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"75 Shocking Natural Disasters Ever Caught on Camera!"
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- In this video, we bring you 75 of the most jaw-dropping natural disasters ever caught on camera-from massive landslides and powerful storms to Terrifying floods and more. These real-life moments remind us of how unpredictable and powerful our planet can be. Each clip offers a glimpse into the breathtaking and sometimes terrifying force of nature.
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• 50 Most Shocking Natur...
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This video contains clips used under Fair Use for commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. All credit goes to the respective owners. If any content belongs to you and you’d like it removed, please contact us directly."
Music: Investigation by Soundridemusic
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#nature #flood #storm #naturaldisasters
*The power of mother nature is truly amazing, nothing can stop it.*
Natural disasters are really scary. In front of mother nature, humans are so small. Let's preserve and protect nature. Thank you, the content is very good and valuable 🙏❤
Wow. Nobody else said this. Good eye.
Absolutely true. My exact thoughts.
Паапррр❤ он н😮рип6ам45чсвсс😊рннн🎉ей,,:Ар
These scenes are both terrifying and make us feel so small in the face of Earth’s harshness. Thank you to the channel for sharing these valuable moments,
Yeah, but the everyone is safe is BS; many people died and were injured in the Japanese Tsunami / landside videos
Sudah Akhir zaman, Allah mengingatkan kita untuk banyak ibadah kepada Nya
Mother Nature Always WINS..
Мне бы такую силищу,как у природы матушки
Тебе зачем такую силу? Только у Бога она.
Nothing to do with a mother,.. just nature.
Vous avez bien vu les images se n’est pas naturel c😢 provoquer par des gens qui activent haarp
@@РозаДикая-р7у avé vous déjà entendu parler de l’état profond du deep state
Nature and technology working together perfectly
Some time you can't avoid nature. Once i was driving across a viaduct in Europe when a significant earthquake hit. Suddenly my car and the cars in front of me started swaying left and right, it was scary as heck because I thought it was going to collapse. Fortunately it did not but that was one of the scariest moments of my life.
Did you get out of the car?
Sadly, the algorithm got her 😢
ah,,, that was nothing. The maso/sado penguins nuns @ st raphaels' grammar shool
used to torture us daily and some how most of us still survived with only a few scars.
The worst was sister rose geralda. the principal and chief instigator of all corporal
punishment handed out by the 'hurt squad'. Man, you did not want to get on her bad side.
BUT,,,,, 'THEY' are gone now and I'm still here pushing 80yo next April and STILL GAME........
4:53 "The landslide caused a lot of damage to the houses" Thank you for your insightful commentary.
And cars 2
A big red jabbing arrow and big red circles are missing
The power of nature can be fascinating & devastating at the same time
These scenes are both terrifying and a humbling reminder of our smallness in the face of nature's harsh power. Thank you for sharing such remarkable and valuable moments!
None of this should be allowed to happen. Trump's fault because
Csipkerózsika, grimm mesék.
@@nelsonpapucci5615n’importe quoi .. ou est ce la faute de Trump ?? Ça a été provoqué c’est certain mais pas par Trump.. car il aime son peuple et il vient d’obliger Mme là Maire de californie à laisser les propriétaires retourner dans leurs terres, ce qu’elle ne voulait pas ..!!
Thank you to the channel for sharing these valuable moments, Force of nature unstoppable just kick you out without notification we are just guests in this planet
Absolutely!!! Are our existence is Soo temporary and small.
Water is definitely the most powerful force on the planet
Bottom corner states "everyone is safe" kinda hard to believe when you show footage of a tsunami that killed 250,000 people
I'm not safe, and I'm just sitting here, reading this.
@@Ashashp9 safe, now. The afterlife is very safe
@@youbetyourwrasse ditto
@@markgibbardThat was the Banda Aceh tsunami not the Japanese one, although there were people killed
@@christinewalker7819 2 times was the japan tsunami from 2011 and 1 time the 2004 tsunami with more than 270k people killed.
2:35 Some guy just casually sailing that umbrella stand across the camera 😂
Having the time of his life 😂
Respect for nature is what we need today , not spoiling earth, not spoiling oceans with all chemicals, plastics, fertilizers which could be well substituted by other choices we have. If we are not limiting ourself to use these and go organic, this is the world we have tomorrow. We can not avoid using all, but we can choose respecting nature. We are not owners of nature earth, we are only living on earth. A reminder always all these videos. what we save, saves us.
The power of nature can be fascinating & devastating at the same time ! xx
Takie kataklizmy,a jeszcze są
Dranie którzy pragną wojen.
Każdego kto planuje wojnę
,powinien taki kataklizm
The goats didn't go under, but they were like 'This is definitely not good...' 😬
Right!!!! I had to rewind and look for the happy ending he said they had 🤦🏾♀️😭
75 Shocking Natural Disasters Ever Caught on Camera!
Бул жалган дуйнодо мындай балээлер,апаат кырсыктар баары АЛЛАНЫН буйругу менен болот демекчимин☝️
Nature's power is both breathtaking and terrifying!
Controlled explosions are not natural disasters.
Exactly what I was thinking!
Nor are locusts or exploding rockets... :/
Locusts ARE a natural disaster!
Nothing man made about it!!!
Thanks Karen.
Everyone is tough until Mother Nature comes out to play.
I watched a movie last night where an actor said "mother nature is a serial killer". How very true!! 0:41 is a controlled construction explosion, amazing to watch...
Природа-мать, а Бог - Отец!
Он покорил много сердец...
If mother nature is serial killer then humans are what.......?
@@rupadhali7964 Making her angry😆
That’s a powerful quote! It really highlights the unpredictable nature of the environment. Do you think controlled explosions like that are fascinating because they show how we can harness nature, or do they remind us of its destructive potential?
Meinen Sie, dass solche Aussagen über die Macht der Natur in Filmen oft stark übertrieben, aber auch wichtig sind, um das Bewusstsein zu schärfen?
Thank you to the channel for sharing these valuable moments
No one can stop the power of Mother Nature!
Господь показує людству, хто справжній творець всього на землі. І як Бог створив землю, так в одну мить може все знищити. Кайтеся люди, поки не пізно 🙏
Odamlarga tavba qiling emas!!!
Allohga tavba ayting
@@Abdurahmooon1 She’s isn’t saying, repent to other people. She’s addressing it to people, to repent.
🕋🤲🙏👍💔💔💔 صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم 😢😢😢صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم🙏🙏🙏صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم 😭😭😭استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ 🕋🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋💔💔💔استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ
6:01 Cat is like "Nope, I'm out!"
National Geographic has outdone itself with this film
great video! really loved how you compiled all these shocking moments. it’s fascinating but also makes me wonder if showing such disasters might desensitize people to the real suffering caused. what do you think?
Что здеся отличного,всё что есть всё сносит,чему радоваться я не понимаю.😏😏😏
AMAZING video. I could not stop watching this!
Natural disasters are so scary. They just happen in a matter of seconds. I'm from Japan and we used to be trained by schools what to do in case of earthquakes. Thank God my home town has not been hit by a disastrous quakes but many small ones. It was a terrifying experience that you cannot do anything about it unless you are a bird.
I love that little "everyone is safe" disclaimer when i just watched a rocket explode. I really doubt everyone is safe
and the tsunami...
@MrM_P_D yes. Like.....HOW is everybody safe dude
The first one really gives a good perspective on how fast tornadoes can move. Some move much faster than this.
Nah whats crazier is it LITERALLY HIT the drivers and they were fine- (physically)
1st moments was rlly scary.. Thanks for your content!
How is a controlled demolition a natural disaster
This is the power of the mighty God
Yes? #3 was definitely man made.
The cat in the video was pretty scared.. 😅
Not to mention Capt. Obvious narrating basically, "Gosh, look at nature, wow".
The guy skiing on the umbrella took me out 😂
i was homeless, i did drugs, i went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (zoe), and a stream of income that gats me $35,000 weekly. Plus a new identity - a child of God, Hallelujah!!!🇺🇲❣️♥️❤️
It is an investment company that is properly registered in Canada with worldwide recognition and consistent production. That's been the secret to this wealth transfer. A lot of folks in the US and abroad are getting so much from it, God has been good to my household Thank you Jesus
Big thanks to Kinross Oil
Her top notch guidance and expertise on digital market changed the game for me
USA🇺🇸and she responds promptly too
I hate when they say everybody was safe. In the 2011 Japan tsunami over 19,000 people died.
that is so true 😭😭😭😭😭
Absolutely-statements like that can feel dismissive, especially given the real impact and loss. Tragedies like the 2011 Japan tsunami left thousands of lives forever changed, and it's important to honor the reality of those events.
"You're absolutely right! However, this means that no injuries, deaths, or similar events are shown in the time-lapse footage you're watching
And 170,000 folks die _per day_ O_o I'd rather go by Tsunami than parking blunder (such might be .. _embarrassing!_ )
@@quicktop-official Whoever put this video together deserves a few good slaps... I've never seen so many terrible cuts in just one compilation. Right in the middle of something happening CUT!
The Power Of Nature
This is not natural. This is the work of the HAARP antenna
underground tremors caused artificially by military weapons. HAARP antennas.
Just for your information, Quick Top: dynamite blasts are not “natural disasters”.
I don't think so
Yes... Its a man made disaster
@@gendina EXACTLY! They are not natural disasters here!
oh plz! so what?! enjoy it for what it is 🙄
@@kimberlite_66, sooo sorry if I hurt your highly sensitive feelings
That white car just disappeared
I seen that too out of no where the car was not seen again
It was flipped over.
I need proof those goats were okay.
Elle n’a pas été douchée, car Dieu les a préservé tout ce qui se passe dans le monde. C’est la colère de Dieu car l’être humain massacre sa terre.
Oh deff i dont really see them escaping more like hugging the wall and screaming to their last and final breathe before they get their release of dmt and hallucinate till their pulse is gone.
Was that too detailed and graphic? My bad.
Anyone wonder how one car gets tossed like a toy and everything around it is unfazed. 2:20
The power of natural disasters is incredible.
That pool/earthquake video is a perfect example of a tsunami effect caused by an earthquake
When I thought I'd seen every natural disaster video, yours came along.
Jesus was not killed nor Jesus was crucified
Ты к чему это?
Нет, был убит он. И распят. За наши грехи.
My country Vietnam is having a typhoon. The water is really scary. Thanks for the video.
Stay safe!
Береги себя брат!
Hope you're doing well 😊
I hope you and everyone in Vietnam stay safe during the typhoon! Do you think these videos help raise awareness about the power of nature and the importance of preparedness?
Es tut mir leid zu hören, dass Vietnam von einem Taifun betroffen ist. Hoffentlich bleibt jeder sicher! Glauben Sie, dass solche Videos helfen können, das Bewusstsein für die Gefahren von Naturkatastrophen zu schärfen?
24 minutes of my life are gone watching this video now that's a natural disaster
These events are so scary & I wonder how many people couldn't get out of their path.
I don’t want to know.
Absolutely stunning work!
All humans are born as Muslim
This is not natural. This is the work of the HAARP antenna
underground tremors caused artificially by military weapons. HAARP antennas.
No tutti nascono ebrei studia !!!@@LisaHack-hq3dv
Anche noi cristiani!! Con la venuta di Gesù siamo diventati cristiani !!! Leggi il vangelo!!!!(
E la bibbia!!!
Thanks to the channel for sharing these amazing moments.
Wow, this video is really well put together and the footage is absolutely stunning! It's amazing to see such powerful moments captured in time. That said, I can't help but wonder if showcasing these disasters in such a dramatic light might desensitize some viewers to the real-life impacts on communities. Just a thought!
That's not always a bad thing.
Unbelievable, praying for peace for everyone in this world.
Jesus was not killed nor Jesus was crucified
It’s never ever worked before so why should it work now. God doesn’t give a monkeys for any of us ha ha. It’s Satan you need to worry about.
Praying won't change a thing. Not building a town next to the ocean may help
Ой,йой,йой,помоги Господи всем пострадавшим, дай Господи терпения, здоровья пережить весь этот ужас!!!😮😮😮
The guy riding the umbrella like a scooter killed me. 😂 The announcer has a good voice for this.
Just gliding with the wind 😂😂
Me too! I rewatched that clip too many times! I'm in tears from laughing so much
Thats a $100 umbrella! 😆
This hurts my heart, seeing the goats who don't really understand just trying to climb over each other to get to safety.
imagine the sheep in the trucks!
If this hurts you, never search for "sheep dipping".....
@@MedusasPenalty loooool
Yet you still will eat them. The irony.
A lot of us don't eat them... or other animals. B
ut the last thing I want to exude is sanctimony. People change from the heart out.
Mother Nature has been doing this way before we got here and it will be doing it well after we are gone
the way folks underestimate the force and speed of water is actually crazy to me
people dont know just how heavy and powerful water is...
@DaisyDay.-pm2cf Literally just crazy lmaooo
On e you see it, it's too late to run
@@roselladeliaholdsworth5038 Thats why you get away from the area not stand and record it coming at you when most of them couldve gotten out of the way lmaooo
@@GreenEyeGemini Please tell us your story
2:35 Nobody gonna talk about the dude casually windsailing through that windstorm?
Баардык күч кубат жерди ааламды жана адамдарды жараткан Аллах Таалага таандык ❤
really enjoyed this video, the footage is both fascinating and chilling. but honestly, i think focusing on the most shocking disasters kind of overshadows the ongoing struggles of communities affected by them. it's super important to remember the human stories behind these events, don’t you think?
We are just travellers on earth.....dust we are and to dust we will return. Nature is forever.
Mother nature has the right name! You better respect her!!
I'm glad Everyone Is Safe
Everyone not safe you haft to say that per TH-cam policy
Dynamiting bridges aren't natural disasters
You’re on top of this!
the scenes where people are like "the animal managed to escape unharmed" but we don't see it, stress me tf out
Superior! Most impressive video I've seen of natural disasters.
But some of the worst cuts, right in the middle of something happening, cut to another video!
The disaster is terrible, hope everyone is safe🥰🥰
Oh my god, natural disasters are so scary
this video was really captivating and the footage is incredible. however, i couldn't help but wonder if showing these disasters in such a dramatic way might take away from the seriousness of their impact on human lives. it's a fine line between awareness and sensationalism, don’t you think?
Living near waters and mountains is becoming dangerous
Tattoo not allowed
Wie in der Schweiz, wo es viele Berge hat!
It never ceases to amaze me how people laugh at other’s misfortune.
First clip, person in the white car got YEEEETED!!
It is sad to hear full grown men, witnessing disasters and having no more intelligent a response than laughter and obscenities.
I'd use the word disgusting.
@@deeb3077it's panic. That's all
Is it just me or are some of these making you shed tears of accidental laughter?
this video was really eye-opening and well put together! it's amazing how powerful nature can be. however, i can't help but wonder if showing these disasters in such a dramatic way desensitizes people to the real suffering involved. what do you all think?
The power of Almighty God and His nature against human. It's so scary
"God" only exists in your mind.
Bro on the umbrella at 2:37 doing windsurfing like a boss!
Super thank's very nice Videos and creepy 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks to you
@quicktop-officialallah is one God God is Allah Allah has 99 names Allah is almighty
Don't die as a disbeliever
صالي على محمد رسول الله 🙏🇩🇿
These drivers went from 0 to disaster because of road rage. Absolutely insane!
Totally agree-road rage can escalate so quickly! Do you think seeing these extreme cases might make people think twice about reacting impulsively on the road?
Glauben Sie, dass mehr Aufklärung über die Gefahren von Straßenwut dazu beitragen könnte, solche Situationen zu verhindern?
0:42 The explosion looked spectacular.
@@WeaponTheory-j5hdon't die as a disbeliever
@@Verkehrsmomente-y2ifear Allah unseen
Nature is the winner always
The quarry detonation at 0:39 is not a natural disaster, but I can easily forgive that, because it is spectacular and well worth including.
Ужас как страшно. Боже спаси и сохрани.
பஞ்சபூத இயற்கைக்கு முன் எந்த கடவுளும் கிடையாது 🎉
இறைவன் பேரை சொல்லி ஆடாதீங்க மனிதர்களே.
The guy at 2:35 who was casually sailing away on the umbrella had me laughing. 😂
When God goes logging, He doesn’t mess around.
The guy holding on to the umbrella and sliding past cracked me up 😂
me too
Wind-surfing taken to the next logical step in its evolution... *street-surfing*
_I kept waiting for him to do a kickflip or an ollie as he 'blew' by!_ (pun intended)
Nature Always WINS
waw.. the power of nature
This "Everyone is safe" is pretty disrepectful against all those ppl who died in this desasters.
The videos on your channel are masterpieces
I dont think the bridge being demolished at 5:56 counts as a natural disaster
There were a couple of man-made things on this click bait video
was coming to say this
2:35 : The guy in the back having the time of his life lol. Woooooohoooooooooooo!
Stupid guy
That's just a myth about "Lightning never striking the same place twice." But at 5:55, it struck at least 50 times at the exact same instant all over that bridge! What an amazing natural disaster!! At least the cat thought so.😅
Well done watched to the end. Great video 🎉👍
oh my God ! God bless for us .
Jesus was not killed nor Jesus was crucified
You really don't have to ask that. That's exactly what he does, unfortunately it's a bit violent.
I can't even process what I just saw! These natural disasters caught on camera are beyond insane!
Very good video, thank you channel owner for creating it
When are controlled explosions considered "natural disasters'???
Wow, what an incredible compilation! it's amazing how these events can be documented so vividly. but honestly, sometimes it feels like these disasters are getting more attention than the climate issues we need to be addressing to prevent them in the first place.
Passing off controlled demolition as a natural disaster lol
Amazing video! It really puts into perspective how small we are in the grand scheme of nature.