I think the biggest issue with chain pet stores is the consumer. If the consumer took the time to educate themselves before purchasing a pet, they would not buy sub par quality nor improper housing. These box stores are a simple matter of supply and demand. As long as we, as consumers, spend our money there, it perpetuates the problem. I miss the days of the small mom and pop stores. We paid a lot more, but had the advantage most of the time of the cost being supported most often by a wealth of knowledge.
I was just thinking this last week. Now the consumer has to spend more of their time getting the right products / researching. We don't know who to listen to.
Luckily the vast majority of us have smart phones at our disposal, and can make decisions based on our own readings no matter what the scenario. I think everyone shops at box stores at some point, but by educating ourselves on what healthy looks like, and basic needs of our future pets, we can avoid a lot of bad decisions from advice given by underpaid and undertrained staff who are doing the best they can, or perpetuating what they have been told.
I worked at Petcetera for one day and it was the worst work experience I've ever had. The girl who was supposed to train me shut the light off and slammed the door on me when i was in the adoption room giving all the cats water because their dishes were bone dry WHEN the white board in this adoption room says "never shut light off or close door" (so the cats don't feel more neglected than they already are) Right before this happened one of my coworkers told me the manager was a drug dealer. I quit the next day and reported that shit. The store shut down 2 months later. Don't work with animals if you don't care about their happiness and well being.
I use to have a hedgehog and one time I went to a chain pet store and asked an employee if they had any products made for hedgehogs and this employee, had NEVER HEARD OF HEDGEHOGS!! They thought I was crazy when I described them....
Madi Hearts oh my lord... I read your comment aloud to my dad, thinking he'd find it funny but he ending up telling me, "I've never heard of hedgehogs either!" and then I showed him a picture of one and he asked me "is that a hamster?" 😂😂😂😂
JustFive They're not stupid, they're ignorant. Stupidity happens when common sense is not used. For example, you explain to a person what a hedgehog, then they say "Oh,so it's a porcupine.", that's stupidity. Ignorant is when they have not come across that kind of animal but when introduced, they will recognize the animal there on. So don't make rash judgements. Hate is a very strong word.
A few months back, I was at PetShmo and I was looking at the reptile bulbs and basking lights and a girl who worked there came over with a customer who was clearly buying things for a tortoise. I was listening to the advice she was giving and she handed them the "things they needed" her first mistake was a 10 gallon tank, when she walked away I walked over and said " hey are you getting a tortoise?" and they said " no we found a turtle on the road so we are keeping it" -_-... I said " oh ya know it won't survive in captivity well, are you sure you don't want to let it go?" they said " no we really want it, but we don't know what to do" I didn't want to make them mad so I did what I had too... I took his tank and put it back and told him it was WAY to small and I grabbed a 40 gallon based off the size he told me it was. I explained that he should look into a turtle table but that I wasn't sure how long his turtle was going to live bc it was from the wild, I then got him the food and substrate and heating lamps and bulbs he needed.... the worker came back over and she said " oh do you know what they need? bc I have no idea" after they left I ended up SITTING DOWN in the floor with the worker at petco and literally explained tortoise and turtle care in depth for over a hour as best I could...... I was so surprised how uneducated the workers are, but I know it is what it is.... this is just my newest exp, but this kinda thing happens a lot...
"I said " oh ya know it won't survive in captivity well, are you sure you don't want to let it go?" they said " no we really want it, but we don't know what to do"" omfg people are so goddamn fucking selfish hjCSagcajshfbdsbngma;S But good on you for giving much better advice, and educating your ignorant co-worker. That's horrendous that so many pet stores don't have FARRRRR better standards for their employees.
I work for "PetGenius" currently and once had a customer come up to me with a little baby aquatic turtle he had gotten from a friend in a filthy fish tank with almost no water in it. I was fortunate enough to see snapping turtles growing up and i was like uhhh that actually looks like a baby snapping turtle....where did your friend get that from? He said he had no idea and became quite alarmed when me and another customer who owned a red ear slider agreed it was a snapping turtle. I added more water to the poor thing's tank and it settled down and they said they would release it and were grateful for our help. I must say though i'm really thankful most of my coworkers are decently knowledgeable on most of the animals we have and our managers don't get upset when even register ppl try to help. In fact they reward us for it, so I have to say I'm thankful for that.
I apologize for the rant ahead. When I was working at Petschmo not only where the animals not properly cared for (My manager would not let me quarantine a guinea pig with a serious eye infection that ended up spreading to several other small animals. Snakes always had mites and fish often had ich) But the employees are not treated well either. I was left on the register all day with my break pushed to the last hour of my shift. Normally I wouldn't complain about this but our store has a problem. Our store faces south so in the winter the sun shines directly through the gigantic window at the front of the store all day. This makes the front of the store reach temperatures upwards of 90°. Despite informing the manager of the situation and begging to be switched off the register,(even for a little while) or even receiving my break when it was scheduled, he denied my request. I ended up getting Heat Stroke! I was bright red, drenched in sweat, dizzy, nauseous, and had one of the worst headaches of my life. This is unacceptable under any circumstances, in any store. At this point it doesn't even matter if they are a pet store, a clothing store or Walmart. It's just simply unacceptable.
Oh and I forgot to mention, when people bring in guinea pigs, rats, mice,and sometimes even small rabbits, to be adopted for free to a LOVING home, this same manager calls our local snake guy to take them for feeders because he doesn't want to deal with them.
I have always wondered what happens to the snakes as they get older? Like I don't imagine reptiles turn over as often as cats or dogs. So what happens to a corn snake that has gotten too big for a tiny cage? The last time I was in Petshmo I was interested in a king snake and the girl at the counter told me it was a mean snake. Do they make employees handle the snakes and reptiles or do they sell critters that are not used to human touch?
I once had a guy at a pet store tell me ball pythons weren't "totally poisonous" but just "a little poisonous." I was floored. How can you get so much so wrong!? Haha
Not only is it ridiculous to say a ball python is "just a little poisonous", that actually means it would harm you to eat the snake. Not that it would harm you if it bites you. That's venomous.
I went to a local pet store and I was looking for some betta tank stuff (gravel, plants, hideouts, heater, filter cartridges and a tank, etc) I have educated myself a whole lot before purchasing my fish, he has been with me for almost a year and is still very healthy! At the pet store I heard a customer and an employee talking about fish care, they customer was very uneducated and had no clue what they needed to get! So the worker was very kind and explained to them the proper amount of gallons the fish will need to have a happy and healthy life. The lady and her two kids were very understanding and listened to all the advice they were being given. So basiclaly the 3.5 gallon tanks were on sale for half off and they are usually 20$ at this petstore, another worker came by and told them to purchase a fish bowl (those were not on sale and were only 0.8 gallons!) he clearly just wanted to make more money, he went on to explain how it was unnecessary to buy such a "waste of space" and he said the bowl will look nicer in a home! The other educated worker was in training and too scared to speak up so I took the girl to the side when the worker went to go get the "perfect" bowl for her. I told her to get the 3.5 gallon she was originally purchasing, I told her all the benefits to having it and it was cheap, she went to the check out and finished paying before the other worker came back! I find it so horrible how workers at pet shops are aloud to be hired when they know absolutely nothing about animals! They have living, breathing creatures in their hands yet they fail to try and educate themselves even a little tiny bit!
Yes, they do perpetuate a lot of myths, like "bettas are healthier in bowls, larger spaces and filters stress them out!" Uh, no. You can slow the flow of a filter with a filter bag if the current is too strong, but a small filthy bowl is a lot more stressful than a large filtered tank.
Filters are actually really bad for betas, I have 4 so I think I know I'm right. I recommend marimo moss because it just traps your betas waste. When u clean the tank rinse it out. I agree on everything except the filter part.
My local pet store stopped selling bunnies, hamsters, birds, etc. because they didn't like the conditions of the animals and they no longer support the pet trade. Now they just sell pet supplies.
Snazzy Breadstick my local store only sells a few animals now, and from what I've seen at least the fish(majority of animals they sell) are in good conditions. I just hope that they know how big those common plecostomus get...
I worked at a PetSmart for a few years and most of the problems that you had at your store didn't exist at mine (for example--animals were never that overstocked. With regards to mice, the most we would have together was 3 or 4 and only if they were siblings and still young. At the first sign of them fighting we would separate them. Also, at the time I was a 19-22 year old girl and I was the go-to for being on the floor and answering questions. If we didn't know something we were encouraged to ask and find out). I honestly loved that job and I think that in general PetSmart is a pretty nice company. It does have its flaws, though. The breeder sketchyness is always a problem at big box pet stores. In my specific region almost all of our animals came in safe and healthy, but I know it's not the same everywhere. The worst part was constantly fighting customers over how to take care of animals. No one ever trusted that I knew what I was walking about. The sheer number of times I had to explain that you can't put a goldfish in a bowl or a cichlid in a 10gal tank or that yes, you WILL have to come in every week to buy live crickets for that lizard was annoying. Ultimately, I didn't mind so much because I knew it meant that the animals I sold would be better off. Fuck college kids though. They would come in packs wanting a pet betta for the dorm room and no matter how much I explained how to care for it properly they would come back a few weeks later and told me it died.
SamaChaos when I was in university, my boyfriend bought me a beta fish, man that little guy lived for 2 years. My roommate killed it over spring break 😭
The problem with these company's is that the few employees that know and care about animals quit after learning what truly happens with the animals and what they have to put up with from uneducated -uncaring customers and all that's left are employees who could care less.
I was at petco getting toys for my guinea pigs and some dad brought his daughter and I overheard the worker saying all this stuff and I stepped in and told him about cage size for them and they need a friend and whatever else and the worker was like wow you should work here 😂
+Autumn Rae wow, I didn't know a dad had to buy they're daughter lol! It just makes me so mad, I was at PetSmart the other day, buying a new collar for my dog, two harness for my dogs, and oxbow Timothy hay for my pigs (idk why I'm so specific on what I bought😂), and some person had a Midwest guinea pig cage (understandable for a pair of pigs), but then I literally watched her pick out a smaller cage (5 sq ft), go up to the register, and tell the cashier she needed a smaller cage for her rabbit, because a big cage couldn't fit in her room! Like wth! don't get a rabbit if both cages you bought are way to small for a bunny! Plus the smaller cage had a mesh flooring! Some people make me so mad sometimes, I just wish I did something about it:(
I work at a big pet store not petshmo but the other one. I got my beardie, fish and chinchilla from my store and I love them but I really really wish we didn't SELL animals. Way too many people come in to buy them without knowing a damn thing about their needs and a lot get very angry when you try to educate them about proper habitats, or a big one is fish compatibility. If I truly don't know the answer to something I'll say something like "I'm not sure why that's happening let's look it up." I'm very lucky to have good management that backs up the petcare department. We are allowed to refuse the sale if we truly believe the animal is not going to be properly taken care of. I hate cooperate though. Policies and procedures are ridiculous we are responsible for living creatures and they only care to a certain extent.
actually they are the same company, but what drives me nuts about the petshmo companies is the teenage chicks that know nothing about the fish they are selling. Unfortunately these mega-companies are taking over and putting the local aquarium shops out of business.
Jeff K I learn new stuff everyday from other employees and customers. I always tell people though, what may somehow work for others may not work for you. (Some people just cannot keep fish alive, even with proper tank size, heating, filtration, water conditions..etc) but without working there I wouldn't know a d*amn thing about any of my animals (I also did my own research online). My chinchilla and beardie have very large habitats with all the necessities, enrichment and more. My tank is thriving with fish and aquatic plants. As for the smaller stores.. I refer people to them a lot. Like "oh you have a very large tank and are looking for something more exotic? You should check out blah blah blah it's north of here."
I actually feel really bad because when I was younger I bought four gold fish and one beta fish over a course of five years and they all died with in one week of purchase because I had no idea how to care for them. I was only like five or whatever but still I feel really bad.
I was also lucky to have managers (like all but maybe one of them) who would back me up if I refused to sell to someone. This one guy started coming to our store, and another associate sold him a bunch of fish for his community tank, and every two days he would come in with like five dead fish and his receipts (he actually had a folder full of receipts just for returning his dead fish!) and this associate would continue to exchange and sell fish to him. This went on for about two weeks, and each time he came in I either wasn't working that day or I was on the register. Well one day he finally came in when I was in the fish department and same thing -- bag of dead fish and a folder of receipts he expected me to look through to find what day he bought those fish on. I told him it was his responsibility to provide me with the correct receipt, I couldn't look through his stack, and I also told him that continually adding more and more fish was making the problem worse and I would only replace the fish he brought in, but I wouldn't sell him more (he was trying to house about 50 fish in a 30 gallon tank!). He flipped out, started yelling at me, and demanded to see my manager. So I went and got my manager and she explained to him that we needed to prioritize the health of our fish. This of course made him angrier, but she told him after today she wouldn't authorize more returns for him, and we never saw him again. I was so happy that I was the reason he stopped abusing our fish. Sure, he probably did the same thing at another store, but at least I did my part in protecting our stock.
i got fired cuz my grandmother went to the hospital and they thought i was lying. Even though they knew that she was older and i am the one whos by her side.
i walked into a petsmart, and there was a bird, lying FACE DOWN on the ground. Im pretty sure it was dead. the other birds in the cage had NO FOOD OR WATER so they were poking at the pretty much dead bird trying to eat it. I literally wanted to cry.
Places like Petco DO exist purely for the sake of business(ie: money), not for the love of animals. If they were there for the love, they would be FAR more particular in their hiring/placement of staff(you DEFINITELY shouldve been the one on the floor, talking to people about their potential new pets, over others who knew nothing and give bad info), as well as about where they get their supply from, and how they keep the animals in the store. It's a business, filling a niche(or, trying to MONOPOLIZE a niche), and the rules and standards they have aren't at all in the best interest of the animals, but, rather, the bottom line(ie, again: money). I worked at a place like that("superpet", in canada) about 15 or 16 years ago, for about 5 weeks. This one had just opened, and I THOUGHT I was going to be able to help run my department(reptiles/amphibians) to run smarter and better, but because an 18 year old kid had applied a week before me, HE was given the dept manager position, even though I was 1000%(probably more) more qualified, and he and I didn't get along, and he wouldn't take my advice, even on the simplest most basic points, like supplying UV lighting for the diurnal lizards. And I couldn't just take lighting off the shelves and set it up, because it wasn't in the "department budget". Fuck I hated that experience. There was no way I was going to last there, and I'm even embarrassed to have ever worked in a place like that. I now work at a small store in a small town where I'm fully in charge of the fish, reptile, birds, and small animals(the store is mostly a nursery/garden shop, and pet foods/supply) and I am able to educate my fellow staff members about the animals we have, and all of them are conscious and concerned for the well being of the animals. I often talk myself out of sales, when my questions reveal that this animal is perhaps not the best fit for the person. Most people don't realize things like how long g this animal can and should live for, or how much it can cost to set up for the animal, or how much MINIMUM space an animal requires etc... Same with fish. SO many people come in wanting to put goldfish in their 5 gallon(or in a 1 gallon bowl!!!) aquarium. Instead, I advise sticking with either a betta or maybe a few otos and a small school of neons or other nano fish, in a five gallon filtered tank, and that, really, they shouldn't keep ANY fish in a bowl, but a betta CAN be kept like that, if they are diligent about water changes, and they put some Java fern or moss balls in there... People appreciate, generally, being questioned and informed, and since I have run the animal section of the store(i moved here and started less than a year ago), sales have gone up nearly 50%(also because the fish tanks themselves are better kept, so the fish are healthier). The bottom line is that not everyone who comes in wanting a specific animal has done any research or has any experience with the animal. Often they don't know the first thing, like adult size, and sometimes they don't even know what it's called, they just saw one on my store or somewhere else, and want it. Its my job to make sure the customer knows what they are in for, and MOSTLY, it is my job to make sure the animal is going to a GOOD HOME. impulse animal purchases are a no-no. The BIGGEST no-no. Glad you don't work there anymore, and I hope it wasn't only because of TH-cam. You obviously had your problems with working there, as you should've.
Tyler P the petco closest to me actually has quite a few employees that truly care about the animals and their well-being and are there for them. The GM is amazing, he's so kind and you can really tell he cares and loves every single animal.
Shannon Holohan that's great. Not saying that sometimes all the stars can't align at a petco, for the good of the animals, but their policies, which the managers still has to follow, don't have the best interest of the animals at heart. For instance, their suppliers.
i worked at petco for about 8 months,i stopped after i had to move.But,it was the best petco i ever worked at,the first actually but seriously.All the employees there knew what to do and what to say and the manager was the sweetest.We were told even if the consumer had the slightest thing wrong we should inform them on it.We were forced to refuse selling some animals if the consumer didnt have the right information right then and there.I think a lot of pet managers are shit and dont look into there employees background animal knowledge if that makes sense.The breeders are just terrible in my opinion,but not the company itself..
samantha anglen that sounds like a rare, but awesome store. I wish more employees were properly trained and managers cared more for the pets than the sales.
The pet store near me is called “bestfriends” and they are the same as the one you worked at, they’re amazing and are mostly all assistant vet nurses working a second job or retired vets so all the animals are super well cared for. I go there so often for my bird, axolotyl and 2 dogs so they had a black axolotyl that was completely blind and had a few other health conditions so no one wanted to buy him so they asked me if I could take him home and I did, I hand fed him and made his life as amazingly comfortable as I could as they told me he probably wouldn’t live too long due to him being so ill and sadly just after a year living with me he passed away due to a cancerous tumour in his belly that couldn’t be fixed or removed as he was so ill but that was in no way the stores fault cause a bree der came in and said he couldn’t care for it as he didn’t know how to so they took him in hoping to help him and make him healthy again but unfortunately Mother Nature took its course.
In Australia we have the opposite problems with pet stores. The chains are fantastic and most of them don't sell animals at all, instead they have animals available for adoption through rescue groups or have adoption days. However we have a big issue with many many independent pet stores keeping animals in awful conditions and supporting puppy mills 😠 at least this is the case in Melbourne where I live. There's also problems with backyard breeders and puppy mills constantly selling online and on Facebook.
I live in Adelaide, I have always had cats and dogs which I get from breeders, but I recently went into an aquarium shop that sold reptiles, fish and frogs. Given that I don't know much about fish I asked their advice and then told them that I would go think about it and come back. I fact-checked the advice online to find a lot of it was wrong, like that betas like to be kept in tiny jars.
There is a chain pet store by my house. I love it so much. Its not like pet smart or pet co where the animals are in good condition and the employees know like nothing. The pets in this store looked healthy and happy. They where the only pet store that ive been to that says that the hamster cages where too small. The employees also where very smart and knew every thing about each animal. I wish that all pet stores where like that😕
lilz_l there's a place called PetLand where I live and they have huge cages and they take out the pets every once and awhile so they can "breathe". The employees also are very nice and know a lot
What is the store called? A chain is a store that has many stores around the country/state. A non chain, often known as a mom and pops shop, is a store that there is just one of and no other anywhere else. So a chain would be McDonald's, PetSmart, Burger King, CVS, Pizza Hut, Walmart etc. A mom and pops would be a store like: Staceys Pet Shop (I made that name up but it's a store where there is just one). So you say this store by your house is a chain so there will be many of that store in different locations. What was the name of it?
At my local store my sis wanted a dwarf hamster. The employ saw it had a small cut in its ear and took it straight to their vet to treat it i stead of selling it.
awesome video!!! i actually worked at a private exotic pet shop for a couple of weeks, and it is much more fun working directly with the owner, and i had so much fun handling, cleaning and feeding the animals. they were super knowledgeable too. maybe you should try a private pet shop? im sorry your experience was hard on you, you are amazing and my inspiration ahhh
I've gotten a bunch of pets from private pet stores and they do better than the ones I've gotten from chain pet stores. All my birds have been good and I've gotten all 4 I've had from a private pet store. My oldest was just over 3 but she had a good life. I also just got a gerbil a few weeks ago and she was tame when I brought her home (Obviously I got her from a private pet store). I've also gotten a bunch of great pets from chain pet stores but I like private ones better.
I used to work at a Petsmart and I have to say, it was one of the nicest pet stores around. We take such great care of our animals and we always put them first. Of course, not all of our animals come 100% healthy. We would have guinea pigs come in with respiratory problems or bearded dragons would come in very lethargic. We make the guy who brings them wait so we can check every new animal that comes in and make sure they’re not sick or injured. If they’re sick or injured he takes them back. If we keep some that get sick later on, we put them in isolation. Every single animal that Petsmart gets in goes into a holding room for inspection. They stay there for about a week to make sure they aren’t sick. After a week, healthy ones graduate to the floor, and for the sick ones, they go straight to isolation for a vet appointment and treatments. Depending on the situation that sick/injured animal stays in isolation until they are back to health. As for overstock on the floor, Petsmart never had that. Rodents are housed 3-4 a cage depending on our size. They are liter mates and stay with their liter mates, and usually get along 99% of the time. We never split litter mates and put them with completely different litter mates. We are constantly in the cages either feeding/cleaning/inspecting so if there is ever fighting, we know instantly and take action to separate. When there is only one type of that animal left in the cage, it stays alone until it gets a home. Then we bring more out. There is never overflow. The animals get constant care on the clock and that is why I loved Petsmart. Of course there are many things I think need to change about Petsmart, but like she said, they’re large companies who make a lot of money. But Petsmart themselves benefit the community in an enormous way. Through donations for animal shelters, weekly adoption events. There’s always some kind of donation that Petsmart does. But there is something everyone needs to know, learn about the kind of animal you want before you buy it. It will save you, and the animal from a lot of stress and disappointment.
I used to work at PetShmand and can tell you everything in this vid was the same way there. I ended up being fired for refusing to pull a tiny Chihuahua puppy down for this person who was smashed out of their skull ( like they had a hard time standing and reeked of liqueur) to hold. Because and I quote " We will not employee someone who does not care about our bottom line".
These American pet stores sound so crazy! How are many of them still open? Pet stores in my country have Vets and groomers inside the Pet stores with qualified people to help animals. Each employee will be trained to learn everything possible about each animal and their products. ( I know, I've worked at many). Every animal has large cages and are cared for non-stop and employees treat them like their own pets. We even get a little emotional when they are sold since we form such strong bonds. And there are lots of animals who have had previous owners who couldn't look after them and charities donate to the stores to find new owners. I really with other countries could have pet stores that function this way.
What country are you from and can I have a plane ticket? xD (seriously though they suck ass here, I went to one and they gave a leopard gecko in a full jungle outfit, just a particular story that pissed me off)
ALicE I've noticed this talking to friends in the UK. Apparently the UK and several other European countries have strict regulations on all pets. From mice to horses to farm animals. They have standard appropriate cage/pasture/habitat size. They have strict breeding documentation (especially horses, farm animals, dogs, and cats) and several health and safety regulations for both pet and owner. So I imagine to work at a pet store over there you'd need to know all of these things. Also microchips for animals is a standard and usually a requirement for livestock cats and dogs.
My pets supplies plus near me was horrible. Not saying all are but the one near me is just absolutely horrible. The hamsters had crazy amounts of poop clumped up in their cage every time I was there I would go at least 2 times a week usually mornings and their wheels would have so much poop they couldn't run in them. One of the cage/tanks had about 4 generations of hamsters just rebreeding and rebreeding! They eventually started fighting and eating each other so they put a paper towel taped up that said not for sale. Then there was an incident where I was playing with one of the ferrets and he got really tired so I noticed his water bottle holder was broke so he couldn't drink it and I told them and their response was its fine! We close in 4 hours it'll get fixed then... WHAT?! I own 4 ferrets and I have had a total of 6 but two have passed of normal causes but my point is I know them and they need clean water available 24/7. As do most animals! I was so pissed! Then I saw a worker picking up the geckos by their tails and swinging them around and laughing one time and that was it for me! I wrote a huge email to corporate about the store. The actual store was always dirty and smelled. The workers always had attitudes. Even the manager was just crazy. She was out talking to her friend about her bathroom renovations and I "interrupted" her as she said. So anyways after I wrote the email I went back a week later and WOW. The store had a major cleaning the animals tanks were clean. Even the works were more attentive and kind. Yeah everytime I go in their the manger follows me around and watches me cause I'm assuming she knows it's me I have a store card. And I go there often. But I don't care I'm glad I did something for those animals. In this case it wasn't just were they were getting the animals from it was the actual store.
Savannah Cole I did something pretty much the same before, but it was for a local owned store. the only thing they didnt fix was the size of the rabbit and chinchillas cages. they hired a new employee that was more knowledgeable though
When I went to feeders to buy a Syrian hamster the hamsters were in bad conditions and the hamsters were really chubby and stuck in a 10 gallon tank with no toys or chews! so then I asked one of the employees there "is this a Syrian hamster?" and she was like "I dont know..its just a hamster" then I said "but what type tho?" and she said again "its a just a hamster...you know..idk I guess" and I got rlly mad cuz she was the only one working there and didnt know anything so then I just took it then after that I was shopping for bedding and she was helping (even tho I clearly said I dont need help) she was like "I recommend the cedar and pine bedding they're cheaper " and I was pissed off cuz they're supposed to know these things! (cedar and pine are bad beddings)
yeah, soft beddings that are eco friendly are best for their fur and skin. I'm not an expert and I know that. Maybe you should've asked her if she would like to crawl around in wood chips her whole life.
My hamsters have always lived in pine bedding and I have never once had any of them get sick from it or hurt from it. I also mix with soft bedding or paper bedding. I’ve owned a lot of hamsters I currently own 7. Two of them are over 3 years old two of them are two years and three of them are 8 months. I have the original parents the daughter of those two and her “husband” and then their three babies. They are happy and healthy
this really isnt petshmo but at petland my dad was going to travel and i had to stay behind. so we went to petland because i had to go to my moms house and i brought my bearded dragon and her light bulb burned out so we were getting a new one. the worker said i could get a regular light bulb and i was like "No Boi" that can cause serious issue's. if i didnt do research my little baby could be very ill right now 😥
AlwaysJustPets if you're talking about a basking bulb, yes you can use a normal flood light. If you're talking about a UVB bulb, then you need a UVB bulb that produces UVB. Every bulb produces UVA
One time when I was younger we went to buy hamsters and the lady helping us said they get really lonely you might want to buy all three so we did because my mom wanted them to be happy turns out these type of hamsters aren't supposed to be kept together so they hated each other and we had to pay so much more money on cages I really wish we had did more research on the animal I also wish that the employee had given us accurate information
We once bought a hamster for my sister. The staff said, it's just fat and it should go on a diet. Next morning we had baby hamsters. Nowadays am really mad about how bad care they must've taken of it, lying to us, or not knowing and urgh...
Jessie Louis Pet stores shouldn't keep both males and females in a cage together in the first place because all of the unexpected babies customers end up getting, it just adds to the cost of pet care.
Savethebees With hamsters, you should never keep two or more together because hamsters are solitary pets meaning they should only live alone. If they are housed together there is a chance they will attack, even kill. If you've ever bred a hamster then you'd know that you'd be able to house siblings together but with same sex pairs, but you do have to keep watch on them so they don't try attacking each other one day.
Sadly most animals from pet store chains only live 1/5 of their life expectancy. I've bought pets from private breeders that have lived even longer than the average life span meanwhile ones that I saw my friends (against my advice) adopted from pet stores looked ill, as if something was wrong, and ended up only living for about two months. Sadly we need more educated people who know about these animals then people don't really know anything then what's on the care sheet.
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life adopting from pet stores (adoption = supplied by rescues; not supplied by breeders) isn't the same as buying from pet stores (supplied by mill breeders)
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life my experience with petsmart (in my area) is that the hamsters are healthy, i have bought 3 hamsters from pet smart. i bought 2 Syrian hamsters, one lived to be about 5 years old, and the other 4. syrian hamsters have a normal life span of 2 - 2.5 years. i also had a teddy bear hamster, they are only supposed to live about 2 years and mine lived 4 :)
You clearly don't have much understanding because "teddy bear" is not a real species or breed of hamster. It is a fabricated name to make people buy them more often. Please have reliable sources for information. 😊
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life idk if peys corner is only uk but its AMAZING!! you have to show them a picture and dimensions of your cage, they do a full health check before adoption, someone came up to us when we were adopting my hamster and said there syrian lived for 4 years its brilliant
I remember when I went to a pet store to buy a rat to keep my other one company. The pet store worker told me the rat was 'healthy and definitely a girl'.. nearly a month later I get back to school and shed given birth to 18 baby rats.....
Izzy Mullen that happened to me wii my “2 male” mice🙄 I was 10 and I got them a huge cage but didn’t know that makes fought, and I came home from school and I found 15(?) babies🙄
I just started working at Petsmart and honestly it has been so amazing so far. All of us genuinely LOVE and CARE about our animals AND our Pet Parents. Our PetCare team have have a very vast knowledge of animals and we help each other with more knowledge. We also make sure our sick animals get the best treatment and if one PetCare person doesn't do something right we make sure they do it right the next time and encourage them to keep getting better (Also have a Banfield at the store so they helped too). I was gonna apply for petco and saw a dead mouse just laying there in the "habitat" while people just stared I went to the manager and said there was a dead mouse (that has obviously been there for a few hours) And he just kinda graoned and said "k". I made sure he got it out and then I immediately left. I'm so glad to work at my store and so so proud of my store
Taylor Nicole Dean normaly people at petstores say bettas can go in bowls and stuff like that, if u were talking to a costumer and they wanted to get a betta and they asked u what tank they need and stuff like that , could you say that they need a 2.5 gallon tank would u get in trouble for givong "false information" btw sorry about the long confusing comment
peace smile love of course it isn't misinformation, many pet store employees spread that false information and pet stores can distribute that false information to make the most sales out of everyone.
since poeple want the cheapest animal and don't care about quality.stores have to order animals from the cheapest whole seller. mom and pop stores are dying do to the fact poeple don't care about quality.they see the price and often leave. in order to change things you would have to change poeple.
Emmy's Place I'm sorry, I don't think that it's right, but it's their only choice! My location in California gets their stock from a local breeder that has actually come into the store and talk to the manager and sell dogs and cats to people. They also rescue cats from bad homes plus off the streets! Also, they are saving the sick animals from a life of sickness and pain by taking them and curing them.
As an employee of a chain pet store (pet care department, specifically) I have never wholeheartedly agreed with someone in my life. I'm still there BECAUSE I love the animals we have, and have formed a personal connection with each of them. It's so sad seeing an animal pass, and you're right, they too too often come in sick from the breeders. Coming from the pet care department of your blue rival, sometimes I feel like sometimes priority is given to the business aspect of the company, instead of the actual animals. Our store adopts out cats through the Austin Humane Society and have gotten millions of cats adopted, so I know the companies don't lack ethics. I'm so happy I found your channel. You are living out my dream as an animal enthusiast. 😍
As a worker, not a manager or anyone in a higher position, are you able to refuse to sell someone a pet? Say they're trying to get a pet like that needs a lot of space but doesn't have a large enough cage and refuse to buy a bigger one, are you allowed to refuse to give them the pet?
yes... at my job, a bunch of tween girls and their mom came in asking for 6 or 7 fish(i honestly dont remember which ones they were, this was a while ago), and me and my co worker found out they werent feeder fish and found out they were gonna put them all in a 1 gallon fishbowl and we just told them that the only fish that could survive in that kind of tank is a single betta fish, and that is SURVIVE, not thrive...
Don't Ask I work at a Petsmart for 3 years now and yes we refuse to sell animals to customers who we feel are not going to take care of the animal .. my store manager is a jerk and could care less but I’m glad I work there to say no to customers . Other employees are afraid to say no 🙄🙄
I work at a Petshmo in California, I've only worked there for less than a year and I can completely agree with all you said about them. I love animals and I aspire to work with exotics, and with that I am constantly disappointed with certain aspects of the company. The worst thing (BY FAR) is the customers though
medallo143 I always tell people that at BEST the small cages are only temporary housing solutions. I'll sometimes refer to a large tank if it applies but if not I actually refer people to shop online so they can get exact measurements for their future cage
Agree, I love animals but I won't work in a pet store since I know there are customers who literally will demand an animal and get a cage of improper size. I am an aquarium person(VIP on FIshlore!!!) but also keep a hamster, but on our forum we have people who work in the store telling how customers will demand a goldfish or angel or oscar in a 5 gallon or worse a 1 gallon tank! If you tell them they need a 20 gallon or bigger tank they will say, let me see the manager :(
I worked at a Petsho for 6 months. Worst thing I saw was a lady wanted a muzzle for her tiny dog because it was biting her when she ripped out its hair when brushing it.
Thank you for your perspective and for remaining calm and rational. I have heard several stories about pet stores and wondered what the truth was behind them.
The closest pet store near me is in a mall :( so many people come in every day, but I don't think even 5% of them actually get a pet. Also, the fucked up thing: dogs get sedated ALL THE TIME, I don't think they ever are fully sober. Poor things are in bad shape.
nobody knows sometimes i go to the mall just to spend time with the pets. I feel so bad no one ever buys them and they dont get attention. So i go and play with them and pet then and give them the attention they need
you should do a 'meet my pets' video where you like introduce them with things like favorite foods and habits etc. Edit: I meant like introducing them with like their personalities, also all the Jeff comments make me want to kill myself cause I'm cringing so hard
PugMafioso😋 I think they meant that they want a video about each animals favorite things, stories, facts, ect. She made a video showing all of her pets but we didn't get info about them.
THANK U SO MUCH!!! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE SEEN A VIDEO LIKE THIS THAT ISNT JUST BASHING THESE STORES. I work for a vet that petco sends it’s sick animals to when they arrive sick and every time it’s the breeders not the stores fault for them being that way nobody understands this the stores normally take amazing reasonable care of there animals the issue is the breeders who literally treat them like objects and don’t give a crap.
Can you please please do a video about tortoise care. I've had a Russian tortoise for about 4 years now. I have a very large cage, shelter, water, two lights for day and night and feed him a variety of leafy greens and limit his intake of sugar from tomatoes and such. I just want to make sure I'm doing the best I can. I've recently started building an outdoor cage to use for the warmer months of the year. Anyone with any helpful information please share I love him so much and I've read a lot of information but any other additional information would be amazing!!
Wooooooaaaaah. Your hair looks amazing, and you do to (As usual). Keep up the videos. You're the only animal related youtuber I can watch. Most of the other ones are so unenthusiastic.
OMGAWD, I work at a pet store... and they have me at the register all day every day(when all I've studied at university is animal science and marine biology...). While aquatics and animal care is a mess and they have highly unqualified people in charge of those things. If I complain about something in animal areas it goes ignored and they push me back to the register -___- I know exactly what you're talking about! In no way is the company evil, but those at HQ are the ones setting the rules and stupid regulations. Planograms are a fucking mess with corals in the wrong tanks etc...its all for the $$ in the end.
Myself and 2 other friends of mine all worked at petco. My first friend that got a job there got me a job and then I got the other friend a job. My first friend had amazing knowledge of animals and she was made animal lead. I had almost as much knowledge as her and she quickly filled me in where I was lacking. When she went away to school I became lead. I think I was only ever on register once. My store actually hired people for specific positions like register so we never got moved around unless someone called in. Our animal care was amazing except for the issue you mentioned of overcrowded mice and rat cages. I went on to become a dog groomer and moved over there then I started instructing grooming and taught my friend who also worked there. We had tons of fun, I loved my coworkers and managers and it was overall a great place to work. I’m glad you didn’t completely bash it in this video
This video and your entire channel makes me want to open my own pet store, probably more of a rescue really, and make sure people are educated to the best of my abilities as well as the animals taken good care of. I really wanna just say thanks for that!
I went to the pet store looking for ball python, and the lady who was supposed to get it out for me said she can’t because “you can never tell when they are about to bite you and they are very aggressive” she then proceeded to say “they only get about a foot long”
I'm not even gonna lie... I actually thought that she worked at a store called PetShmo😂😂🤷🏽♀️and they actually used the shirts😂😂😂I only realized when I watched her hedgehog house vid😭💀😂😂
I go to a small chain store in my area instead of Petsmart/Petco. I love it, because to be hired, you have to have extensive knowledge about at least two animals. They also, on their badges, have images of the animals they specialize in, so you can ask questions to the right person. Everyone is very friendly, and the animals are healthy, and the hamsters and rabbits are all separated.
when you said "Stocking the animals" i thought you meant "stalking the animals" like people came in and just stared at the same animal every day for hours on the regular and like followed it around if it got moved lol..
It’s amazing to hear these stories of Petsmart and Petco. The Petsmart in my area has pretty healthy looking reptiles. The leopard geckos have nice little hides, the bearded dragons have a huge basking spot, and the turtles have a large enclosure. I saw two employees help out a customer who had chosen to buy the $350 yellow ball python and they were getting him everything he needed (from what I’ve heard). The birds there are really healthy, and the tanks are usually clean. We also have our local animal shelter do adoption days on Saturdays that help get cats and dogs families. The local pet store has worse enclosures than Petsmart with small enclosures for their snakes and lizards with no hides and they’re in the heat for days on end
Thank you for informing people and clarifying misconceptions about the knowledge - or lack of - about employees at pet stores. PEOPLE WHO OWN PETS MUST READ BOOKS ABOUT THE ANIMAL, animals are living beings (duh!). Excellent video, Taylor!
My store is great except the managers have their favorites as well. I have the same problems at work as what you mentioned. I hate being on register with my anxiety 🙃
We mainly shop at Pet Supplies Plus because they take such good care of the animals. The fish tanks are independently filtered so any possible diseases don't spread, the reptiles are kept in proper enclosures, the rodents are never overcrowded and their cages are always clean. And the employees actually know what they're talking about. If they don't know something they'll be honest and say they don't know, or they'll call over someone who does. In fact, I remember one time where a man was looking to buy a goldfish for his son, and the 'fish guy' as we call him advised the man about exactly how big they get and the kind of tank needed to support their growth. The man had owned goldfish in the past so he knew how big they got and was prepared to buy a large tank for the goldfish. But it still impressed me that the guy was honest and informative. I've bought a few Cory Catfish from them and they've all been totally healthy, in comparison to the ones I've bought from Petshmo who all died young or lived long enough to develop issues which I think were related to poor breeding, such as cataracts and swim bladder issues. The only exception was a False Spotted Cory who ended up living a long time without issues. My others have all been Green and Peppered Cory's.
Miss yippie I won't name the store I went to, but they gave me my guinea pig for free. She was in the back for months because she had a neurological disorder and none of the workers could take her or could out her down like they were supposed to because she was healthy otherwise. Vets don't know what's wrong with her and she had the reputation of being called "The Crazy Guinea Pig". She celebrated her 2nd birthday sometime in March. Very shocked she's managed this long but she's feisty and healthy! Very active. I'm very careful with her weight and diet as well. She used to keep me up at night because she would run around in circles for hours. That's really all she does anyway. She really likes chair legs and tables legs, laundry baskets, ect. She enjoys running around those.
Petsmart has two rooms in the back, a sick room and a arrival room, if they told you it was from the sick room you shouldn't have bought it, and if it was sick and you noticed that you should have taken it back to petsmart so they could get it to a vet and get the g-pig better.
Here in the uk the main pet store is pets at home and like they know a lot about the pet because I don't 1 month of looking up about hamsters and they said everything that was online so I think that in the uk the pets stores are a bit better the in like American and stuff.
Alexandra Lewy my only issue with pets at home is the enclosures they sell and keep a couple of the animals in. I’m not 100% but I think that chinchillas and degus need a bit more space and I know because my sisters has gerbils that they need a different kind of home than the ones they sell (they need one like a tank rather than a “gerbilarium”). But yeah I completely agree with you pets at home staff are very knowledgeable and helpful and the animals are healthy and treated well.
Honestly all of these points make me glad I work at a family owned local pet store. This company focuses so much training on educating people on animals and animal care. All of our staff is so educated it’s awesome and we refuse chain breeders. We only get animals by donation. I’m sorry about your experience maybe something more local is a better thing for you. You’re so amazing educated on animals and people should definitely get advice from you. ❤️❤️
That's really funny ( the last complaint of yours). It's very different. I work at a different chain an it goes more like: Men or strong women are placed in the fish/reptile section. We are the heavy lifters. Most of the girls end up in dogs/cats or birds/rodents. We have 3 cashiers (no more then 2 at a time as we only have 2 cashes). And each of them also works in a department (2 in fish and one in birds). In my store I'm required to think of the animal first and if I don't feel confident in a customer I can refuse to sell them the animal. (I do that a LOT with turtles for example.) We have SO many negative reviews online for staff being 'unfriendly' or 'unwilling' to sell and such it's actually comical. But for example - I'm not allowed to sell you a feeder goldfish (or any fish other then a Betta) for a bowl. Turtles must be sold with a kit (OR the customer has to have a 20 gallon or larger tank at home). Most of our reptiles come in decent. We DO get mites often, but I'm pretty sure they come in on the bedding. As we use aspen and eco earth and it's known for having mites from time to time. Most of our reptiles are from breeders that are working in the store. For example the head of all of the reptile orders/ect for the chain is the one who breeds our corn snakes, ball pythons, leopard geckos and crested geckos. The uromastyx are from a local breeder, and so on. My boss pushes us pretty hard and is strict but she's not a bad boss, easier to deal with then most of my previous bosses... But certainly frightening if she's your first haha. The only real complaints I have is 1) The sick day protocol is to call and then provide a sick note upon your return. Meaning I have to go to a doctor's office and convince them to write me a note for work. - I'm paid minimum wage... I shouldn't need to go through that kind of trouble for minimum wage. 2) I am somehow responsible for the people in my department. I am NOT the most senior there, I work 5 days a week and I am not the one training. If something isn't done and I've been gone for 3 days it's NOT my fault. But it always somehow is.... Other then that no complaints though.
I don't usually bother to comment on videos, but I can absolutely attest to ALL of this. Like you, I have really, really awful anxiety and depression, and have resorted to animal care and devoting myself to them and being creative my whole life. I dislike fast food, and I'm too anxious to do well at a restaurant. I LOVE animals, and have a lot of experience with them, so I opted to only apply at pet stores for my first job. I started working at the Petland franchise in my neighborhood. My first concern was that they sell puppies (which is a whole other thing...) but basically they sell 'rescues', so I convinced myself that it was okay. It was a very, very small location, and only four or so people worked there. This was great for a high-anxiety person. Soooo fast forward to now: I completely agree with you, I've experienced pretty much exactly what you've said, including puppies constantly coming in semi-healthy, getting Parvo from our kennels (duh), and the owners waiting until the last minute to take them to the vet, because they wanted to save money. Kitties ending up with near-fatal upper respiratory infections. ICK in almost every tank. The list goes on... Anyways, thanks so much for your amazing videos, and it's lovely to hear from others who have had the exact same experience as I have, as an animal lover.
I found a turtle (a red eared one) I found him down at my farm someone dumped him but he has shell Rott and I'm putting iodine on it how would it t heal would the white bits peel off or just randomly dissolve? And do you have any tips for me?
dry dock your turtle when it's getting iodine on the shell, then after turtle is totally dry you can apply neosporin ( safe for turtle) as antibiotic. apply iodine+ neosporin daily until the rot has cleared up/ natural shedding and keep it dry to kill off anything. so your turtle doesn't dehydrate, submerge him back in water to eat/ drink/ have time to swim at least an hour a day, then it can be put back in the enclosure where it can be kept dry. if you want to be super safe, you can take the turtle to the vet to see how serious the shell rot is, or look up turtle care sites that explain how to fix shell rot. Taking my turtle to the vet, and he gave me the advice above to fix my slider's shell rot. shell started looking better between 1-2 weeks. Happy herp caring! From your fellow Red Eared owner
I worked at Schmo for a little over 4 years. My store experience was much different. My manager started me on the register; but I ended up being the overall animal care specialist. I actually kept the contact info for the various animal enthusiast clubs in my pocket, and referred people to them all the time. We had the local aquarium group in all the time, the local bird rescue, and we always had a 'rescue' table. Usually with small animals (that we took to the vet) that were up for adoption. What I loved :1.) We were allowed to refuse to sell animals to people we thought were unfit.2.) Our manager and regional corporate were exceedingly strict with our suppliers, and although we did take in imperfect animals, we would turn in any supplier that sent in animals that were sick in any way. What I disliked: The skeleton crew. During my stint in aquatics (a 51hr/week duty) I was also supposed to run register in the mornings.. Then I would get fussed at because the aquatic work was behind. Overall, it was a good experience, as we mostly had enthusiasts working there, and readily referred to them. But ya, the suppliers could be a real issue.
wow i hear such bad stories or mixed stories and shit.. and i'm so lucky i work at a pet store thats in such good condition. not best, we do have issues, but not nearly as much as your describing.. my boss has worked with pet stores for years and has ordered from the same breeders for a few years now after being through the few that were bad. of course we get sick ones time to time, but not nearly as much as i hear. after working there almost a year and after having 100+ animals (and then also probably hundreds of fish lol) i think a total of 4 that we've had to take to the vet and are healthy now, 2 rats have died within a week of having them from respiratory problems, and maybe 5 hamsters that had wet tail (for those who dont know, this is minor and takes a few days to treat). we've also had one issue where a staff wasnt cleaning the guinea pig cage properly and they got a skin infection, but i mean.. either than those 12 incidents, our animals come healthy and stay healthy. half of our employees are in school to be vets or are part time vets or have been working at the store for 2+ years and are huge huge animal lovers. unfortunately we do have to keep our hamsters together but when they're babies they do alright. like 3 hamsters a cage max. and they get bought within a few weeks. our rats stay together but theyre social and weve never had issues with them. we seperate budgies if they dont get along. we have our medium sized parrots on our shoulder all day and socialize him as much as we can. snakes get handled and all the retiles get live feeders.. like i am so lucky and happy there are good stores like mine out there. i still dont think pet stores should have bigger birds. even the green cheek conures we get, they need to be in homes with permanent companions. and i dont think hedgehogs and ferrets should be pets period, but thats another topic lol. but pet stores definitely can do well. but there are so many that dont and i hope they correct their ways or get shut down. it's so shitty and i wish there was more i could do.. reporting the bad stores help, but not always. sigh.. anyways, to anyone reading this, please please adopt or buy animals that need rehoming. especially birds and cats and dogs. do not buy from pet stores. home breeders are great, but there are so many animals that need new homes. and if you know of a bad pet store, please report them and spread the word. if you know of a good one, call their manager or corporate and let them know theyre doing great. give information about animals to new employees. do anything you can to make all these animals happy and give them the best life they can and deserve. :)
Elizabeth Bour It doesn't matter lol You don't/can't get in trouble for talking shit about a company on TH-cam. lol If they did majority of reviewers would be piled high with court orders. And they're not. PETCO IS A SHIT COMPANY. There. Watch nothing come of it
I work at Petschmard and we've completely overhauled our training programs. We've completely revamped out animal care standards and breeding standards. It's been really amazing to see the change in culture.
I bought a cornsnake and ball python from petsmart and they were in good condition tiny amount of stuck shed to the tip of my cornsnakes' tail tip but easily came off with some water. Now the ball python I ordered from a "reputable" breeder online... worst experience of my life as a pet owner. She was the wrong morph, size, age, had an upper respiratory infection.. the first three I could live with cuz I was a responsible pet owner and bought her sizable terrarium even tho I thought I was getting a baby and love her even if she's not exactly what I paid for but that infection was a bitch to deal with..
I work at a PetShmo and while I do love my job i have to agree with some of the things that you are saying. I would have to say though that my situation isnt as bad but that is because my store is quiet small and it doesnt sound like we keep as much "stock" as your store does. We rarely have animals "overstocked" which is nice but the cages they are kept in are quiet small. I do all the cleans so I try my best to make sure all the animals are happy and healthy while in our care! Also when it comes to how people are staffed, I kinda wish I had your problem. While you may think that sucks, at my store everyone must know ALL the departments. While that sounds nice, and it is when youre in a pinch, it make everything very disorderly and not a lot gets done. On my shifts I am sometimes the MOD, plus cashier, plus running the floor. It can get a bit hectic but I can understand that only getting to do one thing sucks because you wouldnt really be able to learn about the animals that way :( Anyways, I just thought you might be interested in a different perspective of Petshmo, but at the end of the day I think we can both agree they have a LONG way to come when it comes to animal care and that is truly the most important thing.
So weird, at my store they wanted the best employees on floor, new people were always on register. My managers were super passive aggressive though and awful sometimes though.
They told me they wanted the newest on the register yet somehow when the time came to hire new people they hired 2 males and they all went onto the floor and I stayed on the register, when I complained after weeks of it they were like "oh so I guess you want to move things around then?" so annoying.
I think the biggest issue with chain pet stores is the consumer. If the consumer took the time to educate themselves before purchasing a pet, they would not buy sub par quality nor improper housing. These box stores are a simple matter of supply and demand. As long as we, as consumers, spend our money there, it perpetuates the problem. I miss the days of the small mom and pop stores. We paid a lot more, but had the advantage most of the time of the cost being supported most often by a wealth of knowledge.
Rachel O'leary We should buy fish from responsible breeders like you, Rachel.
Rachel O'leary Most of us don't have a choice.
I was just thinking this last week. Now the consumer has to spend more of their time getting the right products / researching. We don't know who to listen to.
You can easily order fish from a good source. I've bought all my fish online for my 4 tanks.
Luckily the vast majority of us have smart phones at our disposal, and can make decisions based on our own readings no matter what the scenario. I think everyone shops at box stores at some point, but by educating ourselves on what healthy looks like, and basic needs of our future pets, we can avoid a lot of bad decisions from advice given by underpaid and undertrained staff who are doing the best they can, or perpetuating what they have been told.
I worked at Petcetera for one day and it was the worst work experience I've ever had.
The girl who was supposed to train me shut the light off and slammed the door on me when i was in the adoption room giving all the cats water because their dishes were bone dry WHEN the white board in this adoption room says "never shut light off or close door" (so the cats don't feel more neglected than they already are)
Right before this happened one of my coworkers told me the manager was a drug dealer.
I quit the next day and reported that shit.
The store shut down 2 months later. Don't work with animals if you don't care about their happiness and well being.
Forest Fires that's so nice of you :)
Forest Fires GOOD JOB 👍👍👍
Forest Fires I'm glad you could put an end to that. Since the animals can't thank you, I will. Thanks!
Forest Fires almost 666 likes congratulations
I use to have a hedgehog and one time I went to a chain pet store and asked an employee if they had any products made for hedgehogs and this employee, had NEVER HEARD OF HEDGEHOGS!! They thought I was crazy when I described them....
Madi Hearts yep...faith in humanity is dead
Madi Hearts
oh my lord... I read your comment aloud to my dad, thinking he'd find it funny but he ending up telling me, "I've never heard of hedgehogs either!" and then I showed him a picture of one and he asked me "is that a hamster?" 😂😂😂😂
why. ..
Madi Hearts ok I have no sympathy for those people they're actually stupid
JustFive They're not stupid, they're ignorant. Stupidity happens when common sense is not used. For example, you explain to a person what a hedgehog, then they say "Oh,so it's a porcupine.", that's stupidity. Ignorant is when they have not come across that kind of animal but when introduced, they will recognize the animal there on. So don't make rash judgements. Hate is a very strong word.
A few months back, I was at PetShmo and I was looking at the reptile bulbs and basking lights and a girl who worked there came over with a customer who was clearly buying things for a tortoise. I was listening to the advice she was giving and she handed them the "things they needed" her first mistake was a 10 gallon tank, when she walked away I walked over and said " hey are you getting a tortoise?" and they said " no we found a turtle on the road so we are keeping it" -_-... I said " oh ya know it won't survive in captivity well, are you sure you don't want to let it go?" they said " no we really want it, but we don't know what to do" I didn't want to make them mad so I did what I had too... I took his tank and put it back and told him it was WAY to small and I grabbed a 40 gallon based off the size he told me it was. I explained that he should look into a turtle table but that I wasn't sure how long his turtle was going to live bc it was from the wild, I then got him the food and substrate and heating lamps and bulbs he needed.... the worker came back over and she said " oh do you know what they need? bc I have no idea" after they left I ended up SITTING DOWN in the floor with the worker at petco and literally explained tortoise and turtle care in depth for over a hour as best I could...... I was so surprised how uneducated the workers are, but I know it is what it is.... this is just my newest exp, but this kinda thing happens a lot...
Littlelotti's Hartland I worked at -petco- Petshmo too hehe
"I said " oh ya know it won't survive in captivity well, are you sure you don't want to let it go?" they said " no we really want it, but we don't know what to do""
omfg people are so goddamn fucking selfish hjCSagcajshfbdsbngma;S
But good on you for giving much better advice, and educating your ignorant co-worker. That's horrendous that so many pet stores don't have FARRRRR better standards for their employees.
I work for "PetGenius" currently and once had a customer come up to me with a little baby aquatic turtle he had gotten from a friend in a filthy fish tank with almost no water in it. I was fortunate enough to see snapping turtles growing up and i was like uhhh that actually looks like a baby snapping turtle....where did your friend get that from? He said he had no idea and became quite alarmed when me and another customer who owned a red ear slider agreed it was a snapping turtle. I added more water to the poor thing's tank and it settled down and they said they would release it and were grateful for our help. I must say though i'm really thankful most of my coworkers are decently knowledgeable on most of the animals we have and our managers don't get upset when even register ppl try to help. In fact they reward us for it, so I have to say I'm thankful for that.
Littlelotti's Hartland , err...you realize you just called "Petshmo" "Petco?"
jamagurl31 it's amazing to me how people can't tell the difference between a red eared slider and a snapping turtle! It's pretty obvious to me!
I apologize for the rant ahead.
When I was working at Petschmo not only where the animals not properly cared for (My manager would not let me quarantine a guinea pig with a serious eye infection that ended up spreading to several other small animals. Snakes always had mites and fish often had ich) But the employees are not treated well either. I was left on the register all day with my break pushed to the last hour of my shift. Normally I wouldn't complain about this but our store has a problem. Our store faces south so in the winter the sun shines directly through the gigantic window at the front of the store all day. This makes the front of the store reach temperatures upwards of 90°. Despite informing the manager of the situation and begging to be switched off the register,(even for a little while) or even receiving my break when it was scheduled, he denied my request.
I ended up getting Heat Stroke! I was bright red, drenched in sweat, dizzy, nauseous, and had one of the worst headaches of my life. This is unacceptable under any circumstances, in any store. At this point it doesn't even matter if they are a pet store, a clothing store or Walmart. It's just simply unacceptable.
Oh and I forgot to mention, when people bring in guinea pigs, rats, mice,and sometimes even small rabbits, to be adopted for free to a LOVING home, this same manager calls our local snake guy to take them for feeders because he doesn't want to deal with them.
I have always wondered what happens to the snakes as they get older? Like I don't imagine reptiles turn over as often as cats or dogs. So what happens to a corn snake that has gotten too big for a tiny cage? The last time I was in Petshmo I was interested in a king snake and the girl at the counter told me it was a mean snake. Do they make employees handle the snakes and reptiles or do they sell critters that are not used to human touch?
loopeymire The employees should handle all the animals regularly however some just have tempers while others are tame as can be.
Jyrah Sorzi I FEEL YOU
I once had a guy at a pet store tell me ball pythons weren't "totally poisonous" but just "a little poisonous." I was floored. How can you get so much so wrong!? Haha
Margzies Omg! I would have laughed right in his face.
Oh god.. I knew the answer to that question since I was 4 years old!
Not only is it ridiculous to say a ball python is "just a little poisonous", that actually means it would harm you to eat the snake. Not that it would harm you if it bites you. That's venomous.
Well i guess you cant cook a python
Aborted Child the cooking deterrs the poison
I went to a local pet store and I was looking for some betta tank stuff (gravel, plants, hideouts, heater, filter cartridges and a tank, etc) I have educated myself a whole lot before purchasing my fish, he has been with me for almost a year and is still very healthy! At the pet store I heard a customer and an employee talking about fish care, they customer was very uneducated and had no clue what they needed to get! So the worker was very kind and explained to them the proper amount of gallons the fish will need to have a happy and healthy life. The lady and her two kids were very understanding and listened to all the advice they were being given. So basiclaly the 3.5 gallon tanks were on sale for half off and they are usually 20$ at this petstore, another worker came by and told them to purchase a fish bowl (those were not on sale and were only 0.8 gallons!) he clearly just wanted to make more money, he went on to explain how it was unnecessary to buy such a "waste of space" and he said the bowl will look nicer in a home! The other educated worker was in training and too scared to speak up so I took the girl to the side when the worker went to go get the "perfect" bowl for her. I told her to get the 3.5 gallon she was originally purchasing, I told her all the benefits to having it and it was cheap, she went to the check out and finished paying before the other worker came back! I find it so horrible how workers at pet shops are aloud to be hired when they know absolutely nothing about animals! They have living, breathing creatures in their hands yet they fail to try and educate themselves even a little tiny bit!
Yes, they do perpetuate a lot of myths, like "bettas are healthier in bowls, larger spaces and filters stress them out!" Uh, no. You can slow the flow of a filter with a filter bag if the current is too strong, but a small filthy bowl is a lot more stressful than a large filtered tank.
Filters are actually really bad for betas, I have 4 so I think I know I'm right. I recommend marimo moss because it just traps your betas waste. When u clean the tank rinse it out. I agree on everything except the filter part.
All my betas are in 2 1/2 to 3 gallon tanks and are perfectly happy and healthy
@@graciestinyzoo6397 you should post about them or a video introducing all of ur pets
Manger: what do you know about animals
Employee: fish live in water
Manager: your hired!!
My local pet store stopped selling bunnies, hamsters, birds, etc. because they didn't like the conditions of the animals and they no longer support the pet trade. Now they just sell pet supplies.
Snazzy Breadstick my local store only sells a few animals now, and from what I've seen at least the fish(majority of animals they sell) are in good conditions. I just hope that they know how big those common plecostomus get...
Same, I think mine was a pet life
That just happened in my town, which is amazing cuz the did not take care of the animals properly.
good for them!
Sorry that around 10:50 I repeat some things and again later on. Just got a new editing program so i missed a few things in editing 🤓
Taylor Nicole Dean its fine. And I tweeted u!:)
Taylor Nicole Dean no worries
No I noticed it too, its ok though I still enjoyed the video.
Taylor Nicole Dean I have a question how do I know that a pet store is not a chain pet store??
Ashely Bastian ok thanks so much
I worked at a PetSmart for a few years and most of the problems that you had at your store didn't exist at mine (for example--animals were never that overstocked. With regards to mice, the most we would have together was 3 or 4 and only if they were siblings and still young. At the first sign of them fighting we would separate them. Also, at the time I was a 19-22 year old girl and I was the go-to for being on the floor and answering questions. If we didn't know something we were encouraged to ask and find out).
I honestly loved that job and I think that in general PetSmart is a pretty nice company. It does have its flaws, though. The breeder sketchyness is always a problem at big box pet stores. In my specific region almost all of our animals came in safe and healthy, but I know it's not the same everywhere.
The worst part was constantly fighting customers over how to take care of animals. No one ever trusted that I knew what I was walking about. The sheer number of times I had to explain that you can't put a goldfish in a bowl or a cichlid in a 10gal tank or that yes, you WILL have to come in every week to buy live crickets for that lizard was annoying. Ultimately, I didn't mind so much because I knew it meant that the animals I sold would be better off.
Fuck college kids though. They would come in packs wanting a pet betta for the dorm room and no matter how much I explained how to care for it properly they would come back a few weeks later and told me it died.
SamaChaos when I was in university, my boyfriend bought me a beta fish, man that little guy lived for 2 years. My roommate killed it over spring break 😭
Aw that sucks. Bettas can easily live for 4 years or more if taken care of correctly. I think the record is like 8 years?
SamaChaos I know, my little guy was so happy and strong... I'm still angry about it hahahaha
I would be too. Sounds like you were a good fish mama, though.
+Grant Phares ......uh huh
The problem with these company's is that the few employees that know and care about animals quit after learning what truly happens with the animals and what they have to put up with from uneducated -uncaring customers and all that's left are employees who could care less.
I was at petco getting toys for my guinea pigs and some dad brought his daughter and I overheard the worker saying all this stuff and I stepped in and told him about cage size for them and they need a friend and whatever else and the worker was like wow you should work here 😂
Ok wow this doesn't make sense, I'm talking about him getting his daughter a guinea pig.
+Autumn Rae wow, I didn't know a dad had to buy they're daughter lol! It just makes me so mad, I was at PetSmart the other day, buying a new collar for my dog, two harness for my dogs, and oxbow Timothy hay for my pigs (idk why I'm so specific on what I bought😂), and some person had a Midwest guinea pig cage (understandable for a pair of pigs), but then I literally watched her pick out a smaller cage (5 sq ft), go up to the register, and tell the cashier she needed a smaller cage for her rabbit, because a big cage couldn't fit in her room! Like wth! don't get a rabbit if both cages you bought are way to small for a bunny! Plus the smaller cage had a mesh flooring! Some people make me so mad sometimes, I just wish I did something about it:(
Emma'sPets that's ridiculous! I agree, if you "don't have room" or any excuse, don't make the animal suffer just because you think it's cute
Emma'sPets the dad "brought" his daughter NOT "bought"...READ
+Crystal Macdonald she edited her comment lol! Before it said bought
I work at a big pet store not petshmo but the other one. I got my beardie, fish and chinchilla from my store and I love them but I really really wish we didn't SELL animals. Way too many people come in to buy them without knowing a damn thing about their needs and a lot get very angry when you try to educate them about proper habitats, or a big one is fish compatibility. If I truly don't know the answer to something I'll say something like "I'm not sure why that's happening let's look it up." I'm very lucky to have good management that backs up the petcare department. We are allowed to refuse the sale if we truly believe the animal is not going to be properly taken care of. I hate cooperate though. Policies and procedures are ridiculous we are responsible for living creatures and they only care to a certain extent.
actually they are the same company, but what drives me nuts about the petshmo companies is the teenage chicks that know nothing about the fish they are selling. Unfortunately these mega-companies are taking over and putting the local aquarium shops out of business.
Jeff K I learn new stuff everyday from other employees and customers. I always tell people though, what may somehow work for others may not work for you. (Some people just cannot keep fish alive, even with proper tank size, heating, filtration, water conditions..etc) but without working there I wouldn't know a d*amn thing about any of my animals (I also did my own research online). My chinchilla and beardie have very large habitats with all the necessities, enrichment and more. My tank is thriving with fish and aquatic plants. As for the smaller stores.. I refer people to them a lot. Like "oh you have a very large tank and are looking for something more exotic? You should check out blah blah blah it's north of here."
I actually feel really bad because when I was younger I bought four gold fish and one beta fish over a course of five years and they all died with in one week of purchase because I had no idea how to care for them. I was only like five or whatever but still I feel really bad.
I was also lucky to have managers (like all but maybe one of them) who would back me up if I refused to sell to someone. This one guy started coming to our store, and another associate sold him a bunch of fish for his community tank, and every two days he would come in with like five dead fish and his receipts (he actually had a folder full of receipts just for returning his dead fish!) and this associate would continue to exchange and sell fish to him. This went on for about two weeks, and each time he came in I either wasn't working that day or I was on the register. Well one day he finally came in when I was in the fish department and same thing -- bag of dead fish and a folder of receipts he expected me to look through to find what day he bought those fish on. I told him it was his responsibility to provide me with the correct receipt, I couldn't look through his stack, and I also told him that continually adding more and more fish was making the problem worse and I would only replace the fish he brought in, but I wouldn't sell him more (he was trying to house about 50 fish in a 30 gallon tank!). He flipped out, started yelling at me, and demanded to see my manager. So I went and got my manager and she explained to him that we needed to prioritize the health of our fish. This of course made him angrier, but she told him after today she wouldn't authorize more returns for him, and we never saw him again. I was so happy that I was the reason he stopped abusing our fish. Sure, he probably did the same thing at another store, but at least I did my part in protecting our stock.
girrl build your own pet store youll be GREAT at it! everyone will come! you wil have the best animals!
Hell yeah I'll be there in a second forget covid-19
Sammy The Box Turtle ikr
Yeah and then hope chains either shutdown or stop selling live animals
My cousin got fired from a Petco for informing a customer that they shouldn't put two Syrian hamsters in a cage together
i got fired cuz my grandmother went to the hospital and they thought i was lying. Even though they knew that she was older and i am the one whos by her side.
Alyssa Pryor wtf? But Syrians CAN'T be together -.- your cousin was giving the right advice
Alyssa Pryor
Dude wtf that's so stupid
The fuck
Alyssa Katherine i read online that its fine to have two together. the manager probably came across that same info
Your hair color makes your eye color stand out.😘
Paty Romero ya
Paty Romero her eyes always pop
Paty Romero She looks amazing with this new hair color. I really hope she keeps it.
Paty Romero what is that on your profile pic? Just sayin
xPikachu4Everx It's a leopard gecko 🦎, you can get them as pets, I have one
i walked into a petsmart, and there was a bird, lying FACE DOWN on the ground. Im pretty sure it was dead. the other birds in the cage had NO FOOD OR WATER so they were poking at the pretty much dead bird trying to eat it. I literally wanted to cry.
fuzzyllama 011 Did you report it?!???
I am sorry to hear it and that you had to witness that. That is awful.
Places like Petco DO exist purely for the sake of business(ie: money), not for the love of animals. If they were there for the love, they would be FAR more particular in their hiring/placement of staff(you DEFINITELY shouldve been the one on the floor, talking to people about their potential new pets, over others who knew nothing and give bad info), as well as about where they get their supply from, and how they keep the animals in the store. It's a business, filling a niche(or, trying to MONOPOLIZE a niche), and the rules and standards they have aren't at all in the best interest of the animals, but, rather, the bottom line(ie, again: money). I worked at a place like that("superpet", in canada) about 15 or 16 years ago, for about 5 weeks. This one had just opened, and I THOUGHT I was going to be able to help run my department(reptiles/amphibians) to run smarter and better, but because an 18 year old kid had applied a week before me, HE was given the dept manager position, even though I was 1000%(probably more) more qualified, and he and I didn't get along, and he wouldn't take my advice, even on the simplest most basic points, like supplying UV lighting for the diurnal lizards. And I couldn't just take lighting off the shelves and set it up, because it wasn't in the "department budget". Fuck I hated that experience. There was no way I was going to last there, and I'm even embarrassed to have ever worked in a place like that.
I now work at a small store in a small town where I'm fully in charge of the fish, reptile, birds, and small animals(the store is mostly a nursery/garden shop, and pet foods/supply) and I am able to educate my fellow staff members about the animals we have, and all of them are conscious and concerned for the well being of the animals. I often talk myself out of sales, when my questions reveal that this animal is perhaps not the best fit for the person. Most people don't realize things like how long g this animal can and should live for, or how much it can cost to set up for the animal, or how much MINIMUM space an animal requires etc... Same with fish. SO many people come in wanting to put goldfish in their 5 gallon(or in a 1 gallon bowl!!!) aquarium. Instead, I advise sticking with either a betta or maybe a few otos and a small school of neons or other nano fish, in a five gallon filtered tank, and that, really, they shouldn't keep ANY fish in a bowl, but a betta CAN be kept like that, if they are diligent about water changes, and they put some Java fern or moss balls in there... People appreciate, generally, being questioned and informed, and since I have run the animal section of the store(i moved here and started less than a year ago), sales have gone up nearly 50%(also because the fish tanks themselves are better kept, so the fish are healthier).
The bottom line is that not everyone who comes in wanting a specific animal has done any research or has any experience with the animal. Often they don't know the first thing, like adult size, and sometimes they don't even know what it's called, they just saw one on my store or somewhere else, and want it. Its my job to make sure the customer knows what they are in for, and MOSTLY, it is my job to make sure the animal is going to a GOOD HOME.
impulse animal purchases are a no-no. The BIGGEST no-no.
Glad you don't work there anymore, and I hope it wasn't only because of TH-cam. You obviously had your problems with working there, as you should've.
Jeeze! I kinda went off on a tangent....
Tyler P the petco closest to me actually has quite a few employees that truly care about the animals and their well-being and are there for them. The GM is amazing, he's so kind and you can really tell he cares and loves every single animal.
Shannon Holohan that's great. Not saying that sometimes all the stars can't align at a petco, for the good of the animals, but their policies, which the managers still has to follow, don't have the best interest of the animals at heart. For instance, their suppliers.
Tyler P tl;dr
Tyler P This is the longest comment I have ever seen on TH-cam
Anyone else think she was wearing black but then realized it was red
Brody Barr 🙋🙋
Brody Barr 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋
Brody Barr it's not black?...
Kianjir I'm 5 mins in and then read this. OMG WTH
i worked at petco for about 8 months,i stopped after i had to move.But,it was the best petco i ever worked at,the first actually but seriously.All the employees there knew what to do and what to say and the manager was the sweetest.We were told even if the consumer had the slightest thing wrong we should inform them on it.We were forced to refuse selling some animals if the consumer didnt have the right information right then and there.I think a lot of pet managers are shit and dont look into there employees background animal knowledge if that makes sense.The breeders are just terrible in my opinion,but not the company itself..
samantha anglen that sounds like a rare, but awesome store. I wish more employees were properly trained and managers cared more for the pets than the sales.
if more per stores were like the one near you, these animals would have MUCH longer, happier, healthier, safe, AND fulfilling lives...
The pet store near me is called “bestfriends” and they are the same as the one you worked at, they’re amazing and are mostly all assistant vet nurses working a second job or retired vets so all the animals are super well cared for. I go there so often for my bird, axolotyl and 2 dogs so they had a black axolotyl that was completely blind and had a few other health conditions so no one wanted to buy him so they asked me if I could take him home and I did, I hand fed him and made his life as amazingly comfortable as I could as they told me he probably wouldn’t live too long due to him being so ill and sadly just after a year living with me he passed away due to a cancerous tumour in his belly that couldn’t be fixed or removed as he was so ill but that was in no way the stores fault cause a bree der came in and said he couldn’t care for it as he didn’t know how to so they took him in hoping to help him and make him healthy again but unfortunately Mother Nature took its course.
In Australia we have the opposite problems with pet stores. The chains are fantastic and most of them don't sell animals at all, instead they have animals available for adoption through rescue groups or have adoption days. However we have a big issue with many many independent pet stores keeping animals in awful conditions and supporting puppy mills 😠 at least this is the case in Melbourne where I live. There's also problems with backyard breeders and puppy mills constantly selling online and on Facebook.
I agree
I live in Adelaide, I have always had cats and dogs which I get from breeders, but I recently went into an aquarium shop that sold reptiles, fish and frogs. Given that I don't know much about fish I asked their advice and then told them that I would go think about it and come back. I fact-checked the advice online to find a lot of it was wrong, like that betas like to be kept in tiny jars.
Not all pet stores are that good. The chain pet stores mostly suck. and the advice they give is mostly incorrect
I think I died at petschmo
BumbleBettas ?
BumbleBettas hahaha
BumbleBettas bumblebettas... did yout used to be on Instagram?
BumbleBettas I died when she said how lazy their shirts were.
There is a chain pet store by my house. I love it so much. Its not like pet smart or pet co where the animals are in good condition and the employees know like nothing. The pets in this store looked healthy and happy. They where the only pet store that ive been to that says that the hamster cages where too small. The employees also where very smart and knew every thing about each animal. I wish that all pet stores where like that😕
Yeah by my house, there's a place called Pets N More. They have HUGE cages for pets, and before you buy any pets, They ask what size your cage is!
lilz_l there's a place called PetLand where I live and they have huge cages and they take out the pets every once and awhile so they can "breathe". The employees also are very nice and know a lot
The only pet store near me is a small place but the workers know about the animals and all the animals seem to be good taken care of
petland or petland discounts?
What is the store called? A chain is a store that has many stores around the country/state. A non chain, often known as a mom and pops shop, is a store that there is just one of and no other anywhere else. So a chain would be McDonald's, PetSmart, Burger King, CVS, Pizza Hut, Walmart etc. A mom and pops would be a store like: Staceys Pet Shop (I made that name up but it's a store where there is just one). So you say this store by your house is a chain so there will be many of that store in different locations. What was the name of it?
At my local store my sis wanted a dwarf hamster. The employ saw it had a small cut in its ear and took it straight to their vet to treat it i stead of selling it.
Curtis Hockey That's amazing.
Curtis Hockey That's literally the bare minimum that they should do lol
Curtis Hockey wow no if all stores did that
Curtis Hockey we currently have a petco lizard at the animal hospital I worked at
This is what all pet stores need to be like.
awesome video!!! i actually worked at a private exotic pet shop for a couple of weeks, and it is much more fun working directly with the owner, and i had so much fun handling, cleaning and feeding the animals. they were super knowledgeable too. maybe you should try a private pet shop? im sorry your experience was hard on you, you are amazing and my inspiration ahhh
Tiliquatics She actually quit her job to take care of her pets full time c:
Tiliquatics private stores are much better i agree
I've gotten a bunch of pets from private pet stores and they do better than the ones I've gotten from chain pet stores. All my birds have been good and I've gotten all 4 I've had from a private pet store. My oldest was just over 3 but she had a good life. I also just got a gerbil a few weeks ago and she was tame when I brought her home (Obviously I got her from a private pet store). I've also gotten a bunch of great pets from chain pet stores but I like private ones better.
I used to work at a Petsmart and I have to say, it was one of the nicest pet stores around. We take such great care of our animals and we always put them first. Of course, not all of our animals come 100% healthy. We would have guinea pigs come in with respiratory problems or bearded dragons would come in very lethargic. We make the guy who brings them wait so we can check every new animal that comes in and make sure they’re not sick or injured. If they’re sick or injured he takes them back. If we keep some that get sick later on, we put them in isolation. Every single animal that Petsmart gets in goes into a holding room for inspection. They stay there for about a week to make sure they aren’t sick. After a week, healthy ones graduate to the floor, and for the sick ones, they go straight to isolation for a vet appointment and treatments. Depending on the situation that sick/injured animal stays in isolation until they are back to health. As for overstock on the floor, Petsmart never had that. Rodents are housed 3-4 a cage depending on our size. They are liter mates and stay with their liter mates, and usually get along 99% of the time. We never split litter mates and put them with completely different litter mates. We are constantly in the cages either feeding/cleaning/inspecting so if there is ever fighting, we know instantly and take action to separate. When there is only one type of that animal left in the cage, it stays alone until it gets a home. Then we bring more out. There is never overflow. The animals get constant care on the clock and that is why I loved Petsmart. Of course there are many things I think need to change about Petsmart, but like she said, they’re large companies who make a lot of money. But Petsmart themselves benefit the community in an enormous way. Through donations for animal shelters, weekly adoption events. There’s always some kind of donation that Petsmart does. But there is something everyone needs to know, learn about the kind of animal you want before you buy it. It will save you, and the animal from a lot of stress and disappointment.
I really dislike pet stores. The one near me keeps BIG dog in very small cages, I'm talking like St. Bernard big. It makes me SO sad.
That's terrible! Sadly, sometimes there's not much you can do about it :(
iCanDi What pet store has dogs? I've never been in one that had dogs.
Belle almost all pet shops near where I live have dogs
Belle the ones near me...
iCanDi my pet store pets at home Inverness Scotland has smallish cages for the small rodents but they have plenty of toys
I used to work at PetShmand and can tell you everything in this vid was the same way there. I ended up being fired for refusing to pull a tiny Chihuahua puppy down for this person who was smashed out of their skull ( like they had a hard time standing and reeked of liqueur) to hold. Because and I quote " We will not employee someone who does not care about our bottom line".
These American pet stores sound so crazy! How are many of them still open?
Pet stores in my country have Vets and groomers inside
the Pet stores with qualified people to help animals. Each employee will be trained to learn everything possible about each animal and their products. ( I know, I've worked at many). Every animal has large cages and are cared for non-stop and employees treat them like their own pets. We even get a little emotional when they are sold since we form such strong bonds. And there are lots of animals who have had previous owners who couldn't look after them and charities donate to the stores to find new owners. I really with other countries could have pet stores that function this way.
ALicE Mine does
ALicE I wish that i could live where you live xd
What country are you from and can I have a plane ticket? xD (seriously though they suck ass here, I went to one and they gave a leopard gecko in a full jungle outfit, just a particular story that pissed me off)
ALicE I've noticed this talking to friends in the UK. Apparently the UK and several other European countries have strict regulations on all pets. From mice to horses to farm animals. They have standard appropriate cage/pasture/habitat size. They have strict breeding documentation (especially horses, farm animals, dogs, and cats) and several health and safety regulations for both pet and owner. So I imagine to work at a pet store over there you'd need to know all of these things. Also microchips for animals is a standard and usually a requirement for livestock cats and dogs.
You must live in Norway where the prisons are literally resorts 😂
Your hair color is so pretty!! It makes your eyes look super blue😍😍
Cermets War Flashbacks it ok ceremet I'll bring you some chancken
Cermets War Flashbacks remember to an watear your an cermet
Cermets War Flashbacks r u giving chicken to your cermet
Cermets War Flashbacks sorry chiickeen
Cermets War Flashbacks your cermet needs chikan do groww
My pets supplies plus near me was horrible. Not saying all are but the one near me is just absolutely horrible. The hamsters had crazy amounts of poop clumped up in their cage every time I was there I would go at least 2 times a week usually mornings and their wheels would have so much poop they couldn't run in them. One of the cage/tanks had about 4 generations of hamsters just rebreeding and rebreeding! They eventually started fighting and eating each other so they put a paper towel taped up that said not for sale. Then there was an incident where I was playing with one of the ferrets and he got really tired so I noticed his water bottle holder was broke so he couldn't drink it and I told them and their response was its fine! We close in 4 hours it'll get fixed then... WHAT?! I own 4 ferrets and I have had a total of 6 but two have passed of normal causes but my point is I know them and they need clean water available 24/7. As do most animals! I was so pissed! Then I saw a worker picking up the geckos by their tails and swinging them around and laughing one time and that was it for me! I wrote a huge email to corporate about the store. The actual store was always dirty and smelled. The workers always had attitudes. Even the manager was just crazy. She was out talking to her friend about her bathroom renovations and I "interrupted" her as she said. So anyways after I wrote the email I went back a week later and WOW. The store had a major cleaning the animals tanks were clean. Even the works were more attentive and kind. Yeah everytime I go in their the manger follows me around and watches me cause I'm assuming she knows it's me I have a store card. And I go there often. But I don't care I'm glad I did something for those animals. In this case it wasn't just were they were getting the animals from it was the actual store.
Savannah Cole Somebody got fired over that I'm sure. PSP corporate is pretty serious about animal care compared to others.
Savannah Cole I did something pretty much the same before, but it was for a local owned store. the only thing they didnt fix was the size of the rabbit and chinchillas cages. they hired a new employee that was more knowledgeable though
When I went to feeders to buy a Syrian hamster the hamsters were in bad conditions and the hamsters were really chubby and stuck in a 10 gallon tank with no toys or chews! so then I asked one of the employees there "is this a Syrian hamster?" and she was like "I dont know..its just a hamster" then I said "but what type tho?" and she said again "its a just a hamster...you know..idk I guess" and I got rlly mad cuz she was the only one working there and didnt know anything so then I just took it then after that I was shopping for bedding and she was helping (even tho I clearly said I dont need help) she was like "I recommend the cedar and pine bedding they're cheaper " and I was pissed off cuz they're supposed to know these things! (cedar and pine are bad beddings)
yeah, soft beddings that are eco friendly are best for their fur and skin. I'm not an expert and I know that. Maybe you should've asked her if she would like to crawl around in wood chips her whole life.
Jade Noodle rightttt
Nerdy Hamster ikr! They cause breathing problems.
;-; I use Pine bedding. I change it frequently,but I’ll change it to something good. Petco told me it would be fine e.e
My hamsters have always lived in pine bedding and I have never once had any of them get sick from it or hurt from it. I also mix with soft bedding or paper bedding. I’ve owned a lot of hamsters I currently own 7. Two of them are over 3 years old two of them are two years and three of them are 8 months. I have the original parents the daughter of those two and her “husband” and then their three babies. They are happy and healthy
You are a good person and quickly becoming one of my favorite people to watch on TH-cam. You're so interesting and knowledgeable!
this really isnt petshmo but at petland my dad was going to travel and i had to stay behind. so we went to petland because i had to go to my moms house and i brought my bearded dragon and her light bulb burned out so we were getting a new one. the worker said i could get a regular light bulb and i was like "No Boi" that can cause serious issue's. if i didnt do research my little baby could be very ill right now 😥
AlwaysJustPets if you're talking about a basking bulb, yes you can use a normal flood light. If you're talking about a UVB bulb, then you need a UVB bulb that produces UVB. Every bulb produces UVA
petland or petland discount (tri state area)
Maya Trull *lie
Maya Trull *ADVICE
Maya Trull she's not saying what she "thinks" she's correcting your shitty grammar.
I swear, her hair color changes almost every video. Am I right????
Princess Ayden nah.............
........ yea😓
Princess Ayden so?
Cyndi Gwinn it's just an observation
Lol true looks nice tho
Princess Ayden...... u jelly :P
Your an absolute angel Taylor. We need more people like you out there!
One time when I was younger we went to buy hamsters and the lady helping us said they get really lonely you might want to buy all three so we did because my mom wanted them to be happy turns out these type of hamsters aren't supposed to be kept together so they hated each other and we had to pay so much more money on cages I really wish we had did more research on the animal I also wish that the employee had given us accurate information
We once bought a hamster for my sister. The staff said, it's just fat and it should go on a diet. Next morning we had baby hamsters. Nowadays am really mad about how bad care they must've taken of it, lying to us, or not knowing and urgh...
Jessie Louis yeah they really should hire people with more experience and people who are educated on animals
Jessie Louis its kinda hard to tell with some breeds of hamsters.
Jessie Louis Pet stores shouldn't keep both males and females in a cage together in the first place because all of the unexpected babies customers end up getting, it just adds to the cost of pet care.
Savethebees With hamsters, you should never keep two or more together because hamsters are solitary pets meaning they should only live alone. If they are housed together there is a chance they will attack, even kill. If you've ever bred a hamster then you'd know that you'd be able to house siblings together but with same sex pairs, but you do have to keep watch on them so they don't try attacking each other one day.
Sadly most animals from pet store chains only live 1/5 of their life expectancy. I've bought pets from private breeders that have lived even longer than the average life span meanwhile ones that I saw my friends (against my advice) adopted from pet stores looked ill, as if something was wrong, and ended up only living for about two months. Sadly we need more educated people who know about these animals then people don't really know anything then what's on the care sheet.
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life adopting from pet stores (adoption = supplied by rescues; not supplied by breeders) isn't the same as buying from pet stores (supplied by mill breeders)
"Sadly most animals from pet store chains only live 1/5 of their life expectancy." your source?
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life my experience with petsmart (in my area) is that the hamsters are healthy, i have bought 3 hamsters from pet smart. i bought 2 Syrian hamsters, one lived to be about 5 years old, and the other 4. syrian hamsters have a normal life span of 2 - 2.5 years. i also had a teddy bear hamster, they are only supposed to live about 2 years and mine lived 4 :)
You clearly don't have much understanding because "teddy bear" is not a real species or breed of hamster. It is a fabricated name to make people buy them more often. Please have reliable sources for information. 😊
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life idk if peys corner is only uk but its AMAZING!! you have to show them a picture and dimensions of your cage, they do a full health check before adoption, someone came up to us when we were adopting my hamster and said there syrian lived for 4 years its brilliant
I remember when I went to a pet store to buy a rat to keep my other one company. The pet store worker told me the rat was 'healthy and definitely a girl'.. nearly a month later I get back to school and shed given birth to 18 baby rats.....
Izzy Mullen that happened to me wii my “2 male” mice🙄 I was 10 and I got them a huge cage but didn’t know that makes fought, and I came home from school and I found 15(?) babies🙄
Izzy Mullen oh no 🤦♂️
Yep. Probably pregnant before being shipped to the store
I just started working at Petsmart and honestly it has been so amazing so far. All of us genuinely LOVE and CARE about our animals AND our Pet Parents. Our PetCare team have have a very vast knowledge of animals and we help each other with more knowledge. We also make sure our sick animals get the best treatment and if one PetCare person doesn't do something right we make sure they do it right the next time and encourage them to keep getting better (Also have a Banfield at the store so they helped too). I was gonna apply for petco and saw a dead mouse just laying there in the "habitat" while people just stared I went to the manager and said there was a dead mouse (that has obviously been there for a few hours) And he just kinda graoned and said "k". I made sure he got it out and then I immediately left. I'm so glad to work at my store and so so proud of my store
didnt she throw out that petco shirt in her getting ready for my dog video lmao
Belle .P I had 3 💁🏼
Taylor Nicole Dean I love your hair alot
Taylor Nicole Dean normaly people at petstores say bettas can go in bowls and stuff like that, if u were talking to a costumer and they wanted to get a betta and they asked u what tank they need and stuff like that , could you say that they need a 2.5 gallon tank would u get in trouble for givong "false information"
btw sorry about the long confusing comment
Belle .P it was petshmo
peace smile love of course it isn't misinformation, many pet store employees spread that false information and pet stores can distribute that false information to make the most sales out of everyone.
In my opinion. It is the chain pet stores fault. They order the animals from those breeders, knowing, that they mistreat them.
since poeple want the cheapest animal and don't care about quality.stores have to order animals from the cheapest whole seller.
mom and pop stores are dying do to the fact poeple don't care about quality.they see the price and often leave.
in order to change things you would have to change poeple.
Brianna Harter I know. And it upsets me
Emmy's Place oo
Emmy's Place I'm sorry, I don't think that it's right, but it's their only choice! My location in California gets their stock from a local breeder that has actually come into the store and talk to the manager and sell dogs and cats to people. They also rescue cats from bad homes plus off the streets! Also, they are saving the sick animals from a life of sickness and pain by taking them and curing them.
As an employee of a chain pet store (pet care department, specifically) I have never wholeheartedly agreed with someone in my life.
I'm still there BECAUSE I love the animals we have, and have formed a personal connection with each of them.
It's so sad seeing an animal pass, and you're right, they too too often come in sick from the breeders.
Coming from the pet care department of your blue rival, sometimes I feel like sometimes priority is given to the business aspect of the company, instead of the actual animals.
Our store adopts out cats through the Austin Humane Society and have gotten millions of cats adopted, so I know the companies don't lack ethics.
I'm so happy I found your channel. You are living out my dream as an animal enthusiast. 😍
Anyone else initially think her shirt was black?
Monica R Let's hope you found all the pieces to put it back together :)
Some Things In Life I did in till I found this comment
Some Things In Life i still see.black
James Etheridge it's red look at the edge
Your hair is soo pretty 😀😀 And I love your *lipstick* !! 😙😙❤❤ Happy New Year !!!
As a worker, not a manager or anyone in a higher position, are you able to refuse to sell someone a pet? Say they're trying to get a pet like that needs a lot of space but doesn't have a large enough cage and refuse to buy a bigger one, are you allowed to refuse to give them the pet?
Don't Ask yes. if they refuse, threaten to get the manager.
YES. Petshmo and Petsmart allow workers to refuse ANY sale that seens harmful or inhumane for the animals!
yes... at my job, a bunch of tween girls and their mom came in asking for 6 or 7 fish(i honestly dont remember which ones they were, this was a while ago), and me and my co worker found out they werent feeder fish and found out they were gonna put them all in a 1 gallon fishbowl and we just told them that the only fish that could survive in that kind of tank is a single betta fish, and that is SURVIVE, not thrive...
Kerry yeah! Betta fish can barely withstand that. They need 2.5 gallons atleast!
Don't Ask I work at a Petsmart for 3 years now and yes we refuse to sell animals to customers who we feel are not going to take care of the animal .. my store manager is a jerk and could care less but I’m glad I work there to say no to customers . Other employees are afraid to say no 🙄🙄
I work at a Petshmo in California, I've only worked there for less than a year and I can completely agree with all you said about them. I love animals and I aspire to work with exotics, and with that I am constantly disappointed with certain aspects of the company. The worst thing (BY FAR) is the customers though
Taylor Thompson the customers literally suck. 100% worst part of my job.
What do you do when selling a small pet cage for a customer knowing that none of them are the correct size? Do you tell them to go elsewhere?
medallo143 I always tell people that at BEST the small cages are only temporary housing solutions. I'll sometimes refer to a large tank if it applies but if not I actually refer people to shop online so they can get exact measurements for their future cage
Agree, I love animals but I won't work in a pet store since I know there are customers who literally will demand an animal and get a cage of improper size. I am an aquarium person(VIP on FIshlore!!!) but also keep a hamster, but on our forum we have people who work in the store telling how customers will demand a goldfish or angel or oscar in a 5 gallon or worse a 1 gallon tank! If you tell them they need a 20 gallon or bigger tank they will say, let me see the manager :(
I worked at a Petsho for 6 months. Worst thing I saw was a lady wanted a muzzle for her tiny dog because it was biting her when she ripped out its hair when brushing it.
That is horrible. I am sorry to hear it.
Sorry you had to see that.
Thank you for your perspective and for remaining calm and rational. I have heard several stories about pet stores and wondered what the truth was behind them.
The closest pet store near me is in a mall :( so many people come in every day, but I don't think even 5% of them actually get a pet. Also, the fucked up thing: dogs get sedated ALL THE TIME, I don't think they ever are fully sober. Poor things are in bad shape.
That's heartbreaking
nobody knows sometimes i go to the mall just to spend time with the pets. I feel so bad no one ever buys them and they dont get attention. So i go and play with them and pet then and give them the attention they need
you should do a 'meet my pets' video where you like introduce them with things like favorite foods and habits etc.
Edit: I meant like introducing them with like their personalities, also all the Jeff comments make me want to kill myself cause I'm cringing so hard
Pastel Rat YES!!!!!!
Pastel Rat me too, kinda like how MJ from Pet Adventures does😁
Pastel Rat she has . Check on her channel and it should say on a video bedroom tour she shows you all her pets in it
PugMafioso😋 I think they meant that they want a video about each animals favorite things, stories, facts, ect. She made a video showing all of her pets but we didn't get info about them.
natalie r I know lol she has made a video about that 😋
THANK U SO MUCH!!! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE SEEN A VIDEO LIKE THIS THAT ISNT JUST BASHING THESE STORES. I work for a vet that petco sends it’s sick animals to when they arrive sick and every time it’s the breeders not the stores fault for them being that way nobody understands this the stores normally take amazing reasonable care of there animals the issue is the breeders who literally treat them like objects and don’t give a crap.
Cool look. You got the whole Storm from X-Men vibe going on.
Yes that's what I thought
Chandasouk no storm is black
Crisscross stfu...
Can you please please do a video about tortoise care. I've had a Russian tortoise for about 4 years now. I have a very large cage, shelter, water, two lights for day and night and feed him a variety of leafy greens and limit his intake of sugar from tomatoes and such. I just want to make sure I'm doing the best I can. I've recently started building an outdoor cage to use for the warmer months of the year. Anyone with any helpful information please share I love him so much and I've read a lot of information but any other additional information would be amazing!!
I'm glad you're mature enough to understand that being mad won't help. we need more of you. Also, nice pop figure wall.
Wooooooaaaaah. Your hair looks amazing, and you do to (As usual).
Keep up the videos. You're the only animal related youtuber I can watch. Most of the other ones are so unenthusiastic.
OMGAWD, I work at a pet store... and they have me at the register all day every day(when all I've studied at university is animal science and marine biology...). While aquatics and animal care is a mess and they have highly unqualified people in charge of those things. If I complain about something in animal areas it goes ignored and they push me back to the register -___- I know exactly what you're talking about! In no way is the company evil, but those at HQ are the ones setting the rules and stupid regulations. Planograms are a fucking mess with corals in the wrong tanks etc...its all for the $$ in the end.
Myself and 2 other friends of mine all worked at petco. My first friend that got a job there got me a job and then I got the other friend a job. My first friend had amazing knowledge of animals and she was made animal lead. I had almost as much knowledge as her and she quickly filled me in where I was lacking. When she went away to school I became lead. I think I was only ever on register once. My store actually hired people for specific positions like register so we never got moved around unless someone called in. Our animal care was amazing except for the issue you mentioned of overcrowded mice and rat cages. I went on to become a dog groomer and moved over there then I started instructing grooming and taught my friend who also worked there. We had tons of fun, I loved my coworkers and managers and it was overall a great place to work. I’m glad you didn’t completely bash it in this video
OML I love her. She's legit my favorite youtube
You should list your lipstick colors or the eyeshadow palettes you are using!! I love that lippy!
kristenlanesmith Yes!!
This video and your entire channel makes me want to open my own pet store, probably more of a rescue really, and make sure people are educated to the best of my abilities as well as the animals taken good care of. I really wanna just say thanks for that!
I went to the pet store looking for ball python, and the lady who was supposed to get it out for me said she can’t because “you can never tell when they are about to bite you and they are very aggressive” she then proceeded to say “they only get about a foot long”
Livia Rose 😂 sad and funny because ball pythons are the opposite
lmao 🤣
I'm not even gonna lie... I actually thought that she worked at a store called PetShmo😂😂🤷🏽♀️and they actually used the shirts😂😂😂I only realized when I watched her hedgehog house vid😭💀😂😂
A oh it was pet co. Lol I feel like an idiot because I thought it was actually Pet Schmo until I saw your comment 😂😂😂
Jimin's Jams Are Best With Suga Kookies I found an army lmao
Your dumb as fuck
Andrew Gonzalez Hey, be nice! 😠
I go to a small chain store in my area instead of Petsmart/Petco. I love it, because to be hired, you have to have extensive knowledge about at least two animals. They also, on their badges, have images of the animals they specialize in, so you can ask questions to the right person. Everyone is very friendly, and the animals are healthy, and the hamsters and rabbits are all separated.
Animals or kids
Molly Liz frik dat I'm a kid
LOL me too
Why choose? I have both.
I’m replying super late but Animals
I am a kid but still agree with you for some reason what is wrong with me
when you said "Stocking the animals" i thought you meant "stalking the animals" like people came in and just stared at the same animal every day for hours on the regular and like followed it around if it got moved lol..
Olivia Madeleine literally me
It’s amazing to hear these stories of Petsmart and Petco. The Petsmart in my area has pretty healthy looking reptiles. The leopard geckos have nice little hides, the bearded dragons have a huge basking spot, and the turtles have a large enclosure. I saw two employees help out a customer who had chosen to buy the $350 yellow ball python and they were getting him everything he needed (from what I’ve heard). The birds there are really healthy, and the tanks are usually clean. We also have our local animal shelter do adoption days on Saturdays that help get cats and dogs families. The local pet store has worse enclosures than Petsmart with small enclosures for their snakes and lizards with no hides and they’re in the heat for days on end
That Gerard way pop funko in the back was drawing my attention the whole vid
Elizabeth Dun I love you for noticing that too
You should start you OWN pet store! And you could make it to where all the animals get the right care and all!
Thank you for informing people and clarifying misconceptions about the knowledge - or lack of - about employees at pet stores. PEOPLE WHO OWN PETS MUST READ BOOKS ABOUT THE ANIMAL, animals are living beings (duh!). Excellent video, Taylor!
My store is great except the managers have their favorites as well. I have the same problems at work as what you mentioned. I hate being on register with my anxiety 🙃
we missed u Taylor!!!! and I love your new look!
We mainly shop at Pet Supplies Plus because they take such good care of the animals. The fish tanks are independently filtered so any possible diseases don't spread, the reptiles are kept in proper enclosures, the rodents are never overcrowded and their cages are always clean.
And the employees actually know what they're talking about. If they don't know something they'll be honest and say they don't know, or they'll call over someone who does. In fact, I remember one time where a man was looking to buy a goldfish for his son, and the 'fish guy' as we call him advised the man about exactly how big they get and the kind of tank needed to support their growth. The man had owned goldfish in the past so he knew how big they got and was prepared to buy a large tank for the goldfish. But it still impressed me that the guy was honest and informative.
I've bought a few Cory Catfish from them and they've all been totally healthy, in comparison to the ones I've bought from Petshmo who all died young or lived long enough to develop issues which I think were related to poor breeding, such as cataracts and swim bladder issues. The only exception was a False Spotted Cory who ended up living a long time without issues. My others have all been Green and Peppered Cory's.
You should make ur own pet store
FudgePants what does that have to do w anything lol
"autistic" shouldn't be used as an insult or a joke.
Lili's Laboratory shut your mega mind big ass forhead lookin ass the fuck up
FudgePants, Learn to make a coherent sentence.
FudgePants all u can do is insult 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Taylor! Hey!Chain petstores get their animals from animal mills. They don't have any vet care, and are starved, and fight for food.
I know, it's awful :( I just am unaware of the exact breeding mills they get them from
Taylor Nicole Dean ok. Love your vids btw!!
We need to get Pet Mills shut down. There's already too many animals that need homes! :'(
Maleena Curwick True
Maleena Curwick No pet mills=No pets - _-
Preach girl! Fellow pet store employee over here. Love this. I agree with you 100% on everything. But change aint coming anytime soon. Frustrating.
My sister bought sick guinea pigs from a worker Who sold it to us from Petsmart and they died within a week very sad
Did I mention they were from the back of the store where they kept the sick animals
Miss yippie then why did you buy them if you knew they were sick
Miss yippie I won't name the store I went to, but they gave me my guinea pig for free. She was in the back for months because she had a neurological disorder and none of the workers could take her or could out her down like they were supposed to because she was healthy otherwise. Vets don't know what's wrong with her and she had the reputation of being called "The Crazy Guinea Pig". She celebrated her 2nd birthday sometime in March. Very shocked she's managed this long but she's feisty and healthy! Very active. I'm very careful with her weight and diet as well. She used to keep me up at night because she would run around in circles for hours. That's really all she does anyway. She really likes chair legs and tables legs, laundry baskets, ect. She enjoys running around those.
Nancy Betters she probably didn't know at the time that the guinea pig was sick.
Petsmart has two rooms in the back, a sick room and a arrival room, if they told you it was from the sick room you shouldn't have bought it, and if it was sick and you noticed that you should have taken it back to petsmart so they could get it to a vet and get the g-pig better.
Here in the uk the main pet store is pets at home and like they know a lot about the pet because I don't 1 month of looking up about hamsters and they said everything that was online so I think that in the uk the pets stores are a bit better the in like American and stuff.
Alexandra Lewy my only issue with pets at home is the enclosures they sell and keep a couple of the animals in. I’m not 100% but I think that chinchillas and degus need a bit more space and I know because my sisters has gerbils that they need a different kind of home than the ones they sell (they need one like a tank rather than a “gerbilarium”). But yeah I completely agree with you pets at home staff are very knowledgeable and helpful and the animals are healthy and treated well.
Madelyn Witt yes they do some snakes
Madelyn Witt I never bought one but I have seen them in the shop
Honestly all of these points make me glad I work at a family owned local pet store. This company focuses so much training on educating people on animals and animal care. All of our staff is so educated it’s awesome and we refuse chain breeders. We only get animals by donation. I’m sorry about your experience maybe something more local is a better thing for you. You’re so amazing educated on animals and people should definitely get advice from you. ❤️❤️
The only local pet store in my area closed recently, but at least I have a local fishery, Petco, and an animal shelter
can you make a taylor Nicole dean PETSHMO shirt in your merch??? I would totally buy XD
This is basically why I didn't want to work at a chain pet store. It can be so sad when you hear so many stories. But I'm glad you made this video!
That's really funny ( the last complaint of yours). It's very different. I work at a different chain an it goes more like: Men or strong women are placed in the fish/reptile section. We are the heavy lifters. Most of the girls end up in dogs/cats or birds/rodents. We have 3 cashiers (no more then 2 at a time as we only have 2 cashes). And each of them also works in a department (2 in fish and one in birds).
In my store I'm required to think of the animal first and if I don't feel confident in a customer I can refuse to sell them the animal. (I do that a LOT with turtles for example.) We have SO many negative reviews online for staff being 'unfriendly' or 'unwilling' to sell and such it's actually comical. But for example - I'm not allowed to sell you a feeder goldfish (or any fish other then a Betta) for a bowl.
Turtles must be sold with a kit (OR the customer has to have a 20 gallon or larger tank at home).
Most of our reptiles come in decent. We DO get mites often, but I'm pretty sure they come in on the bedding. As we use aspen and eco earth and it's known for having mites from time to time. Most of our reptiles are from breeders that are working in the store. For example the head of all of the reptile orders/ect for the chain is the one who breeds our corn snakes, ball pythons, leopard geckos and crested geckos. The uromastyx are from a local breeder, and so on.
My boss pushes us pretty hard and is strict but she's not a bad boss, easier to deal with then most of my previous bosses... But certainly frightening if she's your first haha.
The only real complaints I have is 1) The sick day protocol is to call and then provide a sick note upon your return. Meaning I have to go to a doctor's office and convince them to write me a note for work. - I'm paid minimum wage... I shouldn't need to go through that kind of trouble for minimum wage.
2) I am somehow responsible for the people in my department. I am NOT the most senior there, I work 5 days a week and I am not the one training. If something isn't done and I've been gone for 3 days it's NOT my fault. But it always somehow is....
Other then that no complaints though.
Scales InTheSnow Bettas can't live in bowls; 2.5 gallon tanks or larger.
"So if you're going to work at a pet store..."
*Don't work at a pet store.*
I don't usually bother to comment on videos, but I can absolutely attest to ALL of this.
Like you, I have really, really awful anxiety and depression, and have resorted to animal care and devoting myself to them and being creative my whole life. I dislike fast food, and I'm too anxious to do well at a restaurant. I LOVE animals, and have a lot of experience with them, so I opted to only apply at pet stores for my first job.
I started working at the Petland franchise in my neighborhood. My first concern was that they sell puppies (which is a whole other thing...) but basically they sell 'rescues', so I convinced myself that it was okay.
It was a very, very small location, and only four or so people worked there. This was great for a high-anxiety person.
Soooo fast forward to now:
I completely agree with you, I've experienced pretty much exactly what you've said, including puppies constantly coming in semi-healthy, getting Parvo from our kennels (duh), and the owners waiting until the last minute to take them to the vet, because they wanted to save money. Kitties ending up with near-fatal upper respiratory infections. ICK in almost every tank. The list goes on...
Anyways, thanks so much for your amazing videos, and it's lovely to hear from others who have had the exact same experience as I have, as an animal lover.
I found a turtle (a red eared one) I found him down at my farm someone dumped him but he has shell Rott and I'm putting iodine on it how would it t heal would the white bits peel off or just randomly dissolve? And do you have any tips for me?
dry dock your turtle when it's getting iodine on the shell, then after turtle is totally dry you can apply neosporin ( safe for turtle) as antibiotic. apply iodine+ neosporin daily until the rot has cleared up/ natural shedding and keep it dry to kill off anything. so your turtle doesn't dehydrate, submerge him back in water to eat/ drink/ have time to swim at least an hour a day, then it can be put back in the enclosure where it can be kept dry. if you want to be super safe, you can take the turtle to the vet to see how serious the shell rot is, or look up turtle care sites that explain how to fix shell rot. Taking my turtle to the vet, and he gave me the advice above to fix my slider's shell rot. shell started looking better between 1-2 weeks. Happy herp caring! From your fellow Red Eared owner
Woah her shirt is red
Samantha Martinez ikr
Samantha Martinez shoot me
Samantha Martinez I thought that you said her shi* is red...hahhah
I worked at Schmo for a little over 4 years. My store experience was much different. My manager started me on the register; but I ended up being the overall animal care specialist. I actually kept the contact info for the various animal enthusiast clubs in my pocket, and referred people to them all the time. We had the local aquarium group in all the time, the local bird rescue, and we always had a 'rescue' table. Usually with small animals (that we took to the vet) that were up for adoption. What I loved :1.) We were allowed to refuse to sell animals to people we thought were unfit.2.) Our manager and regional corporate were exceedingly strict with our suppliers, and although we did take in imperfect animals, we would turn in any supplier that sent in animals that were sick in any way. What I disliked: The skeleton crew. During my stint in aquatics (a 51hr/week duty) I was also supposed to run register in the mornings.. Then I would get fussed at because the aquatic work was behind.
Overall, it was a good experience, as we mostly had enthusiasts working there, and readily referred to them. But ya, the suppliers could be a real issue.
wow i hear such bad stories or mixed stories and shit.. and i'm so lucky i work at a pet store thats in such good condition. not best, we do have issues, but not nearly as much as your describing.. my boss has worked with pet stores for years and has ordered from the same breeders for a few years now after being through the few that were bad. of course we get sick ones time to time, but not nearly as much as i hear. after working there almost a year and after having 100+ animals (and then also probably hundreds of fish lol) i think a total of 4 that we've had to take to the vet and are healthy now, 2 rats have died within a week of having them from respiratory problems, and maybe 5 hamsters that had wet tail (for those who dont know, this is minor and takes a few days to treat). we've also had one issue where a staff wasnt cleaning the guinea pig cage properly and they got a skin infection, but i mean.. either than those 12 incidents, our animals come healthy and stay healthy. half of our employees are in school to be vets or are part time vets or have been working at the store for 2+ years and are huge huge animal lovers. unfortunately we do have to keep our hamsters together but when they're babies they do alright. like 3 hamsters a cage max. and they get bought within a few weeks. our rats stay together but theyre social and weve never had issues with them. we seperate budgies if they dont get along. we have our medium sized parrots on our shoulder all day and socialize him as much as we can. snakes get handled and all the retiles get live feeders.. like i am so lucky and happy there are good stores like mine out there. i still dont think pet stores should have bigger birds. even the green cheek conures we get, they need to be in homes with permanent companions. and i dont think hedgehogs and ferrets should be pets period, but thats another topic lol. but pet stores definitely can do well. but there are so many that dont and i hope they correct their ways or get shut down. it's so shitty and i wish there was more i could do.. reporting the bad stores help, but not always. sigh..
anyways, to anyone reading this, please please adopt or buy animals that need rehoming. especially birds and cats and dogs. do not buy from pet stores. home breeders are great, but there are so many animals that need new homes. and if you know of a bad pet store, please report them and spread the word. if you know of a good one, call their manager or corporate and let them know theyre doing great. give information about animals to new employees. do anything you can to make all these animals happy and give them the best life they can and deserve. :)
Yeah, the ferrets come from a breeding farm called Marshall's, which isn't the best place but it's better than where the repties/rodents come from.
Idk what all these other people are talking about but you're flawless! Your fashion sense is amazing!
I love your makeup today! ❤️
Pet shmo sounds like a bad place.
That cute Cat its Petco but she had to censor because of copyright etc
It's TH-cam. You can openly say PETCO and not get in trouble even if you're bashing it.
Wesley Lecruidant she used to work there so she doesn't want to get in trouble with TH-cam and the owners of the store
Elizabeth Bour It doesn't matter lol You don't/can't get in trouble for talking shit about a company on TH-cam. lol If they did majority of reviewers would be piled high with court orders. And they're not. PETCO IS A SHIT COMPANY. There. Watch nothing come of it
Ok so petshmo is actually Petco because PetSmart doesn't sell ferrets, at least not in my area.
Wyatt Newc wow. Who would've thunk?
Mine doesn't
Wyatt Newc don't sell rats either
Nevah! 😒
I work at Petschmard and we've completely overhauled our training programs. We've completely revamped out animal care standards and breeding standards. It's been really amazing to see the change in culture.
I bought a cornsnake and ball python from petsmart and they were in good condition tiny amount of stuck shed to the tip of my cornsnakes' tail tip but easily came off with some water. Now the ball python I ordered from a "reputable" breeder online... worst experience of my life as a pet owner. She was the wrong morph, size, age, had an upper respiratory infection.. the first three I could live with cuz I was a responsible pet owner and bought her sizable terrarium even tho I thought I was getting a baby and love her even if she's not exactly what I paid for but that infection was a bitch to deal with..
when do we get to meet your service dog?
I work at a PetShmo and while I do love my job i have to agree with some of the things that you are saying. I would have to say though that my situation isnt as bad but that is because my store is quiet small and it doesnt sound like we keep as much "stock" as your store does. We rarely have animals "overstocked" which is nice but the cages they are kept in are quiet small. I do all the cleans so I try my best to make sure all the animals are happy and healthy while in our care!
Also when it comes to how people are staffed, I kinda wish I had your problem. While you may think that sucks, at my store everyone must know ALL the departments. While that sounds nice, and it is when youre in a pinch, it make everything very disorderly and not a lot gets done. On my shifts I am sometimes the MOD, plus cashier, plus running the floor. It can get a bit hectic but I can understand that only getting to do one thing sucks because you wouldnt really be able to learn about the animals that way :(
Anyways, I just thought you might be interested in a different perspective of Petshmo, but at the end of the day I think we can both agree they have a LONG way to come when it comes to animal care and that is truly the most important thing.
Happy new year I hope everyone (even everyone's animals) I hope you have a great 2017. Here's to a new year!
So weird, at my store they wanted the best employees on floor, new people were always on register. My managers were super passive aggressive though and awful sometimes though.
They told me they wanted the newest on the register yet somehow when the time came to hire new people they hired 2 males and they all went onto the floor and I stayed on the register, when I complained after weeks of it they were like "oh so I guess you want to move things around then?" so annoying.