A Police Radar Makes Mistakes

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • Fourteen scenes recorded the same day during a 3 hour period.

ความคิดเห็น • 275

  • @nightmareinaction629
    @nightmareinaction629 6 ปีที่แล้ว +226

    I knew I was not crazy when a officer told me I was going 137 in a 3 cylinder car the barely reaches 105 I got My ticket dismissed just because the top speed of my car

    • @hall01235
      @hall01235 6 ปีที่แล้ว +60

      I got pulled over and the officer said I was going 95 - bullshit. It was closer to 160.

    • @andreamoroni97
      @andreamoroni97 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kevin Ngo BMW Series 1.

    • @stojansimke4130
      @stojansimke4130 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kevin VW polo 1.3 its Europe car, I know that car don't exist in usa but just an example 😉

    • @Aaronaitor
      @Aaronaitor 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mitsubishi Mirage.

    • @Zipppyart
      @Zipppyart 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Geo Metro!

  • @jerrypolete5258
    @jerrypolete5258 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Radar shouldn’t be allowed to be used, it’s a cheap way to take money from hard working citizens. When cops stop breaking the law I will do the same. It don’t seem fair to me when cops drive around running stop signs, speeding, no blinkers, unsafe lane changes etc but yet if a citizen does it they get pulled over and given a ticket. How can anyone go home to their family and look their wife and kids in the eye and tell them they did their job protecting the citizens that day? All they did was take food out of someone’s mouth and clothes off their back. Most cops are pieces of shit. If your a cop and you have no problem breaking the law yourself but pulling someone over that did the same thing you did most likely minutes before they did and give them a ticket you’re a piece of shit my friend. That’s not what being a police officer is all about. Being a police officer is being honest and having dignity, giving out tickets for the same thing you did wrong in your police car is fraud. Cops that are like that should be ashamed of themselves and I’m sure if your family knew they would be ashamed of you as well. Being a cop isn’t about getting as much money from citizens as possible, it’s protecting the community and that’s not how you do that. Taking people money only hurts the community and the economy, that’s exactly why there is so much poverty in our country because of piece of shit cops that work for our overreaching government that wants everyone’s money because of greedy politicians! It’s sucking to be honest and don’t make you feel proud to live in America anymore. America used to be great when we had REAL people running it that actually cared and weren’t greedy.

    • @trulux8395
      @trulux8395 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      them donuts aint gonna pay for themselves

  • @retiredsmlltwncop3985
    @retiredsmlltwncop3985 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Off angle!
    Not vaild!
    Doppler tracking tone is horrific!
    Have the calibration recertified.
    Not mounted correctly!

  • @krazor8
    @krazor8 6 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    118 in a semi... Start up east bound and down...

    • @22addict40
      @22addict40 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      krazor8 it can be done, I drove a cattle truck for awhile and we had one that would run 120 empty or loaded, the rest would run 99-100!

    • @waynesworld2086
      @waynesworld2086 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Been in a couple trucks that can roll, 04 kW did 105mph and a freight liner I'm n now 102mph lol

  • @ttss5726
    @ttss5726 8 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    hell you can turn on the vents in the car on high and point the radar at the vents and it will give a speed reading.

  • @Texasmilitarydepartmentvid9654
    @Texasmilitarydepartmentvid9654 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I bet the kids on the Magic School Bus going 103 miles an hour are terrified for there life. They don't know the Driver installed a Nos Kit and used to be a NASCAR driver . Don't worry children he's professional you'll get to school on time .

  • @GewelReal
    @GewelReal 6 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    That's why dashcam recorder with speedo is a must

    • @MaxiiBoii23
      @MaxiiBoii23 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which ones (brands) have speedmeters

    • @gen157
      @gen157 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Just to point out for those going this route, GPS speedometers can be fairly inaccurate and take some time to update. However, they are helpful in dismissing a ticket.

    • @freakyflow
      @freakyflow 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      in the same lazy time it took you too type this here you could of....aww whats the use

    • @AgentFour
      @AgentFour 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Brad Shram if you believe video evidence is inadmissible in court, do you also believe witness testimony is inadmissible in court?

  • @sinformant
    @sinformant 6 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I've been there. Years ago I was leaving work, headed down the highway omw home in a group of cars, i was in the left lane there was a car ahead of me, a car next to them, and a van beside me and a car behind them. We were traveling 70 in a 70, suddenly a highway patrolman came up on me, I looked down double checked I wasn't speeding, which I wasn't so I was relieved...until the lights came on. So I slowed down so I could get over and pulled into a church parking lot. The cop came up and asked why I was in such a hurry. I said I was headed home and I thought it was 70 through here. He said it is but you were doing 95. I was like there is no way, and if I was doing 95 then the entire group of cars I was traveling with was doing 95 too. He said what cars? I said seriously? He copped an attitude and wrote me a ticket for 95 in a 70... Went to the court house, they set up a court date. Went to court and they offered me 2 options pleed guilty and accepted a deal, or pleed not guilty and I'd have to come back to court and the day would push for 60 days in jail and have my license suspended for a year.... I didn't even have money for the ticket in the first place so I definitely couldn't afford a lawyer, it was clear to me at this point I wasn't going to have even a fair chance as there were several.other people in there for the same exact thing, many from out of state without even a blemish on their driving records and they all received the same treatment. It would up costing me the cost of the ticket, court costs, I was issued a probation officer which I had to send $20 to every month and check in with every month for a year, and pay for an attend a defensive driving class that had to take place in that specific county, they wouldn't let me take one locally and send the paperwork as proof over. I had sense moved and hour and a half away between the time I received the ticket and the day I had court....if I went 1 years with no other tickets and didn't miss checking in with my probation officer they would drop the ticket off my record like it never existed. 4 months in checking in with the probation officer I called to check in and couldn't get ahold of her just went to a machine. After a week of this I was freaking out as they told me if I ever failed to contact her I'd have a warrant issued for my arrest. I drove the hour and a half to her office which was closed. So I asked around and they tell.me she went on vacation. A week later still calling every day she finally answers and says she got my message like it was no big deal. 1 year later on the dot I was set to have a final hearing in which I was to be released from probation and he done with it all. I take the day off work and drive over to that county to the courthouse, speak to the court clerk who tells me I'm not even on the docket . I showed her my paperwork that showed I had court that day she called around got no answers, so I went up stairs to my probation officers office to talk with her, she acts like I'm.worrried for nothing and tells me that its all done and I don't have court, I have completed everything and am released. I was finally relieved to be done with it all and I left. Now keep in mind this was just a traffic offense, I didn't try to explode the cops or anything, simply pulled over. Fast forward 4 years. I apply at a job that required a special security clearance and through background check to pass to obtain a special license. I have to fill out forms and write down every and I mean every single encounter with law enforcement, even if its a simple speeding ticket or a ticket for a headlights out. I fill that form out to the best of my knowledge. And turn it in. A week later I get a call to come down to the office where I'd applied and the lady seems mad at me for some reason. She tells me that I lied on a federal form and I could go to jail. I was shocked and told her I had included everything which I had, even that traffic ticket. She said no you lied and kept asking if I was going to keep losing or tell her the truth. I said look I have no idea what this is about I put everything on that form. She tells.me I have a criminal.misdamenor on my record. I was like what for,when, and where. Then she names the county. I said the only thing have ever gotten there was a speeding ticket that was supposed to have never even gone on my record but I had even included it on the form and I pointed at it on the form. So she looks into it further, and sure enough there it was, criminal.misdameanor for speeding. She was baffled and so was i. She said she had been doing this job for over 10 years and had never seen something like that ever. Needless to say I never drove through that county ever again. BTW If you read all this I thank you!

    • @GewelReal
      @GewelReal 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      sinformant sure

    • @misternaem2103
      @misternaem2103 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What county?

    • @sinformant
      @sinformant 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Misterchoww Ww Washington county, OK

    • @UnvisitedProfile
      @UnvisitedProfile 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Half of this is a load of horses-shit and only you will know the increments buddy. My first ticket was for exceeding speeds of 100+ which I plead not guilty to cause I was below 100 but above 80 on a 65+ (sport-bikes) and of course they chose his words over mines with no radar and only his “certified” perception to see cars go by. I ended up with a 30 day suspension,2 points, and a hefty fine. (Short jail time is common if speed was from a radar). I’m not saying everyone’s case is the same but don’t go around bullshitting about having probation and hidden fees cause you got fucked for a minor infraction. It’s like you let your emotions do the typing for you smh

    • @noolaiphx8189
      @noolaiphx8189 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      With the commotion going on right now and the ever new revelations, I totally believe you 100%.

  • @davidedwards3361
    @davidedwards3361 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Isn't it strange that a line of vehicles all following each other at the same sppd, all get different speeds recorded, and not just a little difference, but 20mph and more. Let all us policemen just go out and raise revenue, the politicians need another pay rise.

  • @bigolbootycheeks9138
    @bigolbootycheeks9138 6 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    The best part is when some officers write tickets for readings like that. Ya, I got you at 125mph in your geo metro, it traffic.

  • @lennylenz
    @lennylenz 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Houses have been clocked at 3 mph before. They must be calibrated regularly.

    • @FLHTdriver
      @FLHTdriver 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Calibration is one of the biggest issues for Radar. Here in Oregon (a Police State) if you get a ticket go to court and ask to depose the officer on his recent training and the time since his Radar unit was last calibrated. Bet you walk out cleared!

    • @lennylenz
      @lennylenz 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Joe Cos true indeed, houses have been clocked doing 5 mph before.

  • @jrogertrudel6356
    @jrogertrudel6356 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Errors of Photo Radar.
    How many people know what angular deviation is? The use of Radar to calculate the speed of a vehicle on a highway is quite accurate on a straight line highway, but when a radar beam is place on a vehicle traveling in a curved section of a highway, the reading can be as high as 30 percent off. The province of BC conducted tests in 2008 which showed that a radar gun placed at a 45 degree angle to the speed of a vehicle traveling at 100 km / hour, actually reads 115 to 120 km / hr. I actually participated in one of those tests. Last year I moved from British Columbia to Alberta and I've got a vehicle equipped with a dash cam camera. Last week I experienced traveling in Devon Alberta in a 30 km zone at the speed 35 km/hr, as recorded by the dash cam. I was pulled over and received a ticket from a Town CPO where the officer wrote in the radar speed to be 44 km / hr. An error of 9 km / hr. I traced back the location of where the radar was used at and sure enough the officer was shooting his radar at an angle of 30 to a 60 degree angle. Such a high deviation angle gave the officer a false speed reading. I covered 390 meters in exactly 40 seconds. When you do the math, 390 meters in 40 seconds calculates to exactly what my dash cam indicated, that being 35 km per hour. Because British Columbia has plenty of curved roads, there were 1000's of Radar readings that were way above the actual speed of the vehicle which was traveling within the correct speed limit. Many photo radar operators know about this angle deviation, and will purposely place themselves close to a curved highway area and collect false radar readings so as to increase their earnings and the profits they illegally collect for their local government, an act that robs funds from motor vehicle drivers. This act is better know as a "Cash Cow Profit" for the government that allows it to operate.

  • @Photostudioww
    @Photostudioww 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Looks like it's combining speeds of two cars. And picking up ghost cars going 120mph. 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻🚲

    • @OmniscientWarrior
      @OmniscientWarrior 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Basically. The cars going away are being used as a zero because of lack of proper reference. So their speed would be -60 and the oncoming would be 60, but the radar shows the difference, and that would be 120.

  • @andrewsrenson1212
    @andrewsrenson1212 6 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    cash register beeping fine amounts : $150, $250, $350, oh what the heck $750, $1250, $4000 etc etc

  • @SgtJoeSmith
    @SgtJoeSmith 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    no one in video more than 65-70. I'd guess 65 or below even. as someone that drove 100 before.... no one is over 80. and 130 would zip by twice as fast

  • @IggyAndroid
    @IggyAndroid 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Never admit you were speeding. That's how you get out of a ticket.

  • @dakotacarlton573
    @dakotacarlton573 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love how they try to scam good folks out of their hard earned money!

  • @rickjohnson8378
    @rickjohnson8378 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Radars are supposed to be calibrated before and after daily use but I bet have don't do it

    • @michaelandhalee7045
      @michaelandhalee7045 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Up here many calibrate half way through shift too.

  • @AliYassinToma
    @AliYassinToma 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Its like when an officer stoped my family trip in a fucking 1999 ford grand marquise and said that we were going 170km/h .... my dad told him fix ur radar and left the officer him self said that he dont know how we were going 170...

  • @GreenWenonah
    @GreenWenonah 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It's really pretty simple, the RADAR is way off the centerline of the traffic. It is getting a bounce from not only the the front of the target but the round (efficient RADAR reflector) holes in the rims that are traveling about half again the vehicle speed at the top of their rotation. The RADAR is also reflecting off of the flat front of the vehicles into the opposite lane and back essentially adding the speed of the two vehicles together. That is why the RADAR operators are supposed to be within 7 degrees of the direction of travel for the target vehicles, to minimize these known artifacts. That tone you hear is the indication to the officer whether he has a solid, clear RADAR return and is derived directly from the frequencies of the returning beam. If the tone is steady and clear, it indicates a definite single, strong RADAR return while that chattering, variable pitch tone indicates the return is coming from multiple sources at different frequencies.
    Defending your citation, you have the right of discovery which could include a copy of any dash-cam or body camera footage which could be used to derive your speed visually or to determine the audible indications from the RADAR.

    • @ricardoa.denegrimartinez9688
      @ricardoa.denegrimartinez9688 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Is there any official site where indicates that radars should be pointed for no more than 7 degrees angle? I mean, just in case the police doesn't comply with the model of the radar before the trial, so I can study the manual and so.
      The police offices was almost in a 75 degrees angle having a chat with another police officer and his rear radar should be the one who got me, because he was not even facing me, but his rear bump.
      Thank you!

  • @mbirth
    @mbirth 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Did nobody notice the false reading were just double the real speed? The SUV was actually going 60.5, the Tractor Trailer 59, Car 59, Tanker Truck 56, Refuse Truck 46.5-47.5, school bus 51.5, Box Truck 55.5-58.5/59.5, SUV 61, Van 55.5-56, Car 53.5, etc.

    • @Zreknarf
      @Zreknarf 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      guess it's aimed at the top of the tires

    • @OmniscientWarrior
      @OmniscientWarrior 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, that is part of the point of the video. You have to point the radar at a stationary target and it will use that as a reference of zero. But if the reference is something moving away that would make the minus their speed a zero (minus because away), so the oncoming would have plus their speed added to it. The radars detect the difference of zero and target speed, and the difference of -65 and 65 is 130.

  • @kpdvw
    @kpdvw 7 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Get rid of that Radio Shack piece of trash radar...!

    • @mblood486
      @mblood486 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kustom Signals Golden Eagle, Pretty much the standard of any law enforcement.

  • @samfosdick9874
    @samfosdick9874 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I got a ticket for 130 in a 70...thank goodness I was able to prove my vehicle was electronically governed at 95. Judge threw it out

  • @ddubsvideos3433
    @ddubsvideos3433 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have one of them old Radar set ups front and rear. im mounting them in my school Bus . Good to know. .. Its just for fun.

  • @CMDRSweeper
    @CMDRSweeper 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Police should take this radar to the military airfield and see how high the numbers can go if they try to clock fast moving jets :D

    • @paulevans7742
      @paulevans7742 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      And just hope the active countermeasures on the aircraft are turned off :)

  • @iamthecheese2737
    @iamthecheese2737 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    People need to put this on a video or DVD, and when you get a speeding ticket demand a jury trial and show this as evidence.

  • @dassden9012
    @dassden9012 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Police once stopped me saying i was going 122mph in a Peugeot *307* 2001, i showed them the top speed of a 100mph and they were like oh fuck

  • @randyprevette3903
    @randyprevette3903 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Jonny law always right! Damn electronic devices always fail!

  • @Zaltic
    @Zaltic 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    These are extremely outdated radars. The new DSR 2X and laser systems are nearly perfect. He also likely had it where approaching and distancing car's speeds were combined. That can happen with faulty equipment

  • @ThoseGuyssss
    @ThoseGuyssss 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    This isn't misreading. What it's doing is combining 2 vehicles speeds. Cops know this that's why he isn't pulling anyone over for 128 or 140

    @TWOSU_NEWS 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The reason the train cops to aim at grill or windshield? Any one., any one?? Because the tires/rims are traveling a lot faster than the actual vehicle!!!

    • @GhilleGhille
      @GhilleGhille 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not using LiDar bud.

      @TWOSU_NEWS 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      GhilleGhille: dosnt matter, traing the same., radar excepts spurious returns lidar does as well but more acurate laser

    • @GhilleGhille
      @GhilleGhille 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You can "aim" the radar, but radar isn't a concentrated beam like a laser, so when you aim at the wheels and tires you're basically hitting the whole car anyways. Tires and rims, they spin, but they aren't moving location wise any faster than the vehicle unless the tires have fallen off. So when that radar hits the tire, it has the tires location already, not how fast it was spinning.

    • @samfosdick9874
      @samfosdick9874 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dirty Trucker if you're traveling at 70 miles per hour and a bee is in your car and that bee can fly 18 MPH forward will the cop get you for 88?

    • @ElementofKindness
      @ElementofKindness 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Actually, the top of the tire is progressing forward at twice the speed of the vehicle, while the bottom of the tire is moving at zero. (as, it is in contact with the stationary pavement) Since the radar will report the highest speed of any objects that reflect back, it explains the unusual, high readings given.

  • @dant387
    @dant387 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    You’re getting inaccurate readings because of how you’re parked. You’re supposed to be parallel with the lane in which you’re monitoring on the right side of traffic, meaning the opposite side of the road in this video. That’s why there’s front & rear antennas. Police radar has a “TARGET” and “FAST” box, target displaying the target vehicles speed and fast displaying a trailing car that is traveling at a faster or slower speed. I see this one doesn’t have that, meaning it’s probably combining the speeds of 2 cars instead of giving them separate readings. Radar is extremely accurate when used right and is easy to calibrate

  • @patribbing6756
    @patribbing6756 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    caught a dummy parking his unit facing trees once, waved his hand in front of the radar to get a false positive. to conduct a traffic stop that "escalated" to a fraudulent felony arrest with false charges. 2 judges got caught trying to cover it up. NOT SMART!
    He admitted in court he doesn't know of anything else that "travels" over 60mphs at night.
    rude awakening pal. don't sleep.

  • @StringerNews1
    @StringerNews1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I could write a book on all of the well-documented reasons why police radar is not evidence grade "beyond a reasonable doubt", but what's the point? If all the traffic courts suddenly got interested in serving justice, they'd owe the American people a large fortune! The states, counties and municipalities will never (or can never) pay back all that ill-gotten booty.
    That in a nutshell is why it's on law-abiding police officers to eschew using radar, full stop. Start enforcing lane violations, failure to signal etc. for a change. If speed enforcement really becomes necessary (and remember it wasn't so necessary before Nixon), then use LIDAR or pacing backed up with video.

  • @joshuacox1046
    @joshuacox1046 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is the traffic moving in the opposite direction making this happen, If the back round is moving away at 67 mph and oncoming traffic is coming toward you at 67 mph that's 134 mph is the difference. almost seems like common sense, right?

  • @instacat1112
    @instacat1112 ปีที่แล้ว

    please buy a dashcam that has GPS. if this ever happens to you, you'll have proof you were not actually driving 88 million miles an hour as charged.

  • @jasonwitkowski3734
    @jasonwitkowski3734 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is dumb, Radar is set for KPH instead of MPH... so the trucks speed is in reality is approximately 75MPH-ish

  • @stevehall4548
    @stevehall4548 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Quite simply an occasion of "double bounce" when the signal is striking two objects together and the two speeds are calculated as one speed. This is easily detected when something that should be travelling 50 mph is being calculated at 100 mph. This is why the radar is a tool that corroborates the officer's opinion the driver of the vehicle was speeding. Nothing to see here...move on.

  • @newdad1236
    @newdad1236 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    While this is entertaining to watch, we don't know if this radar unit was calibrated correctly, recently passed certification, or defective. Yes, all humans and machines will make errors, but if the officer is properly trained and the unit passed it's calibration test (at the beginning of each shift), errors will be minimized. We cannot tell from the video if there are high voltage power lines,TV/Radio tower, or airport nearby. These can induce interference with the radar unit.

  • @markgearing
    @markgearing 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorry, but no. There's no way you've put that radar in the same location, pointing in the same direction, as a genuine police radar trap. Of course you're getting false readings, you're simultaneously measuring traffic going in two directions.

  • @cooolchick647
    @cooolchick647 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    They got my buddy doing 93 on the highway the other day and he has to go to court explaining that it was practically impossible unless you're deaf. I said that correctly because after 75, the truck emits a nasty high volume warning siren until you drop below that speed...lol

  • @NSUScooter
    @NSUScooter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    2 CRAZY times in Virginia I got bogus speeding tickets (pretty long, but detailed):
    1- On highway 264 East Bound in Portsmouth from the 664/13/460 exchange. I was in the left lane going 63 in the 55 on cruise control while passing slower traffic on my right. 10 MPH is my threshold for how far I’m willing to speed. Cops don’t usually pull out until you go 10 over i noticed. I see a state trooper on the right shoulder on the other side of the metal guard rail under a overhead highway sign.
    A gold Ford Expedition decides to tailgate me because they had somewhere more important to be apparently. So I maintain my speed of 63 MPH, put on my turn signal and pass the last slower moving car on the right and get out of the way. We BOTH reach the trooper and the SUV is still going faster than 63. Trooper puts on his lights and he then pulls ME OVER for going 72 in the 55!!!
    I couldn’t believe it. I had to pay money to make sure my speedometer was calibrated correctly, lost my 1st court case, appealed it, went back and proved my innocence (GO FIGURE) the 2nd time, STILL GOT THE TICKET ON MY DRIVING RECORD, didn’t have to pay the speeding ticket itself but had to pay court costs after missing 2 days of work
    (2nd one below)

    • @NSUScooter
      @NSUScooter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      2- This by far is the worst! Just got my 1st motorcycle! (Yay) But the helmet I was given didn’t fit (too big). So i find a Yard Sale in Chesapeake off of Shipyard road from a couple who had a helmet that fit me better. This was before all these smart phones with GPS so i had to print out directions. Google Maps, MapQuest, Maps.com all suggested to take 464 south to 64 west and then the next exit (I forget the street) and then shipyard road wasn’t far.
      So I ask a friend who’s been riding much longer than me to ride with me so I can get some experience. So i get the directions, show him in case we get separated, and we make our way to Chesapeake. We chit-chat with the Yard Sale couple and their neighbors who love our bikes. I buy a helmet and head back. Having never been there before I used the same directions to get back. So we get back on 64 east, and exit right to head up 464 north. I exit 1st because I’m new to a bike so my friend wanted to make sure I didn’t crash on the exit.
      AS SOON as I get to the overpass going over 64 there’s a trooper sitting on the right shoulder. I haven’t even merged into the traveling lanes from the on ramp yet. I get into the right lane and the trooper pulls out and directs me to pull over, so I did.
      He then tells me he clocked me going 90 MPH on 168 weaving in and out of traffic! I immediately told him there must be a mistake because i just merged into traffic and he was the 1st thing that i saw and that the fastest i took the on ramp was no more than 60 mph to merge into traffic (Very important for later). It was a total nightmare because I knew it was a false accusation that would be nearly impossible to disprove even though there was no proof of said allegation. I didn’t even know where 168 was at the time! Come to find out later 168 turns into 464 at that overpass.
      I immediately circled back to the Yard Sale because I know my only defense is the time it took to get from point A to B. I got witness statements from the couple at the Yard Sale saying what time I left so i could compare it to the time on the ticket.

    • @NSUScooter
      @NSUScooter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I had no idea what else to do! One of my coworkers had a cop as a friend and she told him the story. He said to ask for the calibration records of the radar and that was about it. I already knew that would be useless from the incident in Portsmouth. So I came up with more questions such as how many bikes were there (myself and my more experienced friend), what position was he parked in, how heavy was the traffic I was so called weaving in and out of... anything I could think of to disprove this crazy allegation.
      When I got to Chesapeake court, the trooper read his statement saying “I clocked a motorcycle doing blah blah blah on 168. I then proceeded to stop the vehicle and identified the driver as (me)” I plead not guilty not knowing what was going to happen. The judge asked me to explain why I was pleading not guilty.
      I already knew “it wasn’t me” wasn’t gunna be good enough. So I needed a damn good explanation as to how this perfect trooper is wrong.
      So here goes! I told him when I got pulled over I has just purchased a helmet off of shipyard road because the one I was wearing didn’t fit very well and that when I was stopped I had just merged onto the highway going no faster than 60mph. I then showed him the directions I printed out and how none of them said to take 168. Next I showed him the witness statement with the time I was there according to the couple at the Yard Sale vs the time on the ticket.
      Next I was in the middle of showing the judge the calculation it would take time wise to get to where I was stopped via 64 vs 168 (which 168 was clearly out of the way by a long shot). The judge stops me and says “1st you’re telling me how your bike can’t go any faster than 60mph, then you’re telling me how you’re a child of God, now you’re telling me something about your helmet...”
      The 1st thing Going through my head was “did he just say child of God?” Turns out in the witness statement the couple wrote down what we talked about including them inviting me to their church....

    • @NSUScooter
      @NSUScooter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      So I asked him “Where did you get Child of God From??? I never said any such thing!” He told me I could be held in contempt if I talk while he’s talking again and found me guilty. So I immediately appealed and asked for a recording of what was said. The clerk told me I couldn’t because there was no court appointed recorder. Go figure.... First time I’d ever seen real corruption 1st hand. But wait! It gets worse!
      The 2nd court appearance the trooper reads the same statement again. The new judge asks how I plead. I plead not guilty again and the judge asked if I had any questions for the trooper. Oh but of course I do seeing as how I couldn’t ask last time!
      1st question, how many bikes was I riding with? “I do not recall” was his answer. 2nd question. What position was your car parked in? Same answer. How much traffic was I weaving in and out of? Still didn’t recall. I asked close to 10 questions. Couldn’t recall a single one.
      The judge stops me and asks me what’s with all the questions. I told the judge I can’t prove I wasn’t doing what he says I was, and that the trooper ALSO can’t prove that i WAS doing these things. So I’m asking detailed questions to help paint a clearer picture of these allegations, but he’s not cooperating.
      However I DO have physical evidence that could suggest he’s mistaken. RIGHT before I could show the judge my map print outs and witness statements, some lady stands up and says “I have a question for the trooper. Are you positive that your report is as true and accurate as it can be to its description?” The trooper responded “I’m absolutely positive.” My response to him was “How can you be absolutely positively if you can’t recall?”
      He then said “Oh and you told me your bike couldn’t go faster than 60mph” as if to make fun of the whole situation. People in the court laughed at me. I was so embarrassed. I told the judge he was twisting my words around.
      The judge wouldn’t let me show him any of the maps, witness statements or anything. I was ultimately found guilty and lost my license, my insurance shot up and I had to pay nearly $1000 in court costs and fees. I couldn’t believe that was happening and I lost any and all faith in Virginia Police, the courts and anything else legal at that moment. VERY eye opening.
      The worst part is when I told friends/family about the ticket prior to my court date, so many people said “well if you weren’t doing any of these things you wouldn’t have gotten pulled over”
      For the Portsmouth one someone said “even though you weren’t going 72 you were still going 63, which is speeding.” I lost a few good relationships over these kinds of things.
      I left VA and never looked back. Too bad TH-cam wasn’t as big as it is now! Nothing beats video evidence. I’m happy videos like these exist to prove that police can, and often do make mistakes for various reasons.

    • @DW-wp8lo
      @DW-wp8lo 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'll just throw this out there in the off chance you run into issues again #1 you should get a traffic attorney, they can save you from having to doll out absolutely asinine amounts of money to the state. Also requesting the radar calibration records isn't a bad idea, I got a ticket when I was 18, I was doing 53 in a 30, I decided to fight it myself, what I did was file a discovery request with the prosecuting attorney's office where I requested the radar calibration records, and all other pertinent information regarding my case. The prosecuting attorneys office is usually pretty slammed and they never bothered responding to my discovery request. On my allotted court date I went in, I stood up and told the judge that they never responded to my discovery request and he instantly dismissed the case. My contingency plan if they responded was to just defer the ticket which still would've ended up costing me about $90 but it wouldn't have gone on my record.
      Anyways if you run into that situation again, I'd honestly suggest filing a discovery request just to see if the prosecuting attorneys office responds to your request, if they do, then take the information they send over to one of the many traffic attorneys in your area and let them fight it for you. Most of the traffic attorneys around my area (Seattle) charge about $250-350 for a simple traffic infraction, but the price obviously goes up if you end up getting a negligent driving, reckless driving etc. In my opinion even if it's a $120-130 dollar ticket I would rather spend $250-350 and have a clean record than dealing with the fine, the insurance increase etc. That's just my 2 cents on the matter.

    • @NSUScooter
      @NSUScooter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dietrich S did you say Seattle?????
      My friend I don’t think you understand. This is in Virginia (not Northern VA because they do things differently in that part of the state). Those things you’re talking about don’t work there.
      If you file a discovery request in Virginia and they don’t respond no judge outside of Northern VA is gunna gunna care that they never responded. And deferring a ticket? I don’t even think that’s an option in VA but I’ll check.

  • @ElementofKindness
    @ElementofKindness 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How is any of this admissible as proof? That thing jumps around more than grasshopper on a hot tin roof. Not one single reliable reading displayed.

  • @7Regn7
    @7Regn7 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pretty sure officers aren't supposed to shoot radar across 2 lanes of opposing traffic, and trucks are known to cause false readings due to their large size. I'm not an expert but that's what i've read in the manual.

  • @randyhenry2477
    @randyhenry2477 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Poor cosine angle. What's the sensitivity set at? There's no point by aiming at that much traffic approaching and departing. Tickets aren't written in those conditions using K or Ka band radar.

  • @billbird3833
    @billbird3833 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Arundel county maryland officer fired in 2015 for tampering with speed gun.

  • @buffplums
    @buffplums 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Looks like a radar unit bought from a Chinese supplier on eBay.

  • @buffplums
    @buffplums 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Looks like a radar unit bought from a Chinese supplier on eBay.

  • @russellpearce3749
    @russellpearce3749 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    At least it doesn't show him writing tickets I wonder how many cops have row tickets knowing radar is faulty

  • @leoguy1609
    @leoguy1609 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Officers need to apply common sense, if a vehicle passes you at 130 mph it will be obvious!

  • @maggot866
    @maggot866 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    And that’s why I use a radar detector. Now we wait for the comments of well you shouldn’t be speeding

  • @justanotherguy3850
    @justanotherguy3850 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    +CopRadar As a now retired police officer that spent the bulk of his time working traffic enforcement over more than 26 years I have operated RADAR 100,000s of times. I remain a certified instructor with six different types of speed measurement devices and still teach traffic enforcement and investigation at the academy. I hold a professional certification from Northwestern University in Advanced Traffic Accident Investigation and Recreation. As an expert witness I make a lot of money in court.
    Properly taught and certified RADAR operators know a great deal more than you have posted here. You've given nothing here it's going to allow someone to beat a RADAR citation in court unless they have a degree in physics and can baffle the judge with BS which isn't likely. If you cannot present an expert witness you won't even be allowed to testify to it.
    All RADARs display the speed of the vehicle with the strongest echo using Doppler. The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for an observer who is moving relative to the wave source.
    The strongest echo may be the closest target, the biggest target, or a mixture. A vehicle's echo return may vary with shape, size and range from the RADAR. A small car close to the RADAR may have a smaller echo than a truck at a greater range.
    Under the best conditions most RADARs are accurate to about +/-1 mph. Moving RADAR also measures patrol vehicles speed with an accuracy of about +/-1 mph. The accuracy to the target then is is +/-2 mph.
    One situation where the accuracy of the RADAR unit maybe off is when a vehicle's acceleration is greater than the sampling period of the RADAR unit. You may also have start-up delays although this is seldom an issue because a properly trained officer is going to check the calibration of the RADAR before he even pulls out of the parking lot. The RADAR unit is going to be well warmed up by the time he locks you in.
    I have never seen the condition you write about. That's not to say it doesn't happen. But the point that you don't understand about RADAR is It's application and usage. It alone is not used to determine the speed of the vehicle. It is intended to give a visual and audible indication that "a vehicle" is exceeding the predetermined speed that is programmed by the operator. I usually set mine for 15 mph over the speed limit. One city I know of from first-hand experience sets there's at 1 mph over the posted speed limit and will cite you. The operator of the RADAR unit is then supposed to look up and see if he can discern which vehicle in the pack seems to be moving away from the pack. If you look and you see 103 mph on a school bus that's obviously going with the flow of traffic any reasonable officer would know that it was a false reading. Even if it only red 75 instead of 55. I can only assume that this is clickbait.
    One other condition that you don't mention is that there is the primary read out and then there is a slave unit. This allows the operator of the RADAR to measure the speed of the vehicle he's eyeballing and then using the slave unit locking it in going back and forth between the main unit and the slave unit. Which ever reads the highest is the one that will go on the citation. I loved it when the person would demand to see the RADAR and I had it right there in my hand. More often than not I've been behind them for at least a quarter mile and pasted them. That defeats any argument to RADAR imperfections.
    I pity the poor person in court that tries to use this as a defense. He or she will have read somewhere to ask the officer if he "calibrated the radar unit prior to the beginning of his shift" hoping that the officer will mispeak and state that he or she had when actually what he or she meant was that they used a tuning fork and put it in front of the RADAR antenna and confirmed that it was within tolerance. If you have a prosecutor that prosecutor is then going to cross-examine the police officer and clarify the question. They will then ask how the RADAR was used. The officer will state that RADAR was used as a visual and audible indication that someone may be speeding and they looked up and they saw some ugly green Pinto traveling well out in front of the pack and based on their professional experience running RADAR and pacing vehicles they determined that that vehicle was speeding. They then got behind the vehicle and paced it using their calibrated speedometer. Each vehicle is calibrated periodically and a card is created indicating specific speeds and compared to what actually reads out on the speedometer. With newer vehicles with digital speedometers they're hardly ever off. If they save 101 mph then that's what you were doing as they paced you from behind. In many cases running RADAR isn't even necessary. Clickbait.
    That's if it even gets to this point. A savvy traffic officers know to leave their RADAR unit turned off (stand-by but on) until they see a vehicle obviously exceeding the speed limit and they turn it on in time to capture the vehicle speeding. this is more like taking a snapshot of the vehicle exceeding the speed limit rather than a video. This also circumvents the use of RADAR detectors in vehicles. Like I said I imagine this was all clickbait.
    We could go on and talk about LIDAR (light detection and ranging) which uses LASER instead of radio waves. It works the same way. It sends out a light wave and measures the amount of time it takes to receive the reflection coming back. LIDAR units have built-in GPS. Distance divided by time equals speed. It's going to be hard to beat LIDAR because it's a handheld device that's aimed at a vehicle that is being observed passing the pack and assumed to be speeding. Although there are LIDAR detectors once they aim the device at your car and pull the trigger you're had. LIDAR Has been used by NOAA and the military for years. Clickbait.
    Then there's my favorite known as VASCAR. Have you ever noticed those wide white lines painted across the freeway at what seems to be a predetermined distance? If you're paying attention, and I suspect you're not, you'll see signs along the side of the road that say "Speed is Enforced by Helicopter." This is how helicopters and police airplanes determine that you're speeding. VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer and Recorder) is a small computer that will calculate the speed of a vehicle based on the time it takes to travel a specific distance. The operator will observe what he believes to be a vehicle exceeding the speed limit and push a button when the front bumper crosses over the first line. When the vehicle being observed crosses the second line the operator will push the button again. Distance divided by time equals speed. You're not going to beat VASCAR. I always gave people a slight edge by waiting for their back bumper to cross the line. Clickbait. Might as well give your users their money's worth.

    • @chargex1176
      @chargex1176 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Quick question if you and officer are going down a slope and you r on the other side of the slope and the cops radar is looking down can it get an accurate read on the car

  • @likeggs6465
    @likeggs6465 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Look at the angle and the mounting... you're the one making the mistakes.

  • @crispyspa
    @crispyspa 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gee officer, you caught me at 92 miles an hour in my semi truck? Go ahead... Give me a ticket. My truck is governed at 67 miles an hour. Let's see your ticket stand up in court.

    • @Armygirlsdad
      @Armygirlsdad 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can get a governed 67mph truck over 80mph on I-81 in Virginia. It isn't that difficult.

  • @iWrestleXuSubmit
    @iWrestleXuSubmit 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Radarjammers also cause them to mess up lots of people but and equip them to their cars

  • @amberblyledge7859
    @amberblyledge7859 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dude. Your radar's broke.

    • @OmniscientWarrior
      @OmniscientWarrior 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      The radar is working fine. Just that it is pointing at the the other traffic. It needs a return signal to establish zero. Well zero is the minus speed of the leaving traffic (minus because going away). They detect the difference from zero to the speed of the oncoming. The difference of -65 and 65 is 130, some of the bigger trucks have limiters on them that don't allow them to go past 55; difference of -65 and 55 is 120. That is where the readings are coming from. This is why it needs to be pointing at a nonmoving object and the intended targets.
      Bonus, notice how there are seemingly good reads sometimes, but if you look at the leaving traffic, there was nothing there.

  • @the_nguy9123
    @the_nguy9123 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It must be picking up the radiator fan or belt speed on those false readings.

    • @OmniscientWarrior
      @OmniscientWarrior 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      It is pointing at the the other traffic. It needs a return signal to establish zero. Well zero is the minus speed of the leaving traffic (minus because going away). They detect the difference from zero to the speed of the oncoming. The difference of -65 and 65 is 130, some of the bigger trucks have limiters on them that don't allow them to go past 55; difference of -65 and 55 is 120. That is where the readings are coming from. This is why it needs to be pointing at a nonmoving object and the intended targets.
      Bonus, notice how there are seemingly good reads sometimes, but if you look at the leaving traffic, there was nothing there.

  • @turblown
    @turblown 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    That thing sounds like straight cancer...

  • @Megashovelman
    @Megashovelman 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The device sounds very faint or vague like it is too weak.

  • @Super_64
    @Super_64 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    the readings that you are getting are harmonics off the diesel motor or the a/c compressor such as during startup... most places require leo to do a visual estimate on the vehicle they are picking up a speed from.... so its completely obvious when a box truck is driving by and the radar bounces between 55 and 120 mph... if you notice in all the false readings there is either a truck driving towards the antenna or away from it...and there are no "calibrations" that leo do... they are simply doing a controlled test with tuning forks that are tuned to a certain frequency that give a correct reading to verify they are reading properly... "calibrations" can only be done by a certified radar repair company when the radar unit or antennas are not working properly.
    This shouldnt be titled radar makes mistakes.... its picking up a signal and displaying it... radars are very simple devices... the model your using shows the best signal which is usually a truck... but when it reads the harmonics of the diesel motor or a/c compressor it'll display that briefly due to the fact its a better signal briefly...

  • @Sky1
    @Sky1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    The radar is hitting a large vehicle coming towards the patrol car, the radar ricochets off a truck on the oncoming lane, reflects back to the first vehicle then back to the patrol car, it measures the closing distance of the two vehicles instead of the real speed. This is why cops listen to the Doppler audio so they can immediately rule out false hits like that. I think the newer units filter that stuff out

  • @EndOfLineTech
    @EndOfLineTech 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    And the sad part is all 700 of those people have to suck it up and take the ticket, what are they going to do? Take it to court and call a police officer a liar with no evidence... yeah

  • @am74343
    @am74343 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think the radar must be erroneously picking up the speed of the vehicles' wheels instead of the actual "body/chassis". The spinning wheels on some vehicles might be reflecting the beam more rapidly, and appear to the radar gun as though the vehicle is traveling much faster than it actually is.

  • @Junkboy888
    @Junkboy888 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    LOL I once tracked an Aircraft wash rack hangar moving across the ground at Travis AFB at 60 MPH. Even calibrated radar can misreading there own singles do to Constructive and Destructive wave interference.

  •  6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was in eastern Washington. Following behind an 18 wheelie in a hyundai elantra. I am in the right lane with all the slow pokes. There are signs that truck speed limit is 50 mph. But here I am following behind that truck. And I get pulled over because I went 1mph over the speed limit, which is 60 for cars...
    I am in a car, speed limit is 60mph. I am directly following behind an 18 wheeler truck and trailer, which has a speed limit of 50mph... And I get pulled over because I went 61mph. Police asked me 'do you know how fast you were going?' I said, 'Well I was following traffic behind this 18 wheeler. I don't see the problem'. But it all ended well. The police pulled me out to see if they can smell any alcohol or weed on me, and they didn't. So they let me go.

  • @KremitDeFrog
    @KremitDeFrog 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    all the shots of the one radar shot in a 3hr period start with "Hid" on the radar, not already monitoring speeds.. I think what's happening here is the system is calibrating and focusing.. first it finds a car heading the opposite direction at 65 mph (thru a break in oncoming traffic), then the first vehicle to break that focus is recorded as "doing" their normal speed plus that of the car the radar had focus on..

  • @Bcr3106
    @Bcr3106 8 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    I wrote a big long comment about how this video is misleading, but then I visited your website... Good information!

  • @DarkFlamesDarkness
    @DarkFlamesDarkness 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    *Slow Clap*

  • @just-incase3483
    @just-incase3483 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Maybe the radar was switching from mph to kph? 101 kph is around 63 mph that's the only thing I could think why it was reading funny.

  • @robvoyles
    @robvoyles 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    radar jammers will make the read erratically as well.

  • @FacePunchSammich
    @FacePunchSammich 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh great...highway cops in my state are known for improperly setting up radar. Smh guess it’s time to bust out the moped to avoid a bullshit ticket

  • @MyJmarshall
    @MyJmarshall 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Refuse truck sounds ABOUT RIGHT...GOTTA MAKE THE DUMP..LOL

  • @AaronBilger
    @AaronBilger 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a cheap chinese radar that reads when I go 60 mph it says 190mph only paid $5 on ebay lmao

  • @dbow4life666
    @dbow4life666 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    going through the same thing, cop was coming at me, cruise was set to 60, in a 55, he picked me up going 69?? and got a ticket. car in back of me car in front of him, how is that accurate?

  • @michaeleaton9296
    @michaeleaton9296 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    That is not true, tractor trailers only go 60 to 70 mph down the highway, and the school bus only goes 45 mph, no matter if its on main road or highways

  • @cooolchick647
    @cooolchick647 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    They aren't false readings! They're just adding! Duh! 😂😈😂

  • @Fischize
    @Fischize 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Soooo I’m thinking the positive outcome on this video, is everyone sees the Police Car, which in its own is a speeding deterrent.

  • @letstalkaboutit9339
    @letstalkaboutit9339 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    You do have to calibrate those readers, and that one is obliviously not done. Police departments calibrate theirs very often.

  • @SWSimpson
    @SWSimpson 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The equipment has to be up-to-date, recalibrated regularly. You can ask to see the calibration/maintenanc record. They are almost never calibrated timely, which means a voided ticiket.

  • @iWrestleXuSubmit
    @iWrestleXuSubmit 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Plus that radar is old and outdated

  • @franciscomacias9603
    @franciscomacias9603 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've been cited for doing 115 on a 92 Ford ranger, 2.9 L took it to court and the judge didn't believe that the officer cited me for it and let me go. Posted speed limit sign was 45 mph.

  • @paulstein2480
    @paulstein2480 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    it is called FM capture. two targets reflecting. the frequency modulation can add or subtract the two signals.

  • @652barry
    @652barry 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Doubling. Shouldn't be laying on the dash. Possibly reading fan.

  • @robertheinkel6225
    @robertheinkel6225 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Also, the radar picks up the largest target. You can be driving the speed limit, but have a truck speeding behind you. It will pick up his speed first.

  • @iitool
    @iitool 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is a rather large green metal road-sign in direct line of the radar. Some of these readings may be multi-path reflections from traffic heading away from the radar reflecting off the sign! In such dense multi directional traffic who knows what you are reading! Notice on some of the odd readings there are large vehicles travelling away from the radar but in "reflection range" of that road-sign.

  • @toocoolforaname2273
    @toocoolforaname2273 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Mindraker1
    @Mindraker1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    It looks like the incorrect speed is simply double the correct speed. The radar is getting reflected twice.

    • @Mindraker1
      @Mindraker1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      For example, Truck = 68, Car = 74, Pickup = 57, SUV = 121/2=60.5, which is a reasonable speed.

    • @Mindraker1
      @Mindraker1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Another example, Car = 61, Car = 118/2=59, which is approximately the same speed again.

    • @Mindraker1
      @Mindraker1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Another example: Tanker truck = 112/2=56, a reasonable speed.

    • @Mindraker1
      @Mindraker1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Then Tractor trailer = 51, Refuse truck = 95/2 = 47.5, approximately the same speed.

  • @nmspy
    @nmspy 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    *running in the 90’s*
    Actual truck flies past at 200mph... “must be a bug”

  • @seehearspeaknoevil5090
    @seehearspeaknoevil5090 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think its adding the car speed across the street togeter coming up with those numbers buy design mayne if there was a barrier then it mulight be a different number

  • @beatsforgospel2226
    @beatsforgospel2226 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    because of the directional lazer's dimensions and the rate of feedback reads incorrectly when either one of those doesnt read right

  • @gingersmasher73
    @gingersmasher73 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Looks like it comes off hold, then you see it trying to calibrate itself, during which time you get the false reading. Then it returns to normal.

  • @engineswaplab
    @engineswaplab 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tuning fork time

  • @raybrensike42
    @raybrensike42 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    So "calibration" isn't really the answer, or the problem all the time, right?

  • @jockellis
    @jockellis 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    You do know they never slow down to 118 on I-81 through West Virginia, don’t you?

  • @3StepProtection
    @3StepProtection 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    That’s why the device is used as a back up for what your eyes are telling you. It’s referred to as a tracking history. Learn the job before you become an expert on TH-cam.

  • @ZombieWolfe
    @ZombieWolfe 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think cops would have that thing off cause that's annoying af

  • @Stonerolog1st
    @Stonerolog1st 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    All I hear from the state is money me money now me a needing alot now, and this explains it, buying a dashcam asap

  • @nitemare507
    @nitemare507 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is absolutely essential that drivers educate themselves when it comes to getting a ticket for speeding. Some officers will lie- I picked up a weak I/O signal on my R3. I wasn't speeding anyway as it was around a suburb, but I got pulled over & he said he clocked me doing 65km on a 40. I politely told the officer it wasn't me he clocked, because my R-3 picked up his 33.8 I/O shot earlier. He said "No sir I clocked you using LIDAR, so your detector is useless." "But, officer I met you coming towards me. You were in motion & if your in motion your Laser gun won't give you a reading. It'll most likely error out. So, you can go ahead & give me a ticket, but I will fight this & when I bring my knowledge to my case I will win." He said. "You have a nice day & walked away." What bothers me is...What if this was my wife, or my daughter, son, my dad, or mom? They wouldn't know the difference. How many false citations are handed out every year?

    • @dveloso150
      @dveloso150 ปีที่แล้ว

      Really, and you think that they are concerned about? This is revenue generating BS

  • @zachhollingsworth9892
    @zachhollingsworth9892 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's probably reading cars on the other side of traffic

  • @mashamitchell9574
    @mashamitchell9574 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can you trust any of the readings when so many are incorrect?