The question is not “do they realize they caused you pain, rather do they care enough not to act on their emotions” … these people behave extremely selfishly. Nobody else’s well being matters accept their own. They actually create trauma that can lead their ex to become an avoidant like them. This contributes to the amount of emotionally unavailable people that are out there on the world breaking hearts. It’s sad. Don’t baby them. They need to take accountability for their emotional state
Ah yes the avoidant! 2 yr relationship with him leaving every 3 months to the day. I went no contact and yes, he reaches out and we work it out for yet another 3 months. I have empathy for him, because I believe he didn't have the affection as a child to be vulnerable and express his emotions. The million dollar question long does this continue!?! I do love him however, how can someone build a future with someone that takes off, constantly?
If he values you and your relationship, and if he is aware of the way he is, he would do what’s necessary to change/ get help. If the risk of losing you doesn’t spark a desire to fix his past traumas, it might not be worth your continued effort.
It's difficult to be with an avoidant person. It's difficult for you and it's difficult for him as well. Most avoidant doesn't know that they are avoidant. If you want to discuss it with me, this is the link to my coaching session,
We were 15 months together. Incredible year. He was a gentleman the whole time. Amazing intimacy. Amazing connection. Lots of laughs. Lots of adventures. He wanted a future with me, he pushed towards moving in together. One of the best. After 11 months out of nowhere after a few drinks he said it’s over a lot going on in his life (work problems, money problems and house needed repairs) I accepted it. Next day he messages ‘can we talk? I’m so sorry..’ 2 months later (last week) he messaged to say it’s over, same reasons - although I’d actually say he’s in worse place on his life than two months ago as his new business not working out. I sent an ‘Okay’ last night 2 days after his message. I was ready and I felt a LOT better after sending it.
It’s like this one was for me. It’s been 9 months since I heard from him. I’m no closer to feeling better but I understand it all and I’m working on my beliefs.
It's not a race. Take your time. Process and grow. I've been telling people recently that I've been sat in this weird state since I've been processing it all. It's like a frozen state of mind
Wow! The timing of this video couldn't have been better. I'm an anxious attachment man who has been in a relationship with an avoidant woman for six months and I'm seriously thinking about ending our relationship. She is everything a man could ask for (dare I say a unicorn) but her avoidant personality combined with her traumatic past of being married to a narcissist has made intimacy a real challenge for her and I have to ask myself if this is want I want in a partner. She is very self aware and understands that she is not providing the level of intimacy I desire (and I do not pressure her or make demands - I've told her that we are not on a timeline and I'll wait until she is comfortable being more vulnerable, but I wonder if that will ever come about). To her credit, she is going to seek help with a therapist who specializes in victims of narcissistic abuse and I truly believe she wants our relationship to work. In turn, I am going to seek help with my anxious attachment and codependent issues and I'm hopeful that if we both work on ourselves we have a chance at a future together. This video has given me such a valuable insight into the potential effects that a breakup would have on her and has given me motivation to not give up. Thank you for such an insightful and practical understanding of the avoidant mindset!
If your avoidant partner seek to find therapist is a very good news. Rarely avoidant know themselves, they lack of awareness due to their superiority complex / always right tendency.
Good sign. Just fix on your mental health man, I’m doing that too. I need to hold my emotions and tell her how I felt, I am writing down to do fix my mental health and take some challenges. I do it right thing.
I am currently going through the same thing with her. The difference is mine has been really good for a while now as i have put in the work for myself and i have made her aware of her issues as well. Problem is i triggered her PTSD trauma over an argument. That in turn triggered her avoidance again + her trauma. I apologised and said everything i could to assure her that i did not mean any harm and that i am sorry about what i have said to her. She said she doesnt feel the same way about me at the moment and that she needs more time and she doesnt know how long it will take. When we met to discuss it was already day 5 and she said shes really struggling and that my actions have set her back by 12 months..I've been with her for a year...i understane your pain as i am utterly devastated and living in alot of guilt and hurt.
@AlexisFriedlander great advice and insight, but there's nothing to smile about here... So basically... you have to treat the Avoidant the same way they were raised and treated growing up (which caused this dysfunctional way of relating in the first place) as in -- They feel regret or guilt or lonely - don't do anything. Don't intervene, don't help... be a zombie yourself so they can... that's the thing with Avoidants... you are constantly on egg shells to behave the way they don't feel is "too much" and so you end up censoring yourself and holding back and even having to put your own needs on silence. Why are Avoidants in relationships? Perhaps they just need superficial, disconnected very separative relationships? Or they need relationships with other fellow Avoidants? Or they should just stay married to their mothers who they idealize? What a drag to constantly have to behave the way THEY NEED so you can have some breadcrumbs of connection. They are entitled and spoiled. Don't waste your time. When will they ever STOP FEAR running their lives and thus their long-term-partner's lives. What about them ever considering your past wounds, your needs, your ways...? They never do. You have to be the one who always considers them and accepts them and their wounds, but it will never be the other way around. Never really. Never deeply with compassion. Never really vulnerable. Never really actually deeply intimate. It's not a healthy kind of human connection for 7 year marriage and every time life hits a difficulty (external) then always runs away, stonewalls, emotionally withholds (which I only now learned is a form of deep abuse of neglect) ... It's a headache and the biggest heartbreak you will ever have to deal with: to give your heart to an Unevovled Avoidant. VOICE YOUR NEEDS and RUN AWAY FROM BREADCRUMBS. PROTECT YOUR BIG HEART and save it for the FULL 5 COURSE MEAL that you deserve. If you do the work to evolve and they stay with the same (coddling, enabling, agreeing) "therapist" for over 10 years with no improvement. Not all therapists are healthy or helpful. A lot of them do many unethical things. Let's see more videos about all of this heartache with an Avoidant and how to gain back your self-worth and dignity to not always have to do it their way and mold yourself to fit their needs while always having to accept that they can never fully be vulnerable, no true deep intimacy. What a waste of time and waste of a big heart to love and not be truly loved in return. Poor Avoidant with their "20 years of conditioning.."..??... what about the other person's long conditioning that they are able to grow through and evolve from and be a better partner for without ever having it considered. No, you always have to consider them and their cold needs.
Amazingly said. I get tired just watching all these 'strategies' to tiptoe around the avoidants. When we meet one, just run for the hills. Healing is a personal responsibility, and thats not our job. They will make you an empty shell of your former self through the endless heartbreaking behaviour.
My ex ( avoidant) broke up with me after I told him that it’s really hurting that he pulled away again and again and set the rules for the 8 mont relationship. I asked him on the phone: so we are done, or what? He said : but he is so attracted to me, let’s talk. A week later a went to his house ( 120 km from my home), he kissed me, and after I explained my behaviour and said I am sorry, he said it was his fault, he tried but he is incapable for a relationship, only for occasional things. After that he said we should go to a restaurant. I was crying and thought he must be crazy! After a kiss a breakup and than a dinner???? I called him two times after that , he was patient, but said a lot of wishywashy things. I was confused. I am on no contact and working on myself. I really don’t know if I ever want to meet him again. There were so many confusing things. Sometimes I was in his future plans sometimes not. I really don’t know is he avoidant or was he just playing with me?
You are just a thing, a tool an object, nothing personal because they cannot identify external and internal object (chaotic). What u and his/her experience is just a snapshot of experience called shared memory without people/identity in it. Its like a game.
Exactly the same here - it was a great loving relationship then 🚀 and he was extremely attracted to me too. He’s 54 I’m 50 but look 10 years younger which he loved apart from that we got on soooo well outside of the bedroom too. We had a real laugh lots of fun lots of trips. It was like wt? He split by a nice long text. I didn’t reply for 2 days. Then I sent “Okay” It was the second time in 3 months but the other time was face to face. Let’s see. He was busy at the weekend- he’ll be back to work (remote) so let’s see if he gets lonely this week- he doesn’t have many friends round here and I know he didn’t have much planned for this next weekend end either but I’m not holding out if he’s in ‘phew and relief mode’ right now. He had a lot of household jobs to do and a new onlinebusiness to sort out so that might keep him busy instead.
I know I have to move on - I don’t think there is a relationship to save if he returns but I will miss our board games at the pub and walks around historical cities. He was soooo invested in me and then poof he’d gone.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Alexis! Everything you mentioned in this video is absolutely true. I learned a few things that I hadn't realized previously as well. It's so great to hear from a coach who was a former avoidant!
My experience with a dismissive avoidant individual has been challenging. I met her on January 28, 2022, and by April 25, 2022, I had fallen in love with her. I expressed my feelings, but she ultimately ended the relationship. I followed all the expected steps, yet she eventually entered a phase of regret, which, based on my observations, seems to have occurred by the end of November 2024. During this time, she had several other relationships, and I struggled significantly to manage my emotions, facing intense pain and frustration. Having previously identified as a fearful avoidant, I worked to heal my attachment style. Fortunately, by the time she returned, I had already reached a place of acceptance and had emotionally moved on. While I believe she may now be interested in reconnecting, the emotional toll has been too great for me to pursue any further involvement. I appreciate the insights shared by Alexis, whose videos were helpful during my journey. However, in hindsight, this experience has been deeply painful, and I would caution others to recognize the signs of a dismissive avoidant attachment style before engaging in such relationships. It is a difficult and often heart-wrenching experience, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Thanks Alexis this has been particularly helpful to me. Understanding I need not only to let time and space do their magic, but that the magic may be me moving to a more secure relationship with or without him.
Thank you Coach! Have been on No contact and radio silence for a month now. When he broke up with me, his words were "I don't think I will be there for you. What you do with your life is your choice". He started off first by asking for a break and I accept, I did the mistake of resisting and pleading. Then post that, I went on NC for a month and a half asking him if he was Ok to consider the relationship and for that message of mine he gave me the above reply. Apparently, he did not even have the courtesy to end things with me. My NC period is extremely challenging. Fluctuation of emotions. But I am watching a lot and lot of your videos to not to get back with him, rather - get him out of mind. This relationship is not healthy for me and I need to get back myself. To my happy self. I have no intention of helping him out. Not my job and it's his frigging Karma! Damn - It's hard! But thankful for your videos. ❤ What would I do without these.. One question though, do avoidants have this audacity to break a 10 year old relationship within a split second? Gosh - Mean bunch of folks I tell you!
True. Mine was not ten years, but four. My ex monkey branched to a distant cousin and wanted to keep me as a “friend “. No thanks, ‘bye Boo. No more avoidants for me. BTW I am 70% secure and 30% FA.
Yes they have the capacity to break off a 7 year marriage without really ever telling you they were thinking about it. Just acting like everything is normal and not even having the decency to tell you. Then when you ask them "what's up I sense something is off...?" then they suddenly say on a regular afternoon with dead eyes like a zombie "I want to split. Divorce"... and that's it. Like a stranger. He did this once 3 years ago when we had big life external difficulties, and again now. Run before he does this again and again. You dodged a bullet. I was stupid and trusted him again and now I am completely heartbroken and have to do a lot of work on myself to ask how did I survive such a relationship where any little thing would cause him to pull away and withhold emotions, no vulnerability and no true deep intimacy. Now I have to work on myself and my obviously low self-worth that I accepted this for so long and why did I even seek out an emotionally unavailable person to begin with. Sometimes there but more often times, not. DO NOT ACCEPT BREADCRUMBS because you are always so compassionate and understanding. PROTECT YOUR HEART because you deserve THE FULL COURSE MEAL.
It seems to me that there isn’t much we can do. It helps to understand their inner mechanisms, so we don’t act to emotionaly, but the best thing is to try to be loyal to ourselves, authentic and clear in comunication. The rest is in their hands. We have to do our inner work and so do they.
My situation is exactly as you describe it . Me a fixer . He an avoider . He loves me for sure and he is very confused so I am working on myself to back off ( unlike me) to let him come back on his own and then we see when the time comes.
this is great video for me to understand my ex avoidant behavior and what she has been through in her childhood. Helps me heal. Appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge about avoidant behaviors. Because avoidant never communicates with us and disappear. In relationship avoidant can go undetected most of the time. This video definitely cools off my anxiety and perception about her.
Thank you for the last part Alex (“last word”)…I love her but it’s not my job to do the work for her or try to push her in that direction. I needed to hear that ❤
My anxious avoidant GF well….ex girlfriend. Spent 2.5 years with me while I was suffering from alcoholism and anxiety disorder. Stuck by my side the whole time! But telling me they wanted more from me and the relationship! She left me Approx 2.5 years in…I fought to get sober and fix my life. For 7-8 months I fought for myself and for her to come back. Finally after 8 months she came back and we started a NEW relationship. She was happy for 30 days! Then everything bothered her! She couldn’t even hold my hand or say I love or I miss you. We lasted 53 fucking days! Now she is very happy to be alone and belittles our time together and that she had no feelings for me anymore. So what we’re supposed to sit and wait 6-8 months for them to realize that they’ve made a mistake… that they miss us? That they love us??? No thank you!!!! I love you Stephanie! But I only have one life and I can’t spend it waiting for someone who most likely will never wake up. I will miss you deeply in a way you will never understand xxx
It doesn't feel like their loss. It very much feels like mine. He just didn't seem to care about me, the relationship, our marriage, anything. I have left it too late to fix things and it seems it's very much an irreversible situation.
But at first DA will “medicate” via different things including casual relationships to get the “ fix” of “ intimacy “ they crave as much as the Anxious albeit they fear it..but still need it.
I absolutely love your videos, it helps me a lot going through the breakup I’m dealing with right now. I especially like how you explain the avoidant mindset from your perspective. I very recently broke up with my ex (again after 2 years), I’m fine and stable on my own, because I know in the back of my head he loves me and also because I’m pretty sure he will want to come back once I start moving on (just like last time) but one thing that bothers me is that both time he mentioned something along the line that he doesn’t trust me, except he expressed it more explicitly this time. Just to be clear, I never cheated or anything, nothing major to most people, or quite opposite, I’ve improved a lot of taking responsibility and he acknowledged it too. So my question is, is this something related to his avoidant mentality or it’s something else we need to work out?
My partner was avoidant - he ran twice and came third time very confident and took the accountability of what he did in past.. but again when things were stressful he just shut down .. but I think he is guilty because he reached out to me to say sorry after two months.. May be in regret as well..
What if your avoidant partner actually says 'I'm stubborn, you know I'm stubborn' as a reason for not calling me after a little fallout? I know he's an avoidant but his pride gets in the way of reaching out for us to resolve issues. Am I wasting my time? I'm aware that each moment of distancing comes after we've talked about moving in together or after we've spent many days together, after which he'll find a reason to get upset and then go quiet. For me this feels toxic.....and I'm exhausted...
YES IT IS TOXIC AND YES IF HES NOT ACTIVELY working on himself it's very much a waist of time avoidants are more prone to take from intimate partners then give if they are lacking awareness and don't know they are avoidant trust me it's not worth it..
@@uniquedavenport Thanks for this. Noted. he doesn't think he needs to work on himself. We're not together now anyway. 18 months of yet more learning for me. 😒
Alex, I used to be anxious. I worked really hard to become secure. But once I entered into this relationship, I ended up bouncing back into some anxious tendencies. Is this something normal?
Well, her ex bf randomly msg her to be friends again. Already didn't work out two times per her, and just wants to be friends. He wants to get married she isn't ready for that. How does this apply to this situation? She already has me on curved and we never had a title smh.
@Digitalizedx Ok, I've experienced that. Unfortunately, mine led into her seeing an ex person in her life, of which she's still with. Both are addicts in their own field. To be honest, I would put some strong boundaries down and highlight you'll leave if you continue to feel this way.
@@DobermanDanK9 yeah I mean there’s nothing can do she isn’t my gf.. sadly tried b4 talking n gas lit me more. Seems just waiting on her t get internet n she’ll contact me so we can exchange things
its their loss! they will regret when they get used by other avoidants/narcissists. because most of the time they have a npd/bpd parent so they are used to that
It’s no weakness, it shows you are human. So many people never feel love. It can be an attachment issue If you put the other person first and suffer more than feel happy or peacefull.
If you are any attachment style besides Secure( perhaps) then you played a part in the breakup.. I know I did me Anxious and her a DA.. must watch other videos to heal yourself and learn how to communicate or else getting them back is for naught .
My ex has shown signs of withdrawal. We work together which has made this pretty hard. I want to help her but I'm holding myself back at the moment. Is it normal for avoidants to avoid seeing you after the breakup (might be a stupid question) and when I say avoid I mean in person and trying not too look at you.
Yes, it's normal for them not to look at you, probably feeling guilty and also won't want to give you false hope or engage with you while they're sorting through their own feelings.
How are you getting on? I also work with my ex….at first we would cordially say hello to each other but now 6 months post break up he has bizarrely started running away and hiding when he sees me. It’s really strange?
@@Rb79_85 I'm nearly At the six month mark. She is still avoiding me. To a. Degree but she has started to. Put her self. In places I. Am. Or will be. She Also seems. Sad most of the time. Excuse the poor text phone is playing up.
The question is not “do they realize they caused you pain, rather do they care enough not to act on their emotions” … these people behave extremely selfishly. Nobody else’s well being matters accept their own. They actually create trauma that can lead their ex to become an avoidant like them. This contributes to the amount of emotionally unavailable people that are out there on the world breaking hearts. It’s sad.
Don’t baby them. They need to take accountability for their emotional state
@@jasonmoss305 yes accountability is key. You should not be the only one doing the work! Or owning your actions!
Ah yes the avoidant! 2 yr relationship with him leaving every 3 months to the day. I went no contact and yes, he reaches out and we work it out for yet another 3 months. I have empathy for him, because I believe he didn't have the affection as a child to be vulnerable and express his emotions. The million dollar question long does this continue!?! I do love him however, how can someone build a future with someone that takes off, constantly?
If he values you and your relationship, and if he is aware of the way he is, he would do what’s necessary to change/ get help. If the risk of losing you doesn’t spark a desire to fix his past traumas, it might not be worth your continued effort.
It's difficult to be with an avoidant person. It's difficult for you and it's difficult for him as well. Most avoidant doesn't know that they are avoidant. If you want to discuss it with me, this is the link to my coaching session,
Was he like that in the beginning? Ran at three months and came back?
@LyubovTeplitskaya Yes! Clearly that was my fault allowing it.
We were 15 months together. Incredible year. He was a gentleman the whole time. Amazing intimacy. Amazing connection. Lots of laughs. Lots of adventures. He wanted a future with me, he pushed towards moving in together. One of the best. After 11 months out of nowhere after a few drinks he said it’s over a lot going on in his life (work problems, money problems and house needed repairs)
I accepted it.
Next day he messages ‘can we talk? I’m so sorry..’
2 months later (last week) he messaged to say it’s over, same reasons - although I’d actually say he’s in worse place on his life than two months ago as his new business not working out.
I sent an ‘Okay’ last night 2 days after his message. I was ready and I felt a LOT better after sending it.
It’s like this one was for me. It’s been 9 months since I heard from him. I’m no closer to feeling better but I understand it all and I’m working on my beliefs.
It's not a race. Take your time. Process and grow.
I've been telling people recently that I've been sat in this weird state since I've been processing it all. It's like a frozen state of mind
Wow! The timing of this video couldn't have been better. I'm an anxious attachment man who has been in a relationship with an avoidant woman for six months and I'm seriously thinking about ending our relationship. She is everything a man could ask for (dare I say a unicorn) but her avoidant personality combined with her traumatic past of being married to a narcissist has made intimacy a real challenge for her and I have to ask myself if this is want I want in a partner. She is very self aware and understands that she is not providing the level of intimacy I desire (and I do not pressure her or make demands - I've told her that we are not on a timeline and I'll wait until she is comfortable being more vulnerable, but I wonder if that will ever come about).
To her credit, she is going to seek help with a therapist who specializes in victims of narcissistic abuse and I truly believe she wants our relationship to work. In turn, I am going to seek help with my anxious attachment and codependent issues and I'm hopeful that if we both work on ourselves we have a chance at a future together.
This video has given me such a valuable insight into the potential effects that a breakup would have on her and has given me motivation to not give up. Thank you for such an insightful and practical understanding of the avoidant mindset!
If your avoidant partner seek to find therapist is a very good news. Rarely avoidant know themselves, they lack of awareness due to their superiority complex / always right tendency.
Good sign. Just fix on your mental health man, I’m doing that too. I need to hold my emotions and tell her how I felt, I am writing down to do fix my mental health and take some challenges. I do it right thing.
I'm happy to hear that both of you are willing to work on yourselves.
I am currently going through the same thing with her. The difference is mine has been really good for a while now as i have put in the work for myself and i have made her aware of her issues as well. Problem is i triggered her PTSD trauma over an argument. That in turn triggered her avoidance again + her trauma. I apologised and said everything i could to assure her that i did not mean any harm and that i am sorry about what i have said to her. She said she doesnt feel the same way about me at the moment and that she needs more time and she doesnt know how long it will take. When we met to discuss it was already day 5 and she said shes really struggling and that my actions have set her back by 12 months..I've been with her for a year...i understane your pain as i am utterly devastated and living in alot of guilt and hurt.
Best of luck to you! Just curious, are there any children involved?
@AlexisFriedlander great advice and insight, but there's nothing to smile about here... So basically... you have to treat the Avoidant the same way they were raised and treated growing up (which caused this dysfunctional way of relating in the first place) as in -- They feel regret or guilt or lonely - don't do anything. Don't intervene, don't help... be a zombie yourself so they can... that's the thing with Avoidants... you are constantly on egg shells to behave the way they don't feel is "too much" and so you end up censoring yourself and holding back and even having to put your own needs on silence. Why are Avoidants in relationships? Perhaps they just need superficial, disconnected very separative relationships? Or they need relationships with other fellow Avoidants? Or they should just stay married to their mothers who they idealize? What a drag to constantly have to behave the way THEY NEED so you can have some breadcrumbs of connection. They are entitled and spoiled. Don't waste your time. When will they ever STOP FEAR running their lives and thus their long-term-partner's lives. What about them ever considering your past wounds, your needs, your ways...? They never do. You have to be the one who always considers them and accepts them and their wounds, but it will never be the other way around. Never really. Never deeply with compassion. Never really vulnerable. Never really actually deeply intimate. It's not a healthy kind of human connection for 7 year marriage and every time life hits a difficulty (external) then always runs away, stonewalls, emotionally withholds (which I only now learned is a form of deep abuse of neglect) ... It's a headache and the biggest heartbreak you will ever have to deal with: to give your heart to an Unevovled Avoidant. VOICE YOUR NEEDS and RUN AWAY FROM BREADCRUMBS. PROTECT YOUR BIG HEART and save it for the FULL 5 COURSE MEAL that you deserve.
If you do the work to evolve and they stay with the same (coddling, enabling, agreeing) "therapist" for over 10 years with no improvement. Not all therapists are healthy or helpful. A lot of them do many unethical things. Let's see more videos about all of this heartache with an Avoidant and how to gain back your self-worth and dignity to not always have to do it their way and mold yourself to fit their needs while always having to accept that they can never fully be vulnerable, no true deep intimacy. What a waste of time and waste of a big heart to love and not be truly loved in return. Poor Avoidant with their "20 years of conditioning.."..??... what about the other person's long conditioning that they are able to grow through and evolve from and be a better partner for without ever having it considered. No, you always have to consider them and their cold needs.
you need to accept that you're probably also too needy and work on your shit too.
Amazingly said. I get tired just watching all these 'strategies' to tiptoe around the avoidants. When we meet one, just run for the hills. Healing is a personal responsibility, and thats not our job. They will make you an empty shell of your former self through the endless heartbreaking behaviour.
My ex ( avoidant) broke up with me after I told him that it’s really hurting that he pulled away again and again and set the rules for the 8 mont relationship. I asked him on the phone: so we are done, or what? He said : but he is so attracted to me, let’s talk.
A week later a went to his house ( 120 km from my home), he kissed me, and after I explained my behaviour and said I am sorry, he said it was his fault, he tried but he is incapable for a relationship, only for occasional things. After that he said we should go to a restaurant. I was crying and thought he must be crazy! After a kiss a breakup and than a dinner????
I called him two times after that , he was patient, but said a lot of wishywashy things. I was confused.
I am on no contact and working on myself. I really don’t know if I ever want to meet him again. There were so many confusing things. Sometimes I was in his future plans sometimes not.
I really don’t know is he avoidant or was he just playing with me?
You are just a thing, a tool an object, nothing personal because they cannot identify external and internal object (chaotic). What u and his/her experience is just a snapshot of experience called shared memory without people/identity in it. Its like a game.
Exactly the same here - it was a great loving relationship then 🚀 and he was extremely attracted to me too. He’s 54 I’m 50 but look 10 years younger which he loved apart from that we got on soooo well outside of the bedroom too. We had a real laugh lots of fun lots of trips. It was like wt?
He split by a nice long text.
I didn’t reply for 2 days.
Then I sent “Okay”
It was the second time in 3 months but the other time was face to face.
Let’s see. He was busy at the weekend- he’ll be back to work (remote) so let’s see if he gets lonely this week- he doesn’t have many friends round here and I know he didn’t have much planned for this next weekend end either but I’m not holding out if he’s in ‘phew and relief mode’ right now. He had a lot of household jobs to do and a new onlinebusiness to sort out so that might keep him busy instead.
I know I have to move on - I don’t think there is a relationship to save if he returns but I will miss our board games at the pub and walks around historical cities.
He was soooo invested in me and then poof he’d gone.
@@caroliner1901 welcome to narcissitic pattern. God saves you from HELL
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Alexis! Everything you mentioned in this video is absolutely true. I learned a few things that I hadn't realized previously as well. It's so great to hear from a coach who was a former avoidant!
My experience with a dismissive avoidant individual has been challenging. I met her on January 28, 2022, and by April 25, 2022, I had fallen in love with her. I expressed my feelings, but she ultimately ended the relationship. I followed all the expected steps, yet she eventually entered a phase of regret, which, based on my observations, seems to have occurred by the end of November 2024. During this time, she had several other relationships, and I struggled significantly to manage my emotions, facing intense pain and frustration. Having previously identified as a fearful avoidant, I worked to heal my attachment style. Fortunately, by the time she returned, I had already reached a place of acceptance and had emotionally moved on. While I believe she may now be interested in reconnecting, the emotional toll has been too great for me to pursue any further involvement. I appreciate the insights shared by Alexis, whose videos were helpful during my journey. However, in hindsight, this experience has been deeply painful, and I would caution others to recognize the signs of a dismissive avoidant attachment style before engaging in such relationships. It is a difficult and often heart-wrenching experience, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Thanks Alexis this has been particularly helpful to me. Understanding I need not only to let time and space do their magic, but that the magic may be me moving to a more secure relationship with or without him.
Thank you Coach! Have been on No contact and radio silence for a month now. When he broke up with me, his words were "I don't think I will be there for you. What you do with your life is your choice".
He started off first by asking for a break and I accept, I did the mistake of resisting and pleading. Then post that, I went on NC for a month and a half asking him if he was Ok to consider the relationship and for that message of mine he gave me the above reply. Apparently, he did not even have the courtesy to end things with me.
My NC period is extremely challenging. Fluctuation of emotions. But I am watching a lot and lot of your videos to not to get back with him, rather - get him out of mind. This relationship is not healthy for me and I need to get back myself. To my happy self. I have no intention of helping him out. Not my job and it's his frigging Karma!
Damn - It's hard!
But thankful for your videos. ❤ What would I do without these..
One question though, do avoidants have this audacity to break a 10 year old relationship within a split second? Gosh - Mean bunch of folks I tell you!
Lots of story tell about avoidant breaking up decades relationship. Its a fact.
True. Mine was not ten years, but four. My ex monkey branched to a distant cousin and wanted to keep me as a “friend “. No thanks, ‘bye Boo. No more avoidants for me. BTW I am 70% secure and 30% FA.
@@MPR2007- God, so much for trusting them and getting your heart broken!!
@@Flufero23 - Sorry!! Crazy idiots. I think, he is branched out already too..
Yes they have the capacity to break off a 7 year marriage without really ever telling you they were thinking about it. Just acting like everything is normal and not even having the decency to tell you. Then when you ask them "what's up I sense something is off...?" then they suddenly say on a regular afternoon with dead eyes like a zombie "I want to split. Divorce"... and that's it. Like a stranger. He did this once 3 years ago when we had big life external difficulties, and again now. Run before he does this again and again. You dodged a bullet. I was stupid and trusted him again and now I am completely heartbroken and have to do a lot of work on myself to ask how did I survive such a relationship where any little thing would cause him to pull away and withhold emotions, no vulnerability and no true deep intimacy. Now I have to work on myself and my obviously low self-worth that I accepted this for so long and why did I even seek out an emotionally unavailable person to begin with. Sometimes there but more often times, not. DO NOT ACCEPT BREADCRUMBS because you are always so compassionate and understanding. PROTECT YOUR HEART because you deserve THE FULL COURSE MEAL.
It seems to me that there isn’t much we can do. It helps to understand their inner mechanisms, so we don’t act to emotionaly, but the best thing is to try to be loyal to ourselves, authentic and clear in comunication. The rest is in their hands. We have to do our inner work and so do they.
i love the advice you give, all the other "coaches" i find dont have a clue.
My situation is exactly as you describe it . Me a fixer . He an avoider . He loves me for sure and he is very confused so I am working on myself to back off ( unlike me) to let him come back on his own and then we see when the time comes.
this is great video for me to understand my ex avoidant behavior and what she has been through in her childhood. Helps me heal. Appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge about avoidant behaviors. Because avoidant never communicates with us and disappear. In relationship avoidant can go undetected most of the time. This video definitely cools off my anxiety and perception about her.
Thank you for the last part Alex (“last word”)…I love her but it’s not my job to do the work for her or try to push her in that direction. I needed to hear that ❤
Hello Alex, how long are the 5 stages taking approximately?
My anxious avoidant GF well….ex girlfriend. Spent 2.5 years with me while I was suffering from alcoholism and anxiety disorder. Stuck by my side the whole time! But telling me they wanted more from me and the relationship! She left me Approx 2.5 years in…I fought to get sober and fix my life. For 7-8 months I fought for myself and for her to come back. Finally after 8 months she came back and we started a NEW relationship. She was happy for 30 days! Then everything bothered her! She couldn’t even hold my hand or say I love or I miss you. We lasted 53 fucking days! Now she is very happy to be alone and belittles our time together and that she had no feelings for me anymore. So what we’re supposed to sit and wait 6-8 months for them to realize that they’ve made a mistake… that they miss us? That they love us???
No thank you!!!! I love you Stephanie! But I only have one life and I can’t spend it waiting for someone who most likely will never wake up. I will miss you deeply in a way you will never understand xxx
Stage 3, The confusion section, Is that when you would say the Ex starts unblocking, contacting, Etc.?
It doesn't feel like their loss. It very much feels like mine. He just didn't seem to care about me, the relationship, our marriage, anything. I have left it too late to fix things and it seems it's very much an irreversible situation.
But at first DA will “medicate” via different things including casual relationships to get the “ fix” of “ intimacy “ they crave as much as the Anxious albeit they fear it..but still need it.
I absolutely love your videos, it helps me a lot going through the breakup I’m dealing with right now. I especially like how you explain the avoidant mindset from your perspective. I very recently broke up with my ex (again after 2 years), I’m fine and stable on my own, because I know in the back of my head he loves me and also because I’m pretty sure he will want to come back once I start moving on (just like last time) but one thing that bothers me is that both time he mentioned something along the line that he doesn’t trust me, except he expressed it more explicitly this time. Just to be clear, I never cheated or anything, nothing major to most people, or quite opposite, I’ve improved a lot of taking responsibility and he acknowledged it too. So my question is, is this something related to his avoidant mentality or it’s something else we need to work out?
Yes, that's one of the characteristic of an avoidant person.
My partner was avoidant - he ran twice and came third time very confident and took the accountability of what he did in past.. but again when things were stressful he just shut down .. but I think he is guilty because he reached out to me to say sorry after two months.. May be in regret as well..
I found the confidence was just a facade/a mask. It only lasted so long until you really saw the lack of progress they made
Best video yet 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
What does the dismissive avoidant feel if they are the one receiving the breakup message from their secure partner? What are the stages in this case?
What if your avoidant partner actually says 'I'm stubborn, you know I'm stubborn' as a reason for not calling me after a little fallout? I know he's an avoidant but his pride gets in the way of reaching out for us to resolve issues. Am I wasting my time? I'm aware that each moment of distancing comes after we've talked about moving in together or after we've spent many days together, after which he'll find a reason to get upset and then go quiet. For me this feels toxic.....and I'm exhausted...
YES IT IS TOXIC AND YES IF HES NOT ACTIVELY working on himself it's very much a waist of time avoidants are more prone to take from intimate partners then give if they are lacking awareness and don't know they are avoidant trust me it's not worth it..
@@uniquedavenport Thanks for this. Noted. he doesn't think he needs to work on himself. We're not together now anyway. 18 months of yet more learning for me. 😒
Top approach
Thank you SO much 🙏
You're welcome.
Alex, I used to be anxious. I worked really hard to become secure. But once I entered into this relationship, I ended up bouncing back into some anxious tendencies. Is this something normal?
Yes that is normal.
@@AlexisFriedlander I figure this was the case.
They make you anxious. Stop thi king there is something wrong with you..They are toxic xl and will never heal.
So basically ….. they’re absolutely bonkers
Well, her ex bf randomly msg her to be friends again. Already didn't work out two times per her, and just wants to be friends. He wants to get married she isn't ready for that. How does this apply to this situation? She already has me on curved and we never had a title smh.
What are her actions towards you? Forget what she says, is she showing you she wants you?
@@DobermanDanK9 just pushing me away.. seems she de activated
@Digitalizedx Ok, I've experienced that. Unfortunately, mine led into her seeing an ex person in her life, of which she's still with.
Both are addicts in their own field.
To be honest, I would put some strong boundaries down and highlight you'll leave if you continue to feel this way.
@@DobermanDanK9 yeah I mean there’s nothing can do she isn’t my gf.. sadly tried b4 talking n gas lit me more. Seems just waiting on her t get internet n she’ll contact me so we can exchange things
How long can each stage last? I can imagine it depends on every person or is there a general idea ?
Well said
Thank you.
Thank you so so much!
its their loss! they will regret when they get used by other avoidants/narcissists. because most of the time they have a npd/bpd parent so they are used to that
Is loving someone a weakness or some attachment issue 😢
It’s no weakness, it shows you are human. So many people never feel love. It can be an attachment issue If you put the other person first and suffer more than feel happy or peacefull.
Amazing advices❤
If you are any attachment style besides Secure( perhaps) then you played a part in the breakup.. I know I did me Anxious and her a DA.. must watch other videos to heal yourself and learn how to communicate or else getting them back is for naught .
Not always true. I'm secure and it was the same result
Have you noticed all of the people that talk about this online are avoidants?
Yes, interesting observation.
Yup running a fake program. Are covert narcs..
My ex has shown signs of withdrawal. We work together which has made this pretty hard. I want to help her but I'm holding myself back at the moment. Is it normal for avoidants to avoid seeing you after the breakup (might be a stupid question) and when I say avoid I mean in person and trying not too look at you.
Yes, it's normal for them not to look at you, probably feeling guilty and also won't want to give you false hope or engage with you while they're sorting through their own feelings.
How are you getting on? I also work with my ex….at first we would cordially say hello to each other but now 6 months post break up he has bizarrely started running away and hiding when he sees me. It’s really strange?
@@Rb79_85 I'm nearly At the six month mark. She is still avoiding me. To a. Degree but she has started to. Put her self. In places I. Am. Or will be. She Also seems. Sad most of the time. Excuse the poor text phone is playing up.
8:00 so wait , don’t post on social media?
They feel nothing.
Saved you watching a non sense vid 😂
I know you might have been hurt, but it still does not justify your rude and stupid comment!