@@tinasutton4245 En jy sal ook nooit verander nie. Eenkeer 'n rassis.... Altyd 'n rassis.... Het jy geweet die tampon wat jy elke maand aansit word deur swart hande gemaak?
André het te veel geweet en soos bewys is daar was alreeds n aanslag op sy lewe. Ek is seker sy gesin en bates is lankal land uit met bewyse in n ander land en het natuurlik alles by hom gehad. Wel gedaan André jy is n held.
Only if all those who voted ANC right in the beginning, start marching without vandalizing, there may be change, but it appears that the blacks who can lead do not want to become politicians - like Tuli.
Hierdie regering is almal 'n klomp diewe... Waar is die wat die ondersoeke moet doen en as hulle dit nie doen is hulle dan nie aandadig aan die vergrype nie?
Jammer die onderhoud is toe 'uitgevee'... met net n paar woorde deur Andrè! Maar ons is so erg Suid-Afrikaans TROTS op jou Andrè! Nee wat, niemand het nou n tong oor wat die regte ding kan sê nie!.. ruggraatlose klomp! Dankie Izak...
Hulle het verwag dat de Ruyter Eskom oor 2 jaar sou regmaak om die gevolg van regering en sy kaders se korrupsie van 20+ jaar ongedaan te maak en terselfdertyd sy hande vas te bind en sy magte te beperk in hul poging om hul korrupsie en onbevoegdheid te verdoesel. Ek hoop de Ruyter het die “kwitansies gehou. As die regering eerlik was (ons weet hulle is baie ver daarvan af) sou 'n toegewyde korrupsiegroep ingestel gewees het om forensiese ondersoek te doen, maar dit sou beteken dat hulle self in die tronk sou beland. Dit is hoekom hulle hom probeer doodmaak het
They only used him as a pawn ,, they never appointed him to fix Eskom, thye only appointed him to make misuse of him, who in ANC or Eskom wanted him to fix Eskom, people were complaining there no white person in the top of Eskom so they only appointed him to keep the DA quite
With this situation, so toxic with corruption, it is obvious that not only Gupta's captured the state, the governing party too had captured the state even long before the arrival of the Gupta's.
LW: Mnr De Ruyter hét als eers aangemeld en deur die regte kanale gewerk (polisie, NVG en kabinet). Maande lank. Hul het niks gedoen nie & dis hoekom hy die ope onderhoud moes toestaan.
Ons salueer die GOEIE mense in Eskom. Dankie Dr Hermann vir hierdie inligting asook die baie goeie werk wat julle doen. Suid-Afrika soek mense met durf en mannemoed en ruggraat... Godsvresend en EERLIK. Seëninge 🕯🕯🕯
This man has balls. Very few men out there that would do this. Knowing very well their life is in danger. Hope he and his family leave South Africa for their own safety. May God protect them. This man was poisoned. He was going to expose people. Therefore his life is in danger. That the cost of the utter truth these days
a total blackout can happen,but the system will shut off the power only to keep the village were all the corrupt ANC stay in Cape Towns lights on, before a total blackout happens in the way that all the units trip will never happen, only full loadshedding will take place except as i say in Parliment village were all the ANC stay in,
The definition of insanity is to repeatedly take the same action, and expect a different outcome. We are fighting our enemies according to their corrupted, enforced rules. We gave them a great country, and now we are paying them to destroy it: we pay tax so that they can make laws to take our weapons, and then our property? Ok maar lekker stupid (Orkney Snork Nie)
The motto of the anc has always been..... "We did not struggle to remain poor". And the 'we' refers to the elite of the anc, not the people of South Africa.
Ja, aangekla word soos Zumpie & Kie wat lank tronkstraf gekry het. Die bewyse moet nou op n veilige plek gehou word en aanklagte gedoen word na hierdie regime totaal tot n val gekom het, maar die ewigheid is lank!
Dr Hermann. Ons weet lankal ons is oppad fase 8 toe en ook ñ total shutdown. Waarsku jou mense - jy is ñ leier met geweldige invloed. Bloed op jou hande as jy nie waarsku!!
Sê asb vir ons wat sê die president van alles. Mens verwag tog hy moet na vore kom en iets sê. Hoeveel keer het hy nie gesê No corruption. Of het hy dit vergeet.
Eskom n buffel in n modderput . Die leeus vreet dit stelsel matig lewendig op. Die buffel bulk met pyn en verloonheid maar niemand kom om hulp te gee of die leeus weg the druif nie.
It was obvious at the time he was hired that the whole point of putting De Ruyter in as CEO was never to fix the problem, but to make a smokescreen. It was obvious to many. It was surely obvious to De Ruyter too. He was never supposed to fix Eskom or fix the corruption. He was just there to put a trustworthy "white boy" face on Eskom so that external trust in Eskom would improve and the corruption could continue unabated. As much as he might have thought he could make a difference, he was certainly aware that he could not and that his hands were tied. The bottom line though is that even if he might have wanted to fix corruption, he failed in that task. He was, however, successful until now in his task of providing a smokescreen. He was a willing participant in this. De Ruyter cannot call foul now. He should have done so a year ago.
Dit Gaan die ANC as n verkiesingswapen gebruik volgende Jaar: "ONS het n witman aangestel om reg te maak maar hy (die witman) is die een wat "loadshedding " ingestel het. Sien julle (dis Nou die getroue ondersteuners wat min weet natuurlik) die witman is onbevoeg! Stem vir die ANC."
@@louisrischmuller4974 Yup, that is how they will use this. Anyway the DA has already said they will support the ANC in a coalition so any dreams of a new political order in 2024 are gone. ... and you must still get to 2024!
Are there no english citizens in South Africa anymore? Why the alternative translation in Dutch? Or are we no longer a united public? There a lot of people in RSA who don't understand Afrikaans or Dutch as well as it is spoken! Sit die inligting daar uit sodat almaal dit kan verstaan. Daar is baie ander taaliges wat baat sal vind in wat bespreek word om die gemors uit te rooei!
Ons staan agter Andre
Mnr De Ruyter en sy gesin moet nou dringend beskerm word deur privaat sekuriteit maatskappye.
Ek stem 100% saam
Ja, want die mense geniet dit om te Moor. Kwaad by hulle is goed, en goed is kwaad. Sal nooit verander nie.
Hy is klaar land uit wat die beste is vir hom en sy gesin. Niemand kan hom hier beskerm nie.
@@tinasutton4245 En jy sal ook nooit verander nie. Eenkeer 'n rassis.... Altyd 'n rassis.... Het jy geweet die tampon wat jy elke maand aansit word deur swart hande gemaak?
André het te veel geweet en soos bewys is daar was alreeds n aanslag op sy lewe. Ek is seker sy gesin en bates is lankal land uit met bewyse in n ander land en het natuurlik alles by hom gehad. Wel gedaan André jy is n held.
Baie dankie vir die nuus Isak
Plaas die volle blaam op Ramapada, Gordin en Mantashe
De Ruiter was net die vlieg in d Anc Se salf.dit Kos hulle n blik doom van 2.5miljard .
Ek stem. Ons het n goeie eerlike mens verloor. Mag God met hom en sy familie wees.
SA must have a day of march against this corruption
I don't think marching is the answer anymore
it will never happen,white people in SA will never march
Agree 💯.
Only if all those who voted ANC right in the beginning, start marching without vandalizing, there may be change, but it appears that the blacks who can lead do not want to become politicians - like Tuli.
Hierdie regering is almal 'n klomp diewe... Waar is die wat die ondersoeke moet doen en as hulle dit nie doen is hulle dan nie aandadig aan die vergrype nie?
they get killed if they stand up against the Eskom mafia,
Dit is juis hoekom hy so awesome is ! Tussen die hyenas!
Die hele land moet in oppstand kom
Ek stem saam, hierdie beweeging moet so gou moontlik opgestel word anders sal ons kinders onder dit ly
Dis nie meer baie ver nie.
white people will never march , they never have and never will,
Sodat al wat winkel en stoor kan geplunder word?
Jammer die onderhoud is toe 'uitgevee'... met net n paar woorde deur Andrè!
Maar ons is so erg Suid-Afrikaans TROTS op jou Andrè!
Nee wat, niemand het nou n tong oor wat die regte ding kan sê nie!.. ruggraatlose klomp!
Dankie Izak...
Hy is nog in sy geheel op eNCA.
@@hermankern3939 as die geval, verskaf asseblief die link op TH-cam.
Dankie... ek het dit toe gevolg.
Mooi aand.
@@braamscheepers878 Braam, kyk op Zupta TV terwyl dit nog daar is!
@@Meraikie Link asseblief op TH-cam.
Hulle het verwag dat de Ruyter Eskom oor 2 jaar sou regmaak om die gevolg van regering en sy kaders se korrupsie van 20+ jaar ongedaan te maak en terselfdertyd sy hande vas te bind en sy magte te beperk in hul poging om hul korrupsie en onbevoegdheid te verdoesel. Ek hoop de Ruyter het die “kwitansies gehou.
As die regering eerlik was (ons weet hulle is baie ver daarvan af) sou 'n toegewyde korrupsiegroep ingestel gewees het om forensiese ondersoek te doen, maar dit sou beteken dat hulle self in die tronk sou beland.
Dit is hoekom hulle hom probeer doodmaak het
They only used him as a pawn ,, they never appointed him to fix Eskom, thye only appointed him to make misuse of him, who in ANC or Eskom wanted him to fix Eskom, people were complaining there no white person in the top of Eskom so they only appointed him to keep the DA quite
With this situation, so toxic with corruption, it is obvious that not only Gupta's captured
the state, the governing party too had captured the state even long before the arrival of the Gupta's.
ANC misleading people South Africa time has come next Zimbabwe
Pravin Gordan is korrup himself! !
LW: Mnr De Ruyter hét als eers aangemeld en deur die regte kanale gewerk (polisie, NVG en kabinet). Maande lank. Hul het niks gedoen nie & dis hoekom hy die ope onderhoud moes toestaan.
Dit is hoekom hierdie diewe nie wil privatiseer nie.
hulle wil , maar hulle will dit privatiseer in hulle eie maatskappye in
Andre de Ruyter resigned he cannot be fired after resigning
Regtig so goed gestel.
Let wel Andre het al reeds bedank!!
Die tyd formaat is perfek!!! nie langer as 20 min nie. Vir algemene nuus en vinnige onderhoude!
Absolutely Amen!!! We'll said.
Why are we not storming Luthuli House. Why are we not storming CR house.
So, the Zondo Commission, was and is a fruitless exercise.
Ons salueer die GOEIE mense in Eskom. Dankie Dr Hermann vir hierdie inligting asook die baie goeie werk wat julle doen. Suid-Afrika soek mense met durf en mannemoed en ruggraat... Godsvresend en EERLIK. Seëninge 🕯🕯🕯
only a handful of good and honest people, and not from the ethnic makmoegoes, they are the guilty ones , show me just one honest makmoegoe
Cz³dcd³⅔3e333é 2y2
Ek stem🙏
This man has balls. Very few men out there that would do this. Knowing very well their life is in danger. Hope he and his family leave South Africa for their own safety. May God protect them. This man was poisoned. He was going to expose people. Therefore his life is in danger. That the cost of the utter truth these days
De Ruyter is nie uitgeskop nie.Hy meng hom nie met die semels nie.
So die wat laasweek geseg het fase 8 gaan nie gebeur nie, seg ook ‘n totale blackout gaan nie gebeur nie. Sal maar moet sien as die winter kom
a total blackout can happen,but the system will shut off the power only to keep the village were all the corrupt ANC stay in Cape Towns lights on, before a total blackout happens in the way that all the units trip will never happen, only full loadshedding will take place except as i say in Parliment village were all the ANC stay in,
Ja Thuli sou n seën vir SA wees maar sy het gesien hoe vuil politiek is en wil nie.
Ons is reeds in Fase 8, hulle noem dit net Fase 6.....
Want hulle kan nie verder tell nie.
Moeilike tyd wat wag vir jan alleman tussen die wilde honde ( piranas). Terugkeer na Vader met alles binne ons vermoe.
Dr Hermann kon dit nie beter gesê het 👍❤🙏 Bid vir Andre de Ruyter en sy gesin vir beskerming.
de Ruyter het geloop, Nie in die pad gesteek nie.Hy het gevlug
Wanneer gaan die buurlande die pyn begin voel
Min sal werk hier, daar is te veel verkeerde hande wat kwaad doen, eerlikheid is wat noodsalik is.
Hulle besmeer ❤❤sy naam om te regverdig wat hulle wat tans doen.
Hulle naam beteken niks.
The definition of insanity is to repeatedly take the same action, and expect a different outcome. We are fighting our enemies according to their corrupted, enforced rules. We gave them a great country, and now we are paying them to destroy it: we pay tax so that they can make laws to take our weapons, and then our property? Ok maar lekker stupid (Orkney Snork Nie)
What great country did you give them?
Hy het dit eerste met Gordhan bespreek. Hy het dit aan gemeld
Ek sien privaat vervolging kom.
Ja, nee because we can pass Matric with 30% and then our economy will boom! #loadshitting #salaryshedding shoudl be implemented!
We should not be paying taxes.....taxes are what is keeping this government in power, increased grants etc. is what people are voting for.....
Get ride of the current government
En daar is baie sulke gevalle selfs in die privaat sektor wat die ekonomie knak en ook vele werksgeleenthede kos.
Van die top top struktuure van Regeering is hier betrokke, of weet wel presies wat by Escom aangaan.
The motto of the anc has always been.....
"We did not struggle to remain poor".
And the 'we' refers to the elite of the anc, not the people of South Africa.
Wat is die stof opskopery op wat deruiter gese het-ons weet dit al vir 25 JAAR!!!
Pravin doing the right thing? Or the President? You must be joking....
i cannot understand how this man could say that,
Wys jou net hul kan van niks n sukses maak nie....steel steel steel
Hy moet al daai name bekend maak dat hulle aangekla kan word en dat daar beslag op hulle geld en bates gemaak kan word.
Ja, aangekla word soos Zumpie & Kie wat lank tronkstraf gekry het.
Die bewyse moet nou op n veilige plek gehou word en aanklagte gedoen word na hierdie regime totaal tot n val gekom het, maar die ewigheid is lank!
Dr Hermann. Ons weet lankal ons is oppad fase 8 toe en ook ñ total shutdown. Waarsku jou mense - jy is ñ leier met geweldige invloed. Bloed op jou hande as jy nie waarsku!!
Nog n Ukraine???
Nee Piet , nie hier nie te veel wat nog baie het
@@jacovanrensburg4711 anc en comrades eenkant, solidariteit en da anderkant, maar daar is nog n derde mag. Net my mening🤣🤣
Ukraine het darem nog krag so hier en daar.
Dink net as SA se kragstasies gebom word.
Sê asb vir ons wat sê die president van alles. Mens verwag tog hy moet na vore kom en iets sê. Hoeveel keer het hy nie gesê No corruption. Of het hy dit vergeet.
Natuurlik weet hy alles
That's why the diesol price so high dew to government and escom
Eskom n buffel in n modderput .
Die leeus vreet dit stelsel matig lewendig op.
Die buffel bulk met pyn en verloonheid maar niemand kom om hulp te gee of die leeus weg the druif nie.
Vrye media moenie speel nie,die media stel vry wat hulle wil he ons moet notisie van vat.
Hy het dalk nie op almal se suurstofpype gestaan nie. Hy het op die meeste van hulle se Whisky pype gestaan!
😂😂😂😂😂ja kyk, hulle het GEEN KONSEP van realiteit nie. Solank hulle net kan skep.
It was obvious at the time he was hired that the whole point of putting De Ruyter in as CEO was never to fix the problem, but to make a smokescreen. It was obvious to many. It was surely obvious to De Ruyter too.
He was never supposed to fix Eskom or fix the corruption. He was just there to put a trustworthy "white boy" face on Eskom so that external trust in Eskom would improve and the corruption could continue unabated.
As much as he might have thought he could make a difference, he was certainly aware that he could not and that his hands were tied.
The bottom line though is that even if he might have wanted to fix corruption, he failed in that task. He was, however, successful until now in his task of providing a smokescreen. He was a willing participant in this.
De Ruyter cannot call foul now. He should have done so a year ago.
Dit Gaan die ANC as n verkiesingswapen gebruik volgende Jaar: "ONS het n witman aangestel om reg te maak maar hy (die witman)
is die een wat "loadshedding " ingestel het. Sien julle (dis Nou die getroue ondersteuners wat min weet natuurlik) die witman is onbevoeg! Stem vir die ANC."
@@louisrischmuller4974 Yup, that is how they will use this.
Anyway the DA has already said they will support the ANC in a coalition so any dreams of a new political order in 2024 are gone.
... and you must still get to 2024!
He was white enough to blame , as always . Let’s never stop blaming the white man for every fart that turns into a full scale poohnami as in diarrhoea
Waarom vergeet almal van die Engelse onderhoud laasjaar met die brunet jounalissie. So hy dit TOE AL BEKEND GEMAAK.
Maar hier gaan presies niks gebeur nie, net soos daar niks met Ramaphosagate, gebeur het nie.
Die Here sal hom beskerm
Gitmo style military tribunals. Stop wasting time. Save our Republic.
Ag Izak kan jy nie maar net se afgedank ipv uitgeskop nie . Dit klink so asof jy vir Andry die sondebok maak .
Ek stem
You know it is important to multilingual in sa .
Are there no english citizens in South Africa anymore? Why the alternative translation in Dutch? Or are we no longer a united public? There a lot of people in RSA who don't understand Afrikaans or Dutch as well as it is spoken! Sit die inligting daar uit sodat almaal dit kan verstaan.
Daar is baie ander taaliges wat baat sal vind in wat bespreek word om die gemors uit te rooei!
Sien Fiekkie die 🤡 het klaar die " Get out of jail " ( Ras) kaart gespeel.
by is n dom rot
Sy poez
Ja die poepol