In the original comic, the epilogue of the story is the reveal that Luthor’s bloodline eventually led to the birth of Kal-L far in the future. Kal’s parents sent him rocketing back in time to save their planet. He lands in 1930’s Ukraine (when it was part of the Soviet Union), revealing that the story is a time-loop.
Yeah I kind of wish they actually ended the story like that Because I thought that was an interesting connection between both parties being the same family but then the only difference being the time period in which they came from and the lands in which they were occupied. It kind of shows that Lex Luther and Superman are kind of the same but different. And I thought it was A interesting way of connecting the to characters
I often think the animated adaptations inprove upon stories from Marvel and DC. But this is one like the Injustice universe where the comic just did it so much better in my opinion.
In the original comic, the epilogue of the story is the reveal that Luthor’s bloodline eventually led to the birth of Kal-L far in the future. Kal’s parents sent him rocketing back in time to save their planet. He lands in 1930’s Ukraine (when it was part of the Soviet Union), revealing that the story is a time-loop.
Yeah I kind of wish they actually ended the story like that Because I thought that was an interesting connection between both parties being the same family but then the only difference being the time period in which they came from and the lands in which they were occupied. It kind of shows that Lex Luther and Superman are kind of the same but different. And I thought it was A interesting way of connecting the to characters
Seeing Batman kill himself is crazy
Deadass caught me off guard
I often think the animated adaptations inprove upon stories from Marvel and DC. But this is one like the Injustice universe where the comic just did it so much better in my opinion.
I wanted to see more reactions of Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers Assemble as well though man