afp status
Charla and Mirna are the worst people. It’s amazing, and as a disabled person I love seeing other PWDs portrayed realistically. More non-inspirational disabled competitors please!
Ya know, I hadn't ever looked at it like that. I suppose it is nice for people to see that people with disabilities can be assholes and simply being a person with a disability doesn't make you sympathetic. Although most of us in my experience don't even want or need sympathy. Though I gotta say, the pick and choose aspect of when they wanted Charla to be treated differently sort of annoyed me the entire time. It's one thing if you're going to use it as a strategic advantage. If you're straight up with it and just open that you're going to use it just like anyone would use knowing another language, cool, zero problems. But the whole vehemently wanting to be treated like everyone else until the exact moment you want to use it almost like a weapon gives me an ick feeling.
I agree. Some people with disabilities use it like a "Get Out of Jail Free" card to justify acting like an asshole. It would be a fascinating season to see someone like Mirna go against someone like Bethany who maintained such a positive personality.
@@SupermarketSweep777 They are a worse version of Margie and Luke who seem to be at best not great people to start, but when anyone calls them on their BS they play the victim as say its because of a disability.
12:04 I don’t think the son was into there behavior he sorta just stands back from the other three and only occasionally says stuff sort of like he doesn’t actually agree with them so he just goes with it
That’s because they had just come off of Survivor. Their minds were probably still in that mode of “villain” type thinking. They are still 1 of my favorite teams
What you missed: Joe & Bill Tian & Jaree Colin & Christie (S5; Kind Of) Freddy & Kendra Joseph & Monica Kisha & Jen (S14) Carol & Brandy Rachel & Dave Abbie & Ryan Leo & Jamal Nicole & Travis Brooke & Robbie Brooke & Scott Steve & Anna Leigh Amber & Vinny
For season 3, Teri and Ian are worse than Flo. They were angry, grumpy, senior citizens the whole time. Charla and Mirna can be frustrating, but Colin is way worse for nearly getting arrested in Africa for refusing to pay a taxi driver. I love Amber, but I can’t stand Rob. In any game he plays, he leaves a trail of people who feel disrespected by him. Brendon by himself is okay, but Rachel is a piece of work. I loved the twins and I would be glad to see them play again. I liked Blair, but listening to Hayley was like listening to a scratched chalkboard. I have a few choice words about her I won’t share in these comments. Serves her right they lost the race due to her not finding the right clue in the Final Leg. There’s nothing I need to add about Jonathan and Victoria. Whoever casted this pair should have been fired.
I understand this is a "different strokes" vibe and Charla & Mirna absolutely deserve a spot here, but I feel like Colin & Christie deserves it ever so slightly more. What's worse than being deigned as obnoxious pesters and bickerers? Being that, an utterly dominant force in challenges (to the point Colin, alongside Chip, were likely the key factors into reworking how Roadblocks operate following S5), *and* having interpersonal drama amongst each other! Seriously, as bad as C&M can get, they didn't have an infamous moment like the $50 Taxi payout, or the "broken" ox, or the time where Christie even blocked an airport door just to slow them down, or all those times Colin berated Christie for different reasons... though to their credit, they still didn't come off _as_ awful as some of the other "couples" on this list. That's not even mentioning their quick thinking, like the time they went to a travel agency to quickly book a flight and put themselves at a fair distance against the other teams. It's typical that a large chunk was edited to appear this way - I believe a couple other S5 teams have noted as such, though nothing too negative - but it was surreal to witness for the first time. I also think it'd be a good showcase as to how completely different people can become following the right growth and circumstances. When finishing S5, I was genuinely convinced the two would split up because of how they, especially Colin, were acting... color me shock when I found out not only did he propose to her on the Early Show and that she accepted, but over two decades worth of meditation and family life transformed them into being way, _way_ more down to earth and chill. Genuinely one of the best parts going through S31 so far, especially since their gameplay is arguably better here than it was back then!
@@OnceUponAnIsland Totally understand, seeing how they get along with the teams, especially some non-TAR alumnis like Nicole and Victor, has been a treat when going through the season. It's also really funny to see how even they poke fun at themselves (though mainly Colin's) back in their S5 appearance, all while having a fun ass time.
So glad to see Charla and Mirna make the list. I just don't understand what some people find entertaining or heroic about them. They were very condescending to locals (even excluding the accents). Had a habbit of getting extremely upset abd self-riteous if anyone dared play the game against them, picked and chose when to take advantage of Charla's condition. And just in general were fairly nasty to other teams while wanting to play the victims. All in all they had one of the worst cases of main character syndrome I've ever seen.
TAR Reviewer Dryedmangoez lists Dave and Connor as the worst winning team of the USA Franchise, which is extremely baffling to me. Yes their grudge against Brenchel for U-Turning them was disgusting and of poor taste, but that shouldn't put them below winners like Flo & Zach, Freddy & Kendra, Eric & Danielle, Josh & Brent and Amy & Maya. Dave and Connor have been undeniably one of the most consistent teams to ever race, never placing worst than 4th and winning 6 legs in TAR24. It seems like he loves to glorify anything Rachel Reilly related and any team who is anti-Brenchel gets a lower ranking, and I do like Brenchel at times. He also lists the Linz Family as one of his favourite winners ever because according to his opinion, they had nothing but fun while still remaining competitive.
Only one I would really push to be on this list is Margie and Luke. Tick a lot of the same boxes as Charla and Mirna where they just seem like generally not great people, try and exploit a disability, then use it to play a victim when anyone ever calls them on being a bad person.
Jonathan & Victoria and Adam of Adam & Rebecca almost made Season 6 unwatchable for me. Rebecca, however, was a trooper of the highest caliber. Nothing but mad respect for her.
For me, Adam didn't grate on me as much as Lori did, because holy hell, Lori had a set of lungs on her that could rival Jonathan's, and she was pretty quick to lose her cool
Amazing race Mods banning a post without rhyme or reason is completely in line. They're almost as bad as Survivor reddit mods. I once got a weeklong ban for having a different opinion XD (literally that's all it was, they said when I asked why. They were tired of hearing someone saying they didn't like having Rob shoved down their throats when he was worthless to the entire season's arc)
I like Rachel and Brendon. I would hate playing with her because she is annoying but I think she's entertaining. I also like Rob and Amber. I think they're the best part of their first season and even though they should have won, it felt like comeuppance when they lost.
THE FREAKING BEEKMAN BOYS. I'm sorry, but they sucked so badly and got saved by the biggest waiting point in the history of TAR. The other teams seemed like they were a day ahead of them waiting for that boat in the final leg. They already had their own TV show and a lucrative business. They didn't need to appear on and be gifted the Amazing Race too.
Honorable mention for season 6: Freddy and Kendra, who basically went "Ooh, gross, poor people."
Yea I was really surprised they didn’t make the list.
They belong in a tier worse than villains. Almost as equally vile as Jonathan and Victoria. I can't stand them
They made that whole season a bit of a bummer, along with Jonathan and Victoria
OK, so Kendra Bentley is one of the most infamous Amazing Race contestants forever and the team of her and Freddy is widely considered to be a prime example of the "ugly American" stereotype.
That said, I feel like the hatred towards them is overblown; some people feel a sense of righteousness for calling them out for it as if it makes them great crusaders or something.
Uh, I can't make you see the world my way, but I watched TAR 6 with some friends who are getting into the series. One of them had a very reasonable argument to the "Breeding and breeding." comment. Our conversation basically went like this.
Him: "I can't defend that. That's a very unfortunate comment."
Me: "Yeah, it's actually one of the most infamous moments of the series. People still hate on her for this and there are entire Reddit posts dedicated to ragging on her."
Him: "Really? It's an unfortunate comment, but it came off more like a spur of the moment thing from someone who was out of her element. If people are still offended by this, they need to find better uses of their time."
There are lots of moments from old-school seasons where people say or do things that REALLY haven't aged well, but you gotta remember it was a different time before social media.
Also, she apologized for it post-race, said it was out-of-context, and that it was meant to be a point about how impoverished countries often don't have access to birth control. She also donated part of the money to a children's charity, so I really don't think it's reasonable to claim she's just some kind of evil monster.
@@MrOsprey104 Chillax. They're definitely not my favorite contestants either, but I think it was more like global ignorance than it was malice. It's also been ~20 years, so it's reasonable to assume they have grown as people since then.
watching jonathan and victoria genuinally hurts i hope victoria is in a better place
They're divorced to nobody's surprise. What I am surprised by is that they're both still active online. Jonathan Baker is now a filmmaker in fact.
@@BinaryTremor-vs1iv The only surprise was that it took that long after the race for the divorce to happen
@@NYChica23yep. Throw in 1 or 2 kids in the mix, too
Rob and Amber were the most entertaining team in history, I wish more teams played like they did, the best part was that they were villains to other teams but never raised a voice at each other. They were never really mean to other teams either they just played the mind game.
Thats how they played survivor too. They loved each other but everyone hates them
My dad and I always talk about how they were always so good at getting locals to come with them and show them around. I realize in the current world of smartphones this strategy isn't as necessary as it once was, but we could never figure out why more teams wouldn't ask locals to come with them. It's smart as hell.
Rob and Ambah are entertaining, plain and simple.
@@teheyepatch And even before they were on the show, we had Danny & Oswald use that strategy in the Thailand leg when they found a student that volunteered to go with them and show them around the city
@@teheyepatchI’ll never understand that, either. Folks were mad/jealous cause so many locals recognized them. That meat challenge was EPIC
A few years ago I actually met Brendon and Rachel at a movie theater, and Rachel was actually an absolute sweetheart and was incredibly nice to talk to. Funny how your view of someone on the show can be the absolute opposite of who they really are as a person.
Rachel is great TV.
I have heard of this before. Sometimes TV brings out the worst in some people.
On her later seasons on the show she was actually much better of a person than the beginning and Big Brother. I remember thinking, wow, she has really grown up and seemed like she did a lot of work on herself for the better.
nah a couple on their way to divorce of a show has got to be PEAK TV hahaha
Jonathan was a terrible person. If I remember correctly, a cab driver actually kicked them out of his cab because he was done dealing with Jonathan Even Phil could see how much Victoria suffered from Jonathan's verbal and borderline physical abuse. One episode, when they reached the mat, Victoria was ugly crying off to the side. I think it might have been after the shove. Phil was like, "Jonathan, I think you need to go talk to Victoria." Phil was clearly upset by what he was witnessing. I feel like if that happened now, producers might step in and tell Jonathan that he needs to lay off.
The family season honestly feels like Amazing Race's Gabon, and I love it for that
It was so unbalanced too!
I'm still hoping a twist where the Gaghan kids coming back and no other racers know who they are. They'll be in the perfect age to win, late 20's/ early 30's.
Boston Rob and Amber were the best part of their seasons.
I love them too
Rob and Amber were the first ones to really play smart - that meat challenge they threw probably triggered PTSD for him of the rotten fish in marquesas too
Rob and food challenges do not mix at all...that was one Amber should've done, because she was pretty solid in the Australia one
This may be controversial, but I loved Charla and Mirna. They were obnoxious but they were so entertaining. It was like having two Abi Maria’s in one season
Crabby Maria was not entertaining.
Sorry but in s11 how many times was smirna told not to touch anything on her tracker in Guam and over and over she kept messing it up plus mirna being a lawyer she definitely showed both seasons to be an outright hypocrite and liar
I liked them too. I never thought they were bad like Abi Maria.
I could see how they can be seen as kind of annoying but they're definitely
not like Abi Maria imo.
They're definitely more entertaining than Abi LOL
I liked Charla and Mirna too.
Omg remember when Freddy and Kendra went “THESE PEOPLE IN SENEGAL ARE SO POOR”, when meanwhile Gus was having a moment abt his roots 😭
Lyn & Karlyn should be included too, they basically were just bitchy ahh tbh
10:33 Meredith and Deana have both stated they actually were already planning to quit the task and Rob's pleading had no impact on their decisions.
Easy to say after the fact.
Jonathan and Victoria need their own episode.
Glad that you added in the Bickersons. I don’t consider them villains - other than towards each other - but your impression was the best part of this list
Will and James are sweethearts outside of the race. I had the privilege of meeting James last year and he’s so kind
I'd forgotten how much I disliked the cousins. Strong team, but just not my cup of tea.
The thing about Boston Rob is that you could see how much he enjoyed playing a villain on his first season. Whatever the reality competition equivalent to chewing scenery is, this was it.
Of course, he and Amber played it a bit more straight in All Stars, and got booted early. So maybe there's just something about Rob heeling it up that makes him better?
I didn't. They are legitimately my least favorite team. Mostly because of how condescending they were to locals and the way they felt entitled for other teams to be uber nice to them. There are other things but those are the major standouts.
@@kyletucker3811 With your second point, it was the other teams who started the dogpiling on Rob & Amber before they did anything to anyone else, since I remember straight off the bat at LAX, before Rob & Amber even get there, we already have Patrick telling Debbie & Bianca how dumb Rob is, for an example
I say Rob got a deal from CBS to throw the All Star season, same with the Harlem Globetrotters.
@@soldieroffortune308guess cbs had to get ratings somehow. I’m sure cbs paid for their wedding after their loss in season 7. Cause there ain’t no way uchenna/joyce should’ve gotten on that plane. The whole “the plane/pilots chose to come back on their own accord” crap. Yeah, sure…🙄
God I miss the old seasons where they had to purchase their own plane tickets, train tickets, etc!
That's definitely the part of the race I don't miss, all of the boring airport scenes
They have gone back to that I'm pretty sure. Season 36 was filmed during the pandemic before season 35, which is why it seems like they don't.
The Amazing Race without booking their own flights is just The Challenge with driving.
As a fan of the show I got some honorable mentions for a possible part 2
Freddy & Kendra in S6, Kendra made ignorant comments about the people in Africa and Freddy had a huge temper tantrum after allegedly being hit on the head by someone else
Lake & Michelle in S9, mainly Lake who constantly yelled at his wife wasn’t that fun to watch and was icky at times and even threw something at Michelle on one of the legs, he later apologized to her after the race
Nathan & Jennifer in S12, They constantly fought during the race with Nathan yelling at Jennifer a lot and at a point he even shoves her in a taxi cab on her birthday doesn’t help he cheated on her in the past and they went on the race looking to patch it up
Im shocked Jamie & Cara from S14 & Unfinished business didn’t make it on the list considering how they treated some of their taxi drivers and some of the people who didn’t speak english, I didn’t mind them but I know they do have their moments that might have people hating them, they even admit on unfinished business they were either loved or hated
Also, you can make the case that Scott (partnered with Brooke)from 29 also single-handedly won the season
It's been a while since I have seen that season, but I recall them both being valuable. Maybe I am wrong.
If Scott had been paired with anyone else, he would have been a villain. But instead we all sympathized with him for having to put up with Brooke 🤣
Brooke never said she was going to quit, just she couldn't do it, yet did it. Also, she did half the Roadblocks, something Flo can't say.
@@landonmillwood180 Well, she was forced to due to the "six roadblock rule" that was introduced long time ago back in S6, whereas Flo & Zach, that rule didn't exist, so Zach could do almost every roadblock in the entire season.
So did Kim from TAR5 too. In fact, Flo was very much helpful. Back then it was more of a race than nowadays
Im so glad im not the only person who thought boston rob and amber got screwed in the final
Uchena and Joyce should not have made that flight! Also, there should not have been a non-elimination at final 4 because back then, if you survived a non-elimination leg, you had to give Phil all of your money and belongings, and that should not have happened for the final leg!
When I saw it happening when it aired, I was mad. Especially re-watching it after seeing him in Survivor. Then, going back and seeing how the plane supposedly came back of the pilots own doing. I call foul big time. Producers just didn’t want to have 1 team be that far ahead of another and basically run away with the win. Guess that’s why CBS “paid” for their wedding. Cause I don’t think they wanted to award Rob/Amber another $1 million dollars. Their wedding was the consolation prize. Then, in all stars, you could see Rob/Amber weren’t into being back and racing against the same team they got screwed over.
Is it hard to swallow that a African-American couple won? Just move on. Rob and Amber had the biggest advantage out of the newbies in Season 7.
Their performance in All-Stars with more restrictions says a lot.
Corrine and Eliza were amazing. Definitely a mention for a future video
I made a video all about them... twice!
@@OnceUponAnIsland And i probably watched and liked that video...twice! I dont watch the amazing race so i probably forgot. I only watched that season they were on and dropped it after they got eliminated
A race video! Good to see. I’ve always felt the Amazing Race is an underrated show, and typically the only race TH-cam videos I can find are clips. Also, Charla & Mirna are the best, do not blaspheme.
If you included the most recent season, I bet Amber and Vinny would make the list.
I hope she found a real-life clue and got away from him. He's abusive.
@@Shan_Dalamanihe was not abusive lol
@@supremeleader7863 You must have slept through all the times he verbally abused her. Abuse isn't only hitting.
@@Shan_Dalamani yeah they argued a lot but there’s a been a lot of abusive couples on the amazing race and Vinny wasn’t one of them
@Shan_Dalamani I think you're forgetting that TAR is a high stress environment and that we only get what the edit shows as context, and even then, we don't get the full picture. Unless it's a blatantly obvious case like Johnathan Baker, it's not our place to make that kind of judgement
Rob & Ambuh is always peak for me but I’m glad I got BLAIIR stuck in my head again, thank you so much. 😂 I haven’t gone back and watched Sri Lankan twins since seeing them on Survivor. Forgot about the cash thing, but that definitely tracks like Natalie conveniently forgetting who to vote for energy.
I honestly rooted for both Rob & Amber and Will & James because although many people including the other teams on their seasons hated them, they were really smart and played THEIR GAME to do everything they can.
A sad time was when the sisters from New York City / Sri Lanka were eliminated before the race/show got to Sri Lanka. 🇱🇰
The only thing I didn't like about them was how they'd constantly scream, 'TWINNIE!". That must have been so annoying to listen to in person. I have to laugh at them during one leg when the task was to eat a plate of pickled herring. They complained and whined incessantly, while I was sitting in front of the TV saying, "I'LL EAT IT!!!" I love pickled herring.
They went to Sri Lanka in S6, and the Twinnies were on S21...
@@WildWill1994 Twinnies were also on S24 and they went to Sri Lanka on S24... so
just some reddit insight: im not on TAR's sub, but some subreddits will remove frequently posted topics, so that may have been the removal reason. But idk, sometimes mods just get power trip-y
I die every time I remember when the Weaver family was forced to do a task in the talladega speedway
Her getting run over and go kart one too
Also me and my dad still makes fun of Rachel 😭
Also the money stealing will be the last thing to leave my mind
I have no idea how any audience member could possibly vote Rob and Amber as one of “villains” they most hated. Like, seriously, it is utterly baffling to me. I can understand how their fellow players would be rubbed the wrong way by them, but ultimately they are just extremely good at playing the game. They don’t even have unlikable personalities. Hell, compared to a lot of the other people they played with, Rob and Amber seem like genuinely nice people.
Yes! They played brilliantly and they were robbed!
@@alexpoage1078yes they were. Then, to be asked to come back on and race against the same team you lost to is a big slap in the face. They could have turned the invite down. But, I’m sure tongues would’ve wagged if they had. So, to save cbs face, they chose to come back. I just don’t think their hearts were in it like the 1st time
Not stopping to check when they saw one of their competitors was in a devastating car accident is a good reason.
Amazing Race 6 had the most terrible couples….except Kris & Jon…not surprising they’re the only team still together
I thought Hayden & Aaron were too.
But that's great that Kris & Jon are still together because I always hoped they'd stay together since they were such a sweet couple.
@@ESCSteph Hayden and Aaron got divorced a couple years ago
@markjackson6431 Oh no, that is such a shame! That was about the last time I saw an update on them so they must've gotten divorced right after.
Besides Kris & Jon, I also really liked Hayden & Aaron and Lori & Bolo.
I'm surprised TAR 6 had so many couples.
Usually, there's more variety. Having 7 romantically-involved teams on an 11-team season is very unusual. Having 8 co-ed teams is also unusual.
Dishonorable mention: Brooke and Scott from Season 29, where they paired up stronger for the first and only time in the race. When these two won, people lost it like crazy.
Anna Leigh deserves her own spot.
I don't know how Steve didn't completely snap on her.
My wife and I literally dreaded anytime she was on screen. We tried to keep a "DAD COME ON" and phrases like the sort tallies but we couldnt keep up. 😂
I thought she was going to have him have a heart attack the way she kept pushing him
Tara and Wil honestly have one of the most intriguing arcs in RTV history. When I watched TAR 2, I was interested in seeing their story play out, especially as it looked a bit better in the beginning. There were times where Tara was right, and times where Wil was right...but never at the same time. Their ending was karma in a way, though I thought they deserved to win. (They would also make an awesome story video)
Charla and Mirna were actually my favorites of season 5! I liked their relationship and how they got along; the confrontations with the other teams also stood out. When they were eliminated in season 5, Phil shed a tear, and I think that says a bit. (Is this why people think Mirna would have a good run on "The Traitors"?)
Tara and Wil were the perfect team to lose at the last second. I was exhilarated.
I don't know if they were a villain but I would have to say my favorite come-uppance was Season 3's Aaron and Arianne. They had some weird Moby Dick-like obsession against the twins, and I was smiling when they fell victim to Dieselgate.
Jonathan is the reason why I can never rewatch season 6
Well S6 had Kris and Jon, who are one of the best teams in the shows history, not just good racers but good people too. They've never bickered once throughout the season and are instead grateful for being there.
Yeah same Jonathan reminds me of my abuser
I'm glad Phil didn't choose him and Victoria to participate in the first All-Stars season, otherwise it'd be another season to forget as his behavior never changed even after the race.
Villains not mentioned:
Freddy/Kendra - not only the racism but also that moment where Freddy started accusing everyone of assaulting him
Colin/Christie 1.0
Dustin/Kandice - likeable villains at least
Ray and Deana losing to Meredith and Gretchen is a legendary karma moment.
There are no hard feelings between them though. Ray has said he regrets how his comments of "I'm not losing to a 60-year old man and his wife even if it's a game of checkers." or "Gramps over here is a sacrificial lamb. I'm doing them a favor by not prolonging this game for them. They should be at a retirement home." came off. He claims it was meant to be banter.
His post-elimination interview even has him say "I regret how those comments came off. Meredith and Gretchen are great people, but they were a threat and I wasn't going to give them a senior citizen discount."
Meredith and Gretchen also stated that he actually emailed them before the season aired saying "I made some comments in the confessionals that I regret. When you see them, please don't take it personally."
Why Margie and Luke? I loved them!
I was getting into Amazing Race a few years back, but seeing Flo cheer about winning made me stop watching the show. Her getting half the money as Zach after she did almost nothing amd treated him awfully left such a bitter taste in my mouth. I went back to Survivor.
@OnceUponAnIsland these are some more people I think who should be in your next video(s):
Colin and Christy from Season 5- I know they had redemption, but their first season is hilarious!
Dave and Rachel from Season 20
Brooke and Robbie from Season 25- I was so happy when they were eliminated unexpectedly!
Scott and Brooke from Season 29- They were like a combo of Flo and Zach and Blair and Hayley. They were like Blair and Hayley because they didn't know each other and they were like Flo and Zach because Scott carried them to the finish line. Brooke was a little more likable than Flo because she actually did try and didn't try to quit.Eliza and Corrine from Season 31
Amber and Vinnie from Season 36- I liked them at first, but then he turned into a jerk as the race went on. I was so happy they didn't make it to the finale! His proposal actually made me cringe, I didn't want her to say yes and I couldn't believe she did!
Honorable mention:
Season 15
Carol & Brandy
Season 20
Vanessa & Ralph
Season 22
Max & Katie
Season 23
Tim & Marie
Season 27
Justin & Diana
Season 29
Brooke & Scott
It was season 16 for Carol & Brandy. I would also add in Nicole & Travis, Dana & Matt, Logan & Chris, and Nathan & Jennifer.
In Flo and Zack's case...... I can say the same thing for season 29 of AR....... Where Scott Flanary....... Not only Carried the team..... But faced his fear of heights in the process.....
His partner Brooke was such a let down......
Man, I need to rewatch season 29. I remember them both contributing.
@@OnceUponAnIsland ........ Brooke Had the hardest of times doing a challenge that she was whining and crying about...... and it barely Costed Scott and Brooke the Race ....... I forget which country they were in...... While they were doing that leg.
@@DreamTeam7887 i cant remember which ones, but two other teams practically did parts of that challenge for her as well if it was the making the ladle thing challenge. scott should get 70% of the winnings, brooke 10%, and 10% each to those two teams.
I will still never forgive brook and Scott for u turning Liz and mike in Greece because brook promised in Tanzania not to do it.
@@DreamTeam7887 They were in the fourth leg at Tanzania, but luckily, Michael from Liz & Michael came to help her do the roadblock, while Shamir & Sara fell too far behind and had no chance to make up lost time.
Maybe unpopular take: Will & James deserved their win. He has a huge alliance at the beginning, they were all very confortable and by final 5 started to get picked 1 by 1
They deserved the win because it was smart. That doesn't mean that it didn't practically ruin their season however, The Amazing Race thrives on unpredictability and mistakes actually costing teams time.
Honestly I’m surprised Nathan and Jennifer from Amazing Race 12 didn’t make this list. They were so insufferable during that entire season
Jonathan and Victoria were the absolute worst. I felt bad for Victoria, even though she was mostly a cry baby. Jonathan was just straight up abusive, and I hope Victoria to this day is in a better place. The Weaver Family were just so obnoxious and annoying, but I enjoyed watching their suffering. I loved every second of their demise too. The Family Edition is such a complete mess but gives me that Gabon vibe from Survivor, so I love it. lol. 😂 Rob and Amber were so fun to watch; I really wished they beat Charla and Mirna in Season 11.
Zach (and Flo I guess) did win, but they were also the recipient of the most generous non-elimination leg I have ever seen in the show's history. (It was a non-elimination leg after the previous week also being non-elimination).
I never did watch the amazing race, but love your videos so had to watch it. Jeeez 11:15 they go to a race track yikes
Matt & Dana from 28(the social media season), mainly Dana
Oh my god yes. I had already watched it and tried to use the season as a jump in for a friend, and we never finished, but I remember us both HATING Dana.
I suggest you also make a video of the most loved teams
TAR23: Tim and Marie deserves an honorable mention (Btw, I never liked the twinnies for what they did to James and Abba).
I need to rewatch season 23.
@@OnceUponAnIslandS23 is definitely an underrated season.
Ohhh boy you forgot Chris and Logan from 27 they were a menacing couple like being paparazzi on its own but they stole taxis were very nasty and spend the entire race screaming at each others
Also Diana and Justin from the same season i hated how Justin was soooo smug and cocky and his end was just the best when he lost 😂
Oh, I loved when he was left crying like a baby. His whole attitude was “we’ve won 7 1st place legs, WE “deserve” to win that $1 million”….was jumping up and down when they lost.
“I don’t eat tomorrow” 😭
Jonathan from 6 is hands down the most terrible person ever on AR. Not just abrasive but verbally and physically abusive from what was shown. Imagine what was not shown on camera. 2nd is those obnoxious brothers from the Paolo family. And season 28 besides 8 is my least favorite season. Nothing but "social influencers".
For S28, I'd mostly root for Zach & Rachel King due to Zach's "magic" videos that are so entertaining to watch, be it on Instagram or TH-cam.
7 out of the top 10 teams are in my top 10 favorite teams with Hayley and Blair being close to it
i know you only talked about the US version but I beg you to watch season seven of amazing race canada.
Dave and Irina are the textbook definition of despisable. They constantly demean the other teams, they steal answers (which gets outlawed next season), and it is a spoiled russian princess in Irina and a douchy french bald man in Dave. Wonderfully villainous.
Boston Rob & Amber aren’t bad the goal is to win and them doing everything to win makes sense
Rob convincing another group to quit it next level
Damn, and I thought Lake from Season 9 was bad, but Jonathan makes him look like a saint.
I love this TAR videos.
Rob and Amber slayed
Brooke and Scott from season 29 were robbed by single handedly ruining season 29
This is a crazy take.
I still cant get over Stassi being on the family edition.
I think Max & Katie should have been on this list
I'm shocked at the lack of Tim & Marie
Marie honestly seems like the coolest person ever outside of the show though
Boston Rob made Deal or No Deal Island s1 lol
it was the women who made the season. Especially Amy and stephanie. Boston rob was borderline season ruiner territory
Missing from this list is Christ and Logan from season 27! They were so hard to watch!
Zach remains after 36 seasons, my favourite winner of all time. It was the first season I watched and seeing him win made me absolutely love the show and watch it every season. In fact I watched season 2 after and saw T&W, thinking: wow another F&Z, only the guy doesn't put up with all the crap. Although there was one point in the finale in Alaska where Tara says she wants to (or will do everything she can to) lose the race just so Will doesn't win. I slightly wanted T&W to win, just so Will could tell Tara to take the money and shove it. While I'm glad T&W didn't win, seeing Tara "get her wish", especially since she was the one to lose the sprint, was even more infuriating. Also 2:41 who reacts like that after blowing $1M? No remorse, no regret...other 2nd place teams were down in tears, she gives 0fs.
Watching this video jogged my memories nice to c that flo was on this list
I can't believe no one mentioned Colin and Christie. He was AWFUL to her always. The redeeming factor is that they came back on a second season and he had really done a lot of work on himself and was a stand up guy. Great to see people can change if they work hard.
honey, his patreon is free to join
Flo was one of the worst ever to be shown on a TV screen. Zach's patience was superhuman.
When you say "BLAIR!!!", you sound like Marge Simpson.
Also, I can't remember their names, but there was a couple on the show with a woman who was painfully racist towards some of the townsfolk in some countries. I'm surprised they didn't show up.
It was Freddy and Kendra, winners of S6. Only reason they didn't show up was because they were in the same season as Jonathan and Victoria.
Honourable mention from the Canadian Series: Dave and Irina (Season 7)
Hated Jess & Cody on BB19 and hated them when they got on amazing race 30 yet the fans that never saw how terrible of a human beings they are, guess cbs wanted them cause of Cody’s afp status
Charla and Mirna are the worst people. It’s amazing, and as a disabled person I love seeing other PWDs portrayed realistically. More non-inspirational disabled competitors please!
Ya know, I hadn't ever looked at it like that. I suppose it is nice for people to see that people with disabilities can be assholes and simply being a person with a disability doesn't make you sympathetic. Although most of us in my experience don't even want or need sympathy. Though I gotta say, the pick and choose aspect of when they wanted Charla to be treated differently sort of annoyed me the entire time. It's one thing if you're going to use it as a strategic advantage. If you're straight up with it and just open that you're going to use it just like anyone would use knowing another language, cool, zero problems. But the whole vehemently wanting to be treated like everyone else until the exact moment you want to use it almost like a weapon gives me an ick feeling.
I agree. Some people with disabilities use it like a "Get Out of Jail Free" card to justify acting like an asshole. It would be a fascinating season to see someone like Mirna go against someone like Bethany who maintained such a positive personality.
Charla and Mirna are fantastic! Great television. I love them,
@@SupermarketSweep777 They are a worse version of Margie and Luke who seem to be at best not great people to start, but when anyone calls them on their BS they play the victim as say its because of a disability.
BOSTON AND AMBER ARE THE BEST!!! They’re strategic and hilarious!!!
Those clips of Jonathan & Victoria were so dark sided. Yeesh.
Amber was so funny when she raced with Rob!
12:04 I don’t think the son was into there behavior he sorta just stands back from the other three and only occasionally says stuff sort of like he doesn’t actually agree with them so he just goes with it
Colin and Christie was annoying and a villain for sure in their first season.
The pablo family was awful too. The way they treated their mom was awful too. I also remember the weaver family throwing garbage at others families
Though I get the hate for Rob and Amber, I gotta say they were so entertaining.
Rob and Amber are the fun kind of villains
That’s because they had just come off of Survivor. Their minds were probably still in that mode of “villain” type thinking. They are still 1 of my favorite teams
No Collin & Christie 1.0? Really? They almost go to jail in a foreingn country during the race.
I think people have softened on them since season 31.
I was surprised Leo and Jamal didn’t make it on this list. Are they liked?
For me, I like them (didn't watch S23 nor S24 AKA All-Stars 2).
Wait. Not Colin and Christie?
I think season 31 has people feeling better about them.
@@OnceUponAnIslandThat doesn't matter. Their incarnation from season five should still be on there.
I know, I am simply stating why I believe no one said their names when I asked on TH-cam and Reddit.
What you missed:
Joe & Bill
Tian & Jaree
Colin & Christie (S5; Kind Of)
Freddy & Kendra
Joseph & Monica
Kisha & Jen (S14)
Carol & Brandy
Rachel & Dave
Abbie & Ryan
Leo & Jamal
Nicole & Travis
Brooke & Robbie
Brooke & Scott
Steve & Anna Leigh
Amber & Vinny
how are kisha and jen villains?
@@joshewa5443 in season 14, they were aggressive to Margie & Luke, they were way better in Season 18
@@GetNoobPlushProductionsGD luke was just as bad or even worse because he played the victim when both of them were involved
"Mirna & Shmrna" cracked me up! They made good TV!
Love em or hate em; you still have to admit that Boston Rob and Amber are hardcore reality players.
For season 3, Teri and Ian are worse than Flo. They were angry, grumpy, senior citizens the whole time.
Charla and Mirna can be frustrating, but Colin is way worse for nearly getting arrested in Africa for refusing to pay a taxi driver.
I love Amber, but I can’t stand Rob. In any game he plays, he leaves a trail of people who feel disrespected by him.
Brendon by himself is okay, but Rachel is a piece of work.
I loved the twins and I would be glad to see them play again.
I liked Blair, but listening to Hayley was like listening to a scratched chalkboard. I have a few choice words about her I won’t share in these comments. Serves her right they lost the race due to her not finding the right clue in the Final Leg.
There’s nothing I need to add about Jonathan and Victoria. Whoever casted this pair should have been fired.
I understand this is a "different strokes" vibe and Charla & Mirna absolutely deserve a spot here, but I feel like Colin & Christie deserves it ever so slightly more. What's worse than being deigned as obnoxious pesters and bickerers? Being that, an utterly dominant force in challenges (to the point Colin, alongside Chip, were likely the key factors into reworking how Roadblocks operate following S5), *and* having interpersonal drama amongst each other! Seriously, as bad as C&M can get, they didn't have an infamous moment like the $50 Taxi payout, or the "broken" ox, or the time where Christie even blocked an airport door just to slow them down, or all those times Colin berated Christie for different reasons... though to their credit, they still didn't come off _as_ awful as some of the other "couples" on this list. That's not even mentioning their quick thinking, like the time they went to a travel agency to quickly book a flight and put themselves at a fair distance against the other teams. It's typical that a large chunk was edited to appear this way - I believe a couple other S5 teams have noted as such, though nothing too negative - but it was surreal to witness for the first time.
I also think it'd be a good showcase as to how completely different people can become following the right growth and circumstances. When finishing S5, I was genuinely convinced the two would split up because of how they, especially Colin, were acting... color me shock when I found out not only did he propose to her on the Early Show and that she accepted, but over two decades worth of meditation and family life transformed them into being way, _way_ more down to earth and chill. Genuinely one of the best parts going through S31 so far, especially since their gameplay is arguably better here than it was back then!
S31 redeemed Colin and Christie for myself.
@@OnceUponAnIsland Totally understand, seeing how they get along with the teams, especially some non-TAR alumnis like Nicole and Victor, has been a treat when going through the season. It's also really funny to see how even they poke fun at themselves (though mainly Colin's) back in their S5 appearance, all while having a fun ass time.
To this day, I never bothered to watch season 32 beyond the Kazakhstan leg.😂 Special mention: the Express Pass Queen Marie from S23.
Season 32 is completely skippable.
Marie in 23 is a woman i wouldn’t wish on my mortal enemy. She’s a controlling psycho witch from hell.
So glad to see Charla and Mirna make the list. I just don't understand what some people find entertaining or heroic about them. They were very condescending to locals (even excluding the accents). Had a habbit of getting extremely upset abd self-riteous if anyone dared play the game against them, picked and chose when to take advantage of Charla's condition. And just in general were fairly nasty to other teams while wanting to play the victims. All in all they had one of the worst cases of main character syndrome I've ever seen.
No one mentioned Hayley and Blair!! I was waiting for them the whole time they were my first thought
TAR Reviewer Dryedmangoez lists Dave and Connor as the worst winning team of the USA Franchise, which is extremely baffling to me. Yes their grudge against Brenchel for U-Turning them was disgusting and of poor taste, but that shouldn't put them below winners like Flo & Zach, Freddy & Kendra, Eric & Danielle, Josh & Brent and Amy & Maya. Dave and Connor have been undeniably one of the most consistent teams to ever race, never placing worst than 4th and winning 6 legs in TAR24.
It seems like he loves to glorify anything Rachel Reilly related and any team who is anti-Brenchel gets a lower ranking, and I do like Brenchel at times. He also lists the Linz Family as one of his favourite winners ever because according to his opinion, they had nothing but fun while still remaining competitive.
Only one I would really push to be on this list is Margie and Luke. Tick a lot of the same boxes as Charla and Mirna where they just seem like generally not great people, try and exploit a disability, then use it to play a victim when anyone ever calls them on being a bad person.
Nobody remembers tara and will enough to remember them as villans
but they are literally the stars of season 2
Jonathan & Victoria and Adam of Adam & Rebecca almost made Season 6 unwatchable for me. Rebecca, however, was a trooper of the highest caliber. Nothing but mad respect for her.
For me, Adam didn't grate on me as much as Lori did, because holy hell, Lori had a set of lungs on her that could rival Jonathan's, and she was pretty quick to lose her cool
Satci from vpr was on the amazing race family addition
also, you forgot to include Dustin & Kandice and Oswald & Danny from season 11....
Noone commented them.
@@OnceUponAnIsland I'm sure both of them should have been on the top ten at least...
Be sure to comment on any future TAR posts I make then!
Amazing race Mods banning a post without rhyme or reason is completely in line. They're almost as bad as Survivor reddit mods. I once got a weeklong ban for having a different opinion XD (literally that's all it was, they said when I asked why. They were tired of hearing someone saying they didn't like having Rob shoved down their throats when he was worthless to the entire season's arc)
Terrey and Will would have won any other season if mile run to finish line was not a thing
I like Rachel and Brendon. I would hate playing with her because she is annoying but I think she's entertaining. I also like Rob and Amber. I think they're the best part of their first season and even though they should have won, it felt like comeuppance when they lost.
THE FREAKING BEEKMAN BOYS. I'm sorry, but they sucked so badly and got saved by the biggest waiting point in the history of TAR. The other teams seemed like they were a day ahead of them waiting for that boat in the final leg. They already had their own TV show and a lucrative business. They didn't need to appear on and be gifted the Amazing Race too.