Why NO ONE Plays: Ziggs | League of Legends

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 578

  • @williamruiz26
    @williamruiz26 3 ปีที่แล้ว +793

    Ziggs main here
    Everytime I land my kobe shots the enemy ff 🤣

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 ปีที่แล้ว +217

      Arguably the funniest thing about Ziggs is when he bombs himself with his ult to take the assassin/diver down with him xD

    • @williamruiz26
      @williamruiz26 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      @@VarsVerum oh those are the best, even better when you got 69 hp left XD

    • @williamruiz26
      @williamruiz26 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      @@VarsVerum oh and one idea for ziggs that I forgot, riot needs to make it where his nuke actually acts like a nuke giving radiation poisoning to the enemy as well a bit of a movement boost too would be nice. And a damm Omega Squad Skin.

    • @julz19
      @julz19 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@Cecilia-ky3uw no, he means droppings ult onself before dying from being dove

    • @brystew14
      @brystew14 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@VarsVerum Gotta love those trades

  • @umassreindeer1063
    @umassreindeer1063 3 ปีที่แล้ว +512

    I think the coolest thing about ziggs is when someone thinks they can jump on you and you mash all your buttons on top of yourself and they get one shot while thinking they were going to one shot you

    • @elsujeto2807
      @elsujeto2807 3 ปีที่แล้ว +46

      I live for those moments

    • @MrEvan1932
      @MrEvan1932 3 ปีที่แล้ว +47

      Allahu akbar

    • @snuketime
      @snuketime 3 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      Thats the "bread and butter" for ziggs

    • @sympunny8636
      @sympunny8636 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      i guess...but tbh there's a ton of mages that can do the same or better, snydra, veigar, annie, viktor, zyra etc. Veigar in particular epitomises the 1 shot, with enough stacks, even 1 ability can pretty much 1 shot a squishy, let alone 3. Snydra also is a god of the 1 shot, with her ulti and a few balls up, you can delete people from their existence in miliseconds, while also consistently knocking the assassin back and stunning them, so even if you're a bit weak, there's still a good chance of escape. I really like his q, but his poke feels so inconsistent compared with xerath/velkoz, and his w and e are long cds and kinda underwhelming. Assassins or dashes in general are of course a nightmare, and the fact his passive is based around tower destroying is just weird. He's pretty easy to gank, so pushing up to get tower plating is often a free kill if the enemy jungler is watching.

    • @snuketime
      @snuketime 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@mari_zz not like ziggs though

  • @AnukaCat
    @AnukaCat 3 ปีที่แล้ว +728

    Ziggs main here.
    - First of all i love that all of his abilities are skillshots, it's more interesting than targeted abilities.
    - I also hate playing combo champs. It feels a little constraining being more or less forced to use a specific combo.
    - Him being a poke champion makes him more forgiving of mistakes. If you fuck up a combo, that's it. If i fuck up a Q it's no big deal.
    - He has a pretty ok and especially safe waveclear with his Q.
    - He's a turret destroyer. It's so much fun quickly taking down a tower when the enemy mid laner makes the mistake to leave lane. Also very helpful in endgame pushing.
    - He's a yordle.

    • @jmoa5758
      @jmoa5758 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Doesnt matter, ziggs still objectively suck.

    • @tehrik0020
      @tehrik0020 3 ปีที่แล้ว +62

      Combo champs are what idiots assume to be the pinnacle of skill lmfao

    • @AnukaCat
      @AnukaCat 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@jmoa5758 no one said otherwise lol

    • @thatonelight1002
      @thatonelight1002 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I like Ziggs he can pinned down enemies from a far without getting harm

    • @slau330
      @slau330 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      isn't it frustrating missing skill shots, then some assassin shits on you?

  • @GoldenBerry33
    @GoldenBerry33 3 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    The fact that no one is scared of me as Ziggs makes me happy. When they underestimate you, that's the sweet moment when you prove them wrong and punish everything. I love this kind of champs that seem so ...mehhh. The surprise factor is the treat for their mains.

    • @carnivorze1052
      @carnivorze1052 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Never underestimate Ziggs burst potential. He can kill squishies with only 2 Q and a E.

    • @Kilesfactor
      @Kilesfactor 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm scared of every league player because they know what they are doing.

    • @GoldenBerry33
      @GoldenBerry33 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kilesfactor don't be🤣 we all learn, we all do mistakes and hopefully we all improve. Soon you will be one of those who know what they are doing, just do your best and mute all☺️

    • @Kilesfactor
      @Kilesfactor 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@GoldenBerry33 still won’t help the fact that I’m getting bodied but thanks.

    • @GoldenBerry33
      @GoldenBerry33 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kilesfactor there are items that you can use against tanks and try to play safe. Maybe play with a premade to make sure you both will have each other's back. You will improve, don't worry 😉☺️

  • @RainerRilke3
    @RainerRilke3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +205

    As a former Ziggs one trick I can confirm he is perfectly fine. A balanced, fair champ with a specific and satisfying gameplay and niche. The problem is the whole game around him does not seem to follow the same principles and Riot has made it clear that they do not care about fairness or diversity of gameplay when laser-focusing on fast gameplay, flashy mechanics and accesible outplay potential has proved to be far more monetarily rewarding.

    • @LuanaSouza-fw1iz
      @LuanaSouza-fw1iz 3 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      Could not agree more. Ziggs is a fair champion in a game full of other unfair ones. If your are good with him you can be strong and if you mess up well, it's fair you don't be strong.
      It is so good to play well with him because you know it is because you did really well ")

    • @MerlinCross13
      @MerlinCross13 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@LuanaSouza-fw1iz I'd say maybe a third of the roster is stuck in this "Fair" champ. The older champs when the game was slower and more team focused back when the meta wasn't completely in stone. Hell, when Ziggs was put in, you could still make a choice to do doubles top. Now though? He and others have mechanically shunted out.

  • @Danietz
    @Danietz 3 ปีที่แล้ว +216

    nowadays playing any champion that would rather be far away from the enemy than close up just feels like more trouble than it's worth because every modern champion and their dog has 47 milloin gap closers in their kit not to mention the new items only made things worse)

    • @timeless1882
      @timeless1882 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      True, that's kind of why Zoe somewhat fell off. She's still good, but at the same time it's hard playing her nowadays, especially with teammates that doesn't seem to understand how to play around her and she is super squishy.

    • @sympunny8636
      @sympunny8636 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      true, but some-one like xerath is still pretty powerful, he can bully almost anyone out of lane with very consistent poke and then use his ulti to, "gank," other lanes. He's pretty much the more consistent poke version of ziggs, who also has a better ulti. All ziggs has in return is the extra tower damage, which is really risky to go for as an artillery mage, given how easy it is to gank them.

    • @sympunny8636
      @sympunny8636 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@timeless1882 Zoe more fell off because of the nerfs, she herself is a very modern champion, and there were still a billion champions with dashes at the time she was released, but the insane speed she can get from her w really helps. But since the nerfs to her damage, and given her difficulty lvl, most people don't bother since there are easier champs with more consistent damage (see xerath)

    • @tatzecom
      @tatzecom 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      giving people the ability to buy hard CC was the single worst decision riot has ever made, shortly followed by giving people the ability to buy a dash with CC and that followed by a dash with bonus damage.
      Who in their right mind thought that letting people buy dashes or hard CC was a good call? "oh its darius, hes a bruiser you can kite him" well no now that he can just buy a dash. God i hate some of the new items, the fucking Everfrost is the worst offender. "here, have hard CC and damage on a ridiciously low cooldown, i know some people use summoner spells for that but lmao who needs those?"

    • @Danietz
      @Danietz 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@tatzecom True. Riot needs to remember how the original design of their game works. There's a reason darius and garen werent given a dash...

  • @splitcryptic
    @splitcryptic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +141

    "Too fair" is actually why I main him as it alleviates conflict from teammates and sometimes enemies.
    An example is after a failed teamfight, so long as I did what I could, I rarely get blamed for anything. My team can't overestimate me as Ziggs, but they can't underestimate me as well. I get to be as reliable as I can be, and no one is ever against it.
    The same can be said for the enemy. Sort of. Ziggs does more often gets underestimated and rightly so apparently, but that also can be a good thing. More often than not, enemies actually tend to forget he is around whenever in a teamfight, letting him do his thing staying safe in the background.
    I agree with the passive, that thing is really conflicting. All of Ziggs' abilities far outranges his auto attack range, so it barely ever gets used besides turrets and minions.

    • @RainerRilke3
      @RainerRilke3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Kinda same here, except I also feel kinda bad whenever I play facerolling noobchamps. I remember once feeling almost physically sick after trying out Sett and getting a penta on my first game. So many champs out there that just feel so much like outright cheating I'd rather play my old skillshot champs and let there be absolutely no doubt that all my wins are only a result of my own skill in a fair competition and not being blatantly favoured by the developer's arbitrary design philosophy.

    • @deadrixhanon1776
      @deadrixhanon1776 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      best thing about fair champs is that if you were better than your opponents your enemy know you are better than them, this will make things more interesting

    • @claraclenky9843
      @claraclenky9843 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I love his passive I remember one time I deleted full hp nexus in 3~ish seconds

    • @lollgodz9965
      @lollgodz9965 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@deadrixhanon1776 playing ziggs into yone, not fair fight to him in any means being its yone, the one of the longest range engage champion, but he was so afraid of me that he rather ulti full hp whoever than me, also sylas, got destroyed so hard that only thing he did to me, was stealing my ultimate

    • @the_last_ballad
      @the_last_ballad 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      His passive is more of a concession than a perk.
      It still benefits him, but like all artillery mages(Lux, Xerath, Zoe, and velkoz, but also Ezreal, Kogmaw, Varus if you strech the definition)it exists to give them a reason to get into interaction range instead of just poking from far away.

  • @imainyordles9498
    @imainyordles9498 3 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    I think what makes Ziggs special is the fact that nobody expects nothing from you, neither your team or the enemy, wich makes things waaaay easier when you one-shot the enemy AD Carry with a Q, or when you stole a Dragon from the Jungler who had no idea you were even there in first place
    I think is the simplicity and balance what makes Ziggs something of a "Jack of all trades" for every situation you have.
    But hey, that's just my opinion though.

    • @rubixx_6924
      @rubixx_6924 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      100 tru

    • @vinzer72frie
      @vinzer72frie 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I always get flamed for picking ziggs no matter the position

  • @RAWRluver
    @RAWRluver 3 ปีที่แล้ว +218

    What I want is for his abilities to land faster. That's it. It honestly its all he need.

  • @Fewchore
    @Fewchore 3 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    As a Ziggs main, I really wish more people would pick him up. It might be hard to hit his skillshots, but he's fun once you get used to him :)

    • @blupeecounter8814
      @blupeecounter8814 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I just started the game and I got my ads handed to me by him so I saved up for him and I have him lvl 3 rn. I really like him XD and I personally don’t mind staying back and dealing slow damage

    • @daktotathecolossus7404
      @daktotathecolossus7404 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I tried playing him today. He is hella fun. Its kinda hard to hit his q but get used to it and its amazing

    • @jay-jamainfarsen6853
      @jay-jamainfarsen6853 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Maining him on Wild Rift now

    • @ibrav7979
      @ibrav7979 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I like him in wr

    • @ibrav7979
      @ibrav7979 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I like him in wr

  • @thomkalsbeek8611
    @thomkalsbeek8611 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    the thing that makes ziggs so unpopular is the same thing that makes him so powerful. everything he does seems so underwelming at first, but when you master him you see that he actually has a LOOOT of hidden tricks you can use. for example:
    - his q has one of the biggest ranges on a basic ability in the entire game. even if your against an opponent that can gap close from an entire screen away (wich is all the time) your range is so immense that you can still easily CS and even push the lane while spamming Q
    - his W is maybe the best ability in his kit because of the versatility, when used correctly your basically ungankable by immediately throwing yourself under tower. it can create gaps, it can knock fleeing enemies back it can interrupt enemies (especially fun against an enemy nunu) and ofc it executes towers.
    - the minefield again seems underwhelming but because its damge is split between each mine, people ALWAYS understimate its damage ánd they get slowed wich means your Q will hit them way more. it can completely lock down escapes or engages in chokepoint or forces them to go in with at least 30% less health
    - his passive is insane late game. ziggs can push towers faster than his entire team, on his own. if any turret is left alone, regardless wether its full health or not, you just hit a passive, throw Q and E for the oncoming wave, hit another passive and the W, you can take a full health turret in less than 5 seconds.
    - his ult is ofc very nice for burst and executing enemies, but is also nice for pushing. oh youve slow pushed 2,5 waves worth of minion, well thank you for the free gold :)
    if you take TP instead of ignite, focus on playing safe early game, tunnel vision every weak turret there is regardless of possible danger you can take a champ that is very undertuned for todays standards and absolutely demolish objectives. you could lose a lane against an akali one-trick, being 1/5/0 and STILL win lane because of his insane waveclear and frankly top tier turret destruction
    and all of this is hidden cuz you would only notice these things if you decide to play a champ whose ability description only says 'he do damage, but from far away :O'.

  • @AvatarRoku22
    @AvatarRoku22 3 ปีที่แล้ว +714

    ok so... gonna need you to stop going through all my picks and making 'why no one plays' vids on them

    • @fairytoxy4364
      @fairytoxy4364 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      underrated comment

    • @kevindon2133
      @kevindon2133 3 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @samlee6240
      @samlee6240 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      right! i purposefully pick up the champs i dont see played that often.

    • @kevindon2133
      @kevindon2133 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@samlee6240 hey! Me too. My team usually thinks I'm trolling but its legit an OCD thing for me. I cant play champs with over 3% playrate.

    • @Soul-qo5sr
      @Soul-qo5sr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@kevindon2133 lol I thought I was the only dude like this. The game is a way more fun with that mindset

  • @brendanbush8167
    @brendanbush8167 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    As a Ziggs player, I find a few good things about his kit and gameplay:
    1. He scales incredibly well, even if he isn’t crazy fed. If someone can play him well enough to stay safe, he is a great team fighter.
    2. His cool downs are incredibly low from mid to late game, especially his Q. He can constantly harass enemies as games progress.
    3. His W is such a good disruption for many enemies. He can roam and help in jungle fights, and he can peel for teammates rather well.
    Note: these are all what I like about him as a main. Great video btw :)

  • @bleggman77
    @bleggman77 3 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    bro idk how you only have 23k subs. your channel really feels like a 200k-500k sub channel.

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I really appreciate that man :) I put a lot of work in to each video so it makes me really happy to see comments like these.

    • @bleggman77
      @bleggman77 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@VarsVerum keep up the work man. the algorithm is bound to pick up your videos one day. i found your channel from the why no one plays kayle video and subbed right after. i just got into genshin like 2 weeks ago and wouldnt you know it i check your channel and you make genshin videos!

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@bleggman77 Yeahh Genshin was sort of a wash for me. It's a fun game and I still play it, but I don't think it's a TH-cam friendly game, there's not much to make content on and a lot of big names sort of ruined the rep for all of us with hyper clickbaity videos. I'm just in a bit of a slump where I don't know what videos to make that both get good traction and make me happy to make. League has the happy part, but 10+ hours per WNP video for only a thousand views is def not something I can do for the rest of my life.

    • @bleggman77
      @bleggman77 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@VarsVerum yeah there isnt much content you can feasibly make on genshin. WNP is definitely content there is an audience for. just gotta fight the algorithm i guess. perhaps people just arent as interested in league videos anymore? i know exil and gbay99 are both having issues getting views on their recent videos so who knows.

    • @thedevildarksoul9727
      @thedevildarksoul9727 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@VarsVerum maybe do a why no one watches league videos ? I'm just saying, it might give the good ol' rnjesus a good tug, and they might put you in the algorithm, I don't know man, no one seems to play league anymore, probs cuz it's so fucking toxic, but yea man, best of luck

  • @daktotathecolossus7404
    @daktotathecolossus7404 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Artillery mages are my fav kind of champ tbh, its so fun one shotting people from far away.

    • @minhducnguyen674
      @minhducnguyen674 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      And Velkoz too. Yea, we may suck at close range. A shame you won't live long enough to reach us.

    • @hamzasami8362
      @hamzasami8362 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@minhducnguyen674 until they stack magic resist and rush u with stride breaker.. xerath main here :v

    • @claraclenky9843
      @claraclenky9843 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hamzasami8362 strikebreaker’s dash is gone :D

    • @hamzasami8362
      @hamzasami8362 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@claraclenky9843 yep thank god

  • @manuelfrutiger6480
    @manuelfrutiger6480 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    1 important macanic: you can shove enemy’s into your e with w

    • @gowther10commandments33
      @gowther10commandments33 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      What is e anf what is w

    • @anantakabir8390
      @anantakabir8390 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@gowther10commandments33 i believe he throws a cluster of bombs in an area which slow enemies when they walk through it so 4:32 shows the details and the other is satchel charge which knocks back you/opponents if near it when it explodes (4:23)

    • @chamberlainchronicales3147
      @chamberlainchronicales3147 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anantakabir8390 it also stuns opponents if you knock them to a wall

    • @chamberlainchronicales3147
      @chamberlainchronicales3147 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think with these new patches make his ability do triple damage to jungle camps and he would be an awsome jungler with the ways he could come from with w

  • @Shieldzee
    @Shieldzee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I love ziggs! He's the most fun champion imo! He does enough damage, has a fun mechanic that lets you throw bombs easily, and he has major cc! He controls the battlefield until someone steps near him which is why he is a great team fighter rather than a great dueler. I think his abilities do go with each other since his e can slow down targets and make it easier to hit them with a q or a w but you can also throw your w first then e and bombard them with q. He's the best glass canon a player could ask for!!
    (P.S. the ultimate steals feel so good when you land them)

  • @everything-has-a-handle-now
    @everything-has-a-handle-now 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Old video but I've been playing ziggs in the 12.11 patch and he is amazing. The fact that he doesn't how specific combos you need to hit but rather relies on skill shots and reading the enemy makes him perfect for my play style.

  • @Doushibag
    @Doushibag 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I just started playing a few weeks ago and Ziggs was the second champion I unlocked with essence points. He's great and I enjoy playing him a lot. He's definitely my favorite to play and the fact that others don't play him much is all the better for me. I like him better than all the others I've tried so far, only one other even being reasonably close so far. Landing shots can be pretty satisfying too.

  • @b.guy1424
    @b.guy1424 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I love ziggs, he’s the only one I play and I wouldn’t change a thing. I love the low play and ban rate, how minions can’t block any ability. I play him not with my brother on Alistair. Good video.

  • @carlgionet5414
    @carlgionet5414 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Ziggs is one of my main and i just love all those skill shots i mean the gratification you get when your bouncing bomb hits your target on the 3rd bounce makes you laugh like him haha
    the secret to him in a bad matchup is vision, ward, map control, split pushing and a lot of skill shot practice. His passive is not so useful on champs but on towers it just destroys. Leaving a ziggs pushing top lane while doing dragon is a bad idea :)

  • @emohung1172
    @emohung1172 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I think making his passive increase his attack range for that attack would make more sense for being an artillery mage

    • @lollgodz9965
      @lollgodz9965 ปีที่แล้ว

      make hes passive do bonus damage from further away, he is hexxplosive expert after all, makes sense that he can attack from afar and is "hexplosive" with attacks, just add some range to it like caitlyn headshot or something, he already has bonus damage but it would feel amazing, instead of buffing the damage just buff the aa range

  • @unstoppable7093
    @unstoppable7093 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I would make his passive increased his empowered auto range by 50-150(scale with level) and when hit enemy will slow them by 25% for 0.5s. he can be officially meta apc and can be played in mid. His base auto range will be the same but his passive empowered auto will alow him to match with other adcs in meta like caitlyn ....etc.
    Also make his q have slow will be cancer.

    • @frozi3193
      @frozi3193 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Cecilia-ky3uw why land his skills when you can land Xerath's skills? Hard cc, much longer poke, ult with a duration and damage spread for executions at the right time.

    • @valesalsal6363
      @valesalsal6363 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A nice buff would be that if the enemy gets hit by your e the que area would be higher like when it lands minions. That shold make feel his e more scary.

  • @root_test9493
    @root_test9493 3 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    The second skin that I got was odyssey ziggs
    And so I started playing him
    And I fell in love with his play style
    He can dominate the mid

    • @mariacosta-yn8om
      @mariacosta-yn8om 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      same but it was my first skin ever

    • @theholyspirit4780
      @theholyspirit4780 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      My first free skin I got was sugar rush ziggs and I fell in love instantly!

    • @lollgodz9965
      @lollgodz9965 ปีที่แล้ว

      i am support main and got autofilled mid, picked ziggs as a joke pick and it worked amazing against yone, then in another game I was playing against sylas and he got gapped aswell

  • @Drathrin
    @Drathrin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    No no no, his passive is amazing. Mixed with Lich bane i can 2 shot towers after 25 minutes. Plus it gives him more micro ability in sustained fights

  • @retrocny5625
    @retrocny5625 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've been a ziggs fan since he was first introduced. It's a love/hate playstyle but I personally love it. Super fun champ.

  • @irfanmuammar8547
    @irfanmuammar8547 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Basically ziggs is like the "good guys" who don't really shine that much, but he's just... there.... and not making any impression.
    Maybe they plan to rework it?

  • @foxsygamer1118
    @foxsygamer1118 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The best thing about playing Ziggs is almost no one respects his ability to take a tower and push faster than any champion in the game. I'll walk into a lane with a half health tower and take it and they don't even notice till it's too late and I'm on the next tower.

    • @Trigathus
      @Trigathus 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      and then camille ganks you from 8 screens away, stuns you, ults you, cya mate

    • @lollgodz9965
      @lollgodz9965 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Trigathus playing ziggs as last pick is amazing when you see they have no 9 screen away gankers

  • @BearierThanYou
    @BearierThanYou 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I play zigs the same reason I play Sivir. The psychological warfare inflicted with each hit Q in the beginning of the game makes your laner do things they normally wouldn’t

  • @CanONuke
    @CanONuke 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love playing as Ziggs because I love being unpredictable. You never know which skillshot I will land on you first.

  • @Shiftinggers
    @Shiftinggers 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What I do love about Ziggs is the fact that you can shoot your ulti from the mid lane all the way to the dragon area

  • @OriginalMokthol
    @OriginalMokthol 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When I played League daily, Ziggs was in the top 3 that I played (the others were Xerath and Brand). I played them because their kits weren't a straight combo kit. I would use my abilities in different orders based on the situation. The champion I chose wasn't what won the encounter, it was how I played. I think Ziggs is an incredible design for a champion, the problem has become that his kit no longer fits into what LoL has become. The game is about quick bursts of action that are over quickly, item builds aren't varied (they never were but that's just what the game has always been).
    Yeah, he has his weaknesses, but champions should have weaknesses, its about how you play despite those shortcomings. You can either build to make his strengths stronger, or to buff up his weak spots.

  • @cowforceseven7328
    @cowforceseven7328 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Man I picked up Ziggs for the tower execute, and I definitely feel the whole “meh” factor he’s got. I play lots of Xerath and he’s got combos, better range, and more satisfying abilities and Xerath isn’t even popular.

    • @warwickeng5491
      @warwickeng5491 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Xerath is basically a better Ziggs, especially in the mana department

    • @cowforceseven7328
      @cowforceseven7328 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@warwickeng5491 Yeah I love that I never go oom, also Xerath’s primary abilities don’t use projectiles so they reach distant targets quicker, I can hit Xerath q way easier than Ziggs q.

  • @IcarusOOT
    @IcarusOOT 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like Ziggs because of the same reason I love Sylas and Viego, BECAUSE of his wild cardness, each ability fits for a different situation, and I love it, it lets me play how I want instead of doing one thing over and over again, I can zone, I can peel, chase, etc, I so many different possibilities, just depends on how I use them

  • @TuftyTaltan
    @TuftyTaltan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I know it makes him a little more unpopular with the "combo crowd" but I LOVE Zigg's kit of similarly themed but mechanically distinct abilities, first off it keeps his identity more clean cut and identifiable, Ziggs is the one guy who does what he does. Plus having an "Arsenal" of like-minded abilities to suit many functions makes way more sense for a demolitionist's kit.
    I will say though, if I could change something, his minefield should stop dashes that go into it, not just slow the opponent, it would go a looong way to dealing with assassins instantly popping him like a fuzzy balloon.

  • @richardhuang7158
    @richardhuang7158 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    what if hitting satchel charge with your q caused it to explode bigger and deal bonus damage? cool thematically while adding synergy and combos to his kit.

  • @kevingriffith6011
    @kevingriffith6011 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    So one thing that people overlook about Ziggs that I think is kinda big is just how amazing of a tool his ultimate is for controlling the map and being a band-aid for people's mistakes. You might actually bring more value for your team using it to clear waves than you do using it for kills: If your top lane or bot lane dies and you're mid with ziggs, you can delete all the enemy minions on that lane... Delete a stacked minion wave with it and you can net yourself 260 gold and a ton of EXP, if one of those waves is a cannon wave that's up to 330 gold, more than a kill and all it costs you is a ~2 minute cooldown ultimate. You can leave your own lane to go roam and just ult the wave from across the map to buy yourself more on the map without missing a single CS.
    Aaaand since there aren't any minions left in the lane anymore, the enemy can't capitalize on the kill to push the tower, get a recall or roam. Every two minutes (not accounting for ability haste) you essentially erase every advantage an enemy gets for a kill but the gold while also gaining almost a kill's worth of gold and EXP for yourself that your opponent in the lane can't match.

  • @buildinasentry1046
    @buildinasentry1046 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Ziggs main here, i really find it satisfying to land his Q and Ult

  • @jcnot9712
    @jcnot9712 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’ve mained Ziggs on and off for almost a decade now and I still get shocked to this day at how small his bouncing bomb hitbox is. Riot nerfed it to the ground once and has never looked back for some reason.

    • @pantelistzecheridis2286
      @pantelistzecheridis2286 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes they need to revert the need they did back at patch 4.11 to his q's hitbox since there is so much mobility in the game.

    • @lollgodz9965
      @lollgodz9965 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pantelistzecheridis2286 hes q hitbox is smaller than q itself lmao

  • @simplegilo8115
    @simplegilo8115 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ziggs main here, you absolutely CAN combo with him but it’s not as obvious as other champions. You can use satchel to push enemies into your e, ult and q. Being able to do this though is pretty tricky in an actual game though, good luck landing that on a kata/akali

  • @Maruru98
    @Maruru98 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I guess to make him a bit more viable is to add another component in his passive where if the enemy champions got hit by his bombs 2 or 3 or even more times, they will get stunned.
    My basis for that is in real life, the consecutive explosion sound from the bombs will make someone disoriented or knocked out or lose consciousness. I dunno. But he really needs a hard CC to run away from his pursuers. 😅

    • @TheMaxCloud
      @TheMaxCloud 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I mean he has a Jump that also makes enemy champs "Stuned" for half a second....
      But yes he needs either More damage or More CC.

    • @OchiiDinUmbraa
      @OchiiDinUmbraa 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      LOL You want to give a champ that does 4000 damage at full build, a stun so he can land his entire combo? Ziggs would literally oneshot people from range

    • @alp5367
      @alp5367 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @The_damag3 & The spy brand has third of the range that ziggs has, plus ziggs can outsmite at lvl 9 xd

    • @lollgodz9965
      @lollgodz9965 ปีที่แล้ว

      I mean lets be honest you cant do shit to ashe when they decide to auto ziggs, you just cant escape

  • @docmanh20
    @docmanh20 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love Ziggs because he has a big personality and because whenever you aim his Bouncing Bomb or Ultimate it's like I'm playing the old crane game at the arcade. It feels fantastic to land these abilities. I think that Satchel Charge is probably the hardest ability to use though. You have to use it right with positioning and timing plus it doesn't always go the way you want it to. Satchel + Minefield combos have to be quick.
    Rune choice is important on Ziggs too, I think too many people get tunneled on Arcane Comet. There are other playstyles that fit Ziggs. I think Domination and Inspiration are both underrated. I don't see anyone talking about Glacial Augment Ziggs but it puts a slow on his Satchel that makes it like a second Minefield.

  • @Curiacity
    @Curiacity 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ziggs is sort of my biggest pocket pick but I love him so much. I honestly really started enjoying him more after learning Taliyah. Using Ziggs W similarly to Taliyahs kit for displacement makes him so strong in early game. W Bounce then into bad positions or even or mine field, super good to learn how and when to do this if you want to learn this awesome champ!

  • @MadBasic
    @MadBasic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ziggs q needs an ability like TF’s pick a card where he can have different kind of bombs at his disposal. For example noxious bomb that works similar to twitch poison or a smoke bomb that works like graves grenade. Or a passive ability that if you cast your minefield directly on a champ it works like rengar’s net and can root enemies for a few seconds. Or give his satchel charge a toggleable ability to either sit and detonate turrets or travel and target enemies like maokai’s saplings. Maybe make it so his ultimate makes a crater like how J4’s ultimate changes the terrain after landing.

  • @theatagamer90
    @theatagamer90 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    And now Ziggs has become terrifyingly good. Ere we go.

  • @Nipotazzi
    @Nipotazzi 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I feel like reworking his passive would be enough to make him way more relevant, something like "periodically his next basic ability will deal extra damage" or similar wich is a passive some champs have, for the rest his kit is perfect as it is, because it makes him very unique.

  • @artaizen1613
    @artaizen1613 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    me last played LoL like 8 years ago and seeing this channel, and many of my old fav gets why no one plays.... just kind of sad

  • @furnoprime9439
    @furnoprime9439 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ah good ol Ziggs. That lil boomin' ball of fur was my first (and still to this very day my only) champion that I ever got a pentakill on thanks to my Yorick Support as I went Ziggs ADC a very long time ago (back in the days of old where Riot still made Christmas skins)

  • @deadpooh
    @deadpooh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love ziggs. I get more hate from the enemy team as him than Teemo. He is annoying to play against and I love it. People worried about gap-closing divers; use that explosive charge to re-open the gap. Ziggs is fun as hell to play as. I know there are stronger choices but he is FUN to play. Especially on ARURF

  • @amphibianenthusiast1887
    @amphibianenthusiast1887 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The ziggs ability order is just E into Q and maybe an auto. The e provides a slow to get a more consistent Q hit and it sets up the longer fight because now your target is surrounded by slow mines

  • @ΝικήταςΚωνσταντινίδης-ω4ι

    ziggs has a powerspike is called liandrys anguish

  • @deckhandzyx
    @deckhandzyx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ziggs main.
    - I love the character and his gameplay style even though he can be wrecked fairly easily even when really far ahead which i find to be his biggest issue.
    - if i could change something, it would be his passive, which is handy for hitting towers and early game farming but that's about it.
    - If his passive rewarded him in some way for hitting skill shots that would be amazing, E.G. stack ability haste, or movement speed.
    - or possibly his minefield could slow more would be a big help, plus it would then be easier to hit his other abilities.

  • @nativechatter999
    @nativechatter999 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    It'd be cool if Ziggs's passive let him destroy wards and such in 1-2 basic attacks.

  • @psychiastro7906
    @psychiastro7906 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Taling about E: ,,That could either just go through it..."
    Me, maxing out the E: I'd like to Differ

  • @limelemonkingwinther5453
    @limelemonkingwinther5453 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i find combos intimidating, so i like that every ability works individualy.

  • @Avatarbee
    @Avatarbee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ziggs Ult combos with his Satchel Charge and his Minefield. Use the former abillities to try and keep/jeet your enemies in the centre of your ult. Also his Minefield slow is also usefull for hitting his Satchelcharge and Bouncing Bomb since it has the bigges AOE and slows them. I think that if his Bouncing Bomb slowed Ziggs would become super oppresive since then it would combo into itself.

  • @emanuelrivadeo4663
    @emanuelrivadeo4663 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent review! As a Ziggs user I completely agree with you. Probably his biggest problem is his consistency with his skills and that they are easy to dodge. He is only there to destroy towers and do damage (if you land your skills). It would be nice if his E could stun or immobilize instead of slowing just like Caitlyn's mine, Jinx or slow on Q like you said would be great too. Nonetheless, he is the most enjoyable and funniest champ to play with.

    • @jber9619
      @jber9619 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ziggs gets alot of cc (however it's all skillshots), blocks off entrances and exits, destroys towers easily, ults teamfights, and keeps the enemy from getting under your tower. However his downfall is that he is extremely squishy, can't 1v1 a full hp champion, and lacks mobility, which is a TERRIBLE combination.
      My suggestion for a ziggs rework is:
      Increase range of his W or E by 15% so he can use his crowd control easier
      Make his W launch champions 10% further.
      Make his ultimate land at LEAST 50% faster, even if it has to nerfed a bit.
      (Dmg, range or AOE nerf)
      add a 10% slow to his Q
      change his passive to 10% extra movement speed out of combat, and an extra 20% movement speed in combat for extra mobility.
      This would be perfect for ziggs, because even if they nerf some of the buffs I've listed later on, it still fits in much better in the current meta than ziggs current build.

  • @uknlogic2924
    @uknlogic2924 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    While the artillery mage is a dying role-ziggs has a niche that allows him to be anti engage since his mines and satchel punish those who try to engage on him. He could also build zhonya's to mitigate even more burst. I don't think he has the best game plan, but he's not the worst imo

  • @TheBigSad8247
    @TheBigSad8247 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Oh boy. Can wait for him to do my Xerath since he is a lower-picked artillery mage.

  • @PhilFromSchool
    @PhilFromSchool 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    as a ziggs main, here's my two cents:
    - personally, i prefer champions who have separate moves, and no fixed combos, coz then you're free to use your moves as necessary; more fluid. i'm happy to just wail on them with Qs and only W or E when needed. lord knows ziggs Q does enough damage on its own
    - i'm also glad that he's NOT locked behind power spikes. with other champions, it feels terrible when "the game is lost" before you even hit one core item. but ziggs feels fun at every stage of the game
    - also, he is useful at ALL stages of the game. when ahead, he can siege and damage champions without even being in tower range, and from behind, i would argue he has superior/mana efficient waveclear against his other artillery counterparts. there have been games, where with my ult and teleport, i've held all 3 lanes by myself, 1v5, when being pushed in by enemy team
    appreciate the content though bro, it's great hearing perspectives of mains from players who don't use them :o

  • @tomislavjakobcic5210
    @tomislavjakobcic5210 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    `main ziggs here..early part of game honestly i almost never loose lane,3 main problem for me early on are very good talon,zed or yasuo but even that i play safe..second thing ziggs can be extremely good pushing lane champ

  • @Wellshem
    @Wellshem ปีที่แล้ว

    The reason is simple, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing his Q boucing around an enemy and not exploding. Also, but that's new, Aurelion Sol now have the ultimate zigg want to have 😅

  • @herohalv4543
    @herohalv4543 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    the reason i play ziggs is for his almost entirely unique and specific late game fantasy. you leave a 3 item ziggs alone for 10 seconds (with lich bane because i dont care about optimizing my build when i can one shot towers) and boom, you're turret is gone. you try to withstand a siege against him and boom, as he's throwing out poke abilities it's also resetting his passive cooldown for massive damage to your turret.
    it's not just late game though, one of my favorite minigames on ziggs is playing him ADC with a poke support (xerath especially), maxing W and taking all 15 plates off the enemies tier 1 turrets for massive gold income. (obv in ranked i dont go all in with the W max but the goal is still the same)

  • @BurningLove73
    @BurningLove73 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    his R should have the same landing and visibility as Panth R. fair enough that you might be able to dodge it when you’re paying attention and not CCd but fast enough that it’s actually threatening by itself

  • @MerlinCross13
    @MerlinCross13 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Former Ziggs main back when I played. Ziggs struck me as a character that made me go "I wonder what I can do with that character and his skills" rather than "Here's how you play this character". There were a few cheeky and tricky things you could do just to mess with your foe and because you rarely did the same thing ie "Having a bread and butter" it made it hard to play against or at least predict all the time. Even if it didn't hit, throwing people off the expect game could result in winning trades or escapes.

  • @joseaguillon3152
    @joseaguillon3152 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Main Ziggs here,
    1- You have to be creative (most the W and E)
    2- If you pick the correct ítems you are the guy who make a lot of damage form a safe distance (even you save problems to you team with tath)
    3- The Ultimate can steel dragons and Barons, the potencial of stealing are maginificent.

  • @kevinvanderende3088
    @kevinvanderende3088 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ziggs is my most played champion, and the whole reason why is his passive+w combo. My first question when I first picked him up and read his abilities was," Why doesn't anyone ever play him?"
    I literally only run him to farm up in lane quickly to get ludens, boots, and then lich bane. Take tp and then just farm up. Then while everyone else is team fighting over things like dragons, I'm teleporting and taking multiple towers.

  • @JohnSmith-tu5eo
    @JohnSmith-tu5eo 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    First, this was a great video. It's nice to see that others like to play Ziggs nearly as much as I did when I still played the game. I haven't played league in years but even then I noticed many of the things you brought up. His play style isn't for everyone, but damn if it's not rewarding when you hit everything just right.
    Something that no one seems to have mentioned at all in the comments is the nerf that made a HUGE difference in his effectiveness in all scenarios back in Season 4 (or around then?). The nerf being a blast radius reduction on his Q. It really hurt him imo. I had to watch some recent gameplay and the old champion spotlight just to make sure I wasn't mistaken. It might not sound like much but to someone who played him alot it was night and day. It didn't feel more rewarding to hit Q. It looks like they buffed the range of the first bounce though but that was never a problem.
    Artillery mages excel at defending static objectives, especially if channeling is involved. With some mana sustain or just a high mana pool, they can just keep dishing out poke. In another relic of LoL past, Dominion, I used to play Ziggs quite a lot in the bottom lane. I could usually hold my own indefinitely once I got some decent mana regen and even take the other point if I managed to kill the other bottom laner. Defense of either point was natural with Zigg's kit.
    I also played 3v3 on Twisted Treeline where Ziggs could do very well, there were the platforms on either side where team fights would constantly happen, and the map didn't require that you waddle vast distances where the action is already over once you arrive.
    It really sucks because Ziggs, and champions like him, don't have the opportunity to shine because their weaknesses are exacerbated on Summoner's Rift and the direction the game has gone with champion mobility and items in addition to not having objectives that require sustained defense or siege like in ARAM or Dominion.

  • @MarluART
    @MarluART 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really like playing him as a support mage. Empowered autos help you poke in lane, aoe knockback on w, aoe slow on e, w can help you take tower faster to get out of laning phase to help the rest of the team.
    Surprisingly solid if you remember he's a squishy mage.

  • @metageek7878
    @metageek7878 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love being able to just walk up to towers under 1/4 and just delete them it's really satisfying when they forget about it and leave a low turret unguarded

  • @davute9546
    @davute9546 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I started playing ziggs on wild rift a few month ago and now i can't stop playing him on wild rift and on pc. He's feels so good to play because if you kill someone, you really feel like you outskilled them and just completely destroyed them. His entire kit is just throwing around some bombs at people. It's simple

  • @hamza-trabelsi
    @hamza-trabelsi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    A Ziggs Main here, Everything you said is true , he doesn't look like a threat . they are not scared of you , they don't even bother with you that much . and I learned to use that as an advantage , they will underestimate your damage or your siege power . they get busy for while , their base is breached , they leave mid for a roam , mid is done .

  • @endersparshott
    @endersparshott หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I just like seeing turrets go boom!

  • @LiviuBadeaRocks
    @LiviuBadeaRocks 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Over 1.3kkk mastery points with him, and I wouldn't change anything, damage is just insane!

  • @abrarnoorani8385
    @abrarnoorani8385 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing that could make ziggs awesome is to put armour reduction on his Q and ult and make it land faster so that way he could be doing his job of destroying towers bett r r while supporting his team in teamfights by making all the damage hit harder

  • @grogphilip8979
    @grogphilip8979 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    ziggs power spike is when you buy your 6th item at the end if you survive and bassically 1v5 the enemy team.

  • @OneTwoPeanut
    @OneTwoPeanut ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel like if you like to split push but don't like playing tanks or bruisers there's not really any better choice than Ziggs, he's pretty well rounded in regards of being a good split pusher while also being great in team fights, most of the good split pushers you think of right off the bat tend to be mush better at solo killing than team fighting. Meanwhile Ziggs can pretty effectively do both, and he can also sit back and poke out whoever the enemy team sends to respons to him splitting, even if it's multiple people, while waiting for him team or stalling out his death while his team gets drake or baron. I sort of see him as more of a utility mage than an artillery mage because he can basically fill any non-tank role that you need him to, he's very adaptable and I think that's why I enjoy him so much.

  • @samlee6240
    @samlee6240 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    as a ziggs main, he actually used to be a pretty good champ last season. these new items have really thrown a wrench in stuff and he is not nearly as good now. with all the crazy healing going on it makes his poke pretty much worthless. definitely needs alot more balancing. no love for mages these days.

  • @Gauche69
    @Gauche69 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As a Ziggs main I disagree with the commentary about lack of synergy between his abilities.
    The mines slow enemies so you can land bouncing bomb easier. You can also Satchel Bomb the enemy into your mines.
    Also, every time you use an ability lowers the CD of his passive by 5s, and his passive is great for poking on laning phase as well as for taking plates.
    One horrible thing about Ziggs’ ult is that the edges deal about the same dmg as his Q, so unless you hit dead center, it can feel underwhelming.
    Thank you for the video! I love seeing Ziggs getting some attention

    • @Gauche69
      @Gauche69 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also, his mad scientist skin’s mines are green and hard to see on summoner’s rift vegetation :)

  • @dillon4903
    @dillon4903 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a ziggs main and I play him for all of the reasons you said 😂. I love having all skill shots, I love him being unpopular, and I love him not having any inherently "broken" abilities.

  • @longphan6548
    @longphan6548 ปีที่แล้ว

    Though I don't main Ziggs, I love playing him when the enemy doesn't have diver assassins. I just straight up build CDR & AP then proceed to demolish their building while my team 4v5 :) Such a great experience.

  • @omarshaikh5455
    @omarshaikh5455 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I chose Ziggs because he's the main character of an upcoming videogame, Hextech Mayhem.

  • @TheGodOfShoes
    @TheGodOfShoes 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd change his passive to "Primed Powder". Same cooldown but it augments the next aa/ regular ability he does. Primed q would explode on each bounce but do less damage with successive hits and not vanish after hitting someone. Prime W would knock people up like a quick tapped poppy ult and slow after so he has a disengage tool. Itd knock him away like usual though. And primed E stealths the minefield so people dont know if it's safe to cross and makes the mines last longer. No ult change aside from maybe making it faster.

  • @ronanshamrock9303
    @ronanshamrock9303 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know what you mean! His passive and disjointed kit can be very vexing despite him being a fun poke pick. Easiest way to solve it is to kill both birds with one stone!
    New passive; Shell Shock: Instead of empowering his AA on a cool-down (25, 20, 15, 10 based on ult level) it instead empowers and augments his next basic ability cast. Also it has a passive that causes his empowered ability's to apply a stack of shell Shock to them that slows them by 30% decreasing over 2 sec. If Ziggs hits them with another seperate ability within that 2 seconds they become Shell Shocked (stunned) and take 10% more dmg from both the dmg proc and all other sources for 2 sec.
    Q Augment: his next Q cast has a 20% width size increase and slight dmg boost, as well as causeing the bomb to deal splash dmg on every bounce with a slightly larger one at the end. (kind of how Hiemer empowered E works but not as big and no stun)
    W Augment: Increased dmg and turret execute and double distance on launch. Takes 1 full second to arm so it can't be used instantly.
    E Augment: One free cast that puts it on a 2 sec cool-down.
    This should give him some room for better skill expression while also giving his abilities more synergy and even a way for him to set up his own Ult play.

  • @misterllemos
    @misterllemos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ziggs played in 2021 worlds - made me feel all happy and giddy inside

  • @matthewgreen6131
    @matthewgreen6131 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He is my main and to me he is a blast to play, I love spam poke pressure. That being said I stopped playing normals or ranked some time ago because of toxic people, I just do aram and tft now.

  • @forkrift3170
    @forkrift3170 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Since he is an artillery mage, I would make it so that his passive interacts with how far away his targets are. Maybe every time he deals damage (from his abilities, not items or item passives or anything of the sort), the ability would deal increased damage, or refund mana, or give him an enhanced auto attack that he can fire off from a great distance. Just some food for thought.
    Since all of his abilities are 'just abikities' and don't have much synergy, I think the best way to bring his kit together would be to make them interact with his passive.

  • @masonlancaster838
    @masonlancaster838 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think the best way to make Ziggs effective is to extrapolate his passive to his abilities (or in the least his Q). Bonus damage every 14 sec would make that Q something to play around in lane, much like Jhin’s 4th shot. Also, Ziggs’ main combo is EQ, because if an enemy steps on a mine it’s a free Q if you play the champ.
    I think the most likely change from Riot to make the champ viable would be to speed up the R landing after indicator. There’s a lot of opportunity to space and in solo-que the spell can have adverse effects for team coordination when each enemy is avoiding it in a different direction.
    One quirky thing I’ve perfected as a Ziggs player is being really annoying around objectives. Once you hit 11, you can essentially outsmite the enemy Jungler with R, so once you get the feel for the flight of the MIB, you can poke the enemy team and steal their objective, leaving them injured and drakeless😂 overall there is no more fun champion in the entire game than Ziggs

  • @danielgrotz6599
    @danielgrotz6599 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ziggs main. I think there's two areas he really shines. One is being able to stall games and baron pushes (thought admittedly Anivia and Orianna also can do this well) so sometimes I'll pick him if we've got Vayne or Kog Maw bot or something. The other is as an adc replacement. If you've got an ad damage heavy team you can take him bot lane because he'll still provide the turret killing power of an adc. I've actually had a lot of success with him bot lane; most of the enemy adcs don't know better and they stand next to their minions giving me easy Q's.

  • @thelounge116
    @thelounge116 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    the second you have the enemy adc and support hiding under tower while your adc freezes the wave just outside of your tower range, any time i see bot diff, i know i did my job. you have to focus less on initiating a fight, and more on changing the fighting terms, keep them scaired of pushing up. force the enemy to play out of their play style.

  • @xantiagoraco
    @xantiagoraco 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I really wished the passive would empower his abilities in different ways, like more range, dmg or different effects, like more mines on the E. And the AA dmg passive could be in another ability passively so it doesnt change backwards

  • @TheRealSimeon
    @TheRealSimeon 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I first saw him I didn't think much of ziggs and wasn't interesting in playing with him.
    But now...
    After having given him a shot, I can confirm that he is an absolute blast (pun 100% intended) to play!
    I love that I can constantly put some sort of pressure on the enemy without being in too much danger myself. Also, like some other commenter mentioned, it just feels satisfying landing his Q and R. Especially the R!

  • @mightybatillo
    @mightybatillo 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm not a Ziggs main but I like to play him once in a while. I think the reason he is unpopular is you don't do flashy plays with him, and that is everything the players see.
    For example You can outfarm the enemy lanner by 40 cs and take all the turret plates and the first turret and be ahead by 1k or 2k, but if the enemy lanner roams and gets a kill the whole team loses its mental.
    You can also win games by clearing waves and not allowing the enemy team to push and take turrets/inhibitors but you wont see highlights of Ziggs spamming Q for 5 minutes.

  • @danielgrotz6599
    @danielgrotz6599 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ziggs does have lots of combos they just aren't obvious. It's all about managing his passive. Since using abilities lowers the cd of your passive you are always trying to do auto-2 abilities-auto and weave in the super auto before you cast another ability. This is especially easy when ziggs attacks turrets. He just does Auto-Q-E-Auto-Q-auto-Q-Auto-Q-W-Auto-W which is arguably the largest combo for any champion but not actually that complex

  • @kawaiiempoleon8721
    @kawaiiempoleon8721 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love how your like this isn't what people wanna play in like every vid and I'm like wait that's like one of my favorite types of characters lol

    @W0LFENGElST 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ziggs is just fun, especially when youre playing against people who dont know the map exists, before you know if hes taken every tower in the game at 20 minutes

  • @jazzisfrommars2476
    @jazzisfrommars2476 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a support main who started picking up Ziggs kind of as a joke a few years ago with my friends, in love with his satchel and the lack of gold needed to find effectiveness in it. I played it a solid amount and got pretty decent at it.
    I'm hardstuck gold since my first full season, mostly as a Soraka OTP, and early last season amidst some struggles went "screw it" and committed to Ziggs support OTP for the season.
    And I mean, nothing changed, still hardstuck gold. But it was fun and it wasn't really like I was any WORSE (albeit flamed a good bit more).

  • @jackawaka
    @jackawaka 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I disagree about the lack of ability connection, I personally use E to encourage enemies to walk away from that area, and use W to push them into it followed by a Q as the slow lines it up

  • @GrantedEX
    @GrantedEX 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    With the new items, Ziggs can be terrifying, I'm very aware of his faults, I'm getting close to M7 on him, and every game zed is perma-banned from me. but at the same time, one of the only champions that can consistently out-range him is Xerath, and some champions, like Akali, are easy matchups because you have zoning on E and all your abilities can hit inside of shroud, plus he excels at poking out the enemy and then getting crazy tower damage as punish, particularly early game, I've had games where I have over 20k tower damage on my team, and still have some of the highest champ damage. Ludens gives him a more burst-oriented style, with Q-W1-E-W2 and Liandry's gives him a more expected spam Q poke style.

  • @g0veGaming
    @g0veGaming ปีที่แล้ว

    Clicked on a video about my League main and it ended up featuring my smash main, Terry, as well!