trends, tropes, and terms becoming stale over time due to popularity. For example, I'm more annoyed with how overused "literally" has become. Like literally this entire comment is literally starting to drag cause literally I have no patience for people who literally don't know what "literally" means. Did I literally just spout this drivel? I apologize if you literally are unwilling to read this literal comment any further. I literally get enraged when I find myself literally resorting to repeating myself for literally god knows how long. Can these people read a literal thesaurus for goodness sake? Who wants to literally bang their head against a table after literally reading this comment? Literally, I'M TEN SECONDS AWAY FROM PUNCHING A LITERAL WALL AND i'LL............... okay, you get my point literally my entire point XD
Confession time: I literally stopped playing Skyward Sword for two whole MONTHS because the Lanayru Silent Realm scared me that badly. I wish I was making that up. I've gotten better at the silent realms, but they still scare me worse than Skulltulas. This comment brought to you by an Arachnaphobe
Here, here. I've had Skyward Sword for about a year and a half now, and i still havent finished it. The silent realms were frightening for me as well, leaving my heart pounding during each one. I actually have ragequitted so many time from that game: for every silent realm and battle against THE IMPRISONED (yes it must be in all caps). Im currently on a ragequit from the final silent realm in Skyloft. I thought i was done after the first 3 but NOPE there is a fourth one
Uh...I found the last trial to be the easiest. Don't get me wrong I understand it's supposed to be the hardest one. But I actually had an easier time with it than the other three combined. I don't know. I'm just weird like that. But I understand your frustrations with the Imprisoned. I think everybody hates that thing.
I really hated those silent realms. It combined the two things I dislike most in video games, timers and chasers. The chase music and desperation to survive had me freaking out.
happy mask salesman was the creepiest shit. who is he? whats his relation to majoras mask? why does he make that god damn creepy ass face shaking you asking you to get it? why does he say that same line "you met with a terrible fate havent you?" if the 3 days are up? like why would he be the lone survivor of that?
I think he is related to rupin from skyward sword. Something probobly happened to him that made get a creepy maybe it was when no one liked him cause he was grumpy at night lol
before i read the manga of majoras mask, the one with events that lead to the creation of the mask - i had this theory that the happy mask salesman was majora, or part of the tribe that used the mask.
To be honest, I thought the part in Skyward Sword where Mia(the cute little cat thing) suddenly turns into this rapid monster at night and starts attacking you, was actually kinda creepy. It was more surprising than creepy, but, still...
To everyone who has watched Game Theories episode about Majora's Mask, the Link being dead one. Stop treating it as fact. Its a very interesting theory, that was one of my favorite episodes but people, the show literally is called Game THEORY, meaning its not fact, everything that was listed, even if its plausible is still just a theory, a Game Theory. Thanks for not understand the definition.
Gravity is not a theory, if I drop something in the air the gravity of the Earth will drag it down to the ground, the Majora's Mask thing is a theory that hasn't been proven.
MysteriousTomJenkins The "Law" of gravity most people talk about is Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, which only states that "every point of mass attracts every single point of mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses". That is all it says, it doesn't tell you why it happens. The why is explained in Einsteins Theory of General Relativity. A common misconception people seem to have is that, given enough evidence, a theory can become a law. This is not true. In scientific terms, a law is simply a single, observable fact about something that is both obvious and undeniable even without testing. A theory is an advanced hypothesis. (A hypothesis being a plausible, testable explanation for why/how a phenomenon works the way it does.) Once an hypothesis has been tested repeatedly, under many different conditions, it can then become a theory. Most theories are considered either "weak" (Link is dead) or "strong" (Evolution, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics etc,). But no matter how much evidence, and no matter how rigorously the theory is tested, it will always remain a theory.
Majoras MAsk really is just depressing. The most heaviest part in my opinion is that part when Cremia drunks Romalia and let her sleep in her bed cause she knows that the moon we kill them all. This is...extremly hard.
I'm so happy you put Blizzeta on this list, because I was really hoping you would. I'm really not that scared of her anymore (I've seen her dozens of times now on TH-cam, but I still have yet to get to that point in Twilight Princess), but I always like seeing that people are at least a bit freaked out by her like I was. Awesome job on this list, by the way :)
Arbiter grounds in TP LOZ has some pretty freaky bosses! The mini boss is an invisible sword dementia creepy thing and the boss starts as a skeleton but ends up as a crazy fireball shooting Dragon skull chasing you :D
Scott Foreman they have to, right? I mean, they gave Ocarina of Time a 3DS remake, AND they gave Wind Waker a Wii U HD remake, so it's obvious that it's time that we get a Majora's Mask remake... but on which one...
***** But you do know that Ocarina of time AND Majoras Mask were released for Nintendo 64 at first? So the versions for Gamecube actually were remakes back in time ;)
Just thought I'd point out that behind the masks of the four children inside the moon... They have the face of the Happy Mask Salesman **Que dramatic music**
I first played Ocarina of Time when I was seven - seven years ago. Because of a fight that I had got in with my younger brother over who could play Ocarina of Time, I could only play OOT later in the day at eight. (I got to play later in the day, he got to play earlier.) When I made it to the shadow temple. . . . . I had to have the sound turned _off_ and be listening to Maroon 5 or Taylor Swift. I had to have at least one other person in the room with me. I had to have the lights on. I could _not_ play the game without at least two of those three things on the list fullfilled - Usually the sound off and another person in the room with me. The mini boss? I was so damn thankful that Mom was doing her dance lessons downstairs and all of my seven siblings wanted to watch me play Zelda that night.
+Jay Walker- I've played it since it was released in 1998 (I was 7) and I am the same way. Every couple of years I get the urge to play OoT again so I'll bring it out and play it, but if the sun's down and everyone in my house is asleep, I stop after I beat Morpha. Sometimes I'll get the Lens of Truth and Hover Boots and do the child part of the Spirit Temple (I try to save it for last because it's my favorite temple/villain/sage and want to enjoy the experience without dreading doing the Shadow Temple) if I want, but the last thing I ever want to do is complete the Shadow Temple before bed, ugh.
OoT was my second Zelda game, and I played it when I was six. At the time, I wasn't really scared of any of it. I guess I was too young to understand that it was supposed to be scary. But when I replayed it for basically the billionth time (okay, more like my 3rd or 4th time), I was about ten years old. Then I was like HOLY CRAP WHAT IN THE WORLD OF TERMINA IS GOING ON?!? ;-;
I’m 15 now, almost 16 (I’m still nothing but a child lol), but I still can’t watch lets plays or walkthroughs (since I don’t own the game) when it comes to the Shadow Temple. To me, the whole atmosphere feels tense and eerie. I just can’t do it lol
everyone talks about beating the shadow temple and how creeped out they were and stuff and I'm over here like, I couldn't even do it. It scared me so much I couldn't do it. There are some things in the whole zelda series that I will avoid completely because they freak me out too much
I fucking LOVE the shadow Temple, went through and beat it without the Lens of Truth =-= they should add Weeping Angels to Zelda :b would fit in perfectly with the Gargoyles and Statues in the Shadow Temple haha
Sure when i was little i was, as they put it, Traumatized by Gibdos and Redeads, if only id ever made it to the well back then, which i was disappointed wasnt in this video. Truth be told the Bottom of the Well was scarier than the Shadow Temple, especially the main central Chamber Hiding within itself chains false floors, wall masters, a cross of sticks and blood spewed across the floor.
and Agatha... she knows you have bugs she wants them and she'll take your life if she has to and then she'll take a bath in snail slime, which is disgusting
Spot number 2 of the list. If you thought the vision/nightmare sequence couldn't be anymore creepy, then watch it with Zreo's re-orchestrated version of the sound track.
Elgy statue. Especially link version. Every time i have time i have to use it i avoid looking at the face. 1. I don't need to, the image of it has burned into my mind. 2. My heart skips a beat in fear whenever i see the thing.
Pause at 19:16 , doesn't that look like the hill from Majora's Mask that you find all the children dancing on right before the final fight with Majora? See how the Fused Shadow is on the top of the hill and in Majora's mask, the child wearing Majora's Mask is sitting at the top of the hill wearing the Mask? Coincidence? I think not.
This is random but the last part of that comment reminds me of a scene from The Incredibles When he's not moving there's no tack When he moves there's a tack Coincidence? I think NOT
Ah, Majora's Mask. One of the deepest, creepyest, most artistic video games ever made. It's constant symbolism and character driven story, makes it so- beautiful. It's beautiful.
why do you think the twilight princess creation story is scary, if you understand what is going on, its not scary. What happens is 3 goddesses gave order and life by making the triforce, but then people got greedy and wanted to take the triforce by fighting. when ilia tried to stab link,, it was how nintendo interpreted that people fought over it, then link fought back with the sword, then he ran up to the triforce to claim it but 3 evil beings took control over it using the fused shadows, when they made link "explode" it meant that they made Link join them because he was standing next to them. the creepy eyes symbolized that they was mesmerized by the triforce .Then the light spirits sealed away the evil. The ilias falling from the sky was the spirits teasing link by showing him ilia when he couldn't currently rescue her to make him annoyed and determine him to save her and the spirits.
Finnaly someone who agrees with me! I waited a whole year before trying to tackle WW again, and it was my first Zelda game, so I had NO idea about the Re-deads even existing.
what makes the dead-hand even creepier is, the well where you find him, there used to be a farm on top of that well, and the farmer spent a lot of time in the basement... make of that what you will
When it first came out I was really young and didn't understand much. I was actually more frightened of the Spirit Temple because of the Beamos, Anubis, and the paintings on the wall that looked like crowds of dead people smashed together. It wasn't until I was in high school and played it again that I realized that the Shadow Temple had goddamn guillotines in one part. Oh to be young and naive again.
I just wanna say that either way this video is older I've watched it so many times and its now like a memory to me. This is and will continue to be one of my favorite top lists.
You know, I just realized that the transformations of Majora's Mask is a reversal of the Mask's history. The transition to the second stage was a reference to how the maker of the mask carved it from Majora's armor, and the second stage itself is Majora's Dance to Death. Which means the the second transition is Majora regaining the height of it's power from before all of the wishes and depression, with the third stage being Majora in it's true form.
Honestly, the thing that used to freak me out the most are those tiny little creatures in Wind Waker, the Miniblin. The noise they make, and the fact that they keep on coming no matter how many of them you kill... they seem to appear from nowhere. Every time I heard that noise I got goosebumps, literally.
Too bad nothing from the 2D Zelda games made it on here. Blind the Thief from A Link to the Past is the original Mood Whiplash boss. The final boss and ending of Link's Awakening, while not too terribly freaky appearance-wise, is just emotionally conflicting by concept. The Armos from A Link to the Past gave me nightmares as a child, and they were made even freakier in A Link Between Worlds. The fate of the Flute-Playing Boy, also in A Link to the Past. Heck, the first part of A Link to the Past itself, even before the first dungeon, is dark as all hell. You wake up in the middle of a thunderstorm, chase your Uncle to a sewer beneath Hyrule Castle only to watch him die right in front of you, steal his sword and shield, and run off to rescue the princess, possessed guardsmen along the way, ignoring the fact that they are all innocent and are only being controlled by the wizard Agahnim's power. And even everything in the original Legend of Zelda, retconned through the decades, has become incredibly creepy and terrifying by concept. For example, the shriveled old tree you exit in the beginning of the game is the Deku Tree, and the reason that there are no villages and that everyone you meet lives in a cave is that THOSE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE LEFT ALIVE.
***** I know that it's a troll thing; I'm no stranger to TH-cam. xD I'm just wondering where the Darude Sandstorm trend came from-- It highly infuriates me because I actually _know_ the song: Actually I have a dance routine for it. So people going around saying _every damn song_ is Darude Sandstorm was hilarious at first, then mildly funny, then outright frustrating. Kickin' the dead horse, you know?
Who wants a Majora's Mask T Rated Twilight Princess or better redisigned graphics remake for the WiiU? Me! Make me fear the apocalypse! Let me feel every second that passes! Let me cry alongside the deku butler, darmani and mikau, among others! Also, I would love the most for nintendo to have the priority in showing the most emotion possible in the characters' faces, to make me feel like they feel. They already do that in polygons, just imagine what it could be like.
Id agree being that when Termina is destroyed. It's him that says "You've met with a terrible fate, Haven't you?" Why is it not Major saying this to you? Is he some how alive or is he Omni Present, kinda like a Narrater? Or is their more to him? Something we may never truly know!
Simple, they're pussies XD But seriously, that isn't the first nor the last creepy moon, and arguably not the most horrifying either. But oh well, there's people who are afraid of the Skulltulas, some are scared of the Redeads, etc. Not everyone can take creepy imagery. Some can't take it AT ALL.
Yeah, I think I would have preferred it if they had let the cut-scene play out (without commentary) and then go back through it to commentate on it. It's kind of distracting, the way they did it.
I went in there, saw a spider, froze up and thought about leaving. Then I thought "This isn't so bad..." To kind of prove a point, I hit one from the back. THE SCREAM!!!! I got my fat ass outta there and never got anything from them for about, Oh, a decade or so. xP
Dylan Gray Maybe not but it still wasn't fun, not to mention it's visual theme and color palette make you wanna puke. Just think about how you get the hookshot from the miniboss.
I did the shadow temple after the spirit/sand temple. All you got to do is have the boots that make you walk on air and that thing sees hidden objects and you can do the shadow temple last and go straight to the sand/spirit temple.
I think that maybe the traveler that created the Mask was Bongo Bongo, since you said he played his bongos to make Majora dance. Then someone (maybe one of the Goddesses) punished him, and thats why he looks like his head and hands are cut off.
Hyperpigeon that doesn’t make sense he had to be a Sheikah and lived in the house that got turned into the well since the village was just opened to the Hylians and Bongo Bongo was trapped in the well until Link turns 17.
Majora's Mask as a game is about death and coming to terms with it. Link helps people, saving them, yet the moon is still going to fall. This equates that in life, we all don't want to die. But it's going to happen anyway. Majora is death. And death is natural, it's not wrong (hence, the inside of the moon is pleasant). When you speak to the kid under the tree with Majora's Mask on, he says "Let's play good guys against bad guys. And when you're bad, you run." Majora, or death, sees Link as the bad guy. Because he's simply prolonging people's pain in life, while Majora sees it as though death frees them from pain.
To top it all off, I think the Happy Mask Salesman is actually Death himself. Why is he always asking the question "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?"? It can only be that he is waiting for Link to move on and pass over, why else would he finally disappear after you beat the game? The Majora's Mask could be one of his tools to help persuade Link to pass on into the afterlife.
I'm not that big of a fan of changing the water level over and over again. That's why people praise the Tower of the Gods in Wind Waker, Ocean Temple in Spirit Tracks and the Ancient Cistern in Skyward Sword.
It's not really a water dungeon. Only the very first few rooms involve water at all, and there's like only one puzzle involving it. I usually say Wind Waker doesn't have a water dungeon. The Lakebed Temple from Twilight Princess is cool though, as well as the Ancient Cistern from Skyward Sword.
Jamie R. Twilight Princess is so freaking awesome... Snow Peak Ruins wasn't my favorite dungeon, but was pretty enjoyable, I'm on the second next to Snow Peak Ruins xD Don't want to make an spoiler, just in case xD I shall try SS... They say is even better than TP...
This video has changed my perspective on a few things in the Zelda games. For example, the story in twilight princess didn't look that bad, just a bit confusing but you made it sound demonic! But I found it quite funny when fighting Zant and he chucked his tantrums, although the face was creepy
I've seen this vid before, so when Zant snapped his neck in the beginning, I did it at the same time. I wasn't expecting my neck to actually make a noise though. That's beside the point. Good job, guys! I think you should do more collabs, but that's just my opinion. :)
I still get that unnerving feeling every time I have to go against Dead Hand. That and when I see the shadow of the Wallmasters, in conjunction with the sound it makes gives me the shudders every time I play through the Shadow Temple. Navi's warning of growing shadows as you enter the room doesn't help, either.
19:04 if you remember one of the events from Super Smash Brothers Melee one of the event modes states "Everyone has a dark side. But, Link has two." Kinda shows that reference here.
i still think that the scene of part 2 between parts where ganondorf dies in twilight princess should have been really high up there, that part is one of the only parts in all of the series that actually made my blood curtle
Will is from the UK. My accent's a little tricky.. I grew up in Scotland for the first 2/3rds of my life and I've spent the other third in Australia. Over time my accent's kinda mixed together with the Aussie influence and I have a weird hybrid, with strange Americanisms thrown into the mix. Hope this answers your question!
I interpret the "heck" basement of the ancient cistern (#10) as a glimpse into the underworld that Demise and his hordes came from. That combined with the shadow temple and well-bottom in Ocarina.
6 years later and I still love coming back to watch this two-parter.
Ten years on, and this is still a fun watch for me.
It’s been 10 years exactly now, and I still love watching this.
This is from the glory days when "cringe" could be used to describe something creepy. Now it's used in every other TH-cam video.
trends, tropes, and terms becoming stale over time due to popularity. For example, I'm more annoyed with how overused "literally" has become.
Like literally this entire comment is literally starting to drag cause literally I have no patience for people who literally don't know what "literally" means. Did I literally just spout this drivel? I apologize if you literally are unwilling to read this literal comment any further. I literally get enraged when I find myself literally resorting to repeating myself for literally god knows how long. Can these people read a literal thesaurus for goodness sake? Who wants to literally bang their head against a table after literally reading this comment? Literally, I'M TEN SECONDS AWAY FROM PUNCHING A LITERAL WALL AND i'LL...............
okay, you get my point
literally my entire point XD
+The Scarlet Shepherd
"There's nothing for us to say about this one." *proceeds to fill the whole scene with textual commentary*
Well they don't say anything
RabbidLuigi: and even the Water Temple is good for a... YOU SON OF A BI....
me: 😂😂😂
You met a terrible fate haven't you
Confession time: I literally stopped playing Skyward Sword for two whole MONTHS because the Lanayru Silent Realm scared me that badly. I wish I was making that up. I've gotten better at the silent realms, but they still scare me worse than Skulltulas. This comment brought to you by an Arachnaphobe
Here, here. I've had Skyward Sword for about a year and a half now, and i still havent finished it. The silent realms were frightening for me as well, leaving my heart pounding during each one. I actually have ragequitted so many time from that game: for every silent realm and battle against THE IMPRISONED (yes it must be in all caps). Im currently on a ragequit from the final silent realm in Skyloft. I thought i was done after the first 3 but NOPE there is a fourth one
Uh...I found the last trial to be the easiest. Don't get me wrong I understand it's supposed to be the hardest one. But I actually had an easier time with it than the other three combined. I don't know. I'm just weird like that. But I understand your frustrations with the Imprisoned. I think everybody hates that thing.
Raynai Zatain same cant do the last silent realm...haven't played in about 6 months
You think that's bad? I haven't played Skyward sword in 6 months because of the first silent realm.
I really hated those silent realms. It combined the two things I dislike most in video games, timers and chasers. The chase music and desperation to survive had me freaking out.
happy mask salesman was the creepiest shit.
who is he? whats his relation to majoras mask? why does he make that god damn creepy ass face shaking you asking you to get it? why does he say that same line "you met with a terrible fate havent you?" if the 3 days are up?
like why would he be the lone survivor of that?
I think he is related to rupin from skyward sword. Something probobly happened to him that made get a creepy maybe it was when no one liked him cause he was grumpy at night lol
before i read the manga of majoras mask, the one with events that lead to the creation of the mask - i had this theory that the happy mask salesman was majora, or part of the tribe that used the mask.
To be honest, I thought the part in Skyward Sword where Mia(the cute little cat thing) suddenly turns into this rapid monster at night and starts attacking you, was actually kinda creepy. It was more surprising than creepy, but, still...
I'm with ya on that
OMG it is creepy, let me get my sprinkles..
@@justapot2610 did you get them
Wait. Speedster said that Blizzeta's fight was pretty COOL....
I'll go ahead and create the petition to hang me in public for that joke.
Good thing nobody saw this then.
Oh wait....
To everyone who has watched Game Theories episode about Majora's Mask, the Link being dead one. Stop treating it as fact. Its a very interesting theory, that was one of my favorite episodes but people, the show literally is called Game THEORY, meaning its not fact, everything that was listed, even if its plausible is still just a theory, a Game Theory. Thanks for not understand the definition.
gravity is only a theory. does that mean it doesn't exist?
Gravity is not a theory, if I drop something in the air the gravity of the Earth will drag it down to the ground, the Majora's Mask thing is a theory that hasn't been proven.
I'm not saying that you're wrong about the dead link theory being false, but just about all of the laws of physics are theories.
MysteriousTomJenkins The "Law" of gravity most people talk about is Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, which only states that "every point of mass attracts every single point of mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses". That is all it says, it doesn't tell you why it happens. The why is explained in Einsteins Theory of General Relativity. A common misconception people seem to have is that, given enough evidence, a theory can become a law. This is not true. In scientific terms, a law is simply a single, observable fact about something that is both obvious and undeniable even without testing. A theory is an advanced hypothesis. (A hypothesis being a plausible, testable explanation for why/how a phenomenon works the way it does.) Once an hypothesis has been tested repeatedly, under many different conditions, it can then become a theory. Most theories are considered either "weak" (Link is dead) or "strong" (Evolution, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics etc,). But no matter how much evidence, and no matter how rigorously the theory is tested, it will always remain a theory.
Majoras MAsk really is just depressing. The most heaviest part in my opinion is that part when Cremia drunks Romalia and let her sleep in her bed cause she knows that the moon we kill them all. This is...extremly hard.
theres a SUN in the frickin MOON!
@@katelyncarson422 the moon in majora's mask
I'm so happy you put Blizzeta on this list, because I was really hoping you would. I'm really not that scared of her anymore (I've seen her dozens of times now on TH-cam, but I still have yet to get to that point in Twilight Princess), but I always like seeing that people are at least a bit freaked out by her like I was. Awesome job on this list, by the way :)
My favorite line so far:
"Yetta... What are you doing? Yetta... Shtahp..." lol
Ahh...yes...the whole creepy thing in Twilight Princess with the three Dark Links and litTERALLY MY DEAD SOUL.
So when he's talking about blizetta:
and then:
Her boss battle is pretty cool.
Arbiter grounds in TP LOZ has some pretty freaky bosses! The mini boss is an invisible sword dementia creepy thing and the boss starts as a skeleton but ends up as a crazy fireball shooting Dragon skull chasing you :D
I want a remake of majoras mask
Majora's Mask HD FTW!
Scott Foreman
they have to, right? I mean, they gave Ocarina of Time a 3DS remake, AND they gave Wind Waker a Wii U HD remake, so it's obvious that it's time that we get a Majora's Mask remake... but on which one...
***** Probably the 3DS, as Majora's Mask uses the same game engine as Ocarina of Time.
Scott Foreman
that is true. *thinks* Damn.
***** But you do know that Ocarina of time AND Majoras Mask were released for Nintendo 64 at first? So the versions for Gamecube actually were remakes back in time ;)
oh god when yeta turned into blizzeta she gave me the jumpscare of my life and that scream sent shivers down my entire body
Just thought I'd point out that behind the masks of the four children inside the moon... They have the face of the Happy Mask Salesman **Que dramatic music**
I first played Ocarina of Time when I was seven - seven years ago.
Because of a fight that I had got in with my younger brother over who could play Ocarina of Time, I could only play OOT later in the day at eight. (I got to play later in the day, he got to play earlier.) When I made it to the shadow temple. . . . .
I had to have the sound turned _off_ and be listening to Maroon 5 or Taylor Swift.
I had to have at least one other person in the room with me.
I had to have the lights on.
I could _not_ play the game without at least two of those three things on the list fullfilled - Usually the sound off and another person in the room with me.
The mini boss? I was so damn thankful that Mom was doing her dance lessons downstairs and all of my seven siblings wanted to watch me play Zelda that night.
+Jay Walker- I've played it since it was released in 1998 (I was 7) and I am the same way. Every couple of years I get the urge to play OoT again so I'll bring it out and play it, but if the sun's down and everyone in my house is asleep, I stop after I beat Morpha. Sometimes I'll get the Lens of Truth and Hover Boots and do the child part of the Spirit Temple (I try to save it for last because it's my favorite temple/villain/sage and want to enjoy the experience without dreading doing the Shadow Temple) if I want, but the last thing I ever want to do is complete the Shadow Temple before bed, ugh.
Kay Smith YEAH.
OoT was my second Zelda game, and I played it when I was six. At the time, I wasn't really scared of any of it. I guess I was too young to understand that it was supposed to be scary. But when I replayed it for basically the billionth time (okay, more like my 3rd or 4th time), I was about ten years old. Then I was like HOLY CRAP WHAT IN THE WORLD OF TERMINA IS GOING ON?!? ;-;
I’m 15 now, almost 16 (I’m still nothing but a child lol), but I still can’t watch lets plays or walkthroughs (since I don’t own the game) when it comes to the Shadow Temple. To me, the whole atmosphere feels tense and eerie. I just can’t do it lol
everyone talks about beating the shadow temple and how creeped out they were and stuff and I'm over here like, I couldn't even do it. It scared me so much I couldn't do it. There are some things in the whole zelda series that I will avoid completely because they freak me out too much
I fucking LOVE the shadow Temple, went through and beat it without the Lens of Truth =-= they should add Weeping Angels to Zelda :b would fit in perfectly with the Gargoyles and Statues in the Shadow Temple haha
Sure when i was little i was, as they put it, Traumatized by Gibdos and Redeads, if only id ever made it to the well back then, which i was disappointed wasnt in this video. Truth be told the Bottom of the Well was scarier than the Shadow Temple, especially the main central Chamber Hiding within itself chains false floors, wall masters, a cross of sticks and blood spewed across the floor.
Robert Thanatos Hoooooow about no. Not everything has to be Doctor Poo.
i don't care what this list says.....malo mart is the most freaky thing in the zelda universe.
Weird little baby man! RUUUN!
oh, JUST the zelda universe? lol
and Agatha...
she knows you have bugs
she wants them
and she'll take your life if she has to
and then she'll take a bath in snail slime, which is disgusting
+Ultra Wolfy LOL
Malo is my favorite video game character of all time.
Spot number 2 of the list. If you thought the vision/nightmare sequence couldn't be anymore creepy, then watch it with Zreo's re-orchestrated version of the sound track.
I really liked how you guys focused more on the psychological aspects of the game, rather than just the appearance. I thought it was cool. Well done.
Also, the narration on #2 was really funny xD
Elgy statue. Especially link version.
Every time i have time i have to use it i avoid looking at the face.
1. I don't need to, the image of it has burned into my mind.
2. My heart skips a beat in fear whenever i see the thing.
Good so I'm not alone 😅
I don't want to summon it because *Ben*
still the only countdown list i’ll ever come back to
This is a certified hood classic.
Agreed 😁
Pause at 19:16 , doesn't that look like the hill from Majora's Mask that you find all the children dancing on right before the final fight with Majora? See how the Fused Shadow is on the top of the hill and in Majora's mask, the child wearing Majora's Mask is sitting at the top of the hill wearing the Mask? Coincidence? I think not.
ComicSansMcGee when i saw 4 links and 3 were like clones i wantes to do a we are number one parody but i am to lazy
This is random but the last part of that comment reminds me of a scene from The Incredibles When he's not moving there's no tack When he moves there's a tack Coincidence? I think NOT
2:45 I still love that bit with the Snowboard Kids "Big Snowman" music.
My girlfriend wants to start playing ledgend of Zelda. She's a bit of a scaredy cat so which of the zelda games is the easiest and least scary.
Ender Wiggin pretty sure I'm late, but I have to say wind waker
Phantom Hourglass, it's not that difficult but it's really fun, and it's a wonderful game with fun secrets
@@PigBoy99 Wind Waker redeads tho
I know this was 6 years ago but Link's Awakening isn't really that scary and its its somewhat easy.
Finaley someone else who didn't think zant is ruined
Hey! I like Zant!
@@phoenixstar0755 yeah zant is sick
Ah, Majora's Mask. One of the deepest, creepyest, most artistic video games ever made. It's constant symbolism and character driven story, makes it so- beautiful.
It's beautiful.
The pretentiousness of this comment is over 9000
VladNorris no u
why do you think the twilight princess creation story is scary, if you understand what is going on, its not scary. What happens is 3 goddesses gave order and life by making the triforce, but then people got greedy and wanted to take the triforce by fighting. when ilia tried to stab link,, it was how nintendo interpreted that people fought over it, then link fought back with the sword, then he ran up to the triforce to claim it but 3 evil beings took control over it using the fused shadows, when they made link "explode" it meant that they made Link join them because he was standing next to them. the creepy eyes symbolized that they was mesmerized by the triforce .Then the light spirits sealed away the evil. The ilias falling from the sky was the spirits teasing link by showing him ilia when he couldn't currently rescue her to make him annoyed and determine him to save her and the spirits.
Yes but the way it is shown is creepy not the backstory
Dang man! That's really awsome..
The Earth Temple from Wind Waker scared me half to death but I was playing it at 12 in the morning but it still somewhat scared me
Totally their scream gave me chills up my spine and they would pop up anywhere and everywhere
Finnaly someone who agrees with me!
I waited a whole year before trying to tackle WW again, and it was my first Zelda game, so I had NO idea about the Re-deads even existing.
what makes the dead-hand even creepier is, the well where you find him, there used to be a farm on top of that well, and the farmer spent a lot of time in the basement... make of that what you will
Yeah, my friends thought that the Shadow Temple had red PAINT on the floor.
Too funny
When it first came out I was really young and didn't understand much. I was actually more frightened of the Spirit Temple because of the Beamos, Anubis, and the paintings on the wall that looked like crowds of dead people smashed together.
It wasn't until I was in high school and played it again that I realized that the Shadow Temple had goddamn guillotines in one part. Oh to be young and naive again.
The mini boss from arbiters ground? ya know the creepy demon thing that screeches like a banshee in twiliight princess?
I just wanna say that either way this video is older I've watched it so many times and its now like a memory to me. This is and will continue to be one of my favorite top lists.
Imo the Happy Mask Salesman creeped me out more than anything as a kid
+HyperTurtleGaming- Same, and even more so after playing Spooky's House of Jumpscares.
+HyperTurtleGaming its that damn laugh he does. creepy. just like the screeching laugh of the faeries in the game too.
oh well I thought for sure that HMS ((Happy Masked Salesman)) would be one
its ok im always underestimated as well so your not the only one
lol why would you abbreviate, then go ahead and write the full thing?
Sky Lane probs in case of future reference people would understand what he meant by HMS by referring to the original comment
You know, I just realized that the transformations of Majora's Mask is a reversal of the Mask's history. The transition to the second stage was a reference to how the maker of the mask carved it from Majora's armor, and the second stage itself is Majora's Dance to Death. Which means the the second transition is Majora regaining the height of it's power from before all of the wishes and depression, with the third stage being Majora in it's true form.
Majora's Mask has so much more meaning than can covered in a short video.
I honestly wouldn't mind seeing a voice over of the #2 segment.
Honestly, the thing that used to freak me out the most are those tiny little creatures in Wind Waker, the Miniblin. The noise they make, and the fact that they keep on coming no matter how many of them you kill... they seem to appear from nowhere. Every time I heard that noise I got goosebumps, literally.
bruh i played #9 in a dark room on a large 60' hd tv when i was a kid. i got that whole ugly face and it scared the shit back up my ass.
3:15 luv the nostalgia critic refrence
20:15 he looks really happy about how many Illias there are you can’t please all of them Link.
Had a nightmare about that moon coming in through my bedroom window trying to eat me. Freaky shit.
Too bad nothing from the 2D Zelda games made it on here. Blind the Thief from A Link to the Past is the original Mood Whiplash boss. The final boss and ending of Link's Awakening, while not too terribly freaky appearance-wise, is just emotionally conflicting by concept. The Armos from A Link to the Past gave me nightmares as a child, and they were made even freakier in A Link Between Worlds. The fate of the Flute-Playing Boy, also in A Link to the Past. Heck, the first part of A Link to the Past itself, even before the first dungeon, is dark as all hell. You wake up in the middle of a thunderstorm, chase your Uncle to a sewer beneath Hyrule Castle only to watch him die right in front of you, steal his sword and shield, and run off to rescue the princess, possessed guardsmen along the way, ignoring the fact that they are all innocent and are only being controlled by the wizard Agahnim's power. And even everything in the original Legend of Zelda, retconned through the decades, has become incredibly creepy and terrifying by concept. For example, the shriveled old tree you exit in the beginning of the game is the Deku Tree, and the reason that there are no villages and that everyone you meet lives in a cave is that THOSE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE LEFT ALIVE.
this was made in 2012 a link between worlds was not out yet
josh strawder The thing I mentioned in A Link Between Worlds was originally from A Link to the Past.
Noah Fence Things were mentioned in the 25-11 list that were from 2d Zelda
6:31 - 6:35 that one made me laugh but you're right the water temple is a pain in the butt
he looks high... IT'S NOT A DRUG TIP😂
Not convinced
What's the song that plays during the snowboarding segment?
Majora is creepy
i think is a theme from snowboard kids for the N64
autochat Yeah, it's Rookie Mountain from Sbowboard Kids 1.
+Yuuki Mitsuhashi What is with this Darude Sandstorm thing?!?!?! The song sounds like no other song!
***** I know that it's a troll thing; I'm no stranger to TH-cam. xD I'm just wondering where the Darude Sandstorm trend came from-- It highly infuriates me because I actually _know_ the song: Actually I have a dance routine for it. So people going around saying _every damn song_ is Darude Sandstorm was hilarious at first, then mildly funny, then outright frustrating. Kickin' the dead horse, you know?
this is one of the reasons why i Love Zelda so much. That and the story and for the original and link to the past the 8 and 16 bit exploration.
Who wants a Majora's Mask T Rated Twilight Princess or better redisigned graphics remake for the WiiU? Me! Make me fear the apocalypse! Let me feel every second that passes! Let me cry alongside the deku butler, darmani and mikau, among others! Also, I would love the most for nintendo to have the priority in showing the most emotion possible in the characters' faces, to make me feel like they feel. They already do that in polygons, just imagine what it could be like.
You ask for too much pal.
I know... :(
But it's how it's supposed to be
***** "But it's how it's supposed to be"
What do you mean?
To me, the moon's face is rather derpy more than freaky.
i never thought it was creepy or scary in the least.
I mean…is it not a thwomp face?
10 years later and I still come back here loving every minute of it 🥰
Correct me if I'm wrong but we're is Happymask salesman
LuigiThe13th His identity does not matter anymore, for he has become the abomination known as Springtrap.
Id agree being that when Termina is destroyed. It's him that says "You've met with a terrible fate, Haven't you?" Why is it not Major saying this to you? Is he some how alive or is he Omni Present, kinda like a Narrater? Or is their more to him? Something we may never truly know!
+Jameson Goodwin Yes "Majora" Ik how to spell but Auto Correct is not Correct
+SmashNerd 3 This. I was expecting Happy Mask Salesman to be number one since way back at number 20. Really? Not even an honorable mention?
Cyanide Word in your NIGHTMARES or probaly in hell of somethink i dont know i didnt seen him from majora mask ending when he magicaly disapperes
By four days you are included the fourth day glitch right?
The fourth day is the final hours and the ending.
atticusjackson100 but you have 72 hours which means three days.
The bottom of the well in ocarina of Time is crying right now
at least in the 3ds version of mm the moon was less creepy...
Samuel Lamoureux Marginally
I don't get why everyone thinks the moon is super creepy. I always kind of accepted it that way. Not curl up and cry about how creepy it looks.
Simple, they're pussies XD
But seriously, that isn't the first nor the last creepy moon, and arguably not the most horrifying either.
But oh well, there's people who are afraid of the Skulltulas, some are scared of the Redeads, etc.
Not everyone can take creepy imagery. Some can't take it AT ALL.
VladNorris I guess the poor graphics can make many creatures look a bit.. off. We just get it.
play the game while thinking with the mind of a 4-6 year old child
brad toma At 4-6 years old I could already handle the movie Alien, so yeah. Not even back then it would have disturbed me.
skeliskull I guess. Half of the time I wonder WTH are certain things.
in the dead hand miniboss fight in oot the walls are made of skulls but in the 3d remake it's actual human corpses. wow.
The conversation during the Creation scene was obnoxious; otherwise, good video.
Yeah, I think I would have preferred it if they had let the cut-scene play out (without commentary) and then go back through it to commentate on it. It's kind of distracting, the way they did it.
D. Val hey it was hilarious xD
what about the fucking spiders in the dark house in kakariko village?
I went in there, saw a spider, froze up and thought about leaving. Then I thought "This isn't so bad..." To kind of prove a point, I hit one from the back. THE SCREAM!!!! I got my fat ass outta there and never got anything from them for about, Oh, a decade or so. xP
Kells Freeman i just shit my pants in the most efficient way possible.
Kells Freeman I always hit them for like 5 minutes non stop XD i laughed my ass off :P
Kostas Mperkis it's not really a spoiler at all. It's the groundwork for a side you've probably already started unknowingly
Obviously Yeta was trying to keep you away from the mirror shard.
Where is "At the bottom of the well/Beneath the well"?
The bottom of the well.
Beneath the well was the same but in MM
The twilight princess water dungeon wasn't so bad
Dylan Gray Maybe not but it still wasn't fun, not to mention it's visual theme and color palette make you wanna puke. Just think about how you get the hookshot from the miniboss.
Grayman 2003 agreed
Grayman 2003 one of my favourites!!!!
It's OK.
Grayman 2003 water temple was easier
I did the shadow temple after the spirit/sand temple. All you got to do is have the boots that make you walk on air and that thing sees hidden objects and you can do the shadow temple last and go straight to the sand/spirit temple.
MOST FUCKING SCARY THING IN THIS VIDEO IS ZANTOS HEAD JUST ... snaping to the side doing this ... noise °.°
Timo dd you made my sick day, better
You rewelcome :D
It's Zant, btw
+Timo dd (TheR3dOne) Zanto? It looks looks looks like a mix between Zant and Xanto (Zant's french name)
18:55 Link: I don’t feel good Mr.Stark.
Thank you for making part 1 & 2 I enjoyed them greatly.
Zant used Wrath of the Gods on them
dissappointed they didnt mention the Skulltula house from Ocarina of time
Expects 死 to be pronounced "she", instead hears "shy"
ckay11002 weeb much
He needs to never speak japanese again
Saltchipper _
No, it's knowing that not all languages are pronounced like english...
Omg I agree
10: Blizzeta) Twilight Princess
9: The Moon) Majora's Mask
8: Guardians) Skyward Sword
7: Diabolical Cubis Sisters) Phantom Hourglass
6: Zant) Twilight Princess
5: Moon Children) Majora's Mask
4: Dead Hand) Ocarina Of Time
3: Happy Mask Salesman) Ocarina Of Time\Majora's Mask
2: Fused Shadow Cutscene) Twilight Princess
1: Ben Drowned) Majora's Mask
8:22 "... just how real this game feels. It revolves around the moon crashing into the earth." Wait, what?
The Majora's Mask manga isn't canon.
***** You should be directing your sarcasm towards them considering they're using the source as if its valid.
How is it not canon you twit It tells the freakin' backstory of the mask! God fanboys are morons
Jon Wootton because the manga is not canon as it was not directly made by Nintendo... Maybe do some research before calling someone a moron, moron.
I think that maybe the traveler that created the Mask was Bongo Bongo, since you said he played his bongos to make Majora dance. Then someone (maybe one of the Goddesses) punished him, and thats why he looks like his head and hands are cut off.
Hyperpigeon Actually in the manga the person who created the mask was Link's ancestor. (it's not canon, but just clarifying).
Hyperpigeon that doesn’t make sense he had to be a Sheikah and lived in the house that got turned into the well since the village was just opened to the Hylians and Bongo Bongo was trapped in the well until Link turns 17.
Majora's Mask as a game is about death and coming to terms with it. Link helps people, saving them, yet the moon is still going to fall. This equates that in life, we all don't want to die. But it's going to happen anyway.
Majora is death. And death is natural, it's not wrong (hence, the inside of the moon is pleasant). When you speak to the kid under the tree with Majora's Mask on, he says "Let's play good guys against bad guys. And when you're bad, you run." Majora, or death, sees Link as the bad guy. Because he's simply prolonging people's pain in life, while Majora sees it as though death frees them from pain.
To top it all off, I think the Happy Mask Salesman is actually Death himself. Why is he always asking the question "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?"? It can only be that he is waiting for Link to move on and pass over, why else would he finally disappear after you beat the game? The Majora's Mask could be one of his tools to help persuade Link to pass on into the afterlife.
I thought that the Tower of the Gods was a good Water Dungeon
I actually liked that one to, but I also think Lakebed Temple was ok.
I'm not that big of a fan of changing the water level over and over again. That's why people praise the Tower of the Gods in Wind Waker, Ocean Temple in Spirit Tracks and the Ancient Cistern in Skyward Sword.
It's not really a water dungeon. Only the very first few rooms involve water at all, and there's like only one puzzle involving it. I usually say Wind Waker doesn't have a water dungeon. The Lakebed Temple from Twilight Princess is cool though, as well as the Ancient Cistern from Skyward Sword.
Do Not Remove This Seal true, i just keep it because it makes sense, whats the final test proving your worth? A WATER TEMPLE
pcuspard Fair enough. That is indeed quite the test.
My favorite Zelda game is the Skyward Sword ;)
i like you :)
;) Why thank you :) :) :)
I haven't played it yet, I need Wii motion plus D: I'm finishing Twilight Princess, then I'll go for SS! xD
You should! I'm stuck in Snow Peak Ruins in Twilight Princess :( I'm almost done with Skyward Sword :))
Jamie R. Twilight Princess is so freaking awesome... Snow Peak Ruins wasn't my favorite dungeon, but was pretty enjoyable, I'm on the second next to Snow Peak Ruins xD Don't want to make an spoiler, just in case xD I shall try SS... They say is even better than TP...
coming up on the 10 year mark for this list
The Dead Hand should be the 1st! But it's still prettier than Edward Cullen!
Dead Hand and Link, still a better love story than Twilight.
Who else has played all Zelda games and beat them
Me!! Well, I haven't played any of them past skyward sword, but all of the rest, done and done! :D
No one.
This video has changed my perspective on a few things in the Zelda games. For example, the story in twilight princess didn't look that bad, just a bit confusing but you made it sound demonic! But I found it quite funny when fighting Zant and he chucked his tantrums, although the face was creepy
Zant: "MEEEOW"
our real moon has a face
It totally does! I swear I see it all the time but nobody agrees with me
I see it always, when I watch our moon
Mine to I like fighting ghirihim
I've seen this vid before, so when Zant snapped his neck in the beginning, I did it at the same time. I wasn't expecting my neck to actually make a noise though. That's beside the point. Good job, guys! I think you should do more collabs, but that's just my opinion. :)
How is shi actually pronounced? Is it shee?
Yes, but it it is normally sounded as just "she" unless you are extending the "ee" sound.
Ashley Sterling yup they pronounced it wrong
Well we can't all be perfect with Japanese pronunciations. I can't blame them for it.
Ashley Sterling i wasn't i was stating a fact no need to flip shit on me
I wasn't trying to. I have no intentions of doing so. I'm not going to send the moon at you. Sorry for misunderstandings.
For 9#...
One face is for her period,
One face is for every other week!
I still get that unnerving feeling every time I have to go against Dead Hand. That and when I see the shadow of the Wallmasters, in conjunction with the sound it makes gives me the shudders every time I play through the Shadow Temple. Navi's warning of growing shadows as you enter the room doesn't help, either.
Does anyone else see the connection between the dead hand and the Demon from Yandere sim???
19:04 if you remember one of the events from Super Smash Brothers Melee one of the event modes states "Everyone has a dark side. But, Link has two." Kinda shows that reference here.
"You've met with a terrible fate,haven't you?" That thing on the end of the workd still bug me 2 no end
3:42 the scream traumatized me when i was young. (and thats why i decided never to play the game) (but im over it now)
i still think that the scene of part 2 between parts where ganondorf dies in twilight princess should have been really high up there, that part is one of the only parts in all of the series that actually made my blood curtle
Will is from the UK. My accent's a little tricky.. I grew up in Scotland for the first 2/3rds of my life and I've spent the other third in Australia. Over time my accent's kinda mixed together with the Aussie influence and I have a weird hybrid, with strange Americanisms thrown into the mix. Hope this answers your question!
I was a little scared (call me a wimp) until I heard "Nah, duh, really?" then I was rolling
I love how perfectly your pic goes with your comment (along with just being absolutely adorable) 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Digimonfan 1934
You know she's the one who sings the Opening to Black Rock Shooter? I f******* love that song.
That's Hatsune Miku not Hachune Miku. And that's kewl I've never heard Black rock shooter
I interpret the "heck" basement of the ancient cistern (#10) as a glimpse into the underworld that Demise and his hordes came from. That combined with the shadow temple and well-bottom in Ocarina.