God I love Judd Winick's run, he is just great at throwing in these genuine moments in the runs he writes and his run literally made me cry at moments in it. Its just such a phenomenal run. Here is my top 10 1. Green Lantern Corps by Peter J. Tomasi 2. Omega Men -Tom King 3. Green Lantern- Judd Winnick 4. Sinestro- Cullen Bunn 5. Red Lantern Corps -Charles Soule 6. Green Lantern -Geoff Johns 7 Green Lantern:Mosaic :Gerard Jones 8. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps-Robert Venditti 9. Green Lantern -Ron Marz 10 Green Lantern New 52 run - Robert Venditti Special Mentions: Green Lanterns by Sam Humphries. The Flash and Green Lantern: Brave and The Bold- Mark Waid
Absolutely Mosaic deserves #1. The whole series at that time from the Emerald Dawn I and II mini series to issues 1-47 of Green Lantern vol 3 that included the original mini-series within a series of Mosaic seem to be under appreciated today. I wonder if it is Jones criminal activities of more recent years that stop them all being collected like they should be.
My favorite is the Ger.ad Jones. My first one and I was fascinated. I love the run Marz's run also. Geoff Johns run is good until blackest night. Then is downhill
My Top 10 Green Lantern runs are: 1.Denny O’ Neil(This was originally a green lantern run before they made it Green Arrow and Green Lantern you can clearly tell that Hal is the main character. I love the themes and situations where Hal can only learn about the world he left behind and finds a way to make resolutions even without making a Giant Construct) 2.Omega Men-Tom King(I’m cheating with this one, this was the run that shows that Tom King is a good writer when he wants to be and this is the best thing he’s ever written IMO)-I’m so happy that this run was canon in Dc to me this was the completion of Kyles Run ever since the 90s being a hero in an amoral world. It’s Impressive how Kyle is able to maintain any of his emotions in check after everything that happened to him in this Arc. 3.Peter an Tomasi-Green Lantern Corps(IMO this was more internally consistent in terms of theme and development in a green lantern run when Kyle showed up I was happy, I even like the later half) 4.Sinestro-Cullen Bunn(The development of Sinestro and different direction was mind blowing and I was impressed with the meta narrative of what fear is) 5.Red Lantern-Charles Soule(Similar to Sinestro but the development of Guy and showing that rage is not all bad) 6.Circle of Fire-Impressive Character Study of Kyle 7.New Guardians-I loved both Runs especially where Kyle gets to become a babysitter for the guardians and guard them. 8.Green Lanterns-Sam Humphries writing a buddy cop run that goes in no direction I predicted and the development of Jessica and Simon was stellar) 9.Geoff Johns run(I’ll get stoned to death for having this so low) 10.Ion By Ron Marz-Underrated run, it was good to see how much Kyle Learn after becoming one with god like power while also having the will to carry on with the power of his dead lover.The ending legit mentally broke me when I read it
I think my list would go: 10:GL New Guardians by Jordan. It was a pretty fun story, and it ended in a interesting way... that was never brought back again. 9:GL by Morrison. It plays much more into the space cop thing but in a larger scale. I love it. 8:Circle of Fire by Vaughan. Pretty good story overall, Oblivion is an amazing villain that unfortunately wasn't well explored after this story. 7:Guy Gardner by Jones. Guy has a very unique personality and it was overall just great to see him in action. 6:Gibbons GL Corps. Focus more on the space cop side of GL and does it really well, the new characters and Guy worked really well 5:Marz GL including his Ion mini series in the mid 2000s. KYLE rayner is my favorite GL and this run does a great job introducing and developing him, seeing him doing his best to match the legacy left by Jordan is great, Parallax View is still one of my all time favorite stories. 4:Johns entire run n52 included. Not much to say the new corps added a lot to the entire DC universe, for me it peaked in the Sinestro Corps War, the Sinestro corps was presented as a near unstoppable foes bringing classic villains back, the friendship and rivalry with Hal and Sinestro is by far my favorite thing in the entire run, seeing them getting closer again in the Sinestro GL arc was great, and the ending in GL vol 5 #20 is perfect. 3:Tomasi pre n52 GL Corps. It's really good exploring the new character even further, the dynamic between Kyle and Guy was great as well as Kylr's romance with Soranik, Vath and Isamot friendship is also developed even further. Sodam was pretty good too although i think he could be more explored. The stories varied and i liked the diversity of villains from Cyborg Superman to Mongul to Kryb. 2:Judd Winick GL. I'm a sucker for introspective stories so Winick's run was tailor made, for me Kyle is great he's a superhero who doesn't live in a shadow of a legacy anymore, i really like how his relationship with Jade was flehed out, despite not liking the final arc of the black sun Winick did with Raab i still think the run overall is great. And Nero is awesome btw. 1: Omega Men by Tom King. I think it's just perfect, it brought a completely new vision to the Omega Men and Kyle is just perfect as the main character, his progression is really good as he understands more of the war and how it reflects to himself. And some honorable mentions: War journal:Isn't in the list as it's still going on, in reality it barely started. Mosaic: I've only read the first 4 issues and i'm liking a lot, probably would be in the list if the quality is consistent throughout it. Emerald Dawn: pretty standard origin story but it's well made. Emerald Dawn 2: it can ve divided in two parts Hal Jordan in jail which is an absolutely moronic story, Hal makes the worst decisions you can possibly imagine and the otger part when Hal is with Sinestro which is amazing and make up for the dumb prison plot.
1. Johns and tomasi run ( I think of them together but both are great). 2. Vendetti run(just great and the new 52 stuff is underrated 3. Ron marz run( super fun) I'll mention the winnick run and theres some other good stuff out there . But these are the good long runs.
My personal list: 1. Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps Rebirth by Robert Venditti 2. Green Lantern by Geoff Johns 3. Green Arrow/Green Lantern by Denny O'Neil 4. Green Lantern by Ron Marz 5. The Green Lantern by Grant Morrison
Have never been into DC let alone Green Lantern. Recently started reading and I’m loving it. Your videos are really helpful for a noob like me. Started with Rebirth and still reading so it’s my favorite so far.
Vendittis Hal and thr GLC is very special to me As it balances alot of parts of the mythos on a large scale, and knows when to zoom in on specific characters to show their motivations to keep fighting I wish that it went on longer and wasn't replaced by GL 2018 by Morrison
Denny O'Neill and Neal Adams' Lantern/Arrow run from 1969-'72. That run helped changed comics into more of an adult medium, with topical story lines, social commentary, and well-delineated characterizations. This helped DC give Marvel a run for its money but still stuck to linear stories.
I feel like such a basic bitch, but I really do love the Johns run to absolute death. It affected me in the same way Mosaic affected you. It changed the way I view…stories. Hal’s fight for internal redemption from Rebirth onwards speaks to me, and his dynamic with Sinestro is some of the most interesting character work I’ve ever seen. I can’t deny the run gets noticeably weaker after Blackest Night (even though I love it the whole way through), but goddamn if it doesn’t come together for my favorite finale in comics. Far Sector is such a great choice. That comic is infinitely re-readable. There’s so much depth and intrigue there. Obviously, Mosaic, GLC, and Winick’s run are all-timers. But it was awesome to see Sinestro get some love. Anyway, great list. Fun video to watch as always, man. I think I need to go read Mosaic again now…
The unresolved mystery of Kyle Rayner is this. If Crisis on Infinite Earths had not whipped out the multiverse, Kyle would have been the one to inherit Alan Scotts ring. As well as husband of Jade. Kyle was destined to carry the Starheart as ION and his wife Eon.
13:07 That is the element that catches me from these characters and cosmic stories. In Marvel it would be the Silver Surfer and in DC Green / Red Lanterns... characters who live, affect or suffer one day like any other on our planet Earth, but who can then take flight and go to another galaxy or fight intergalactic battles.
I agree, GL Mosaic is the best run that made me LOVE comics. I was surprised by the modern nature of the list. Where was hard-traveling heroes? (Not even honorable mention?) But the biggest surprise was the omission of John Broome. If the Gibbons's run made the list for all its great characters, Broome created memorable characters and laid of the foundation for the entire mythos! (Love the channel!)
This is definitely a hot take list. For me, Sinestro, Johns, Winnick, Tomasi and mosaic are definitely top 5. I don’t think Far Sector was as great as everyone made it out to be, I did enjoy it, but I think at this point I’m growing tired of all the new earth lanterns. I honestly think Green Lanterns was better than far sector, purely due to Jessica Cruz.
I understand this all your opinion, but it is absolutely criminal for you to place the Geoff Johns run that low. His run redefined Green Lantern and Dc cosmic and is one of the greatest comic book runs of all time.
Green Lantern became my favorite character after getting tired of DC placing Batman (my then favorite character) everywhere and had him overcome everything. Even situations where metas like Flash or Superman couldn´t handle. I started with the Sinestro Corps War. Didn´t know what to expect since then I barely knew anything of the GL Corps lore. Blew me away! If Blackest Night wasn´t as spectcular as it is, for sure, Sinestro Corps War would have been the best run on the character. So glad you liked Red Lanterns. I do too. But I do love the entire run. When Atoricitus lead the team the comic was its own unique thing and later when Guy took over another. Both great. However, the Atorocitus part suffered because of several mandated crossovers. I understand why DC decided to just give us "short runs" of Red Lanterns and Sinestro Corps. Because they are meant to be the antagonists of the GLs. If we end up loving them then there´s no difference between them and the GLs. After watching your video I´d wish I could own most of them. Particularly GREEN LANTERNS CORPS QUATERLY and the entire Kyle Rayner run. If I were DC this is how I´d handle the human GLs: Hal Jordan the main GL, Kyle a White Lantern, Guy a Red Lantern, Simon to the Far Sector, Jessica to take turns with Hal every now and then and Stewart to the Alpha Corps.
I read a lot of 80s GLs, so i'd have to throw in GL/GA (pre cancellation), all the 'Tales of...' backups and the 'Exiled in Space' storyline. Jone's run on regular GL is a likely entry too.
My list is absolutely going to be subjective and unique to my experience. I started reading green lantern in late 2011 with The New 52 line that included Green Lantern (Geoff Johns), Green Lantern Corps (Peter J. Tomasi), Green Lantern: New Guardians (Tony Bedard), and Red Lanterns (Peter Milligan). I've more or less read everything GL from that point forward, so the Grant Morrison run was a hard and confusing time as I don't have any of the older knowledgebase that was vital to his run. In fact, I have yet to even read the full run of Geoff Johns, and only recently started it in earnest. That being said my top ten are: 1. N.K. Jemisin (Far Sector) 2. Tom King (The Omega Men) 3. Sam Humprheys (Green Lanterns) 4. Charles Soule (Red Lanterns) 5. Cullen Bunn (Sinestro) 6. Geoff Johns (Green Lantern) 7. Peter J. Tomasi (Green Lantern Corps) 8. Robert Venditti (Green Lantern) 9. Tony Bedard/Justin Jordan (Green Lantern: New Guardians) 10. Cullen Bunn (Green Lantern: Lost Army)
Nice video, but here’s my thoughts and takeaways on it: 1. My top runs are as follows: Geoff Johns GL Robert Vendetti’s GL Larfleeze run Sinrestro run Red Lanterns run Morrison I started reading at Johns’ run and haven’t read anything before that yet, So eventually my list will change perhaps. 2. I have to disagree with you overall about the “positive” and “negative” aspects of the emotional spectrum. Sure those stand-alone series shed more light on the orange, yellow and red lantern mythos and directed you towards being more sympathetic with them but at the end of the day regardless of how they came about into the corps the actual emotional aspects of those are negative in reality. You really think Greed is a positive or a misunderstood emotion? Sorry, but no it’s straight up negative and they carry that.
I have only read the Geoff johns run but I still watched the comicstoriain on green lantern and johns was my jumping on point and will probably be my favorite forever but the fight between hal and sinestro in the first storyline of hal jordan and the green lantern corps was awesome
Cool list, but I can't lie, seeing Geoff Johns list ay number 9 shocked me 😂 And I understand, you weren't a fan of a lot post Blackest Night, but wooo man his run added so much lore and made GL a true A list character for a time. Mosiac is a good run. I tracked it down a few years back and really enjoyed it. Red Lanterns with Guy Gardner as the main lead was fantastic as well.
Good list for the most part. Some I personally wouldn't include and I'm not a fan of your order of them. The biggest disappointment is nothing pre 1992. I was hoping to see some older stuff that I wasn't aware of.
I have to disagree with you on wrath of the first lantern and rise of the third Army. Those are some of my absolute favorite Green Lantern stories and I hope Jeff Johns entire run gets made into A Green Lantern movie/series even if I may not like the man all that much.
This is my top ten list 1.Geoff Johns Green lantern Run 2.Ron Marz Green lantern run 3.Justin Jordan Green Lantern New guardians run 4.Sinestro By Cullen Bunn 5.Gerard Jones Green lantern run 6.Robert Venditti Green lantern Run 7.Peter Tomasi Green lantern corps run 8.Steve Englehart Green lantern Run 9.Judd Winick Green lantern Run 10.Ion By Ron Marz
I really like the winnick run and I wish DC would put it and the ron marz run in omnibus format. But the ion design is not nearly as good as the o.g. rayner design.
Also why don't you start making what if stories and base the choices on each character's motives and personality, I see a lot of youtubers do it and blow up from it.
GL's in general have become feckless, 3rd rate punks now. Constructs shatter like sugar glass. Being beaten by middling villains. Omitted or quickly taken out in DCAU. A once heavy hitter is now just lame.
I found far sector to be a bit boring and flat. It did not help that nothing about it was recognizable as DC. I was expecting something similar to Star Trek's Voyager, but got a story that may as well not have been Green lantern at all.
Having Geoff Johns run on Green Lantern at number 9 in a top 10 Green Lantern run list is crazy
Honestly my favorite run is Geoff johns green Lantern run it was really awesome and badass.
1. Johns
2. Tomasi/Gleason
3. Venditti
4. Morrison
5. King(Omega)
6. Soule (Red)
7. Oneal/Adams
8. Wein/Gibbons
9. Winick
10. Marz
The correct list.
I forgot some of these. Eh I need to read pre Geoff Johns GL
Great list!! Iv read just about all of these. Geoff John’s run and 90s Kyle is peak GL for me.
That Winnick run is so human. I love it.
God I love Judd Winick's run, he is just great at throwing in these genuine moments in the runs he writes and his run literally made me cry at moments in it. Its just such a phenomenal run.
Here is my top 10
1. Green Lantern Corps by Peter J. Tomasi
2. Omega Men -Tom King
3. Green Lantern- Judd Winnick
4. Sinestro- Cullen Bunn
5. Red Lantern Corps -Charles Soule
6. Green Lantern -Geoff Johns
7 Green Lantern:Mosaic :Gerard Jones
8. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps-Robert Venditti
9. Green Lantern -Ron Marz
10 Green Lantern New 52 run - Robert Venditti
Special Mentions: Green Lanterns by Sam Humphries.
The Flash and Green Lantern: Brave and The Bold- Mark Waid
I’m surprised there was no mention of Venditti’s Hal and the GLC run. That was the closest to Tomasi’s GLC that any writer has ever gotten.
The vendetti stuff is great and the new 52 material is underrated in my opinion. The guy wrote almost 90 issues.
Absolutely Mosaic deserves #1. The whole series at that time from the Emerald Dawn I and II mini series to issues 1-47 of Green Lantern vol 3 that included the original mini-series within a series of Mosaic seem to be under appreciated today. I wonder if it is Jones criminal activities of more recent years that stop them all being collected like they should be.
My favorite is the Ger.ad Jones. My first one and I was fascinated.
I love the run Marz's run also.
Geoff Johns run is good until blackest night. Then is downhill
My Top 10 Green Lantern runs are:
1.Denny O’ Neil(This was originally a green lantern run before they made it Green Arrow and Green Lantern you can clearly tell that Hal is the main character. I love the themes and situations where Hal can only learn about the world he left behind and finds a way to make resolutions even without making a Giant Construct)
2.Omega Men-Tom King(I’m cheating with this one, this was the run that shows that Tom King is a good writer when he wants to be and this is the best thing he’s ever written IMO)-I’m so happy that this run was canon in Dc to me this was the completion of Kyles Run ever since the 90s being a hero in an amoral world. It’s Impressive how Kyle is able to maintain any of his emotions in check after everything that happened to him in this Arc.
3.Peter an Tomasi-Green Lantern Corps(IMO this was more internally consistent in terms of theme and development in a green lantern run when Kyle showed up I was happy, I even like the later half)
4.Sinestro-Cullen Bunn(The development of Sinestro and different direction was mind blowing and I was impressed with the meta narrative of what fear is)
5.Red Lantern-Charles Soule(Similar to Sinestro but the development of Guy and showing that rage is not all bad)
6.Circle of Fire-Impressive Character Study of Kyle
7.New Guardians-I loved both Runs especially where Kyle gets to become a babysitter for the guardians and guard them.
8.Green Lanterns-Sam Humphries writing a buddy cop run that goes in no direction I predicted and the development of Jessica and Simon was stellar)
9.Geoff Johns run(I’ll get stoned to death for having this so low)
10.Ion By Ron Marz-Underrated run, it was good to see how much Kyle Learn after becoming one with god like power while also having the will to carry on with the power of his dead lover.The ending legit mentally broke me when I read it
New Guardians had its moments fr I loved it
Where is Geoff Johns run?
@@Qthetar #9 my man
This is awesome. I’ve been looking to dive into green lantern books. All the green lanterns are my fav from the DC animated shows and games
I think my list would go:
10:GL New Guardians by Jordan. It was a pretty fun story, and it ended in a interesting way... that was never brought back again.
9:GL by Morrison. It plays much more into the space cop thing but in a larger scale. I love it.
8:Circle of Fire by Vaughan. Pretty good story overall, Oblivion is an amazing villain that unfortunately wasn't well explored after this story.
7:Guy Gardner by Jones. Guy has a very unique personality and it was overall just great to see him in action.
6:Gibbons GL Corps. Focus more on the space cop side of GL and does it really well, the new characters and Guy worked really well
5:Marz GL including his Ion mini series in the mid 2000s. KYLE rayner is my favorite GL and this run does a great job introducing and developing him, seeing him doing his best to match the legacy left by Jordan is great, Parallax View is still one of my all time favorite stories.
4:Johns entire run n52 included. Not much to say the new corps added a lot to the entire DC universe, for me it peaked in the Sinestro Corps War, the Sinestro corps was presented as a near unstoppable foes bringing classic villains back, the friendship and rivalry with Hal and Sinestro is by far my favorite thing in the entire run, seeing them getting closer again in the Sinestro GL arc was great, and the ending in GL vol 5 #20 is perfect.
3:Tomasi pre n52 GL Corps. It's really good exploring the new character even further, the dynamic between Kyle and Guy was great as well as Kylr's romance with Soranik, Vath and Isamot friendship is also developed even further. Sodam was pretty good too although i think he could be more explored. The stories varied and i liked the diversity of villains from Cyborg Superman to Mongul to Kryb.
2:Judd Winick GL. I'm a sucker for introspective stories so Winick's run was tailor made, for me Kyle is great he's a superhero who doesn't live in a shadow of a legacy anymore, i really like how his relationship with Jade was flehed out, despite not liking the final arc of the black sun Winick did with Raab i still think the run overall is great. And Nero is awesome btw.
1: Omega Men by Tom King. I think it's just perfect, it brought a completely new vision to the Omega Men and Kyle is just perfect as the main character, his progression is really good as he understands more of the war and how it reflects to himself.
And some honorable mentions:
War journal:Isn't in the list as it's still going on, in reality it barely started.
Mosaic: I've only read the first 4 issues and i'm liking a lot, probably would be in the list if the quality is consistent throughout it.
Emerald Dawn: pretty standard origin story but it's well made.
Emerald Dawn 2: it can ve divided in two parts Hal Jordan in jail which is an absolutely moronic story, Hal makes the worst decisions you can possibly imagine and the otger part when Hal is with Sinestro which is amazing and make up for the dumb prison plot.
1. Johns and tomasi run ( I think of them together but both are great).
2. Vendetti run(just great and the new 52 stuff is underrated
3. Ron marz run( super fun)
I'll mention the winnick run and theres some other good stuff out there . But these are the good long runs.
My personal list:
1. Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps Rebirth by Robert Venditti
2. Green Lantern by Geoff Johns
3. Green Arrow/Green Lantern by Denny O'Neil
4. Green Lantern by Ron Marz
5. The Green Lantern by Grant Morrison
No Green Lantern corps by Peter J Tomasi?
Have never been into DC let alone Green Lantern. Recently started reading and I’m loving it. Your videos are really helpful for a noob like me. Started with Rebirth and still reading so it’s my favorite so far.
Vendittis Hal and thr GLC is very special to me
As it balances alot of parts of the mythos on a large scale, and knows when to zoom in on specific characters to show their motivations to keep fighting
I wish that it went on longer and wasn't replaced by GL 2018 by Morrison
Denny O'Neill and Neal Adams' Lantern/Arrow run from 1969-'72. That run helped changed comics into more of an adult medium, with topical story lines, social commentary, and well-delineated characterizations. This helped DC give Marvel a run for its money but still stuck to linear stories.
I feel like such a basic bitch, but I really do love the Johns run to absolute death. It affected me in the same way Mosaic affected you. It changed the way I view…stories. Hal’s fight for internal redemption from Rebirth onwards speaks to me, and his dynamic with Sinestro is some of the most interesting character work I’ve ever seen. I can’t deny the run gets noticeably weaker after Blackest Night (even though I love it the whole way through), but goddamn if it doesn’t come together for my favorite finale in comics.
Far Sector is such a great choice. That comic is infinitely re-readable. There’s so much depth and intrigue there. Obviously, Mosaic, GLC, and Winick’s run are all-timers. But it was awesome to see Sinestro get some love.
Anyway, great list. Fun video to watch as always, man. I think I need to go read Mosaic again now…
awesome list! 100% agree on mosaic
Great list man really love your content
The unresolved mystery of Kyle Rayner is this.
If Crisis on Infinite Earths had not whipped out the multiverse, Kyle would have been the one to inherit Alan Scotts ring. As well as husband of Jade. Kyle was destined to carry the Starheart as ION and his wife Eon.
I like this new background music, maybe use it every time you make a list video and use the persona bar music when covering issues?
I just read Sinestro for the first time, I absolutely loved it.
13:07 That is the element that catches me from these characters and cosmic stories. In Marvel it would be the Silver Surfer and in DC Green / Red Lanterns... characters who live, affect or suffer one day like any other on our planet Earth, but who can then take flight and go to another galaxy or fight intergalactic battles.
I agree, GL Mosaic is the best run that made me LOVE comics. I was surprised by the modern nature of the list. Where was hard-traveling heroes? (Not even honorable mention?) But the biggest surprise was the omission of John Broome. If the Gibbons's run made the list for all its great characters, Broome created memorable characters and laid of the foundation for the entire mythos! (Love the channel!)
This is definitely a hot take list. For me, Sinestro, Johns, Winnick, Tomasi and mosaic are definitely top 5. I don’t think Far Sector was as great as everyone made it out to be, I did enjoy it, but I think at this point I’m growing tired of all the new earth lanterns. I honestly think Green Lanterns was better than far sector, purely due to Jessica Cruz.
Far Sector was mid but the art carries so hard
dark crisis 4 will have hal and barry team up against pariah
Yup, I'm looking forward to it.
Hope so for Hal’s sake.
I understand this all your opinion, but it is absolutely criminal for you to place the Geoff Johns run that low. His run redefined Green Lantern and Dc cosmic and is one of the greatest comic book runs of all time.
He’s on drugs.
Bro He is trying to be edgy with a controversial take he does not believe himself lol
@@Qthetar well it is HIS opinion as he stated in the video.
You guys HAVE to read more shi
Bro quit being that nerd it’s his video and his opinion he can rank them however he wants as it’s HIS OPINION. Weirdo
The Judd Winnick run was sick
Also Jade is so cute
Green Lantern became my favorite character after getting tired of DC placing Batman (my then favorite character) everywhere and had him overcome everything. Even situations where metas like Flash or Superman couldn´t handle.
I started with the Sinestro Corps War. Didn´t know what to expect since then I barely knew anything of the GL Corps lore. Blew me away! If Blackest Night wasn´t as spectcular as it is, for sure, Sinestro Corps War would have been the best run on the character.
So glad you liked Red Lanterns. I do too. But I do love the entire run. When Atoricitus lead the team the comic was its own unique thing and later when Guy took over another. Both great. However, the Atorocitus part suffered because of several mandated crossovers.
I understand why DC decided to just give us "short runs" of Red Lanterns and Sinestro Corps. Because they are meant to be the antagonists of the GLs. If we end up loving them then there´s no difference between them and the GLs.
After watching your video I´d wish I could own most of them. Particularly GREEN LANTERNS CORPS QUATERLY and the entire Kyle Rayner run.
If I were DC this is how I´d handle the human GLs: Hal Jordan the main GL, Kyle a White Lantern, Guy a Red Lantern, Simon to the Far Sector, Jessica to take turns with Hal every now and then and Stewart to the Alpha Corps.
Geoff John’s run revived Hal Jordan and put green lanterns back as one of dc most popular hero’s.
I read a lot of 80s GLs, so i'd have to throw in GL/GA (pre cancellation), all the 'Tales of...' backups and the 'Exiled in Space' storyline. Jone's run on regular GL is a likely entry too.
Hands down number one run roughly Showcase 22-24 and Green Lantern 1-75 Gil Kane and John Broome cause Gil Kane of course.
My list is absolutely going to be subjective and unique to my experience. I started reading green lantern in late 2011 with The New 52 line that included Green Lantern (Geoff Johns), Green Lantern Corps (Peter J. Tomasi), Green Lantern: New Guardians (Tony Bedard), and Red Lanterns (Peter Milligan). I've more or less read everything GL from that point forward, so the Grant Morrison run was a hard and confusing time as I don't have any of the older knowledgebase that was vital to his run. In fact, I have yet to even read the full run of Geoff Johns, and only recently started it in earnest. That being said my top ten are:
1. N.K. Jemisin (Far Sector)
2. Tom King (The Omega Men)
3. Sam Humprheys (Green Lanterns)
4. Charles Soule (Red Lanterns)
5. Cullen Bunn (Sinestro)
6. Geoff Johns (Green Lantern)
7. Peter J. Tomasi (Green Lantern Corps)
8. Robert Venditti (Green Lantern)
9. Tony Bedard/Justin Jordan (Green Lantern: New Guardians)
10. Cullen Bunn (Green Lantern: Lost Army)
Nice video, but here’s my thoughts and takeaways on it:
1. My top runs are as follows:
Geoff Johns GL
Robert Vendetti’s GL
Larfleeze run
Sinrestro run
Red Lanterns run
I started reading at Johns’ run and haven’t read anything before that yet,
So eventually my list will change perhaps.
2. I have to disagree with you overall about the “positive” and “negative” aspects of the emotional spectrum. Sure those stand-alone series shed more light on the orange, yellow and red lantern mythos and directed you towards being more sympathetic with them but at the end of the day regardless of how they came about into the corps the actual emotional aspects of those are negative in reality. You really think Greed is a positive or a misunderstood emotion? Sorry, but no it’s straight up negative and they carry that.
I have only read the Geoff johns run but I still watched the comicstoriain on green lantern and johns was my jumping on point and will probably be my favorite forever but the fight between hal and sinestro in the first storyline of hal jordan and the green lantern corps was awesome
Cool list, but I can't lie, seeing Geoff Johns list ay number 9 shocked me 😂 And I understand, you weren't a fan of a lot post Blackest Night, but wooo man his run added so much lore and made GL a true A list character for a time. Mosiac is a good run. I tracked it down a few years back and really enjoyed it. Red Lanterns with Guy Gardner as the main lead was fantastic as well.
Sinestro ia a good and underrated run. But the johns run should be number 1. I think the johns lantern run is arguably the best comic run ever.
green lantern rebirt, blackest night and hal jordan and the green lantern corps
Good list for the most part. Some I personally wouldn't include and I'm not a fan of your order of them. The biggest disappointment is nothing pre 1992. I was hoping to see some older stuff that I wasn't aware of.
Green lantern wanted: Hal Jordan
I have to disagree with you on wrath of the first lantern and rise of the third Army. Those are some of my absolute favorite Green Lantern stories and I hope Jeff Johns entire run gets made into A Green Lantern movie/series even if I may not like the man all that much.
Wow thanks❤😍😁
John’s should have been higher.
They really should bring back GL quarterly
Ventriloquist was in blackest night do I need to continue?
where do you rank venditti's hal jordan and the green lantern corps?
My favorite is Rage of the Red Lanterns. Then Sinestro Corp . Then Blackest Night. Sorry, greens.
I’ve only read one paper back
This is my top ten list
1.Geoff Johns Green lantern Run
2.Ron Marz Green lantern run
3.Justin Jordan Green Lantern New guardians run
4.Sinestro By Cullen Bunn
5.Gerard Jones Green lantern run
6.Robert Venditti Green lantern Run
7.Peter Tomasi Green lantern corps run
8.Steve Englehart Green lantern Run
9.Judd Winick Green lantern Run
10.Ion By Ron Marz
I really like the winnick run and I wish DC would put it and the ron marz run in omnibus format. But the ion design is not nearly as good as the o.g. rayner design.
Also why don't you start making what if stories and base the choices on each character's motives and personality, I see a lot of youtubers do it and blow up from it.
2:36 of Green Lantern AND DC!!!!
Red lanterns was perfection until guy Gardner showed up ruined it all
GL's in general have become feckless, 3rd rate punks now. Constructs shatter like sugar glass. Being beaten by middling villains. Omitted or quickly taken out in DCAU. A once heavy hitter is now just lame.
I found far sector to be a bit boring and flat. It did not help that nothing about it was recognizable as DC. I was expecting something similar to Star Trek's Voyager, but got a story that may as well not have been Green lantern at all.
As The Grand Priest of The Temple of the Algorithm, I bless this video with a comment.