CrossFit has change my life in fitness, I decided to switch from regular gym after my second baby because I need something quick, good workout and endurance. I found CrossFit and I love it! I start doing stuff I can’t before, like deadlifts, squats, lunges that was my enemies before, but in CrossFit are my best friends. I can do cardio like run, thing I never did before. CrossFit is amazing sport!
i think people are missing the point of crossfit. I dont think glassman is trying to say that CF will make u big...not as big as bodybuilder, CF wont make u strong...not as strong as powerlifer or Oly lifer or strongman, CF wont make u fast...not as fast as a sprinter, CF wont make u endurable...not as endurable as marathon runner.... but what CF will do for you is that when ur friend Jimmy down the street ask you if you wanna go for a bikeride, you will be able to do it and you will be able to do it faster than a BB, Powerlifer, Oly lifer, Strongman, spriner, marathon runer....but not as fast as some one who primarily bikes and ocasionaly does work in the gym. its what FIT means, it meas being able to do it all and do it all in a respectable manner. CF is not for some1 who wants to build big muscles just to look good, CF is for ppl who want to move outside the gym, do runing, swimming, biking,....its for ppl who want to be FIT.
Yes, maybe you said it the best way! I was about to say almost the same thing. All guys here thinking they are smarter than Glassman FAIL miserably in explaining what Crossfit is or not. Again, you smartasses- crossfitters are not better than powerlifters, sprinters, marathoners, gymnasts, cyclists, rowers, swimmers or even triathletes, decathletes etc. They are better than all those guys in almost everything but their master discipline!!! BECAUSE the purpose is general broad fitness, which in life is more useful, than looking good and big only, or being fastest in 100-400m only, or being able to deadlift 900lbs only. We are just better than you smartasses in almost everything, except what you do day-by day. You specialize and suck at too many things and have too many deficiencies. We don't specialize and work on deficiencies to become better physically at any challenge. This is a long long road but we will love to face many more tasks and skills that are thrown at us. I think one day basic or intermediate parkour skills and challenges will be taught and trained. That is a process of evolution. There will be always things that we have never tried or trained- the unknown and unknowable elements, but life is short and we just enjoy the journey of becoming better at so many different things... Oh, I also come from a bodyquilding background, but people coming from gymnastics or rowing or track and field or bodybuilding, tend to be better crossfitters than people who just started crossfit from zero. It is just because we have already build solid foundation and strength than the rest which puts you on a different level and still sometimes you suck at multiple pushups and other bodyweight moves for time, because someone 50lbs lighter than you flies through those moves. Examples with other sports are given to display deficiencies and why they can''t make you fit in its true definition. Nothing else. I've build my strength with squats and deadlifts and rows, not with abductor machines, just as a true bodybuilder, but in CrossFit I focus on so many other things I was not capable of doing before or had much lower capacity.
I have agreed with crossfit before it even existed, and I also believe the principle of it translates directly to the mind as well. That's an area that hopefully will one day be explored
... Just do whatever the f u k u like .. bodybuilding , crossfit , tabletennis. whatever gives u satisfaction just enjoy your workouts and reach your own goals. just ride the road u like the most and works the best for you
A lot of good information here, some strong opinions too but I respect Glassman. He is like a grumpy professor lol. Love it or hate it Crossfit is a positive force in many peoples lives and has helped usher in an era where everyday joes and jills are actually having fun lifting iron.
Anyone who thinks bodybuilding is about lateral raises and bicep curls is either a demagogue or willfully ignorant. I'm in prep for a natural BB competition and my back days look like this:deadlifts,barbell rows, pullups, lat pulldowns and seated rows. I've also done Crossfit and a back dominant WOD would look like this: 21-15-9 of deadlifts RX'd at 185lbs and kettle bell swings @ 1.5 pood.I would argue, by this lecture that the bodybuilding workout is more "functional" than the typical CF WOD and the purpose of the bodybuilding workout is hypertrophy. Don't be a fitness gang banger and belittle training styles that are different or unfamiliar. The reality is, DIET is more important than any training modality. If your diet is locked in, rather you P-lift, CF, do body pump at a globo, O-lift, or bodybuild you'll be squared away. Stop listening to Robb Wolf and Gary Taubes scare you out of eating carbs and food with gluten and check out people like Chris Aceto, Chad Nichols, and Alan Aaragon.That said, Glassman has the best business mind the fitness industry has seen since the Weider brothers and Joe Gold.
He's trying to say, in a douchy way albeit, that things like bodybuilding and running aren't efficient ways of getting fit by definition, yet this is was and pretty much still is the dominant perception people have today. He's also failing to acknowledge the utility and purpose of bodybuilding, which is kindof a shame. Ultimately we can all learn from one another, really
I agree but I think you're missing his point. Or maybe he's misspeaking. The successful athletes in bodybuilding and endurance training alike utilize high-intensity training for their sport. The average joe waters down all the intensity out of it (BB, distance running, et al) and expects the same results. And the commercial world around these low intensity versions of sport share a late portion of the blame because they encourage that rather than slapping joe in the face and saying run harder and lift heavier. CrossFit isn't anything new. It never was. It just uses the best from everything else. They didn't invent anything.
Jon Wearden I believe that these sort of talks are coming out (judging other forms of fitness) because CF receives so much judgement from all of the other forms of exercise?
I agree that he was a bit crude with his approach to some of the things he said, but rebuttals like this annoy me. I had this argument with a coworker. How can you argue that less is more? I'm not sure what Crossfit program you did, but as a former bodybuilder and current Crossfit athlete, I can attest that as far as functional movements go, Crossfit is far ahead. I know what it feels like to go bodybuilding in the gym and never even raise your heart rate outside of a max rep. I know what it's like to do nothing but prime your muscles doing repetitive workouts for years just to look like a bodybuilder until the muscle damage wears off; and to never have consistent weight due to building muscle the "bodybuilder" way, putting water into your muscle to give the aesthetics of being massive, yet lacking functionability and speed. I was my fittest in life approaching athletics in the Crossfit way, even before Crossfit existed.
true, but those people shouldn't be called the definition of fit. I think that's what Glassman is saying. Personally, I think it's pointless and shallow to want to only look good, but I respect that stance. Those people just have no place at all even in fitness discussions as far as I'm concerned, so they shouldn't even be posting here. It's like inviting Pro Wrestlers to a meeting of MMA fighter, grapplers, and boxers. They don't belong.
That's because bashing CrossFit is a GOOD thing. Plus most of it is just jokes because nobody takes CrossFit seriously, this guy is being SERIOUS when he's bashing everything but CrossFit.
Never forget that "crossfit" is not a training neither a nutrition systems itself: it is only a trademark and a business. I realize I've seen people doing "crossfit" since very, very long time ago without having any idea of what is "crossfit" about. They did "cross training", combining running, cycling, swimming, lifting weights, rope and wall climbing, military obstacle course, and other army-style training, as I did myself wen I was in the army at a unit of high mountain skiers-climbers, and after in the civil life. But suddendly appears somebody who put a name on it, and...a new business appears.
This guy is as smart as he is cocky. He managed to convince hundreds of thousands of people that he invented something new even if CrossFit is just a form of circuit training with functional movements. I did this kind of training in middle school in the 70s
I can't believe how everyone is bashing the video. There is truth and there is a lie. He has a brash way of speaking, but the bottom line is that it speaks for itself. There has notoriously been a convoluted definition of fitness in the so called fitness world. Fitness is not about what you want. It's about what works. I hear way too many people coming on here and getting butt hurt over him bashing BB. I was a bodybuilder. I take no offense. So many people keep talking about Competition vs. looking good. If you want to be fit in the truest sense, there is only one way to approach it. It doesn't matter how you take that fact, it's still the truth. You have to be rounded. Take a bodybuilder and put him through muscle confusion workouts and see if your stupid fantasies become reality.
I get the feeling with a lot of the stupid comments I'm seeing on here, that most of you people have only seen your teenage stripper cousins attempting crossfit and wearing the tee-shirt, and seem to think that's the pedigree of a crossfit athlete.
Actually, that's quite the opposite. What turned me off to BB somewhat is that you go in the gym and neglect so many of the minor muscle groups including cardio, only to work major muscles of the upper and lower body for mass, then do low weights and similar workouts for definition. It's so limited. That's why BB like you will look ridiculous if asked to run a sprint or perform any explosive plyometric movement. Your backwards philosophy is that "If I can't do it, it must not matter."
Me: "Don't fall for the trap of being too technical in your explanations..unless you're a wonkish person" Also me: "it's reciprocation or inverse blueprint for your deficiency"
There’s nothing wrong with bodybuilding if their goal is hypertrophy. CrossFit is not that great for hypertrophy but, you will build muscle and gain endurance.
Why is he bashing on other modes of fitness. Crossfit is it's own category. No one will ever take this community seriously until the idea of,"my way or the highway" is thrown out the window.
Matt Day What is this way? I just want a good definition. Not trying to sound like an ass. The workouts will never get someone to the games unless they start adding specificity into their training.
I can't believe how everyone is bashing the video. There is truth and there is a lie. He has a brash way of speaking, but the bottom line is that it speaks for itself. There has notoriously been a convoluted definition of fitness in the so called fitness world. Fitness is not about what you want. It's about what works. I hear way too many people coming on here and getting butt hurt over him bashing BB. I was a bodybuilder. I take no offense. So many people keep talking about Competition vs. looking good. If you want to be fit in the truest sense, there is only one way to approach it. It doesn't matter how you take that fact, it's still the truth. You have to be rounded. Take a bodybuilder and put him through muscle confusion workouts and see if your stupid fantasies become reality.
jokatech How am I at all bashing it. I disagree with you, success is defined differently by everyone who achieves it. Same with fitness. A fit powerlifter is sure as hell different from a fit bodybuilder. Bottom line it's all about what you want not what society sets as a standard.
I managed to watch it completely now. Well...I don't know. Training is an multi-dimensional optimization problem. Everybody who has ever solved an optimization problem in real live knows that to define an optimization problem you need to define an objective function. This objective function, depending on the field, is also called loss function, utility function (in economics) or cost function in the literature. If you use and meta-heuristic from the world of evolutionary algorithms, like a genetic algorithm, to optimize your problem, this function is called FITNESS FUNCTION. The answer to the question what is optimal...or what is fit....entierly depends on the definition of this function. Mr Galassman was stating that he looked at the literature from for example from scientists like Zatsiorsky and he didn't find an exact definition of "fitness". That is, because Zatsiorsky is an applied scientist and hence knows what an objective function is and hence knows it is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS TO TRY DEFINE A GENERAL OBJECTIVE FUNCTION THAT APPLIES TO EVERYBODY!!! It doesnt't make any sense! What Mr. Glassman is presenting as "a scientific definition of fitness" is a little bit of high school physics but no exact definition. If you define fitness as the integral (area) under the power per time diagram as he did, which is by the way nothing more than "work" , the MARATHON RUNNER, LONG DISTANCE CYCLIST, TRIATHLETES WILL ALWAYS DWARFE ELITE CROSSFITTER LIKE RICH FRONING!!!!! Because they can keep a quite heavy Watt output for several hours. So if you want to level the field between an olympic weightlifter, 100 meter sprinter and a marathon runner in a general definition of fitness, you have to additional weight the part that is in the anaerobic pathway (multiply by a factor) or cap the x axis (limit the time you consider). The weighting function or the point in time you cut of the x-axis is completely arbirtray!!!!! And that is the "scientific definition of fitness" in crossfit. Completly arbitrary....and hence no definition! Work (the integral under the curve Power and t) is path dependent! Crossfitters weight different paths in different ways. I can have the same integral like "The fittest man on earth"....I just have to work longer for it. Furthermore: nobody who is an applied scientist would spent too much time thinking about a general definition especially by looking at the energy system alone(that is what he is doing), because it is pointless. There is a neuro muscular component to it. If you take a good 100m sprinter he is able to create much power in the first seconds => he is "fit" in that ATP pathway. Still he would perform below a good football player in a shuttle sprint that involves cutting. Because he can't apply his power potential because of other limited (not used to cutting, change of direction). In this special drill he would be less "fit"
Why does Crossfit feel the need to bash other training styles to prove it's the best way to train. His main argument is that training in Crossfit is better because it has a higher intensity due to a greater Power output (P=W/t). Yes, Crossfit does involve exercises that require high amounts of power output ( olympic lifts, squats, deadlifts), however, they are performed over a long time period, so the Work (weight) has to be greatly decreased and the time is increased.. Look at the popular crossfit "WOD" Isabel. If you are using 135 lbs (61.4 kg) and it takes you 5 min (300sec).. Then P = 204 Watts. So now, let's take that same weight and perform it once explosively, ~0.8 seconds. Then P= 76750 Watts. So power output is much greater in a single explosive lift, meaning it has a greater Intensity and more effective, right? I know I didn't account for rest breaks during Isabel but I was using his logic. I think the take home message from this video is let Glassman define "Fitness" however he wants, but the truth is Fitness isn't the same as athleticism. Some of the best athletes in the world would suck at Crossfit but that doesn't mean that they would be better athletes if they started doing daily wods, it would actually make them worse. If Usain Bolt improved his Fran time, do you really think he could run faster? True athletes, and real strength coaches, know that to improve your performance you need specificity and structure to your training, and tossing together random exercises together that are difficult don't illicit that. The best part about all this is that the competitors that do well at the Crossfit games don't train randomly in true "Crossfit style" throughout the year. Their programs are set up much like elite athletes with strength, power, and specific prep phases so that they are peaking by the time the games come around.
I actually forgot to factor in all 30 reps for Isabel. A 5min Isabel would have a total P= 6140, still lower than a single rep at the same weight done explosively.
I'm interested in your take and I'm trying to work out your math. The formula is P=(Work/Time) where work = Force x displacement. Your example doesn't include a displacement metric so I'll just assume we are talking about raising the bar to 7' or 2.13m (assuming in a snatch a person raises the bar approx body height and catches in a squat then presses to overhead). I'm also converting 61.4kg to Newtons so we can get Watts. So: P = (xN times xM / seconds) which gives us P = (602.12N x 2.13m) / .8 Power = 1603 Watts PER LIFT which means we are creating about 2.13hp. That's what I got. Your suggestion that a person can lift once at 76,750 watts means they are operating at 102.3 horsepower. That's very impressive. Would you mind showing your math so I could compare and contrast if I'm wrong somewhere? Thanks!
Cross Fit's purpose is to make money for its owners/investors. and there is nothing wrong with that. It's no different than Zumba. the Ab-Doer or Piloxing in that respect. It's a mindless workout, based on "little" science to make overeager 18-35 year olds "sore". So they can say they had a "great workout". And they are very successful at accomplishing it. I'd bet a majority of the Crossfit followers also were Obama voters. Short term sales pitch sounds great. Long term results.....not so much.
As a triathlete my self. I gotta say he is right and wrong. When it comes to intensity hr and power are both used. As a triathlete both go hand in hand but heart rate (hr) is mostly used if you can't spend 1000$ dollars on a power meter on your bike. Either way both go hand in hand but the best way to train is power and hr together.
Heart rate is a corollary of intensity, but it isn’t the definition. If someone points a gun at my head, my heart rate will undoubtedly skyrocket, but it isn’t intensity. Force x distance / time IS the definition of absolute intensity.
i love crossfit the variety is awesome, but beating down bodybuilding is something i cant get on board with. crossfit is the best thing to happen to the fitness world (and the shoes are great) its great entertainment but its not the answer only part of the solution. at least glassman looks better here than he does now. bodybuilding was around long before and so much is taken from it. not to mention bodybuilders are the most goal driven people ever.
I won't be as all the others crossfit-rashers or crossfiters that bash ridicule other sports. Lately I have been reading from crossfit how people should not bash crossfit and should give it a chance. But isn't crossfit doing that to all the others, just because they are doing something specific ?! Even in this talk we have heard how triathlon or marathon are NOT intensive workouts ?? If you claim that, then you have not conducted a triathlon or a marathon! Just try running a marathon in just above 2h (which is the world record for men) and see if that is not intense (that would be over 20km/h in avarage speed). Or triathlon where people cover amazing distances in i humane speed. And Glassman says heart rate and lactate threshold are irrelevant and don't tell anything! I'll agree that max heart rate is irrelevant, but resting heart rate and lactate threshold are directly related to the level of your cardio-respiratory fitness! Q=SvxHr this means that cardiac output is a product of your heart rate and the stroke volume! Also, high intensity training (HIT) is not beneficial for everyone. Would you put a cancer survivor on any type of workout of high intensity ? The person that has been ravaged both physical and psychological by the disease and chemo treatment. As a physio I would never because you would have to build that person up gradually over long period of time starting with LOW intensity. Functionality is something that can\t be generalized it should be specialized! There are some functional movements that are global; squatting, jumping, walking etc. If you are a runner; running is your functionality, swimmer; swimming etc. I don't know what Glassman is by education: but we all know that high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides are not the causes of cardiac related disease, but just risk factors and predictors. And, yes peoples ADL and eating habits are the problem and the cause of the same. This has been common knowledge longer then crossfits existence. Bit more humbleness from crossfits side would help them to be accepted in general population because they did not invent community based environment as specialty which exists in all the other sports (just check out climbing) in addition to HIT, functional movement screen, gymnastics, Olympic weight lifting, swimming, running or any other of the disciplines that are being utilized in crossfit. Yes, you put them together and made crossfit out of it; you'll have credit for that! Best regards Bojan MFT
There are always "some truths" in every crossfit lecture or workout I've seen, just not enough research, like years of research, to prove anything. He is a great salesman though. I'd buy his stuff, whatever it is, lol
where is cosine(thetha) thats suppose to be multiplied displacement(aka distance according to this guy), is it the angle to which the joints eventually snap when doing unnecessary heavy snatches over the head?
I joined crossfit 3 months ago...and i love it...but downgrading other fitness aspects like bodybuilding and Marthon not ok....crossfitters cant lift like a bodybuilder....cant have the cardioviscular strength like a marthon runner or even the speed of 100m2 Runner....even a 16yrs chinese gymnastic girl can butterfly pullup better than an expert crossfiter...a russian weightlifter can lift way more than a is a jack of all trades...but its nice
Your physique doesn't necessarily allude to performance or better yet it doesn't always depict a level of fitness that the Games athletes possess. That is what this is about. The fact of the matter is, people should be less concerned with their appearance and more concerned about quality of life which has a correlation with your level of "Fitness". How "Hypertrophic" you are isn't necessarily going to allow you to have the capacity to engage in movement efficiency when it comes to moving large loads, over a long distance, in a short amount of time. Or being able to just that yet have the capacity to run 2 miles in under 13 and a half minutes or so right after doing Power Cleans, Snatches, Handstand Push Ups, Ring Muscle Ups, or Kettlebell Swings. How well you can minimize your rest interval while you are working is what will allow you to complete the "tasks" for lack of better term, as fast as you can. The idea here is to utilize the functional movement your body affords you in all aspects of fitness. Whether it be low reps or high reps, heavy loads or light loads, or applying skill and technique through gymnastic based movements. This is about being a GENERALIST in the world of performance, not a SPECIALIST.
It took me the half of his lecture to understand that i was wasting my time. I only took some time to comment because I wanted to save some others waste their time.
This man is so full of crap I couldn't even finish the video. Talks in a very disrespectful manner so of course many people won't respect what he had to say. (I'm not against crossfit but to make a statement that it is the only correct way to train or that their scientific terms are the only correct terms is ignorance) he gives a physics definition for power, yet to train power you need to also train for speed and strength. Doesn't cross fit contain workout movements that are the same movements used in body building and power lifting?? So he is telling me that a body builder or power lifter are wrong in their techniques for exercises?....right. let's get rid of all the Olympic power lifting competitions and replace them with cross fit competitions. Each type of training has different goals and can sometimes be defined in the name of the training itself. Body building=to build the body (for looks) Power lifting=move the heaviest weight you possibly can (not for looks) Sprinting=run as fast as you can in a short distance (not for long distance) Long distance running=run a long distance in fastest time possible (for long distance) To talk down on a certain type of training because it does not have your goal in mind is just ignorance in my opinion. Just look for that type of training that has your specific goal in mind. If you put a person who only trains for crossfit competition in a boxing match with a person who only trains for a boxing match(a boxer). ...the boxer will win simply by out performing the other person by having the better technique for that sport. And it goes the other way around, the boxer will lose to a "crossfitter" in a crossfit competition. Thanks for reading
whilst i agree its not great to not allow people to go about what they wish to do. crossfit set out to create a broad inclusive fitness program for the masses who have been misinformed about fitness and health in the past. the point of using this fitness program in sports such as boxing (not stating that the sport doesn't require skill to perform well) but by their definition of fitness, make the fighter physically fitter. the goal of fitness which a lot of people set out to achieve cannot , by crossfit's definition, achieve this in the traditional bodybuilding/ cardio style of training.
angel lopez You missed the point. In no way was he talking down to people that train in bodybuilding or long distance running. He was simply explaining the purpose of CrossFit, why it works, and how it compares to other forms of exercising. CrossFit goal is to be as good in as many areas of fitness as possible and to not specialize. The long distance runner has been regarded by society as a very fit person for a long time but they have almost zero explosive power. Their vertical leap is almost non existent because they train their muscles only in one way. --- If we had a race between someone who only trains by running 100m sprints, someone who only runs 400m sprints, and someone who only ran 800m sprints - who would win if the competition consisted of best combined times of 100, 400, and 800. The person that runs 400s - And that person is the CrossFit athlete. That's all he is saying.
Don't fall in the trap of being to technical in your explanations? 2:32 What do you mean here? Dosent the regular lifting principles apply for CrossFit? For instance progressive overload? Please explain im here to learn
I like CrossFit, and I don't believe in "back and biceps day" or "chest day" either, but it's not like each individual CrossFit workout is exactly total body, either. Take the Annie WOD, for example. All it is are a bunch of situps and double unders with the jump rope. That's it. As one workout that's part of an entire program, it's great, but, on it's own, it's basically just "abs and calves day" with some cardio. That's a little oversimplified, but not terribly.
ZRowsdower77 Annie should be part of your workout. Annie is your metcon. You should also put in 2 strength moments to your workout. Like strict pull ups and frontsquats.
+ZRowsdower77 CrossFit workouts aren't designed with body parts in mind, so you will never see a workout pop up on that's intended for you to get a full-body workout, even though that might happen. "Annie" is meant to be a test of your jump rope skill under a fatigued state. We could care less about a person's calves, but we care about their jumping proficiency and ability to time a rope. That's athleticism.
For a workout I normally do for instance; Front squats 10-8-6-4-2-2-2, reps. shoulder press 10-8-6-4-2-2-2 reps strict pull ups, emom 10 min 5 reps, and then Fran wich is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull ups. But this is what I do to build strength and metabolic conditioning. I am not "Testing my athletisism" every day. I am doing crossfit.
I was actually thinking of getting into crossfit but after listening to this guy just dog every other method of training ... I'll stick to bodybuilding
i came to watch the purpose of Crossfit. not some bloke putting Crossfit on such a high pedestal and discriminate bobybuidling. although i am a bodybuilder myself, im not being biased at all. i wish to hear from a more open minded Crossfitter to listen to him/her talk about Crossfit since i lack the knowledge of it.
CrossFit is tough, but I recently went back to weights and cardio, can't build shit on the crossfit workouts, theyre all over the place. You'll get fit but probably not very muscular. Paleo diet sucks haha.
Jack of all trades but master of none, mediocre at everything - congratulations. Bashing bodybuilding because it doesn't have functional movement (something it doesn't NEED or WANT). Bodybuilders only need to care about the optimal method to put on muscle. I'm not even a fan of bodybuilding I'm a powerlifter - it's like bashing powerlifting for not being able to run a 4 minute mile!?! CrossFitters can't deadlift 900 pounds BECAUSE THEY DON'T NEED TO but Powerlifters do, so that's what they do.
Alex Bonesteel The amusing thing is I wrote that with no cues from other people, it must be a coincidence that so many people can have the same opinion? Oh sorry it must be a coincidence because anybody insulting your beloved CrossFit is therefore a moron. A moron who is most definitely stronger, faster and is more capable at executing 'functional movement' than 98% of all CrossFitters. training all three of speed strength, explosive strength and absolute strength is your key to becoming the best athlete (it even works in CrossFit).
Wow what a coincidence. What would you say someone who can do 300 unbroken double unders is? Not a master of double unders, no... or someone that can do 30 clean and jerk at 135 in 1:10, definitely not a master at light clean and jerks...or the guy that can do over 100 kipping pullups un- broken, there's no way you can call that guy a master of kipping pullups... Your statement: "Jack of all trades but master of none, mediocre at everything..." reveals you to be a moron, sir.
Alex Bonesteel You just answered you're on question 'master at light clean and jerks'. 'Kipping pullups' which in the eyes of EVERYBODY outside of CrossFit ARE NOT PULLUPS.
Are you seriously arguing your point right now? You said "master of none" You said that people who do CrossFit are not masters at ANYTHING. I cited examples proving you wrong and yet you still try to argue your idiotic point. If you meant something else, then you should have said something else. This brings me back to my original statement. Rather than simply regurgitating a statement like "Jack of all trades, master of none", actually THINK about what you are saying before you say it. And when you're obviously wrong, don't moronically stand behind your stupid statement (that you didn't even actually think about before you typed), instead admit that you're mistaken and move on. This is why people like you hold the rest of society back, because you'd rather delude yourself about your own knowledge, than admit to your own shortcomings and work to fix them. You can never fix the things you don't acknowledge.
So at 9 min he said that there is no Intensity in slow BodyBuilding lifting? Dude, STFU. My goodness. I like crossfit , BUT we all know there are LOTS of bad thing going on in there, for starters SUPER HIGH RISK of injuries. And I've seen many Bodybuilders beating Crossfit in WOD challenges. I'm sorry, but stick with whats good in Crossfit and stop trying to minimize all other styles of fitness and workouts. It is completely dumb to do that.
It's funny because the crossfit definition that Greg Glassman "created" was used by Bob Gajda in the mid 60's... Glassman was in 6th grade at that time.. He stole that training philosophy.
people don't seem to get Glassman. his enemy is Chronic disease. Marathoners and BodyBuilders might be a solution but it's not connecting to a lot of people and you need to be an elite athlete to be able to do marathons and bodybuilding. In Crossfit, everything can be scaled, High Intensity at the shortest possible time, is the mantra.. so even your regular joe can do CrossFit and still get the benefits of it. Simply put, I have more chance of staying with CrossFit and do it scaled and beat chronic disease, than joining triathlons and mr olympia wanabees (the latter 2 are difficult to maintain)
Sonny Borja you have to be an elite athlete to do bodybuilding? Are you serious? Bodybuilding is anti-athletic, it’s not a sport, it’s a beauty pageant! 😂
Yes, they are. If I take my 170lb body and move it the 2-3 feet (length of my arm) up and down multiple times (10-20 reps depending on proficiency), that is a heck of a lot more powerful (moving a large load a long distance quickly) than a bicep curl or a lateral raise.
A sales 'pitch' for crossfit, well done, however, his approach in delivering the message is quite solely upon just crossfit(CF). CF incorporates other training regimes into one packet, a similar scheme as P90X. Nonetheless, with all knowledge, a reference point is always a start and is cumulative in becoming effective both with quality and efficiency. To debunk other training protocols is plain arrogance and condescending. This man does not even represent the spirit of his own creation, physically that is. The crossfit has some benefits but it ain't one solution to fix all, if that was the case, rehab centers focusing on improving the biomechanics from a senior citizen or a person needing improvement on a certain limb, doing crossfit will not be the solution; how can improving a shoulder than needs rehab physically be improved by 'functional' training if other motor units will come into play as to handicap that's shoulders ability to improve? Functional training is only as good as the weakest link.
Steve Rabon The impression left is not one that can be easily read in between the lines. To be a coach of all training regimens, especially CF, one must be humble yet confident. I do not see this video being receptive for the the rehab realm.
cabbageli I agree. I would not recommend this video to anyone looking for an introduction to Crossfit. It's definitely more preaching to its choir. In the end, if using Crossfit-style workouts is best for your rehab that's great! I would hope one guy's abrasive delivery wouldn't keep people from judging the program on its actual merits.
He pretends to ne smart. He bubbles along about "accuracy" and "precision" and somehow manages to impress people with quite arbitrary and inconsisten arguments.
Halim Niazy wrong. First because everyone needs fitness, from a construction worker to my grandma. Second, CrossFit is infinitely scalable. My grandma can workout next to a CrossFit Games athlete, scaling movements, reps and weights to get he same stimulus. Did you even watch the video?
You have to love TH-cam lol. Honestly who cares just do what the hell you want. I have powerlifted in high-school for track and field(throwing). NOw I crossfit to prepare for the military.
It seems very "crossfiter" to me...And it was at the 60's as mentioned before: BTW...could be protein or BCAA shakes, or recovering drinks that many crossfiters consume, considered as a "paleo diet" having in mind that are made either in hi-tech labs or with chemical products? Where did the "real paleo people" find that sort of things, inside a mammoth or a bison after hunting them?
GEE at 12 min: Horrible definition of functional movements... He used de same definition of Power Exercises to describe Functional Exercises... Oh my... Someone tell him to research sling muscles and transfer of force for starters
I wonder if the guy even knows anything about bodybuilding? Maybe that's why people have such shitty form because they don't care about the accessory work to help build those big lifts.
WASTE OF TIME!! A very simplistic approach of exercise science in favour of what he is selling. The hard thing for every one is to read some exercise physiology to learn about the nature of Intensity as a characteristic of Human movement instead to listen to him saying all these bulls.
Made it to 10 mins. This guy has no idea what he is talking about. 'Runners and Triathletes don't train to power......' Clearly he has never looked at a training plan. What an absolute donut.
What a waste of time. If this guy know anything about terms he talks about he would implement them into his own life. He mix term "intensity" and "momentum". Fast is not intense, slow is. One who do not believe, let it try out and measure number of slow vs fast repetition pull ups. I bet that you can do more fast ones... With fast movement you can only generate force that are temporarily above current muscle strength and result in injury. One example is if you do a quick sprint session. Start is always slowest as you need to overcome initial inertia. With further acceleration you generate a lot of kinetic energy that can lead into muscle tear if you come to immediate stop due some hole on track.
He’s one of the most knowledgeable guys in the fitness don’t have to be fit to have the knowledge. Just like you don’t have to have tattoos to be a good tattoo artist. YOU DUMB BASTARD!
CrossFit has change my life in fitness, I decided to switch from regular gym after my second baby because I need something quick, good workout and endurance. I found CrossFit and I love it! I start doing stuff I can’t before, like deadlifts, squats, lunges that was my enemies before, but in CrossFit are my best friends. I can do cardio like run, thing I never did before.
CrossFit is amazing sport!
i think people are missing the point of crossfit. I dont think glassman is trying to say that CF will make u big...not as big as bodybuilder, CF wont make u strong...not as strong as powerlifer or Oly lifer or strongman, CF wont make u fast...not as fast as a sprinter, CF wont make u endurable...not as endurable as marathon runner....
but what CF will do for you is that when ur friend Jimmy down the street ask you if you wanna go for a bikeride, you will be able to do it and you will be able to do it faster than a BB, Powerlifer, Oly lifer, Strongman, spriner, marathon runer....but not as fast as some one who primarily bikes and ocasionaly does work in the gym.
its what FIT means, it meas being able to do it all and do it all in a respectable manner. CF is not for some1 who wants to build big muscles just to look good, CF is for ppl who want to move outside the gym, do runing, swimming, biking,....its for ppl who want to be FIT.
Well said.
+Afterlmae best commet ever
Yes, maybe you said it the best way! I was about to say almost the same thing. All guys here thinking they are smarter than Glassman FAIL miserably in explaining what Crossfit is or not.
Again, you smartasses- crossfitters are not better than powerlifters, sprinters, marathoners, gymnasts, cyclists, rowers, swimmers or even triathletes, decathletes etc. They are better than all those guys in almost everything but their master discipline!!! BECAUSE the purpose is general broad fitness, which in life is more useful, than looking good and big only, or being fastest in 100-400m only, or being able to deadlift 900lbs only.
We are just better than you smartasses in almost everything, except what you do day-by day. You specialize and suck at too many things and have too many deficiencies. We don't specialize and work on deficiencies to become better physically at any challenge. This is a long long road but we will love to face many more tasks and skills that are thrown at us. I think one day basic or intermediate parkour skills and challenges will be taught and trained. That is a process of evolution. There will be always things that we have never tried or trained- the unknown and unknowable elements, but life is short and we just enjoy the journey of becoming better at so many different things...
Oh, I also come from a bodyquilding background, but people coming from gymnastics or rowing or track and field or bodybuilding, tend to be better crossfitters than people who just started crossfit from zero. It is just because we have already build solid foundation and strength than the rest which puts you on a different level and still sometimes you suck at multiple pushups and other bodyweight moves for time, because someone 50lbs lighter than you flies through those moves.
Examples with other sports are given to display deficiencies and why they can''t make you fit in its true definition. Nothing else. I've build my strength with squats and deadlifts and rows, not with abductor machines, just as a true bodybuilder, but in CrossFit I focus on so many other things I was not capable of doing before or had much lower capacity.
Afterlmae then just run, swin and bike.
Just like that
no disrespect to any of the flow masters out there but this is without question the best opening lecture of the seminar i've ever seen
Come on, who does back and bis on Monday? Everyone knows Monday is international chest day!
CoachMrFoster God bless you, dude! lol
😂 the truth is recognized when heard
He did say he was rusty at this
I revisited this video after watching it 4 years ago. Still brilliant. Still pivotal in modern fitness. I’m constantly inspired. Must rewatch often!
Just watching again today, and so thankful I found CrossFit in 2011 when it was still led by the creator.
I have agreed with crossfit before it even existed, and I also believe the principle of it translates directly to the mind as well. That's an area that hopefully will one day be explored
Have you identified a practice that applies the ‘CrossFit’ principles to the mind?
Watching this before my exam next weekend!...
... Just do whatever the f u k u like .. bodybuilding , crossfit , tabletennis. whatever gives u satisfaction just enjoy your workouts and reach your own goals. just ride the road u like the most and works the best for you
i think it good to have more of these videos, knowing is half the battle won
A lot of good information here, some strong opinions too but I respect Glassman. He is like a grumpy professor lol. Love it or hate it Crossfit is a positive force in many peoples lives and has helped usher in an era where everyday joes and jills are actually having fun lifting iron.
Anyone who thinks bodybuilding is about lateral raises and bicep curls is either a demagogue or willfully ignorant. I'm in prep for a natural BB competition and my back days look like this:deadlifts,barbell rows, pullups, lat pulldowns and seated rows. I've also done Crossfit and a back dominant WOD would look like this: 21-15-9 of deadlifts RX'd at 185lbs and kettle bell swings @ 1.5 pood.I would argue, by this lecture that the bodybuilding workout is more "functional" than the typical CF WOD and the purpose of the bodybuilding workout is hypertrophy. Don't be a fitness gang banger and belittle training styles that are different or unfamiliar. The reality is, DIET is more important than any training modality. If your diet is locked in, rather you P-lift, CF, do body pump at a globo, O-lift, or bodybuild you'll be squared away. Stop listening to Robb Wolf and Gary Taubes scare you out of eating carbs and food with gluten and check out people like Chris Aceto, Chad Nichols, and Alan Aaragon.That said, Glassman has the best business mind the fitness industry has seen since the Weider brothers and Joe Gold.
He's trying to say, in a douchy way albeit, that things like bodybuilding and running aren't efficient ways of getting fit by definition, yet this is was and pretty much still is the dominant perception people have today. He's also failing to acknowledge the utility and purpose of bodybuilding, which is kindof a shame. Ultimately we can all learn from one another, really
I agree but I think you're missing his point. Or maybe he's misspeaking. The successful athletes in bodybuilding and endurance training alike utilize high-intensity training for their sport. The average joe waters down all the intensity out of it (BB, distance running, et al) and expects the same results. And the commercial world around these low intensity versions of sport share a late portion of the blame because they encourage that rather than slapping joe in the face and saying run harder and lift heavier.
CrossFit isn't anything new. It never was. It just uses the best from everything else. They didn't invent anything.
Jon Wearden
I believe that these sort of talks are coming out (judging other forms of fitness) because CF receives so much judgement from all of the other forms of exercise?
I agree that he was a bit crude with his approach to some of the things he said, but rebuttals like this annoy me. I had this argument with a coworker. How can you argue that less is more? I'm not sure what Crossfit program you did, but as a former bodybuilder and current Crossfit athlete, I can attest that as far as functional movements go, Crossfit is far ahead. I know what it feels like to go bodybuilding in the gym and never even raise your heart rate outside of a max rep. I know what it's like to do nothing but prime your muscles doing repetitive workouts for years just to look like a bodybuilder until the muscle damage wears off; and to never have consistent weight due to building muscle the "bodybuilder" way, putting water into your muscle to give the aesthetics of being massive, yet lacking functionability and speed. I was my fittest in life approaching athletics in the Crossfit way, even before Crossfit existed.
true, but those people shouldn't be called the definition of fit. I think that's what Glassman is saying. Personally, I think it's pointless and shallow to want to only look good, but I respect that stance. Those people just have no place at all even in fitness discussions as far as I'm concerned, so they shouldn't even be posting here. It's like inviting Pro Wrestlers to a meeting of MMA fighter, grapplers, and boxers. They don't belong.
When people bash on CrossFit, no one bats an eye. When people bash on bodybuilding, everyone loses their minds.
That's because bashing CrossFit is a GOOD thing. Plus most of it is just jokes because nobody takes CrossFit seriously, this guy is being SERIOUS when he's bashing everything but CrossFit.
It's because one has been studied for thousands of years in order to be safe and effective and the other is considered dangerous even by the creators.
Never forget that "crossfit" is not a training neither a nutrition systems itself: it is only a trademark and a business.
I realize I've seen people doing "crossfit" since very, very long time ago without having any idea of what is "crossfit" about. They did "cross training", combining running, cycling, swimming, lifting weights, rope and wall climbing, military obstacle course, and other army-style training, as I did myself wen I was in the army at a unit of high mountain skiers-climbers, and after in the civil life.
But suddendly appears somebody who put a name on it, and...a new business appears.
Thank you Greg Glassman for your vision!!!🏋🏻♀️
This guy is as smart as he is cocky. He managed to convince hundreds of thousands of people that he invented something new even if CrossFit is just a form of circuit training with functional movements. I did this kind of training in middle school in the 70s
I love this kind of training but just cut the crap about being the cure for all illnesses, low carb diets, conspiracies theories and the rest of it
Also no need to shit on other training styles (e.g. bodybuilders and endurance athletes) to promote your own. What a prick
I can't believe how everyone is bashing the video. There is truth and there is a lie. He has a brash way of speaking, but the bottom line is that it speaks for itself. There has notoriously been a convoluted definition of fitness in the so called fitness world. Fitness is not about what you want. It's about what works. I hear way too many people coming on here and getting butt hurt over him bashing BB. I was a bodybuilder. I take no offense. So many people keep talking about Competition vs. looking good. If you want to be fit in the truest sense, there is only one way to approach it. It doesn't matter how you take that fact, it's still the truth. You have to be rounded. Take a bodybuilder and put him through muscle confusion workouts and see if your stupid fantasies become reality.
I get the feeling with a lot of the stupid comments I'm seeing on here, that most of you people have only seen your teenage stripper cousins attempting crossfit and wearing the tee-shirt, and seem to think that's the pedigree of a crossfit athlete.
Actually, that's quite the opposite. What turned me off to BB somewhat is that you go in the gym and neglect so many of the minor muscle groups including cardio, only to work major muscles of the upper and lower body for mass, then do low weights and similar workouts for definition. It's so limited. That's why BB like you will look ridiculous if asked to run a sprint or perform any explosive plyometric movement. Your backwards philosophy is that "If I can't do it, it must not matter."
Me: "Don't fall for the trap of being too technical in your explanations..unless you're a wonkish person"
Also me: "it's reciprocation or inverse blueprint for your deficiency"
There’s nothing wrong with bodybuilding if their goal is hypertrophy. CrossFit is not that great for hypertrophy but, you will build muscle and gain endurance.
Why is he bashing on other modes of fitness. Crossfit is it's own category. No one will ever take this community seriously until the idea of,"my way or the highway" is thrown out the window.
Unless this way really is the high way.......
Just a thought
Matt Day What is this way? I just want a good definition. Not trying to sound like an ass. The workouts will never get someone to the games unless they start adding specificity into their training.
Unless maybe that person came from a background where they were already strong and a well rounded athlete
I can't believe how everyone is bashing the video. There is truth and there is a lie. He has a brash way of speaking, but the bottom line is that it speaks for itself. There has notoriously been a convoluted definition of fitness in the so called fitness world. Fitness is not about what you want. It's about what works. I hear way too many people coming on here and getting butt hurt over him bashing BB. I was a bodybuilder. I take no offense. So many people keep talking about Competition vs. looking good. If you want to be fit in the truest sense, there is only one way to approach it. It doesn't matter how you take that fact, it's still the truth. You have to be rounded. Take a bodybuilder and put him through muscle confusion workouts and see if your stupid fantasies become reality.
jokatech How am I at all bashing it. I disagree with you, success is defined differently by everyone who achieves it. Same with fitness. A fit powerlifter is sure as hell different from a fit bodybuilder. Bottom line it's all about what you want not what society sets as a standard.
I managed to watch it completely now. Well...I don't know.
Training is an multi-dimensional optimization problem. Everybody who has ever solved an optimization problem in real live knows that to define an optimization problem you need to define an objective function. This objective function, depending on the field, is also called loss function, utility function (in economics) or cost function in the literature. If you use and meta-heuristic from the world of evolutionary algorithms, like a genetic algorithm, to optimize your problem, this function is called FITNESS FUNCTION. The answer to the question what is optimal...or what is fit....entierly depends on the definition of this function.
Mr Galassman was stating that he looked at the literature from for example from scientists like Zatsiorsky and he didn't find an exact definition of "fitness". That is, because Zatsiorsky is an applied scientist and hence knows what an objective function is and hence knows it is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS TO TRY DEFINE A GENERAL OBJECTIVE FUNCTION THAT APPLIES TO EVERYBODY!!! It doesnt't make any sense!
What Mr. Glassman is presenting as "a scientific definition of fitness" is a little bit of high school physics but no exact definition. If you define fitness as the integral (area) under the power per time diagram as he did, which is by the way nothing more than "work" , the MARATHON RUNNER, LONG DISTANCE CYCLIST, TRIATHLETES WILL ALWAYS DWARFE ELITE CROSSFITTER LIKE RICH FRONING!!!!! Because they can keep a quite heavy Watt output for several hours.
So if you want to level the field between an olympic weightlifter, 100 meter sprinter and a marathon runner in a general definition of fitness, you have to additional weight the part that is in the anaerobic pathway (multiply by a factor) or cap the x axis (limit the time you consider).
The weighting function or the point in time you cut of the x-axis is completely arbirtray!!!!! And that is the "scientific definition of fitness" in crossfit. Completly arbitrary....and hence no definition!
Work (the integral under the curve Power and t) is path dependent! Crossfitters weight different paths in different ways. I can have the same integral like "The fittest man on earth"....I just have to work longer for it.
Furthermore: nobody who is an applied scientist would spent too much time thinking about a general definition especially by looking at the energy system alone(that is what he is doing), because it is pointless. There is a neuro muscular component to it. If you take a good 100m sprinter he is able to create much power in the first seconds => he is "fit" in that ATP pathway. Still he would perform below a good football player in a shuttle sprint that involves cutting. Because he can't apply his power potential because of other limited (not used to cutting, change of direction). In this special drill he would be less "fit"
Fitness is really relative to a task at hand just as survival of the fittest is dictated by the relative environment.
Keep doing CrossFit, people.
I will stay skeptic towards the man who made fun of dumbbell butterfly raise but still rocking that beer belly.
He has polio
Why does Crossfit feel the need to bash other training styles to prove it's the best way to train. His main argument is that training in Crossfit is better because it has a higher intensity due to a greater Power output (P=W/t). Yes, Crossfit does involve exercises that require high amounts of power output ( olympic lifts, squats, deadlifts), however, they are performed over a long time period, so the Work (weight) has to be greatly decreased and the time is increased..
Look at the popular crossfit "WOD" Isabel. If you are using 135 lbs (61.4 kg) and it takes you 5 min (300sec).. Then P = 204 Watts. So now, let's take that same weight and perform it once explosively, ~0.8 seconds. Then P= 76750 Watts. So power output is much greater in a single explosive lift, meaning it has a greater Intensity and more effective, right? I know I didn't account for rest breaks during Isabel but I was using his logic.
I think the take home message from this video is let Glassman define "Fitness" however he wants, but the truth is Fitness isn't the same as athleticism. Some of the best athletes in the world would suck at Crossfit but that doesn't mean that they would be better athletes if they started doing daily wods, it would actually make them worse. If Usain Bolt improved his Fran time, do you really think he could run faster? True athletes, and real strength coaches, know that to improve your performance you need specificity and structure to your training, and tossing together random exercises together that are difficult don't illicit that.
The best part about all this is that the competitors that do well at the Crossfit games don't train randomly in true "Crossfit style" throughout the year. Their programs are set up much like elite athletes with strength, power, and specific prep phases so that they are peaking by the time the games come around.
I actually forgot to factor in all 30 reps for Isabel. A 5min Isabel would have a total P= 6140, still lower than a single rep at the same weight done explosively.
I'm interested in your take and I'm trying to work out your math. The formula is P=(Work/Time) where work = Force x displacement. Your example doesn't include a displacement metric so I'll just assume we are talking about raising the bar to 7' or 2.13m (assuming in a snatch a person raises the bar approx body height and catches in a squat then presses to overhead).
I'm also converting 61.4kg to Newtons so we can get Watts.
So: P = (xN times xM / seconds) which gives us P = (602.12N x 2.13m) / .8
Power = 1603 Watts PER LIFT which means we are creating about 2.13hp.
That's what I got. Your suggestion that a person can lift once at 76,750 watts means they are operating at 102.3 horsepower. That's very impressive.
Would you mind showing your math so I could compare and contrast if I'm wrong somewhere? Thanks!
CrossFit the corporation are idiots for pushing Glassman out.
Cross Fit's purpose is to make money for its owners/investors. and there is nothing wrong with that. It's no different than Zumba. the Ab-Doer or Piloxing in that respect. It's a mindless workout, based on "little" science to make overeager 18-35 year olds "sore". So they can say they had a "great workout". And they are very successful at accomplishing it.
I'd bet a majority of the Crossfit followers also were Obama voters. Short term sales pitch sounds great. Long term results.....not so much. your money and buy your own gym, listen to your own body and you'll be way ahead in the long run.
You’re actually incorrect; crossfitters are inordinately conservative.
Why do CrossFit haters know so little about CrossFit.
As a triathlete my self. I gotta say he is right and wrong. When it comes to intensity hr and power are both used. As a triathlete both go hand in hand but heart rate (hr) is mostly used if you can't spend 1000$ dollars on a power meter on your bike. Either way both go hand in hand but the best way to train is power and hr together.
Heart rate is a corollary of intensity, but it isn’t the definition. If someone points a gun at my head, my heart rate will undoubtedly skyrocket, but it isn’t intensity. Force x distance / time IS the definition of absolute intensity.
i love crossfit the variety is awesome, but beating down bodybuilding is something i cant get on board with. crossfit is the best thing to happen to the fitness world (and the shoes are great) its great entertainment but its not the answer only part of the solution. at least glassman looks better here than he does now. bodybuilding was around long before and so much is taken from it. not to mention bodybuilders are the most goal driven people ever.
CrossFit is the funniest thing to any serious individual involved in the fitness world.
I won't be as all the others crossfit-rashers or crossfiters that bash ridicule other sports.
Lately I have been reading from crossfit how people should not bash crossfit and should give it a chance. But isn't crossfit doing that to all the others, just because they are doing something specific ?! Even in this talk we have heard how triathlon or marathon are NOT intensive workouts ?? If you claim that, then you have not conducted a triathlon or a marathon! Just try running a marathon in just above 2h (which is the world record for men) and see if that is not intense (that would be over 20km/h in avarage speed). Or triathlon where people cover amazing distances in i humane speed.
And Glassman says heart rate and lactate threshold are irrelevant and don't tell anything! I'll agree that max heart rate is irrelevant, but resting heart rate and lactate threshold are directly related to the level of your cardio-respiratory fitness! Q=SvxHr this means that cardiac output is a product of your heart rate and the stroke volume! Also, high intensity training (HIT) is not beneficial for everyone. Would you put a cancer survivor on any type of workout of high intensity ? The person that has been ravaged both physical and psychological by the disease and chemo treatment. As a physio I would never because you would have to build that person up gradually over long period of time starting with LOW intensity.
Functionality is something that can\t be generalized it should be specialized! There are some functional movements that are global; squatting, jumping, walking etc. If you are a runner; running is your functionality, swimmer; swimming etc.
I don't know what Glassman is by education: but we all know that high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides are not the causes of cardiac related disease, but just risk factors and predictors. And, yes peoples ADL and eating habits are the problem and the cause of the same. This has been common knowledge longer then crossfits existence.
Bit more humbleness from crossfits side would help them to be accepted in general population because they did not invent community based environment as specialty which exists in all the other sports (just check out climbing) in addition to HIT, functional movement screen, gymnastics, Olympic weight lifting, swimming, running or any other of the disciplines that are being utilized in crossfit. Yes, you put them together and made crossfit out of it; you'll have credit for that!
Best regards
There are always "some truths" in every crossfit lecture or workout I've seen, just not enough research, like years of research, to prove anything. He is a great salesman though. I'd buy his stuff, whatever it is, lol
Salesman is the key word. This is more of a pitch than a lecture I think
Is there enough research yet?
where is cosine(thetha) thats suppose to be multiplied displacement(aka distance according to this guy), is it the angle to which the joints eventually snap when doing unnecessary heavy snatches over the head?
Basic and effective stuff
If you're interested in more videos, check out our channel:
Dose any one know what the presenters name is. I would like to know his qualifications and his background within the fitness industry. Thanks.
Greg glassman, the founder of crossfit.
Wow CrossFit is my favorite cult-community!
No matter what
This guy is a legend
I joined crossfit 3 months ago...and i love it...but downgrading other fitness aspects like bodybuilding and Marthon not ok....crossfitters cant lift like a bodybuilder....cant have the cardioviscular strength like a marthon runner or even the speed of 100m2 Runner....even a 16yrs chinese gymnastic girl can butterfly pullup better than an expert crossfiter...a russian weightlifter can lift way more than a is a jack of all trades...but its nice
Your physique doesn't necessarily allude to performance or better yet it doesn't always depict a level of fitness that the Games athletes possess. That is what this is about. The fact of the matter is, people should be less concerned with their appearance and more concerned about quality of life which has a correlation with your level of "Fitness". How "Hypertrophic" you are isn't necessarily going to allow you to have the capacity to engage in movement efficiency when it comes to moving large loads, over a long distance, in a short amount of time. Or being able to just that yet have the capacity to run 2 miles in under 13 and a half minutes or so right after doing Power Cleans, Snatches, Handstand Push Ups, Ring Muscle Ups, or Kettlebell Swings. How well you can minimize your rest interval while you are working is what will allow you to complete the "tasks" for lack of better term, as fast as you can. The idea here is to utilize the functional movement your body affords you in all aspects of fitness. Whether it be low reps or high reps, heavy loads or light loads, or applying skill and technique through gymnastic based movements. This is about being a GENERALIST in the world of performance, not a SPECIALIST.
Quite interesting! Thanks.
I do CrossFit and I have honestly never heard 1 human talk so much shit in my entire life.
What a waste of 32 mins
It took me the half of his lecture to understand that i was wasting my time. I only took some time to comment because I wanted to save some others waste their time.
Speaking about power and strength, obviously never saw a callisthenic athlete performing planche with his fingers.
Why do I never see anyone over 50 in these classes?
This man is so full of crap I couldn't even finish the video. Talks in a very disrespectful manner so of course many people won't respect what he had to say.
(I'm not against crossfit but to make a statement that it is the only correct way to train or that their scientific terms are the only correct terms is ignorance) he gives a physics definition for power, yet to train power you need to also train for speed and strength.
Doesn't cross fit contain workout movements that are the same movements used in body building and power lifting?? So he is telling me that a body builder or power lifter are wrong in their techniques for exercises?....right. let's get rid of all the Olympic power lifting competitions and replace them with cross fit competitions.
Each type of training has different goals and can sometimes be defined in the name of the training itself.
Body building=to build the body (for looks)
Power lifting=move the heaviest weight you possibly can (not for looks)
Sprinting=run as fast as you can in a short distance (not for long distance)
Long distance running=run a long distance in fastest time possible (for long distance)
To talk down on a certain type of training because it does not have your goal in mind is just ignorance in my opinion.
Just look for that type of training that has your specific goal in mind.
If you put a person who only trains for crossfit competition in a boxing match with a person who only trains for a boxing match(a boxer). ...the boxer will win simply by out performing the other person by having the better technique for that sport.
And it goes the other way around, the boxer will lose to a "crossfitter" in a crossfit competition.
Thanks for reading
Wow very educational... Thank you for the insight!
whilst i agree its not great to not allow people to go about what they wish to do. crossfit set out to create a broad inclusive fitness program for the masses who have been misinformed about fitness and health in the past. the point of using this fitness program in sports such as boxing (not stating that the sport doesn't require skill to perform well) but by their definition of fitness, make the fighter physically fitter. the goal of fitness which a lot of people set out to achieve cannot , by crossfit's definition, achieve this in the traditional bodybuilding/ cardio style of training.
angel lopez You missed the point. In no way was he talking down to people that train in bodybuilding or long distance running. He was simply explaining the purpose of CrossFit, why it works, and how it compares to other forms of exercising. CrossFit goal is to be as good in as many areas of fitness as possible and to not specialize. The long distance runner has been regarded by society as a very fit person for a long time but they have almost zero explosive power. Their vertical leap is almost non existent because they train their muscles only in one way. --- If we had a race between someone who only trains by running 100m sprints, someone who only runs 400m sprints, and someone who only ran 800m sprints - who would win if the competition consisted of best combined times of 100, 400, and 800. The person that runs 400s - And that person is the CrossFit athlete. That's all he is saying.
Glad to see that I am not the only one who gets mad at this pseudo scientific nonsense.
Don't fall in the trap of being to technical in your explanations? 2:32 What do you mean here? Dosent the regular lifting principles apply for CrossFit? For instance progressive overload? Please explain im here to learn
Crossfit is awesome and all but this guy shouldn't be dogging on other sports. I wanna see him do an Ironman and then after say it wasn't intense.
🔥🔥🔥 it’s lit
I like CrossFit, and I don't believe in "back and biceps day" or "chest day" either, but it's not like each individual CrossFit workout is exactly total body, either. Take the Annie WOD, for example. All it is are a bunch of situps and double unders with the jump rope. That's it. As one workout that's part of an entire program, it's great, but, on it's own, it's basically just "abs and calves day" with some cardio. That's a little oversimplified, but not terribly.
ZRowsdower77 Annie should be part of your workout. Annie is your metcon. You should also put in 2 strength moments to your workout. Like strict pull ups and frontsquats.
+ZRowsdower77 CrossFit workouts aren't designed with body parts in mind, so you will never see a workout pop up on that's intended for you to get a full-body workout, even though that might happen. "Annie" is meant to be a test of your jump rope skill under a fatigued state. We could care less about a person's calves, but we care about their jumping proficiency and ability to time a rope. That's athleticism.
For a workout I normally do for instance; Front squats 10-8-6-4-2-2-2, reps.
shoulder press 10-8-6-4-2-2-2 reps
strict pull ups, emom 10 min 5 reps, and then Fran wich is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull ups.
But this is what I do to build strength and metabolic conditioning. I am not "Testing my athletisism" every day. I am doing crossfit.
I was actually thinking of getting into crossfit but after listening to this guy just dog every other method of training ... I'll stick to bodybuilding
Have fun but you're missing out. Regardless of what glassman says, crossfit is fun and gets results
i came to watch the purpose of Crossfit. not some bloke putting Crossfit on such a high pedestal and discriminate bobybuidling. although i am a bodybuilder myself, im not being biased at all. i wish to hear from a more open minded Crossfitter to listen to him/her talk about Crossfit since i lack the knowledge of it.
This IS the explanation buddy. Open your ears
Steve Ornelas Buddy...this explanation is BULSHIT.
HAHAHA!!! The 20 pound wall ball is my go-to ball.
CrossFit is tough, but I recently went back to weights and cardio, can't build shit on the crossfit workouts, theyre all over the place. You'll get fit but probably not very muscular. Paleo diet sucks haha.
Jack of all trades but master of none, mediocre at everything - congratulations. Bashing bodybuilding because it doesn't have functional movement (something it doesn't NEED or WANT). Bodybuilders only need to care about the optimal method to put on muscle. I'm not even a fan of bodybuilding I'm a powerlifter - it's like bashing powerlifting for not being able to run a 4 minute mile!?! CrossFitters can't deadlift 900 pounds BECAUSE THEY DON'T NEED TO but Powerlifters do, so that's what they do.
You should try having your own opinion rather than simply regurgitating what other morons say.
Alex Bonesteel The amusing thing is I wrote that with no cues from other people, it must be a coincidence that so many people can have the same opinion? Oh sorry it must be a coincidence because anybody insulting your beloved CrossFit is therefore a moron. A moron who is most definitely stronger, faster and is more capable at executing 'functional movement' than 98% of all CrossFitters. training all three of speed strength, explosive strength and absolute strength is your key to becoming the best athlete (it even works in CrossFit).
Wow what a coincidence.
What would you say someone who can do 300 unbroken double unders is? Not a master of double unders, no... or someone that can do 30 clean and jerk at 135 in 1:10, definitely not a master at light clean and jerks...or the guy that can do over 100 kipping pullups un- broken, there's no way you can call that guy a master of kipping pullups...
Your statement: "Jack of all trades but master of none, mediocre at everything..." reveals you to be a moron, sir.
Alex Bonesteel You just answered you're on question 'master at light clean and jerks'. 'Kipping pullups' which in the eyes of EVERYBODY outside of CrossFit ARE NOT PULLUPS.
Are you seriously arguing your point right now? You said "master of none" You said that people who do CrossFit are not masters at ANYTHING. I cited examples proving you wrong and yet you still try to argue your idiotic point. If you meant something else, then you should have said something else.
This brings me back to my original statement. Rather than simply regurgitating a statement like "Jack of all trades, master of none", actually THINK about what you are saying before you say it. And when you're obviously wrong, don't moronically stand behind your stupid statement (that you didn't even actually think about before you typed), instead admit that you're mistaken and move on. This is why people like you hold the rest of society back, because you'd rather delude yourself about your own knowledge, than admit to your own shortcomings and work to fix them. You can never fix the things you don't acknowledge.
He basically shooting down the Body For Life routine workouts... The strange thing is he looks like he couldn't complete a simple workout...
He has polio
So at 9 min he said that there is no Intensity in slow BodyBuilding lifting? Dude, STFU. My goodness. I like crossfit , BUT we all know there are LOTS of bad thing going on in there, for starters SUPER HIGH RISK of injuries. And I've seen many Bodybuilders beating Crossfit in WOD challenges. I'm sorry, but stick with whats good in Crossfit and stop trying to minimize all other styles of fitness and workouts. It is completely dumb to do that.
But.. my bicep curls help me lift my grocery bags.. Isn't that functional?
Vivek there is no way you can argue it though.
It's funny because the crossfit definition that Greg Glassman "created" was used by Bob Gajda in the mid 60's... Glassman was in 6th grade at that time.. He stole that training philosophy.
people don't seem to get Glassman. his enemy is Chronic disease. Marathoners and BodyBuilders might be a solution but it's not connecting to a lot of people and you need to be an elite athlete to be able to do marathons and bodybuilding. In Crossfit, everything can be scaled, High Intensity at the shortest possible time, is the mantra.. so even your regular joe can do CrossFit and still get the benefits of it. Simply put, I have more chance of staying with CrossFit and do it scaled and beat chronic disease, than joining triathlons and mr olympia wanabees (the latter 2 are difficult to maintain)
Sonny Borja you have to be an elite athlete to do bodybuilding? Are you serious? Bodybuilding is anti-athletic, it’s not a sport, it’s a beauty pageant! 😂
Thats the founder of Crossfit, Greg Glassman.
-Early Bird Picker , reselling from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA, North America
Did he just say "pullups" are moving a large load a far distance?
Yes, they are. If I take my 170lb body and move it the 2-3 feet (length of my arm) up and down multiple times (10-20 reps depending on proficiency), that is a heck of a lot more powerful (moving a large load a long distance quickly) than a bicep curl or a lateral raise.
He did not say a thing about yoga. Wonder why? Maybe because it does the same thing but without all the hype.
Lilacplane you have no clue. 🤦🏻♂️
A sales 'pitch' for crossfit, well done, however, his approach in delivering the message is quite solely upon just crossfit(CF). CF incorporates other training regimes into one packet, a similar scheme as P90X. Nonetheless, with all knowledge, a reference point is always a start and is cumulative in becoming effective both with quality and efficiency.
To debunk other training protocols is plain arrogance and condescending.
This man does not even represent the spirit of his own creation, physically that is.
The crossfit has some benefits but it ain't one solution to fix all, if that was the case, rehab centers focusing on improving the biomechanics from a senior citizen or a person needing improvement on a certain limb, doing crossfit will not be the solution; how can improving a shoulder than needs rehab physically be improved by 'functional' training if other motor units will come into play as to handicap that's shoulders ability to improve? Functional training is only as good as the weakest link.
Steve Rabon The impression left is not one that can be easily read in between the lines. To be a coach of all training regimens, especially CF, one must be humble yet confident. I do not see this video being receptive for the the rehab realm.
cabbageli I agree. I would not recommend this video to anyone looking for an introduction to Crossfit. It's definitely more preaching to its choir. In the end, if using Crossfit-style workouts is best for your rehab that's great! I would hope one guy's abrasive delivery wouldn't keep people from judging the program on its actual merits.
He pretends to ne smart. He bubbles along about "accuracy" and "precision" and somehow manages to impress people with quite arbitrary and inconsisten arguments.
But it’s not tailored exercise program so it’s not for everyone specially beginners who is not an athlete or used to do sports
Halim Niazy wrong. First because everyone needs fitness, from a construction worker to my grandma. Second, CrossFit is infinitely scalable. My grandma can workout next to a CrossFit Games athlete, scaling movements, reps and weights to get he same stimulus. Did you even watch the video?
Very disappointed of what its coming out of this out of shape person's mouth... Videos like this will keep people from giving it a try
You have to love TH-cam lol. Honestly who cares just do what the hell you want. I have powerlifted in high-school for track and field(throwing). NOw I crossfit to prepare for the military.
He reminds me of a pastor who swears
makes sense.
I agree with you sheish
Why is he out of shape .
Gosh. What a rude, angry man!
It seems very "crossfiter" to me...And it was at the 60's as mentioned before:
BTW...could be protein or BCAA shakes, or recovering drinks that many crossfiters consume, considered as a "paleo diet" having in mind that are made either in hi-tech labs or with chemical products?
Where did the "real paleo people" find that sort of things, inside a mammoth or a bison after hunting them?
clastos very few people follow the paleo diet in CrossFit. Very very few.
GEE at 12 min: Horrible definition of functional movements... He used de same definition of Power Exercises to describe Functional Exercises... Oh my... Someone tell him to research sling muscles and transfer of force for starters
I wonder if the guy even knows anything about bodybuilding? Maybe that's why people have such shitty form because they don't care about the accessory work to help build those big lifts.
Could he please stop talking that pseudo science nonsense? Thanks
Glassman cleaned up his image a tiny bit, but he still spills BS info out of his ass and makes up definitions to fit his own purpose.
Anyone else feel absolutely dumb while listening to this?
Why this dude acting like he's teaching a class lol
Funniest thing on the video, demonstrating the "gym" move wrong! Hahaha
A very simplistic approach of exercise science in favour of what he is selling.
The hard thing for every one is to read some exercise physiology to learn about the nature of Intensity as a characteristic of Human movement instead to listen to him saying all these bulls.
Made it to 10 mins. This guy has no idea what he is talking about. 'Runners and Triathletes don't train to power......'
Clearly he has never looked at a training plan.
What an absolute donut.
No 2 crossfitter in the world runs 5k in over 20minutes. Self proclaimed fittest athletes apparently...pah.
Bet very few 5k competitors could Deadlift more than 300lbs...
What a waste of time. If this guy know anything about terms he talks about he would implement them into his own life. He mix term "intensity" and "momentum". Fast is not intense, slow is. One who do not believe, let it try out and measure number of slow vs fast repetition pull ups. I bet that you can do more fast ones...
With fast movement you can only generate force that are temporarily above current muscle strength and result in injury. One example is if you do a quick sprint session. Start is always slowest as you need to overcome initial inertia. With further acceleration you generate a lot of kinetic energy that can lead into muscle tear if you come to immediate stop due some hole on track.
aleksa99se intensity (power) is force/time, so the less time (fast), the more power. This is basic stuff.
19:37 fitness jajajaj
Guys , Greg is just mad because he has bad muscle bellies and shitty muscle inserts so he created crossfit
Bad vibes
Such a foul mouth.
Who cares
Buncha $.50 words amounting to a buck two-eighty of nonsense.
So much fallacy in his arguments.
this guy how can you take advise from him, go lose some weight then come give me advise.
He’s one of the most knowledgeable guys in the fitness don’t have to be fit to have the knowledge. Just like you don’t have to have tattoos to be a good tattoo artist. YOU DUMB BASTARD!