Rural girl turned into a carpenter, TianTian and cousin eat bamboo turkey 吃貨姑娘變身木匠,甜甜和表妹吃竹管火雞

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • 今天小豬佩奇來脾氣了,竟然把豬圈拱壞了,幸好有吃貨天團們,全民動員,很快就給佩奇蓋了個新房子,小豬佩奇真是太幸福了。可惜我又沒趕上吃,沒關係,餓了找表妹,嘿嘿。這火雞真是太好吃了,舒服,哈哈😄
    Today, Peppa Pig has lost his temper. He even broke the pigpen. Fortunately, there are food corps and the whole people mobilized. He soon built a new house for Peppa Pig. Peppa Pig is so happy. It's a pity that I didn't catch up to eat again, that's okay, I'm hungry to find my cousin, hehe. This turkey is so delicious and comfortable, haha

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