I think I have to leave at least 2 comments on this. 🤭 I personally love this topic because I feel that it's one of the biggest reasons our entire society is crumbling and failing. I get a lot of flack with other women in my life for this but I agree with your perspective. I think you handle this very well and spoke with kindness/grace. Very well done, I know just bringing it up can be a harrowing experience in today's world.❤❤❤
Same! I had a channel a while back called Dusty Dungarees discussing this topic and boy, it hurt so much to be mistreated, even by women I know, because I spoke about submission and wouldn’t compromise the meaning of those Scriptures. The flesh does not like to die to self but the fruit are good and life giving.
@@flusterbunny_scribbles We women have been enabled, little by little throughout history to bring us to this place of not knowing and accepting our place. I am by no means ever saying that I am perfect at submitting every single day but I actively pray and try my best to do so. It does make it just a little harder to not feel so isolated with this when the women and even a lot of men are against true submission. We'll be okay, we have online comment sections to find a tiny shred of solace in and.....hopefully raising up the next generation on the proper path, if more of us don't compromise today, maybe we can affect tomorrow. 🙂 Much love to ya!!! I think this channel's latest topic of not pleasing Man is a good segway. 💕💕💕
I wrote this as a separate comment but copied it here: "One thing rarely touched on - submission opens the door for a (good) husband to dote (in a healthy way) way on his wife. (Without submission he always asks himself am I just encouraging narcissism, emotional whims, entitlement...)" Yes sometimes I ask my wife to make a decision. I watch as she struggles with 5? different emotions. She is so much more relaxed and happy when I lead. I tell her female nurturing emotions make life worth living, but one does not "lead" with them.
I was NOT raised in the wisdom of the Bible, ESPECIALLY not in the word of God for the role of the submissive wife; and to top it off i was influenced by school, media, and society to NOT be anything remotely near a godly, submissive, biblical wife, but to be the complete OPPOSITE!! 😢 For me, it's been a tragedy, and it has destroyed my life. It's costed me my marriage and my family. Parents, do not underestimate the critically important teachings to your children about biblical roles as hunsbands and wives. 🙏❤ The family was the backbone of this country, and it's strength. God honoring families were why this country was blessed. Look at what has become of godly marriages, and see the result as we look at what this country has become.
One of your best video’s yet, such words of wisdom. A lot of light bulb moments listening to you. I’m about to turn 60 and have been married 33 years (no children) and I feel I still have so much to learn in my marriage. You are a true blessing Kelli, thank you!!💖🙏🏼
Married 50+ years now, and so much of your video is a “ tune up” for me. Easy to get lax in submission as decades go by. Ty for a young perspective to us senior wives! It’s not always the “ seasoned teaching the young gals” We can all learn from each other❤️
This is a convicting message. Thanks for your honesty. I wanted to complete a course so I could offer a service where I could work from home part time. (I work full time. My husband doesn’t earn enough for me to be home currently.) I was thinking of doing this even though I knew my husband wasn’t really on board/not believing it would work. I had to get real with myself on submission. I had to acknowledge that if my husband didn’t want me to do this I would have to abandon the idea even though I disagreed with his viewpoint. So I decided to talk with him about it and tell him what I would like to do and ask him if he would be okay with me completing the course. We talked it through without any arguing and he gave me permission to finish. Now I have so much peace that I sought my husband’s wishes on this matter and didn’t just do it anyway. I know the Holy Spirit was really pushing me to ask my husband and not go against his wishes. And seeing this video when it came out really pushed that conviction harder.
I like your videos with Scott too. 😁 This was an excellent perspective. Thanks so much. Maybe you and Scott should do an updated video about submission.
❤️ thank you Kalie for the encouraging message. I am 4 years in marriage and since last year I started realizing important things. I knew the scriptures for marriage but I didn’t understand it as I thought I did. God has been changing my heart and honestly I can see the good changes it brought to my marriage. Ladies it is so forth it . Our feelings can be our worse enemies. We must not allow them to rule over us ❤
This is so good. It really made me think. I have been on a journey of learning to trust God FULLY, and this is perfectly fitting with this. I am not done watching but had to pop in to share my thoughts before i forget them. It is part of our curse to want to rule over our husbands, so being commanded to submit to our husband is all about our trust in God. It is respectful to our husbands, but ultimately is about our trust and obedience to the Lord.
My husband walked by during your video and said, "That's right, honey! Listen to her!" With a wink. He jokes because he provides a very comfortable environment for me to easily submit. The partnership we have is beautiful in how we complement one another. Before meeting him, I had no idea relationshipa like this existed. I pray our marriage affirms to others that they, too, can have that! I have also done the independent woman journey. I've been a sole provider for my child and was taught to go all through school as far as possible, so you never need a man. The Lord has blessed me so much through those times to now. I am married to a sweet, godly man. have 3 sweet children and for the first time ever, I am able to stay home with them. I truly believe that if I had not gone through that, I may not be as grateful for the full life I have now. My perspective changed before my circumstances did, but I am finally here. Keep sharing your videos. I love watching them and discussing them with my oldest daughter. Thank you for being another example to her!
I've been watching your channel from Northern Ireland for the past few months now. It's been a massive encouragement to me in helping me think through biblical femininity. I admire how you speak about counter cultural topics x
I was raised in a very lukewarm Christian family, and said for almost my entire life (around 30 years) that I would never marry and have children. That changed after I turned 31 and was severely hurt and became bedridden in June 2023. God called me out of darkness, encouraged me to read the Word and listen to pastors who were outside of my lukewarm radar. I discovered who I was in Christ, and developed a zeal for learning Biblical history and Church history. He also laid it on my heart to marry and bring forth children for His coming Kingdom. I am no longer bedridden, and have yet to meet the man I will someday call my husband, but I pray each day for him! As I was raised in a lukewarm, fairy secular household, I have a lot of baggage to shed. Thankfully, I am pure and have never dated or slept with any man. I pray each day the Lord cultivates me to be a good, faithful, and submissive wife! Thank you for this video!
I enjoy the way your videos pick up more and more steam as you speak. Always worth it to watch til the end. This is an important topic. I always wanted to submit but failed due to lack of this kind of advice being available.
haha this is the truest description of the style of my videos, slow to get going, then I can't stop and it end's up being a longer video than I planned! God bless you!
I have been having a hard time in my life and marriage especially recently and I've been praying and I feel GOD lead me to your channel, I'm grateful for you and you wanting to help us women/wives I appreciate your videos it has helped me in so many ways, bless you Kelli 🙏 ❤️
Loved this video. I had to learn this and was not easy during the pandemic. When my husband wanted us to quarantine because he was healing from a head surgery.
Thank you for this lovely video 💕🙏🏻 Im also an American girl with a South African husband! He’s from Cape Town Also, I relate to what you say about your single years impacting your ability to submit. I also left the house and went to college at 18. It hardened me and made me self absorbed and I lost trust in men (i was constantly told that men are evil and I don’t need a man). I’ve been trying to unlearn all of those behaviors ever since, but it’s hard when society pushes women to be that way.
I love these videos I need this reminder daily as I grow in the Lord and learn to trust Him and do things His way!!! I want to submit and be a godly helper to my husband and die to self. None of this comes easy. Thank you for all you do and encouraging us to keep pressing on
My goodness, God speaks through your videos. My girlfriends and I are constantly trying to define practically lived out submission in it's correct context. The quote you share from elizabeth elliot is wonderful. So many people says submission means he gets the final decision. Yes, but I love the idea of yielding out of trust and submitting my attitude to scripture. Lots to think about. Thank you!! Well, my popcorn is gone, so I guess it's time to prep dinner...c
Praise be to the Lord Jesus for how you have expressed these concepts beautifully & simply. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a silver setting." -Proverbs 25:11 I became a single mother of 3 beloved sons when my youngest was a baby. A very hard journey, years of work & sacrifice. God protected us in innumerable ways. Now they are young men. Please pray for my sons to follow Christ and not the world. I have remained single, wanting to live for the Lord and submit to Him. Blessed be the Name of the LORD!
Wonderful video Kelly, submission isn’t talked about enough in todays culture and I’m so thankful the Lord lead you to speak on it! I emailed you and Scott as well with our more in depth version of this question but I was wondering if you’d be willing to share what denomination of church you attend? My husband and I are struggling to find a local church with values we align with and I wish I knew what denominations may be more likely to value marriage, children, submission, children attending service with us, and not have women preaching. Thanks again for all you share here, you are such an inspiration❤️
Dear Kelli, my sister in Christ! Thank you for this wonderful testimony 🙏🏼 That's so true!!! This is what I'm going through now . During 16 years of our marriage i was using all kinds of manipulation with my Husband, to change his decisions, his behaviour. I don't want to be this kind of wife. I choose to be submissive and not to fear to submit! May God helps us to build a new habits 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Big hug ❤ Natalie form Siberia😊
I do not respect my father who was an abusive husband, father and pastor. I do respect, and happily submit to, my husband. A genuine follower of Christ, and loving husband and father. Father and husband are not interchangeable rolls.
Just found this channel. I am subscribing! Love this video. Thank you for sharing! I am in a courtship with a godly guy. I have my own house and I make all the decisions at the moment. My boyfriend and I are talking about our differences
Hi Kelli, you did not ramble one bit. Thank you fo this profound message. This has been a blessing. And, its important in single hood to be given to these practices through meditation on the Word, etc. God bless you.
Amen. I have thought there is perhaps misunderstandingfrom some folks about wives submitting. Just like when people come from different backgrounds & such, they have different understanding/ interpretations of words, ideas etc. This seems to be one of those areas. So thankful of the excellent way you explained with examples of how wives submit to husbands & with scripture. Wonderful! Praise God! You both are a blessing😊 I too enjoy when you have a vid with Scott. It is good to hear from you both. I especially enjoy when he mentions about women shouldn't be looking for captain America. Very true! Be blessed
Pretty and comfortable dresses! Those are the colors I like, too, though I would like a couple more florals in there 😊 Also, the fabrics are wonderful. Many would pair nicely with a scarf, if you like them 😊
I agree with you! You did a wonderful job explaining what submission is! Submission isn't yeilding to abuse or micromanagment nor doing sinful actions your husband wants you to do. But it is the daily act of trusting your husband has you and your children's best intest in hand. It is yeilding to a decision that your husband believes is best and godly even though you are fearful about it. You gave an really important questions for all women to consider while dating, " do you see your self submitting to him?" I appreciate that. It gets a women to think deeply about picking her future husband.
Well said, as always. Thank you for sharing on such an important subject. I hope you are doing well. You seem a little down in this video. I love watching your videos for both your thoughtful perspective and uplifting demeanor. It is invariably encouraging and refreshing.
Thank you, I am doing well! Maybe, subconciously, I was more slow to speak because I wanted to be clear in my thoughts and felt the weight of what I wanted to say since this is a topic that I really value and also get so much push back against.
One thing rarely touched on - submission opens the door for a (good) husband to dote (in a healthy way) way on his wife. (Without submission he always asks himself am I just encouraging narcissism, emotional whims, entitlement...)
U will be a great mother ❤ lots of good things from u Have u ever thought about fostercare? I was in fostercare and i would have gained alot having parents like u
Genesis 3:16 KJV 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. ❤ (I feel like this one gets forgotten sometimes but I like to remind myself of it when thinking on this topic.)
Beautifully worded!! Amazing video. Thank you for being bold & outspoken - it’s not an easy thing to do and you do it so well. Please keep posting videos like this, you are helping so many marriages. This topic upsets people because they feel convicted. I don’t get upset when people tell me to not submit to my husband because I know they are wrong - I just ignore it. People can’t help but get upset at your videos because deep down they know you are right & God’s Word is true!
Can you write up a list of scripture that we can go back and read. I would love to have a printed copy so I can go back and read them until I can meditate while doing things around the house. Thank you for this at a time of need.
My bf is an atheist for the most part i dont know what exactly iam but dunked brothern is the denomination i find comfort in alot . He knows am a believer and i hope he believes on day . We have a son that bought me closer to god 🙌 💙 but i do prey for my man i understand him because he was not raised religious
For someone who has never read the bible, where would you say to start? ❤ Enjoy your video's. So having had my first child, our daughter, i find myself wanting to dress more feminine & just all around more nice. More put together. Shorts & tshirts have always been my thing I want my daughter to look at me in a certain way (a vison i have in my mind) and thats not what i have going on right now. Thanks for posting. You always make me feel grounded.
I had never read the Bible (except excerpts here & there, random verses) on my own, only in church, until I was in my 30s. Finally, I gummed up my courage. I started right at the beginning & read all the way through Old Testament to New. I read some every day - even if it was only a small chapter. Now most people will tell don't do this. Don't read it like a story book from front to back, because some of it is not linear. But I don't care what they say, that is the way I would suggest. Then I went back a second time & read individual books & 'studied' on them - mostly Old Test.to begin with. because I didn't understand some of the references in the New Test. They are all based on ancient jewish traditions in the Old Test. & I studied the history of it. then I would read the New Test by book & pair it with the references in the Old Test. Then I read on 'topics'; what does it mean to be a mother, a wife, how to deal with suffering, how to be joyful, etc...The point I found in starting at the beginning & reading all the way through was that it acquainted me with the entire body of work (the location of certain stories), so that when I wanted to find something to understand or ruminate on I knew WHERE to find it because I had read the whole thing first. Some books I found more boring (like Numbers) but I struggled my way through them. Others were so fascinating/captivating that I couldn't stop reading & have gone back over & over (like Sirach). One thing I don't do; I do NOT write in my Bible. I keep a notebook. I feel like it desecrates the very holy, special pages. It just feels disrespectful to ME. I guess others do it, but I won't. But I do a lot of writing in pairing with my studying. You won't regret the time spent reading Scripture. I gained so much wisdom & learned alot of history while healing my soul. There are some eye opening things in there that you won't hardly believe! And you can never know if you are living a 'Godly life' if you don't know the instructions we have been handed!❤🙏🙏🙏 I've read it over & over now. And now I run a women's faith group, leading Scripture study & it is amazing how much people do NOT know what is in the Bible.
So much truth in this video!! Thank you for speaking the truth from God’s Word on what it means to be a Godly wife! Our culture is so opposite to this and it’s good we get a reminder once in a while.
Kelli, didn’t you have a planner available? I need to get one and wanted to try yours first. Can you do more day in the the life? Its been awhile since youve done any Love you, sweet girl ❤
Do you think that every woman is meant to be under a man's authority / that the father is the head of his daughter until she gets married? I would be interested to hear your thoughts about this 😊
I wish that I could have friends like you. I live in Germany and the only people that go to church are very often already retired and believe the socialist agenda, that is unfortunately also pushed in the German catholic church.
Ich kann dir bibeltreue Freikirchen empfehlen. Konfessionslos aber bibeltreu. Dort gibt es oft viele junge Leute, viele Familien mit Kindern. Auch in Deutschland. Die perfekte Gemeinde gibt es natürlich nirgendwo. Aber auch in Deutschland kannst du Gleichgesinnte finden. Ich bete dafür, dass Gott dir Türen öffnet. LG Anna
I was raised in a home where if my mom didnt get her way she would do it anyways behind my dads back. She was very deceptive. I learned to do the same, I was a single mom for a few years so all the decisions were on me. We were not Christians at the time. I did not know who God or Jesus were. I lived a very sinful, worldly free life. When I met my husband he worked out of town and I would only see him a couple of days a month. So I was still the one who made all of the decisions at home. Even when he was home cause he had no idea what was going on half of the time. This was in the late 90's. We married in 2003. I was still the one who made most of the decisions with the kids (three boys) cause they werent his biologically and he hadnt been around so to change things would have been confusing to them. Well, so we thought. As the boys got older he did take on more of the fatherly decisions. We gave our lives to Christ 2006/2007. Ofcourse I was first even though we were both feeling the call. After a year or so I started feeling Gods call on me to be submissive. He was very adimate for it. God brought me home ( I was working outside of the home) and put me in dresses, I think to soften me. It worked. I learned what being a women who followed Christ and her husband felt like and should look like. I studied Gods word and the Proverbs 31 women. I dug deep! Now I am a submissive wife although not always perfect. We have two more boys and we are raising them to be strong Godly men. My prayer is that we are teaching them to be men of God and that oneday they will be husbands that will charish and lead their wives and children, That was kinda long. I love hearing how God is working to change the lives of young women. Especially in a world where its all about women being equal to men.
I struggle with this so much, with being calm and forgiving to both my husband and children. I so badly want to be a better mother and wife and person. I feel stuck.
I recommend "Created to Be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl if you haven't read it. It really blessed me and I remember having light bulb moments that really changed day to day life!
"Created to be His Helpmeet" -Debi Pearl "Let me Be a Woman" -Elisabeth Elliot "The Power of a Transformed Wife" -Lori Alexander All of these are helpful!
@@homewithkelli thank you! I’ll check those out! It’s so refreshing to see women that truly obey Gods commands and not what the world thinks we should do as wives!
The head of the woman is the man, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3) *Jesus is the Son of God.* Jesus is a servant; the Son of God worships the Father. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?". (Matthew 27:46) "Why call me good? None is good, except God." (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19) The head of every wife is her husband, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. If your husband tells you to sin, you are NOT to do it. We are supposed to follow the laws of the land, if your husband tells you to commit a crime, you are NOT to do it. (1 Peter 2:13-14) ⚠Some people want to argue about the name, the message is more important than the name. ---------------------------------------------------------------- JW, mormon, catholics, black hebrew israelites.. are cults.
Actually the toothpaste thing does have to do with submission. You followed HIS lead in how you squeeze your toothpaste and in order to follow that lead you had to submit to his leadership. so yes, in a very small and minut way you submitted and changed your behavior. you could have rebelled and did it the way you always did but you didnt.
This the scripture you our say here is the real scripture. Proverbs 31 (KJV) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ⁹ Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. ¹⁰ Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. ¹¹ The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. ¹² She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. See if your bible say something different then my bible how can it be for reproof and instruction in righteousness. The answer it can't be. Only true word is kjv 2 Timothy 3 (KJV) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¹⁶ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: ¹⁷ That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Perfect timing! I think this is the core of our problems in a marriage. I just recently had to go back to work after maternity leave. I feel more exhausted but also more in control, which makes me less submissive. I would love to stay home with our children, but because of finances, it is not possible right now. It's a constant prayer of mine to gain the financial stability to be a stay at home mom again, Lord willing🙏🏻. God bless you all! Always ready to be convicted, thank you for your boldness, Kelli🤍.
Hello! Thank you for sharing your testimony and I pray that God would make a way and give you the desires of your heart to be full time at home! God bless you and your family!
This is one of the reasons Satan deceives, divides, and destroys marriages. I had to let my wife leave because I could not handle insubordination. It is best to be alone than to live with contention 😢
I think I have to leave at least 2 comments on this. 🤭 I personally love this topic because I feel that it's one of the biggest reasons our entire society is crumbling and failing. I get a lot of flack with other women in my life for this but I agree with your perspective. I think you handle this very well and spoke with kindness/grace. Very well done, I know just bringing it up can be a harrowing experience in today's world.❤❤❤
I agree with your first point!! and thank you so much for your encouragement!
Same! I had a channel a while back called Dusty Dungarees discussing this topic and boy, it hurt so much to be mistreated, even by women I know, because I spoke about submission and wouldn’t compromise the meaning of those Scriptures. The flesh does not like to die to self but the fruit are good and life giving.
@@flusterbunny_scribbles We women have been enabled, little by little throughout history to bring us to this place of not knowing and accepting our place. I am by no means ever saying that I am perfect at submitting every single day but I actively pray and try my best to do so. It does make it just a little harder to not feel so isolated with this when the women and even a lot of men are against true submission. We'll be okay, we have online comment sections to find a tiny shred of solace in and.....hopefully raising up the next generation on the proper path, if more of us don't compromise today, maybe we can affect tomorrow. 🙂 Much love to ya!!! I think this channel's latest topic of not pleasing Man is a good segway. 💕💕💕
Being submissive and feminine feels so good. It's hard to describe, really.
I wrote this as a separate comment but copied it here:
"One thing rarely touched on - submission opens the door for a (good) husband to dote (in a healthy way) way on his wife.
(Without submission he always asks himself am I just encouraging narcissism, emotional whims, entitlement...)"
Yes sometimes I ask my wife to make a decision. I watch as she struggles with 5? different emotions. She is so much more relaxed and happy when I lead.
I tell her female nurturing emotions make life worth living, but one does not "lead" with them.
I agree with you. My soon to be husband and I have a great relationship due to the polarity/roles that we play. @craterous
It truely is!
Does your husband change your diaper?
I was NOT raised in the wisdom of the Bible, ESPECIALLY not in the word of God for the role of the submissive wife; and to top it off i was influenced by school, media, and society to NOT be anything remotely near a godly, submissive, biblical wife, but to be the complete OPPOSITE!! 😢 For me, it's been a tragedy, and it has destroyed my life. It's costed me my marriage and my family.
Parents, do not underestimate the critically important teachings to your children about biblical roles as hunsbands and wives. 🙏❤ The family was the backbone of this country, and it's strength. God honoring families were why this country was blessed. Look at what has become of godly marriages, and see the result as we look at what this country has become.
One of your best video’s yet, such words of wisdom. A lot of light bulb moments listening to you. I’m about to turn 60 and have been married 33 years (no children) and I feel I still have so much to learn in my marriage. You are a true blessing Kelli, thank you!!💖🙏🏼
Hi Missy, I'm so glad it was a blessing, God is so good! I hope your August is going well!
Married 50+ years now, and so much of your video is a “ tune up” for me. Easy to get lax in submission as decades go by. Ty for a young perspective to us senior wives! It’s not always the “ seasoned teaching the young gals” We can all learn from each other❤️
Your videos are always a blessing to me. I could listen to you talk and quote scripture all day.
Thank you so much, Yvonneh!
This is a convicting message. Thanks for your honesty. I wanted to complete a course so I could offer a service where I could work from home part time. (I work full time. My husband doesn’t earn enough for me to be home currently.) I was thinking of doing this even though I knew my husband wasn’t really on board/not believing it would work. I had to get real with myself on submission. I had to acknowledge that if my husband didn’t want me to do this I would have to abandon the idea even though I disagreed with his viewpoint. So I decided to talk with him about it and tell him what I would like to do and ask him if he would be okay with me completing the course. We talked it through without any arguing and he gave me permission to finish. Now I have so much peace that I sought my husband’s wishes on this matter and didn’t just do it anyway. I know the Holy Spirit was really pushing me to ask my husband and not go against his wishes. And seeing this video when it came out really pushed that conviction harder.
I like your videos with Scott too. 😁 This was an excellent perspective. Thanks so much. Maybe you and Scott should do an updated video about submission.
haha we've talked about it!!
❤️ thank you Kalie for the encouraging message. I am 4 years in marriage and since last year I started realizing important things. I knew the scriptures for marriage but I didn’t understand it as I thought I did. God has been changing my heart and honestly I can see the good changes it brought to my marriage. Ladies it is so forth it . Our feelings can be our worse enemies. We must not allow them to rule over us ❤
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with this! God bless you!!
So eloquently said😊❤
Thank you for sharing this!
This is so good. It really made me think. I have been on a journey of learning to trust God FULLY, and this is perfectly fitting with this. I am not done watching but had to pop in to share my thoughts before i forget them. It is part of our curse to want to rule over our husbands, so being commanded to submit to our husband is all about our trust in God. It is respectful to our husbands, but ultimately is about our trust and obedience to the Lord.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with this, Susan. God bless you!!
God has given you great wisdom for one so young.
Thank you ❤️
My husband walked by during your video and said, "That's right, honey! Listen to her!" With a wink. He jokes because he provides a very comfortable environment for me to easily submit. The partnership we have is beautiful in how we complement one another. Before meeting him, I had no idea relationshipa like this existed. I pray our marriage affirms to others that they, too, can have that!
I have also done the independent woman journey. I've been a sole provider for my child and was taught to go all through school as far as possible, so you never need a man. The Lord has blessed me so much through those times to now. I am married to a sweet, godly man. have 3 sweet children and for the first time ever, I am able to stay home with them. I truly believe that if I had not gone through that, I may not be as grateful for the full life I have now. My perspective changed before my circumstances did, but I am finally here. Keep sharing your videos. I love watching them and discussing them with my oldest daughter. Thank you for being another example to her!
I've been watching your channel from Northern Ireland for the past few months now. It's been a massive encouragement to me in helping me think through biblical femininity. I admire how you speak about counter cultural topics x
Hi Stephanie! From the little I know of N. Ireland, this is a very counter cultural lifestyle, even more so than here in the US! God bless you!
I was raised in a very lukewarm Christian family, and said for almost my entire life (around 30 years) that I would never marry and have children. That changed after I turned 31 and was severely hurt and became bedridden in June 2023. God called me out of darkness, encouraged me to read the Word and listen to pastors who were outside of my lukewarm radar. I discovered who I was in Christ, and developed a zeal for learning Biblical history and Church history. He also laid it on my heart to marry and bring forth children for His coming Kingdom. I am no longer bedridden, and have yet to meet the man I will someday call my husband, but I pray each day for him! As I was raised in a lukewarm, fairy secular household, I have a lot of baggage to shed. Thankfully, I am pure and have never dated or slept with any man. I pray each day the Lord cultivates me to be a good, faithful, and submissive wife!
Thank you for this video!
Yes please, a video on the role of a biblical wife would be wonderful!!
Yay, Great! I will!
@@homewithkelli thank you!
Wow! Such a beautiful and useful explanation. You emphasize well the importance of a feminine approach and do so in such a gentle manner. Thank you!
Thank you for this today. You really made me see this in a different light. ♥️
I love it Kelli. This video should go viral!! Most women are in darkened especially in the country.
So much biblical encouragement and help in this video. Thank you so much!
I enjoy the way your videos pick up more and more steam as you speak. Always worth it to watch til the end. This is an important topic. I always wanted to submit but failed due to lack of this kind of advice being available.
haha this is the truest description of the style of my videos, slow to get going, then I can't stop and it end's up being a longer video than I planned! God bless you!
Such an important conversation in todays world.
I have been having a hard time in my life and marriage especially recently and I've been praying and I feel GOD lead me to your channel, I'm grateful for you and you wanting to help us women/wives I appreciate your videos it has helped me in so many ways, bless you Kelli 🙏 ❤️
Thank you for your courage and for staying true to Scripture. God Bless You and Scott ❤🙏
Thank you, Laura!!
Sweet Kelli, you are always a blessing to me. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you Cheryl! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!!
I’m new to your channel and I’m loving it! Keep up the good work ❤
Your hair is ADORABLE in this video! It really flatters you! :)
Thank you so much!
Loved this video. I had to learn this and was not easy during the pandemic. When my husband wanted us to quarantine because he was healing from a head surgery.
Thank you for this lovely video 💕🙏🏻
Im also an American girl with a South African husband! He’s from Cape Town
Also, I relate to what you say about your single years impacting your ability to submit. I also left the house and went to college at 18. It hardened me and made me self absorbed and I lost trust in men (i was constantly told that men are evil and I don’t need a man). I’ve been trying to unlearn all of those behaviors ever since, but it’s hard when society pushes women to be that way.
Oh how cool! Did you meet in America or South Africa?!
@@homewithkelli in America! He moved here a couple of years before we met
I love these videos I need this reminder daily as I grow in the Lord and learn to trust Him and do things His way!!! I want to submit and be a godly helper to my husband and die to self. None of this comes easy. Thank you for all you do and encouraging us to keep pressing on
I'm so thankful it was encouraging, God bless you!
My goodness, God speaks through your videos. My girlfriends and I are constantly trying to define practically lived out submission in it's correct context. The quote you share from elizabeth elliot is wonderful. So many people says submission means he gets the final decision. Yes, but I love the idea of yielding out of trust and submitting my attitude to scripture. Lots to think about. Thank you!! Well, my popcorn is gone, so I guess it's time to prep dinner...c
Thanks Christina! I'm so glad it was helpful!
Praise be to the Lord Jesus for how you have expressed these concepts beautifully & simply.
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a silver setting."
-Proverbs 25:11
I became a single mother of 3 beloved sons when my youngest was a baby.
A very hard journey, years of work & sacrifice. God protected us in innumerable ways.
Now they are young men.
Please pray for my sons to follow Christ and not the world.
I have remained single, wanting to live for the Lord and submit to Him.
Blessed be the Name of the LORD!
Wonderful video Kelly, submission isn’t talked about enough in todays culture and I’m so thankful the Lord lead you to speak on it!
I emailed you and Scott as well with our more in depth version of this question but I was wondering if you’d be willing to share what denomination of church you attend? My husband and I are struggling to find a local church with values we align with and I wish I knew what denominations may be more likely to value marriage, children, submission, children attending service with us, and not have women preaching.
Thanks again for all you share here, you are such an inspiration❤️
Good morning Grace, I'm wondering if I didn't hit the send button, because I remember typing up a response to you! I will check now 😊
Thank you! Your email reply would be greatly appreciated! I checked my junk folder too but I don’t see anything.
Thanks Kelli, sister! Love you.
Dear Kelli, my sister in Christ! Thank you for this wonderful testimony 🙏🏼
That's so true!!! This is what I'm going through now .
During 16 years of our marriage i was using all kinds of manipulation with my Husband, to change his decisions, his behaviour.
I don't want to be this kind of wife. I choose to be submissive and not to fear to submit! May God helps us to build a new habits 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Big hug ❤
Natalie form Siberia😊
I do not respect my father who was an abusive husband, father and pastor. I do respect, and happily submit to, my husband. A genuine follower of Christ, and loving husband and father. Father and husband are not interchangeable rolls.
I LOVE this video, and you are very relatable. My husband is Jamaican and I am American, he brought me closer to Christ 🙏🏾
This was so good ❤❤❤ thank you ❤
❤❤I love watching your videos. Hopefully to see Scott again in a video ✝️🙏🏾
Just found this channel. I am subscribing! Love this video. Thank you for sharing! I am in a courtship with a godly guy. I have my own house and I make all the decisions at the moment. My boyfriend and I are talking about our differences
I just need a best friend like you... God bless you Kelli. Thank you for all you show us.
Hi Kelli, you did not ramble one bit. Thank you fo this profound message. This has been a blessing. And, its important in single hood to be given to these practices through meditation on the Word, etc. God bless you.
Such a great video, thank you for sharing on this topic! 🤍
Thank you very much Kelli 🫶🏻 God bless you and keep you always 😊
God bless you!
Amen. I have thought there is perhaps misunderstandingfrom some folks about wives submitting. Just like when people come from different backgrounds & such, they have different understanding/ interpretations of words, ideas etc. This seems to be one of those areas. So thankful of the excellent way you explained with examples of how wives submit to husbands & with scripture. Wonderful! Praise God! You both are a blessing😊
I too enjoy when you have a vid with Scott. It is good to hear from you both. I especially enjoy when he mentions about women shouldn't be looking for captain America. Very true! Be blessed
Thank you for this video ❤ very helpful with my current situation
Pretty and comfortable dresses! Those are the colors I like, too, though I would like a couple more florals in there 😊 Also, the fabrics are wonderful. Many would pair nicely with a scarf, if you like them 😊
Submission is favor authority is direction. Together you find favor in the direction of the Lord!!!!!
I agree with you! You did a wonderful job explaining what submission is!
Submission isn't yeilding to abuse or micromanagment nor doing sinful actions your husband wants you to do.
But it is the daily act of trusting your husband has you and your children's best intest in hand. It is yeilding to a decision that your husband believes is best and godly even though you are fearful about it.
You gave an really important questions for all women to consider while dating, " do you see your self submitting to him?" I appreciate that. It gets a women to think deeply about picking her future husband.
Loving this series
Well said, as always. Thank you for sharing on such an important subject.
I hope you are doing well. You seem a little down in this video. I love watching your videos for both your thoughtful perspective and uplifting demeanor. It is invariably encouraging and refreshing.
Thank you, I am doing well! Maybe, subconciously, I was more slow to speak because I wanted to be clear in my thoughts and felt the weight of what I wanted to say since this is a topic that I really value and also get so much push back against.
Liked, saved all before watching 🤣🥰Love you Kellie💕 Liza from California 🌞
Thank you Liza! I hope you enjoyed it!
One thing rarely touched on - submission opens the door for a (good) husband to dote (in a healthy way) way on his wife.
(Without submission he always asks himself am I just encouraging narcissism, emotional whims, entitlement...)
Thank you ❤🕊️
Love all the wisdom
U will be a great mother ❤ lots of good things from u
Have u ever thought about fostercare? I was in fostercare and i would have gained alot having parents like u
You are well on your way to a fulfilling marriage. If he values you he will go far.
Genesis 3:16 KJV 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. ❤ (I feel like this one gets forgotten sometimes but I like to remind myself of it when thinking on this topic.)
Beautifully worded!! Amazing video. Thank you for being bold & outspoken - it’s not an easy thing to do and you do it so well.
Please keep posting videos like this, you are helping so many marriages.
This topic upsets people because they feel convicted. I don’t get upset when people tell me to not submit to my husband because I know they are wrong - I just ignore it. People can’t help but get upset at your videos because deep down they know you are right & God’s Word is true!
Thanks so much McKenzie! God bless you guys!
Can you write up a list of scripture that we can go back and read. I would love to have a printed copy so I can go back and read them until I can meditate while doing things around the house. Thank you for this at a time of need.
That is a wonderful idea! I will work on this and try and make a pdf printout!
My bf is an atheist for the most part i dont know what exactly iam but dunked brothern is the denomination i find comfort in alot . He knows am a believer and i hope he believes on day . We have a son that bought me closer to god 🙌 💙 but i do prey for my man i understand him because he was not raised religious
Thank you.
For someone who has never read the bible, where would you say to start? ❤
Enjoy your video's. So having had my first child, our daughter, i find myself wanting to dress more feminine & just all around more nice. More put together. Shorts & tshirts have always been my thing
I want my daughter to look at me in a certain way (a vison i have in my mind) and thats not what i have going on right now.
Thanks for posting. You always make me feel grounded.
The gospel of John is a beautiful start. :)
The 4 gospels in general are good.
John and then Acts.
Praying for you, Kayce! You are known and loved by God ♥️
I would start with Psalms as well as the Gospels! I enjoy St. Paul’s letters too.
Hi Kayce! So many wonderful responses already, I love it! I was also going to say the book of John!
I had never read the Bible (except excerpts here & there, random verses) on my own, only in church, until I was in my 30s. Finally, I gummed up my courage. I started right at the beginning & read all the way through Old Testament to New. I read some every day - even if it was only a small chapter. Now most people will tell don't do this. Don't read it like a story book from front to back, because some of it is not linear. But I don't care what they say, that is the way I would suggest. Then I went back a second time & read individual books & 'studied' on them - mostly Old Test.to begin with. because I didn't understand some of the references in the New Test. They are all based on ancient jewish traditions in the Old Test. & I studied the history of it. then I would read the New Test by book & pair it with the references in the Old Test. Then I read on 'topics'; what does it mean to be a mother, a wife, how to deal with suffering, how to be joyful, etc...The point I found in starting at the beginning & reading all the way through was that it acquainted me with the entire body of work (the location of certain stories), so that when I wanted to find something to understand or ruminate on I knew WHERE to find it because I had read the whole thing first. Some books I found more boring (like Numbers) but I struggled my way through them. Others were so fascinating/captivating that I couldn't stop reading & have gone back over & over (like Sirach). One thing I don't do; I do NOT write in my Bible. I keep a notebook. I feel like it desecrates the very holy, special pages. It just feels disrespectful to ME. I guess others do it, but I won't. But I do a lot of writing in pairing with my studying. You won't regret the time spent reading Scripture. I gained so much wisdom & learned alot of history while healing my soul. There are some eye opening things in there that you won't hardly believe! And you can never know if you are living a 'Godly life' if you don't know the instructions we have been handed!❤🙏🙏🙏 I've read it over & over now. And now I run a women's faith group, leading Scripture study & it is amazing how much people do NOT know what is in the Bible.
Thank you!
Hi Anna, you're welcome!!
I love it❤
So much truth in this video!! Thank you for speaking the truth from God’s Word on what it means to be a Godly wife! Our culture is so opposite to this and it’s good we get a reminder once in a while.
Amen! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Kelli, didn’t you have a planner available? I need to get one and wanted to try yours first.
Can you do more day in the the life? Its been awhile since youve done any
Love you, sweet girl ❤
Do you think that every woman is meant to be under a man's authority / that the father is the head of his daughter until she gets married?
I would be interested to hear your thoughts about this 😊
I wish that I could have friends like you. I live in Germany and the only people that go to church are very often already retired and believe the socialist agenda, that is unfortunately also pushed in the German catholic church.
Awh that's so hard! I pray that God will give you the desires of your heart and bring you friendships and spiritual mothers!
American Catholic here! Praying for you and for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Germany. 🙏
Ich kann dir bibeltreue Freikirchen empfehlen. Konfessionslos aber bibeltreu. Dort gibt es oft viele junge Leute, viele Familien mit Kindern. Auch in Deutschland. Die perfekte Gemeinde gibt es natürlich nirgendwo. Aber auch in Deutschland kannst du Gleichgesinnte finden. Ich bete dafür, dass Gott dir Türen öffnet.
LG Anna
Thank you both!
@@Anna-mf6fyDanke, mein Mann ist Katholik und akzeptiert nur die katholische Kirche😊.
I was raised in a home where if my mom didnt get her way she would do it anyways behind my dads back. She was very deceptive. I learned to do the same, I was a single mom for a few years so all the decisions were on me. We were not Christians at the time. I did not know who God or Jesus were. I lived a very sinful, worldly free life. When I met my husband he worked out of town and I would only see him a couple of days a month. So I was still the one who made all of the decisions at home. Even when he was home cause he had no idea what was going on half of the time. This was in the late 90's. We married in 2003. I was still the one who made most of the decisions with the kids (three boys) cause they werent his biologically and he hadnt been around so to change things would have been confusing to them. Well, so we thought. As the boys got older he did take on more of the fatherly decisions. We gave our lives to Christ 2006/2007. Ofcourse I was first even though we were both feeling the call. After a year or so I started feeling Gods call on me to be submissive. He was very adimate for it. God brought me home ( I was working outside of the home) and put me in dresses, I think to soften me. It worked. I learned what being a women who followed Christ and her husband felt like and should look like. I studied Gods word and the Proverbs 31 women. I dug deep! Now I am a submissive wife although not always perfect. We have two more boys and we are raising them to be strong Godly men. My prayer is that we are teaching them to be men of God and that oneday they will be husbands that will charish and lead their wives and children, That was kinda long. I love hearing how God is working to change the lives of young women. Especially in a world where its all about women being equal to men.
I struggle with this so much, with being calm and forgiving to both my husband and children. I so badly want to be a better mother and wife and person. I feel stuck.
Keep praying and reading the word❤
I recommend "Created to Be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl if you haven't read it. It really blessed me and I remember having light bulb moments that really changed day to day life!
Hey! New to your channel! Do you have any book recommendations on books on this subject?
"Created to be His Helpmeet" -Debi Pearl
"Let me Be a Woman" -Elisabeth Elliot
"The Power of a Transformed Wife" -Lori Alexander
All of these are helpful!
@@homewithkelli thank you! I’ll check those out! It’s so refreshing to see women that truly obey Gods commands and not what the world thinks we should do as wives!
The head of the woman is the man, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)
*Jesus is the Son of God.* Jesus is a servant; the Son of God worships the Father. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?". (Matthew 27:46)
"Why call me good? None is good, except God." (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
The head of every wife is her husband, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God.
If your husband tells you to sin, you are NOT to do it. We are supposed to follow the laws of the land, if your husband tells you to commit a crime, you are NOT to do it. (1 Peter 2:13-14)
⚠Some people want to argue about the name, the message is more important than the name.
JW, mormon, catholics, black hebrew israelites.. are cults.
Actually the toothpaste thing does have to do with submission. You followed HIS lead in how you squeeze your toothpaste and in order to follow that lead you had to submit to his leadership. so yes, in a very small and minut way you submitted and changed your behavior. you could have rebelled and did it the way you always did but you didnt.
Buy two toothpaste tubes. You’re welcome.
This the scripture you our say here is the real scripture.
Proverbs 31 (KJV)
⁹ Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
¹⁰ Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
¹¹ The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
¹² She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
See if your bible say something different then my bible how can it be for reproof and instruction in righteousness.
The answer it can't be.
Only true word is kjv
2 Timothy 3 (KJV)
¹⁶ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
¹⁷ That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Perfect timing! I think this is the core of our problems in a marriage. I just recently had to go back to work after maternity leave. I feel more exhausted but also more in control, which makes me less submissive. I would love to stay home with our children, but because of finances, it is not possible right now. It's a constant prayer of mine to gain the financial stability to be a stay at home mom again, Lord willing🙏🏻. God bless you all! Always ready to be convicted, thank you for your boldness, Kelli🤍.
Hello! Thank you for sharing your testimony and I pray that God would make a way and give you the desires of your heart to be full time at home! God bless you and your family!
This is one of the reasons Satan deceives, divides, and destroys marriages. I had to let my wife leave because I could not handle insubordination. It is best to be alone than to live with contention 😢
Your lives are all perfect. Tens of thousands of men live alone. Have been crushed. And have no money. No future no hope.
I love it Kelli. This video should go viral!! Most women are in darkened especially in the country.