being a beginner in League Of Legends feels like having to learn things that others have done for 10years+. the amount of knowledge u have to know (the skill gap) is insane
Ye fr, i've been playing for a month and the tilting thing is that there are people in bronze which are trashing you even though they are hard stuxk since 2-3 years
I'm a new player and i just wanna say that this is really helpful. literally didnt know a quarter of this stuff before watching this, and the routes/strats actually helped me better understand other aspects about the games as well. Great tutorial vid, thank you!
ive been playing since the beginning of s2 and this is the first time I'm tempted to try out some jungling. thanks for simplifying a role I always thought about as 7D chess against god
I found that I was doing really good and now I am getting queued with higher skill players and am on a losing streak more often than not. Now that I get the basics and mechanics of my main champions I need to build a stronger foundation and strategy tactics
I’m brand new and for some reason jungle just appealed to me the most! The idea of sitting 1v1 with someone in lane when I didn’t know anything about the game was really daunting
I say this dont jungle because of this excuse "farming minions is hard in lane", "i cant cs for $#!?"......learning to lane is the fundamentals and help you be a better laner that can eventually make you understand jungling better same a s support
@blahbee7223 you think it is but it's not in reality you may not be farming but knowing wave management is crucial in fact your supposed to know more then the mid laner and ad carry
@@aqaz120 In this patch, support is definitely the easiest role if you understand the absolute basics of supporting. It's a busted role. Every single role needs an understanding of wave management, so that argument doesn't really apply just to supports
For some unknown reason I started playing league as jungle since my 9 friends that played league none of them played jungle so I was some what thrown in the deep end in like like plat mmr which wasn’t easy but guides like this definitely helped at the time now I’m no where near an average player I’ve only had about 150 hrs and I main Viego so if anyone has any tips I’m sure it would be great for me and other new players❤️
A little advice for new junglers. If the opponent is also a fairly new jungler (an Iron), they will probably use the recommended path to finish their jungle and will try to clear all the camps. This means you can steal the top of their jungle with almost no opposition. Then retreat to your own jungle and complete the main monsters and some of the minor camps. If you manage to make camps efficiently, in this order, you will be at the bottom of the map when the dragon appears and with a level advantage over the rival jungler.
i play all lanes except for JG cause how overwhelming it feels like, started playing JG because i wanted to get out of my comfort zone and enjoy the game. Thanks for the guide!
10:15 pyke vs yuumi... if pyke aphelios dont get poked constantly by lucians q and yuumis q they could play more aggressively but lucian has a really strong early game. if it wasnt an aphelios but a kaisa or cait instead, then the statement of: because its ranged vs melee supp wouldnt be true. supp matchups are like rock paper scissors. all in beats sustain, sustain beats poke, poke beats all in. Yuumi vs pyke: if pyke manages to hit his hook and therefore get his full combo off, it can often result in a kill, depending on the adc. yuumi can prevent that all in by poking pyke down to lower his hp. resulting in a higher risk for pyke to go in since pyke is likely to die.
Read somewhere that this is second most difficult role after mid, but still chose to play it even as a newbie, because laning is hard af, tried every role and failed miserably everywhere except jungle
Question for really anyone. I’m just recently starting to pick up the game and have been enjoying playing Bel’veth. One thing, though, is: what do I do about the enemy jungler? I’m starting to get used to when each champion is strong, so I typically try to challenge them when they’re weak, which usually works okay. But how do I prevent them from challenging me? It’s not uncommon for me to die to a strong early game champion because they chose to duel me in the early game or a late game champion in the late game. Are there any tricks to avoiding this?
Yeah, use your advantage and try as hard as possible to avoid fights. If they keep invading you then ward your jg and try to counter invade or try to get your teammates to help. Late game there's not much you can do against a late game champ, try to fight with your team if you get a good engage. Focus on clearing your jg and objectives, get a gank in if you see the opportunity. You don't have to fight the enemy jg, if they have a strong early game champ then give up scuttle or whatever
Bel veth is a great champ for avoiding fights and forcing them. So if youre against lets say olaf or xin zhao, you can vertical jungle against them. This means one of your lanes will be crying and be behind but so will the opposite one of theirs. Instead of the river splitting the map, the mid lane splits it. This way you can farm up and not be behind much
As a first week player in 2024 trying jungle is fun but insanely difficult and gamesense heavy. this is gonna severely help now that I have a semblance of understanding 😂
Alright so you want to early on use your smite either to kite your buff as you walk towards your next camp and smite it just before it walks back to reset or you can just use it on your first campaftwr your buff as soon as it hits 600hp, then you'll have a charge to contest a scuttle crab, from there it's basically just an anti contest or secure on objectives/camps
Smite has a 90 second timer, holds 2 charges at once, and has a 15 sec cd between charges. The key thing is to always have smite for your big objectives such as dragon, void grubs, baron, or scuttle crab if you know you’ll be contested. Aside from that, efficiency seems the most important to me. I usually use smite on the 2nd or 3rd camp to clear my jungle and hit lvl 3 faster. Sometimes I wait for the 4th camp if I am using a very fast clearing jungler because on the fourth camp, my 2nd charge of smite will be ready. So you don’t ever want to have a lot of time when youre holding both smite charges. You find the sweet spot as you play, but I tend to always have both smites used unless drag or grubs/rift/baron is coming up. Don’t be afraid to use smite as much as you can, but always be aware of invaded because you can shut those down by smiting away your camp (AND surviving the invade).
I watch this video because I jsut got back yesterday the farm system is completely new in my very first game in 17 mins i was level 3.... thats why I watch this video for helping me now thank you for this video
Ive gotten a good enough understanding of how to balance objectives and play in the first half of the match but then flounder in the second half due to a lack of direction and objectives
I just can't believe how ineffective I've been on jungle the last 2 years which the role has pretty much been the same gameplay-wise. I've played jungle as a main role successfully for the first 10 years of the game. For a bunch of seasons I've played the game much more sporadically and only norms and arams. Just came back a few times for ranked the last 2 years and the role (and game in general) has changed so dramatically I cannot even play jungle anymore. As a former gold/plat player even in low silver now I'm get outpressured badly by the enemy jungler. The classic role for most of league's history for the jungler was to be behind in farm and levels to gank and aid your lanes. A few times powerfarming picks were strongest but it wasn't the standard. Also other playstyles like not ganking and farming early with scaling junglers like fiddlesticks or amumu were also viable. At least in solo queue thats what it was and thats how im still playing it. But unless every single gank works playing a gank-heavy style now which its much harder to kill people in ganks than it used to be the other jungler gets a bigger and bigger cs lead. Then especially if a gank doesn't work or I die to a gank or enemy laners rotating first to kill me at drag or grubs, the other jungler starts rocketing ahead quickly. By the end of the game they're 3-5 levels ahead of me and 50-100 cs up and I am just too behind to do anything they have much more impact on the game regardless of how much pressure kills I got my laners (unless i literally go 5/0 or 0/0/5 from ganks) in the early game. Is that really what the jungle meta has devolved into? You just powerfarm most of the game, only come out for the occasional gank and objective or sometimes none? The most effective champions I see consistently (in silver-gold) are diana and shyvana jungle. A lot of yi as well. They farm faster than anyone else and are so easy to play its impossible to screw up getting kills with them. They get huge off farming then if they get 1 or 2 kills from a gank they typically end up getting every obj cause they have a 2-3 level lead and often snowball to be legendary and the games over. Basically the support/tank jungler that farms slowly so you gank more often to help the team seems to be completely unviable now. I'm talking like nautilus, maokai, pre-rework skarner, gank heavy low farm lee sin, gank heavy ivern, tank jarvan, sejuani, tank gragas, tank hecarim, among others. Anytime I play any of those I'm insanely weak compared to a bruiser or carry who just powerfarms and gets a huge lead. Its been this way for years now. Feels like they've destroyed my favorite role its so braindead now unless I'm missing something? Support/tank junglers were my main champs and I can't even play them anymore I hate what they've done to jungle I may have to quit it and play other roles. By the way if I play along and play this farm style on carry champions I do just fine in fact I usually outpressure the enemy jungler. Had to rant a bit about that but seriously do people actually enjoy this being the only viable playstyle? Theres legit only 1 way to play the role now and there used to be at least 3 in the past that you could still have meaningful impact on the game if you were good at it. And its the most braindead one of them all. Farm to 200 cs and kill ppl who try to contest you at objectives.
I play league daily, and I never knew that Rift Herald opens an "eye" on his back, that you can hit to deal huge damage. I always assumed you only need to attack him from behind.
Yeah, a BEGINNER fizz, kata, lb, zed, syndra, liss, azir, talon, ziggs, velkoz can easily make an outplay out of nowhere every single time. Since all of the champions you mention before are so BEGINNER FRIENDLY that even a COMPLETE NOOB is able to master them with no effort at all.
Also this is a BEGINNER GUIDE btw, but in case you are facing a CHALLENGER level fizz, kata, lb, zed, syndra, liss, azir, talon, ziggs, velkoz in a BEGINNER match up, well you have a point.
Started to play jung after being matched with a master yi who somehow got executed clearing the first camp WITH help and who ended up several levels behind all through the match. I'm not trusting randoms to jungle anymore
Really cheese interaction but. I main fiddlesticks, goto grubs right when they spawn if they try to fight you, those little spawns coming in will just about heal you fully each time you use W, so you basically cant even be contested when your on it * as long as you dont get stunned during channel*
Yeah, still overwhelming, but it at least feels more feasible... The visuals were helpful for certain things... Specifically having the character icons moving around the map...
Yea wrong. It's easy to do the basic shit but if you wanna be any decent in my opinion it's second hardest. Support seems to be harder to get good at from what I've seen
The basics are good. But what this guy's doesn't tell you, it's that you're being paired with crappy allies that doesn't know how to play Making it more difficult to secure objectives and worst blaming you for losing their lines.
@@spacecowboy373 support is second to the hardest. It looks easy but healing and keeping your environment warded all the time while keeping your adr alive while trying to evade a zed or yasuo coming at you then keeping your demanding teammates alive plus warding the objectives of your jungler is difficult.
Dude. Good vid but Jesus.. “You may die a lot… BUT DONT WORRY WITH SKILLCAPPED… It’s harder than you think… BUT DONT WORRY WITH SKILLCAPPED…” So annoying LOL
im new(3 days) and i play jungle a lot..and when i go to help my team in one of the lanes they dont want me to. everytime they keep pinging on me signaling me to go. why? ;(
Jungle guide TLDR EZ ROLE: Clear your camps fast af its guaranteed farm. Watch what’s happening in your lanes and not yourself autoing camps. With lane info get behind enemy lanes and burn flashes. Once flashes are down wait exactly 5 minutes then regank and wonder why flash is up. Then wait five more minutes and regank again You’re welcome
I'm starting to think that youtube doesn't allow long comments now. Posted a 3 paragraph rant (no swearing, links, spam or anything that should break their guidelines) and it was removed immediately. 90% of my 200+ word comments in the last few months are removed within seconds its really annoying such a waste of time to type them all out. Anyway I'll just keep my problem brief. Long story short I played the game casually the last 7 or so years but recently 2 times came back to ranked for a while the last 6 months. The jungle role in particular but also the game seems to have changed so dramatically I can't even figure out how to play jungle anymore. I did just fine with the way I played it for 10 years but now I can't even compete with a silver 4 enemy jungler its unreal. I will post this and continue in the next comment hopefully that will override their deletion of it.
thats a huge 'problem' of top lane. it is the most snowball lane where u need to know your 1 vs 1 matchup. it is also very easy to counter pick in top where other player gets destroyed after first death.
If you outplay enemy jg most of the time then you can climb. Teammates feeding or inting happens you cant win all your games its fine. What i do now is not get bothered by how my team is playing try and help losing lanes if i can most importantly dominate my jg matchup, reasons alot of the time teammates feeds is because enemy jg is getting free ganks on them what you can do is counter gank. Like for example after doing a full clear you can hang around top for a couple of seconds or ward for your top laner as enemy jg is also there to prevent an easy gank.
Never pay money to get guided on a video game...there are always free guides that explain exactly what they say....especially when they plug it that much in a single video.
I had a 12month sub to skillcapped a few years ago...their advice is dope, but all the videos on their website can be found on their youtube (and that used to piss me off, coz the person who got me that subscription couldve just aent me the money instead). But the perks of the subscription is the ability to talk 1on1 with challengers from all roles, and thats it really...also chanpion specific tips
being a beginner in League Of Legends feels like having to learn things that others have done for 10years+. the amount of knowledge u have to know (the skill gap) is insane
haha true :) dont give up
Ye fr, i've been playing for a month and the tilting thing is that there are people in bronze which are trashing you even though they are hard stuxk since 2-3 years
try dota then lol
@@n3xtimenah745 Dota is like enrolling in a college major you haven't learned anything about.
@@n3xtimenah745 lol no.... lol
I'm a new player and i just wanna say that this is really helpful. literally didnt know a quarter of this stuff before watching this, and the routes/strats actually helped me better understand other aspects about the games as well. Great tutorial vid, thank you!
i was literally overthinking the farming camps, i didn't know about the treat system, thank you!
ive been playing since the beginning of s2 and this is the first time I'm tempted to try out some jungling. thanks for simplifying a role I always thought about as 7D chess against god
bro why you still playing this game 😭😭😭😭😭
I think I just relapsed also s2 player here lmao
11:11 easter eggs are always appreciated and bring a smile to the face 😁
we windowsssssss
jesus this is really helpful I didnt know anything about jungle and now I feel ready
Not new but I still need thisssss 😂
I found that I was doing really good and now I am getting queued with higher skill players and am on a losing streak more often than not. Now that I get the basics and mechanics of my main champions I need to build a stronger foundation and strategy tactics
Level 644 here and same :/
I’m brand new and for some reason jungle just appealed to me the most! The idea of sitting 1v1 with someone in lane when I didn’t know anything about the game was really daunting
I say this dont jungle because of this excuse "farming minions is hard in lane", "i cant cs for $#!?"......learning to lane is the fundamentals and help you be a better laner that can eventually make you understand jungling better same a s support
This is legitimately the reason I learned to play jungle when I started. I'm better at csing now. But when I started... I was pretty bad.
100%. Jungle is not a beginner role by any means
@@lewisjones284 I also say the same thing as support.
@blahbee7223 you think it is but it's not in reality you may not be farming but knowing wave management is crucial in fact your supposed to know more then the mid laner and ad carry
@@aqaz120 In this patch, support is definitely the easiest role if you understand the absolute basics of supporting. It's a busted role. Every single role needs an understanding of wave management, so that argument doesn't really apply just to supports
For some unknown reason I started playing league as jungle since my 9 friends that played league none of them played jungle so I was some what thrown in the deep end in like like plat mmr which wasn’t easy but guides like this definitely helped at the time now I’m no where near an average player I’ve only had about 150 hrs and I main Viego so if anyone has any tips I’m sure it would be great for me and other new players❤️
I don't play viego but i learned from a viego main that if our team is fed so is the enemy viego
I just started and I'm maining viego jungle could you help me out?
My first role in this game was jungle and I loved it, wasn't great but was fun
Excellent and simple guide, thank you very much!
i have been playing league in the jungle for as long as i can remember and this guide is definitely what i need now
this really helped me understand jg no cap
Content would be so much better without all the spam add for site.
Will u can't blame him
Besides all the ads for their own selling packages, this video was actually pretty helpful.
This definitely is helping as a reminder on how to jungle, took a 12 season break XD
The only channel that can single handedly guide all the Rising Summoners to their Prime.❤❤
I really needed this
A little advice for new junglers. If the opponent is also a fairly new jungler (an Iron), they will probably use the recommended path to finish their jungle and will try to clear all the camps. This means you can steal the top of their jungle with almost no opposition. Then retreat to your own jungle and complete the main monsters and some of the minor camps. If you manage to make camps efficiently, in this order, you will be at the bottom of the map when the dragon appears and with a level advantage over the rival jungler.
Finally a guide that is indeed for beginners and easy to follow!!! :D Thank you!
Not begginer here but I watched it anyway, very good stuff you got into those 20 minutes. Very good job!
Surprised Warwick isn't there as a beginner fighter. Super easy, super rewarding.
i play all lanes except for JG cause how overwhelming it feels like, started playing JG because i wanted to get out of my comfort zone and enjoy the game. Thanks for the guide!
11:12 Skill Capped are fellow Kesha enjoyers
pyke vs yuumi...
if pyke aphelios dont get poked constantly by lucians q and yuumis q they could play more aggressively but lucian has a really strong early game. if it wasnt an aphelios but a kaisa or cait instead, then the statement of: because its ranged vs melee supp wouldnt be true. supp matchups are like rock paper scissors.
all in beats sustain, sustain beats poke, poke beats all in.
Yuumi vs pyke: if pyke manages to hit his hook and therefore get his full combo off, it can often result in a kill, depending on the adc. yuumi can prevent that all in by poking pyke down to lower his hp. resulting in a higher risk for pyke to go in since pyke is likely to die.
Read somewhere that this is second most difficult role after mid, but still chose to play it even as a newbie, because laning is hard af, tried every role and failed miserably everywhere except jungle
Question for really anyone. I’m just recently starting to pick up the game and have been enjoying playing Bel’veth. One thing, though, is: what do I do about the enemy jungler? I’m starting to get used to when each champion is strong, so I typically try to challenge them when they’re weak, which usually works okay. But how do I prevent them from challenging me? It’s not uncommon for me to die to a strong early game champion because they chose to duel me in the early game or a late game champion in the late game. Are there any tricks to avoiding this?
Yeah, use your advantage and try as hard as possible to avoid fights. If they keep invading you then ward your jg and try to counter invade or try to get your teammates to help. Late game there's not much you can do against a late game champ, try to fight with your team if you get a good engage. Focus on clearing your jg and objectives, get a gank in if you see the opportunity. You don't have to fight the enemy jg, if they have a strong early game champ then give up scuttle or whatever
Right, okay. I’ll try to start applying these. Thank you.
Bel veth is a great champ for avoiding fights and forcing them. So if youre against lets say olaf or xin zhao, you can vertical jungle against them. This means one of your lanes will be crying and be behind but so will the opposite one of theirs. Instead of the river splitting the map, the mid lane splits it. This way you can farm up and not be behind much
@@gamingwithdrgoblin I appreciate the advice.
word of advice Porofessor is a god send for jung camp timers
what's porofessor
@ basically an overlay and helper for league look it up you’ll see
I'm overwhelmed with this information but thank you for making this video. Really helpful.
skill capped is just too expensive
3:15 Does mobile version not have pets, why I can't find it
They don't I think
@Randomcrap4uo Oh, thank you🥰. I was looking for it but I couldn't
saying they have smurf accounts for ever rank your in is wild and is what is wrong with ranked in the first place
I've been playing League for like 3 years now and never played jgl because I'm scared I might get flamed and pinged out of the game 😂
As a first week player in 2024 trying jungle is fun but insanely difficult and gamesense heavy. this is gonna severely help now that I have a semblance of understanding 😂
lol im in the same boat haha
My question is, when and what camped are worth smiting? Im new on the jg role
Swear to god lol idk either🤣🤣
Replying here so I can tell y'all after I finish work
Alright so you want to early on use your smite either to kite your buff as you walk towards your next camp and smite it just before it walks back to reset or you can just use it on your first campaftwr your buff as soon as it hits 600hp, then you'll have a charge to contest a scuttle crab, from there it's basically just an anti contest or secure on objectives/camps
Smite has a 90 second timer, holds 2 charges at once, and has a 15 sec cd between charges. The key thing is to always have smite for your big objectives such as dragon, void grubs, baron, or scuttle crab if you know you’ll be contested. Aside from that, efficiency seems the most important to me. I usually use smite on the 2nd or 3rd camp to clear my jungle and hit lvl 3 faster. Sometimes I wait for the 4th camp if I am using a very fast clearing jungler because on the fourth camp, my 2nd charge of smite will be ready. So you don’t ever want to have a lot of time when youre holding both smite charges. You find the sweet spot as you play, but I tend to always have both smites used unless drag or grubs/rift/baron is coming up. Don’t be afraid to use smite as much as you can, but always be aware of invaded because you can shut those down by smiting away your camp (AND surviving the invade).
this was really good but go easy on the repeated ads its distasteful and takes away from the appeal of the video
I watch this video because I jsut got back yesterday the farm system is completely new in my very first game in 17 mins i was level 3.... thats why I watch this video for helping me now thank you for this video
12:06 is diabolical
Ive gotten a good enough understanding of how to balance objectives and play in the first half of the match but then flounder in the second half due to a lack of direction and objectives
Awesome helpful guide :)
This is very usefull for me even as a DOTA player:)
I just can't believe how ineffective I've been on jungle the last 2 years which the role has pretty much been the same gameplay-wise. I've played jungle as a main role successfully for the first 10 years of the game. For a bunch of seasons I've played the game much more sporadically and only norms and arams. Just came back a few times for ranked the last 2 years and the role (and game in general) has changed so dramatically I cannot even play jungle anymore. As a former gold/plat player even in low silver now I'm get outpressured badly by the enemy jungler.
The classic role for most of league's history for the jungler was to be behind in farm and levels to gank and aid your lanes. A few times powerfarming picks were strongest but it wasn't the standard. Also other playstyles like not ganking and farming early with scaling junglers like fiddlesticks or amumu were also viable. At least in solo queue thats what it was and thats how im still playing it. But unless every single gank works playing a gank-heavy style now which its much harder to kill people in ganks than it used to be the other jungler gets a bigger and bigger cs lead. Then especially if a gank doesn't work or I die to a gank or enemy laners rotating first to kill me at drag or grubs, the other jungler starts rocketing ahead quickly. By the end of the game they're 3-5 levels ahead of me and 50-100 cs up and I am just too behind to do anything they have much more impact on the game regardless of how much pressure kills I got my laners (unless i literally go 5/0 or 0/0/5 from ganks) in the early game.
Is that really what the jungle meta has devolved into? You just powerfarm most of the game, only come out for the occasional gank and objective or sometimes none? The most effective champions I see consistently (in silver-gold) are diana and shyvana jungle. A lot of yi as well. They farm faster than anyone else and are so easy to play its impossible to screw up getting kills with them. They get huge off farming then if they get 1 or 2 kills from a gank they typically end up getting every obj cause they have a 2-3 level lead and often snowball to be legendary and the games over. Basically the support/tank jungler that farms slowly so you gank more often to help the team seems to be completely unviable now. I'm talking like nautilus, maokai, pre-rework skarner, gank heavy low farm lee sin, gank heavy ivern, tank jarvan, sejuani, tank gragas, tank hecarim, among others. Anytime I play any of those I'm insanely weak compared to a bruiser or carry who just powerfarms and gets a huge lead. Its been this way for years now.
Feels like they've destroyed my favorite role its so braindead now unless I'm missing something? Support/tank junglers were my main champs and I can't even play them anymore I hate what they've done to jungle I may have to quit it and play other roles. By the way if I play along and play this farm style on carry champions I do just fine in fact I usually outpressure the enemy jungler. Had to rant a bit about that but seriously do people actually enjoy this being the only viable playstyle? Theres legit only 1 way to play the role now and there used to be at least 3 in the past that you could still have meaningful impact on the game if you were good at it. And its the most braindead one of them all. Farm to 200 cs and kill ppl who try to contest you at objectives.
No mention of scuttle crabs, but definitely 7 sets of self promotion ads. Nice.
If you decide to start jungling, remember to mute your team mates. Everyone will blame you for everything without exceptions.
I really wonder if we have free minions and free monster to choose from, which one should be priorities?
Love the Kesha reference. WE WIN THOSE
I play league daily, and I never knew that Rift Herald opens an "eye" on his back, that you can hit to deal huge damage.
I always assumed you only need to attack him from behind.
Just tell me, how can i gank to a fizz, kata, lb, zed, syndra, liss, azir, talon, ziggs, velkoz?
Yeah, a BEGINNER fizz, kata, lb, zed, syndra, liss, azir, talon, ziggs, velkoz can easily make an outplay out of nowhere every single time.
Since all of the champions you mention before are so BEGINNER FRIENDLY that even a COMPLETE NOOB is able to master them with no effort at all.
Also this is a BEGINNER GUIDE btw, but in case you are facing a CHALLENGER level fizz, kata, lb, zed, syndra, liss, azir, talon, ziggs, velkoz in a BEGINNER match up, well you have a point.
Gank them when you see them use their escape ability
After having games after games with no appreciation and carry potential as a support. I am now going to give jungle a go.
I'm a mid main, adc second backup and sometimes ranked will force me to jg - I've never really jungled -cry-
Started to play jung after being matched with a master yi who somehow got executed clearing the first camp WITH help and who ended up several levels behind all through the match. I'm not trusting randoms to jungle anymore
awesome, thanks :D
Really cheese interaction but. I main fiddlesticks, goto grubs right when they spawn if they try to fight you, those little spawns coming in will just about heal you fully each time you use W, so you basically cant even be contested when your on it * as long as you dont get stunned during channel*
ich hoffe ich werd irgendwann mal so ein guter Jungler wie Hänno
1:52 what was that "enemies are missing" flame for? makes no sense
they probably werent being toxic but were using it as a "wtf is that damage lol?"
Yeah, still overwhelming, but it at least feels more feasible... The visuals were helpful for certain things... Specifically having the character icons moving around the map...
Doesnt mention that you want to get the buff last out of the three camps because the other two camps have a shorter respawn time, making you more gold
Take the JUNGLE journey with Skill-Capped by your side! 👈👈👈👈👈
I played Jg for the first time, I was Level 2 at 10 mins and wasn't able to kill monsters🤡
Guessing you didnt take jungle item and smite then? XD
I'm so scared to start jungling but I'm bored of being sup Lux all the time...need some excitement
any information when is new battle pass?
havent jungled since season 4 and thought this will be the season i start again
When I begin, these jungle creeps are killing me so quick? Why is this? They do lots of dmg
I want to start league again after years and play jungler
I been playing for 5 years and no idea how to play jungle, really wanna be a kayn main though
Jungling might be the easiest role to play
I watched this video as a new player to league and learned nothing
Yea wrong. It's easy to do the basic shit but if you wanna be any decent in my opinion it's second hardest. Support seems to be harder to get good at from what I've seen
The basics are good. But what this guy's doesn't tell you, it's that you're being paired with crappy allies that doesn't know how to play Making it more difficult to secure objectives and worst blaming you for losing their lines.
@@spacecowboy373 support is second to the hardest. It looks easy but healing and keeping your environment warded all the time while keeping your adr alive while trying to evade a zed or yasuo coming at you then keeping your demanding teammates alive plus warding the objectives of your jungler is difficult.
Watch it again and again until you get it.
Ill send this to my random jungler in champ select
As far as I know. Pyke always have prio vs Yummi. Since Yummi's early is so bad
Please do a version for midlane pleasee
Dude. Good vid but Jesus..
It’s harder than you think… BUT DONT WORRY WITH SKILLCAPPED…”
So annoying LOL
im new(3 days) and i play jungle a lot..and when i go to help my team in one of the lanes they dont want me to. everytime they keep pinging on me signaling me to go. why? ;(
Jungle guide TLDR EZ ROLE: Clear your camps fast af its guaranteed farm.
Watch what’s happening in your lanes and not yourself autoing camps.
With lane info get behind enemy lanes and burn flashes.
Once flashes are down wait exactly 5 minutes then regank and wonder why flash is up.
Then wait five more minutes and regank again
You’re welcome
what are flashes?
the summoner spell flash that tps you a short distance.
You forgot to tell them to smite the cannon minion after failing a gank😂... jkjk
I'm starting to think that youtube doesn't allow long comments now. Posted a 3 paragraph rant (no swearing, links, spam or anything that should break their guidelines) and it was removed immediately. 90% of my 200+ word comments in the last few months are removed within seconds its really annoying such a waste of time to type them all out.
Anyway I'll just keep my problem brief. Long story short I played the game casually the last 7 or so years but recently 2 times came back to ranked for a while the last 6 months. The jungle role in particular but also the game seems to have changed so dramatically I can't even figure out how to play jungle anymore. I did just fine with the way I played it for 10 years but now I can't even compete with a silver 4 enemy jungler its unreal.
I will post this and continue in the next comment hopefully that will override their deletion of it.
People are always going to complain about the jungle just get used to it steal kills if you have to
i came to LOL specifically bc fiddlesticks so now im playing them
When should the first jungle route option be used? The one where you get both buffs for level 3 and then start applying pressure?
"What do you do in botlane" either never gank or camp. No on between
I am literally at level 70 and still dont understand how to GANK, I can jungle easily, but ganking is just like math to others
I’ve been playing league for over a decade. I still can’t jungle.
my man is a jungler main no shade
and if you are a beginner that is thinking about jungling.. /all mute.. REALLY
I still make this mistake... I go into an unranked game thinking oh... it's just unranked... no one will be toxic. And then I get told to go 0/1 irl.
It's not Zin Zao. It's Shin Jauw.
2:13 yeah asol players laughing right now
First you need to learn how to mute your Teammates once they start losing their lane
Watching this bc I have no fucking clue how elder works
no matter how good i played i still lost cuz my top laner was 1 and 15 how to i stop from getting this legit every fucking game
thats a huge 'problem' of top lane. it is the most snowball lane where u need to know your 1 vs 1 matchup. it is also very easy to counter pick in top where other player gets destroyed after first death.
If you outplay enemy jg most of the time then you can climb. Teammates feeding or inting happens you cant win all your games its fine. What i do now is not get bothered by how my team is playing try and help losing lanes if i can most importantly dominate my jg matchup, reasons alot of the time teammates feeds is because enemy jg is getting free ganks on them what you can do is counter gank. Like for example after doing a full clear you can hang around top for a couple of seconds or ward for your top laner as enemy jg is also there to prevent an easy gank.
great vid but the sponsor of their course evry 5 mins is annopying
15:08 respawn timer is 4 minutes for voidgrubs lol, not 5 minutes
Drake respawns after 5 minutes
im just here bcs i always lose when i got Autofill as a Jungler and its annoying
Never pay money to get guided on a video game...there are always free guides that explain exactly what they say....especially when they plug it that much in a single video.
I had a 12month sub to skillcapped a few years ago...their advice is dope, but all the videos on their website can be found on their youtube (and that used to piss me off, coz the person who got me that subscription couldve just aent me the money instead).
But the perks of the subscription is the ability to talk 1on1 with challengers from all roles, and thats it really...also chanpion specific tips
bro said a yuumi lane is going to pressure a pyke lane. are you serious right now?
We windoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowssssss
Can we have not beginners guide for once please
I am stuck emerald in this season, even though I was diamond 1 last season
thats a you problem
@@zomzlol can you speak in human maybe
@@aliel9597sounds like a skill issue
@@sparkyoac6550 I am not silver at least, who watches this kind of guides for beginners
then buy the course, they aren't doing this for free
4 ads in 20 min? This is excessive!
Adblock bruh
8:42 bro 💀
I can't jungle. I don't make any difference