Best thing to do is try to get a student visa. Costs varies but believe it is between 400 to 1000 USD. The gyms don't do it but someone at a gym might be able to help point you in the right direction. The process does take about a month and a half and technically you are supposed to go to classes to learn to speak Thai.
Pereira became light heavy weight champion in nov 23... How did this video came out 10 months ago?? This scared me
hey bro what were the morning classes like at this gym
Do they issue Muay Thai visas?
looking for the same? any recommendation?
There's no such thing as a muay thai visa.
Best thing to do is try to get a student visa. Costs varies but believe it is between 400 to 1000 USD. The gyms don't do it but someone at a gym might be able to help point you in the right direction. The process does take about a month and a half and technically you are supposed to go to classes to learn to speak Thai.
Name of the gym ?
Muay Thai Academy Bangkok
Rompo gym
Ig of sebas?
Who are u ??
looking a beginner
Boomer sooner