Ajahn I have spent over a year listening to you. It's a privilege to listen to you. You even saved my life early on I almost gave up n Ajahn Brahm came along. I'm learning to meditate. And I appreciate you so much. The world needs a balance and Budism I think helps give the Bal. Sometime I say I'm a Christian part Jewish and part Budist. A balance of peace maybe I don't know. Blessings n good health to you always
i am a doctor , serious heart issues myself, this is a tremedous and effective technique to add to my existing western medical therapy ,and quieten my arrythmia , best of both worlds , thankyou Master Brahm
感恩慈悲分享。南无阿弥陀佛🙏 Thank you very much for making the effort to place all of these video online. It is great help in understanding the Dharma. Thank you for your compassion and knowledge. 法布施,財布施,無畏布施,功德無量,福報豐厚,積累功德!菩薩畏因 眾生畏果🙏🙏🙏積善之家必有餘慶,人生一世中最重要就是行善修德, 積口德, 所為之事.無愧於心. 內心和善慈心.光明磊落! 福報是修來的,今生不修待何時。感恩阿彌陀佛 有好报, 好因定有好果种瓜得瓜"、"善有善报"、"积极进取"、相信人的命运非由天注定,人们可以掌握自己的未来,改造自己的命运。 無論是求財、求福還是治病,放生是最有效的方法. 如果是佛弟子求解脫,放生時,將功德回向給法界眾生。如果是俗人求財,可將功德回向給自己的事業。如果家有病人,將功德回向給病人。都會有很好的效果。 放生一定要如理如法,科學放生 即以此功德,莊嚴佛淨土。上報四重恩,下救三道苦。 惟願見聞者,悉發菩提心。在世富貴全,往生極樂國。 請常念南無阿彌陀佛,一切重罪悉解脫!南无阿弥陀佛 Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
Ahjan bhram saved my life with his talks on accepting death a few years back... I would love a talk on duality . I missed you and I have returned.. To light the world again
Thank you
Hello, Thanks Ajahn.
The Buddha smiles upon thee!
Sending kindness and smiles to all! ❤
I have spent over a year listening to you. It's a privilege to listen to you. You even saved my life early on I almost gave up n Ajahn Brahm came along. I'm learning to meditate. And I appreciate you so much. The world needs a balance and Budism I think helps give the Bal. Sometime I say I'm a Christian part Jewish and part Budist. A balance of peace maybe I don't know. Blessings n good health to you always
i am a doctor , serious heart issues myself, this is a tremedous and effective technique to add to my existing western medical therapy ,and quieten my arrythmia , best of both worlds , thankyou Master Brahm
Thanks Ajahn Brahm. This is soooo great👌🙌🏼
Thank you Ajahn 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you very much for making the effort to place all of these video online. It is great help in understanding the Dharma. Thank you for your compassion and knowledge.
法布施,財布施,無畏布施,功德無量,福報豐厚,積累功德!菩薩畏因 眾生畏果🙏🙏🙏積善之家必有餘慶,人生一世中最重要就是行善修德, 積口德, 所為之事.無愧於心. 內心和善慈心.光明磊落!
有好报, 好因定有好果种瓜得瓜"、"善有善报"、"积极进取"、相信人的命运非由天注定,人们可以掌握自己的未来,改造自己的命运。
Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
Ahjan bhram saved my life with his talks on accepting death a few years back... I would love a talk on duality . I missed you and I have returned.. To light the world again
I think I heard that too I was giving up on living . I'm still struggling but Ajhan Brahm gets me thru.
Bless you friend
@@hippiechicksmomma2727 you too keep on living we will pass one day and no need to cheat the creator from his great drama
Very nice!
Felt asleep😂😂😂