As a sex trafficking victim who is often told that what I experienced "isn't trafficking" because it happened in my home, thank you for speaking out. Thank you so, so much.
she spoke about attacking the economic factors that allow this kind of thing to continue rather than charging in like the cavalry in a short sighted attempt at "rescue." I don't see how that was difficult to pick up on. As for leaving out "Husbands" yeah she did, but I also don't think she needed it to drive the point home any further.
@@KingVargan well its very very close. see hard truth is a healthy human gives not many shits about others he dont know. were a selfish species just like any other, the only thing most mamals have in common that were willing to sacrifice our own for our children but thats about it. thats why it took so long to establish what we know today as a modern society, and it takes a lot of force, weapons, institutions and systems to keep it civlised and kind of stable.
Nora Peace the human heart would have to undergo a serious change. I don’t see that happening. If anything at all the rise in Narcissism/Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Anti social is in a extreme rise! Depravity runs DNA deep in the human heart.
Christina Cataldi I agree 100% .. and that is so sad because narcissism, sociopathy, & psychopathy are no joke!!I’m afraid these things get any worse than they already are
@@madeinhisimage3447 I think you might be contradicting yourself... Is it a rise of these negative traits or depravity in our DNA. Those two seems like different extremes. Either one paints a pretty pessimistic picture of humanity--even worse if both.
I agree. Yet the issue of demand is also complicated. With fewer customers some would lose another way to feed themselves, forcing them to turn to even worse alternatives, while others now compete for the remaining customers who are more likely to be the worst ones. Having said that, I would still not be friends with someone who I knew had taken advantage of someone else's desperate situation like that. The solution seems to be a preassure for political change, Foreign Direct Investments (not the least in infrastructure), and NGOs providing the right support.
the clients would typically have a buttload of cash and the people of thailand are sometimes not as well off as people from other countries. the policemen sometimes will accept a bribe to let someone off free and throw the innocent into jail because they are less affluent. this is a sad reality in many parts of the less developed world and will probably continue that way for a long while :(
even in America, cops typically go after the prostitutes rather than the pimps or the customers. They set up stings specifically for prostitutes and no one else involved
A friend of mine was actually kidnapped in Thailand, he was a male model there and a woman on tinder claimed to be a "scout" and then drugged him and drove him out into the middle of Thailand to make a trade/drop. He played along like they were going on vacation together and eventually got a hold of her cell phone to call for help. It's incredible.
Some people don't understand what the thumbs down button is for. They probably thumbs down because they thought that if they pressed that button, they thought that sex trafficking is a bad thing and they agree with the speaker.
@Abradolf Lincler yes you are trafficked if you are physically free. Yes, you have the "choice" of walking. But sometimes people are "marked" or outed by clients or the owners of their establishments. Or the income is lost, and things become worse. It truly is a complex issue, as mental chains can be just as strong as physical ones.
@Firecracker CT I am curious more of your perspective. I cannot figure out what I think of her talk. It is a lot of talk and not much conclusion. She also did not address the large amount of trafficking in the U.S., which most of us would be more apt to be able to affect.
This topic hits you more when you think about what you were doing at there age, ex: when I was 12 years old I finished 6th grade and was excited to start middle school. I was glued to my video games and having sleep overs with friends. Imagine all those happy moments of your life just vanishing into nothing, like it didn't even happen...This and so much more was robbed from them. Thank you for this video and shedding light on the subject.
She said that Oi is physically free, but not psychologically free - but what she describes isn't psychological unfreedom, it's economic and legal unfreedom. There's a big difference there. In Oi's case, he's stateless, which means he pretty much doesn't have civil rights, and he doesn't have any other way to support his family economically. Give him citizenship and a guaranteed income to support his family and he'll likely stop working in this field. That means he's not psychologically tied to this job. He's economically bound to it.
Someone just too good to take responsibility for whole family. I feel sad about this. I have seen some small villages in the northern of Thailand once. People are nice. It has small school. But I don't know that they have Thai citizenship or not. They have family very young like before 20 year olds. They have kids.
Honestly the issue here is that the parents of Oi moved to another country, knowing neither they nor Oi would get citizenship. And stayed there even if they couldn't afford to support their child.
@Jesus Mind - “When I first started studying sex trafficking in 2008, I thought it mean girls were kidnapped and chained to beds,” this says it all. some person (well a professor) had allusions about the sex industry, assuming that the whole thing was sex trafficking. she did a study on what is supposed to be sex trafficking and found it was sex industry, not trafficking. instead of realizing that their is a lot of mislabeling she instead blamed it on wealth levels. people in poverty have bad options to choose from, which is a tragedy, but when someone has the option of sexwork they tend to jump at it due to the high pay and low risk. there is definitely issues with sex work, which she didn't go into, she didn't go into what would most likely happen if there wasn't sex work, she didn't talk about trafficking, and she didn't say anything that wasn't known to anyone that knows anything about third world poverty. that is why it sucked, that is why it doesn't live up to the title. it has nothing to do with our comfort levels, our apathy on the subject, or race.
It's funny how a couple comments say that it either doesn't live up to the title or it sucked, but for you to come to that conclusion, you have to actually watch the video. Logic has been thrown out the window...
it has to do with linking the video in future posts/videos. doing so would boost traffic (for more viewers), if you think it sucks then it gets rated down, and people don't come back to it to reference it for any reason (for more watched minutes). there might also be weighted ratings so that the thumbs up and down aren't all equal despite the number of them (one's thumb's up is worth more than another due to less thumb's up, or down as the case might be). who rates it up and down might alter the breadth of its appeal (someone who is watching it at random tends to rate it down, while someone who looks for this video rates it up, thus it would be viewed as having a narrow appeal).
jamoecw "when someone has the option of sexwork" And that's the assumption that this talk is trying to challenge. If there is no other employment opportunity that pays enough to support your family and your family can't leave, the only choice is between sexwork or starvation. I wouldn't consider the sexwork a free choice in that situation. "what would most likely happen if there wasn't sex work" She doesn't want to eliminate sex work, she made that clear. Just underage sex work. There's a significant difference there, since its hard to conceive of any bad effects of doing that that negatively affects people besides those engaging in sex with minors, which I would not really consider as "bad". I think a lot of people aren't really aware of how NGOs handle "voluntary" sex workers. I certainly wasn't.
I feel like people forget that what a choice looks like in a 1st world country is very different in a 3rd world country. Yes, YOU have a choice. Prostitution is a choice for YOU because YOU can go back to your comfy home but express some empathy and realize that it isn't for others. They are doing it to survive.
What you say is true, but it applies to any form of work that people in the 3rd world do to survive. There is always a difference between a person living in poverty who is kidnapped and forced into sex work (i.e. sexually abused) and a poor person who enters sex work because they need the money, and to ignore this difference is irresponsible.
That is a real oversimplification and not her point. There are girls that are trafficked in the US who have been coerced, threatened and manipulated. They are psychologically not free.
Many people who work in the sex industry feel they have no other choice. They say they are there by choice but I've spoken with my clients and individuals I have met they are/were groomed and watched so they could be coerced into the sex industry. Many don't leave because they feel they have no other choice to but to stay.
In 5th grade they started showing us anti-drug films in school. That's ten years old. If you're older than ten, and you trade some of that white powder up your nose for a service, you should know better. Under age ten? Yeah, you're a victim. Older than ten? Take a hike. This term "groomed" is quite misleading. And if you're so worried about child molesters, at least 40% of all child molesters are female; but when it comes time to charge or convict a woman of this crime, most don't get charged, and the few who are convicted receive much more lenient sentences (than men). You're not really trying to lower crime, you're just man haters.
@Arwen Luna That's still no reason to ignore what many of us went through. And a high percentage of those who used me were female. My own mother blamed me for being male, and made me pay for what was done to her. I understand. I hate men, too. But, I also treat women good, and look after them, feeling somehow responsible for their troubles. And more than all else, I hate myself. More than anything, I hate myself. That's what this all has done to me!
I’m only a minute in and something I just have to say right away is I am soooo glad you brought up boys. They are soo underrepresented as victims. While they are more of a minority, they matter just as much, and I feel that often people tend to forget about them.
Agreed. The only time people want to bring male victims into the picture is to contradict those that talk about female victims. Demographics or not, they still need to be mentioned in a respectful way -- and not just in an offhand manner to silence others and be forgotten afterwards.
Sumaya s absolutely this. the whole "check your privilege" thing bugs me because I think it delegitimizes the problems of the more privileged person. however, we have to acknowledge that the lives of most Americans are far more privileged (we simply have more choices) than those who feel compelled into this type of sex work. no one choses what life they will get born into but as members of this same human race, I love seeing this girl present this issue to us catering to our perspective so that we can better understand. each culture has a way of looking at the world that is just as subjective as the next and to solve complex problems like this, it's important to see the world for what it really is
Danielle Baldridge If that were true this wouldn't be a problem in our country as well but it is. Not everyone has those choices. people take from one another.
@1234kalmar Oh, I see, so you did not understand what I said, jumped to conclusions and labelled me something in your head so you could easily dismiss me, well done there.
Judging by the comments, there are a lot of men very resistant to this message. As long as that continues, the problem will also continue. Stop being defensive.
yes, so many men are listening to this and saying "nar im gonna keep fucking little boys". you are an idiot. whats of more concern is you believe there are pedophiles watching this that are gonna keep fucking kids and all you say is "stop being defensive, pls change" Really?! your that mild when trying to stop little kids being sexually abused? you just gently ask people to stop doing it? thats it? most people are more forceful when ordering a big mac. you think just asking "stop fucking there kids if you feel like it" is ok? what the fucks wrong with you? if you have kids they should be taken away from you
Yep, tried to tell poverty contributes to sex trafficking, some people really have no idea how crippling and how easy it is to be manipulated because you're so poor. And they just keep justifying to purchase these forced services...
elsa Grace unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an easy solution. Even if the demand could be erraticated, then the child would just be starving and jobless instead of hungry and working. We need to fix more than the demand. How do we do that?
Emo At The Phandom these stories are out there for those who look and they're all over the place. it's just that there is poor distribution and access to the masses that make it seem like they're non-existent. the speakers don't deny the existence of such stories; they want to spread the news and educate. more often it's people with biases that discourage the spreading of such content because of fears and/or disgust of similar ideas. i get the feeling your words carry some weight so if there's anything, please hang on and know that things are only going to get better, especially with the right education and mindsets :)
Welch Mapper privilege is real, the problem is, when you have it, you can see it. Privilege is not bad, being blind about our privilege and not help people with it, its the problem
SpinningSage Yes and that is because almost nobody talks about male victims and therefore they feel like nobody will take them seriously if they open up.
really interesting to hear, as someone who has lived in Thailand now for about 3 years its become very normalised for me to see sex workers in certain cities and red light districts. Children not to openly advertised or shown. Prostitutes are fined when found working but at the end of the day they make more money doing this than working in say - 7/11 for minimum wage of 9,000 baht. I am friends with a girl who was forced into the sex industry at 14 with her sister being 12, with fake passports saying they were 10 years older than they were. To take care of their family who live in a village in myammar surving on 1 tomato and rice a day - shared by a whole village. She is fluent in Thai and English in less than 3 years living in Thailand. She left the bar, to find foreign boyfriends who can look after her instead, and if they break up - she will go back to the cities for work. Its a cycle thats hard to break, when the money is so "easy".
Fawkin Lyle Chipperson I don’t need to. Why do you need to be so dismissive. Burma is a horribly poor country. A village isn’t a city. Mostly family members. If I said Africa you’d believe me right? But Burma “doesn’t matter enough” to be in the public eye for the lay people to know how poor they are. Fake passports, fake ages, fake everything for a better life somewhere else in SEA. You can’t imagine that? Well you are a lucky person
Great talk! This issue is so multi -layered and complex , so tackling it in ten minutes is just impossible. I applaud anyone who speaks up for children's right not to be sold and raped! What we need to do is realize that there are sexual perversions that create lots of problems for other people. In this day and age we are so afraid to call any sexual desire , or preference , "immoral or deviant." The fact is that some people enjoy this behavior. We must make it very difficult for them to get at children, with laws and education and talking about it. Looking the other way keeps people trapped. She is right that ignoring the socio-economics that create lots of vulnerable people is a piece of the problem, but not all. We must as a World decide that there is such a thing as evil, even immoral sexual practices, and we can not allow them. It's not just an individuals choice, it always will involve and harm someone else. We have an obligation to protect children from those people who think it's natural and fun to have sex with them. We can't let evil win.
What is So sickeningly disheartening, is how many people are "customers", and that there is an actual industry that feeds off of this miserable exploitation of desperate people. My stomach is literally sick right now. Heaven help us...Heaven help the innocent young people. 😢
Your privilege isnt free. It is paid for by those who defend freedom and a system of laws. Trafficking is a pandemic and funded by the rich and elite. World wide. Those criminals that are in the “elite” class must not be afforded a two tier justice system. I support all those people that are exposing the predators. We all should.
Danny Jackson Quick note. You cannot have freedom with a system of laws because laws are the elite’s way of stealing your freedom. Freedom only exists under Common Law. Under Common Law you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you do not infringe upon the rights, property or livelihood of another. If you do, you pay an eye for an eye.
RR WA somewhat agree but we choose our government and they have power only thru the consent of the governed. ANYONE can lose their freedom regardless of system if they let it be taken and do nothing.
@Sarah Krueger They must be psychopaths to care that little about their children. The mayority of women would choose their children safety and well-being over basically anything else in the world
@@shuepsx652 Your naive, women do this every single day. Do you honestly believe the father's sell the kids? The women sell the kids and pimp them out also because it gives the illusion of " unspoiled goods" its sick but true look it up.
This brave woman went overseas, fought the good fight first hand in a place that truly needs help. I wish with all my heart that our hooligan "activists" would follow her brave and amazing example.
Please don’t forget that, this doesn’t exclude your favorite celebrities and politicians. All those people that are loved and worshipped, but you don’t know a real thing about.
Reactive vs Proactive. Your talk on this problem is the most to-the-point message I've heard, Ms. Sobel. Many times I've seen reactive measures taken by well-meaning people doing their best to do their best, but it isn't enough nor even the correct avenue to take to remedy the problem. You get to the heart of the issue in under fifteen minutes. It's the difference between treating the symptoms and treating the disease.
This is bigger than trafficking, no matter how you define it. What we should learn from this talk is really how the privileged should understand the whole picture before they conclude that their "help" is necessary or effective. Any social issue's root cause can be very complex and cultural, and certainly not what media portraits on the surface. Great talk
After this came into my recommended, I was highly intrigued. This video, her speech and ingenuity really exerts some force into me, as if I am being fueled to do good for others without expecting a return. I wanna do good, and this is what gives me so much happiness.
What I like the most of her speech is her constantly pointing out the need to take care of the foundation of the issue and then the outcomes of it. I'm also glad that the boy is getting better in his life.
I’m a teen living in the U.S and this information is surprising and eye opening to me that other kids my age right now are in a totally different setting than me and are struggling to earn money, working, doing things that they don’t want to do but have to do to get by, in short, doing the things that were mentioned in the video, and I feel so lucky that I’m living like how I am right now. I have allowance (money), I have clothes, education, food, all sorts of things right in front me that I don’t have to work for. I’m not forced to do anything. All I’m doing is sitting here with my phone in hand not doing anything important at all while things like this is happening. I feel so... I don’t know the right word, but this makes me really sad and I want to help somehow. Thank you for this video. I’m going to educate myself more.
I have a special relative whom I love dearly that had to survive doing this. She doesn't have psychological issues, and she grew up in true poverty. She likes nice things, but she isn't entitled, letting it flow to her. It's on Thailand though. She's very smart and a wonderful person. She could have helped the economy, but only has the education of an eighth grader.
When someone makes an academic career out of incorrectly defining an term and then telling everyone they have gotten it wrong. What's described in the video isn't trafficking. Helping victims of prostitution, regardless if trafficked or not, becomes much more difficult if the terms get muddled up.
You don't have to go so far, the very same thing happens in the borders of Mexico and the US or Mexico and Guatemala. The exact same thing. The same type of discrimination that Mexicans and other Central Americans suffer in the U.S, by the way.
So thankful that this knowledge is becoming more prevalent. Also that there is so much being done slowly but surely. My landlord has sheltered trafficking victims at great risk to themselves and connected them with programs to help rehabilitate them. My roommate went to Costa Rica this summer to volunteer at a center rehabilitating trafficking victims. My Bible study/coffee shop has worked at finding people like she described who have been convinced that they have to do it to survive or provide for family members or have been programmed by a pimp and again connect them with resources to hide them from their pimp and help their situation so they don’t feel like they have to go back. One of my favorite bands, Remedy Drive is working to spread this message that trafficking is not what Hollywood makes it seem like. Change is everywhere, and there is hope.
It is really great to hear these problems put into their proper perspective without the hyperbole. And it is great to hear someone actually talk about the fact that boys are often the victims and that women are often the perpetrators. It is great to listen to someone that thinks of everyone as a human being that should be treated with dignity and respect. All these categories of people are just ways to split people and prevent solutions.
@9:52 "They are our sons and brothers and neighbors and co-workers." Has the U.S. military been excluded from this or have they had a policy change? Especially the U.S. Navy foreign ports, and bases. Probably with all branches of the military. I've never heard anything addressing the government about it.
Great lady!! Very clear presentation and glad urban light is there to offer a way out. Those centers should be all over the place. No wonder this isn't solved, it's so deeply rooted.
This is something that is so close to my heart. To live in a society where people freely choose to give away their bodies, it saddens to me so those who really have no choice. There is no judgement if this is your choice, but it feels like my obligation to help those who have no choice. We are so privlaged to be able to choose. It's sad we glorify this, when there are people who pray and wish everyday they had a way out.
very informational and thought-provoking. i had the same hollywood perception, but it turns out it's closer to home than you think. thank you for this ted talk!
Meghan, thanks for your honesty that also acknowledges what happens to boys in many places and cultures. So refreshing for some of us men--with stories of our own--to hear!
Thank you so much for making me learn something, I never knew that Americans can do these types of things and get poorly punished. I always watched TV shows and they never mentioned anything you spoke of, I think it's important to fix this issue fast.
The cycle of generational and systemic poverty is so hard to break. I’m glad to hear Oi is going better, we need to make a change at large in the system.
Thank you for raising the issue of demand - this is at the core of this problem. America needs to rethink about their actions and it's effects on children. Great video!
My daughter was drugged and kidnapped in a Vegas casino in Feb 2017. Mexican cartel held her at gunpoint for three days before she was able to contact me. I called Vegas Police and drove from Kansas to go pick her up. I didn't care if they killed me... I was getting my daughter BACK!! I had no help from police because my daughter was afraid of being killed. I'm glad she was intelligent enough to change hotel room number they forced her to get in her name. She hid in that room afraid for her life. I tried to pay another day for the room so she didn't have to go outside. They would've surely grabbed her. She called Uber to take her to a LG casino away from the Tropicana area... and hid in the restroom til I could drive there. We thank GOD for His protection and mine. DONT GO TO VEGAS!!
As a sex trafficking victim who is often told that what I experienced "isn't trafficking" because it happened in my home, thank you for speaking out. Thank you so, so much.
Brodie Owens I'm so sorry that happened to you.
Brodie Owens Sad to hear. I pray for your healing
Oh god. I'm so sorry. :(
*hugs*.. Unfortunately not uncommon.
Wow, this woman went hard! She shook people out of their comfort zone. That was a brave and extremely sharp speech. Truly important.
she spoke about attacking the economic factors that allow this kind of thing to continue rather than charging in like the cavalry in a short sighted attempt at "rescue." I don't see how that was difficult to pick up on. As for leaving out "Husbands" yeah she did, but I also don't think she needed it to drive the point home any further.
or fathers
Te Fu wanting to make a change isn’t a savior complex.
@@KingVargan well its very very close. see hard truth is a healthy human gives not many shits about others he dont know.
were a selfish species just like any other, the only thing most mamals have in common that were willing to sacrifice our own for our children but thats about it. thats why it took so long to establish what we know today as a modern society, and it takes a lot of force, weapons, institutions and systems to keep it civlised and kind of stable.
Anne Grow We’re living in an interesting time in which more people are waking up. Also, Epstein didn’t kill himself.
"As long as there is a demand there will be a supply", applies for everything! drugs, sex, pornography, organ trafficking.
sugarplumfairy20101 the human heart and condition is what needs to be addressed!
Yeah how do you stop the demand for that kind of thing??
Nora Peace the human heart would have to undergo a serious change. I don’t see that happening. If anything at all the rise in Narcissism/Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Anti social is in a extreme rise! Depravity runs DNA deep in the human heart.
Christina Cataldi I agree 100% .. and that is so sad because narcissism, sociopathy, & psychopathy are no joke!!I’m afraid these things get any worse than they already are
@@madeinhisimage3447 I think you might be contradicting yourself... Is it a rise of these negative traits or depravity in our DNA. Those two seems like different extremes. Either one paints a pretty pessimistic picture of humanity--even worse if both.
This is an important talk. The demand is what's the most sick, the fact that people BUY this stuff.
Yes there are too little views in this. (love seeing a fellow ARMY btw)
I agree, this must be discussed more. Also, nice, BTS❤️
Honestly it is really didgusting how people find this as a satisfaction
Agree 100%
I agree. Yet the issue of demand is also complicated. With fewer customers some would lose another way to feed themselves, forcing them to turn to even worse alternatives, while others now compete for the remaining customers who are more likely to be the worst ones. Having said that, I would still not be friends with someone who I knew had taken advantage of someone else's desperate situation like that. The solution seems to be a preassure for political change, Foreign Direct Investments (not the least in infrastructure), and NGOs providing the right support.
It's incredible that the clients don't go to prison when they are discovered. They are the ones who should go to prison!
the clients would typically have a buttload of cash and the people of thailand are sometimes not as well off as people from other countries. the policemen sometimes will accept a bribe to let someone off free and throw the innocent into jail because they are less affluent. this is a sad reality in many parts of the less developed world and will probably continue that way for a long while :(
even in America, cops typically go after the prostitutes rather than the pimps or the customers. They set up stings specifically for prostitutes and no one else involved
Always wondered about that
Is it illegal in Thailand ? If it isn't, then there is no reason for them to get arrested.
Why? Product creates clients not demand! No product, no clients. They got it right
A friend of mine was actually kidnapped in Thailand, he was a male model there and a woman on tinder claimed to be a "scout" and then drugged him and drove him out into the middle of Thailand to make a trade/drop. He played along like they were going on vacation together and eventually got a hold of her cell phone to call for help. It's incredible.
wow, i hope everything is okay!
That's incredible. Sorry that your friend has experienced this. Is he Thai or a foreigner?
What kind of jerk thumbs this down? Probably exactly the people she describes as driving the demand. Thank you for your passion, professor.
Some people don't understand what the thumbs down button is for. They probably thumbs down because they thought that if they pressed that button, they thought that sex trafficking is a bad thing and they agree with the speaker.
Once you jimIN you can't jimOUT or you don't want stuff like this in your feed
@@chloe2258 I'm not exactly sure when this feature was implemented, but you can choose not to have something pop up in your feed.
@Abradolf Lincler yes you are trafficked if you are physically free. Yes, you have the "choice" of walking. But sometimes people are "marked" or outed by clients or the owners of their establishments.
Or the income is lost, and things become worse. It truly is a complex issue, as mental chains can be just as strong as physical ones.
@Firecracker CT I am curious more of your perspective. I cannot figure out what I think of her talk. It is a lot of talk and not much conclusion. She also did not address the large amount of trafficking in the U.S., which most of us would be more apt to be able to affect.
This really opened my eyes and made me emotional. I'm glad Oi is doing well now, and helping others.
John Narayan
Who hurt you?
oi oi
The goal of an awareness campaign like this is to use your emotional response.
@@lonelysextourist996 and that's... a bad thing...?
This topic hits you more when you think about what you were doing at there age, ex: when I was 12 years old I finished 6th grade and was excited to start middle school. I was glued to my video games and having sleep overs with friends. Imagine all those happy moments of your life just vanishing into nothing, like it didn't even happen...This and so much more was robbed from them. Thank you for this video and shedding light on the subject.
Im sorry baby.!!
She said that Oi is physically free, but not psychologically free - but what she describes isn't psychological unfreedom, it's economic and legal unfreedom. There's a big difference there. In Oi's case, he's stateless, which means he pretty much doesn't have civil rights, and he doesn't have any other way to support his family economically. Give him citizenship and a guaranteed income to support his family and he'll likely stop working in this field. That means he's not psychologically tied to this job. He's economically bound to it.
Tarvoc it’s slavery fam
Someone just too good to take responsibility for whole family. I feel sad about this. I have seen some small villages in the northern of Thailand once. People are nice. It has small school. But I don't know that they have Thai citizenship or not. They have family very young like before 20 year olds. They have kids.
She makes amateurish emotional pleas, not logical, fact based ones.
Honestly the issue here is that the parents of Oi moved to another country, knowing neither they nor Oi would get citizenship.
And stayed there even if they couldn't afford to support their child.
Tarvoc I 100% agree with this
Question: Why the hell doesn't this video have more views?
doesn't live up to the title.
@Jesus Mind - “When I first started studying sex trafficking in 2008, I thought it mean girls were kidnapped and chained to beds,” this says it all. some person (well a professor) had allusions about the sex industry, assuming that the whole thing was sex trafficking. she did a study on what is supposed to be sex trafficking and found it was sex industry, not trafficking. instead of realizing that their is a lot of mislabeling she instead blamed it on wealth levels. people in poverty have bad options to choose from, which is a tragedy, but when someone has the option of sexwork they tend to jump at it due to the high pay and low risk. there is definitely issues with sex work, which she didn't go into, she didn't go into what would most likely happen if there wasn't sex work, she didn't talk about trafficking, and she didn't say anything that wasn't known to anyone that knows anything about third world poverty.
that is why it sucked, that is why it doesn't live up to the title. it has nothing to do with our comfort levels, our apathy on the subject, or race.
It's funny how a couple comments say that it either doesn't live up to the title or it sucked, but for you to come to that conclusion, you have to actually watch the video. Logic has been thrown out the window...
it has to do with linking the video in future posts/videos. doing so would boost traffic (for more viewers), if you think it sucks then it gets rated down, and people don't come back to it to reference it for any reason (for more watched minutes).
there might also be weighted ratings so that the thumbs up and down aren't all equal despite the number of them (one's thumb's up is worth more than another due to less thumb's up, or down as the case might be). who rates it up and down might alter the breadth of its appeal (someone who is watching it at random tends to rate it down, while someone who looks for this video rates it up, thus it would be viewed as having a narrow appeal).
jamoecw "when someone has the option of sexwork" And that's the assumption that this talk is trying to challenge. If there is no other employment opportunity that pays enough to support your family and your family can't leave, the only choice is between sexwork or starvation. I wouldn't consider the sexwork a free choice in that situation.
"what would most likely happen if there wasn't sex work" She doesn't want to eliminate sex work, she made that clear. Just underage sex work. There's a significant difference there, since its hard to conceive of any bad effects of doing that that negatively affects people besides those engaging in sex with minors, which I would not really consider as "bad".
I think a lot of people aren't really aware of how NGOs handle "voluntary" sex workers. I certainly wasn't.
This woman is so raw. She served up that dish ice cold! Respect!
I feel like people forget that what a choice looks like in a 1st world country is very different in a 3rd world country. Yes, YOU have a choice. Prostitution is a choice for YOU because YOU can go back to your comfy home but express some empathy and realize that it isn't for others. They are doing it to survive.
What you say is true, but it applies to any form of work that people in the 3rd world do to survive. There is always a difference between a person living in poverty who is kidnapped and forced into sex work (i.e. sexually abused) and a poor person who enters sex work because they need the money, and to ignore this difference is irresponsible.
That is a real oversimplification and not her point. There are girls that are trafficked in the US who have been coerced, threatened and manipulated. They are psychologically not free.
Faith Strachan She is emphasising the same thing. You are not getting the point, are you?
butterflybabexoxo not only in the U.S ,it around the world. U.S is not the only country in the world.
yes it's about forced work and no choice because it's literally the only work they CAN do as far as they know or are able at that point.
Many people who work in the sex industry feel they have no other choice. They say they are there by choice but I've spoken with my clients and individuals I have met they are/were groomed and watched so they could be coerced into the sex industry.
Many don't leave because they feel they have no other choice to but to stay.
In 5th grade they started showing us anti-drug films in school. That's ten years old. If you're older than ten, and you trade some of that white powder up your nose for a service, you should know better. Under age ten? Yeah, you're a victim. Older than ten? Take a hike. This term "groomed" is quite misleading. And if you're so worried about child molesters, at least 40% of all child molesters are female; but when it comes time to charge or convict a woman of this crime, most don't get charged, and the few who are convicted receive much more lenient sentences (than men). You're not really trying to lower crime, you're just man haters.
@@tarico4436 or you should be grateful you were shown that at ten, and quit thinking every ten year old in the world got that same treatment/lesson.
Mandi W
Oregon!! I lived there. Right in the almost worst part of Albany. ICK
I am impressed and pleased. It is rare in this kind of story for the male gender to be even noticed.
Agreed, a lot of people tend to use women as victims for everything even though men can be victims too
Right, she literally said that.
Urban Clementine omg yass finally a comment that’s sees both sides like woman aren’t just the victims they can be predators too
@Arwen Luna That's still no reason to ignore what many of us went through. And a high percentage of those who used me were female. My own mother blamed me for being male, and made me pay for what was done to her. I understand. I hate men, too. But, I also treat women good, and look after them, feeling somehow responsible for their troubles. And more than all else, I hate myself. More than anything, I hate myself. That's what this all has done to me!
Because it is usually to the 90 percentile women who are abused.
this harshest ,most brutal form of reality that she had addressed in so many poor people of the free world and domestic world.
It's modern slavery. It happens in Western countries too.
I’m only a minute in and something I just have to say right away is I am soooo glad you brought up boys. They are soo underrepresented as victims. While they are more of a minority, they matter just as much, and I feel that often people tend to forget about them.
Agreed. The only time people want to bring male victims into the picture is to contradict those that talk about female victims. Demographics or not, they still need to be mentioned in a respectful way -- and not just in an offhand manner to silence others and be forgotten afterwards.
fruity garlic that’s a good point :)
I personally I don't think there as much of a minority as people care to believe
Amazing. Very intelligent woman who understands her privileges and thereafter goes on to use it for amazing work.
Sumaya s absolutely this. the whole "check your privilege" thing bugs me because I think it delegitimizes the problems of the more privileged person. however, we have to acknowledge that the lives of most Americans are far more privileged (we simply have more choices) than those who feel compelled into this type of sex work.
no one choses what life they will get born into but as members of this same human race, I love seeing this girl present this issue to us catering to our perspective so that we can better understand. each culture has a way of looking at the world that is just as subjective as the next and to solve complex problems like this, it's important to see the world for what it really is
Danielle Baldridge If that were true this wouldn't be a problem in our country as well but it is.
Not everyone has those choices. people take from one another.
The overuse of the word "privilege'" by SJWs trained me to cringe a bit everytime I hear/read the word, but it really is appropriate here.
@@dahulius your ignorance and unwillingness to admit you have it better than others is what trained that in to you palie.
Oh, I see, so you did not understand what I said, jumped to conclusions and labelled me something in your head so you could easily dismiss me, well done there.
Judging by the comments, there are a lot of men very resistant to this message. As long as that continues, the problem will also continue. Stop being defensive.
yes, so many men are listening to this and saying "nar im gonna keep fucking little boys". you are an idiot. whats of more concern is you believe there are pedophiles watching this that are gonna keep fucking kids and all you say is "stop being defensive, pls change" Really?! your that mild when trying to stop little kids being sexually abused? you just gently ask people to stop doing it? thats it? most people are more forceful when ordering a big mac. you think just asking "stop fucking there kids if you feel like it" is ok? what the fucks wrong with you? if you have kids they should be taken away from you
FilmSHC 11 it's not just men, it's everyone
+dutchkid2000, the demand for sex trafficking comes overwhelmingly from men.
demand for sex trafficking comes from criminals. Demand for little boys to rape comes from pedophiles
Sam Dawkins the murder rate also comes from criminals. However, if you bring gender into it...
Yep, tried to tell poverty contributes to sex trafficking, some people really have no idea how crippling and how easy it is to be manipulated because you're so poor. And they just keep justifying to purchase these forced services...
Thanks lady! Same with child labor. The choice in many countries is child labor or starvation. Nobody in America understands that.
elsa Grace because many in America r selfish n very judgemental or believe it could never happen to them!!
I understand that your views may differ than others but there is no need to attack another unrelated group of people.
elsa Grace unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an easy solution. Even if the demand could be erraticated, then the child would just be starving and jobless instead of hungry and working. We need to fix more than the demand. How do we do that?
pet play Can we not use autistic,or any mental issue as an insult? Its sooo extremely rude! Thanks.
Alvin Hill nope but i work and am friends with many autistic children.
this wouldn’t be happening if there was no demand. some people are just sick.
@【a forgotten friend】 um... kids can't consent, yo.
@【a forgotten friend】 it's a bit easier than you think
Brilliant talk. Brilliant woman.
This breaks my heart, it really does. Someone finally tells a male victims story.
Emo At The Phandom these stories are out there for those who look and they're all over the place. it's just that there is poor distribution and access to the masses that make it seem like they're non-existent. the speakers don't deny the existence of such stories; they want to spread the news and educate. more often it's people with biases that discourage the spreading of such content because of fears and/or disgust of similar ideas. i get the feeling your words carry some weight so if there's anything, please hang on and know that things are only going to get better, especially with the right education and mindsets :)
Right. They are so ridiculously underrepresented. That includes in America too.
I've pretty much read 'exploitations' like whats portrayed in here but I just cant keep being emotional whenever I stumbled on another one.
@@user-bj7hq2tw8elove this comment!
I really like how she brought the aspect of privilege into her discussion
privilege isn't real
Welch Mapper privilege is real, the problem is, when you have it, you can see it. Privilege is not bad, being blind about our privilege and not help people with it, its the problem
It ruined the talk for me. Rip.
how many has she adopted or sponsored?
It's always the victims getting called a criminal!
The masterminds know how to play the game.
It's society nowadays. No specific group is to blame but group that victim shames is.
for real
i really give her much respect for bringing up men, thank you!
lindsey cassano I know right! Unfortunately men don't tend to be brought up much when considering these issues.
Fresh Green Jello we dont often get male victims speaking out!
SpinningSage Yes and that is because almost nobody talks about male victims and therefore they feel like nobody will take them seriously if they open up.
Agreed I think it was 100% the right choice
Exactly. It's unnoticed that men are in these situations aswell!
really interesting to hear, as someone who has lived in Thailand now for about 3 years its become very normalised for me to see sex workers in certain cities and red light districts. Children not to openly advertised or shown. Prostitutes are fined when found working but at the end of the day they make more money doing this than working in say - 7/11 for minimum wage of 9,000 baht. I am friends with a girl who was forced into the sex industry at 14 with her sister being 12, with fake passports saying they were 10 years older than they were. To take care of their family who live in a village in myammar surving on 1 tomato and rice a day - shared by a whole village. She is fluent in Thai and English in less than 3 years living in Thailand. She left the bar, to find foreign boyfriends who can look after her instead, and if they break up - she will go back to the cities for work. Its a cycle thats hard to break, when the money is so "easy".
lauren X ocean humm so sad....I don't think this will change though. ...this is the oldest industry
Ali Pali it's true. I think until the minimum wage is brought up, the number of girls who are on the streets will decrease tbh
"surving on 1 tomato and rice a day - shared by a whole village" Why do you need to make things up?
Fawkin Lyle Chipperson I don’t need to. Why do you need to be so dismissive. Burma is a horribly poor country. A village isn’t a city. Mostly family members. If I said Africa you’d believe me right? But Burma “doesn’t matter enough” to be in the public eye for the lay people to know how poor they are. Fake passports, fake ages, fake everything for a better life somewhere else in SEA. You can’t imagine that? Well you are a lucky person
I believe they are very poor but any reasonable person will know a village isn't sharing 1 whole tomato.
This is precisely what I learnt working for an NGO in India.
A much needed narrative.
Rashmi Raghavan what NGO did you work for ?
Great talk! This issue is so multi -layered and complex , so tackling it in ten minutes is just impossible. I applaud anyone who speaks up for children's right not to be sold and raped! What we need to do is realize that there are sexual perversions that create lots of problems for other people. In this day and age we are so afraid to call any sexual desire , or preference , "immoral or deviant." The fact is that some people enjoy this behavior. We must make it very difficult for them to get at children, with laws and education and talking about it. Looking the other way keeps people trapped. She is right that ignoring the socio-economics that create lots of vulnerable people is a piece of the problem, but not all. We must as a World decide that there is such a thing as evil, even immoral sexual practices, and we can not allow them. It's not just an individuals choice, it always will involve and harm someone else. We have an obligation to protect children from those people who think it's natural and fun to have sex with them. We can't let evil win.
Trisha Whitehouse agreed100%
Amen 🙌
What is So sickeningly disheartening, is how many people are "customers", and that there is an actual industry that feeds off of this miserable exploitation of desperate people. My stomach is literally sick right now. Heaven help us...Heaven help the innocent young people. 😢
Your privilege isnt free. It is paid for by those who defend freedom and a system of laws. Trafficking is a pandemic and funded by the rich and elite. World wide. Those criminals that are in the “elite” class must not be afforded a two tier justice system. I support all those people that are exposing the predators. We all should.
E.g. Jeffrey Epstein. I agree with you Danny - trafficking is a pandemic.
Danny Jackson Quick note. You cannot have freedom with a system of laws because laws are the elite’s way of stealing your freedom. Freedom only exists under Common Law. Under Common Law you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you do not infringe upon the rights, property or livelihood of another. If you do, you pay an eye for an eye.
RR WA somewhat agree but we choose our government and they have power only thru the consent of the governed. ANYONE can lose their freedom regardless of system if they let it be taken and do nothing.
And then there are the women who pimp out their own child to a new spouse. So sick. Makes me extremely angry.
@Sarah Krueger uh... You're saying that like it's the norm. Most women do not do that
@Sarah Krueger They must be psychopaths to care that little about their children. The mayority of women would choose their children safety and well-being over basically anything else in the world
Sarah Krueger Do you speak from experience?
@@shuepsx652 Your naive, women do this every single day. Do you honestly believe the father's sell the kids? The women sell the kids and pimp them out also because it gives the illusion of " unspoiled goods" its sick but true look it up.
@@SN00PICUS women do it but so do men. Kappa.
This starts with economic slavery.
I truly wish this had more views. It’s immensely important for everyone to see this!
31.2k likes to 1k dislikes. I’m curious why people disliked this video. 😬
I wish everyone who explores any issue seeks first hand information as you - Very Insightful, educating, and truthful,
How is this a TEDx talk? She deserves the TED stage.
An excellent public speaker. Thank you to this woman for carry the narrative forward. Important work.
This brave woman went overseas, fought the good fight first hand in a place that truly needs help. I wish with all my heart that our hooligan "activists" would follow her brave and amazing example.
Thank you for addressing the demand. Yes they are our clean cut looking friends, neighbors, sons, brothers” and don’t forget HUSBANDS
Please don’t forget that, this doesn’t exclude your favorite celebrities and politicians. All those people that are loved and worshipped, but you don’t know a real thing about.
Reactive vs Proactive. Your talk on this problem is the most to-the-point message I've heard, Ms. Sobel. Many times I've seen reactive measures taken by well-meaning people doing their best to do their best, but it isn't enough nor even the correct avenue to take to remedy the problem. You get to the heart of the issue in under fifteen minutes. It's the difference between treating the symptoms and treating the disease.
I'm a Survivor!!
FirstLadyJoy Thank God
@Official JOY, I am a Survivor too, we are Overcomers 😍🤩🤗much love..God bless you
You are incredible and strong💖
This is bigger than trafficking, no matter how you define it. What we should learn from this talk is really how the privileged should understand the whole picture before they conclude that their "help" is necessary or effective. Any social issue's root cause can be very complex and cultural, and certainly not what media portraits on the surface. Great talk
Raphael Wang
yes, and drug trade and addiction has become a big part of it...
She is SUCH a great speaker!
People should learn how to properly speak out against this issue without saying "this is why I don't want a daughter"
9:55 ...and husbands.
eh... no
Eh... Yes
and fathers
And girls with green hair who have a parrot
BOGIE watching this right now, December 2017, this couldn’t be more relevant! Everything she said is tying into what’s going on now!
After this came into my recommended, I was highly intrigued. This video, her speech and ingenuity really exerts some force into me, as if I am being fueled to do good for others without expecting a return. I wanna do good, and this is what gives me so much happiness.
Wow, that poor boy, this is so sad
What I like the most of her speech is her constantly pointing out the need to take care of the foundation of the issue and then the outcomes of it. I'm also glad that the boy is getting better in his life.
“Images like this” didn’t pop into my head until you showed me
I’m a teen living in the U.S and this information is surprising and eye opening to me that other kids my age right now are in a totally different setting than me and are struggling to earn money, working, doing things that they don’t want to do but have to do to get by, in short, doing the things that were mentioned in the video, and I feel so lucky that I’m living like how I am right now. I have allowance (money), I have clothes, education, food, all sorts of things right in front me that I don’t have to work for. I’m not forced to do anything. All I’m doing is sitting here with my phone in hand not doing anything important at all while things like this is happening. I feel so... I don’t know the right word, but this makes me really sad and I want to help somehow. Thank you for this video. I’m going to educate myself more.
Don't ever take what you have for granted. 😊 You're on the right path, and keep up your research 👍join the fight!
I have a special relative whom I love dearly that had to survive doing this. She doesn't have psychological issues, and she grew up in true poverty. She likes nice things, but she isn't entitled, letting it flow to her. It's on Thailand though. She's very smart and a wonderful person. She could have helped the economy, but only has the education of an eighth grader.
Why haven't you helped her?
I am going to come out and say this went a very different direction that I was expecting. As someone who has experiences this first-hand, THANK YOU!
What a well articulated human
Her joints are so lifelike
This hurts my soul. It needs more attention.
6:14 everyone looks exactly the same its like a feild of karens
I thought the exact same thing lol
All except for Walter White over there on the left lol
When someone makes an academic career out of incorrectly defining an term and then telling everyone they have gotten it wrong. What's described in the video isn't trafficking. Helping victims of prostitution, regardless if trafficked or not, becomes much more difficult if the terms get muddled up.
This is why I love Ted Talks. So informative and insightful.
This is so important. Thank you for sharing!
You don't have to go so far, the very same thing happens in the borders of Mexico and the US or Mexico and Guatemala. The exact same thing. The same type of discrimination that Mexicans and other Central Americans suffer in the U.S, by the way.
But in México is no like Oi's story. Here women from México and Central America gets abducted against their will and get traffic by narcos.
Mon only illegal should be discriminated
Cece Peterson are you being serious?
And native women too. Then people wonder why MMIW was created
She wanted to talk about how men could be trafficked too to upend the hollywood stereo type
So thankful that this knowledge is becoming more prevalent. Also that there is so much being done slowly but surely. My landlord has sheltered trafficking victims at great risk to themselves and connected them with programs to help rehabilitate them. My roommate went to Costa Rica this summer to volunteer at a center rehabilitating trafficking victims. My Bible study/coffee shop has worked at finding people like she described who have been convinced that they have to do it to survive or provide for family members or have been programmed by a pimp and again connect them with resources to hide them from their pimp and help their situation so they don’t feel like they have to go back. One of my favorite bands, Remedy Drive is working to spread this message that trafficking is not what Hollywood makes it seem like. Change is everywhere, and there is hope.
Would you possibly be willing to talk about this, ask those that you know who have had experience in this to come forward?
this needs to be heard by soooo many ppl. watching this was like ripping off a bandaid.
One of the best speakers and delivery of a speech I’ve ever seen
Is it possible to find the people who disliked this and have their home and possessions searched? I can’t help but think they are part of the problem.
A real eye-opener and very helpful in understanding this problem. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏼
thanks for bringing this to our attention
Well said Very Intelligent young woman to address such a crowd no notes very impressive ,admire your goodness the world needs more people like you .
It is really great to hear these problems put into their proper perspective without the hyperbole. And it is great to hear someone actually talk about the fact that boys are often the victims and that women are often the perpetrators. It is great to listen to someone that thinks of everyone as a human being that should be treated with dignity and respect. All these categories of people are just ways to split people and prevent solutions.
Thank you for putting this out there 😞
@9:52 "They are our sons and brothers and neighbors and co-workers." Has the U.S. military been excluded from this or have they had a policy change? Especially the U.S. Navy foreign ports, and bases. Probably with all branches of the military. I've never heard anything addressing the government about it.
That was so eye-opening and powerful. Thank you.
She did a great job presenting. A really inspiring story.
Great lady!! Very clear presentation and glad urban light is there to offer a way out. Those centers should be all over the place. No wonder this isn't solved, it's so deeply rooted.
Thank you for bringing this to light!
This is something that is so close to my heart. To live in a society where people freely choose to give away their bodies, it saddens to me so those who really have no choice. There is no judgement if this is your choice, but it feels like my obligation to help those who have no choice. We are so privlaged to be able to choose. It's sad we glorify this, when there are people who pray and wish everyday they had a way out.
Thank you for using your privilege as a white western woman to give this issue a real platform. You are what's going right in the world. Great work.
I m sad but hats off to u for showing what kind of society we live in
Absolutely eloquent and beautifully delivered speech. Very informative and helpful.
The story of the boy growing into happy man made me tear up, I hope there's more stories like his.
I definitely thought it involved actual traffic. If not cross-border, at least cross-state or cross-province. Or at least kidnapping.
No one laughed at her joke yet she still kept going props to her
This video really opened my eyes omg I'm so glad I watched this it is very informative everyone needs to watch this
Hands down the best discussion of this issue that I have seen so far.
Wow, she really told us the truth of this dark subject.
The economic underpinnings are stark. So sad that there’s such a huge demand as well. Thank you for this.
very informational and thought-provoking. i had the same hollywood perception, but it turns out it's closer to home than you think. thank you for this ted talk!
Meghan, thanks for your honesty that also acknowledges what happens to boys in many places and cultures. So refreshing for some of us men--with stories of our own--to hear!
Thank you so much for making me learn something, I never knew that Americans can do these types of things and get poorly punished. I always watched TV shows and they never mentioned anything you spoke of, I think it's important to fix this issue fast.
I have never thought of it this way. Very enlightening! Thank you.
Excellent thoughts.
We need teachers like her in our schools
a lot of insight. Thanks.
The cycle of generational and systemic poverty is so hard to break. I’m glad to hear Oi is going better, we need to make a change at large in the system.
6:14 look at all those blond people
claudia haha omg I replayed it too! I was like omg everyone looks identical!!
claudia yeah. That distracted me
That's the privilege right there!!!!
fun fact: only one of them has naturally blonde hair
claudia ikr
Wonderful Ted Talk, one of the best speakers I’ve ever watched! Thank you for enlightening us, I learned a lot!
You are a genius Meghan Sobel... What a wonderful women.
Thank you for raising the issue of demand - this is at the core of this problem. America needs to rethink about their actions and it's effects on children. Great video!
My daughter was drugged and kidnapped in a Vegas casino in Feb 2017. Mexican cartel held her at gunpoint for three days before she was able to contact me. I called Vegas Police and drove from Kansas to go pick her up. I didn't care if they killed me... I was getting my daughter BACK!! I had no help from police because my daughter was afraid of being killed. I'm glad she was intelligent enough to change hotel room number they forced her to get in her name. She hid in that room afraid for her life. I tried to pay another day for the room so she didn't have to go outside. They would've surely grabbed her. She called Uber to take her to a LG casino away from the Tropicana area... and hid in the restroom til I could drive there. We thank GOD for His protection and mine. DONT GO TO VEGAS!!
Thanks for the warning De b. Thank God you got her back safe.
Very important and very well said