African Converts Without Baptism | E. Dale LeBaron | 1998

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024
  • E. Dale LeBaron shares stories about the African converts who lived faithful to the gospel for years before receiving the blessing of baptism.
    This speech was given on November 3, 1998.
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    "I wish to speak about a unique and inspiring chapter in Church history. It took place in recent years among the beautiful people of Africa. Too often we have misconceptions about Africa and its people. Africa is referred to as the Dark Continent, and the media usually portrays Africans as primitive, starving, or at war with each other. One African official observed that the darkest thing about Africa is America’s ignorance of it (see James H. Robinson, in African American Quotations, ed. Richard Newman [Phoenix, Arizona: Oryx Press, 1998], p. 18). When I was in Africa several years ago, I was sent the following quote: “In Africa there are tribes that beat the ground with clubs while uttering spine-chilling cries. Anthropologists call this a primitive form of self-expression. In America we do the same thing-but we call it golf!”
    There is much we can learn from our African brothers and sisters, who are among the great pioneers in this church. President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “The days of pioneering in the Church are still with us; they did not end with covered wagons and handcarts” (in “Many Are Still Blazing Gospel Trails,” Church News, 24 July 1993, p. 6). Pioneers are those individuals who help establish the Church all over the world.
    The pioneers that I will focus on this morning had little help from the Church, because they were not members and the Church knew very little about them. I seek your faith and prayers that we might be edified by their example and by the assurance of God’s love for all of his children.
    In 1853, nine years after the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith, missionaries were sent to Africa for the first time, but they only proselyted among the white people of South Africa. It was not until 125 years later, following the revelation on the priesthood in 1978, that the gospel was preached to all people of Africa.
    However, 30 years before the revelation, Church leaders became aware of other Africans who were interested in the Church. By the 1950s, many letters were sent to Church headquarters from the West African nations of Nigeria and Ghana requesting literature and membership in the Church. The letters were written by devout Christians who had gained a testimony from the Book of Mormon or other Church literature.
    What began as a comparative trickle of requests in the early 1950s became a flood by the 1960s. More letters requesting literature were received from Nigeria and Ghana than from all the rest of the world combined (from Edwin Q. Cannon, Jr., interview with Gordon Irving, 10 January 1980, Salt Lake City, Church Historical Department). The Church responded by sending literature, but the demand for Church literature was so great that some Africans even established LDS bookstores. However, since there were no priesthood holders to preside and provide priesthood ordinances, those asking for baptism were told, “The time is not yet. You must wait.”
    As they waited, they shared their knowledge and testimony of the gospel with others and organized congregations. It was reported that in the 1960s there were more than 60 congregations in Nigeria and Ghana, with more than 16,000 participants-none of whom were baptized (from interview with LaMar Williams by E. Dale LeBaron in Salt Lake City on 12 February 1988).1
    This was a paradoxical situation for the Church. With an army of missionaries eager to go to the ends of the earth to teach and baptize, there were thousands in Africa pleading to join the Church whom we were not able to baptize. As far as is known, nothing like this had occurred in this or in any other dispensation.
    In 1960 President David O. McKay assigned South Africa mission president Glen G. Fisher to be the first Church representative to visit some of these unbaptized converts. He met with several groups in Nigeria, one of which had more than 5,600 participants in many congregations..."

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @cindykinser7850
    @cindykinser7850 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    It was very difficult for me while serving a mission in the Deep South in 1977 to understand why we were instructed not to deliver our message to African-Americans. Shortly after my return home in 1978 this revelation was given. While I rejoice in that change I have still since struggled to understand this issue. This was a healing and heartfelt message I have longed for. My still unanswered questions remain but I will put them aside trusting that someday I will understand fully.

    • @casey-capri2914
      @casey-capri2914 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This was one of the many reasons I left the church. There is absolutely no answer to that question that would be satisfactory in my opinion.

  • @UpperCutZX10
    @UpperCutZX10 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Still a lot of questions, but this is an absolutely beautiful story. Sometimes, I guess, the Lord's ways seem harsh. Moses never entered the promised land. Israel suffered so much for so long. And so many individual stories of hardship seem unfair. But the testimony of his love can come through more strongly and overpower the doubts and questions. I am a converted believer. Never dreamed I would accept the Mormon faith. But since that time, every effort I have made to commit more fully has been rewarded in undeniable ways.
    Thank you for posting this.

    • @goingtothetop55
      @goingtothetop55 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for your comment! Much appreciated.

  • @paulagraves6517
    @paulagraves6517 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I could not stop the tears through this whole talk. What an incredible emotion of faith these dear people have. I am humbled by their expression of love and patience with God timing. So beautiful.

  • @kethyllenemanuelle9661
    @kethyllenemanuelle9661 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "The strenghth of the church is in the testimonies of its members " I know that this is true and my testimony about it has just grown after watching that amazing, eye-opening talk. Thank you.

    • @marilynrowley7022
      @marilynrowley7022 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have been working with the members and their friends over the last five years. They have very strong testimonies and share their testimonies with their friends. I have had the privilege of teaching many Ugandans and every individual has asked to be baptized. They are a special people and sons and daughters of God. I love them and their open hearts to the Lord. I testify that they are ready to receive the Gospel.

    • @bevanderson4894
      @bevanderson4894 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      We were Blessed to serve our Mission on Ghana.How we grew to Love these Brothers and Sisters .They are so humble and loving .Do thank

  • @maryedison-steinberg6848
    @maryedison-steinberg6848 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I listened to this speech earnestly, as I listened, I saw here where I could write my thoughts and impressions. I am surprised only 18 other comments have been made. I am a BYU-PATHWAY CONNECT MISSIONARY. I feel and heard the Lord call me back to His Fold and my Soul became washed cleaned and as I remain faithful and true to His Calling my heart has been changed and I have been privileged with working with my Central African Brother's and Sister's and I get to see with my own eyes the Growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and my testimony of The Book of Mormon is Strengthened as I can for myself see that
    it is true . Most of my students have been Missionaries in Africa and are now being faithful to the Lord's Commandment to gain an education 🙏. I see their struggles and their victories as they are trying hard to become what and do what The Lord will have them become and do. I pray that even I can make a difference in the Lives of These beautiful children of God, by giving my love 💓 my heart, my time even what little money's I can after paying my tithing. I have found that the Lord has blessed me beyond measure.. 🙏 I have seen concourses of angles praising the Lord as even more are converted to The True Church of Jesus Christ. I love His Gospel. In The Name of Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen

  • @janicenagao7409
    @janicenagao7409 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The heavens were opened!!! GLORIOUS.

  • @joechristiansen6016
    @joechristiansen6016 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Truly amazing stories of faith and perseverance. Truly miraculous how the Lord guided those early African pioneers prior to baptism. The growth of the church now in Africa is a testament to the faith and trials that they endured.

    • @byuspeeches
      @byuspeeches  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment.

  • @franciegwin
    @franciegwin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    These brothers and sisters had so much faith for so long and have been blessed do or their long-suffering and dairy.

    • @kirklandmeadows
      @kirklandmeadows 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a bad reflection on the only true church on earth. Open your eyes.

    • @reelikab1185
      @reelikab1185 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      God's timing can be difficult to endure but ....that sure can be a holy place to be.
      Let's say there were two people - one was given million $$$ and the other had to earn it - both ended with million - which one of these two would you rather be?
      So many people born into the covenant are walking away, having never realized the treasure they had. They were pointed towards the narrow path, everybody sheered them on along the way and nothing, they just become dead branches without solid foundation. God must love his African Saints beyond any comprehension. He knew where he planted them. Elder Holland said: "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; … they shall walk, and not faint.” Why do you think President Nelson has asked us to increased our faith? Maybe becase having faith means we trust God, his timing and we allow God to prevail in our life and the lives of others, however painful this might me. I full heartedly believe that God's ultimate goal is our eternal happiness and exaltation and it is wisdom in Him how he goes about accomplishing it. We know he is loving and merciful. Let's put aside stirring up contentions when we are commanded to LOVE EVERYBODY!!! GOD IS NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS.

  • @deboraholsen2504
    @deboraholsen2504 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Wow, I was glad to receive this! I knew Dale LeBaron, as I was friends with his daughter, Shawna, and we were roommates when she went to OCC in Costa Mesa, CA. in the mid 1980s! Also, his daughters, Angie and another one of his daughters were in our Costa Mesa 2nd ward. I was Angie’s oldest son’s primary teacher when he was 8. I haven’t talked to Shawna and her husband, Clark in years, but I’ll just say hello right here. :) Hope you guys are doing well. My two older children are grown up, just like yours are! I also have triplets who are middle school age!
    This was great content from your dad! You are/were lucky to have him for a dad! Take care!

    • @angicummings8377
      @angicummings8377 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm so glad to see that you enjoyed my dad's talk. Yes, we were lucky to have him as our dad. 💗
      Triplets??!! What?? You deserve a medal! 😅 My son that you taught in Primary is now 40 years old and is a professor in the business college at the University of Arkansas. Time really flies!! It's so good to reconnect with you. I hope you're all doing well. 😊

  • @makehetutu2472
    @makehetutu2472 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow, very powerful talk and experiences from the people of Africa, their faithful people, children of God, they wait patiently and their hearts are very humble. I am touched by their humbleness of their hearts, they never give up waiting for the Lord’s timetable and when it is His time they rejoice and full of happiness. I know the Church is so true, the restoration of the truthfulness is here to stay regardless what happen in this world then and now. His Gospel is to share to the world and not to be hidden under the bushel, the truth is Restored again and never to be taken. I so testify that the Lord liveth and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true Church on the face of this world. I love the Church with all my heart.

  • @ernablackburn6568
    @ernablackburn6568 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow wow and wow!!!