Side note! I am disabled and I have some things I cannot do myself. So this is a shout out to my daughter for helping me with those things. Recently she removed the glass from the bottom of my fridge and cleaned the area. OMG! I know it seems weird to be happy about something like that but it’s so nice to open the fridge and it is sparkling clean. Love my child. Proud mom! I cover things in the microwave with a paper plate flipped over. So easy. Thanks Melissa! Nice to see you again! Hope you are safe during the wild fires in Canada. Be safe.
What a darling daughter and how nice of you to praise her! Thank you for that. My mom never does. But she doesn't see well anymore, so I think that she can't tell the difference! LOL! So I don't worry about it. But it's really sweet of you to praise her.
@@denisemezynski8014it may be a low bar for you, but as a disabled person myself I can tell you it’s those unthought of things that are most greatly appreciate by those of us who have limitations. If you can’t be polite or show a tiny bit of empathy be quiet and keep scrolling instead of this negative bs
You know, Melissa's channel was one of the first tutorial-style TH-cam journeys I went on, inspired me to learn a lot more and now just started a handyman business. Back when I first found her, she was already a couple years into the TH-cam game, but to see her still going strong today is great. Very happy for her success!
That's why I don't even have a blender. Along with other kitchen gadgets I find that I spend more time cleaning them than using them and that I live very well without blended stuff. My grandmother had a gadget for every real or imaginary purpose and eventualities. I guess that's what happens when you get older, you have everything you need but bdays and Christmases keep happening and then people gift you stuff that you need once in a lifetime. Like, how often do you eat oysters at home and do you really need the tool to crack them open? When she got really old her stuff overwhelmed her but she threw nothing out. I swore to be a proud lazy minimalist. No blender - no cleaning the blender - no blender taking space - no blender needing to get cleaned around in it's space - no blender. Do I miss a blender? Nope. But some people use their blender all the time. For me the blender is like an oyster cracking tool. But I love my toaster. I happily clean my toaster.
Hey, unrelated to this video I have a video series suggestion. Based on your experience as a professional cleaner how would you prefer homes got built and what surfaces/materials would you chose? When cleaning I often find the stuff I clean stupidly made as it requires more effort than necessary. We all know the toilet bowl without nooks and crannies and wonder why can't it be smooth? But there are so many more details that make cleaning harder than necessary. Such a video series would be helpful for everyone doing up their space. Thanks.
I regret all the crown molding, wainscoting, and grooved baseboards on my walls. Any ornate trim, lighting, or hardware means tricky cleaning, especially if it's painted white or a dark colour. White and dark hard flooring is bad, too, especially if you have pets. I love my new floor with its various shades of white, grey, and tan; the mud and dog hair blends right in. White carpet is never a good idea in any room. I regret choosing quartz countertops after learning about the lung disease it causes to workers in fabrication and cutting; granite is back.
Try hot water and liquid fabric softener for greasy cabinets. Cleans better than any cleaner and smells good. (Use this on any walls etc.) got this tip from a housekeeper . I only buy fabric softener to clean with . Also Vaseline on stove tops..cleans great shines and protects against future spills. The reason they work is it takes oil to clean oil. Try it! Much less scrubbing! You are welcome ❤
I found an oven liner on Amazon and I can't imagine living without one. After a few pizzas cooked on the rack, there's enough in the bottom to make a smoky smell. I can just pull it off and rinse it on the sink. It even has grooves which make it even easier to clean.
Yeah, silicone is safe to 400°F, maybe 425°. At 450°F it starts to discolor. Above that it loses structural integrity. Take your liners out before bread baking and self cleaning. 😬
This might help in that task. Amazon has shelf liners for fridges. I've used them for years - you can get them in different colors which keeps the shelves bright and cheery (which means it's also easy to see any spills or food gunk. They protect your shelves and are super easy to clean - just remove and use warm to hot water to wash off, I've even stuck mine in the dishwasher. Very inexpensive and makes cleaning the fridge just super easy.
thank you for so many tips! One more suggestion, the oven door is usually easy to remove on most ovens. There may be a little metal locing clip on the oven where the door hinges meet the oven on each side and you pull the clip towards you to unlock the door and then you can pull the door straight up and then out to remove it. This makes cleaning the oven interior much easier without the door it the way .
We have a cleaner during the week to help out around the house… and one near trick she taught me was when I burnt rice onto a stainless steel pot, she placed a bounce sheet on the burnt area, some dish soap, and water. She soaked that and it’ll easily remove the burnt rice easily after a few hours 😮
Just a quick suggestion, using a toothbrush works well. However, I have found that a tooth brush for dentures to be helpful too. They're a lot firmer than the usual ones and on the other side is a cone-shaped brush. Perfect for getting into those small corners on your cupboard doors!
We installed flat-fronted cabinets when we updated our 60 year old kitchen. Now it takes 5 minutes to clean them all! This makes me feel so happy and motivated. I just use a microfiber that is damp with natural cleaner.
Hi Melissa, I love your videos!! But I have a question about your cleaning routine: When do you do which room? For example every Monday the kitchen,every Tuesday the bath and so on or only,when you feel it's necessary? What is your cleaning schedule? Thank you for motivating me to clean more and better😉 Greetings from Germany Simone
When I’m cleaning the cooker hood, tops of kitchen cupboards or anyway particularly greasy, I use my powdered laundery detergent, either as an abrasive cleaner (and then rinsed off) or diluted in a spray bottle. It works really well on grease and it means I don’t have to buy and store yet another extra cleaning product. I wouldn’t use it on food preparation surfaces or wood though.
✔️ Cleaning the frig is one of my favorite kitchen task to do. I use dish soap with a clean sponge, that is recommended from the manual. I do like baking soda to freshen the air.
I am very bad about cleaning my oven, but I FINALLY tackled it this week. About 6 months ago, I tried the baking soda and vinegar, and found that I still had a residue on the oven. 😢 I did the best I could. However, THIS time I used the Dawn Powerwash, and left it on for about 20 minutes. And OH MY GOODNESS! The Black mess literally just wiped off! Not so much on the door though. I'll try Barkeeper's Frien fir that. Thanks for the tips!
Tfs Melissa. I definitely learned a few tips. I would add using rubber gloves, ESPECIALLY when cleaning glass like from the fridge. When the glass is wet, it's super slippery. The rubber gloves provide a better grip.
Melissa sa dami ng mga ginagawa mong video nakakatulong ito sa amin para mapaganda yung bahay namin kasi pag may dumadarating kaming bisita dito sa bahay nakakahiyang tignan yung bahay namin unang makikita ng tao kalat at tsaka gusto ko ding tulungan maglinis ng bahay ang lola ko kasi napapagod din sya pag naglilinis ng bahay nila ako naglilinis dito sa bahay namin pag nakikita kong madumi yung sahig kailangang walisan ako nagwawalis ng sahig namin.
@@cleanmyspace Please tell me if I can use a steam mop on laminate floor? Also there have been news about not to mix any kind of cleaners like amonia ,clorox,vinegar ect with dish soap including dawn Please what can we use enstead
Regarding vinegar not getting rid of pet urine: I’ve found the best way is to wash first with vinegar only, then wash a second time with Biokleen enzymatic cleanser. (I always add baking soda with detergent, too.) Neither one alone does the trick. Biokleen is great but it alone won’t eliminate the smell. I still smell urine! I’ve tried nearly everything! This method was recommended in The Spruce. I tried it, it worked.
Do you recommend cleaning in-between the oven door. I'm afraid to unscrew the oven door to clean in-between the glass and the door but that is where it needs to be cleaned. I'm just afraid I won't be able to get the door and glass back together. What do you think?
I have to say that my oven is pyrolytic self cleaning which is an amazing feature so I just put it on that setting every 2-3 months and it’s as good as new again. Great tips Melissa ❤
Wow! I have never heard of this! What does pyrolytic self-cleaning mean? Is it safe for your food? I'd love to never have to scrub an oven again!! Heaven!
@@28105wsking the oven heats up to 300 degrees Celsius and burns the debris in the oven to ash which you can then wipe away once the set programme has finished and the oven has cooled back down. It’s perfectly safe to consume food cooked in the oven after it has self cleaned
Hi! Your videos just started coming up in my recommendations and I LOVE them - I’ve already watched a bunch, liked, and subscribed. (As someone with ADHD, having so many great tips to keep on top of cleaning and make it so simple is NECESSARY, let me tell you.) Just need to point out though - my dishwasher has a pull-out filter that, according to the manual, needs to 1) be cleaned after every load (just like the dryer lint catcher thing), and 2) NEVER be cleaned with anything other than water and maybe a soft brush. This is to avoid over-sudsing that can happen when regular dishwashing liquid is used in a dishwasher. I’m lucky and have a sink in my rental unit that has a faucet with a spray option, so I usually just power blast that thing to get most the gunk off, then keep a cleaning toothbrush handy for scrubbing off the rest. Just thought I’d point this out since you showed a clip of cleaning the filter from your old dishwasher in a sink full of water and dish soap, since your viewers might be a little over-zealous with the soap and not rinse it well enough and cause issues with their machine as a result (I mean, some of us *ahem* only realize too late that we’ve been using WAY too much product with not enough water YEARS after doing it that way, wondering why everything we’ve cleaned is always sticky… [me, just yesterday, when I finally decided to measure the PineSol-to-water ratio 😅]). So it’s really safer to just clean them with water and a toothbrush. 🙂
Hi! Do you have any advice about cleaning glass stoves? Particularly like water deposit under the surface of the glass? The surface will be completely clean, but if I run my finger over the white spots under the surface, I feel slight resistance. I'm not sure how to explain, but it's not on the actual surface of the glass.
How can I remove burned popcorn marks from the microwave? Kids gave the popcorn too much time so now the whole inside is dark it's slowly fading but I still see the stains. I tried the lemon and vinegar but it didn't work lol
A brillo pad works perfectly for the sink and drain! Shiny and bright. And if you're willing to use all purpose cleaner, clorox wipes clean up grease very very well!
Do your microfiber cloths bleed? Does the color transfer? I see you cleaning your white cabinets with the beautiful cloth and I don’t see any color bleeding but I worry that different chemicals could cause the color to come off!
Hey...just curious why you don't put the blending jar in dishwasher...all my mixer jars go straight to dishwasher almost daily and come out sparkly clean.
I think your videos are great, so informative. Have you thought about buying an oven liner? I have found ita terrific way keep the oven easier to clean . The lineris easy to wash in the sink.
Hi Melissa! Thank you for bringing me out of the fifties and into the present century of products and techniques! I have a question: badly stained cookie sheets and other metal pans that will not come clean no matter what I do: a man online said he sprayed them with oven cleaner, waited ten minutes, and they wiped so clean that they looked brand new! Is that safe to do? Will those heavy-duty chemical cleaners really wash and rinse off? I am 75 now and have arthritis so all that scrubbing is hard on every joint involved. I would really like your opinion on his tip. Is that safe? Would residues from the chemicals get into any food in the future? The pans are more than ten years old and the metals might have microscopic dents and cracks and scrapes that could hold the dangerous chemicals. But replacement is expensive. What do you think? And how often should one replace cookware for safety's sake? I can't afford to be profligate in purchases. Many thanks! Love you!
Ask for new cooking sheets for Christmas or your birthday. I always want to know what my Mother in Law wants so I am not buying her stuff she doesn’t need.
I just put down luxury vinyl plank thru my condo. I know this is off topic but I would so love to get a recommendation for a good vacuum for this floor. Do you still like the microfiber product from earlier videos.
I know this is an older video, so you may not remember where you got it, but can you link to that trashcan? I love it. I dont have room for one in a cabinet. That one looks good sitting out.
I warm the oven to about 150 F, and put in a bowl of ammonia (about an inch deep) and let it sit overnight, Much of the light stuff comes off, and some of the heavy stuff comes off, and the rest of it is loose. I use ammonia to finish the job. If it's really bad, I take the door off, and spray it with easy off.
My oven is a water cleaning oven. Put water in the bottom and run the clean cycle. Wipe out the oven and use baking soda for any tough spots (per mfg instructions). Right now I've torn the tendon in my right rotator cuff. Surgery next week. Meanwhile typing this is killing me.
Can you do a detailed video on steam cleaning? I’ve heard not to use on cabinets, baseboards, engineered wood floors, glass, etc. as it could ruin them, strip the paint/finish & cause them to swell or crack. Are they safe? Could they be used in place of cleaners? Do they really disinfect or do they need to be on the surface for a certain amount of time? This is my favorite cleaning tool but this method seems controversial with little instruction.
We had one and you need to unplug it first, remove the racks and tilt it forward to get most crumbs out. If there are still stuck on things you could use a damp toothbrush with baking soda or microfiber cloth to get those spots and then do a final rinse with a damp microfiber. Maybe run the racks through the dishwasher? We alway just use a microfiber that is damp with all purpose or glass cleaner to polish the outside. Hope this helps!
I just moved into a newly constructed apartment. The kitchen and bathroom are gorgeous. The only problem is the cabinets are full of construction debris/materials and inside the cabinets are ripped a tad and the cabinets are chipped. It drives me crazy 😢. Thank you so much for sharing 😊
How often do you clean inside cabinets? I know if I don't use dishes for a time they get a layer of dust even behind closed doors. Shamefully, they get done maybe once a year. Any thoughts to prevent the dust or to make the job often?
Fridge: I would put the chilled food into a cooler if at all possible. The reason being that room temperature air hits the chilled item and water condensates on it faster than you can wipe. Just try to wipe off the doplets of bottle of a chilled beverage on a summers day - it's impossible. As soon as you wipe there are new droplets forming. Secondly - doing it your way you get condensation droplets on the inside of the fridge as well. Maybe the fancy fridges have an air dehumidifier of sorts but my cheap one gets a buildup of ice on the cooling element on the back if I clean it this way because I bring so much air humidity into it. Hence the cooler bag for products and the waiting until the fridge warmed up to room temperature before cleaning. And proper drying of fridge before turning it on again. Put the still chilled products back inside when it has cooled down and Tada.
Love your videos. Have you turned them all into a app. 😆 i mean have a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly cleaning routine on a app to tick off. If someone wants more info on something like clean your sink they able to click on it and it sends them straight onto your youtube to watch how you do it then once it done tick it off. Have all your hints and tips. I would love to know your scheduled with how to do it. You make things so simple
Thank you. But it never makes it clear on the bottles of cleaners if they are enzine cleaners or something else, I try and follow instructions but it doesn't say on the bottle what I am buying, what type of cleaners they are. I never know what I am using when I'm scrubbing 😅
I once owned a dishwasher identical to this one, judging by the interior features. One would assume that it doesn't necessitate cleaning due to the presence of a grinder in the lower well, designed to pulverize food particles, facilitating their drainage along with the water. Herein lies the issue. All of the water in the dishwasher is required to pass through this grinder, which essentially consists of four blades juxtaposed against a metal screen that spins to break down the food particles. Over time, this metal screen becomes obstructed by various elements like food particles that are more resistant to grinding, such as fragments of vegetable skins. Should anything extraneous inadvertently find its way into the dishwasher, like a toothpick, it tends to get lodged on the metal screen. This accumulation over time can lead to reduced pressure in the dishwasher, resulting in a weaker water spray onto the dishes and consequently, dishes that are not as clean as they once were. If you detect such an issue, there are online resources available that provide instructions on how to access this component from within the dishwasher. Essentially, it involves removing four or five screws, after which the plastic part at the bottom of the dishwasher can be lifted and removed, revealing the well, which may contain some residual water. The grinder is housed within another plastic piece, which can be accessed by removing a screw. Once you remove the cover, the grinder and metal screen are visible. Ultimately, we replaced our dishwasher with a model devoid of this challenging-to-clean component. To me, this feature could potentially pose a health risk from bacteria.
Yes, I have used barkeepers friend on my glass top stove for years since they were 1st made. I'm 63, use a wet microfiber cloth rung out. It does not scratch.
The refrigerator: I clean one, two or maybe three shelves, door baskets or crispers at a time. It seems to take me about a half hour. It would take much longer to clean the entire frig at a time, and procrastination would creep in.
Thank you, Melissa. Im deep cleaning the kitchen in this very old house Friday and today, and without a stove hood, the ceiling is dark brown! Horrors! A little Mr. Clean on a sponge and it has wiped clean. Mr. Clean and Comet worked on the cupboard doors over the stove to get the heavy gunk off, and I used a plastic scrubber to get the baked-on crud off the top of the doors without scratching the paint. Sparking now! I too am working with top-to-bottom sectional cleaning. The old linoleum floor is full of dimples and deeply embossed floral scrolls around each tile imprint, so that has required a scrubbing brush on hands and knees to get all the black dots out. Don't know how long its been since the house was deep cleaned, but you should see it now! It really is sparkling! And it feels so much better! I don't know what they are called, but I have a soft rubber thing that fits the crack between the stove and the counter. It really works. When I pulled the stove out, the wall beneath was clean and there was no food on the floor along the wall. Whatever that thingy is called, I recommend it. I found it at Walmart. Another lifesaver is an oven liner, also found at Walmart.
Hi Melissa I'm New in your channel I love the way you teach how to clean because I don't like eather but I am starting a cleaning job but my problem is that I don't know how much to change and I don't know if you can tell me how can I find out some things about that I will appreciate your kindness thank you.
Side note! I am disabled and I have some things I cannot do myself. So this is a shout out to my daughter for helping me with those things. Recently she removed the glass from the bottom of my fridge and cleaned the area. OMG! I know it seems weird to be happy about something like that but it’s so nice to open the fridge and it is sparkling clean. Love my child. Proud mom! I cover things in the microwave with a paper plate flipped over. So easy. Thanks Melissa! Nice to see you again! Hope you are safe during the wild fires in Canada. Be safe.
So awesome that she is there for you in that way. Love to you guys
What a darling daughter and how nice of you to praise her! Thank you for that. My mom never does. But she doesn't see well anymore, so I think that she can't tell the difference! LOL! So I don't worry about it. But it's really sweet of you to praise her.
It is so sweet to see a mom loving on her daughter like this. Heals a little bit of my heart. Thank you ❤
💖 as a daughter and a mom, I love reading this!
@@denisemezynski8014it may be a low bar for you, but as a disabled person myself I can tell you it’s those unthought of things that are most greatly appreciate by those of us who have limitations.
If you can’t be polite or show a tiny bit of empathy be quiet and keep scrolling instead of this negative bs
You know, Melissa's channel was one of the first tutorial-style TH-cam journeys I went on, inspired me to learn a lot more and now just started a handyman business. Back when I first found her, she was already a couple years into the TH-cam game, but to see her still going strong today is great. Very happy for her success!
Your blender segment back in the day is exactly why I clean my blender after every use...every morning! 💜
I clean EVERYTHING as soon as I'm finished with it. So much easier!
That's why I don't even have a blender. Along with other kitchen gadgets I find that I spend more time cleaning them than using them and that I live very well without blended stuff.
My grandmother had a gadget for every real or imaginary purpose and eventualities. I guess that's what happens when you get older, you have everything you need but bdays and Christmases keep happening and then people gift you stuff that you need once in a lifetime. Like, how often do you eat oysters at home and do you really need the tool to crack them open?
When she got really old her stuff overwhelmed her but she threw nothing out.
I swore to be a proud lazy minimalist.
No blender - no cleaning the blender - no blender taking space - no blender needing to get cleaned around in it's space - no blender.
Do I miss a blender?
But some people use their blender all the time. For me the blender is like an oyster cracking tool. But I love my toaster. I happily clean my toaster.
Hey, unrelated to this video I have a video series suggestion.
Based on your experience as a professional cleaner how would you prefer homes got built and what surfaces/materials would you chose?
When cleaning I often find the stuff I clean stupidly made as it requires more effort than necessary. We all know the toilet bowl without nooks and crannies and wonder why can't it be smooth?
But there are so many more details that make cleaning harder than necessary.
Such a video series would be helpful for everyone doing up their space.
I regret all the crown molding, wainscoting, and grooved baseboards on my walls. Any ornate trim, lighting, or hardware means tricky cleaning, especially if it's painted white or a dark colour. White and dark hard flooring is bad, too, especially if you have pets. I love my new floor with its various shades of white, grey, and tan; the mud and dog hair blends right in. White carpet is never a good idea in any room. I regret choosing quartz countertops after learning about the lung disease it causes to workers in fabrication and cutting; granite is back.
Very good advice
Try hot water and liquid fabric softener for greasy cabinets. Cleans better than any cleaner and smells good. (Use this on any walls etc.) got this tip from a housekeeper . I only buy fabric softener to clean with . Also Vaseline on stove tops..cleans great shines and protects against future spills. The reason they work is it takes oil to clean oil. Try it! Much less scrubbing! You are welcome ❤
Great tips
I'm always so motivated after watching your videos to clean and then I think to myself a year from now I'm going to have to do it all over again. 😅
I get a little more motivated to clean after finding new cleaners in the Dollar store. They always have something new in that isle. Anyone else?
I found an oven liner on Amazon and I can't imagine living without one. After a few pizzas cooked on the rack, there's enough in the bottom to make a smoky smell. I can just pull it off and rinse it on the sink. It even has grooves which make it even easier to clean.
I got a silicone oven liner and loved it... until I baked sourdough bread at 500F and the liner cracked all over. I think I need a foil one.
Yeah, silicone is safe to 400°F, maybe 425°. At 450°F it starts to discolor. Above that it loses structural integrity. Take your liners out before bread baking and self cleaning. 😬
It is easier for me to do just one shelf a day of the frig. Small chunks is my motto these days!😊 If I want to do more it gets done too. Good video!
This might help in that task. Amazon has shelf liners for fridges. I've used them for years - you can get them in different colors which keeps the shelves bright and cheery (which means it's also easy to see any spills or food gunk. They protect your shelves and are super easy to clean - just remove and use warm to hot water to wash off, I've even stuck mine in the dishwasher. Very inexpensive and makes cleaning the fridge just super easy.
thank you for so many tips!
One more suggestion, the oven door is usually easy to remove on most ovens. There may be a little metal locing clip on the oven where the door hinges meet the oven on each side and you pull the clip towards you to unlock the door and then you can pull the door straight up and then out to remove it. This makes cleaning the oven interior much easier without the door it the way .
I’m starting to super clean my house next week. This helps with tips and motivation
Don't hit the light bulb with anything wet!
The shock I got set me solidly back on my backside on the kitchen floor!
We have a cleaner during the week to help out around the house… and one near trick she taught me was when I burnt rice onto a stainless steel pot, she placed a bounce sheet on the burnt area, some dish soap, and water. She soaked that and it’ll easily remove the burnt rice easily after a few hours 😮
Just a quick suggestion, using a toothbrush works well. However, I have found that a tooth brush for dentures to be helpful too. They're a lot firmer than the usual ones and on the other side is a cone-shaped brush. Perfect for getting into those small corners on your cupboard doors!
Cleaning cupboard doors today! Thanks for the tip! The hinges are definitely a problem!
Half inch paint brush. I use one for cleaning the grooves around saucepans and anything with hard to get into crevices.
We installed flat-fronted cabinets when we updated our 60 year old kitchen. Now it takes 5 minutes to clean them all! This makes me feel so happy and motivated. I just use a microfiber that is damp with natural cleaner.
We had shaker style cabinets in our last kitchen and I swore slab fronts only for our new place. Being able to just give them a quick wipe is amazing.
Ive never had a dish washer and always wanted one. Now I'm glad and count my blessings!
Hi Melissa, I love your videos!! But I have a question about your cleaning routine: When do you do which room? For example every Monday the kitchen,every Tuesday the bath and so on or only,when you feel it's necessary? What is your cleaning schedule? Thank you for motivating me to clean more and better😉 Greetings from Germany Simone
When I’m cleaning the cooker hood, tops of kitchen cupboards or anyway particularly greasy, I use my powdered laundery detergent, either as an abrasive cleaner (and then rinsed off) or diluted in a spray bottle. It works really well on grease and it means I don’t have to buy and store yet another extra cleaning product.
I wouldn’t use it on food preparation surfaces or wood though.
✔️ Cleaning the frig is one of my favorite kitchen task to do. I use dish soap with a clean sponge, that is recommended from the manual. I do like baking soda to freshen the air.
Great video. I've never understood dirty microwaves. I don't know anything that is easier to clean. Oh, and you're absolutely adorable!
I esp liked when you filled a baggy with vinegar and attached it to the faucet. Great idea! I learned a lot of other great stuff. Thank you! 😊
Do you recommend steamer on wood cabinets? Our place has very old wooden cabinets not the updated ones in our apartment.
I like the steamer idea! I'm going to try that. I already own a nice travel steamer for clothes and it should work for this idea.
I use mine every other time I wash the sheets (so about once a month) on my mattresses. They have so many uses - just not on wood floors :)
Love your videos. They help me with cleaning motivation. I feel I really can do it! Thank you
Watching this video motivates me more to clean my kitchen.
I am very bad about cleaning my oven, but I FINALLY tackled it this week. About 6 months ago, I tried the baking soda and vinegar, and found that I still had a residue on the oven. 😢 I did the best I could. However, THIS time I used the Dawn Powerwash, and left it on for about 20 minutes. And OH MY GOODNESS! The Black mess literally just wiped off! Not so much on the door though. I'll try Barkeeper's Frien fir that. Thanks for the tips!
Tfs Melissa. I definitely learned a few tips. I would add using rubber gloves, ESPECIALLY when cleaning glass like from the fridge. When the glass is wet, it's super slippery. The rubber gloves provide a better grip.
Melissa sa dami ng mga ginagawa mong video nakakatulong ito sa amin para mapaganda yung bahay namin kasi pag may dumadarating kaming bisita dito sa bahay nakakahiyang tignan yung bahay namin unang makikita ng tao kalat at tsaka gusto ko ding tulungan maglinis ng bahay ang lola ko kasi napapagod din sya pag naglilinis ng bahay nila ako naglilinis dito sa bahay namin pag nakikita kong madumi yung sahig kailangang walisan ako nagwawalis ng sahig namin.
I needed this! My kitchen has been so messy.
Happy to help!
Please tell me if I can use a steam mop on laminate floor?
Also there have been news about not to mix any kind of cleaners like amonia ,clorox,vinegar ect with dish soap including dawn
Please what can we use enstead
Regarding vinegar not getting rid of pet urine: I’ve found the best way is to wash first with vinegar only, then wash a second time with Biokleen enzymatic cleanser. (I always add baking soda with detergent, too.) Neither one alone does the trick. Biokleen is great but it alone won’t eliminate the smell. I still smell urine!
I’ve tried nearly everything! This method was recommended in The Spruce. I tried it, it worked.
Do you recommend cleaning in-between the oven door. I'm afraid to unscrew the oven door to clean in-between the glass and the door but that is where it needs to be cleaned. I'm just afraid I won't be able to get the door and glass back together. What do you think?
I did it a few times. You could make picture to know how everything should look but it shouldnt be hard :)
Can you use the all purpose cleaner on wood cabinets, stained, not painted? And can you use steam on wood also?
I have to say that my oven is pyrolytic self cleaning which is an amazing feature so I just put it on that setting every 2-3 months and it’s as good as new again. Great tips Melissa ❤
Wow! I have never heard of this! What does pyrolytic self-cleaning mean? Is it safe for your food? I'd love to never have to scrub an oven again!! Heaven!
@@28105wsking the oven heats up to 300 degrees Celsius and burns the debris in the oven to ash which you can then wipe away once the set programme has finished and the oven has cooled back down. It’s perfectly safe to consume food cooked in the oven after it has self cleaned
Hi! Your videos just started coming up in my recommendations and I LOVE them - I’ve already watched a bunch, liked, and subscribed. (As someone with ADHD, having so many great tips to keep on top of cleaning and make it so simple is NECESSARY, let me tell you.)
Just need to point out though - my dishwasher has a pull-out filter that, according to the manual, needs to 1) be cleaned after every load (just like the dryer lint catcher thing), and 2) NEVER be cleaned with anything other than water and maybe a soft brush. This is to avoid over-sudsing that can happen when regular dishwashing liquid is used in a dishwasher. I’m lucky and have a sink in my rental unit that has a faucet with a spray option, so I usually just power blast that thing to get most the gunk off, then keep a cleaning toothbrush handy for scrubbing off the rest.
Just thought I’d point this out since you showed a clip of cleaning the filter from your old dishwasher in a sink full of water and dish soap, since your viewers might be a little over-zealous with the soap and not rinse it well enough and cause issues with their machine as a result (I mean, some of us *ahem* only realize too late that we’ve been using WAY too much product with not enough water YEARS after doing it that way, wondering why everything we’ve cleaned is always sticky… [me, just yesterday, when I finally decided to measure the PineSol-to-water ratio 😅]). So it’s really safer to just clean them with water and a toothbrush. 🙂
Thank you and Regards from Germany
Can’t find link to enzyme cleaner - where have you posted it? Great video! Love your channel!
Hi! Do you have any advice about cleaning glass stoves? Particularly like water deposit under the surface of the glass? The surface will be completely clean, but if I run my finger over the white spots under the surface, I feel slight resistance. I'm not sure how to explain, but it's not on the actual surface of the glass.
Hi, at 03:27, what steam cleaner brand/product do you recommend? Thanks!
How can I remove burned popcorn marks from the microwave? Kids gave the popcorn too much time so now the whole inside is dark it's slowly fading but I still see the stains. I tried the lemon and vinegar but it didn't work lol
A brillo pad works perfectly for the sink and drain! Shiny and bright. And if you're willing to use all purpose cleaner, clorox wipes clean up grease very very well!
LOVE these sort of videos from you and I really LOVE the blouse. Where did you get it from please?
Hi! Could you please tell me the name of the enzyme cleaner. Thank you
She’s talked about Bac-Out by Bioklean in past videos and on her website.
Do your microfiber cloths bleed? Does the color transfer? I see you cleaning your white cabinets with the beautiful cloth and I don’t see any color bleeding but I worry that different chemicals could cause the color to come off!
Love your videos. The sink is my problem area and I was hoping you're address it so thank you thank you thank you.
I started cleaning and then i found my stash of unopened snacks. Im done 😂😂
Hey...just curious why you don't put the blending jar in dishwasher...all my mixer jars go straight to dishwasher almost daily and come out sparkly clean.
I think your videos are great, so informative. Have you thought about buying an oven liner? I have found ita terrific way keep the oven easier to clean . The lineris easy to wash in the sink.
Fridge liners are fantastic as well
What type of cleaner can be used on the counters (my counters are made of HDF)?
What is your steamer of choice?
Thank you for this video... truly
Hi Melissa! Thank you for bringing me out of the fifties and into the present century of products and techniques! I have a question: badly stained cookie sheets and other metal pans that will not come clean no matter what I do: a man online said he sprayed them with oven cleaner, waited ten minutes, and they wiped so clean that they looked brand new! Is that safe to do? Will those heavy-duty chemical cleaners really wash and rinse off? I am 75 now and have arthritis so all that scrubbing is hard on every joint involved. I would really like your opinion on his tip. Is that safe? Would residues from the chemicals get into any food in the future? The pans are more than ten years old and the metals might have microscopic dents and cracks and scrapes that could hold the dangerous chemicals. But replacement is expensive. What do you think? And how often should one replace cookware for safety's sake? I can't afford to be profligate in purchases. Many thanks! Love you!
Ask for new cooking sheets for Christmas or your birthday. I always want to know what my Mother in Law wants so I am not buying her stuff she doesn’t need.
Can you make a video on gas stove grills & burners cleaning.
Yes please
I just put down luxury vinyl plank thru my condo. I know this is off topic but I would so love to get a recommendation for a good vacuum for this floor. Do you still like the microfiber product from earlier videos.
We love our Dyson stick vacuum on our luxury vinyl. We bought our vacuum when Dyson had a big sale.
I know this is an older video, so you may not remember where you got it, but can you link to that trashcan? I love it. I dont have room for one in a cabinet. That one looks good sitting out.
I warm the oven to about 150 F, and put in a bowl of ammonia (about an inch deep) and let it sit overnight, Much of the light stuff comes off, and some of the heavy stuff comes off, and the rest of it is loose. I use ammonia to finish the job. If it's really bad, I take the door off, and spray it with easy off.
I love your cleaning tips and videos.... Question what all purpose cleaner do you use?
My oven is a water cleaning oven. Put water in the bottom and run the clean cycle. Wipe out the oven and use baking soda for any tough spots (per mfg instructions).
Right now I've torn the tendon in my right rotator cuff. Surgery next week. Meanwhile typing this is killing me.
I've never heard of a water cleaning oven - what a great idea. My oven has the high heat clean, and I never use it. I clean it the way Melissa showed.
Thanks for your helpful information
What was the enzyme cleaner you recommend?
Can you do a detailed video on steam cleaning? I’ve heard not to use on cabinets, baseboards, engineered wood floors, glass, etc. as it could ruin them, strip the paint/finish & cause them to swell or crack. Are they safe? Could they be used in place of cleaners? Do they really disinfect or do they need to be on the surface for a certain amount of time? This is my favorite cleaning tool but this method seems controversial with little instruction.
Up! :)
Have you tried a waffle weave cotton towel it’s amazing to clean
I have a counter top convection toaster oven. What is proper way to clean it?
We had one and you need to unplug it first, remove the racks and tilt it forward to get most crumbs out. If there are still stuck on things you could use a damp toothbrush with baking soda or microfiber cloth to get those spots and then do a final rinse with a damp microfiber. Maybe run the racks through the dishwasher?
We alway just use a microfiber that is damp with all purpose or glass cleaner to polish the outside.
Hope this helps!
Thank-you Codie Sanchez!❤
You have a cat good for you 26:16.
This was vary helpful.
I didn't see the link to the enzyme cleaner. Would you please share
What is a good enzyme cleaner for grease splatter on cabinets 4:13
I just moved into a newly constructed apartment. The kitchen and bathroom are gorgeous. The only problem is the cabinets are full of construction debris/materials and inside the cabinets are ripped a tad and the cabinets are chipped. It drives me crazy 😢. Thank you so much for sharing 😊
I m the first one to like n comment ❤
Thanks for being here!
Think the oven door comes off, also i do the fridge in segments so its not as overwhelming, so doing the doors and door bins first then interior
A pumice stone is so much easier, for cleaning oven glass. Not the the top, but interior oven door.
That’s exactly what I need now. Thank you ❤
How often do you clean inside cabinets? I know if I don't use dishes for a time they get a layer of dust even behind closed doors. Shamefully, they get done maybe once a year. Any thoughts to prevent the dust or to make the job often?
I use Dawn for most greasy messes.
I love your videos! I notice your oven did not have any elements on the bottom. How do you clean around those?
❤want do I clean it very dusty in the kitchen and rooms what do I mix with clean with ❤❤
I am sure that I am missing it, but I don't see the link to your favorite enzyme cleaner?
What is enzyme cleaner you use?
Not seeing the link for the enzyme cleaner 😊. Did I miss it?
I would put the chilled food into a cooler if at all possible. The reason being that room temperature air hits the chilled item and water condensates on it faster than you can wipe.
Just try to wipe off the doplets of bottle of a chilled beverage on a summers day - it's impossible. As soon as you wipe there are new droplets forming.
Secondly - doing it your way you get condensation droplets on the inside of the fridge as well.
Maybe the fancy fridges have an air dehumidifier of sorts but my cheap one gets a buildup of ice on the cooling element on the back if I clean it this way because I bring so much air humidity into it.
Hence the cooler bag for products and the waiting until the fridge warmed up to room temperature before cleaning. And proper drying of fridge before turning it on again.
Put the still chilled products back inside when it has cooled down and Tada.
I couldn’t find the link for enzyme cleaner , link plz
OMG it never occurred to me that the below oven storage drawer could be removed, to clean floor beneath it. Thank you!
I know! I can now remove the rolled up towel that was blocking the cat toys from going underneath. 😂 Just remove the drawer and retrieve stuff!
I get so exasperated with myself when something so obvious and I have no idea about it until someone tells me - this is one of those times for me.
Melissa what all purpose cleaner did you use ?? Can you please reply Please and Thank you 🙏😊
dish soap and water
Where is the link to the enzyme cleaner you use? As well as scraper? TIA
Love your videos. Have you turned them all into a app. 😆 i mean have a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly cleaning routine on a app to tick off. If someone wants more info on something like clean your sink they able to click on it and it sends them straight onto your youtube to watch how you do it then once it done tick it off. Have all your hints and tips. I would love to know your scheduled with how to do it. You make things so simple
I could use some motivation right now, thanks! 👍🏻😀
We got you :)
@@cleanmyspace Please tell me if I can use the mop for sweeping also as a broom)
Thank you. But it never makes it clear on the bottles of cleaners if they are enzine cleaners or something else, I try and follow instructions but it doesn't say on the bottle what I am buying, what type of cleaners they are. I never know what I am using when I'm scrubbing 😅
Great tips
Great video! Can you offer tips on how to clean electric ovens with the element in the middle please? TFS
My electric oven's heating element just lifts up, so I can wipe and rinse the oven floor.❤
I once owned a dishwasher identical to this one, judging by the interior features. One would assume that it doesn't necessitate cleaning due to the presence of a grinder in the lower well, designed to pulverize food particles, facilitating their drainage along with the water.
Herein lies the issue. All of the water in the dishwasher is required to pass through this grinder, which essentially consists of four blades juxtaposed against a metal screen that spins to break down the food particles. Over time, this metal screen becomes obstructed by various elements like food particles that are more resistant to grinding, such as fragments of vegetable skins. Should anything extraneous inadvertently find its way into the dishwasher, like a toothpick, it tends to get lodged on the metal screen. This accumulation over time can lead to reduced pressure in the dishwasher, resulting in a weaker water spray onto the dishes and consequently, dishes that are not as clean as they once were.
If you detect such an issue, there are online resources available that provide instructions on how to access this component from within the dishwasher. Essentially, it involves removing four or five screws, after which the plastic part at the bottom of the dishwasher can be lifted and removed, revealing the well, which may contain some residual water. The grinder is housed within another plastic piece, which can be accessed by removing a screw. Once you remove the cover, the grinder and metal screen are visible.
Ultimately, we replaced our dishwasher with a model devoid of this challenging-to-clean component. To me, this feature could potentially pose a health risk from bacteria.
Cleaning a gas stove top…baked on grime that does not come up with baking soda paste sitting. Any suggestions?
Yes, I have used barkeepers friend on my glass top stove for years since they were 1st made. I'm 63, use a wet microfiber cloth rung out. It does not scratch.
I’m actually glad to see in the last 30 seconds did you don’t get all of it off?
The refrigerator: I clean one, two or maybe three shelves, door baskets or crispers at a time. It seems to take me about a half hour. It would take much longer to clean the entire frig at a time, and procrastination would creep in.
Thank you so much for your cleaning tips. New subscriber to your channel. 🎉👍🤗
Thank you, Melissa. Im deep cleaning the kitchen in this very old house Friday and today, and without a stove hood, the ceiling is dark brown! Horrors! A little Mr. Clean on a sponge and it has wiped clean. Mr. Clean and Comet worked on the cupboard doors over the stove to get the heavy gunk off, and I used a plastic scrubber to get the baked-on crud off the top of the doors without scratching the paint. Sparking now! I too am working with top-to-bottom sectional cleaning. The old linoleum floor is full of dimples and deeply embossed floral scrolls around each tile imprint, so that has required a scrubbing brush on hands and knees to get all the black dots out. Don't know how long its been since the house was deep cleaned, but you should see it now! It really is sparkling! And it feels so much better! I don't know what they are called, but I have a soft rubber thing that fits the crack between the stove and the counter. It really works. When I pulled the stove out, the wall beneath was clean and there was no food on the floor along the wall. Whatever that thingy is called, I recommend it. I found it at Walmart. Another lifesaver is an oven liner, also found at Walmart.
Yes, I found those silicone things at Walmart too. Can't imagine how much crumbs and stuff would go down that crack without them. 😊
Hi Melissa I'm New in your channel I love the way you teach how to clean because I don't like eather but I am starting a cleaning job but my problem is that I don't know how much to change and I don't know if you can tell me how can I find out some things about that I will appreciate your kindness thank you.
Liked seeing the cat play in the hall while you were workin’ on the fridge! 😂😻
Yes! There is something about seeing animals in the background or children playing in the background that is so heartwarming.
Thank you for the cleaning tips BUT WHERE did you get those cute leopard print slides???
Is your kitchen faucet brushed nickel or steel?
Hi. how often do you clean your oven? cheers
Do we need to keep the oven plug out?