Vielen herzlichen Dank, für diese so begeisterte Aufzählung einiger guter Gründe, warum Deutschland seit vielen Jahren zum beliebtesten Lande der Welt gewählt wird und warum so viele Deutsche das weder zu schätzen wissen, noch froh und dankbar dafür sind!
@@olyainde Danke, Du hast vollkommen recht, die Leute in Deutschland SOLLTEN stolz darauf sein, hier geboren worden zu sein! "sollen" = Befehlsform "sollten" = Wunsch, Hoffnung, Möglichkeit - das wäre hier Konjunktiv, die hohe Kunst der deutschen Sprache!
@@LadyInfluenza Nur damit wir uns verstehen - ich bin auch kein linksgrüner Doppelmoralist. Aber für jemand, der eine Ausbildung und einen Job will, muss man investieren, damit diese Person das schafft. Danach profitieren alle, weil die Person dann ebenfalls dazu beiträgt, den Sozialstaat zu unterhalten von dem sie vorher profitieren durfte. Würdest Du in ein Land auswandern, wärst Du auch kein Vorbildmigrant, wie Du ihn Dir vorstellst. Du würdest - auch wenn Du arbeiten willst - nicht direkt einen Job finden. Verlange also nichts von anderen, was Du selbst in einer vergleichbaren Situation nicht auch leisten kannst. Wo ich Dir zustimme, ist bei den Migranten, die vorwiegend aus dem arabischen Raum kommen und nach Deutschland migriert sind, um sich hier vom Sozialstaat unterhalten zu lassen und die die naiven Gutmenschen als Flüchtlinge, die sie nicht sind, willkommen heißen. Was natürlich dazu führt, dass noch mehr von ihnen kommen und wir unseren Sozialstaat bald und sicherlich schleichend zu Grabe tragen müssen. Da kommt noch was auf uns zu. Die Leistungsempfänger sagen dann ja nicht "Danke, dass wir einige Zeit bei Euch unterhalten wurden - wir gehen dann nun zurück", wenn der Sozialstaat nicht mehr existiert. Sie bekommen kein Geld mehr, müssen aber trotzdem essen, trinken und wohnen. Das wird auf jeden Fall noch lustig und ich hoffe, dass jeder Grünenwähler hautnah dabei ist, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist...
You are a role model for every migrant (not only those who come to Germany), integrate yourself to society and respect the local traditions. Love from Hamburg Germany 🇩🇪🙏🏻
I can confirm: I didn't own a car for over 40 years because it was just that convenient to get around via public transportation. Number 11 should be beer 🍻
actually, vacation days mandated by law are only 4 weeks (which is 20 days for a 5-working- days-per-week job). But this is only the minimum mandated by law, and this is mandated starting with the first day at your job. Usually, companies will give you at least 28 days payed leave per year, many will give 30.
Olya, nice to hear you found something you liked being here in Germany. Well, in each country you will find pro and cons, even in your home country. Guess the biggest obstacle is the language barrier but from the few german words you have spoken, your pronounciation was great. You are on the right track and I would like to encourage you to speak, to learn more german as it opens so many doors for you. Enjoy staying here even facing the world known german bureaucracy, CU
I don't get one thing: I'm German and was a student once, and TOEFL (German pronunciation: "Töffl") means "Test of English as a Foreign Language", so actually that would have helped me to study abroad, but not here in Germany. Not that I ever did or even applied for it, it takes time and money and is basically useless. edit: Going outside lazily dressed is NOT good behavior in Germany. I don't wear a suit and tie every day, but a pair of jeans and a t-shirt are alright in summer.
very nice video (from a very pretty host too, ofc). It is always nice to hear or read honest words about Germany. I also watched the "hate" video and agree to many of the mentioned points. Many of them are "at the first sight", but when looking behind the first impression these obstacles often have a good reason. Also I like your final words AND most of all, that you stayed, integrated yourself and therefor found out how nice and lovely germany can be, if you are NOT only looking for social and economical benefits, but trying to be part of the community (sorry, but I had to mention that, bc many many many immigrants only come here to benefit and talking bad about everything else at the same time). You do NOT and that is very likable and makes you very likable !! (just my 2c) Some more addings: 1. Dresscode does not exist and mostly we germans are very tolerant people. However it is NOT well seen if you walk around like "lazy shit - not self caring - beggar" . You should keep your sense for good looking and well dressed apearance when you leave the house (thumb up) 2. The transportation really is good in germany (even it is getting more expensive from year to year) - EXCEPT trains ! 3. The bureaucrazy you mentioned in your "dislike video" is a huge problem here... 100% Agree - on the other hand bc of it all here is that organized and clean (as you mentioned in this vid.) 4. Also agreed to the little bit cold and distanced people here. But often it is just an impression. As soon the people get to know YOU a bit, they will open up themselves - and you have a very positive and likable personality, so you should be able to get "to them". --> there is a saying here "How you treat and present yourself, you will be seen and treated." Der Rest nun in Deutsch: Wenn Du so bleibst, wie Du in den Videos auftrittst, dich integrierst und positiv, fröhlich und offen bist, wirst Du hier immer willkommen sein !! Bleib, wie Du bist !!!!! So bist Du eine positive Werbung für ukrainische "Neu-Bürger" in Deutschland.
Maybe I should point out a few misconceptions ... 1) Not everyone gets 30 days vacation. The legal minimum is 24 days. It depends on your contract (and/or workers union negotiated conditions) whether you get more. ... and as vacation days only working days are counted. Officially a working week in Germany has 6 days (mon-sat) So, it depends on whether you work a 5-day week (which is the standard) or a full 6-day week (in that case employees normally get up to 6 additional vacation days). People try to "squeeze out" even more off-days by scheduling their vacation into weeks with public holidays. So, they may only spend 4 vacation days for a whole week off if there´s a public holiday during that week ... (if they work a 5-day week) 2) Public transport get´s you "everywhere" but schedules become very limited/inconvenient the more you go into "remote" areas (we have plenty of those, unfortunately) and is not really cheap if compared with most other countries. 3) Regarding "dress code": It´s a wrong asumption that it is not relevant how you present yourself in public. There are a lot of do´s and dont´s. Coming from Ukraine you may feel less pressure to dress "well/proper/stylish" in particular as a woman - and generally you may be right but I advise you not to lower yourself down to the "I don´t care" level. You might be in for some nasty surprises in particular at work. The truth is that you are definitely judged by how you dress and this works for both women and men. People usually just don´t react immediately and openly to "inappropiate" appearance and especially women here in Germany have become much more "lazy" and prefer to dress just comfortable no matter how odd/ugly it is. It´s the socalled "I don´t care" attitude.
In the video I mentioned 20 + days of vacations a year. In my case it is 30, thanks Goodness :) Schedule of public transport is another painful topic... Agree 100% and prices make me crazy sometimes. I am still sticking to the "ukrainian habits", thats why I can't leave the house looking like 💩😜 Thank's for your opinion!
I think you're both right. Of course people will judge you by your appearance, that's only human. But you wouldn't turn heads in public if you wore like sweatpants or something. Also it isn't uncommon to see women without make up in public. I wouldn't go that far to say that people absolutely don't care how you look. If you look like you spent the last hour or so dumpster diving, people will talk (generally behind your back). But if you look remotely like a human being, I think most people wouldn't notice you. I assume in the Ukraine you are expected to dress according to your "status" in society. Before home office I used to wear suit and tie in the office. Not because I had to or to project a status, but I found it the easiest way to dress. I didn't have to think what to wear. Suit, white shirt, black shoes. Slap on a tie and I was good to go. Of course there were many people that dressed in a similar fashion but also those that dressed in very less formal ways. Even heads of departments (men and women) with more than 100 people of staff would sometimes with jeans and sweaters. I think us Germans generally pretty tolerant in regard to the looks and appearances of others. Of course it depends on the degree of "I don't care"ness. If you don't smell and look like a garbage bag, you're probably fine...
You can get cheaper tickets (especially for international train travel, but also long distance/IC(E) trains) if you book the ticket weeks or months in advance. Of course, not every route is cheaper than flying, it really depends. Sometimes you only pay a portion of the plane ticket's price, sometimes more than a flight would be.
Why? What kind of weather do you expect? It's cold, a little bit of snow (depending on your region, of course), otherwise dry and nice clean air to enjoy - perfect for Christmas! Exactly how it should be. Especially because ice and snow reflect a lot of sunlight, which counters the otherwise dark months. Unless you prefer dark, rainy and wet Decembers, of which Germany saw plenty of in the last decades.
@@dnocturn84 Of course, it's always a matter of perspective. Anyone who is currently stuck in Ukraine wants warm and sunny weather, just like someone who is afraid of the next heating bill or someone who has to drive NOW. Cold and wet is currently a luxury. You could maybe export some of the cold to Qatar 🏜 in exchange for gas
wrong is to say you dont need a car in germany, because when you live in the countrysides you definately need a car! Transportations is only good in the bigger cities! It's not true that nobody cares what you look like. Many ppl here still judge you for what you look or appear. If you expect that you rather should move to america. They really dont care. But we Germans do. I think you got a wrong picture of Germany. It seems like you live in a big city of Germany.
At the beginning I lived in the countryside and I had to walk 45 minutes to the closest grocery store:) Sport is always good, but that was crazy. Afterwards I got a bike, cause that was too much even for me 😜
Right ! But to be honest: your "outer look" got much more important in the last decades and, yes it is the first impression, somekind of judgement, sometimes helpful, but you can´t stop at all.
@@olyainde die Wagons in der Ukraine sind älter. Teilweise repariert und Leitern gelötet (wir hatten den Nachtzug von Krakau nach Lviv und zurück). Aber die Toiletten waren viel sauberer. Aber kann sein dass es hinter Lviv anders aussieht. Was nicht so gut war war dass alles in russisch war und man es nicht lesen oder verstehen konnte und nicht wusste ob man in den richtigen Zug einsteigt. Aber wie gesagt, ich kanns empfehlen.
1. Welcome to Germany and first, I will excuse for our scary government, hesitating to give your army not more support. Every day earlier you get more Leopards the less pain for your heroes. 2. Ukrainians are different to other refugees or migrants. You come for help and most of you dream to go back and help to rebuild your country far more better as ist was. I am dreaming of the destroyed cities like Mariupol growing up in the most modern and beautiful way after these terror attacks by the Russian Elites (mostly not normal Russians). 3. To get peace in East Europe, at first the Russian constitution has to be changed entirely, in the same way after NAZI Germany ended in 1945. The Grundgesetz GG our constitution, foundet in 1948 is a God given massterpiece of law, giving the Germans the chance to convert to a democracy. God bless you and slava Ukrainii
Regarding point 2: The main difference is that there is NOT such a difference between UA and DE. It is Europe after all -- the same cultural realm. And also UA people are educated and not a bunch of wild fucks.
Oh dear, of course people judge you here because of your outer looks! They just don't show it. They will talk about it behind your back here in Germany. Also, it might happen to you that you are robbed. (happened three times to me) You trust people way too much!
Thank you very much for this enthusiastic List of some good Reasons why Germany has been voted the most popular Country in the World for many Years and why so many Germans neither appreciate it nor are happy and grateful for it!
The thing that strikes me is that all the things you like, appear to be not so much particularly German, as Western European characteristics. Let's compare these things with the UK: UK Education: 5-16 Free and compulsory schooling for all residents; 16-18 free; education or training compulsory for all residents; 18+ cheap and automatic loans for university courses for all nationals and those with ILR UK Quality of life: similar to that of Germany Transport: Often more expensive than German, but good coverage; car not essential in metropolitan and some other areas (n.b. your photo illustrating a subway was of the London Underground) Paid leave: 5·6 weeks statutory minimum in the UK; applies to all workers, part time, full time, and agency workers. Usually more is granted by contract Christmas markets: Not universal, but they do exist. We don't go in for seasonal celebrations, though Be yourself: Nobody gives a shit here either. We celebrate eccentrics, not despise them Toleration and helpfulness: We provide both of these in spades Roads: We complain like mad about these, but in truth, they are good. They only get repaired when they need it, though, we don't do so according to a schedule (very German, that sounds) Post: We invented it. Same price delivery to any address in the UK; 90% of first class mail should get there the following day Beautiful old architecture: Sensitive. Much of the beautiful old architecture in urban Germany is beautiful replica architecture dating from after 1945. Mind you, much of the modern architecture in UK towns and cities is courtesy of the Luftwaffe, which kindly cleared the sites of the- beautiful old architecture that had been there previously, between 1940 and 1945, without charge.
Hi are you today ? I'm your new subscriber from Bali, Indonesia...Are you single or married woman ? Thank you for your video, informations and answers 🙏🙏🙏 love you full 💓💓💓
What you may not be aware of by making these type of invitational videos is a diluting effect of those things that you like about a country but aren't from that country . have you considered that , the more non German people that move here , are bringing their NON german behaviors with them .after a long period of time a country can lose its flavor and traditions due to a different mind set being introduced into the collective consciousness of that country . i would suggest that if you want Germany to maintain those things that you like , stop inviting foreigners .
A main reason why refugees from all over the world love Germany is just the financial security they get here. It's a fact that a refugee from Ukraine with two or three kids will get paid a proper apartment, get monthly support for herself and for each child, plus many other options on various levels from the government. How do I know? I was dealing with such things lately and had to request many things from the government. A refugee from Ukraine doesn't need to worry at all. They don't have to live in a refugee camp like refugees from other countries, refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work as soon as they are in Germany, other refugees aren't. There's no reason for Ukrainian refugees to complain, they get all of it for free. They don't have to work, either. That's why Ukrainian refugees in Germany have an employment rate of 18% in Germany, but 76% in the much smaller Netherlands where there is no such high level of government support. You do the math.
Why are you mentioning all of that here? I am not a refugee. I finished my masters in Germany and have been working already for 2.5 years and paying taxes to this government.
Casual wear on Germanys streets and supermarkets. Its not nice to see girls or guys in jogging pants. Its a total turnoff. In Japan for example the women are stylish everywhere and its a pleasure to go even to the supermarket. I hate going shopping in Germany. I rarely see one single attractive woman.
be careful ...your comment smells of misogyny. I hope you dress stylish when going to the supermarket. Otherwise you can't expect that from others. And you specifically expect that from the women.
@@nonegativity01 at least I am not going in jogging pants. Besides I said girls and guys. You better read careful. Look at some vids from Japan filmed on the streets and you understand what I mean.
So you are going to the supermarket to see attractive women? Interesting indeed. And why compare Japan to Germany? Completely different culture and history. Saying this as a German who has been to Japan quite often. It's like a different planet.
1:53 ... When they go abroad they immediately... start complaining! Start complaining is the correct finish to that sentence... And are furious that no one abroad understands German, no matter how loud they yell at them...
@@olyainde ah, the young ones are just complaining about everything in German, thinking nobody understands them... "Oh mein Gott, die Kinder hier sind so laut, ich kann meinen Lachs gar nicht geniessen"
I am German and I would say that Germany was better 30-40 years ago. Meanwhile the level of so many things did go strongly downhill - "thanks" to bad influences from the East (near East and far East).
The sad truth every politician will denie I felt the differences while growing up and being grown-up after each refugee "flood" after each incident that caused refugee movement Or when they stopped telling where a criminal came from except he was german.. Everybody knows what's up tho
Now I did watch your (funny) video in detail - and let me comment some details: a) public transport: you are right for cities, but not for smaller towns and villages. b) it is a big difference where you live in Germany: tolerant and friendly people you find mainly in areas where are catholic people (South and West), colder and more egoistic people you mainly find in East and partly North. c) as a woman I would be really careful at night - it is not safe as you think - and there are not only well educated Germans or Ukrainians in Germany. d) what is most positive (and most important) in Germany: no corruption, state is functioning well and police is reliable and really protecting you. I am from Bavaria, but I did live for 20 years in Eastern Europe also, I speak also Czech and understand Slovak and Ukrainian, and I have tons of "friends" from CZ, SK, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Russia... BUT: most of all I like the people from Western/Central Ukraine, they are most similar to us in Bavaria, with some human heart and humanistic education (not like Russians, which mostly are egoistic, egocentric, often psychopatic, very materialistic)
Thank's for your opinion! I agree with you. Maybe I also didn't have enough experience to talk about certain things:) And I did not know that about Bavaria! Interesting to check that 😀
I disagree .b) Don´t use ancient german steriotypes in ur argumentation. I visited some Countries on this Planet. If u act as an Assh*** u´ll be treated as that, everywhere.
What a pile of bullshit. Yes, most people in eastern Europe are nice. As are most Bavarians. And most northern and eastern Germans. And Russians are humans too and will help if and when they actually have the chance to do so. In every population there is a certain percentage of assholes, but that is ALWAYS only a tiny minority. Most people are nice - if you are are. Everywhere on earth. Maybe, if you had put aside your arrogance, you might find that people in Northern and Western Germany are just as helpful as everywhere else. They just dont shower you in fake friendship. Being economical with words and gestures does not mean a hard heart.
Conc. your "Germany is so secure/safe...": "Bei Schüssen im baden-württembergischen Albstadt stirbt ein 23-Jähriger. Die Polizei nimmt einen Tatverdächtigen fest, der die Ermittler zu einer Frauenleiche lotst. Es könnte sich um eine vermisste 20-Jährige handeln" - this is from today, from BadenWürttemberg.
@@sternleiche right now it it the war in my country and it is dangerous to come back. But I know that so many refugees for Ukraine will come back the moment the war is over in order to rebuild the country. I am just already so used to live in Germany and I have a life here so I can’t imagine to come back. Only to visit. And I have my personal opinion about my country and how it was before the war. Corruption was so horrible that I didn’t even believe in the future of the country. With the new president it got better, but then the war started and he didn’t have time to change much….
@@olyainde Yes i see, if a few stay in Germany and work here it will be good. But really every single person counts to go back to their homecountry and help. It will for sure be hard in the beginning. There are so many foreigners coming to Germany who have just left behind a pile of rubble where they came from. It is like if one has a house then ruins it and just move to the next one which was build by others.
@@sternleiche I feel your frustration. I would have been the same if I was on your place. Unfortunately there is nothing people can do with it. And it has also a lot to do with the decisions of German government…
I liked the video, however I completely disagree with you. Let me explain - I was born in Germany and lived there for 28 years. Last year we decided to leave Germany and that was the best what we could do! Germany is becoming more and more a communist country and will be worser year by year…And you as an Ukrainian should not forget how Germany wanted to make Europe be dependent from Russian energy…The energy transformation plan in Germany is a completely disaster! And this stupidity will have a huge impact for all European countries for the next couple of years ! And do not forget - Germans will never change - if they can, they will make business with Russia, it doesn’t matter for Germans if it has consequences for other European countries…There is also a saying in German: Am Deutschen Wesen mag die Welt genesen…
🙈may I know which country you chose to move to? I am trying to stay positive, but I agree with you at some point. Let’s see. I hope you will not be right at the end 🥹😅
@@olyainde we moved back to the country of our ancestors to Poland. Of course, I could say I am biased because of that. But I think there are a lot of things in Germany that are very overrated, and I would appreciate that it would be more considered if people move to Germany. The country of course has some positive sides - but it should always be remembered - if there weren’t the US, Germany would look much more different and its Reputation would be much much worser. Thanks to the Marshall Plan and the US military bases, Germany could recover quickly after the 2nd World War…This is something Germans should be more thankful, but they aren’t…They prefer to make business with Russia than seeing a prosperous and peaceful European continent.
Austrian here. I agree that the current German government is a complete disaster. However, I don't think that Germany is moving towards communism. The direction the economy is pushed to does not match with communist goals (e.g. public ownership of the means of production). When at all I think there is more in common with the economic strategies and goals of national socialism (e.g. Autarky and military rearmament). That said I don't think that the German government has a plan for anything. They are only reacting to the situation. Actually they work against the best interests of Europe at all, because for example they do not even try to find a diplomatic solution for the Ukraine war. They just support sanctions that hurt Russia as well as Europe and indirectly even huge parts of the world. Unfortunately they will not solve the problem. It is absolute unrealistic that Russia will back down, even worse the complete opposite is the case. As with every conflict the more every side invests the harder it gets to find a way out of the situation. I think it is anyway only a matter of time until the sanctions will be lifted and business go back to normal. At least in Austria the developments point in this direction. As recent surveys show the current government would suffer heavy losses and be voted out of office. Instead the right wing party FPÖ (that had pre-war good connections to Russia and especially the party of Putin) has taken the lead. They government.
@@patrickm3981 I tried to explain my experiences in an apolitical way - probably that is not really possible. Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic States warned about Russia not since the Annexion of Crimea, they warned about it much earlier…No one in Germany and also in Austria listened. Unfortunately, the thinking in Austria is similar like in Germany. And the Russian dictator even was on the wedding of a politician of one of the current ruling parties in Austria.😂😂😂 Your arguments are interesting, but we do not agree with that in Eastern Europe..There is no way back to the status quo before the war. Russia hasn’t changed since Ivan the Terrible…It will only change if the country collapse in thousands parts. I hope that it will happen after the war.
@@blablablablablabla8914 Your post looked quite political, this is why my answer went down this road. Austria was never picky where it got its energy from as long as it is a cheap and reliable source. For a long time the USSR (followed by Russia) and Lybia were the main sources for oil and gas. As we were neutral and not part of the NATO and the EEC there was even during the cold war no issue with that. Many people see this pragmatic and do not see the need to work with double standards like other western countries like to do. It is always hilarious to see how the same people that condemn Russia at the same time have no issues to get the oil from Saudi Arabia instead. Saudi Arabia has its own "special operation" ongoing in Jemen, the human rights situation is worse than in Russia and they are known to financially support a radical version of Islam. A majority of the people support a diplomatic solution of the Ukraine conflict, because this looks like the only viable option. This will of course mean some for of compromise, but this will still be better than a Ukraine which is leveled to the ground and hundreds of thousands dead. After WW1 Austria had been dismembered based on the needs of the winners and as a result for example South-Tyrol ended up as part of Italy instead of Austria. It took a while but these days this has become a non-topic as a diplomatic solution could be found where all parties could agree to. It would be the benefit of all, if something like this could be achieved also for Ukraine. I think a strong Russia is needed because only this way it is able to keep China at bay. If Russia falls apart, China would for sure expand into its former territory. For some parts it would even have old claims as they were under influence of the Chinese empire in the past. If I can chose I prefer to have the Russians at my doorsteps rather then the Chinese. The Chinese already control a lot of the industrial production. If they in addition get their hands on the vast resources that are currently under Russian control there will be nothing that can stop them.
aaah, did you watch the video? What's wrong with you? The girl was just telling how nice Germany is and that she love it here. Or do you antagonise with people just because?
Vielleicht solltest Du in ihr Heimatland, dort braucht man vielleicht eher Menschen, die zu doof sind ein Video zu schauen und zu verstehen, bevor man Kommentare postet!
@@grafzahl4698 vielleicht sollten Sie sich im einfache menschlicher Anstand und Höflichkeit üben. Man spricht Menschen per Sie, wenn man Sie nicht kennt. So ist es in Deutschland. Aber Sie wussten das bestimmt. Schliesslich sind Sie in Deutschland geboren. Noch dazu, andere zu beleidigen ohne eine andere Blickwinkel zu akzeptieren oder versuchen zu verstehen ist vielsagend was für ein Mensch Sie sind.
We've been in Germany since July and we are really enjoying it. The Christmas markets are beautiful. Very good video, thank you 😊
I like this and agree to your points!
Vielen herzlichen Dank, für diese so begeisterte Aufzählung einiger guter Gründe, warum Deutschland seit vielen Jahren zum beliebtesten Lande der Welt gewählt wird und warum so viele Deutsche das weder zu schätzen wissen, noch froh und dankbar dafür sind!
Das ist so! Die Leute sollen stolz darauf sein! Ich persönlich wäre glücklich in Deutschland geboren zu sein:)
@@olyainde Danke, Du hast vollkommen recht, die Leute in Deutschland SOLLTEN stolz darauf sein, hier geboren worden zu sein!
"sollen" = Befehlsform
"sollten" = Wunsch, Hoffnung, Möglichkeit - das wäre hier Konjunktiv, die hohe Kunst der deutschen Sprache!
@@olyainde wieso sagst du nix über das ganze Flüchtlingsgeld oder harz4 was ihr monatlich bekommt ohne dafür arbeiten zu müssen?
@@LadyInfluenza weil ich das nicht bekomme.
@@LadyInfluenza Nur damit wir uns verstehen - ich bin auch kein linksgrüner Doppelmoralist. Aber für jemand, der eine Ausbildung und einen Job will, muss man investieren, damit diese Person das schafft. Danach profitieren alle, weil die Person dann ebenfalls dazu beiträgt, den Sozialstaat zu unterhalten von dem sie vorher profitieren durfte. Würdest Du in ein Land auswandern, wärst Du auch kein Vorbildmigrant, wie Du ihn Dir vorstellst. Du würdest - auch wenn Du arbeiten willst - nicht direkt einen Job finden. Verlange also nichts von anderen, was Du selbst in einer vergleichbaren Situation nicht auch leisten kannst. Wo ich Dir zustimme, ist bei den Migranten, die vorwiegend aus dem arabischen Raum kommen und nach Deutschland migriert sind, um sich hier vom Sozialstaat unterhalten zu lassen und die die naiven Gutmenschen als Flüchtlinge, die sie nicht sind, willkommen heißen. Was natürlich dazu führt, dass noch mehr von ihnen kommen und wir unseren Sozialstaat bald und sicherlich schleichend zu Grabe tragen müssen. Da kommt noch was auf uns zu. Die Leistungsempfänger sagen dann ja nicht "Danke, dass wir einige Zeit bei Euch unterhalten wurden - wir gehen dann nun zurück", wenn der Sozialstaat nicht mehr existiert. Sie bekommen kein Geld mehr, müssen aber trotzdem essen, trinken und wohnen. Das wird auf jeden Fall noch lustig und ich hoffe, dass jeder Grünenwähler hautnah dabei ist, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist...
You are a role model for every migrant (not only those who come to Germany), integrate yourself to society and respect the local traditions. Love from Hamburg Germany 🇩🇪🙏🏻
Thank you so much for this video.❤️
Thank you so much for appreciating it! 💕
I can confirm: I didn't own a car for over 40 years because it was just that convenient to get around via public transportation.
Number 11 should be beer 🍻
The 3 german big B's: Bier, Brot and Birkenstock.
Bumsen statt Birkenstock - oder Böllern, lach
Happy seeing!☺👍☺
13:57 Yay, Rostock. The astronomical clock in the church in the background might become a World Heritage Site.
New here and just subscribed
I love open minded ppl
actually, vacation days mandated by law are only 4 weeks (which is 20 days for a 5-working- days-per-week job). But this is only the minimum mandated by law, and this is mandated starting with the first day at your job. Usually, companies will give you at least 28 days payed leave per year, many will give 30.
Olya, nice to hear you found something you liked being here in Germany. Well, in each country you will find pro and cons, even in your home country. Guess the biggest obstacle is the language barrier but from the few german words you have spoken, your pronounciation was great. You are on the right track and I would like to encourage you to speak, to learn more german as it opens so many doors for you. Enjoy staying here even facing the world known german bureaucracy, CU
Wow! The TOEFL and GMAT are still around. I took both tests in 1998. 😀
Yep. They are eternal 😀
I don't get one thing: I'm German and was a student once, and TOEFL (German pronunciation: "Töffl") means "Test of English as a Foreign Language", so actually that would have helped me to study abroad, but not here in Germany. Not that I ever did or even applied for it, it takes time and money and is basically useless.
edit: Going outside lazily dressed is NOT good behavior in Germany. I don't wear a suit and tie every day, but a pair of jeans and a t-shirt are alright in summer.
I had to pas the TOEFL test to get accepted to a german university to study my masters in english:)
I agree, I lived thr first 21 years of my life in Germany and we always dressed up. Now in North America, not so much.
very nice video (from a very pretty host too, ofc). It is always nice to hear or read honest words about Germany. I also watched the "hate" video and agree to many of the mentioned points. Many of them are "at the first sight", but when looking behind the first impression these obstacles often have a good reason.
Also I like your final words AND most of all, that you stayed, integrated yourself and therefor found out how nice and lovely germany can be, if you are NOT only looking for social and economical benefits, but trying to be part of the community (sorry, but I had to mention that, bc many many many immigrants only come here to benefit and talking bad about everything else at the same time). You do NOT and that is very likable and makes you very likable !! (just my 2c)
Some more addings:
1. Dresscode does not exist and mostly we germans are very tolerant people. However it is NOT well seen if you walk around like "lazy shit - not self caring - beggar" . You should keep your sense for good looking and well dressed apearance when you leave the house (thumb up)
2. The transportation really is good in germany (even it is getting more expensive from year to year) - EXCEPT trains !
3. The bureaucrazy you mentioned in your "dislike video" is a huge problem here... 100% Agree - on the other hand bc of it all here is that organized and clean (as you mentioned in this vid.)
4. Also agreed to the little bit cold and distanced people here. But often it is just an impression. As soon the people get to know YOU a bit, they will open up themselves - and you have a very positive and likable personality, so you should be able to get "to them".
--> there is a saying here "How you treat and present yourself, you will be seen and treated."
Der Rest nun in Deutsch:
Wenn Du so bleibst, wie Du in den Videos auftrittst, dich integrierst und positiv, fröhlich und offen bist, wirst Du hier immer willkommen sein !! Bleib, wie Du bist !!!!! So bist Du eine positive Werbung für ukrainische "Neu-Bürger" in Deutschland.
Furthermore there are in sumertime so-called "Viehmärkte" everywhere. These are festivals with a lot of rollercoasters and a lot of different foods.
Maybe I should point out a few misconceptions ...
1) Not everyone gets 30 days vacation.
The legal minimum is 24 days.
It depends on your contract (and/or workers union negotiated conditions) whether you get more.
... and as vacation days only working days are counted. Officially a working week in Germany has 6 days (mon-sat)
So, it depends on whether you work a 5-day week (which is the standard) or a full 6-day week (in that case employees normally get up to 6 additional vacation days).
People try to "squeeze out" even more off-days by scheduling their vacation into weeks with public holidays.
So, they may only spend 4 vacation days for a whole week off if there´s a public holiday during that week ... (if they work a 5-day week)
2) Public transport get´s you "everywhere" but schedules become very limited/inconvenient the more you go into "remote" areas (we have plenty of those, unfortunately) and is not really cheap if compared with most other countries.
3) Regarding "dress code": It´s a wrong asumption that it is not relevant how you present yourself in public. There are a lot of do´s and dont´s.
Coming from Ukraine you may feel less pressure to dress "well/proper/stylish" in particular as a woman - and generally you may be right but I advise you not to lower yourself down to the "I don´t care" level. You might be in for some nasty surprises in particular at work.
The truth is that you are definitely judged by how you dress and this works for both women and men.
People usually just don´t react immediately and openly to "inappropiate" appearance and especially women here in Germany have become much more "lazy" and prefer to dress just comfortable no matter how odd/ugly it is. It´s the socalled "I don´t care" attitude.
In the video I mentioned 20 + days of vacations a year. In my case it is 30, thanks Goodness :)
Schedule of public transport is another painful topic... Agree 100% and prices make me crazy sometimes.
I am still sticking to the "ukrainian habits", thats why I can't leave the house looking like 💩😜
Thank's for your opinion!
@pegamini ... one example is my wife.
She only gets 26 days ...
I think you're both right. Of course people will judge you by your appearance, that's only human. But you wouldn't turn heads in public if you wore like sweatpants or something. Also it isn't uncommon to see women without make up in public. I wouldn't go that far to say that people absolutely don't care how you look. If you look like you spent the last hour or so dumpster diving, people will talk (generally behind your back). But if you look remotely like a human being, I think most people wouldn't notice you. I assume in the Ukraine you are expected to dress according to your "status" in society.
Before home office I used to wear suit and tie in the office. Not because I had to or to project a status, but I found it the easiest way to dress. I didn't have to think what to wear. Suit, white shirt, black shoes. Slap on a tie and I was good to go. Of course there were many people that dressed in a similar fashion but also those that dressed in very less formal ways. Even heads of departments (men and women) with more than 100 people of staff would sometimes with jeans and sweaters.
I think us Germans generally pretty tolerant in regard to the looks and appearances of others. Of course it depends on the degree of "I don't care"ness. If you don't smell and look like a garbage bag, you're probably fine...
You can get cheaper tickets (especially for international train travel, but also long distance/IC(E) trains) if you book the ticket weeks or months in advance. Of course, not every route is cheaper than flying, it really depends. Sometimes you only pay a portion of the plane ticket's price, sometimes more than a flight would be.
Thanks for your comment😊 unfortunately it is not always possible to buy so much in advance. But a good point to consider 😉
Именно за это и я люблю Германию. Ну и ещё за миллион разных хороших вещей! :)
alles klar
Your english is excelent.
i we love you du bist lustig und nett why are you so perfect in english
Thank you! Just many years of learning :)
Only the weather is not so great at the moment 😜
Why? What kind of weather do you expect? It's cold, a little bit of snow (depending on your region, of course), otherwise dry and nice clean air to enjoy - perfect for Christmas! Exactly how it should be. Especially because ice and snow reflect a lot of sunlight, which counters the otherwise dark months. Unless you prefer dark, rainy and wet Decembers, of which Germany saw plenty of in the last decades.
@@dnocturn84 Of course, it's always a matter of perspective.
Anyone who is currently stuck in Ukraine wants warm and sunny weather, just like someone who is afraid of the next heating bill or someone who has to drive NOW.
Cold and wet is currently a luxury.
You could maybe export some of the cold to Qatar 🏜 in exchange for gas
I just wish snow for Christmas and less rainy days:)
I'm German and used to live and study in Austria and there is not really a difference for a foreigner. The language is the main obstacle. 👼
wrong is to say you dont need a car in germany, because when you live in the countrysides you definately need a car! Transportations is only good in the bigger cities!
It's not true that nobody cares what you look like. Many ppl here still judge you for what you look or appear. If you expect that you rather should move to america. They really dont care. But we Germans do. I think you got a wrong picture of Germany. It seems like you live in a big city of Germany.
At the beginning I lived in the countryside and I had to walk 45 minutes to the closest grocery store:) Sport is always good, but that was crazy. Afterwards I got a bike, cause that was too much even for me 😜
Right ! But to be honest: your "outer look" got much more important in the last decades and, yes it is the first impression, somekind of judgement, sometimes helpful, but you can´t stop at all.
You're the reason I fell in love with Ukraine 🤩
I dated a Ukrainian girl, she was sexually very open minded
Thank you!🤩
Nice Video but not every body in Germany is helpful or tolerance
There are good and bad people.
In every country worldwide
We germans are not that tolerant, most of us just don't give a f....
The music there is totally awesome 😎 I enjoy fernseh garten and schlager hits I love cc catch, modern talking, klubbb3.
Reason 11 / 12 ... Beer and Food! :) ^^+gg
well, i considered the trains in ukraine clean compared to german ones. but thanks. :D
Hihi;) that's definitely no the case :)
@@olyainde die Wagons in der Ukraine sind älter. Teilweise repariert und Leitern gelötet (wir hatten den Nachtzug von Krakau nach Lviv und zurück). Aber die Toiletten waren viel sauberer. Aber kann sein dass es hinter Lviv anders aussieht. Was nicht so gut war war dass alles in russisch war und man es nicht lesen oder verstehen konnte und nicht wusste ob man in den richtigen Zug einsteigt. Aber wie gesagt, ich kanns empfehlen.
1. Welcome to Germany and first, I will excuse for our scary government, hesitating to give your army not more support. Every day earlier you get more Leopards the less pain for your heroes.
2. Ukrainians are different to other refugees or migrants. You come for help and most of you dream to go back and help to rebuild your country far more better as ist was. I am dreaming of the destroyed cities like Mariupol growing up in the most modern and beautiful way after these terror attacks by the Russian Elites (mostly not normal Russians).
3. To get peace in East Europe, at first the Russian constitution has to be changed entirely, in the same way after NAZI Germany ended in 1945. The Grundgesetz GG our constitution, foundet in 1948 is a God given massterpiece of law, giving the Germans the chance to convert to a democracy.
God bless you and slava Ukrainii
Regarding point 2: The main difference is that there is NOT such a difference between UA and DE. It is Europe after all -- the same cultural realm. And also UA people are educated and not a bunch of wild fucks.
Thank you! Praying for Ukraine with love to Germany!
Oh dear, of course people judge you here because of your outer looks! They just don't show it. They will talk about it behind your back here in Germany. Also, it might happen to you that you are robbed. (happened three times to me) You trust people way too much!
to *fall in love
Thanks 🙈😂
Ja, Atze, man(n) falls in love = "fällt in Liebe", vermutlich dem Rausch der Hormone geschuldet,... 😊
Thank you very much for this enthusiastic List of some good Reasons why Germany has been voted the most popular Country in the World for many Years and why so many Germans neither appreciate it nor are happy and grateful for it!
The thing that strikes me is that all the things you like, appear to be not so much particularly German, as Western European characteristics. Let's compare these things with the UK:
UK Education: 5-16 Free and compulsory schooling for all residents; 16-18 free; education or training compulsory for all residents; 18+ cheap and automatic loans for university courses for all nationals and those with ILR
UK Quality of life: similar to that of Germany
Transport: Often more expensive than German, but good coverage; car not essential in metropolitan and some other areas (n.b. your photo illustrating a subway was of the London Underground)
Paid leave: 5·6 weeks statutory minimum in the UK; applies to all workers, part time, full time, and agency workers. Usually more is granted by contract
Christmas markets: Not universal, but they do exist. We don't go in for seasonal celebrations, though
Be yourself: Nobody gives a shit here either. We celebrate eccentrics, not despise them
Toleration and helpfulness: We provide both of these in spades
Roads: We complain like mad about these, but in truth, they are good. They only get repaired when they need it, though, we don't do so according to a schedule (very German, that sounds)
Post: We invented it. Same price delivery to any address in the UK; 90% of first class mail should get there the following day
Beautiful old architecture: Sensitive. Much of the beautiful old architecture in urban Germany is beautiful replica architecture dating from after 1945. Mind you, much of the modern architecture in UK towns and cities is courtesy of the Luftwaffe, which kindly cleared the sites of the- beautiful old architecture that had been there previously, between 1940 and 1945, without charge.
Hi are you today ? I'm your new subscriber from Bali, Indonesia...Are you single or married woman ? Thank you for your video, informations and answers 🙏🙏🙏 love you full 💓💓💓
Try, Parship...😎
Hey Dude! How long is your 🍆? 😜😜😜Let's exchange more inappropriate questions, that's absolutely adorable ❤❤❤
Hey, you really should learn how to count with your fingers the right way ( thumb first ), it's so damn important 😅
I do 🙈
100 reasons to fall in love with Olya.
Deutschland ist wunderbar
What you may not be aware of by making these type of invitational videos is a diluting effect of those things that you like about a country but aren't from that country . have you considered that , the more non German people that move here , are bringing their NON german behaviors with them .after a long period of time a country can lose its flavor and traditions due to a different mind set being introduced into the collective consciousness of that country . i would suggest that if you want Germany to maintain those things that you like , stop inviting foreigners .
A main reason why refugees from all over the world love Germany is just the financial security they get here. It's a fact that a refugee from Ukraine with two or three kids will get paid a proper apartment, get monthly support for herself and for each child, plus many other options on various levels from the government. How do I know? I was dealing with such things lately and had to request many things from the government. A refugee from Ukraine doesn't need to worry at all. They don't have to live in a refugee camp like refugees from other countries, refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work as soon as they are in Germany, other refugees aren't. There's no reason for Ukrainian refugees to complain, they get all of it for free. They don't have to work, either. That's why Ukrainian refugees in Germany have an employment rate of 18% in Germany, but 76% in the much smaller Netherlands where there is no such high level of government support. You do the math.
Why are you mentioning all of that here? I am not a refugee. I finished my masters in Germany and have been working already for 2.5 years and paying taxes to this government.
Casual wear on Germanys streets and supermarkets. Its not nice to see girls or guys in jogging pants. Its a total turnoff. In Japan for example the women are stylish everywhere and its a pleasure to go even to the supermarket. I hate going shopping in Germany. I rarely see one single attractive woman.
I also don't see beautiful girls in the supermarket 😅 probably they are hiding somewhere else😄
be careful ...your comment smells of misogyny. I hope you dress stylish when going to the supermarket. Otherwise you can't expect that from others. And you specifically expect that from the women.
@@nonegativity01 at least I am not going in jogging pants. Besides I said girls and guys. You better read careful. Look at some vids from Japan filmed on the streets and you understand what I mean.
So you are going to the supermarket to see attractive women? Interesting indeed. And why compare Japan to Germany? Completely different culture and history. Saying this as a German who has been to Japan quite often. It's like a different planet.
You are a very nice lady Olya are you engaged???😊
1:53 ... When they go abroad they immediately... start complaining! Start complaining is the correct finish to that sentence... And are furious that no one abroad understands German, no matter how loud they yell at them...
😂 even the young ones?
@@olyainde ah, the young ones are just complaining about everything in German, thinking nobody understands them... "Oh mein Gott, die Kinder hier sind so laut, ich kann meinen Lachs gar nicht geniessen"
Really ?? Did you ever learn something about "projectism" ?
@@veritas_13 Ouch, the bitter truth must really hurt, as you try to project it on the observer
👎🤢🤮Complete BS!-Germans are the first to learn at least some foreighn language at a foreighn country!
I am German and I would say that Germany was better 30-40 years ago. Meanwhile the level of so many things did go strongly downhill - "thanks" to bad influences from the East (near East and far East).
I agree way too many bad immigrants from the eastern parts of europe and middle east destroying Germany
@@Steven91637 I mainly thought about the brain-damaged communists from EastG and Russia (Russians of German descent)
The sad truth every politician will denie
I felt the differences while growing up and being grown-up after each refugee "flood" after each incident that caused refugee movement
Or when they stopped telling where a criminal came from except he was german..
Everybody knows what's up tho
I agree. The East of Germany did bring the country to a lower standard...
@@dasmaurerle4347 musste sich ja einer von deiner Sorte melden..
Now I did watch your (funny) video in detail - and let me comment some details:
a) public transport: you are right for cities, but not for smaller towns and villages.
b) it is a big difference where you live in Germany: tolerant and friendly people you find mainly in areas where are catholic people (South and West), colder and more egoistic people you mainly find in East and partly North.
c) as a woman I would be really careful at night - it is not safe as you think - and there are not only well educated Germans or Ukrainians in Germany.
d) what is most positive (and most important) in Germany: no corruption, state is functioning well and police is reliable and really protecting you.
I am from Bavaria, but I did live for 20 years in Eastern Europe also, I speak also Czech and understand Slovak and Ukrainian, and I have tons of "friends" from CZ, SK, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Russia... BUT: most of all I like the people from Western/Central Ukraine, they are most similar to us in Bavaria, with some human heart and humanistic education (not like Russians, which mostly are egoistic, egocentric, often psychopatic, very materialistic)
Thank's for your opinion! I agree with you. Maybe I also didn't have enough experience to talk about certain things:)
And I did not know that about Bavaria! Interesting to check that 😀
I disagree .b) Don´t use ancient german steriotypes in ur argumentation. I visited some Countries on this Planet. If u act as an Assh*** u´ll be treated as that, everywhere.
What a pile of bullshit. Yes, most people in eastern Europe are nice. As are most Bavarians. And most northern and eastern Germans. And Russians are humans too and will help if and when they actually have the chance to do so. In every population there is a certain percentage of assholes, but that is ALWAYS only a tiny minority. Most people are nice - if you are are. Everywhere on earth.
Maybe, if you had put aside your arrogance, you might find that people in Northern and Western Germany are just as helpful as everywhere else. They just dont shower you in fake friendship. Being economical with words and gestures does not mean a hard heart.
@@turboseize The pile of bullshit is the result of a long life in many different countries and regions. Your nice theorie is what it is, a theorie.
Grüße von einen unfreundlichen Norddeutschen
Conc. your "Germany is so secure/safe...":
"Bei Schüssen im baden-württembergischen Albstadt stirbt ein 23-Jähriger. Die Polizei nimmt einen Tatverdächtigen fest, der die Ermittler zu einer Frauenleiche lotst. Es könnte sich um eine vermisste 20-Jährige handeln" - this is from today, from BadenWürttemberg.
Sure, that's one shooting... In several other countries a single incident like this would be so common it wouldn't not even make the news.
true 😉
It cannot be safe to 100%
30 years ago Germany was a way better country than today
Klar, früher war alles besser. So ein Unsinn.
Früher war mehr Lametta…
@@madmikesch2453 ihr habt doch keine Ahnung
@@Steven91637 Klar, aber Du. Ich lebe hier seit 60 Jahren und Du?
@@madmikesch2453 ich seit 50 Jahren
If Germany is so great why aren't you doing your videos in German?
Because I am targeting emigrants with my videos and they do not always speak German.
Why not stay in your own country and improve it instead of abandoning it?
Because I wanted a better life for me and my future children. Don't you?
@@olyaindeYes, But how can your native country get better when everyone is moving away?
@@sternleiche right now it it the war in my country and it is dangerous to come back. But I know that so many refugees for Ukraine will come back the moment the war is over in order to rebuild the country. I am just already so used to live in Germany and I have a life here so I can’t imagine to come back. Only to visit. And I have my personal opinion about my country and how it was before the war. Corruption was so horrible that I didn’t even believe in the future of the country. With the new president it got better, but then the war started and he didn’t have time to change much….
@@olyainde Yes i see, if a few stay in Germany and work here it will be good. But really every single person counts to go back to their homecountry and help. It will for sure be hard in the beginning.
There are so many foreigners coming to Germany who have just left behind a pile of rubble where they came from. It is like if one has a house then ruins it and just move to the next one which was build by others.
@@sternleiche I feel your frustration. I would have been the same if I was on your place. Unfortunately there is nothing people can do with it. And it has also a lot to do with the decisions of German government…
I liked the video, however I completely disagree with you. Let me explain - I was born in Germany and lived there for 28 years. Last year we decided to leave Germany and that was the best what we could do! Germany is becoming more and more a communist country and will be worser year by year…And you as an Ukrainian should not forget how Germany wanted to make Europe be dependent from Russian energy…The energy transformation plan in Germany is a completely disaster! And this stupidity will have a huge impact for all European countries for the next couple of years ! And do not forget - Germans will never change - if they can, they will make business with Russia, it doesn’t matter for Germans if it has consequences for other European countries…There is also a saying in German: Am Deutschen Wesen mag die Welt genesen…
🙈may I know which country you chose to move to?
I am trying to stay positive, but I agree with you at some point. Let’s see. I hope you will not be right at the end 🥹😅
@@olyainde we moved back to the country of our ancestors to Poland. Of course, I could say I am biased because of that. But I think there are a lot of things in Germany that are very overrated, and I would appreciate that it would be more considered if people move to Germany. The country of course has some positive sides - but it should always be remembered - if there weren’t the US, Germany would look much more different and its Reputation would be much much worser. Thanks to the Marshall Plan and the US military bases, Germany could recover quickly after the 2nd World War…This is something Germans should be more thankful, but they aren’t…They prefer to make business with Russia than seeing a prosperous and peaceful European continent.
Austrian here. I agree that the current German government is a complete disaster. However, I don't think that Germany is moving towards communism. The direction the economy is pushed to does not match with communist goals (e.g. public ownership of the means of production). When at all I think there is more in common with the economic strategies and goals of national socialism (e.g. Autarky and military rearmament).
That said I don't think that the German government has a plan for anything. They are only reacting to the situation. Actually they work against the best interests of Europe at all, because for example they do not even try to find a diplomatic solution for the Ukraine war. They just support sanctions that hurt Russia as well as Europe and indirectly even huge parts of the world. Unfortunately they will not solve the problem. It is absolute unrealistic that Russia will back down, even worse the complete opposite is the case. As with every conflict the more every side invests the harder it gets to find a way out of the situation.
I think it is anyway only a matter of time until the sanctions will be lifted and business go back to normal. At least in Austria the developments point in this direction. As recent surveys show the current government would suffer heavy losses and be voted out of office. Instead the right wing party FPÖ (that had pre-war good connections to Russia and especially the party of Putin) has taken the lead. They government.
@@patrickm3981 I tried to explain my experiences in an apolitical way - probably that is not really possible. Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic States warned about Russia not since the Annexion of Crimea, they warned about it much earlier…No one in Germany and also in Austria listened. Unfortunately, the thinking in Austria is similar like in Germany. And the Russian dictator even was on the wedding of a politician of one of the current ruling parties in Austria.😂😂😂 Your arguments are interesting, but we do not agree with that in Eastern Europe..There is no way back to the status quo before the war. Russia hasn’t changed since Ivan the Terrible…It will only change if the country collapse in thousands parts. I hope that it will happen after the war.
@@blablablablablabla8914 Your post looked quite political, this is why my answer went down this road.
Austria was never picky where it got its energy from as long as it is a cheap and reliable source. For a long time the USSR (followed by Russia) and Lybia were the main sources for oil and gas. As we were neutral and not part of the NATO and the EEC there was even during the cold war no issue with that. Many people see this pragmatic and do not see the need to work with double standards like other western countries like to do. It is always hilarious to see how the same people that condemn Russia at the same time have no issues to get the oil from Saudi Arabia instead. Saudi Arabia has its own "special operation" ongoing in Jemen, the human rights situation is worse than in Russia and they are known to financially support a radical version of Islam.
A majority of the people support a diplomatic solution of the Ukraine conflict, because this looks like the only viable option. This will of course mean some for of compromise, but this will still be better than a Ukraine which is leveled to the ground and hundreds of thousands dead. After WW1 Austria had been dismembered based on the needs of the winners and as a result for example South-Tyrol ended up as part of Italy instead of Austria. It took a while but these days this has become a non-topic as a diplomatic solution could be found where all parties could agree to. It would be the benefit of all, if something like this could be achieved also for Ukraine.
I think a strong Russia is needed because only this way it is able to keep China at bay. If Russia falls apart, China would for sure expand into its former territory. For some parts it would even have old claims as they were under influence of the Chinese empire in the past. If I can chose I prefer to have the Russians at my doorsteps rather then the Chinese. The Chinese already control a lot of the industrial production. If they in addition get their hands on the vast resources that are currently under Russian control there will be nothing that can stop them.
Nobody forces you to live here! Surely you have a country which you call home?!
aaah, did you watch the video? What's wrong with you? The girl was just telling how nice Germany is and that she love it here. Or do you antagonise with people just because?
@@nonegativity01 FCK Banderas
Vielleicht solltest Du in ihr Heimatland, dort braucht man vielleicht eher Menschen, die zu doof sind ein Video zu schauen und zu verstehen, bevor man Kommentare postet!
@@grafzahl4698 vielleicht sollten Sie sich im einfache menschlicher Anstand und Höflichkeit üben. Man spricht Menschen per Sie, wenn man Sie nicht kennt. So ist es in Deutschland. Aber Sie wussten das bestimmt. Schliesslich sind Sie in Deutschland geboren. Noch dazu, andere zu beleidigen ohne eine andere Blickwinkel zu akzeptieren oder versuchen zu verstehen ist vielsagend was für ein Mensch Sie sind.
Omg almost all of the informations are wrong. The video owner is never visited Germany i guess.
For sure 😀