Hear! Hear! I can’t understand these people who see how bad Trump is and say “we have to vote for Biden” when he’s every bit as bad as Trump, just put on a disguise. Trump supporters are cheering for a convicted felon who says he doesn’t care about them after they vote, his top priorities are naming airports, cities, schools, etc. after himself and getting his portrait put onto a $500 American currency. This is the best and brightest for top political office of the U.S.A.? What is wrong with the people in the USA??? I applaud your statement of nonconformist principles but someone in the American political system is going to have to differentiate themselves from the 2 front runners and I don’t mean Kennedy Jr. because he’s just more of the same.
*How much does a Palestinian life cost American taxpayers?* *_Gaza’s population is about 2 million of which 3/4 are women and children. Israeli’s population 10 million America’s investment billions upon BILLIONS and more billions._* *_Does it cost American taxpayers millions of dollars per Palestinian life?_*
When poorer people fight, the rich will call it "terrorism", "criminality", "Evil" or "Insane." When the rich criminals terrorise the world, it is called "The Status Quo!"
Gaza has been my turning point at the age of 70. I’ve watched mainstream media all my life and have always put comments on American control on other countries down to conspiracy theories. I’ve learned so much now from online news channels and face to face interviews with Jewish scholars/ journalists. I will never look at mainstream media in the same way again and will take much more interest in international politics in the future. One thing that worried me recently was the Kenyans trying to deal with America, I kept thinking “ please don’t get involved with America “.
absolutely agree with what you said, i am also 70. in canada, faithful cbc listener. thought i was well informed, been moving to alternatives like democracy now and intercept but SHOCKED at the degree of zionist control and the vst network of zionist “ stazi” citizen spies monitoring every comment in every platform and screaming “ antisemite!” over any critique of %r@@l or say “free palestine”
Agreed. So disgusted at this age to find out that ALL the values we were taught were all a lie. From the two party system to the Supreme Court to the "freedom loving". All in the service of corporate power. Obviously the abortion issue was invented and designed to keep us in lockstep with our "personal party".
@@Ofelas1The establishment just marginalises people like him, or if they get popular, accuse them of being Russia plants, or anti-semites, or in the case of Assange, frame them for rape
@@elbmw There's like 10 conglomerates that own just about everything, including fossil fuel extraction and media. In the neoliberal age of small government, it's not countries that run the world. The US just defends the interests of these financial overlords with their enormous tax funded arsenal.
its so depressing how every attack on internet archive is missing from not only mainstream news but even most niche news platforms. like seems to really only come up in the most nerdy places... Theres literally barbarians at the gates trying to burn down the library of alexandria
All about money printing, FED leads the West witt money printing. Print money from thin air, buy assets and get rich without any value created. We have to work and create value, others give their resources (energy, raw materials, food) and they get to just print and buy.
@@Ofelas1 Fed reserve system, FIAT currency (not backed by gold, not backed by anything), Usury (Christianity and Islam condemns charging of interest), "Freemasons" and "little hat banksters". 1913, 1945 and 1971 is where humanity lost.
I cant think of a better investigative journalist now. I agree with him on the one state solution, as I cant see Israel giving up all that stolen land in the west bank.
The Horror in Gaza of children blown up and no remorse from our Goverments has opened my eyes to who really controls everything. I have lost faith in our goverments and there actions. We need peace for all and justice for the masacred.
@@benqurayza7872I am not the OP , but I’ll take that question because I agreed with its sentiments . Yes , I was . That was 8 months ago . And what has filled the time since then has been exponentially worse unless you have trouble with math, or value lives differently based on ethnicity .
@@GardenerGeorgeWhat did it take to defeat Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire? Was it tit for tat? Also, take a peek at the Hamas Covenant of 1988. It calls for the annihilation of all Jews in the world. They are motivated by religious scripture.
@@benqurayza7872thanks for your reply . 1) your parallel to WW2 doesn’t work very well . Germany and Japan were openly trying to build empires and were the aggressors in their regions . Palestinians have been steadily being squeezed off of what is now called some combination of Israel / Palestine for the past 100 years . If you know the history it is easy to contextualize what is happening today as inevitable as Israel has left violence as the only avenue towards positive change for Palestinians . 2) You were informed enough to specify “ 1988” Hamas Charter . Then you must know it was updated in 2017 after they became a political entity . So whats the point ? You seem to be going with the “ you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette “ defense . I don’t think you are going to end up with an omelette , just eggs on the floor . This is not a problem with a military solution .
This is an excellent interview. Excellent! I will be sending this to more than a few people and making a point of following Matt Kennard news platform. It's inspiring to know that journalists like him are out there. The only sadness is that that level of integrity has become such a rarity when it should be the norm
I agree..but we not see him on mainstream..BBC, 4, itv....they answer to various special interests-...England created Israel.. Thatcher hated the fact the Nelson Mandela defied the apartheid SA system... in order to maintain status quo ..British Government had taken part supporting Israel in oppression and genocide of Palestinians in Palestine/Gaza..West Bank etc..
Hopefully. But it remains our collective responsibility to never forget, to show ongoing solidarity and BUILD a system change movement. Because without building a better system we can't really create the change in society we want. See One Small Town or Mutual Aid Networks and Library Socialism for more ideas on that.
A famous quote by a Palestinian goes like this: "I always wanted Gaza to be free from Israel, after leaving it I realized Gaza is the only place free from Israel"
I know what you meant, but we need a differently structured world, no more pyramids of corrupted power. People working together, serving their communities 🙏🏽
Thank you for explaining that Israel was not created in response to the events of the second world war, and that the colonialist project there started way in advance of that.
Yeah , the world watching on as a modern European nation systematically aniliated 6 million Jews had absolutely nothing to do with the subsequent emergence of a sovereign Jewish state...
Helen Keller, deaf and blind as she was, was WAY ahead of the rest of us when it came to seeing through our pretense of democracy: “Our democracy is but a name. We vote? What does that mean? It means we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed, autocrats. We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.”
What a dumb comment. You can't rely ALWAYS on other individuals to do the work you obviously proclaim to do better. You can vote for governor of your state, mayor in your city, county boards, your police chief....there's voting in America from the smallest county to the president. Of course you need to get your behind up from your phone and actually convince individuals to help you run. It's all up to YOU. This Russian fable that our democracy isn't a democracy is astounding when you look at authoritarian states like Russia....China....in parts now Turkey and Hungary. America's problem isn't it's secular liberal democratic republic and it's voting system....it's individuals like you that don't do nothing but cry on-line. That listen to idiotic sources proclaiming America some deep state controlled by Jews....while Christian nationalists like the Wilkes brothers, the Mercer's, Kochs, Crow, Thiel etc etc are literally funding MAGA in order to indoctrinate individuals like you.... cynical.... conspiratorial. There's books concerning the history of our republic....books about the enlightenment and our founders....books about critical thinking skills and media awareness. There's apps that literally separate media sources by political ideology for you. Democracy is by far the hardest system of government.... BECAUSE you are forced into compromise. BECAUSE freedom of speech allows mis and disinformation to pervert objective facts. Where else on the planet can you as individual change legislation....if it's via voting, speaking at events, voting for public education and what the next generation will be able to access....where else can you find a Catholic church, a evangelical church....a mosque and a Hindu temple in one road without having to fear persecution due to theocratic state religions like in all these Islamic theocracies? There's a lot wrong in America....but the things that are wrong comes from the same individuals that don't do a damn thing to make it better. Mainly on the far right....meaning the MAGA lunatics. The tankies on the far left that think America is just some imperialistic police state while they support Putin and his ultranationalist corporate fascism. What exactly has Biden for example done that could be considered tyrannical? He didn't start a War like Bush. He didn't attack ALL of our Secular liberal democratic institutions and convinced idiots to storm the capitol....he didn't pull a Watergate. Our employment rate is phenomenal. His programs concerning infrastructure can be seen EVERYWHERE....roads, bridges etc are being completely overhauled. While I disagree with his response towards the far right ultranationalist ultra-orthodox Authoritarian Israeli Likud Party government....I see both sides as evil. Who should I support? The Islamic fundamentalists that want to literally eliminate Israel? Yes, historically things went wrong....Zionism has caused much pain. But ALL Islamic theocracies are antisemitic....and it wasn't just Nazi Germany that perpetrated genocide....the polish, Romanian, Italy, Russia, France etc all persecuted jews. The only choice of survival was that small area called Israel....a country full of Jewish history. But we all know how the Arab ultranationalists turned real fast Islamic fascists when immigration went up due to a genocide. Without Religion and racism we wouldn't have this conflict. It's also astounding how many individuals play experts concerning Israel/Palestine....but never mention the genocide of the Kurds....what about the Islamic fundamentalists in Iran, Afghanistan, Oman, Syria etc and their religious terror, civil wars, burning of Christian churches (Pakistan), the terrorism against atheists or non believers....attacks against scientists....the brainwashing of children via a stone age religion like Islam? Hypocrisy. Israel has its rights to defend itself....and Islamic fundamentalist Palestinians have the right to stop Hamas. The Russian civilians could stand up against Putin and his Authoritarianism. It's quite telling how people don't care about ANY mass killings, horrible civil wars and tyrannical governments....but as soon as it is Israel.... everybody becomes Trump University PhD in Middle Eastern history.... It's quite telling....
Helen Keller was a socialist, like Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemens and like Eugene V. Debs who ran for President while he was jailed, who was part of the Anti-Imperialist League at the turn of the century when the U.S.- Philippines War kicked off the national debate of whether America should own colonies aka territories. The True Flag: TheodoreRoosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire by Stephen Kinzer (now at Brown University Watson Institute)
@@joshc6569 There were several reasons, but the biggies were restricting FDI (particularly in the residential property market), renegotiating underperforming government contracts and replacing US materiel with European alternatives, collecting corporate back-taxes, re-evaluating our force posture generally, ramping up domestic counterintelligence against foreign influences beyond China, and kicking corporate lobbyists and consultants out of the ministerial wing. There were more, but they're the ones I can remember off the top of my head. The final nail was when he flatly stated his intention to replace ministers of questionable ability and/or national allegiance. He was gone less than one sitting week later. The key is always if the leader has been elevated by the lay party they'll be left alone in opposition, but the moment they take Government the party executive starts moving to replace them with a 'safer' option. Both Rudd and Abbott wanted to draw away from the US, Rudd toward China for economic reasons and Abbott toward the UK for ideological reasons, both wanted to move beyond being an independent state in name only. Both paid the price. Neither was perfect, but were definitely the lesser evils nonetheless.
Brilliant discussion cystalising why there has been massive pushback happening by the establishment against protests and descent against Israel. Our democracy is clearly in big trouble. Time for change.
Matt is such a needed journalist of integrity, what an incredible interview. I've noted that although there's been quite a few US high ranking officials and military resigned and spoken out about Gaza, there doesn't seem to be any that I've heard of in UK.
Many of us here in America want to get the hell out of this land of lunatics and its dangerous military economy. Why leave? Because there are not nearly enough people who care about solving the problems. It won’t change before it turns much darker.
I live over in Idaho and I have this exact mindset… I want to leave this failing evil country so badly but a part of me wonders if I should stay and keep trying to push for change? At the rate we are “changing” it’s gonna take a century or two before we get our sh*t together. Sadly we don’t have two centuries before climate collapse takes us all out..
Americans feel the intimidation of the hidden Zionist control of the country. To question the legitimacy of Israel is barely allowable. Look what happened to the students for merely protesting something as obvious as genocide.
I left the UK 15 years ago partly because I felt strongly that democracy was an illusion and that the ruling oligarchy didn't care at all for the British people let alone the rest of the world, and I didn't believe that would change. I wanted to be somewhere where things were saner and also to raise my child somewhere less hypocritical. I see now that it was a very guided decision. My advice to you is do your research and think hard about which place to choose. If you do stay there, I think Matt is spot on that what is needed is a grassroots movement, and this was echoed recently by Paul Jay about the US. I predict however that the oligarchies over there will probably start rolling in the democracy and freedoms if this movement has any success.
It’s amazing that I had to find out about the UK forces in Gaza from Matt’s website. And I subscribe to at least 3 major newspapers: NYT, WSJ, & the LATimes!
So Im going to presume that you think Ukraine are winning & that Russia & Putin are the agressors aswell? Youre better off not reading anything at all than you are listening to those lying rags.
The attack on Gaza has opened my eyes to our own journalists and government. I live in Sweden and have always trusted our journalists to tell the absolute truth. I have trusted our government to do the right thing if and when these things occur. I've never been more disappointed and shocked to learn that never again only meant for some and not for all. This has changed the way I see mainstream journalism forever. As for the cowards in our government, I am so happy all the pro-palestine parties got a bigger support in last nights EU-election and I think that Israel's assault played a role in how people voted. It was a big f u to our government.
@@Saucyminx597That is the objective of the Islamist groups in your country and mine. The leftist useful fools fail to understand that. Hamas is an Islamist organization, not a nationalist movement, as the left would like to believe. Palestine is a jihad. It cannot be bought off with mutual recognition, peace, and prosperity.
There was a moment in Antony Blinken’s recent appearance before congress when the protestors completely broke the fourth wall and revealed the briefing for the theater that it is.
A man worth following for a while (to use common parlance, though I do not do social media). He seems as though me may be somewhere near to honest and impartial, with sincere intentions and the plain-speaking intelligence to be heard not only once but repeatedly. I had not seen or heard of him before. Thank you.
Integrity seems to be such an across the board boon to sound judgement. Kudos to Matt Kennard, and thanks for the excellent interview (which I very much appreciated). Cheers, peace and love
Brit MATT KENNARD is a great , genuine , and honest journalist ! Something hard to find nowdays Brasil here . BRILLIANT SPEECH FROM BOTH . About the RAQUET BOOK definetely i will buy it !
Excellent. Wow what a guy. Mattt Kennard Truth to Power. Thanku for having him on he's great. After listening to Niall Ferguson on The Jewish Question, Matt is a Breath of Fresh Air.
Don't forget the internal party coups, the sudden replacements when a leader states the possibility of buying lead elsewhere, or restricting FDI, or declining to join ISDS, or actually collecting corporate tax, or corruption, or 'realignment', or basically exercising any degree of self-determinism. Rudd and Abbott are two recent names that spring to mind.
@@NarcissistAU fuck yeah your on the money i think they got rid of Rudd because he was proposing a mining tax to finally get some overdue juice from the mining cartel. Why did they get rid of Abbot you think? I though he was mostly shilling for corporations and murdoch?
8 billion human beings live amidst a "story" that is being invented daily by a relative handful of self-serving oligarchs."Truth" has become relative to the wants and needs of our privileged and powerful "story tellers". the tower if Babel is alive and well in the 21st Century. I weep for the Earth.
I have full faith in the One God, One world of human race , The OLIGARCHS may try to destroy the world and themself . The creator of heavens and Earth is just giving the tyrants an illusion, very soon he shall punish the wrong doers and never let this beautiful CREATION OF HIS CALLED EARTH destroyed.
Brilliant, brilliant interview, thank you Matt. When I can afford it I will buy your book. I feel like we’re living in a parallel universe. So refreshing & inspiring 🙏🙌💚🇵🇸🗳️
Glad to see Matt Kennard Turning in up in all sorts of places . Great moral compass , insights , and years of good reporting to pull from for reference . We need all the voices we can get who recognize reality and have the skills and courage to spread the information 🙏
I've been following Matt for sometime now. He is truth. He explains things that can be technical and confusing so easy to join the dots. Great interview 👍🏽
Not only is the UK 51st state of the USA, but UK is also 51st in terms of GDP per capita. It has a lower GDP per capita than Mississippi, the poorest state in the US. The US finance has been hollowing out the UK for decades. In another 20 years there will be no UK multinationals left. All will belong to the US. Welcome to reverse colonialism.
I think this is the best interview I have seen on PoliticsJoe. Matt Kennard is now in the top five of relatable investigative journalists. I agree with much of what he has to say. Thank you for this . I also agree with his view on G. Galloway. The Workers Party is really Old Labour, and many of the candidates do not have identical views to George, but they all accept a common economic plan.
@@mattsawyer343 There is nothing in the policy documents of the Workers Party that promotes inequality towards gay people. Don't be absurd. George Galloway's many gay friends would seek to differ with you as well.
Incredible interview. Very sobering. Though one thing I am convinced of: the solutions is not going to come from the political camp! We as a people have to start taking responsibility and getting involved in how we want to organise our lives. What is going on now is unspeakably unacceptable on all fronts!!
The Emperor has no clothes and its the children of Gaza who are showing us.
Nice poetic summary
Personally, i will never vote for a mainstream party again.
Go live in Afghanistan maybe and take your grooming gangs with you.
Hear! Hear!
I can’t understand these people who see how bad Trump is and say “we have to vote for Biden” when he’s every bit as bad as Trump, just put on a disguise.
Trump supporters are cheering for a convicted felon who says he doesn’t care about them after they vote, his top priorities are naming airports, cities, schools, etc. after himself and getting his portrait put onto a $500 American currency. This is the best and brightest for top political office of the U.S.A.? What is wrong with the people in the USA???
I applaud your statement of nonconformist principles but someone in the American political system is going to have to differentiate themselves from the 2 front runners and I don’t mean Kennedy Jr. because he’s just more of the same.
*How much does a Palestinian life cost American taxpayers?*
*_Gaza’s population is about 2 million of which 3/4 are women and children. Israeli’s population 10 million America’s investment billions upon BILLIONS and more billions._*
*_Does it cost American taxpayers millions of dollars per Palestinian life?_*
Yeah, I'm done.
"Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich." (Peter Ustinov, 2003)
Well said
When poorer people fight, the rich will call it "terrorism", "criminality", "Evil" or "Insane." When the rich criminals terrorise the world, it is called "The Status Quo!"
@@rastiamin80 America's military junta ... Rothschild banking dynasty 2.0.
Funny how the rich get richer and the poor get poor....how do they do this? Keep sending the poor to war!
Gaza has been my turning point at the age of 70. I’ve watched mainstream media all my life and have always put comments on American control on other countries down to conspiracy theories. I’ve learned so much now from online news channels and face to face interviews with Jewish scholars/ journalists. I will never look at mainstream media in the same way again and will take much more interest in international politics in the future. One thing that worried me recently was the Kenyans trying to deal with America, I kept thinking “ please don’t get involved with America “.
absolutely agree with what you said, i am also 70. in canada, faithful cbc listener. thought i was well informed, been moving to alternatives like democracy now and intercept but SHOCKED at the degree of zionist control and the vst network of zionist “ stazi” citizen spies monitoring every comment in every platform and screaming “ antisemite!” over any critique of %r@@l or say “free palestine”
Kenya is deeply involved with America.
America's first black gay president is Kenyan.
🇺🇲 🤝 🇬🇧
Agreed. So disgusted at this age to find out that ALL the values we were taught were all a lie. From the two party system to the Supreme Court to the "freedom loving". All in the service of corporate power. Obviously the abortion issue was invented and designed to keep us in lockstep with our "personal party".
@@danielnln well I didn’t know that
Matt Kennard is amazing. Wish we had more investigative journalists like him.
Politics joe is brilliant ❤
Like Lowkey so informative !
max bluementhol and aaron mate of greyzone. Also, electronic intifada
Matt K has a sonorous voice and then there is that British accent. A pleasure to listen !
We need to protect Matt Kennard - he's spitting too many truth nuggets not to be a target.
Well know, Noam Chomsky wrote about this. Russia told the US to eff off, not getting the Siberian resources. The rest is history.
@@Ofelas1The establishment just marginalises people like him, or if they get popular, accuse them of being Russia plants, or anti-semites, or in the case of Assange, frame them for rape
@@Ofelas1 The US? And who controls the US?
@@elbmw Zionists
@@elbmw There's like 10 conglomerates that own just about everything, including fossil fuel extraction and media. In the neoliberal age of small government, it's not countries that run the world. The US just defends the interests of these financial overlords with their enormous tax funded arsenal.
The internet archive, currently under attack, is critical to the future of independent investigative journalism.
its so depressing how every attack on internet archive is missing from not only mainstream news but even most niche news platforms. like seems to really only come up in the most nerdy places...
Theres literally barbarians at the gates trying to burn down the library of alexandria
All about money printing, FED leads the West witt money printing. Print money from thin air, buy assets and get rich without any value created. We have to work and create value, others give their resources (energy, raw materials, food) and they get to just print and buy.
@@Ofelas1 Fed reserve system, FIAT currency (not backed by gold, not backed by anything), Usury (Christianity and Islam condemns charging of interest), "Freemasons" and "little hat banksters". 1913, 1945 and 1971 is where humanity lost.
Print off copies of evidence for yourself, the Internet is basically the ministry of truth at this point.
They are ALREADY rewriting history as we go along.
Eg unprovoked etc.
One of the best and most important interviews PolJoe has ever conducted. Also Matt is one of the best journalists around.
Yep. Matt is one of the best in the business.
I cant think of a better investigative journalist now. I agree with him on the one state solution, as I cant see Israel giving up all that stolen land in the west bank.
Absolutely. Declassified UK.
This is one of the most important interviews I've heard since this latest reign of Israeli terror began.
The Horror in Gaza of children blown up and no remorse from our Goverments has opened my eyes to who really controls everything. I have lost faith in our goverments and there actions. We need peace for all and justice for the masacred.
Were you disturbed by the atrocities of Oct 7, 2023 in Israel?
@@benqurayza7872I am not the OP , but I’ll take that question because I agreed with its sentiments .
Yes , I was .
That was 8 months ago .
And what has filled the time since then has been exponentially worse unless you have trouble with math, or value lives differently based on ethnicity .
@@GardenerGeorgeWhat did it take to defeat Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire? Was it tit for tat? Also, take a peek at the Hamas Covenant of 1988. It calls for the annihilation of all Jews in the world. They are motivated by religious scripture.
@@benqurayza7872thanks for your reply .
1) your parallel to WW2 doesn’t work very well . Germany and Japan were openly trying to build empires and were the aggressors in their regions .
Palestinians have been steadily being squeezed off of what is now called some combination of Israel / Palestine for the past 100 years .
If you know the history it is easy to contextualize what is happening today as inevitable as Israel has left violence as the only avenue towards positive change for Palestinians .
2) You were informed enough to specify “ 1988” Hamas Charter . Then you must know it was updated in 2017 after they became a political entity .
So whats the point ?
You seem to be going with the
“ you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette “ defense .
I don’t think you are going to end up with an omelette , just eggs on the floor .
This is not a problem with a military solution .
@@benqurayza7872Of course they weren't they jerk off over footage like that.
Matt Kennard is a needed voice
Human w/in moral compass of global knowledge and truth.
This is an excellent interview. Excellent! I will be sending this to more than a few people and making a point of following Matt Kennard news platform. It's inspiring to know that journalists like him are out there. The only sadness is that that level of integrity has become such a rarity when it should be the norm
I agree..but we not see him on mainstream..BBC, 4, itv....they answer to various special interests-...England created Israel.. Thatcher hated the fact the Nelson Mandela defied the apartheid SA system... in order to maintain status quo ..British Government had taken part supporting Israel in oppression and genocide of Palestinians in Palestine/Gaza..West Bank etc..
Thankyou for sharing Guys 👍🏼👍🏼
at this point, Palestine is freeing us
Hopefully. But it remains our collective responsibility to never forget, to show ongoing solidarity and BUILD a system change movement. Because without building a better system we can't really create the change in society we want. See One Small Town or Mutual Aid Networks and Library Socialism for more ideas on that.
A famous quote by a Palestinian goes like this: "I always wanted Gaza to be free from Israel, after leaving it I realized Gaza is the only place free from Israel"
Ain't that the whole truth!!!
Exactly 😐
You articulated extremely well how a lot of us feel.
Haifa Massacre 1937, Jerusalem Massacre 1937, Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939, Haifa Massacre 1939, Haifa Massacre 1947, Abbasiya Massacre 1947, Al-Khisas Massacre 1947, Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947, Jerusalem Massacre 1947, Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947, Jaffa Massacre 1948, . Deir Yassin Massacre 1948, Tantura Massacre 1948, Khan Yunis Massacre 1956, Jerusalem Massacre 1967, Bahro Al Baquar 1972, Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982, Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre 1990, Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994, Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002, Gaza Massacre 2008-09, Gaza Massacre 2012, Gaza Massacre 2014, Gaza Massacre 2018-19, Gaza Massacre 2021, Gaza Massacre 2023 ongoing
They want the land without the people. Always have, always will.
Wonderfully satisfying to my heart and brain to listen to rational, authentic, intellectual voices seeking truth and justice😍
And of course I will buy your book
Matt Kennard needs to be promoted and protected. 😢
I know what you meant, but we need a differently structured world, no more pyramids of corrupted power. People working together, serving their communities 🙏🏽
Only just surviving the infected blood thing so I'm not going to be around for changing anything to that mate
as what's left of or remains of a victim of the infected blood scandal it's very difficult for me to continue with this hellish existence!
@derekwhite2929 I'm really sorry to hear this, Derek.
@derekwhite2929 For you to give up, is what they want.
people are getting a view of who pulls all the strings and why .
who indeed... the mask is off
Thank you for explaining that Israel was not created in response to the events of the second world war, and that the colonialist project there started way in advance of that.
1,000 years before with the Crusades.
Yeah , the world watching on as a modern European nation systematically aniliated 6 million Jews had absolutely nothing to do with the subsequent emergence of a sovereign Jewish state...
Think you’ll find the Arabs colonised most of the Middle East mate. Start googling.
Zionism was a project to save a people, not a colonial project. Liberalism and international socialism failed to stop the Holocaust.
The crusades were an understandable response to the Arab conquests. Not sorry at all.
Declassified is awesome
I've always felt i wasn't really living in a democracy. If you speak the truth you get into so much trouble. Just look at Snowdon and Assange.
Hello Russia!
Kennard is a legend.
Helen Keller, deaf and blind as she was, was WAY ahead of the rest of us when it came to seeing through our pretense of democracy: “Our democracy is but a name. We vote? What does that mean? It means we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed, autocrats. We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.”
Wow Dave, that’s pretty heavy. Let a deaf and blind person see how bad American politicians were and are today❤
What a dumb comment. You can't rely ALWAYS on other individuals to do the work you obviously proclaim to do better. You can vote for governor of your state, mayor in your city, county boards, your police chief....there's voting in America from the smallest county to the president. Of course you need to get your behind up from your phone and actually convince individuals to help you run. It's all up to YOU.
This Russian fable that our democracy isn't a democracy is astounding when you look at authoritarian states like Russia....China....in parts now Turkey and Hungary.
America's problem isn't it's secular liberal democratic republic and it's voting system....it's individuals like you that don't do nothing but cry on-line. That listen to idiotic sources proclaiming America some deep state controlled by Jews....while Christian nationalists like the Wilkes brothers, the Mercer's, Kochs, Crow, Thiel etc etc are literally funding MAGA in order to indoctrinate individuals like you.... cynical.... conspiratorial.
There's books concerning the history of our republic....books about the enlightenment and our founders....books about critical thinking skills and media awareness. There's apps that literally separate media sources by political ideology for you.
Democracy is by far the hardest system of government.... BECAUSE you are forced into compromise. BECAUSE freedom of speech allows mis and disinformation to pervert objective facts.
Where else on the planet can you as individual change legislation....if it's via voting, speaking at events, voting for public education and what the next generation will be able to access....where else can you find a Catholic church, a evangelical church....a mosque and a Hindu temple in one road without having to fear persecution due to theocratic state religions like in all these Islamic theocracies?
There's a lot wrong in America....but the things that are wrong comes from the same individuals that don't do a damn thing to make it better. Mainly on the far right....meaning the MAGA lunatics. The tankies on the far left that think America is just some imperialistic police state while they support Putin and his ultranationalist corporate fascism.
What exactly has Biden for example done that could be considered tyrannical? He didn't start a War like Bush. He didn't attack ALL of our Secular liberal democratic institutions and convinced idiots to storm the capitol....he didn't pull a Watergate.
Our employment rate is phenomenal. His programs concerning infrastructure can be seen EVERYWHERE....roads, bridges etc are being completely overhauled. While I disagree with his response towards the far right ultranationalist ultra-orthodox Authoritarian Israeli Likud Party government....I see both sides as evil. Who should I support? The Islamic fundamentalists that want to literally eliminate Israel? Yes, historically things went wrong....Zionism has caused much pain. But ALL Islamic theocracies are antisemitic....and it wasn't just Nazi Germany that perpetrated genocide....the polish, Romanian, Italy, Russia, France etc all persecuted jews. The only choice of survival was that small area called Israel....a country full of Jewish history. But we all know how the Arab ultranationalists turned real fast Islamic fascists when immigration went up due to a genocide.
Without Religion and racism we wouldn't have this conflict. It's also astounding how many individuals play experts concerning Israel/Palestine....but never mention the genocide of the Kurds....what about the Islamic fundamentalists in Iran, Afghanistan, Oman, Syria etc and their religious terror, civil wars, burning of Christian churches (Pakistan), the terrorism against atheists or non believers....attacks against scientists....the brainwashing of children via a stone age religion like Islam?
Israel has its rights to defend itself....and Islamic fundamentalist Palestinians have the right to stop Hamas. The Russian civilians could stand up against Putin and his Authoritarianism.
It's quite telling how people don't care about ANY mass killings, horrible civil wars and tyrannical governments....but as soon as it is Israel.... everybody becomes Trump University PhD in Middle Eastern history....
It's quite telling....
Throughout history, oligarchs rules... nothing changed.
Helen Keller was a socialist, like Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemens and like Eugene V. Debs who ran for President while he was jailed, who was part of the Anti-Imperialist League at the turn of the century when the U.S.- Philippines War kicked off the national debate of whether America should own colonies aka territories. The True Flag: TheodoreRoosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire by Stephen Kinzer (now at Brown University Watson Institute)
Thanks for having Matt on. I could listen to him all day. He has brainbursting knowledge. Declassified is always the go to for truth 💪👊✊✊✊🇵🇸
In Australia we've had two Labour PM's overthrown by US - Gough Witlam and Kevin Rudd.
And Tony Abbott, to make way for Goldman Sachs' Turnbull
@@tavuzzipust7887Why did they overthrow Abbott. He was pro US wasn't he
@@joshc6569 There were several reasons, but the biggies were restricting FDI (particularly in the residential property market), renegotiating underperforming government contracts and replacing US materiel with European alternatives, collecting corporate back-taxes, re-evaluating our force posture generally, ramping up domestic counterintelligence against foreign influences beyond China, and kicking corporate lobbyists and consultants out of the ministerial wing. There were more, but they're the ones I can remember off the top of my head.
The final nail was when he flatly stated his intention to replace ministers of questionable ability and/or national allegiance.
He was gone less than one sitting week later.
The key is always if the leader has been elevated by the lay party they'll be left alone in opposition, but the moment they take Government the party executive starts moving to replace them with a 'safer' option.
Both Rudd and Abbott wanted to draw away from the US, Rudd toward China for economic reasons and Abbott toward the UK for ideological reasons, both wanted to move beyond being an independent state in name only. Both paid the price.
Neither was perfect, but were definitely the lesser evils nonetheless.
Thank you Narcissist AU. What you said is Scary. Itcsounds so reasonable and true.
Declassified is a great outlet, recommend Joe viewers also support its vital work
Thank you so much Joe. Matt Kennard is a phenomenal journalist.
I thought our political system was a wreck before Oct 7th tbh.
Biggest Scam overall
@@zeez4178wait until you read about the beggar from the Ukraine , he will blow your mind
@@nogingerfool1What are you on , crystal meth?
billy big bollocks over here. thought it before it was cool did he?
Of course it was, but a lot of people didn’t realize it until after October 7.
Brilliant discussion cystalising why there has been massive pushback happening by the establishment against protests and descent against Israel. Our democracy is clearly in big trouble. Time for change.
38:53 and Starmer's position is he will only accept what Israel accepts which puts him down as a weak follower and not a leader.
At this stage, you must wonder if Mosad has some compromat on him.
Another excellent interview. Keep them coming and share Matt Kennard's work over and over again.
Matt is such a needed journalist of integrity, what an incredible interview. I've noted that although there's been quite a few US high ranking officials and military resigned and spoken out about Gaza, there doesn't seem to be any that I've heard of in UK.
Brilliant interview.
Very interesting conversation. Thank you
Matt Kennard is exactly where I am at. Truth Matters, Freedom , Democracy, and the Human Race Depend on it !
Matt is amazing.
Just a fountain of important and often astonishing information and stories.
In addition to being intelligent and diligent in his work - he seems to be a good man.
Thank you both.
Kennard is excellent
Thank you Matt Kennard for interesting conversation ,you all ways make a lots of sense .
First time hearing this gentleman, very appreciated. Sane voices, genuine journalism. Rare these days , unfortunately
Many of us here in America want to get the hell out of this land of lunatics and its dangerous military economy. Why leave? Because there are not nearly enough people who care about solving the problems. It won’t change before it turns much darker.
I live over in Idaho and I have this exact mindset… I want to leave this failing evil country so badly but a part of me wonders if I should stay and keep trying to push for change? At the rate we are “changing” it’s gonna take a century or two before we get our sh*t together. Sadly we don’t have two centuries before climate collapse takes us all out..
Americans feel the intimidation of the hidden Zionist control of the country. To question the legitimacy of Israel is barely allowable. Look what happened to the students for merely protesting something as obvious as genocide.
The door is open! What are you waiting for?
It's all about the Benjamins 💸💵... that's what control Americans..😅
I left the UK 15 years ago partly because I felt strongly that democracy was an illusion and that the ruling oligarchy didn't care at all for the British people let alone the rest of the world, and I didn't believe that would change. I wanted to be somewhere where things were saner and also to raise my child somewhere less hypocritical. I see now that it was a very guided decision. My advice to you is do your research and think hard about which place to choose. If you do stay there, I think Matt is spot on that what is needed is a grassroots movement, and this was echoed recently by Paul Jay about the US. I predict however that the oligarchies over there will probably start rolling in the democracy and freedoms if this movement has any success.
Great interview Matt Kennard is Dynamite to listen to ,always has my ears glued to every word he says ❤❤
Thank you Matt from Ireland. Brilliant
No peace without justice
Brilliant conversation - such a relief to listen to...
It’s amazing that I had to find out about the UK forces in Gaza from Matt’s website. And I subscribe to at least 3 major newspapers: NYT, WSJ, & the LATimes!
Time to unsubscribe I think
So Im going to presume that you think Ukraine are winning & that Russia & Putin are the agressors aswell?
Youre better off not reading anything at all than you are listening to those lying rags.
Time to unsubscribe
Unsubscribe, don’t financially support your indoctrination.
Brilliant discussion Matt is a class act thank you joe
Matt is a national treasure. I'm always in complete agreement with his analysis.
Your podcasts are sooo sooo important! Thanks for all your honest journalism it’s is much appreciated
The attack on Gaza has opened my eyes to our own journalists and government. I live in Sweden and have always trusted our journalists to tell the absolute truth. I have trusted our government to do the right thing if and when these things occur. I've never been more disappointed and shocked to learn that never again only meant for some and not for all. This has changed the way I see mainstream journalism forever. As for the cowards in our government, I am so happy all the pro-palestine parties got a bigger support in last nights EU-election and I think that Israel's assault played a role in how people voted. It was a big f u to our government.
Do you want an Islamic state in Sweden?
Well said. My own eyes have opened too in the US. I really trusted the government and mainstream media. Never again.
@@benqurayza7872 No Ben, do you want an islamic state in your country? What a strange question😅
Same feelings from the UK
@@Saucyminx597That is the objective of the Islamist groups in your country and mine. The leftist useful fools fail to understand that. Hamas is an Islamist organization, not a nationalist movement, as the left would like to believe. Palestine is a jihad. It cannot be bought off with mutual recognition, peace, and prosperity.
Matt Kennard - what a legend.
Matt Kennard - great man
There was a moment in Antony Blinken’s recent appearance before congress when the protestors completely broke the fourth wall and revealed the briefing for the theater that it is.
A man worth following for a while (to use common parlance, though I do not do social media).
He seems as though me may be somewhere near to honest and impartial, with sincere intentions and the plain-speaking intelligence to be heard not only once but repeatedly.
I had not seen or heard of him before.
Thank you.
Read his books
Matt Kennard is the man! And has been for some time.
Integrity seems to be such an across the board boon to sound judgement. Kudos to Matt Kennard, and thanks for the excellent interview (which I very much appreciated).
Cheers, peace and love
Brit MATT KENNARD is a great , genuine , and honest journalist ! Something hard to find nowdays
Brasil here .
About the RAQUET BOOK definetely i will buy it !
Great piece!
truly Matt Kennard is amazing. Wish we had more investigative journalists like him. for better world
Finally, someone challenging Israel's automatic right to exist in its current form. #FreePalestine.
God bless him and protect him, We need to protect Matt Kennard - he's spitting too many truth nuggets not to be a target.
Excellent. Wow what a guy. Mattt Kennard Truth to Power. Thanku for having him on he's great. After listening to Niall Ferguson on The Jewish Question, Matt is a Breath of Fresh Air.
Great Discussion, very informative.
Brilliant and informative - thanks!
MATT,, keep going, Brother, plzzz plz dont give up..I pray for your safety..
Tantura is an Israeli produced film worth checking out. Shows all what is wrong with blind support for the actions of its state.
Thanks sara. I'll check that out.
Wow Matt honesty is something very hard to see in today's society. You are a gem.
Even Australia had a Labor PM who was CIA couped - Whitlam
Don't forget the internal party coups, the sudden replacements when a leader states the possibility of buying lead elsewhere, or restricting FDI, or declining to join ISDS, or actually collecting corporate tax, or corruption, or 'realignment', or basically exercising any degree of self-determinism.
Rudd and Abbott are two recent names that spring to mind.
Oh, don't mention Pine Gap - you will fall out of the unopenable window.
@@NarcissistAU fuck yeah your on the money i think they got rid of Rudd because he was proposing a mining tax to finally get some overdue juice from the mining cartel. Why did they get rid of Abbot you think? I though he was mostly shilling for corporations and murdoch?
Google 'John Smith Labour'
And we now have a PM who behaves like a CIA lackey in Albo
Brilliant interview. It's not often I watch a video this long!
A heartless world that lost its consciousness and soul.
But, it's always been this way. We're very late to acknowledge it.
Stop including everyone in this madness. The current state of affairs sits firmly on the shoulders of Western countries.
It’s Matt Kennard.
🌈 😊
8 billion human beings live amidst a "story" that is being invented daily by a relative handful of self-serving oligarchs."Truth" has become relative to the wants and needs of our privileged and powerful "story tellers". the tower if Babel is alive and well in the 21st Century. I weep for the Earth.
I have full faith in the One God, One world of human race ,
The OLIGARCHS may try to destroy the world and themself .
The creator of heavens and Earth is just giving the tyrants an illusion, very soon he shall punish the wrong doers and never let this beautiful CREATION OF HIS CALLED EARTH destroyed.
Brilliant, brilliant interview, thank you Matt.
When I can afford it I will buy your book.
I feel like we’re living in a parallel universe.
So refreshing & inspiring 🙏🙌💚🇵🇸🗳️
Excellent conversation.
so glad that someone like Matt Kennard is here to report on these things. If you have any jobs, i am a recent graduate 🤣😆
👌Matt Kennard.
Great interview & observations. We’re not on the brink. We’re in the pit, in Palestine.
Excellent interview and very thought provoking. More of this please 🙏
Great show, thanks for validating what I have been suspecting since the start of Gaza.
Great to have this information getting out , same on main stream media !!!!!
Glad to see Matt Kennard
Turning in up in all sorts of places .
Great moral compass , insights , and years of good reporting to pull from for reference .
We need all the voices we can get who recognize reality and have the skills and courage to
spread the information 🙏
Thank you. Please continue to inform and educate.
Thank you
Mark Kennard is a living legend and stands on the right side of history. God bless him...
I've been following Matt for sometime now. He is truth. He explains things that can be technical and confusing so easy to join the dots. Great interview 👍🏽
Amazing interview. Thank goodness for brave and independent journalism!
Thank you for straight talking 👍👍. People want to hear the truth. Brilliant!!
Matt Kennard is brilliant! Never heard him properly before! So informative.
Agree totally - One State for All ❤
great discussion. thank you.
The UK is now the unofficial 51st state of the USA and we have provided them with easier access to the rest of Europe…
Thanks for being honest, man.
52 state .. you forgot Israel.
@@mortenjensen2682it's the other way around. UK and USA are the 1st and 2nd state of Israel.
Not only is the UK 51st state of the USA, but UK is also 51st in terms of GDP per capita. It has a lower GDP per capita than Mississippi, the poorest state in the US. The US finance has been hollowing out the UK for decades. In another 20 years there will be no UK multinationals left. All will belong to the US. Welcome to reverse colonialism.
@mortenjensen2682 I'd agrue 53rd, 52nd being Ukraine 🤦🏽♀️
I think this is the best interview I have seen on PoliticsJoe. Matt Kennard is now in the top five of relatable investigative journalists. I agree with much of what he has to say. Thank you for this . I also agree with his view on G. Galloway. The Workers Party is really Old Labour, and many of the candidates do not have identical views to George, but they all accept a common economic plan.
THAt, like the old Labour party, and the OLD trade unions, doesn't include equality for gay people it seems.
@@mattsawyer343 There is nothing in the policy documents of the Workers Party that promotes inequality towards gay people. Don't be absurd. George Galloway's many gay friends would seek to differ with you as well.
@@michaelporter6341 "His many gay friends". As long as they don't want to be recognised as equal to heterosexual couples with children?
Agreed. The best Joe interview yet.
Get to Gary Stevens' work too!
So much respect for your integrity 🙏👌
Brilliant chat
Thank you. You confirmed some of my beliefs and enlightened me on many things I hadn't any knowledge of.
Brilliant report 👍
Thank you for shedding light on what is hidden from us, in darkness.
Brilliant to hear Matt. So well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Incredible interview. Very sobering. Though one thing I am convinced of: the solutions is not going to come from the political camp! We as a people have to start taking responsibility and getting involved in how we want to organise our lives. What is going on now is unspeakably unacceptable on all fronts!!
Yes. I think the urgent need for an organized grassroots movement could not be highlighted enough.
Matt is brave and great man ty for the truth