One Life to Live 1/10/1990

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • [Partial Episode from a different source than usual -- Apologies for bad sound and picture quality]
    Cord catches Tina looking through his portfolio, but she claims she was just catching up on what she missed when she was in the halfway house. She apologizes for how she reacted towards Debra yesterday, and Cord tells her Debra poses no threat to their marriage. Tina isn’t convinced, and has a plan to get rid of Debra. Megan visits Max in the hospital. She explains she will always care about Max, even though they don’t belong together romantically. Andy arrives and Max asks how things are going at the bar. Andy says she’s managing, but Max can tell she’s holding something back. Gabrielle tells Sister Amelia she wants to become a nun.She explains she made a promise to God in exchange for Max’s life. Sister Amelia says God listens to prayers, but isn’t in the habit of striking bargains. And she assures Gabrielle she doesn’t need to become a nun to fulfill her promise, but Gabrielle insists it is what she wants and that she can follow vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Mort stops by the bar asking to speak to Andy, but when the bartender says she isn’t around, he leaves a card and a message that he, personally, was looking for her.
    Tina meets with Annabelle Thorne, the editor of Chic International magazine, and gives her one of the photos Cord took of Debra and asks if she might be interested in hiring him. Annabelle is very interested-in both photographer and model-and says she’ll give Cord a call that afternoon. Next Tina meets with Cassie to discuss whether the Mendorran Ballet is still interested in Debra Medina. Cassies is loath to meddle in Debra’s life, but she agrees to speak to the ballet director as a favor to Tina. Megan confronts Andy about what she’s hiding, and Andy admits she’s having trouble with a gangster running a protection racket. Megan promises to help Andy think of an alternative to paying Mort off. When they arrive back at the bar and receive Mort’s card, the see his note on the back: “You’re making a big mistake.” Megan says Mort probably waited until Max was incapacitated and came after her because she would be more vulnerable. She wonders if they can’t hire some protection of their own to stand up to Mort. Cord tells Tina he got a call from the editor of Chic International but that he turned down the offer because he doesn’t want to fuel her jealousy. Tina says she trusts him and that it sounds like a great opportunity, so Cord says he’ll see if Debra is interested. Gabrielle goes to see Max and tells him that she prayed for him to recover and that her prayers were answered. As soon as they begin to kiss, though, Gabrielle gets suddenly anxious and makes an excuse to leave, promising to visit tomorrow.

ความคิดเห็น • 17

  • @nattyps3160
    @nattyps3160 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Ty please , having this compared to not having it at all is awesome. Ur hard work & dedication has made a lot of people happy & that's what it's all about.

  • @upontheventura
    @upontheventura 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I absolutely love Sister Amelia and this Gabrielle becomes a nun storyline. I loved it then, and I love it even more now.

  • @wilfordfraser6347
    @wilfordfraser6347 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gabrielle as a nun 😀 And what makes the Tina/Cord storyline so interesting was that they are both a pair of dimwits.

  • @nattyps3160
    @nattyps3160 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Man I never realized how cold Cordero is to Tina. If he loves her but only cause of sex & her looks than is that love? He basically tells her he has no trust in her & doesn't believe in her & that is a really rotten thing to hear from ur husband. Of course when we meet people we are attracted to something about them is it just physical? Maybe the marriages that last & form into true companionship & just liking the person's company & them being ur rock & firm ground is the best match. Cord seems to want perfection even though he claimed to Tina in bed that their is no perfect marriage. Maybe that's why cord never found anyone other than Tina. Take Kate, she was " good" ( sorry I found cord & Kate horrible & cheered when tina ran in w/ baby al & broke that wedding up) & pretty but cord was bored. Same w/ Sarah. I just watched Him rip Blair a new one for months ( I'm also watching 94) while she was coming between max & Luna but once Blair & max were done w/ their toxic sleazy affair in the gutter cord is all into Blair as I'm watching fall 94. Blair honestly seemed to be bored w/ cord as she went off w/ Todd to bed even b4 he had money. I don't get cord b/c Tina is a way better person than Blair is. Plus Blair & cord really were over b4 they began b/c they get together around Oct 94 & she's already bedding Todd on Christmas morning. That's pretty much cords last relationship on the show & he got over Blair fast anyway. To Me cord is way too self righteous & Tina deserved better. I think cord really is looking for the perfect woman but it's not possible so he should have taken his own advice.
    Poor max. Gabrielle has been chasing him for over 3 years & has begged him to be a family since al was an infant. Now she gets it & she is pushing him away. I always wished we got to see real max & Gabrielle as the married couple rather than his recast. Such rotten timing cause Fiona leaves a year from these scenes & jdp returns fall of 91. I never felt max was ever the same w/o Fiona & Andrea & Jessica tuck on the scene. The only time I felt max was max was when he finally had those great scenes w/ Megan when she was dying. He seemed the only one to get " Megan's true spirit " when she wanted singing & dancing at her funeral. I get why Jake & viki were too over come as husband & mother but max knew Megan & was not too close to the situation of her death but knew her truly at the same time. After that max imo was wasted w/ Luna & toxic w/ Blair. Someone once said they felt max was drawn to both Luna & Blair but neither worked b/c they were flip sides of Gabrielle but were not the genuine article. I thought that was a very astute comment.

    • @paulmartin7705
      @paulmartin7705 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Tina has every right to be nervous about Debra. There's precedent. The way Cord publicly flaunted his budding relationship with Kate Sanders in '86 when he and Tina were having problems was disrespectful. Tina, on the other hand was acting almost like Sister Amelia towards Max. Tina never considered another man when she was with Cord unless she thought all doors were sealed shut with him.

    • @nattyps3160
      @nattyps3160 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@paulmartin7705 that's very true. Thankfully I have not seen cords gag budding relationship w/ Kate cause I have not seen much of 86 but I'm starting to see a channel putting up the first scenes of Tina & cord. Cord was such a fun happy go lucky hunk when tina first laid eyes on him & he looked like he was gonna die when he laid eyes on her. I do recall a scene of cord demanding a baby like 2 sec after they wed. Like hold ur horses. Cord Def pushed Tina way too fast. Maybe that's why he could also drop her too fast?
      Anyway it's true cord is a self righteous hypocrite. I mean he was calling Blair trashy ho then he goes after her himself after what she did to his BFF Luna & how he told max Blair was low down dirty? I mean maybe ol Cordero wanted some Blair action himself & that's why he was so up in Max & Lunas marital problems. Anyway didn't Kate just sorta leave cause cord was doing that dance back to Tina anyway for marriage no. 2? Which didn't happen & he went after Sarah. Poor tina thought the real bo was interested in her which I'd approve of but it was faux bo. Anyway tina at this point I think needed to drop cord after his cold as Ice down right at times abusive treatment & started serious therapy herself. I'd like to think when the last Tina got therapy finally in 95 that she left all these years b/c she learned that her relatives & in laws were toxic & I'm so glad tina got the 2 kids & moved to Maryland & began a business. Usually tina would leave & cord would keep cj. Yes max I think b/c that relationship started as a lie as she found out in Argentina & tina was pregnant as well so I totally get why a married pregnant tina was not ready when max fell for her fast to get in the sack. Then when she returned from that waterfall I think Tina suffered ppd & ptsd plus she had malaria. So I don't blame her for passing al off as cords. Max really loved tina no matter what. The poor woman went to prison for a crime she didn't commit on top of losing al During the trial. I always thought her hallucinations of mama Maria were from extreme ptsd ppd plus malaria recovery plus now stress on top of these previous issues on top of low esteem on top of her own sister brother / father In law treating her like dirt. The woman returns from the dead also to see her husband moved on very fast to marriage ! Glad again that tina broke that up. I think Tina took a very long time to even finally sleep w/ max. I'm glad they stayed friends. At least Andreas Tina, when max first left for Texas. I think she & max could have been happy but I get why she felt she had unfinished business w/ cord. Right b4 she was kidnapped & went over the falls cord told her he wanted to bring her home w/ unborn cj & see how it went. I can see the mess she came back to. Her husband was remarried after like what a few months ?

    • @paulmartin7705
      @paulmartin7705 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nattyps3160 Also, how unfair was it that in '86, Cord was a newcomer to Llanview yet the whole town pretty much worshipped him and sided with him during his 1st breakup with Tina. I know she was considered a "bad girl", but Asa ,Marco, Brad, Delila to name a few were schemers and got to have allies and loved ones. Tina had NO ONE to turn to during the problems of her 1st marriage. That's why she left to go to Argentina with a guy she knew for 5 minutes(figuratively)-Max. Cord, Clint and co. acted like," Why would Tina go off with a guy she hardly knew?" Why? Umm, maybe because for most of her life in Llanview she was treated like garbage.

    • @renealexander2703
      @renealexander2703 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree with you about Max.

    • @nattyps3160
      @nattyps3160 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@paulmartin7705 exactly. I only read the history for years about Argentina b4 I got tapes many years later & yt & other fans. Anyway it made no sense to me either just in reading how max could convince a pregnant still married & very much in love w/ Said hubby to run off w/ a stranger. Now even watching these clips I totally get it. Cord strangles Tina who didn't actually pay Maria & grandma Maria to leave town b/c of their ethnicity & his hired help to leave town & deprive cord of his bio dad not to mention the bigoted treatment of his beloved mom & Grammy of a subj cord was very sensitive rightfully so about as was his mom about Texans treatment of Mexicans etc so Tina hears about it way after she met fell in love & slept w/ cord in that order yet divorce explosion #1 plus the strangling yet Asa was at his wedding less than a year later. Huh? The guy who did all that. Plus tina never lied about her desire for money & status to cords face so knowing she did love him but she wanted security & acceptance b/c she was denied it by her real dad & later her sister. Anyway she's pregnant & cord accuses her of lying. I know that's where I started watching as I saw the very beginning of Jan 87 b4 her & max left for Argentina. If everyone in town hated me fell in love w/ cord & Kate & I'm pregnant & not believed & nobody's speaking to me accept to tell me get lost loser trash tramp liar conniving little ... etc yea I'd leave w/ a handsome tall Texan that got me outta town to a gorgeous location to help me forget that everyone in town hates me. So it makes sense cause I can't take all the abuse dished at tina every sec & her only friend Pam is lying manipulating & spying for that old goat Asa. I used to love Asa years ago but he's a dark character very villainous. I didn't realize what a creep Asa was. I recall bo disliked Asa but " had to love " him b/c he was his dad but if he wasn't he'd be thrilled like he was the year he thought he wasn't his son. I wish as well bo was in town in 86 but he left the show for a couple years. I think bo would have Def tried like al Robert's did to be the one voice defending tina. I wish I saw bos immediate reaction to what asa did to cord. Asa was such a bigot! Bo would never let that fly. Since he was off the show than faux bo happened I guess it never came up? Cause what Asa did was never brought up again really.

  • @Beckywild9
    @Beckywild9 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Too bad the originator did such a hack job on footage w/ Clint. Fastforwarding...

  • @nattyps3160
    @nattyps3160 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im w/ sister Amelia Gabrielle doesn't have to become a Nun in order to do God's will. How bout be a good & charitable person. Man Gabrielle goes to such extremes.

    • @derekthewriteone1970s
      @derekthewriteone1970s 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can’t wait to get to the scene where she basically curses God in the church after Max’s “funeral.” It’s actually on here and it is chilling to watch. Fiona is such a great actress!

  • @BethSpiritandSky
    @BethSpiritandSky 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    WOW... very stressful! Why didn't he just drug her or drag her out by her hair. It's long enough! LOL ridiculous drama

  • @davidbrunson8407
    @davidbrunson8407 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's good least it'll be more of a piece of cake to get's only 10 mins of'll do...just pray I don't miss any characters lol but I don't think I'll be missing too many or any!