Was Chapter 5 the best chapter? No. Was it the worse? Also, no. Saying that bullet drop was worse meant that you had no skill. Fortnite is based on having fun with friends.
@@dudewhosayshi3630 If your jsut gonna be a weirdo and let this guy not be then jst dont comment people like you demotivates people to make videos and you litteraly watched his video and your doing this to him? just dont be "different" and just dont comment
I cant even be mad. OG Fortnite was probably the best online gaming experience for a lot of people. As long as it's just an optional mode and doesn't replace the main game, I don't think it's a problem.
That is a good point It's funny, because, although Chapter 5 had many issues, a vast majority of them weren't BECAUSE of the metaverse. The metaverse pipeline has its own problems but Chapter 5 was bad for a whole lot more reasons than "metaverse = worse game"
@@spooksahoy5097 That's reasonable, but the metaverse only really has merit if you enjoy the new content. Personally I think that (in its current state) it doesn't improve the game. Nothing wrong with it in of itself, though. It depends mostly on the concept VS. the execution, as well as whether you value the game's core identity or not
they literally just changed random stuff because they felt like it. animations for movement and pickaxe were changed for no reason, bullet drop with useless mods, overpowered items and refusing to split lootpools, this chapter just sucked
I still hate the animations for movement and pickaxe draw are Edited Oh let's add the new gun draws as well. I like feeling like I pulled it from my back bling/back instead of underneath.
@@tyronedavis5363 pickaxe one is especially bad you just flail your arms around and when you edit or even when you just pull it out in general it looks horrible hoping for its return in og og
as a fan of all of chapter 5, im glad to see actual valid criticism of it that i can understand instead of yapping about the "metaverse" killing battle royale and evil tim sweeney
The metaverse stuff gots its own issues like how they initially rushed it or being a big factor on why they decided to remove rarity’s the biggest issues were always related with chapter 5
@@Vloakanio i'm mainly thinking about people saying the metaverse is taking attention away from battle royale. but yeah taking away rarities was dumb especially since they create new rarities for every car collab they make
I would say half of what he says are heavily disguised lies, mostly the “encouraged” to fall on a POI that has been almost an staple since chapter 2, then the season 3 criticism is just the same “I don’t want to change my gameplay”
As someone who first started to play fortnite around the start of chapter 5, i thought it was okay. And then i played chapter 2 remix and it made me realize what everyone meant when they say chapter 5 was stale and underwhelming with the amount of issues it have.
chapter 5 was horrible in general, the guns were cool (mostly) i liked them (half the time) but the map and the gameplay felt so ASS the new "features" were useless beyond the car gun shit which was annoying as hell and attachments as well as mantling... which wasnt even new.... the trains were painfully useless, completely horrible transportation in game, the underground gun crate shit was just 50/50 etc
Tbh chapter 2 remix kinda sucked. I like the map more than C5, but the loot spread was abysmal. Like…borderline unplayable abysmal. Shit shouldnt have made it through playtesting.
It’s all about perspective. I also started in chapter 5 and loved it. Chapter 2 remix had been terrible imo. It’s felt dated and boring and I can’t wait for chapter 6
Its almost like the less cluttered and unbalanced items a chapter/season had, the more creative people had to get to fight others. In other seasons, you could have a golden weapon and still get outplayed by someone with a grey weapon. The fucking miniguns and superhero weapons are unskillful and crutch asf. Its not that change is bad or anything, but there comes a point where all these additions become so bloated and overstimulating.
@@DangerDayhsthis is genuinely a horrible take, sprinting and mantling is NOT a replacement for building - they’re literally just separate ways to move and navigate fights/the map
@@SpeedoodlemanExactly and it really helps when a sweat decides to build a 5 star hotel. Not to mention it's genuinely the best movement changes we've gotten.
The best part of Chapter 5 was that one clickbaiter that had a weird obsession over Godzilla secretly being under the Grand Glacier ice. And now it looks like bud just predicted the future! *GASP* HES THE HEIR TO THE MONADO!!!!!
My exact sentiment. I liked Chapter 5 to an extent while it was happening, but looking back on it now that we're in a much more grounded season, it was such an overwhelming mess
Honestly I really liked chapter 5 season 1 not just best season of the chapter but probably best season since chapter 3 season 2 everything after that was either mid or shit 💩💩
In Squads if one person had it then you could spot other teams from a seriously long distance. So it gives a good advantage. Apart from that it was awful to shoot.
For how bad this chapter was i won't lie i did have quite a lot of fun with some of the seasons. I know how frustrating season 3 was but for me that was the first time i've had fun playing this game since chapter 4.
5:35 I couldn’t agree more ch4 felt so good to play (other than season 3 of course) but i never thought of it like this. The way it combined modern and old fortnite was great. I especially loved how they introduced a new mobility item every season (of course excluding season 3). It made each season have a little bit of extra flair that was just perfect. Great vid btw
5:33 im glad someone is mentioning this. chapter 4 (except for season 3) was a fantastic chapter imo, and kept the guns simple, but added new mechanics that werent intrusive but instead addative. i also think the reason the chapter 5 guns feel so bad to use is because they almost all pull out from your hip, and not from your backpack like the pump shotgun does, which doesnt match the pickaxe animation, that actually does pull from your backpack
Wilds is overrated tbh, it wasn’t objectively horrible it was just stale as a season compared to all other parts of C4. The BP sucked and it took people some time to warm up to the massive jungle they dropped in the centre of the map. The Jujutsu Kaisen collab at the end part of the season was pretty good tho
@@4xJojo im think it wasnt too bad, but the giant shit stain in the middle of the map was just awful, so it brings the season down a bit for me. Still nowhere near primal season or wrecked tho
Honestly the problems for chapter 4 can be traced back to the metaverse. While now they have it all in place with Seperate teams for different modes in chapter 4 they were making all of them so they had to lose resources for br, which made the game feel stale
Wanna know my opinion? Wrecked was my favorite season since chapter 1. Hands down. It was non stop chaos, and playing with my buddies was a blast. Also had the best soundtrack/battle pass/music pass/ sound effects. The level up sound was mwah chefs kiss
@@-fireball65- it was not fun at all and it was just boring.. car fights were okay but they were not balanced.. people jumping in others cars and basically teaming by being in the gunners seat.. I could go on and on
I think chapter 5 had its seasons mixed up for the whole chapter being themed around greek stuff the fact that the greek season was the second season is a bit odd
It’s unfair to rate chapter 5 without dividing each season’s week 1’s with the rest of the season. It was so fun at first, then everything new was nerfed and it grew stagnant.
@@deleted-22222 it makes the game garbage. it changes the gunplay completely for the worse. i don't know if you even know what bullet drop is guessing by how confused you are by it's hatred.
@@nosse7 why was remix ass to you? im just curious. is it because you didnt like chapter 2 in the first place? I thought it was leagues better than the slop they were releasing before
I could barely touch the game in chapter 5. Everything felt so desolate on the map and I hated how the guns felt. If chapter 6 is anything like 5 I’m fully giving up on the game.
tbh fortnite peaked in chapter 1 imo, and at least chapter 2 stlll kept (some) of that special feeling that old fortnite gave us, but tbh at this point Epic isnt the same smaller company focusing on STW and battle royale, they are now a multibillion dollar company who wants to please its shareholders by introducing lame crossovers to make money off little kids
Only parts of Chapter five I liked was the Avatar: The Last Airbender collab because it is my favorite TV show of all time, Season 3 because I could turn my brain off and get 20 kill games, and Peter Griffin because he is just a chill guy.
Ch1 really was just that good and Ch5 really was just that bad. Ch1 had such a clean and simple map with iconic POI. Amazing LTM's. Balanced level of collabs. Way better Battle Passes. Reliable weapons and items. Simple and clean UI. Ch5 was like the opposite of ALL of that. 😂
@derealmememan Nah son. Ch2 was ass outside of one season, and Ch3 was a cheap imitation of Ch1, but with worse weapons, too many collabs, bad battle passes and a convoluted story that relied on comic books. Ch1 was better in almost every possible way. The only thing that was better in Ch3 was the movement additions.
another thing about chapter 5 is the fact a new season would completely wipe out all the content from the one before it, while also not seeming like anything changed at all. when new locations with medallions and bosses were added, the main pois from the previous season were left barren and essentially unchanged, and they were either left like that until the end of the chapter (reckless for example) or the poi and the entire surrounding area was completely replaced, that along with barely any notable landmark or unnamed poi changes made the map feel like it wasn't really evolving at all but was also constantly switching up (probably for the worse). same goes for the guns, some weapons were either replaced by something similar but worse after being in the game for one season, or were left untouched and rotting in the lootpool for the entirety of the chapter.
Im gonna predict, The OG mode will dominate Chapter 6 so hard, they will actually remove the mode just to push the people to play Chapter 6 and that move will kill Fortnite for good
I think adding the OG mode permanently in general is a TERRIBLE move. It will pull people away from chapter 6 until eventually people get bored of it and the “magic” of the “good old days” will be dead forever. In a few short months, OG fortnite will be considered just as stale and lifeless as new fortnite. They need to give it to us in short bursts if they want to keep the hype alive.
That sounds way too negative. It's not like they removed Reload, which was liked more than the main mode, and removing their big OG plan sounds too far even for Epic standards
I mean why would they remove it? If more people play OG, they’re still playing Fortnite. They’re still buying OG Passes. Fortnite makes money regardless of which mode is on top
I genuinely loved Chapter 5 season 1. My life was at its peak then. It holds so many memories for me and just felt really good and fun to play. It was also around Christmas time aswell.
Tbh as a person who didnt like chapter 5 as much, season 4 was honestly so peak, with the doom island, mythics, multiple live events and the start, sadly the story went wasted
it was the worst chapter, it went from peak fortnite to the worst chapter that will ever happen, it was not only the downfall of battle royale but the downfall of fortnite in everyway, investing way to much into game modes, trash ui changes, removing cosmetic rarities, and stupid collabs. Nontheless In 1-2 years just like every chapter it will feel nostalgic.
Bruh chapter 5 season 2 was horrible. I would rather stay in chapter 3 season 4 for an entire chapter than play the last 3 seasons of ch5. ch5s1 gets a pass. great video bro you spoke my mind
Sad thing is chapter 5 season 2 could’ve been amazing if epic didn’t make those stupid decisions with the cosmetic rarity, Greek god weapons replaced with avatar weapons, that season had potential in my opinion
I usually ignore "this chapter was rubbish" comments because it usually dials back to people being overly nostalgic for chapter 1 which after playing fortnite OG, made me realise how "meh" it actually was. It was Chapter 4 that genuinely captivated me with it's fun weapon pool and fantastic map that always ended in chaos. Then came chapter 5 and my god... Never before did it feel like the game took a leap backwards. The map felt shockingly bland and the train certainly didn't offer anything despite how much of a big deal they made it out to be and then there's the whole medallion thing which was just... ass. But what killed it for me was the avatar weapons being able to snipe people across the bloody map. I actively stopped playing that season. Then came the marvel season and every fight boiled down to warmachine or shield nonsense where every "fight" was just run away, or in that case, fly away with absurd amounts of mobility with no means of punishment since they removed the lock-on pistol. It's the least fun I had playing Fortnite and all I can say is good riddance.
Chapter 6 looks super promising from the first few games I played of it. It's the first time in a while that I've been excited for Fortnite, and the last time I felt like this was C4S3 Jungle Wilds
medallions really are just a worse version of augments in their versions after season 1. I've always been a strong defender of augments, to the point I would say they are single-handedly the worse single removal from the game (overall, i think siphon being removed is worse for comp specifically). I think they wanted to make the concept of abilities like augments have larger more dramatic effects, but thought that it being completely RNG would be bad, which I agree with. Honestly, my dream is to evolve the medallion idea into a 6th item slot, and add them to the normal loot pool, give us 6-8 medallions we can find just by normal looting, cut the tracking system, and make it so you can only carry one.
Honestly I feel the bullet drop thing could be kept IF they make it to wear if you don't have a scope you get hitscan, and also make mod benches at like every POI.
I remember making so many memories with friends from the beginning of ch4 to ch5 s1 and then season 2 hit and the game got boring and i didnt feel the urge to play it anymore. Then season 3 came and i played one or two matches and quit. I cant remember a single match i played in season 4
i struggled early on because the map doesn't fit the gameplay now but the clarity from the season being close to ending allowed me to actually enjoy the game
Chapter 5 was better than 4 It got me back into playing, i loved gods season, car season sucked at the start but it got better with the nerfs, and doom season was decent, different loot pools in ranked saved the season
ngl if they were to bring back weapon mods i'd love if they did it simular to sidegrading where you could find certain attachments in chests or a different loot box thing and allow you to use them to sidegrade certain weapons to a completely new weapons like get a red dot sight and make a red eye or mk7 or if you find a sillencer you could make your ar a supressed ar
Yeah the ''its just nostalgia'' is either gaslighting, and/or an over used word people throw as an excuse. Um no, Fortnite just went overboard with so many features, I lost complete interest mid way Chpt 2, I came back to the game after a years break after the massive Graphics and movement update, it didn't feel like the Fortnite I played before, and not in the positive sense... I'm soooo happy OG is coming back to be permanent, Chapter 1 in my opinion is and was the best prior to having all these NPC/ Power Ups/ Mythics... Sure, Chtp1 had Mythics, but it didn't go overboard, they introduced new things at a steady pace without going overboard to please some 12 year old with attention deficit disorder needing something new every week...
It just sounds like fortnite isnt the game for you and you dont like the more exotic game its evolved into. Its not like warzone where the mechanics are very grounded and vanilla and there is nothing wrong with the creative direction the game has been takne in. Not only that, people only played OG because of nostalgia. I guarnatee that people will stop playing that gamemode very fast when its permanent because it will get boring really fast. Nostalgia only temporarily boosts interest, and it wont carry the game long-term. People return to chelc out the old map and do a couple things and then they will leave and never come back because there is nothing actually interesting about returning to chapter 1. The graphics are worse, movement is worse, guns are boring, no interesting mechanics for the most part, and most importantly, nothing new.
@@crumblelord1302 I've put in countless hours in each season in Chapter 1 and was upset each time it had to go. Compare that to the last few seasons of Fortnite today I couldn't give 2 F's. Also you are just simply wrong thinking people will move on from OG Fortnite after a while once it releases. It was the better ''game'' for a lot of us and still is. Also other gaming titles have done the same such as RUNESCAPE where they brought back the OG game, and guess what? It has a bigger playerbase several years onwards then it's current iteration of the game. Other games that have done this PROVE that it works by bringing the OG state of the game, and not some completely different game that Fortnite is compared to was... Not saying it will be the same for Fortnite, but there will be a large amount of players that will stick to OG fortnite till the end, and that's so much facts that it cannot be debated outside of just debating to be annoying at this point. OG Format works... Also having monthly seasonal rotations is what will make it ''fresh'' even if it's the same. Think about it, you get practically to experience one OG season a month for the year. It isn't a lot.
Great vid, Layo! One point I wanted to bring up that was missed is that even though season 2 seemed like the best, it also had its evil malignant growth that was the absolutely atrocious battle pass XP gains. what was it like 15k XP for WEEKLY CHALLENGES!? All because they wanted to force you to grind other modes to get the XP. I was so burnt out of rocket racing and AFKing lego mode that I never wanted to touch those modes ever again. The guy that even does the "can i complete the battle pass in one day" could not even complete it for the FIRST TIME EVER.
I do give chapter 5 one thing. It made me miss chapter 4 waaayy more and appreciate it. That chapter was special because even after feeling burnt out, I could still play one day and have fun. If I ever did that with chapter 5, I would've straight up quit and never returned (probably). Rest In Piss Chapter 5.
to be fair, mythic bosses in general without medallions and just the weapons also encourage players to land at specific locations, so your logic about that is flawed
@BrainDead101-ep4yc Im just not into masks and hoods and like anime swordfighting, just not my style. And we also have a lot of Japanese cosmetics already so im a little tired of seeing it.
I come from the future (day 2 of 6-1), and though I'm mad at the fact they still didn't fix the special Fan pickaxe animation, the map looks so much prettier and is already starting in a season similar to the best* season of Chapter 4... Loot is lowkey whatever though.
I would honestly prefer that we keep projectile based weapons as I do not like getting lasered from 200 meters away in my elite-unreal lobbies, but if we go back to hitscan, I never want to see another scoped gun outside of snipers and dmrs again as they were already projectile based
I was so hyped for weapon mods during the build up to chapter 5. After the novelty wore off it just made the game so more complicated than it needed to be. During remix I had more fun due to the lack of mods.
Why I liked Chapter 5 because I’m a casual, I like fun crazy items and features, but I do understand why competitive didn’t like it especially in rank, the other things I like about Chapter 5 was the constant updates and story, that was my biggest gripe with chapter 4, the lack constant updates and lack of story. But here are things I would have improved to make the chapter liked by everyone 1 Don’t nerf everything 2 Keep all of the crazy stuff out of ranked 3 Keep rarities 4 make mod benches more accessible, like add a portable mod bench or have 1 in every poi. 5 add more mods.
Honestly, I will defend this with my life, Chapter 4 was the worst chapter. Its barely memorable. Chapter 5’s best season was season 1, season 2 was ok, season 3 sucked, and season 4 was mid
Your not alone I too think chapter 4 was the worst chapter especially the last two seasons of it they were so forgettable and they all felt the same especially the battle passes every skin looked the same and we always had a katana pick axe and pack back like I can't even count hoe many katana pick axes I have from all those battle passes
@ funnily enough, season 4 was my favorite season out of all of them during that chapter. A lot of people hated it but I loved it. Its the only season I really enjoyed during that chapter
Chapter 4 had augments, unique mobility (katanas, shockwave hammers, ODM gear, etc) vibrant map with different biomes from the start that weren’t just different shades of green and more balanced gunplay in comparison to ch5. I remember a lot of the poi’s from ch4s1 (faulty splits, the citadel, sloppy shores, brutal bastion),and yet I struggle to remember anything in ch5s1 besides reckless railways because everything looked the same. The only bad thing about ch4 was s3 and the jungle ruining the middle of the map but I’ll take that over 4 consecutive bad seasons/the whole chapter being mid at absolute best.
when reload released and we got back to playing with hitscan it felt amazing, the only downside I personally have with hitscan is that some fights devolve into a bloom fight, where your reticle is dead on but you´re at the mercy of luck, but overall a worthy tradeoff for having hitscan back.
i will never accept the slander that wrecked was bad the fact i could get in a car and play gta for the next 20 minutes and STILL win brings a tear to my eye
You just described exactly why it was bad. If I wanted to hop on GTA I'd hop on GTA, not Fortnite. I'm glad you had fun and all but the game was near unplayable for people who actually enjoy Fortnite for it's gameplay.
Wrecked was peak in pubs when it started and then the sweats complained and instead of splitting loot pools to fix it they just nerfed cars. Y'know, cars, the one BIG thing this season. I dropped Fortnite when they nerfed cars cuz it just told me that they were always gonna make the worst decisions to appease sweats instead of finding a good solution for everyone.
@@piercing_heaven it had nothing to do with sweats. I play the game extremely casually, it was unplayable while cars were so dominant. When I hopped on to play, I wanted to get some good engaging gunfights, not play shitty Twisted Metal ripoff. I'm sure plenty of people love Twisted Metal but those people probably own that game already.
Same here. I understand the complaint that people make about how Wrecked wasn't good because it changed how you had to approach and play the game, but it came out following two boring seasons on a terribly boring map, so shut up; I don't care. Wrecked coming out and providing respite from the slog that was C5 up to that point felt very reminiscent of when 2:3 came out and saved us from the endless, unchanging purgatory that was the first ~8 months of C2. Yeah, it was different, and that's exactly what it needed to be. It's like: I get it, some people like stale, moldy, white bread, but getting a different type of stale, moldy bread every once in a while won't kill you.
In my opinion, I loved it when siphon was added even in pubs. It led to an aggressive play style, which should be the aim of a BR game. Also, I'm one of the few people who apparently enjoyed Chapter 2, but this "Remix" one is... A thing that exists, for sure. While I love these artists, except Ice Spice, I don't understand how did they think that overtaking a full month promo was a good idea. I don't dislike Fortnite having collabs, but I hate it when Fortnite throws aways its identity for those collabs to happen
As a former player that stopped in 2019, looking at the game from an outsider's perspective makes you think it was thriving. Didn't know that it's still riddled with problems due to Epic's decision making, but not exactly surprised by it.
@@Komatic5 And the concert took over the entirety of Times Square and featured Snoop Dogg. That takes a lot of effort to get setup. Was it the best event, no it wasn’t. But calling it “lazy” just because you didn’t like it is just asinine and ignorant. It had a lot more effort put into it than the other events in the Chapter, especially the C5S3 explosion “event”
@@DrAnimePhD my argument to you is that live events are mostly story related, all the mini events we had in chapter 5 were all story related.. the prelude event just throws all of that out the window.. no closure on the chapter.. yes I appreciate epic for doing events but this was not it
Idk, im personally exhausted of the hate towards it. Ive personally been enjoying playing the game and genuinely havent much fun since og chapter 2 in the marvel season, and ive been playing this game for 7 years straight. There were still good decisions and features they bought to the game this time around. People in this community are so quick to be negative in any chapter, not even just chapter 5
Was Chapter 5 the best chapter? No. Was it the worse? Also, no. Saying that bullet drop was worse meant that you had no skill. Fortnite is based on having fun with friends.
@@dudewhosayshi3630 If your jsut gonna be a weirdo and let this guy not be then jst dont comment people like you demotivates people to make videos and you litteraly watched his video and your doing this to him? just dont be "different" and just dont comment
a wise man once said,
"when players flee, spam og."
-tim sweeney probably
I cant even be mad. OG Fortnite was probably the best online gaming experience for a lot of people.
As long as it's just an optional mode and doesn't replace the main game, I don't think it's a problem.
NoahsNoah reference
Chapter 5 made me quit and not even og will bring me back
How bro felt after saying that: 🗿🗿🍷🍷🍷
Complaining about chapter 5 for 10+ minutes without even saying the word "metaverse" is an insane achievement
In all truth the metaverse barely affected the game and main br other than the removal of rarities and the ui.
That is a good point
It's funny, because, although Chapter 5 had many issues, a vast majority of them weren't BECAUSE of the metaverse.
The metaverse pipeline has its own problems but Chapter 5 was bad for a whole lot more reasons than "metaverse = worse game"
@@ondoyant I agree, I probably only played Lego Fortnite or Rocket Racing on the very first day.
I personally really like the metaverse, yes it ruins fortnite’s original identity but it kind of gives birth to something new yk
@@spooksahoy5097 That's reasonable, but the metaverse only really has merit if you enjoy the new content.
Personally I think that (in its current state) it doesn't improve the game. Nothing wrong with it in of itself, though.
It depends mostly on the concept VS. the execution, as well as whether you value the game's core identity or not
they literally just changed random stuff because they felt like it. animations for movement and pickaxe were changed for no reason, bullet drop with useless mods, overpowered items and refusing to split lootpools, this chapter just sucked
It didn't feel like they were experimenting, it felt like they had no idea what they were doing
@ yeah they basically lost their minds for a chapter and then put ice spice in fortnite for some reason
Exactly. They think they are doing something
I still hate the animations for movement and pickaxe draw are
Edited Oh let's add the new gun draws as well. I like feeling like I pulled it from my back bling/back instead of underneath.
@@tyronedavis5363 pickaxe one is especially bad you just flail your arms around and when you edit or even when you just pull it out in general it looks horrible hoping for its return in og og
as a fan of all of chapter 5, im glad to see actual valid criticism of it that i can understand instead of yapping about the "metaverse" killing battle royale and evil tim sweeney
The metaverse stuff gots its own issues like how they initially rushed it or being a big factor on why they decided to remove rarity’s the biggest issues were always related with chapter 5
@@Vloakanio i'm mainly thinking about people saying the metaverse is taking attention away from battle royale.
but yeah taking away rarities was dumb especially since they create new rarities for every car collab they make
I would say half of what he says are heavily disguised lies, mostly the “encouraged” to fall on a POI that has been almost an staple since chapter 2, then the season 3 criticism is just the same “I don’t want to change my gameplay”
PRAYING chapter 6 is different
I am waiting until chapter 7 in 2029-2030 hoping I can look back on this comment and not be dissapointed
@ it would be 2026-2027
@@SharpPython I see my excuse
@ ???
Same...probably gonna be disappointing though
As someone who first started to play fortnite around the start of chapter 5, i thought it was okay. And then i played chapter 2 remix and it made me realize what everyone meant when they say chapter 5 was stale and underwhelming with the amount of issues it have.
chapter 5 was horrible in general, the guns were cool (mostly) i liked them (half the time) but the map and the gameplay felt so ASS
the new "features" were useless beyond the car gun shit which was annoying as hell and attachments as well as mantling... which wasnt even new....
the trains were painfully useless, completely horrible transportation in game, the underground gun crate shit was just 50/50 etc
Imagine starting in ch5 😂😂
@@OfficalgamerkidAC Imagine trying to ragebait in a youtube comment section
Tbh chapter 2 remix kinda sucked. I like the map more than C5, but the loot spread was abysmal. Like…borderline unplayable abysmal. Shit shouldnt have made it through playtesting.
It’s all about perspective. I also started in chapter 5 and loved it. Chapter 2 remix had been terrible imo. It’s felt dated and boring and I can’t wait for chapter 6
Early bird here, saw "Fortnite Chapter 5 was exhausting" and couldn't agree more, clicked immediately
yeah i couldnt not click on the vid lol
Its almost like the less cluttered and unbalanced items a chapter/season had, the more creative people had to get to fight others. In other seasons, you could have a golden weapon and still get outplayed by someone with a grey weapon. The fucking miniguns and superhero weapons are unskillful and crutch asf. Its not that change is bad or anything, but there comes a point where all these additions become so bloated and overstimulating.
Oh also, i genuinely think sprint and mantle should be removed from builds. Your like, supposed to build in full builds.
@@DangerDayhsthis is genuinely a horrible take, sprinting and mantling is NOT a replacement for building - they’re literally just separate ways to move and navigate fights/the map
@@SpeedoodlemanExactly and it really helps when a sweat decides to build a 5 star hotel.
Not to mention it's genuinely the best movement changes we've gotten.
@@DangerDayhswhat bronze lobbies are you playing in where buidling is replaced by sprinting and mantling
@@DangerDayhs blasphemy
The best part of Chapter 5 was that one clickbaiter that had a weird obsession over Godzilla secretly being under the Grand Glacier ice.
And now it looks like bud just predicted the future! *GASP* HES THE HEIR TO THE MONADO!!!!!
Yeah SamJam. he finally got something right
@@Layo0I was referring to Communic Gaming but yeah there can be two heirs.
In the hispanic community there’s also a guy that is obsessed with Godzilla coming to Fortnite LMFAO
Omg Xenoblade mentioned in a fn video
C5S1 was an awesome season
The worst part of the season was the community
The community is at its lowest right now man
Lol (Chapter*)
@@endawvvknightz6526 oh yea, Chapter*
3:06 That voice crack was tragic 💀
the moment chapter 5 came out i immediately hated it after seeing the more realistic graphics as well as the movement
Graphics and movement peaked with chapter 4 🙏
Reminder that Epic Games once allowed the Infinity Blade in Fortnite tournaments.
My exact sentiment. I liked Chapter 5 to an extent while it was happening, but looking back on it now that we're in a much more grounded season, it was such an overwhelming mess
dude I loved chapter 5 season 2 only, it was fire not because of the content, but because the friends we made along the way
Honestly I really liked chapter 5 season 1 not just best season of the chapter but probably best season since chapter 3 season 2 everything after that was either mid or shit 💩💩
The thermal scope was HORRIBLE too, it had zero right to replace the regular 2× scope.
In Squads if one person had it then you could spot other teams from a seriously long distance. So it gives a good advantage. Apart from that it was awful to shoot.
7:56 that dashie clip is iconic😂
For how bad this chapter was i won't lie i did have quite a lot of fun with some of the seasons. I know how frustrating season 3 was but for me that was the first time i've had fun playing this game since chapter 4.
0:47 I’m subbing just for that 😂
Fr 😭
I'm a hardcore chapter 4 defender, even season 3 of chapter 4 was way more fun than anything chapter 5 had to offer
Season 3 of Chapter 5 was fun if you didn’t play it like Fortnite, which is a bad thing looking back on it.
@Buzz.co2 a very very bad thing lmao
Ch4 s3 is the worst season of fortnite
@ravdar7236 we ignoring PRIMAL? (Chapter 2 season 6)
cap ch5s1 was PEAK
5:35 I couldn’t agree more ch4 felt so good to play (other than season 3 of course) but i never thought of it like this. The way it combined modern and old fortnite was great. I especially loved how they introduced a new mobility item every season (of course excluding season 3). It made each season have a little bit of extra flair that was just perfect. Great vid btw
5:33 im glad someone is mentioning this. chapter 4 (except for season 3) was a fantastic chapter imo, and kept the guns simple, but added new mechanics that werent intrusive but instead addative. i also think the reason the chapter 5 guns feel so bad to use is because they almost all pull out from your hip, and not from your backpack like the pump shotgun does, which doesnt match the pickaxe animation, that actually does pull from your backpack
Wilds is overrated tbh, it wasn’t objectively horrible it was just stale as a season compared to all other parts of C4. The BP sucked and it took people some time to warm up to the massive jungle they dropped in the centre of the map. The Jujutsu Kaisen collab at the end part of the season was pretty good tho
@@4xJojo im think it wasnt too bad, but the giant shit stain in the middle of the map was just awful, so it brings the season down a bit for me. Still nowhere near primal season or wrecked tho
Chapter 4 season 2 was my favorite season I’ve ever played
The last thing was the dumbest thing i have ever heard about fortnite, right next to someone saying FN was never strategic
Honestly the problems for chapter 4 can be traced back to the metaverse. While now they have it all in place with Seperate teams for different modes in chapter 4 they were making all of them so they had to lose resources for br, which made the game feel stale
I hope they keep hitscan in chapter 6
Not me.
Used to hate bullet drop but it is so more skilled than hitscan it's insane.
You like losing to rng? cool; not me.
I hope they bring bullet drop back, bloom is just so frustrating
@@fistofram5526 what rng u can tap fire
@@Janko971 Are you stupid?
That's not even what AR's should be.
It's moronic.
If I wanted to tap fire id use a DMR.
tell me if I'm wrong or not but ch 6 was the literal fucking definition of there is always light at the end of a tunnel
9:51 “my fun was mostly caused by the people I play with, not the actual chapter”
So real for almost any game ever
Every singleplayer game: 👁️👄👁️
I can't belive we have gotten to the point where the devs think of "fun" and "balance" as mutually exclusive concepts.
Wanna know my opinion? Wrecked was my favorite season since chapter 1. Hands down. It was non stop chaos, and playing with my buddies was a blast. Also had the best soundtrack/battle pass/music pass/ sound effects. The level up sound was mwah chefs kiss
... I mean everyone can have their own opinions.
Like layo just said, it would take every drug on the planet for me to feel this way about the season.. and this chapter
It was really fun, I basically just stopped taking things seriously, and just started goofing around, and cars made doing that super easy
@@idekmatt why?
@@-fireball65- it was not fun at all and it was just boring.. car fights were okay but they were not balanced.. people jumping in others cars and basically teaming by being in the gunners seat.. I could go on and on
Chapter 6 was the best thing that could have happened imo chapter 6 has been the best start to a chapter ever
this guys editing is hilarious, earned a sub
I think chapter 5 had its seasons mixed up for the whole chapter being themed around greek stuff the fact that the greek season was the second season is a bit odd
Chapter 5 felt like a nightmare that was never going to end
It’s unfair to rate chapter 5 without dividing each season’s week 1’s with the rest of the season. It was so fun at first, then everything new was nerfed and it grew stagnant.
I want ch6 to be great.
Yet I just really want hitscan to be in chapter 6. It’s my biggest wish.
if they bring bullet drop back i may just complete the pass and quit not gonna lie lol
Hit scan was in chapter 2 remix so they’ll definitely bring it back
i don't fucking understand why people care so much about fucking bullet drop it barely matters
@@deleted-22222 it makes the game garbage. it changes the gunplay completely for the worse. i don't know if you even know what bullet drop is guessing by how confused you are by it's hatred.
My opinion on CH5:
S1 : Amazing
S2 : Ass
S3 : Ass but saved by reload
S4 : Ass but saved by reload
Remix : Amazing but S1 was better
S2 was good remix was ass
@@nosse7 your opinion
@SansTheFunnySkeleton yes completely my opinion
@@nosse7 why was remix ass to you? im just curious. is it because you didnt like chapter 2 in the first place? I thought it was leagues better than the slop they were releasing before
It's funny because my opinion is the complete opposite
Chapter 2 season 1 was the best, the loot pool wasn't polluted and there were mythics worth getting
I agree with you there but when they brought it back something just feels off
I think you mean 2:2--there weren't mythics in 2:1.
@@bekkfxstmythic goldfish
@@derealmememanhe said *mythics*
@@Diogo2cool yes it’s a mythic
Havent played this game for 5 years
This chapter gave us so much content and yet it felt really boring and repetitive
Even wrecked?!
7:55 The random dashie strays LMFAOO
I could barely touch the game in chapter 5. Everything felt so desolate on the map and I hated how the guns felt. If chapter 6 is anything like 5 I’m fully giving up on the game.
tbh fortnite peaked in chapter 1 imo, and at least chapter 2 stlll kept (some) of that special feeling that old fortnite gave us, but tbh at this point Epic isnt the same smaller company focusing on STW and battle royale, they are now a multibillion dollar company who wants to please its shareholders by introducing lame crossovers to make money off little kids
Only parts of Chapter five I liked was the Avatar: The Last Airbender collab because it is my favorite TV show of all time, Season 3 because I could turn my brain off and get 20 kill games, and Peter Griffin because he is just a chill guy.
Notice how none of them had to do with the guns, I hated every gun.
Except the Reaper Sniper.
9:27 that is tier-list is mad disrespectful
thats a goated tier list right there idk whatchu mean bud
@ putting chapter 2 that low
Absolutely agreed
@@noobon0ob brother chapter 2 was HORRENDOUS.
@@ultronic2765 buddy u said C5 S3 was one of the best seasons in Fortnite
Finally someone who stands up for chapter 4
Ch1 really was just that good and Ch5 really was just that bad.
Ch1 had such a clean and simple map with iconic POI. Amazing LTM's. Balanced level of collabs. Way better Battle Passes. Reliable weapons and items. Simple and clean UI.
Ch5 was like the opposite of ALL of that. 😂
Nah chapter 3 and chapter 2 were better than both of them
@derealmememan Nah son. Ch2 was ass outside of one season, and Ch3 was a cheap imitation of Ch1, but with worse weapons, too many collabs, bad battle passes and a convoluted story that relied on comic books.
Ch1 was better in almost every possible way. The only thing that was better in Ch3 was the movement additions.
@ nostalgia blinded
I like this video. It was funny and you had good arguments and put into words how I felt ab the game that I couldn’t. You got a new sub bro
11:13 they will have to be really down bad for us to say that
Maybe not the whole chapter but chapter 5 season one was goated and I'll definitely miss it I already do.
Insane video. Loved the pacing, topics, and editing of this masterpiece.
Donald Mustard didn’t die for chapter 5 to be so mid 😭🙏
Fly high 🦅🦅🦅
He didn't die, y'all are treating him like he's jesus christ or some shit.
@ i’m joking bruh who gen thinks he died
@@SillyBaudelaire I've encountered people who genuinely believed that. The Fortnite community can be really stupid.
another thing about chapter 5 is the fact a new season would completely wipe out all the content from the one before it, while also not seeming like anything changed at all. when new locations with medallions and bosses were added, the main pois from the previous season were left barren and essentially unchanged, and they were either left like that until the end of the chapter (reckless for example) or the poi and the entire surrounding area was completely replaced, that along with barely any notable landmark or unnamed poi changes made the map feel like it wasn't really evolving at all but was also constantly switching up (probably for the worse). same goes for the guns, some weapons were either replaced by something similar but worse after being in the game for one season, or were left untouched and rotting in the lootpool for the entirety of the chapter.
Im gonna predict, The OG mode will dominate Chapter 6 so hard, they will actually remove the mode just to push the people to play Chapter 6 and that move will kill Fortnite for good
I think adding the OG mode permanently in general is a TERRIBLE move. It will pull people away from chapter 6 until eventually people get bored of it and the “magic” of the “good old days” will be dead forever. In a few short months, OG fortnite will be considered just as stale and lifeless as new fortnite. They need to give it to us in short bursts if they want to keep the hype alive.
That sounds way too negative. It's not like they removed Reload, which was liked more than the main mode, and removing their big OG plan sounds too far even for Epic standards
I mean why would they remove it? If more people play OG, they’re still playing Fortnite. They’re still buying OG Passes. Fortnite makes money regardless of which mode is on top
It’s gonna dominate for like a week then everyone’s gonna get bored
Tbf, i think OG mode will be big on launch week, and then people won’t pick it up again until season 4 or 5 is in rotation
I genuinely loved Chapter 5 season 1. My life was at its peak then. It holds so many memories for me and just felt really good and fun to play. It was also around Christmas time aswell.
i would genuinely love to FORCE epic games to watch this video AND GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER BRUH
I miss chapter 4 dude looking back it's the most fun I've had with fortnite.
if the real og map stays forever and there isnt sprinting or mantling i will only play that map😂
7 years and they still cant make a decision for siphon in ranked
Tbh as a person who didnt like chapter 5 as much, season 4 was honestly so peak, with the doom island, mythics, multiple live events and the start, sadly the story went wasted
the only thing i liked about ch5 is that they don't remove a biome so it feels that you're still in that season
it was the worst chapter, it went from peak fortnite to the worst chapter that will ever happen, it was not only the downfall of battle royale but the downfall of fortnite in everyway, investing way to much into game modes, trash ui changes, removing cosmetic rarities, and stupid collabs. Nontheless In 1-2 years just like every chapter it will feel nostalgic.
the odd combination of mario galaxy and fortnite in every damn fortnite video works and still has yet to get old
Bruh chapter 5 season 2 was horrible. I would rather stay in chapter 3 season 4 for an entire chapter than play the last 3 seasons of ch5. ch5s1 gets a pass. great video bro you spoke my mind
ch5s3 is the only actually bad one
Sad thing is chapter 5 season 2 could’ve been amazing if epic didn’t make those stupid decisions with the cosmetic rarity, Greek god weapons replaced with avatar weapons, that season had potential in my opinion
The minecraft nether music in the background is a nice touch
Where's my Fly Away Today at 🦋
chapter 5 season 3 could've been the best season if fortnite didnt nerf the boss cars into olbivion
it kinda felt like twisted metal
Chapter 5 was the worst chapter every and the only season I had a lot of fun in was Season 1.
I usually ignore "this chapter was rubbish" comments because it usually dials back to people being overly nostalgic for chapter 1 which after playing fortnite OG, made me realise how "meh" it actually was. It was Chapter 4 that genuinely captivated me with it's fun weapon pool and fantastic map that always ended in chaos. Then came chapter 5 and my god... Never before did it feel like the game took a leap backwards. The map felt shockingly bland and the train certainly didn't offer anything despite how much of a big deal they made it out to be and then there's the whole medallion thing which was just... ass. But what killed it for me was the avatar weapons being able to snipe people across the bloody map. I actively stopped playing that season. Then came the marvel season and every fight boiled down to warmachine or shield nonsense where every "fight" was just run away, or in that case, fly away with absurd amounts of mobility with no means of punishment since they removed the lock-on pistol.
It's the least fun I had playing Fortnite and all I can say is good riddance.
6:37 2 words 2 numbers chapter 1 season 9
Chapter 6 looks super promising from the first few games I played of it. It's the first time in a while that I've been excited for Fortnite, and the last time I felt like this was C4S3 Jungle Wilds
medallions really are just a worse version of augments in their versions after season 1.
I've always been a strong defender of augments, to the point I would say they are single-handedly the worse single removal from the game (overall, i think siphon being removed is worse for comp specifically).
I think they wanted to make the concept of abilities like augments have larger more dramatic effects, but thought that it being completely RNG would be bad, which I agree with.
Honestly, my dream is to evolve the medallion idea into a 6th item slot, and add them to the normal loot pool, give us 6-8 medallions we can find just by normal looting, cut the tracking system, and make it so you can only carry one.
3:45 "Let's land Demon Do-" GET OUT!! 🗣️‼️
2:29 does anyone know the song
Bring it back - David cutter
@@Layo0 thank you so much
sandstorm by darude
Oh no our table it’s broken
Honestly I feel the bullet drop thing could be kept IF they make it to wear if you don't have a scope you get hitscan, and also make mod benches at like every POI.
Yo that was me 11:35. Based.
HYPER LIGHT DRIFTER! You are a man of culture sir
c5 had one of the best first seasons and it fell off so hard i couldnt even get myself to finish the battlepash as i'd get bored by the second match
Your so on point the first season for chapter 5 was actually incredible but it got so boring in the Greek season
I remember making so many memories with friends from the beginning of ch4 to ch5 s1 and then season 2 hit and the game got boring and i didnt feel the urge to play it anymore. Then season 3 came and i played one or two matches and quit. I cant remember a single match i played in season 4
i struggled early on because the map doesn't fit the gameplay now but the clarity from the season being close to ending allowed me to actually enjoy the game
Chapter 5 was better than 4
It got me back into playing, i loved gods season, car season sucked at the start but it got better with the nerfs, and doom season was decent, different loot pools in ranked saved the season
You read my mind that's exactly what I think of this chapter I really didn't play chapter 4 at all so I can't say anything about it
No it’s not. Chapter 4 was amazing, chapter 5S1 was the only good one
ngl if they were to bring back weapon mods i'd love if they did it simular to sidegrading where you could find certain attachments in chests or a different loot box thing and allow you to use them to sidegrade certain weapons to a completely new weapons like get a red dot sight and make a red eye or mk7 or if you find a sillencer you could make your ar a supressed ar
Yeah the ''its just nostalgia'' is either gaslighting, and/or an over used word people throw as an excuse.
Um no, Fortnite just went overboard with so many features, I lost complete interest mid way Chpt 2, I came back to the game after a years break after the massive Graphics and movement update, it didn't feel like the Fortnite I played before, and not in the positive sense...
I'm soooo happy OG is coming back to be permanent, Chapter 1 in my opinion is and was the best prior to having all these NPC/ Power Ups/ Mythics...
Sure, Chtp1 had Mythics, but it didn't go overboard, they introduced new things at a steady pace without going overboard to please some 12 year old with attention deficit disorder needing something new every week...
It just sounds like fortnite isnt the game for you and you dont like the more exotic game its evolved into. Its not like warzone where the mechanics are very grounded and vanilla and there is nothing wrong with the creative direction the game has been takne in. Not only that, people only played OG because of nostalgia. I guarnatee that people will stop playing that gamemode very fast when its permanent because it will get boring really fast. Nostalgia only temporarily boosts interest, and it wont carry the game long-term. People return to chelc out the old map and do a couple things and then they will leave and never come back because there is nothing actually interesting about returning to chapter 1. The graphics are worse, movement is worse, guns are boring, no interesting mechanics for the most part, and most importantly, nothing new.
@@crumblelord1302 I've put in countless hours in each season in Chapter 1 and was upset each time it had to go.
Compare that to the last few seasons of Fortnite today I couldn't give 2 F's.
Also you are just simply wrong thinking people will move on from OG Fortnite after a while once it releases.
It was the better ''game'' for a lot of us and still is.
Also other gaming titles have done the same such as RUNESCAPE where they brought back the OG game, and guess what? It has a bigger playerbase several years onwards then it's current iteration of the game. Other games that have done this PROVE that it works by bringing the OG state of the game, and not some completely different game that Fortnite is compared to was...
Not saying it will be the same for Fortnite, but there will be a large amount of players that will stick to OG fortnite till the end, and that's so much facts that it cannot be debated outside of just debating to be annoying at this point.
OG Format works... Also having monthly seasonal rotations is what will make it ''fresh'' even if it's the same.
Think about it, you get practically to experience one OG season a month for the year. It isn't a lot.
Great vid, Layo! One point I wanted to bring up that was missed is that even though season 2 seemed like the best, it also had its evil malignant growth that was the absolutely atrocious battle pass XP gains. what was it like 15k XP for WEEKLY CHALLENGES!? All because they wanted to force you to grind other modes to get the XP. I was so burnt out of rocket racing and AFKing lego mode that I never wanted to touch those modes ever again. The guy that even does the "can i complete the battle pass in one day" could not even complete it for the FIRST TIME EVER.
I do give chapter 5 one thing. It made me miss chapter 4 waaayy more and appreciate it. That chapter was special because even after feeling burnt out, I could still play one day and have fun. If I ever did that with chapter 5, I would've straight up quit and never returned (probably). Rest In Piss Chapter 5.
I really like the editing style of the video, especially the title transitions, really clean looking!
I’m on my knees praying Chapter 6 will be better. Chapter 5 was the very definition of WASTED POTENTIAL.
to be fair, mythic bosses in general without medallions and just the weapons also encourage players to land at specific locations, so your logic about that is flawed
Chapter 6 may be even worse from what they leaked, but at least they add the chapter 1 seasons back
The song at the 0:01 is vignette: panacea by disasterpeace if anyone is wondering
I hate Chapter 4 and dont really like the whole Japanse culture theme Chapter 6 seems to be bringing, but ill still stay open minded.
Why not?
@BrainDead101-ep4yc Im just not into masks and hoods and like anime swordfighting, just not my style. And we also have a lot of Japanese cosmetics already so im a little tired of seeing it.
I come from the future (day 2 of 6-1), and though I'm mad at the fact they still didn't fix the special Fan pickaxe animation, the map looks so much prettier and is already starting in a season similar to the best* season of Chapter 4... Loot is lowkey whatever though.
I would honestly prefer that we keep projectile based weapons as I do not like getting lasered from 200 meters away in my elite-unreal lobbies, but if we go back to hitscan, I never want to see another scoped gun outside of snipers and dmrs again as they were already projectile based
I was so hyped for weapon mods during the build up to chapter 5. After the novelty wore off it just made the game so more complicated than it needed to be. During remix I had more fun due to the lack of mods.
The best season on the chapter 5 was season 1
Fight me.
Im not going to fight, I had hella fun in that season cus all of my friends were on and there was nothing too broken
Why I liked Chapter 5 because I’m a casual, I like fun crazy items and features, but I do understand why competitive didn’t like it especially in rank, the other things I like about Chapter 5 was the constant updates and story, that was my biggest gripe with chapter 4, the lack constant updates and lack of story.
But here are things I would have improved to make the chapter liked by everyone
1 Don’t nerf everything
2 Keep all of the crazy stuff out of ranked
3 Keep rarities
4 make mod benches more accessible, like add a portable mod bench or have 1 in every poi.
5 add more mods.
Honestly, I will defend this with my life, Chapter 4 was the worst chapter. Its barely memorable. Chapter 5’s best season was season 1, season 2 was ok, season 3 sucked, and season 4 was mid
Your not alone I too think chapter 4 was the worst chapter especially the last two seasons of it they were so forgettable and they all felt the same especially the battle passes every skin looked the same and we always had a katana pick axe and pack back like I can't even count hoe many katana pick axes I have from all those battle passes
@ funnily enough, season 4 was my favorite season out of all of them during that chapter. A lot of people hated it but I loved it. Its the only season I really enjoyed during that chapter
Chapter 4 had augments, unique mobility (katanas, shockwave hammers, ODM gear, etc) vibrant map with different biomes from the start that weren’t just different shades of green and more balanced gunplay in comparison to ch5. I remember a lot of the poi’s from ch4s1 (faulty splits, the citadel, sloppy shores, brutal bastion),and yet I struggle to remember anything in ch5s1 besides reckless railways because everything looked the same.
The only bad thing about ch4 was s3 and the jungle ruining the middle of the map but I’ll take that over 4 consecutive bad seasons/the whole chapter being mid at absolute best.
when reload released and we got back to playing with hitscan it felt amazing, the only downside I personally have with hitscan is that some fights devolve into a bloom fight, where your reticle is dead on but you´re at the mercy of luck, but overall a worthy tradeoff for having hitscan back.
i will never accept the slander that wrecked was bad the fact i could get in a car and play gta for the next 20 minutes and STILL win brings a tear to my eye
You just described exactly why it was bad. If I wanted to hop on GTA I'd hop on GTA, not Fortnite. I'm glad you had fun and all but the game was near unplayable for people who actually enjoy Fortnite for it's gameplay.
Wrecked was peak in pubs when it started and then the sweats complained and instead of splitting loot pools to fix it they just nerfed cars. Y'know, cars, the one BIG thing this season. I dropped Fortnite when they nerfed cars cuz it just told me that they were always gonna make the worst decisions to appease sweats instead of finding a good solution for everyone.
@@rookangaroo5460 youre nitpicking and biased i win bye bye
@@piercing_heaven it had nothing to do with sweats. I play the game extremely casually, it was unplayable while cars were so dominant. When I hopped on to play, I wanted to get some good engaging gunfights, not play shitty Twisted Metal ripoff. I'm sure plenty of people love Twisted Metal but those people probably own that game already.
Same here. I understand the complaint that people make about how Wrecked wasn't good because it changed how you had to approach and play the game, but it came out following two boring seasons on a terribly boring map, so shut up; I don't care. Wrecked coming out and providing respite from the slog that was C5 up to that point felt very reminiscent of when 2:3 came out and saved us from the endless, unchanging purgatory that was the first ~8 months of C2. Yeah, it was different, and that's exactly what it needed to be.
It's like: I get it, some people like stale, moldy, white bread, but getting a different type of stale, moldy bread every once in a while won't kill you.
Ballad of the cats will always go hard asf.
In my opinion, I loved it when siphon was added even in pubs. It led to an aggressive play style, which should be the aim of a BR game.
Also, I'm one of the few people who apparently enjoyed Chapter 2, but this "Remix" one is... A thing that exists, for sure. While I love these artists, except Ice Spice, I don't understand how did they think that overtaking a full month promo was a good idea.
I don't dislike Fortnite having collabs, but I hate it when Fortnite throws aways its identity for those collabs to happen
As a former player that stopped in 2019, looking at the game from an outsider's perspective makes you think it was thriving. Didn't know that it's still riddled with problems due to Epic's decision making, but not exactly surprised by it.
Calling a Times Square takeover “lazy” is a new one. You know how expensive Times Square adspace is?
Throwing money at a project and investing time and effort into it aren’t necessarily the same thing
@@Komatic5 And the concert took over the entirety of Times Square and featured Snoop Dogg. That takes a lot of effort to get setup.
Was it the best event, no it wasn’t. But calling it “lazy” just because you didn’t like it is just asinine and ignorant. It had a lot more effort put into it than the other events in the Chapter, especially the C5S3 explosion “event”
@@DrAnimePhD my argument to you is that live events are mostly story related, all the mini events we had in chapter 5 were all story related.. the prelude event just throws all of that out the window.. no closure on the chapter.. yes I appreciate epic for doing events but this was not it
love this video! imma subscribe dog your're pretty well articulated which is rare for FN tubers
Idk, im personally exhausted of the hate towards it. Ive personally been enjoying playing the game and genuinely havent much fun since og chapter 2 in the marvel season, and ive been playing this game for 7 years straight. There were still good decisions and features they bought to the game this time around. People in this community are so quick to be negative in any chapter, not even just chapter 5