貴殿は正論である。だまされない知識が重要です。 Ainu are not indigenous to Japan # It is a mistake to recognize Aino as an indigenous Japanese in the UN General Assembly commemorative liar speech. #国連総会記念嘘つき演説で、アイノを日本先住民に認定したのは間違いである。 There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, the lie sentence "I have formed a unique society and culture in Hokkaido for a long time" includes the impression that it is an indigenous Japanese. 国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文で日本先住民であるかのような印象を盛り込んでいる。 ・For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to mislead Aino into living in Hokkaido for tens of thousands of years ago. There is no ancestral land in Aino. It is a lie at the United Nations that "the opening day of the International Year of Indigenous Peoples will be a day deeply engraved in the memory of us indigenous peoples." Aino is not an indigenous people of Japan. Ainoko was born by an invading criminal in the Kamakura period who raped a Japanese Jomon girl. Ainoko became Aino and came to be called Ainu. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、北海道に誰も住んでいない数万年前からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。アイノに祖先伝来の土地はありません。国連で「国際先住民年の開幕の日として、私たち先住民族の記憶に深く刻まれる日になる」は嘘である。アイノは日本先住民族ではありません。鎌倉時代の侵略犯罪者が日本縄文人少女を強姦して生まれたアイノ子である。アイノ子がアイノになり、アイヌと呼称するようになった。 ・Since the stone tools and Jomon period in BC, Japanese Jomon people have nurtured the Jomon culture and have been in a friendly relationship as an autonomous region of the country of Japan. This Jomon man set up a village municipality in Hokkaido and lived up to AD1200, which was slaughtered by the Okhotsk bleaching group. According to genetic research, the present Japanese were formed while absorbing the foreign races that were washed ashore with the Jomon people as their mothers. In Tokoro, there are 200 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. AD1200 has 200 settlements, which is a big city. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance was just Wajin. Not Aino. 北海道には紀元前の石器・縄文時代から日本縄文人が縄文文化を育み倭国の自治区として友好関係にあった。この縄文人が北海道に集落自治体を作りオホーツク漂白集団に虐殺されるAD.1200まで暮らしてきた。遺伝子研究によると、この縄文人を母体として漂着した異民族を吸収しながら現在の日本人を形成した。常呂では200戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。AD.1200に200戸の集落は大都市である。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はまさしく倭人であった。アイノではない。 ・As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people as a group of northern bleachers, refused to rule Mongolia, and attacked the indigenous people of the Japanese Jomon people with poisonous arrows and iron weapons during the Kamakura period (Mongolian period) and became extinct. I let you. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. The reason is that it has its roots in the Okhotsk group, which has no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the advent of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsks gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, where there was no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can you say that half Aino is an indigenous Japanese? 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(モンゴル時代)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。その理由は統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク集団がルーツであるから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのハーフのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか? ・Ainoko, a red-haired blue-eyed Spanish army who came to the Inca Empire, murdered the indigenous people of the Inca Empire, and raped and gave birth to the surviving Inca indigenous children, is now called Mestizo. Mestizo, which inherited the red-haired blue-eyed gene, is not recognized as an indigenous people of the Inca Empire. Similarly, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous Japanese. No matter how much a lie speech is allowed in the United Nations, which has an enemy state clause in Japan, Wajin cannot admit a lie. Whatever the United Nations says, lies are lies. It is a lie, and it is the idea of a foreigner who is a Korean comfort woman who creates a deposit to create the indigenous people of Japan. インカ帝国に紅毛碧眼のスペイン軍が来てインカ帝国の先住民を殺戮し、生存したインカ帝国の先住民の子女を強姦して産ませたアイノ子が現在メスチゾと呼ばれている。紅毛碧眼の遺伝子を引き継いだメスチゾがインカ帝国の先住民とは認められていない。同様に、アイノも日本先住民と認めることはできない。日本を敵国条項のある国連で、いかに嘘演説を認められたとしても、倭人は嘘を認めることはできない。国連が何を言おうが嘘は嘘である。嘘で、日本先住民を創作するのは韓国の従軍慰安婦で保証金をせしめる異民族の思想である。
Around 40,000 to 35,000 years ago, primordial Japanese had separated from primordial Tibetan and around 50,000 years ago primordial Tibetan had separated from primordial Andamanese. And Andamanese had arrived in Asia around 70,000 to 60,000 years ago. Recent DAN studies have discovered that the Andamanese, Tibetan, and Japanese have shared the same haplogroup D, of which among the Andamanese is 100%, Tibetan is 41.3%, and Japanese is 34.7. Also, linguistically Tibetan, Japanese, and Andamanese have kept the same basic structure. For instance, their word order is SVO. Particularly, both Tibetan and Japanese languages need special instrumental cases to indicate actors. For example: Watashi WA gohon O tabemasu. Tibetan people say: ང ས་ ཟ་མ་ ཟ། I food eat Wata nabe GA Tanaga NI hanasu བཀྲ་ཤིས་ ཀྱིས་ ཚེ་རིང་ ལ་ སྐད་ཆ་བཤད། Watanabe/Tashi Tanaga/Tsering to speaks The word order in both Tibetan and Japanese is SOV and the most astonishing characteristic is the subject indicator "WA" and "GA" in Japanese and "ས་" and "ཀྱིས་" in Tibetan. None of the other languages have this grammatical feature. More example: Higashi E ikimasu ཤར་ཕྱོགས་ ལ་ འགྲོ East to go Please pay attention to the direction indicator "E" in Japanese and ལ་ in Tibetan. Let's take a look at the morphology in Tibetan and Japanese: shiro I དཀར་ བོ། white kuro I ནག་ པོ། black Please see the suffix "I" in Japanese and "བོ་" or "པོ" in Tibetan
Ainu are not indigenous to Japan # It is a mistake to recognize Aino as an indigenous Japanese in the UN General Assembly commemorative liar speech. #国連総会記念嘘つき演説で、アイノを日本先住民に認定したのは間違いである。 There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, the lie sentence "I have formed a unique society and culture in Hokkaido for a long time" includes the impression that it is an indigenous Japanese. 国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文で日本先住民であるかのような印象を盛り込んでいる。 ・For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to mislead Aino into living in Hokkaido for tens of thousands of years ago. There is no ancestral land in Aino. It is a lie at the United Nations that "the opening day of the International Year of Indigenous Peoples will be a day deeply engraved in the memory of us indigenous peoples." Aino is not an indigenous people of Japan. Ainoko was born by an invading criminal in the Kamakura period who raped a Japanese Jomon girl. Ainoko became Aino and came to be called Ainu. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、北海道に誰も住んでいない数万年前からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。アイノに祖先伝来の土地はありません。国連で「国際先住民年の開幕の日として、私たち先住民族の記憶に深く刻まれる日になる」は嘘である。アイノは日本先住民族ではありません。鎌倉時代の侵略犯罪者が日本縄文人少女を強姦して生まれたアイノ子である。アイノ子がアイノになり、アイヌと呼称するようになった。 ・Since the stone tools and Jomon period in BC, Japanese Jomon people have nurtured the Jomon culture and have been in a friendly relationship as an autonomous region of the country of Japan. This Jomon man set up a village municipality in Hokkaido and lived up to AD1200, which was slaughtered by the Okhotsk bleaching group. According to genetic research, the present Japanese were formed while absorbing the foreign races that were washed ashore with the Jomon people as their mothers. In Tokoro, there are 200 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. AD1200 has 200 settlements, which is a big city. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance was just Wajin. Not Aino. 北海道には紀元前の石器・縄文時代から日本縄文人が縄文文化を育み倭国の自治区として友好関係にあった。この縄文人が北海道に集落自治体を作りオホーツク漂白集団に虐殺されるAD.1200まで暮らしてきた。遺伝子研究によると、この縄文人を母体として漂着した異民族を吸収しながら現在の日本人を形成した。常呂では200戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。AD.1200に200戸の集落は大都市である。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はまさしく倭人であった。アイノではない。 ・As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people as a group of northern bleachers, refused to rule Mongolia, and attacked the indigenous people of the Japanese Jomon people with poisonous arrows and iron weapons during the Kamakura period (Mongolian period) and became extinct. I let you. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. The reason is that it has its roots in the Okhotsk group, which has no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the advent of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsks gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, where there was no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can you say that half Aino is an indigenous Japanese? 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(モンゴル時代)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。その理由は統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク集団がルーツであるから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのハーフのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか? ・Ainoko, a red-haired blue-eyed Spanish army who came to the Inca Empire, murdered the indigenous people of the Inca Empire, and raped and gave birth to the surviving Inca indigenous children, is now called Mestizo. Mestizo, which inherited the red-haired blue-eyed gene, is not recognized as an indigenous people of the Inca Empire. Similarly, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous Japanese. No matter how much a lie speech is allowed in the United Nations, which has an enemy state clause in Japan, Wajin cannot admit a lie. Whatever the United Nations says, lies are lies. It is a lie, and it is the idea of a foreigner who is a Korean comfort woman who creates a deposit to create the indigenous people of Japan. インカ帝国に紅毛碧眼のスペイン軍が来てインカ帝国の先住民を殺戮し、生存したインカ帝国の先住民の子女を強姦して産ませたアイノ子が現在メスチゾと呼ばれている。紅毛碧眼の遺伝子を引き継いだメスチゾがインカ帝国の先住民とは認められていない。同様に、アイノも日本先住民と認めることはできない。日本を敵国条項のある国連で、いかに嘘演説を認められたとしても、倭人は嘘を認めることはできない。国連が何を言おうが嘘は嘘である。嘘で、日本先住民を創作するのは韓国の従軍慰安婦で保証金をせしめる異民族の思想である。
貴殿は正論である。 Ainu are not indigenous to Japan # It is a mistake to recognize Aino as an indigenous Japanese in the UN General Assembly commemorative liar speech. #国連総会記念嘘つき演説で、アイノを日本先住民に認定したのは間違いである。 There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, the lie sentence "I have formed a unique society and culture in Hokkaido for a long time" includes the impression that it is an indigenous Japanese. 国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文で日本先住民であるかのような印象を盛り込んでいる。 ・For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to mislead Aino into living in Hokkaido for tens of thousands of years ago. There is no ancestral land in Aino. It is a lie at the United Nations that "the opening day of the International Year of Indigenous Peoples will be a day deeply engraved in the memory of us indigenous peoples." Aino is not an indigenous people of Japan. Ainoko was born by an invading criminal in the Kamakura period who raped a Japanese Jomon girl. Ainoko became Aino and came to be called Ainu. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、北海道に誰も住んでいない数万年前からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。アイノに祖先伝来の土地はありません。国連で「国際先住民年の開幕の日として、私たち先住民族の記憶に深く刻まれる日になる」は嘘である。アイノは日本先住民族ではありません。鎌倉時代の侵略犯罪者が日本縄文人少女を強姦して生まれたアイノ子である。アイノ子がアイノになり、アイヌと呼称するようになった。 ・Since the stone tools and Jomon period in BC, Japanese Jomon people have nurtured the Jomon culture and have been in a friendly relationship as an autonomous region of the country of Japan. This Jomon man set up a village municipality in Hokkaido and lived up to AD1200, which was slaughtered by the Okhotsk bleaching group. According to genetic research, the present Japanese were formed while absorbing the foreign races that were washed ashore with the Jomon people as their mothers. In Tokoro, there are 200 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. AD1200 has 200 settlements, which is a big city. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance was just Wajin. Not Aino. 北海道には紀元前の石器・縄文時代から日本縄文人が縄文文化を育み倭国の自治区として友好関係にあった。この縄文人が北海道に集落自治体を作りオホーツク漂白集団に虐殺されるAD.1200まで暮らしてきた。遺伝子研究によると、この縄文人を母体として漂着した異民族を吸収しながら現在の日本人を形成した。常呂では200戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。AD.1200に200戸の集落は大都市である。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はまさしく倭人であった。アイノではない。 ・As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people as a group of northern bleachers, refused to rule Mongolia, and attacked the indigenous people of the Japanese Jomon people with poisonous arrows and iron weapons during the Kamakura period (Mongolian period) and became extinct. I let you. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. The reason is that it has its roots in the Okhotsk group, which has no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the advent of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsks gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, where there was no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can you say that half Aino is an indigenous Japanese? 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(モンゴル時代)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。その理由は統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク集団がルーツであるから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのハーフのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか? ・Ainoko, a red-haired blue-eyed Spanish army who came to the Inca Empire, murdered the indigenous people of the Inca Empire, and raped and gave birth to the surviving Inca indigenous children, is now called Mestizo. Mestizo, which inherited the red-haired blue-eyed gene, is not recognized as an indigenous people of the Inca Empire. Similarly, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous Japanese. No matter how much a lie speech is allowed in the United Nations, which has an enemy state clause in Japan, Wajin cannot admit a lie. Whatever the United Nations says, lies are lies. It is a lie, and it is the idea of a foreigner who is a Korean comfort woman who creates a deposit to create the indigenous people of Japan. インカ帝国に紅毛碧眼のスペイン軍が来てインカ帝国の先住民を殺戮し、生存したインカ帝国の先住民の子女を強姦して産ませたアイノ子が現在メスチゾと呼ばれている。紅毛碧眼の遺伝子を引き継いだメスチゾがインカ帝国の先住民とは認められていない。同様に、アイノも日本先住民と認めることはできない。日本を敵国条項のある国連で、いかに嘘演説を認められたとしても、倭人は嘘を認めることはできない。国連が何を言おうが嘘は嘘である。嘘で、日本先住民を創作するのは韓国の従軍慰安婦で保証金をせしめる異民族の思想である。
10:55 「普通の環境変動」← 正解だと思います。カーボンニュートラル教徒に聞かせてあげたい。
でも、表示される画面(図表) が小さすぎるのが難点。講師の先生の画像を小さくして 大きくすべきです・・・
@@y8e-k2n さん
@@sunsun2181 私も中1のころ村の見識あるお爺さん同じように教えていただきました。
大変面白く拝聴いたしました^^ 一点気になったところは、アイヌに関してです^^ 平安時代までアイヌ人は日本列島には確認されず、鎌倉時代になってから出現してくると聞きました^^ カムチャッカ半島から南下したオホーツク人と縄文人との混血が起源と学びましたが、どうなのでしょうか^^;; 年代区分にアイヌと云う表現が使われていたので気になっていました^^
@@sdhnq046 ウポポイ、ウソッポイ
@@user-kokuyo-obsidian 横からだけどさ、アイヌの文化がそれまでの擦文文化と違うのは知られてきているけど、言葉というのは消滅するのではなく混ざり合うものじゃないのかな。平安時代には北海道の擦文人?が朝廷に助けを求めてきたんで阿倍比羅夫を大将にして北方民族を征伐してるから大和と言葉は通じていたんだろう。
@@sdhnq046 ん〜?ということは縄文人が日本の正当な先住民というロジックでよろしいでしょうか?
大陸とつながっていたので みんな朝鮮経由の人 といえなくもないのですが それから黒竜江からも流入したと思っています それから海洋民が交流して 多様な私たちが生まれたと思います✨
海底を調べればもっとわかると思いますので これから定説を覆す物証が出るのではないかと楽しみにしています✨
よい説の書き込みに つい続いて書いてしまいました
@@Shiny-user-cb8ti8le8h 朝鮮からはほとんど皆無。長江流域から来た人が殆ど。
@@加地弘道 ご意見に同意ですが、日本人が日本人向けの解説するなら、日本の言葉と概念を使うべきという立場なので・・・。
0:05 ゲームボーイの起動音みたい笑
まあ 所詮 左翼の巣窟の東大だからね
@@gusky-3892 古来から日本で、日本民族同士の対立がありました。
そりゃ人間は環境適用で北に行けば肉しか食えない、実のなるものは無いんだからな。 しかし、日本人は栗とか山芋とか縄文人でさえ縄は稲から出来てたんだろ、完全に肉食系とは違うんだな。 むしろ肉食系のルーツの方が怪しいってこと。
寒いって理由なら 北から渡るアイヌにも言える事だし…
Ainu are not indigenous to Japan
# It is a mistake to recognize Aino as an indigenous Japanese in the UN General Assembly commemorative liar speech.
There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, the lie sentence "I have formed a unique society and culture in Hokkaido for a long time" includes the impression that it is an indigenous Japanese.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文で日本先住民であるかのような印象を盛り込んでいる。
・For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to mislead Aino into living in Hokkaido for tens of thousands of years ago. There is no ancestral land in Aino. It is a lie at the United Nations that "the opening day of the International Year of Indigenous Peoples will be a day deeply engraved in the memory of us indigenous peoples." Aino is not an indigenous people of Japan. Ainoko was born by an invading criminal in the Kamakura period who raped a Japanese Jomon girl. Ainoko became Aino and came to be called Ainu.
・Since the stone tools and Jomon period in BC, Japanese Jomon people have nurtured the Jomon culture and have been in a friendly relationship as an autonomous region of the country of Japan. This Jomon man set up a village municipality in Hokkaido and lived up to AD1200, which was slaughtered by the Okhotsk bleaching group. According to genetic research, the present Japanese were formed while absorbing the foreign races that were washed ashore with the Jomon people as their mothers. In Tokoro, there are 200 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. AD1200 has 200 settlements, which is a big city. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance was just Wajin. Not Aino.
・As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people as a group of northern bleachers, refused to rule Mongolia, and attacked the indigenous people of the Japanese Jomon people with poisonous arrows and iron weapons during the Kamakura period (Mongolian period) and became extinct. I let you. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. The reason is that it has its roots in the Okhotsk group, which has no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the advent of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsks gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, where there was no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can you say that half Aino is an indigenous Japanese?
・Ainoko, a red-haired blue-eyed Spanish army who came to the Inca Empire, murdered the indigenous people of the Inca Empire, and raped and gave birth to the surviving Inca indigenous children, is now called Mestizo. Mestizo, which inherited the red-haired blue-eyed gene, is not recognized as an indigenous people of the Inca Empire. Similarly, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous Japanese. No matter how much a lie speech is allowed in the United Nations, which has an enemy state clause in Japan, Wajin cannot admit a lie. Whatever the United Nations says, lies are lies. It is a lie, and it is the idea of a foreigner who is a Korean comfort woman who creates a deposit to create the indigenous people of Japan.
[アイヌ利権]リストになぜか在日朝鮮人。 先住民族アイヌの権利回復を求める団体・個人署名の要請
[呼びかけ人・団体] 旭川アイヌ協議会 アイヌ・ラマット実行委員会 おんな組いのち
[呼びかけ人] 金時鐘(詩人) 佐高信(週刊金曜日編集委員) 辛淑玉(人材育成コンサルタント) 田中優子(週刊金曜日編集委員) 中山千夏(作家) 朴慶南(エッセイスト) 針生一郎(丸木美術館館長) 藤崎良三(全労協議長) 丸山未来子(おんな組事務局)
onnagumi.jp/appealFile/2009ainu01.html www.peeep.us/4a67bd33 名前おかしいだろ。 何で在日が関わるんだ? hosyusokuhou.jp/archives/39687980.html 自民党、小野寺まさる議員 「3年前に天皇・皇后両陛下が北海道にご来道された時には、アイヌ協会の幹部が札幌で [天皇・皇后来るな!大集会]を開催していました」 「山菜取りや墓参りで補助金もらえる」 「半分は国税」 「沖縄旅行も「アイヌ民族と沖縄の方との交流」とアイヌ文化機構が認れば、タダどころかお金まで…湯水の様に税金が使われているのです」 「やっとアイヌ政策の闇を全国に知らしめられるかも知れない。 北海道議会での追及には限界があり、これはビッグチャンスだ!」 (アイヌ利権の実態より)
沖縄島は琉球を名乗っても薩摩の支配下の流通(貿易)の拠点であったと長崎純心大 石井望先生が八重山日報で発表しています。
@@HIGHTLAND_PARK 詳しくありがとうございます。そうですよね。言葉の端が左を隠しきれてないですよね。
38000年。(o^ O^)シ彡☆、、、かあしいです。🇺🇸
Around 40,000 to 35,000 years ago, primordial Japanese had separated from primordial Tibetan and around 50,000 years ago primordial Tibetan had separated from primordial Andamanese. And Andamanese had arrived in Asia around 70,000 to 60,000 years ago. Recent DAN studies have discovered that the Andamanese, Tibetan, and Japanese have shared the same haplogroup D, of which among the Andamanese is 100%, Tibetan is 41.3%, and Japanese is 34.7. Also, linguistically Tibetan, Japanese, and Andamanese have kept the same basic structure. For instance, their word order is SVO. Particularly, both Tibetan and Japanese languages need special instrumental cases to indicate actors. For example:
Watashi WA gohon O tabemasu. Tibetan people say:
ང ས་ ཟ་མ་ ཟ།
I food eat
Wata nabe GA Tanaga NI hanasu
བཀྲ་ཤིས་ ཀྱིས་ ཚེ་རིང་ ལ་ སྐད་ཆ་བཤད།
Watanabe/Tashi Tanaga/Tsering to speaks
The word order in both Tibetan and Japanese is SOV and the most astonishing characteristic is the subject indicator "WA" and "GA" in Japanese and "ས་" and "ཀྱིས་" in Tibetan. None of the other languages have this grammatical feature.
More example:
Higashi E ikimasu
ཤར་ཕྱོགས་ ལ་ འགྲོ
East to go
Please pay attention to the direction indicator "E" in Japanese and ལ་ in Tibetan.
Let's take a look at the morphology in Tibetan and Japanese:
shiro I
དཀར་ བོ།
kuro I
ནག་ པོ།
Please see the suffix "I" in Japanese and "བོ་" or "པོ" in Tibetan
Ainu are not indigenous to Japan
# It is a mistake to recognize Aino as an indigenous Japanese in the UN General Assembly commemorative liar speech.
There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, the lie sentence "I have formed a unique society and culture in Hokkaido for a long time" includes the impression that it is an indigenous Japanese.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文で日本先住民であるかのような印象を盛り込んでいる。
・For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to mislead Aino into living in Hokkaido for tens of thousands of years ago. There is no ancestral land in Aino. It is a lie at the United Nations that "the opening day of the International Year of Indigenous Peoples will be a day deeply engraved in the memory of us indigenous peoples." Aino is not an indigenous people of Japan. Ainoko was born by an invading criminal in the Kamakura period who raped a Japanese Jomon girl. Ainoko became Aino and came to be called Ainu.
・Since the stone tools and Jomon period in BC, Japanese Jomon people have nurtured the Jomon culture and have been in a friendly relationship as an autonomous region of the country of Japan. This Jomon man set up a village municipality in Hokkaido and lived up to AD1200, which was slaughtered by the Okhotsk bleaching group. According to genetic research, the present Japanese were formed while absorbing the foreign races that were washed ashore with the Jomon people as their mothers. In Tokoro, there are 200 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. AD1200 has 200 settlements, which is a big city. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance was just Wajin. Not Aino.
・As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people as a group of northern bleachers, refused to rule Mongolia, and attacked the indigenous people of the Japanese Jomon people with poisonous arrows and iron weapons during the Kamakura period (Mongolian period) and became extinct. I let you. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. The reason is that it has its roots in the Okhotsk group, which has no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the advent of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsks gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, where there was no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can you say that half Aino is an indigenous Japanese?
・Ainoko, a red-haired blue-eyed Spanish army who came to the Inca Empire, murdered the indigenous people of the Inca Empire, and raped and gave birth to the surviving Inca indigenous children, is now called Mestizo. Mestizo, which inherited the red-haired blue-eyed gene, is not recognized as an indigenous people of the Inca Empire. Similarly, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous Japanese. No matter how much a lie speech is allowed in the United Nations, which has an enemy state clause in Japan, Wajin cannot admit a lie. Whatever the United Nations says, lies are lies. It is a lie, and it is the idea of a foreigner who is a Korean comfort woman who creates a deposit to create the indigenous people of Japan.
27:45 石器の話は面倒くさい話ではなく日本の研究不正史を語る上で外せない話なので、ぜひ若い人にも捏造の歴史を教えて頂きたいですね。
Music. すたーと。
誤解を生む説明です、日本列島史の始まりは、当時の海水面低下が生んだ北東ア平野東部沿岸から北上時計回りで、北部九州へフネで多くの家族が渡海、南下して沖縄、北上して北海道、今、祖人・北海道Proto-Japanese Hokkaidoが、「最初のアメリカ人」Nativesと関りがある可能性の問題で世界が注目の東京・札幌五輪なのです。九州沖縄から北海道までの列島北上史約2万年が文化の基層で縄文に続きます。これを押さえた上でのいくつかの地域差です。特に北海道は北上人が基本で、千島樺太への拡がりもあったでしょう、南部と青森は終始関係深い。沖縄は南部九州からの南下で、その後の北上の貝交易です。最新状況は、sunda-wind.net タイトルから関連項目を見ましょう。
[アイヌ利権]リストになぜか在日朝鮮人。 先住民族アイヌの権利回復を求める団体・個人署名の要請
[呼びかけ人・団体] 旭川アイヌ協議会 アイヌ・ラマット実行委員会 おんな組いのち
[呼びかけ人] 金時鐘(詩人) 佐高信(週刊金曜日編集委員) 辛淑玉(人材育成コンサルタント) 田中優子(週刊金曜日編集委員) 中山千夏(作家) 朴慶南(エッセイスト) 針生一郎(丸木美術館館長) 藤崎良三(全労協議長) 丸山未来子(おんな組事務局)
onnagumi.jp/appealFile/2009ainu01.html www.peeep.us/4a67bd33 名前おかしいだろ。 何で在日が関わるんだ? hosyusokuhou.jp/archives/39687980.html 自民党、小野寺まさる議員 「3年前に天皇・皇后両陛下が北海道にご来道された時には、アイヌ協会の幹部が札幌で [天皇・皇后来るな!大集会]を開催していました」 「山菜取りや墓参りで補助金もらえる」 「半分は国税」 「沖縄旅行も「アイヌ民族と沖縄の方との交流」とアイヌ文化機構が認れば、タダどころかお金まで…湯水の様に税金が使われているのです」 「やっとアイヌ政策の闇を全国に知らしめられるかも知れない。 北海道議会での追及には限界があり、これはビッグチャンスだ!」 (アイヌ利権の実態より)
古北海道文化はアイヌ文化? アイヌ人は鎌倉時代に大陸から北海道に渡って来た筈(大陸での元寇の影響か)。でも、北海道には縄文文化があった。だから、世界遺産。何か可笑しい。又、沖縄も異なる文化?程度に拠るが、沖縄方言が古代日本人の言葉に近いと認識している。何か変である。文化圏を持ち出すのは、疑問に思う。
人がおおかったんだろう と考えるよ すくなかったらこれだけないわな
No hay
😄汉字 我能看懂 😂
Ainu are not indigenous to Japan
# It is a mistake to recognize Aino as an indigenous Japanese in the UN General Assembly commemorative liar speech.
There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, the lie sentence "I have formed a unique society and culture in Hokkaido for a long time" includes the impression that it is an indigenous Japanese.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文で日本先住民であるかのような印象を盛り込んでいる。
・For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to mislead Aino into living in Hokkaido for tens of thousands of years ago. There is no ancestral land in Aino. It is a lie at the United Nations that "the opening day of the International Year of Indigenous Peoples will be a day deeply engraved in the memory of us indigenous peoples." Aino is not an indigenous people of Japan. Ainoko was born by an invading criminal in the Kamakura period who raped a Japanese Jomon girl. Ainoko became Aino and came to be called Ainu.
・Since the stone tools and Jomon period in BC, Japanese Jomon people have nurtured the Jomon culture and have been in a friendly relationship as an autonomous region of the country of Japan. This Jomon man set up a village municipality in Hokkaido and lived up to AD1200, which was slaughtered by the Okhotsk bleaching group. According to genetic research, the present Japanese were formed while absorbing the foreign races that were washed ashore with the Jomon people as their mothers. In Tokoro, there are 200 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. AD1200 has 200 settlements, which is a big city. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance was just Wajin. Not Aino.
・As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people as a group of northern bleachers, refused to rule Mongolia, and attacked the indigenous people of the Japanese Jomon people with poisonous arrows and iron weapons during the Kamakura period (Mongolian period) and became extinct. I let you. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. The reason is that it has its roots in the Okhotsk group, which has no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the advent of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsks gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, where there was no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can you say that half Aino is an indigenous Japanese?
・Ainoko, a red-haired blue-eyed Spanish army who came to the Inca Empire, murdered the indigenous people of the Inca Empire, and raped and gave birth to the surviving Inca indigenous children, is now called Mestizo. Mestizo, which inherited the red-haired blue-eyed gene, is not recognized as an indigenous people of the Inca Empire. Similarly, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous Japanese. No matter how much a lie speech is allowed in the United Nations, which has an enemy state clause in Japan, Wajin cannot admit a lie. Whatever the United Nations says, lies are lies. It is a lie, and it is the idea of a foreigner who is a Korean comfort woman who creates a deposit to create the indigenous people of Japan.
非常に保守的な民族 故に
@@栄健 要するに自然薯や栗みたいな自然農をやってたと思う訳、完全に肉食だったらヒヒみたな牙が生えてるはず。 そうでなければ無能すぎるだろう。
未だに「日本書記」や「記紀神話」みたいなもんをまともに信じてる奴おるんやなぁ~!?┐(´д`)┌「進化論」嫌がるアメリカの福音派のような事かいなぁ~?!( ̄Д ̄ )???