Hey Ellie! I’m just about to start labour ward as a second year and I was wondering if you could elaborate on some of the specific things you wish that you read up about before starting so that I can be extra prepared? btw love your vids :-)
Hiya! Well I went into labour ward and I was just so unsure of the process of birth with physiology, what to do once the baby is out (as silly as that sounds!) in terms of preparing syntometrine, baby checks etc. A lot of other things like recording partograms etc but you really do learn everything you need to know while you’re there, but I think I wish I magically knew everything before I started there😂enjoy your labour ward placement!
Hey Ellie! I’m just about to start labour ward as a second year and I was wondering if you could elaborate on some of the specific things you wish that you read up about before starting so that I can be extra prepared? btw love your vids :-)
Hiya! Well I went into labour ward and I was just so unsure of the process of birth with physiology, what to do once the baby is out (as silly as that sounds!) in terms of preparing syntometrine, baby checks etc. A lot of other things like recording partograms etc but you really do learn everything you need to know while you’re there, but I think I wish I magically knew everything before I started there😂enjoy your labour ward placement!