Speaking of security in metro - there was no security before 2011 cruel terrorist attack on the metro station named Kastrychnickaya which had this kind of soviet image right above its exit, you can even see a memorial in the wall
Забавно что ты сделал акцент на том что для кого-то советская армия- армия освободительница, в то время как в Европе своя история на этот счёт, советские люди клали жизни чтобы выбить фашистов оттуда, но сегодня память об их пожвиге выматывается, многие переформировали СССР в оккупанта.
@12:50 I have eaten at that same location, where it says "Mwi otkriti!", which was once a McDonalds, at least on 15th October 2009, when I ate there. At 8 AM when I was there, they were serving burgers and fries, not the usual breakfast items as would be expected in either USA or continental Europe. The previous night, I was on an international sleeper train in Platskartniy class, from Korosten to Minsk Passazhirsky which arrived about 5:50 AM. Back then, there were no coins for the ruble.
17:19 If that place is $20 bucks a day, WHOA!!!!! That is AMAZING! Really love these travel channels giving at least a small snippet of the places I want to explore myself.
As a Belarusian I'd say you have plenty of places to visit in Minsk now, especially in seasons like late Spring, Summer and mid-Autumn. The city breathes differently. Great content Dave! Looking forward to seeing new videos!
Great to see Minsk through italian eyes. For me it seemed safe, i traveled by night train from Grodno. The dissolution of Poland was signed at the royal palace here in 1795. A lot of western brands have not left Moscow, you still find Burger king among others. Keep up the good work
Really cool vid. I was thinking to visit Belarus this summer, although I won't be able to visit Minsk as I'm entering from Lithuania and if you enter by land from there you can only visit Grodno and Brest regions
To visit Belarus, a tourist visa is required. One can apply for it at the Belarusian embassy in your country. As it's processed on-site, the visa can be received quickly. There are beautiful places to visit in Belarus; it's quite lovely. Evidently, Russian citizens can travel to Belarus without a visa. The two countries have an agreement that allows their citizens to cross their respective borders without a visa for short stays. Surely, there are other countries included in this agreement. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
The National Library of Belarus seems like a beautiful place to visit. I am not from Belarus, but the National Library of Minsk is quite an unusual building 👍
Я из Беларуси . Утверждаю , что русский , белорусский и украинский языки очень похожи . Мы друг друга понимаем без переводчиков . У трех языков один источник : древний восточно-славянский язык.
Actually under present russovassal dictatorip it's not a particularly good country. Political persecutions, lack of civil liberties, human rights violations, miserable wages & pensions when compared to their western-oriented exussr neighbors and they pull crap such as terrorizing their neighbors with 3rd world refugee human trafficking shenanigans. Also, they allowed the poot to assault a 3rd party from their territory. All in all if this is the best then you must be a huge fan of yong-un's DPRK, Venezuela and such. 😎
This guy is packed with cliches. Shortly speaking Minsk is much better than Dublin - not dirty as Dublin, no people sleeping on the street, no hookers, no rude services. And of course you are not able to understand people who lost 30% of their relatives killed by Europeans in 40est.
Національна бібліотека Білорусі здається прекрасним місцем для відвідування. Я не з Білорусі, але Національна бібліотека Мінська - це досить незвичайна будівля 👍 Natsional'na biblioteka Bilorusi zdaiet'sia prekrasnym mistsem dlia vidviduvannia. Ya ne z Bilorusi, ale Natsional'na biblioteka Mins'ka - tse dosyt' nezvychaina budivlia 👍
i had fries that were thicker in Moscow at tasty or at least i thought they were thicker and tasted a bit better if ya ask me. love your videos. be well brother.
Those uzbec man was as it seems to me a half uzbec (no disrespect for 100% uzbec). And he has absolutely no accent. Probably russian is his native tongue.
la bibliothèque nationale de Biélorussie a l'air d'être un beau endroit a visiter je ne viens pas de Biélorussie mais la bibliothèque nationale de Minsk est plutôt un bâtiment insolite 👍
dID IRISH GUY SHARED HIS YT CHANNEL? i remember that there was english native speaker living in russia, after bald and bankrupt started being interrogated by russians, the guy started moking internet about Benjamin and his role. I'm quiet memorable to the faces. Strange person out of nowhere and doing businesses in belarus.
Irish Partizan has been doing this longer than you and has been in many of Bald and Bankrupt's videos as well as Bald being in Partizan's videos someone you're clearly inspired by.
Национальная библиотека Беларуси кажется прекрасным местом для посещения. Я не из Беларуси, но Национальная библиотека Минска - довольно необычное здание 👍 Natsional'naya biblioteka Belarusi kazhetsya prekrasnym mestom dlya poseshcheniya. Ya ne iz Belarusi, no Natsional'naya biblioteka Minska - dovol'no neobychnoe zdanie 👍
I think you already have tried Vkusno i totchka. You made a collab with some Russian dude who's name I can't remember right now but his channel is dead now.
pour aller visiter la Biélorussie il faut un visa touristique ont peut faire la demande a l'ambassade de Biélorusse selon votre pays comme ses sur place on peu recevoir le visa rapidement il a des beaux endroits a visiter en Biélorussie ses beaux visiblement les citoyens russes peuvent se rendre en Biélorussie sans visa. Les deux pays ont un accord qui permet aux citoyens de traverser leurs frontières respectives sans visa pour des séjours de courte durée certainement qu'il a d'autres pays dans cette accord 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі выглядае як прыгожае месца для наведвання. Я не з Беларусі, але Нацыянальная бібліятэка Мінска - гэта даволі незвычайная будынак 👍 Natsyyanal'naya biblyateka Belarusi vyglyadae yak pryhozhaye mestsа dlya navedvannya. Ya ne z Belarusi, ale Natsyyanal'naya biblyateka Minska - geta davoli nezvychnaya budynak 👍
When you're giving your dialogue, I prefer to see the country at the same time while you are talking. Maybe the girls would like to see you. But me ? - I am bored with the video.
1. Belarusian is similar to Polish and Ukrainian, not to Russian. Russians don't understand indeed. 2. "just one train" is not the way to say "just one ride". Signed, an Italian knowing Minsk better than you and always saying your Russian is just basic.
Belarusian is pronounced like that: beh-luh-roo-see-ehn. There is nothing like Belushi. The Belarusian language is extremly similar to Ukrainian, even native speakers have troubles to distinguish. And it is equally distant from Polish and Russian.
I watch the Irish partizan for years, Youhave to go to this village called Khatyn and show it, I was there once, historic place where nazis burned down the whole village and killed almost everybody.
Не одну эту деревню , а тысячу деревень вместе с жителями сожгли фашисты в Беларуси , а Хатынь - это одна из них и символ всех сожженных деревень , 147 из которых не смогли возродиться , потому что не осталось ни одного живого человека в них , чтобы возродить. А сейчас специально созданной комиссией продолжена работа в архивах по уточнению предварительных данных о сожженных деревнях и найдены еще неучтенные ранее такие деревни и погибшие люди. Работа по выявлению преступлений гитлеровцев на нашей земле продолжается.
Каб наведацца ў Беларусі, патрэбна турыстычная віза. Можна падаць заяўку ў пасольства Беларусі ў залежнасці ад вашай краіны. На месцы можна атрымаць візу хутка. У Беларусі ёсць прыгожыя месцы для наведвання. Здаецца, грамадзяне Расіі можуць прыехаць у Беларусь без візы. Абодва краіны маюць угоду, якая дазваляе грамадзянам пераходзіць мяжы без візы для кароткатэрміновых пабыванняў. Напэўна, ёсць і іншыя краіны у гэтай угодзе. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Kab navedatstsa ŭ Belarusi, patrebna turyistychnaya viza. Mozhna padats’ zayavku ŭ pasol’stva Belarusi ŭ zalezhnastsi ad vashay krayiny. Na mestsy mozhna atrymats’ viza khutka. U Belarusi yosts’ pryhozhyya mestsy dlya navedvannya. Zdayetstsa, hramadzyane Rasiyi mozhuts’ pryyekhats’ u Belarus’ bez vizy. Abodva krayiny mayuts’ uhodu, yakaya dazvalyaye hramadzyanam perakhodzits’ myazhy bez vizy dlya karotkatэrmіnovykh pabyvannyau. Napэunna, yosts’ i inshyya krayiny u hetay uhodze👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Belorussian isn't as similar to Russian as you say. In fact, it's actually far more similar to Ukrainian. Belorussian and Ukrainian can speak to each other using any lexics of their languages while Russian won't understand them. Sadly, not many Belorussians use their native language due to heavy russification during last 2 centuries, although I know a few
Russification of eastern europe left some marks that wont fade away. Mass deportations to siberia and pushing russian citizens to take their place did that job well.
I'm Russian myself who fled to Germany in 2013 because Russia is such a terrible place. I really love Belarus (and hate Russia). They might seem similar but Belarus is sooo different. There you feel like in Europe. There is order, you won't see broken roads and third world landscapes like in Russia. It might seem poor but decent. Everything is super clean, works well, amazing cafes and restaurants and of course amazing people. They're very calm and polite, unlike other Eastern Europeans. It's also a very safe country (monoethnical, no "multi-kulti" madness). And yeah, despite living in a terrible dictatorship (same as in Russia) people there want freedom and to be a part of Europe. As a tourist you don't really feel the dictatorship. Very quiet, nice and polite country. I really wanna see Belarus in the EU one day! p.s. Belarus is not just Minsk, it's much more. You should visit other regions as well. p.p.s. You used the wrong flag for the country. This green-red flag is the dictatorship flag. The real one is white-red-white (google бел-червоно-белый флаг Беларуси). p.p.p.s. This is not the "security" in the metro , this is the security theater which is only in place in authoritarian regimes. For example there is no such thing in Ukraine.
I think Russian pressure towards Belarussian puppet goverment is such a strong they wont let belarussia to become too sovereing nation. So no EU for byelarussia.
You give it a plus for being homogenous, then you say you want it to join the European Onion. The Onion is 100% anti-White with racial replacement through massive immigration.
Последнее. Хочешь знать про диктатуру? У меня есть для тебя пример. Был такой либеральный канал "Дождь". Лизали задницу Навальному, мечтали о "прекрасной демократической России будущего под надзором стран НАТО", были за "европейские ценности" и прочее. В России они проработали много лет и никто их не трогал. Потом грянуло СВО, и они, от греха подальше переехали в Прибалтику. В Латвию если точнее. Знаешь сколько этот анти-российский канал просуществовал в Латвии? Пару месяцев! А потом местные власти взяли и закрыли их, что-то им там не понравилось, какая то фраза обронённая одним из ведущих. Дождь пытались извиниться, но нет, их закрыли с концами. Так где диктатура?
У тебя в голове полный бардак. Я живу в Беларуси и не чувствую никакой диктатуры. Чувствую твердый порядок, уверенность, безопасность, перспективу и развитие. Уверен, что в Германии ты несчастлив, ты живешь в ментально чужой стране...
I admire your passion for Belarus... you didn't mention that the country is ruled by the Lukashenko regime. that many citizens are detained for fighting for freedom and the last presidential election, in which Chinauska won. of course, according to the electoral commission it was different... Then there were repressions against the Polish community... you didn't add that either... Andrzej Poczobut has been in prison for the third time in just a decade... because he is an opponent of the system. but he is not the only one... Swetlana Chinauska has not had any contact with her husband, who is under arrest, for over a year... For three years we have had huge confusion on the Belarusian-Polish border... At the invitation of the regime, immigrants who want to enter the European Union come . Yesterday, our serviceman died after being stabbed by a migrant at the border... So continue to travel freely in Belarus. It is a country unlike many in Europe. Democratic... No, sorry, it's a regime after all...
The USSR killed more Nazis than any of the allies. The USSR was the one who insisted on holding the Nuremberg trials. The USSR is the country that paid the greatest price for the destruction of the Third Reich - 26 million dead. Why should we be ashamed? Because Great Britain and France rejected Stalin's proposal to create an anti-Hitler Coalition back in 1938? Its not our fault.
If you are in Belarus, I can recommend you a sure and simple way to see the inside of a KGB prison. Simply take a bus, train or plane to the Russian Federation. There are no border controls, so you can easily get there, but once you got inside Russia you will be arrested somewhere, because you do not have the Russian border stamp on your passport. That's true even if you have a valid Russian visa or a visa-exempted passport (Israel, for example). Summing up: never, never cross the Belarus-Russian border!
I could never understand Western guys fascination with Russia or Belarus. First of all, it is post-Soviet and it shows, secondly certain people are very desperate to leave so they are prepared to do everything to use you like a springboard to a better life away from the dictatorship, if you study there there is not much you can do with a diploma (Maybe some BRICS countries would allow you to work there but not Western countries), if you work there, they pay very little and you can’t find many things in the stores from abroad because there is only one border crossing with the West open (that one will probably get closed soon as well). You suddenly can’t live there without being checked by their secret service on daily basis, which may include them getting inside of your home and check on you or follow you around for some time. If you do something that you are not supposed to do, even unknowingly then the amount of trouble you will get yourself into would make you regret that you ever heard of this country.
Национальная библиотека Беларуси кажется прекрасным местом для посещения. Я не из Беларуси, но Национальная библиотека Минска - довольно необычное здание 👍 Natsional'naya biblioteka Belarusi kazhetsya prekrasnym mestom dlya poseshcheniya. Ya ne iz Belarusi, no Natsional'naya biblioteka Minska - dovol'no neobychnoe zdanie 👍
Make sure to follow me on Instagram: @davelegenda_eng
Fun fact: when I arrived at Minsk airport in 2019, I called a Yandex taxi, and the driver was also Yuri. A very polite person btw.
Now that's cool! Okay, I might try to get him when I'm there.
That guy who approached you for a beer is a legend too
He was on balds channel a while ago
Irish Partizan is brilliant.
@@ChrisPipinghot aside from his anti Western opinions which are appalling
@@TSEEMOD_618anti western opinions are great
wait.... how have you traveled the globe for over 40 years... you look 25!
It’s a joke 😂
Belarus is a very beautiful country, very accurate and clean I would say
Мой зять - итальянец,объездил пол мира,был такого же мнения.Чтстота,порядок, ухоженность,культура,доброта и красота людей.
Speaking of security in metro - there was no security before 2011 cruel terrorist attack on the metro station named Kastrychnickaya which had this kind of soviet image right above its exit, you can even see a memorial in the wall
Не ври , было всегда безопасно а метро, но больные люди везде есть
Забавно что ты сделал акцент на том что для кого-то советская армия- армия освободительница, в то время как в Европе своя история на этот счёт, советские люди клали жизни чтобы выбить фашистов оттуда, но сегодня память об их пожвиге выматывается, многие переформировали СССР в оккупанта.
We were in Belarus WW hockey filmining in Belarus , that was over ten years ago.
@12:50 I have eaten at that same location, where it says "Mwi otkriti!", which was once a McDonalds, at least on 15th October 2009, when I ate there. At 8 AM when I was there, they were serving burgers and fries, not the usual breakfast items as would be expected in either USA or continental Europe. The previous night, I was on an international sleeper train in Platskartniy class, from Korosten to Minsk Passazhirsky which arrived about 5:50 AM. Back then, there were no coins for the ruble.
17:19 If that place is $20 bucks a day, WHOA!!!!! That is AMAZING!
Really love these travel channels giving at least a small snippet of the places I want to explore myself.
Seems like you shot this footage in early spring, Minsk (or Belarus) is a total different place in summer! come and visit again
I was in Minsk in 1977 and it looks to have changed a lot. Another great Video - thanks
Many country's have changed since that time haha
Минск очень изменился неузнаваемо.
Lololol this guy was in a bald and bankrupt video. Biggest crossover ever.
ps: I don't think you just bumped into each other 🤣
Not one but several and bald was in partizan's videos as well.
As a Belarusian I'd say you have plenty of places to visit in Minsk now, especially in seasons like late Spring, Summer and mid-Autumn. The city breathes differently.
Great content Dave! Looking forward to seeing new videos!
Another great video from our Italian Clark Kent! Keep up the great work boi. 👌👌👌
That guy from Ireland was also featured in a bald and bankrupt video a few years back
That was me ;)
Irish Partizan sighting!!! Belarus is very high up on the list of countries I want to visit someday.
So visit it, what's the problem?
David, youre better that Bald .... glad i found your channel🙂
This guy is criminally underrated.
Keep it going David. Great content!
It seemed like the taxi driver was actually having a good time talking to you!
Love your videos Davide!
He was tasked with keeping an eye on him. Of course he was having a “good time” 😉
Great to see Minsk through italian eyes. For me it seemed safe, i traveled by night train from Grodno. The dissolution of Poland was signed at the royal palace here in 1795.
A lot of western brands have not left Moscow, you still find Burger king among others.
Keep up the good work
Great video. I love seeing these parts of the world
Really cool vid. I was thinking to visit Belarus this summer, although I won't be able to visit Minsk as I'm entering from Lithuania and if you enter by land from there you can only visit Grodno and Brest regions
Уже ввели безвиз по всей стране!
Nice video..good work
David fantastic travel video so so interesting david fantastic work
I was in Minsk that weekend because of your Video
To visit Belarus, a tourist visa is required. One can apply for it at the Belarusian embassy in your country. As it's processed on-site, the visa can be received quickly. There are beautiful places to visit in Belarus; it's quite lovely. Evidently, Russian citizens can travel to Belarus without a visa. The two countries have an agreement that allows their citizens to cross their respective borders without a visa for short stays. Surely, there are other countries included in this agreement. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Виза уже для граждан Европы не нужда,безвиз уже!
It depends on the country. I'm Brazilian and we don't need a visa in Belarus.
Wrong information, No visa required to spend one month in Belarus, at least coming from the West.
Wait a minute. 40 years of traveling around the globe? I thought you were like 30 years old! How old are you actually?
I think Dave is 26, he replied to that question in one of his videos while traveling via train and chatti g to some students.
@@gradienttelefon9463 oh word, gotcha. He said something about traveling around the world for 40 years so it had me shocked. He looks 26.
The National Library of Belarus seems like a beautiful place to visit. I am not from Belarus, but the National Library of Minsk is quite an unusual building 👍
Беларусь чистая,красивая,безопасная страна.
Interesting name of channel you have, is it real one?)
nice new video. I can't wait when you post the english version about abkhazia
How do you know that it’s EXTREMELY SIMILAR languages?Do you speak Belarusian?
Я из Беларуси . Утверждаю , что русский , белорусский и украинский языки очень похожи . Мы друг друга понимаем без переводчиков . У трех языков один источник : древний восточно-славянский язык.
Grande Davide, voglio il duo con Bald and bankrupt
Which airline and from which airport did you fly to Minsk?
Tbilisi. Georgia. - Belavia
I am travelling to Belarus city of Brest to cross the border to Poland
one of the best countries in the world! Thank you belarussian people for keeping your country as it is, you are really great!
hope their country will be free soon
Actually under present russovassal dictatorip it's not a particularly good country. Political persecutions, lack of civil liberties, human rights violations, miserable wages & pensions when compared to their western-oriented exussr neighbors and they pull crap such as terrorizing their neighbors with 3rd world refugee human trafficking shenanigans. Also, they allowed the poot to assault a 3rd party from their territory. All in all if this is the best then you must be a huge fan of yong-un's DPRK, Venezuela and such. 😎
@@vladimiradoshev5310 They are free. Unlike EU countries, the United States does not dictate its will to them.
@@alinakirill bullshit propaganda
@@alinakirill but russia and the kgb bird guide dictates to them at will. Not very free if they're a total vassal state of the pidaratsiya right?
This guy is packed with cliches. Shortly speaking Minsk is much better than Dublin - not dirty as Dublin, no people sleeping on the street, no hookers, no rude services. And of course you are not able to understand people who lost 30% of their relatives killed by Europeans in 40est.
Національна бібліотека Білорусі здається прекрасним місцем для відвідування. Я не з Білорусі, але Національна бібліотека Мінська - це досить незвичайна будівля 👍
Natsional'na biblioteka Bilorusi zdaiet'sia prekrasnym mistsem dlia vidviduvannia. Ya ne z Bilorusi, ale Natsional'na biblioteka Mins'ka - tse dosyt' nezvychaina budivlia 👍
i had fries that were thicker in Moscow at tasty or at least i thought they were thicker and tasted a bit better if ya ask me. love your videos. be well brother.
Dave, I watch most of your videos. I intend to go Belarus this year. Is it easy to get a hotel in Minsk ?
follow his italian channel on youtube and use subtitles
@@Cece-r4k thank you. Will do
Those uzbec man was as it seems to me a half uzbec (no disrespect for 100% uzbec). And he has absolutely no accent. Probably russian is his native tongue.
This guy is on the Tall Travels channel often, esp since Mr Bald and him are enemies now lol
la bibliothèque nationale de Biélorussie a l'air d'être un beau endroit a visiter je ne viens pas de Biélorussie mais la bibliothèque nationale de Minsk est plutôt un bâtiment insolite 👍
"40 years of travelling"? How old are you??
traveled for 40 years?
That must have been a joke lmao
Maybe he meant 14?
i was highly doubting that :D
Amazing video💕🌷🪻⚘️
dID IRISH GUY SHARED HIS YT CHANNEL? i remember that there was english native speaker living in russia, after bald and bankrupt started being interrogated by russians, the guy started moking internet about Benjamin and his role. I'm quiet memorable to the faces. Strange person out of nowhere and doing businesses in belarus.
good video guys! glad you met up with Niall the one and only Irish Partizan in the end.
I wonder if the herbs and spices vary from USA to Belarus KFC?
Irish Partizan has been doing this longer than you and has been in many of Bald and Bankrupt's videos as well as Bald being in Partizan's videos someone you're clearly inspired by.
Национальная библиотека Беларуси кажется прекрасным местом для посещения. Я не из Беларуси, но Национальная библиотека Минска - довольно необычное здание 👍
Natsional'naya biblioteka Belarusi kazhetsya prekrasnym mestom dlya poseshcheniya. Ya ne iz Belarusi, no Natsional'naya biblioteka Minska - dovol'no neobychnoe zdanie 👍
I visited Minsk in 2009 and loved every minute of it. It's actually my favourite country I've visited in Europe, so far. Can't wait to go back.
How to come to Belarus the Money/Bank is not Working Because sanctions ?
С кэшем
I think you already have tried Vkusno i totchka. You made a collab with some Russian dude who's name I can't remember right now but his channel is dead now.
pour aller visiter la Biélorussie il faut un visa touristique ont peut faire la demande a l'ambassade de Biélorusse selon votre pays comme ses sur place on peu recevoir le visa rapidement il a des beaux endroits a visiter en Biélorussie ses beaux visiblement les citoyens russes peuvent se rendre en Biélorussie sans visa. Les deux pays ont un accord qui permet aux citoyens de traverser leurs frontières respectives sans visa pour des séjours de courte durée certainement qu'il a d'autres pays dans cette accord 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Итальянская принцеса Бона Сфорца правила частью нынешней Беларуси,вам это извесно?
Did you pay with Apple pay in the mcdonalds? Do they accept european cards?
of course, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay works in Belarus
Не МЫ ОТКРЫТИ а Мак.бай
Irish Partisan is a legend ❤
You are a master in Storytelling
Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі выглядае як прыгожае месца для наведвання. Я не з Беларусі, але Нацыянальная бібліятэка Мінска - гэта даволі незвычайная будынак 👍
Natsyyanal'naya biblyateka Belarusi vyglyadae yak pryhozhaye mestsа dlya navedvannya. Ya ne z Belarusi, ale Natsyyanal'naya biblyateka Minska - geta davoli nezvychnaya budynak 👍
Very similar to russian?!
why in englisH???
"Random" lmao
When you're giving your dialogue, I prefer to see the country at the same time while you are talking.
Maybe the girls would like to see you.
But me ? - I am bored with the video.
Say belarUsIan, not belaRUSSIAN...
Hi ❤
1. Belarusian is similar to Polish and Ukrainian, not to Russian. Russians don't understand indeed.
2. "just one train" is not the way to say "just one ride".
Signed, an Italian knowing Minsk better than you and always saying your Russian is just basic.
Mi è venuto mal di testa con tutto quell'inglese, ma neanche i sottotitoli in italiano, perché?
Belarusian is pronounced like that: beh-luh-roo-see-ehn. There is nothing like Belushi. The Belarusian language is extremly similar to Ukrainian, even native speakers have troubles to distinguish. And it is equally distant from Polish and Russian.
Belarusian has two pronunciations, and neither is incorrect. However if you say it your way, we know you're a far left extremist.
The European flights are a loss to Belarus
Once they Anounced election results a day before voting
Когда это?
I watch the Irish partizan for years, Youhave to go to this village called Khatyn and show it, I was there once, historic place where nazis burned down the whole village and killed almost everybody.
Не одну эту деревню , а тысячу деревень вместе с жителями сожгли фашисты в Беларуси , а Хатынь - это одна из них и символ всех сожженных деревень , 147 из которых не смогли возродиться , потому что не осталось ни одного живого человека в них , чтобы возродить. А сейчас специально созданной комиссией продолжена работа в архивах по уточнению предварительных данных о сожженных деревнях и найдены еще неучтенные ранее такие деревни и погибшие люди. Работа по выявлению преступлений гитлеровцев на нашей земле продолжается.
No Pizza Calzone🍕
In such backward territories...
Irish Partizan is good friends with Bald and Bankrupt from their past times vlogging in Belarus !!
@@jjhonecker7644А как с жертвами режима нынешнего кровавого колхозника? Забил?
Каб наведацца ў Беларусі, патрэбна турыстычная віза. Можна падаць заяўку ў пасольства Беларусі ў залежнасці ад вашай краіны. На месцы можна атрымаць візу хутка. У Беларусі ёсць прыгожыя месцы для наведвання. Здаецца, грамадзяне Расіі можуць прыехаць у Беларусь без візы. Абодва краіны маюць угоду, якая дазваляе грамадзянам пераходзіць мяжы без візы для кароткатэрміновых пабыванняў. Напэўна, ёсць і іншыя краіны у гэтай угодзе. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Kab navedatstsa ŭ Belarusi, patrebna turyistychnaya viza. Mozhna padats’ zayavku ŭ pasol’stva Belarusi ŭ zalezhnastsi ad vashay krayiny. Na mestsy mozhna atrymats’ viza khutka. U Belarusi yosts’ pryhozhyya mestsy dlya navedvannya. Zdayetstsa, hramadzyane Rasiyi mozhuts’ pryyekhats’ u Belarus’ bez vizy. Abodva krayiny mayuts’ uhodu, yakaya dazvalyaye hramadzyanam perakhodzits’ myazhy bez vizy dlya karotkatэrmіnovykh pabyvannyau. Napэunna, yosts’ i inshyya krayiny u hetay uhodze👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
боги- где вы учили мову? вот интересно у поляков?
-нет у литовцев - трасянка
greeting to proper bloger Irish Partizan glad he explaining truth about Belarus
"Over 40 years of traveling around the globe" How do still look in your mid 20s?
So fucking insane to see you, just casually, meeting the irish partisan in Downtown Minsk. I'm hoping to see you visit the National library!!!
бред- это незаконно
Belorussian isn't as similar to Russian as you say. In fact, it's actually far more similar to Ukrainian. Belorussian and Ukrainian can speak to each other using any lexics of their languages while Russian won't understand them. Sadly, not many Belorussians use their native language due to heavy russification during last 2 centuries, although I know a few
I double this as a Belarusian. Notice, Belarusian is the correct spelling.
Russification of eastern europe left some marks that wont fade away. Mass deportations to siberia and pushing russian citizens to take their place did that job well.
@@Name-t9fbd I say White Ruthenian.
@@jordanjohnanderson You say it wrong way. White Ruthenian = Biełaruski = Belarusian.
bs no "russification" existed take your pills
Omg...ur russian is soo good
I'm Russian myself who fled to Germany in 2013 because Russia is such a terrible place. I really love Belarus (and hate Russia). They might seem similar but Belarus is sooo different. There you feel like in Europe. There is order, you won't see broken roads and third world landscapes like in Russia. It might seem poor but decent. Everything is super clean, works well, amazing cafes and restaurants and of course amazing people. They're very calm and polite, unlike other Eastern Europeans. It's also a very safe country (monoethnical, no "multi-kulti" madness). And yeah, despite living in a terrible dictatorship (same as in Russia) people there want freedom and to be a part of Europe. As a tourist you don't really feel the dictatorship.
Very quiet, nice and polite country. I really wanna see Belarus in the EU one day!
p.s. Belarus is not just Minsk, it's much more. You should visit other regions as well.
p.p.s. You used the wrong flag for the country. This green-red flag is the dictatorship flag. The real one is white-red-white (google бел-червоно-белый флаг Беларуси).
p.p.p.s. This is not the "security" in the metro , this is the security theater which is only in place in authoritarian regimes. For example there is no such thing in Ukraine.
I think Russian pressure towards Belarussian puppet goverment is such a strong they wont let belarussia to become too sovereing nation. So no EU for byelarussia.
You give it a plus for being homogenous, then you say you want it to join the European Onion. The Onion is 100% anti-White with racial replacement through massive immigration.
Последнее. Хочешь знать про диктатуру? У меня есть для тебя пример. Был такой либеральный канал "Дождь". Лизали задницу Навальному, мечтали о "прекрасной демократической России будущего под надзором стран НАТО", были за "европейские ценности" и прочее. В России они проработали много лет и никто их не трогал. Потом грянуло СВО, и они, от греха подальше переехали в Прибалтику. В Латвию если точнее. Знаешь сколько этот анти-российский канал просуществовал в Латвии? Пару месяцев! А потом местные власти взяли и закрыли их, что-то им там не понравилось, какая то фраза обронённая одним из ведущих. Дождь пытались извиниться, но нет, их закрыли с концами.
Так где диктатура?
@@alinakirill глупый вы человек.
У тебя в голове полный бардак. Я живу в Беларуси и не чувствую никакой диктатуры. Чувствую твердый порядок, уверенность, безопасность, перспективу и развитие. Уверен, что в Германии ты несчастлив, ты живешь в ментально чужой стране...
I admire your passion for Belarus... you didn't mention that the country is ruled by the Lukashenko regime. that many citizens are detained for fighting for freedom and the last presidential election, in which Chinauska won. of course, according to the electoral commission it was different... Then there were repressions against the Polish community... you didn't add that either... Andrzej Poczobut has been in prison for the third time in just a decade... because he is an opponent of the system. but he is not the only one... Swetlana Chinauska has not had any contact with her husband, who is under arrest, for over a year... For three years we have had huge confusion on the Belarusian-Polish border... At the invitation of the regime, immigrants who want to enter the European Union come . Yesterday, our serviceman died after being stabbed by a migrant at the border... So continue to travel freely in Belarus. It is a country unlike many in Europe. Democratic... No, sorry, it's a regime after all...
The Great Patriotic War is that part of WW2 that Soviet Union was not ashamed of.
did there share of massacring. Both Nazis and Soviets. Just ask the Polish.
@@walzer38 Ask the Poles what they, together with Nazi Germany, did to Czechoslovakia, first.
The USSR killed more Nazis than any of the allies. The USSR was the one who insisted on holding the Nuremberg trials. The USSR is the country that paid the greatest price for the destruction of the Third Reich - 26 million dead.
Why should we be ashamed? Because Great Britain and France rejected Stalin's proposal to create an anti-Hitler Coalition back in 1938? Its not our fault.
@@walzer38 and don't forget to ask them about Pilsudski-Hitler Pact
@@walzer38 comparing soviets and nazis is a brain damage, soviets did not divide people based on shape of skulls..
If you are in Belarus, I can recommend you a sure and simple way to see the inside of a KGB prison. Simply take a bus, train or plane to the Russian Federation. There are no border controls, so you can easily get there, but once you got inside Russia you will be arrested somewhere, because you do not have the Russian border stamp on your passport. That's true even if you have a valid Russian visa or a visa-exempted passport (Israel, for example).
Summing up: never, never cross the Belarus-Russian border!
Что за чушь вы написали ?
doing the Dictator Tour I see. Very nize. Borat approved.
awful country
just like you
I could never understand Western guys fascination with Russia or Belarus. First of all, it is post-Soviet and it shows, secondly certain people are very desperate to leave so they are prepared to do everything to use you like a springboard to a better life away from the dictatorship, if you study there there is not much you can do with a diploma (Maybe some BRICS countries would allow you to work there but not Western countries), if you work there, they pay very little and you can’t find many things in the stores from abroad because there is only one border crossing with the West open (that one will probably get closed soon as well). You suddenly can’t live there without being checked by their secret service on daily basis, which may include them getting inside of your home and check on you or follow you around for some time. If you do something that you are not supposed to do, even unknowingly then the amount of trouble you will get yourself into would make you regret that you ever heard of this country.
Ma e' vero che non ti piacciono le donne? 🙂
Belarus 🚽 Russia 🧻
Национальная библиотека Беларуси кажется прекрасным местом для посещения. Я не из Беларуси, но Национальная библиотека Минска - довольно необычное здание 👍
Natsional'naya biblioteka Belarusi kazhetsya prekrasnym mestom dlya poseshcheniya. Ya ne iz Belarusi, no Natsional'naya biblioteka Minska - dovol'no neobychnoe zdanie 👍