Amber Heard : Why Doesn't She Stop?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 684

  • @sunnyexposure5922
    @sunnyexposure5922 2 ปีที่แล้ว +328

    To me she comes across like she's stuck in her High School teenage years behaving like the attractive mean girl. It's like listening to a school girl instead of a grown adult in her 30s.

    • @focusedonfuture3255
      @focusedonfuture3255 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      She stopped maturing the second she realized how hot she is.

    • @allyw1364
      @allyw1364 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Exactly.....immature behaviour gets them what they want , why change when no-one stops them, its working for them
      Temper tantrums, demanding behaviour, nagging, attention seeking, acting sleazy, sleeping around
      The list goes on, its all about me me me me

    • @katee8147
      @katee8147 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Great points

    • @justhearmeout3959
      @justhearmeout3959 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      She definitely gives off mean girl vibes

    • @katarinatibai8396
      @katarinatibai8396 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      @@focusedonfuture3255 But hot goes and mean stays - that's why old narcissists end up allone.

  • @susanb9109
    @susanb9109 2 ปีที่แล้ว +282

    I’ve watched her testimony and NOTHING is every her fault. She twists every single answer. What’s amazing is that she thinks that this jury is actually going to believe her it’s unreal!!!!!

    • @jiiikamon
      @jiiikamon 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly what I picked up on... can she not see how ridiculously it sounds ... plus the Amber we saw during her testimony is a complete diferente “person” from what we saw during her cross examination. I had to turn it off several times as I started to feel sick and wish that someone would destroy her finally.

    • @aliross2720
      @aliross2720 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      The behaviors and mindsets associated with pathological narcissism are largely defensive, even if they don't seem to be. They are the result of malfunctioning defense and coping mechanisms. Its evolved from childhood into dysfunction for them as an adult. It results in an inability to ever take responsibility for anything, because anything even remotely sounding like blame immediately triggers a defense reflex of denial, deflect, reject and avoid. It's fight or flight. They will either fight the threat or run from it using one - or more - of their standard coping mechanisms: gaslighting, blame-shifting, stonewalling, etc.
      As part and parcel of this particular defense mechanism, they may also see themselves as the constant victim in relationships. Not only are they projecting their own uncomfortable or threatening feelings onto their environment and therefore perceiving other ppl as the source of these feelings because of it, but they are also making sure they are protected from being blamed. If you are the victim, you cannot be to blame for anything. You have not acted, you've been acted upon. If you are to blame, you are bad. If you are bad, you are flawed and if you are flawed, you are worthless. This therefore must be avoided at all costs, even if reality must be completely denied to do so.
      Part of the reason they can't see the problem is that they don't understand the problem. They don't think they are being unfair to others, for example, and even if they are, so what? Everyone is unfair to them. They never get anything they want need. Their entire life is a struggle, so what if they are being unfair and getting what they deserve for once? Everyone else gets everything they want all the time. Or, so what hey are special and deserve more than their fair share even if it hurts others. You should be willing to sacrifice because that's what ppl do when they love someone. It doesn't matter that they never do it. This is not about that. This is about what they deserve, not someone else. In their mind, there will always be a sincere justification for their behavior. They don't understand why it's wrong and don't care anyway. How can anything which will make them happy ever be wrong? Oh, it will hurt you in the process? Well, you are selfish, because you don't want them to be happy. This seems to be sincere on their part. They truly don't understand why you don't want them to be happy. They don't understand why you matter in this equation, and some of their most callous, self-centered beliefs can come out in these kinds of conversations.
      There is also a misunderstanding of basic concepts like respect. When you are trying to explain them that other ppl actually matter, you will often be accused of trying to manipulate them. This is usually very confusing for most ppl, who don't understand how simply advocating for fairness, respect and consideration could possibly be considered manipulation. For them, there is no understanding of these concepts. ot looks like you are trying to guilt, manipulate or trick them into not getting what they want. Everything is perceived to that end. Showing consideration is asking permission. Asking for something is begging. Basic respect is kissing up. Taking accountability is being blamed. Partnership and teamwork requires hugely unfair sacrifices and self-abandonment. Compromise is selling out. Apologizing is submitting. Admitting you're wrong is giving in.
      Many of them see changing their behavior or mindset as changing who they are. It isn't, of course, but many seem to feel very strongly that being convinced into changing their behavior is the equivalent of being brainwashed into becoming a different person. Their sense of self is so fragmented and fragile that they can react extremely negatively to this. It feels threatening and scary, as if they are losing the little bit of identity they actually have just to let someone else win. This is much too high of a price to pay, in their estimation. They don't see it as agreeing to treat someone better, or taking accountability so they can grow. They see it as losing. Entitlement is about fear. That's why it explodes into rage if they don't get what they want. Entitlement is always about the fear of not getting what you need. It isn't really about the thing the person wants. It's about what it means if you don't give it to them.
      It's not just about the acquisition of the having. It's the validation of the getting. Every single thing is a life or death power struggle in the never-ending battle to get their needs met and they absolutely must win. To lose is to fail to matter, and those who don't matter don't survive. To lose is to fail to get your needs met, and those who can't get their needs met don't survive. To lose is to fail to validate your power, and those with no power don't survive. With this mindset, it becomes all but impossible to do things differently, because to do so feels too costly and too demeaning. The resentment and the anger created by feeling they've been manipulated or talked into losing is part of what creates the devaluation we are so familiar with. They may compromise (sell themselves out) in order to stay in a valuable situation, but they will eventually be extremely unhappy about having done it, regardless of how they present themselves in the moment. In the moment, they may be willing to say or do anything to get what they want, but that moment will end, the mask will drop back into place along with all of their "normal" beliefs and behaviors, and then you will be faced with the same selfish, oblivious person you've been facing this entire time.
      Narcissists are in survival mode all the time, but there are differences in how this presents itself. For example, there's a difference between being in survival mode because you are starving and looking for food - which is their normal day-to-day mode - and being in survival mode because someone is coming at you with a weapon trying to kill you - which is how facing the loss of a valued situation feels, for instance. When that happens, they enter panic mode and will often agree to anything in order to re-secure the situation. Once that's done though, normal survival mode kicks back in and they go back to how they were. It's their normal. It's how this person has always been. They only know how to walk around doing what they've always done, which is hang onto life by the skin of their teeth getting through one day at a time any way they can and at all costs. If it hurts other people, well... that's what you get for not following the script. You're not the star of this picture and you don't matter. You should have done your job, which is fulfill their needs. After all, why else do you exist? Why else do you have needs, if not to take up the theirs resources? Why else do you have feelings, if not to affect them? Why else do you have value, if not to enrich themt? Why else do you make mistakes, if not to embarrass or upset themt? Why else do you do anything, if it isn't to or for because of them?
      Accountability feels like blame which is the siamese twin of shame, their mortal enemy. It is shame for the self that is very deep-seated and is not related to anything they've actually done in any real sense. It is much deeper than that and goes back much further than that. Some narcissists are so disconnected from their own feelings that they may not even be aware that this is what they are feeling, but this deep-seated, ever-present shame is a central feature of the pathologically narcissistic personality structure. It is, in many ways, the driving force of nearly all of their behavior in one way or another: almost everything is a reaction to it somehow, either because they are overwhelmed by it or because they are desperately trying to combat it or avoid confronting it. It is a very serious situation for this fragile personality structure that must be avoided at all costs.
      Thats why to them it is important that they not be to blame for anything.This is a pathological defense mechanism so ingrained into them that it's like a reflex. Even if they wanted to override it many of them probably can't by now it would be contrary to what they've spent their entire lives trying to do. The whole objective of life is to get through each day without being killed by their own self-hatred and toxic shame. They have no resources for or interest in anything else. You're not gonna be able to get through to them or make them care about things that they don't care about. Intellectually they might know that other ppl think what they have done is wrong.. They do not think what they've done is wrong.
      They may know that society does not think it's OK. They themselves do not think what they've done is wrong. This is about a dysfunctional thought process and maladaptive emotionality. Other people do not exist for them in the same way that they do for people who aren't narcissists. Other people are tools to be used and that's all. This is a person who values nothing. You cannot teach someone who refuses to learn. . There is no true accountability. They don't appreciate or understand the impact, only the reaction. You as a sovereign person with your own feelings, thoughts, needs, desires or anything else are not reality to this person. There is no understanding of other ppl as human beings. Because of that, there is no desire to change the way others are treated or viewed. They do what they believe they need to do and in their opinion, the ends justify the means. This is an immature, emotionally arrested person in survival mode who truly does not see the value in doing things differently. In fact, they see the opposite. Doing things differently is threatening, possibly harmful and dangerous.

    • @aliross2720
      @aliross2720 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Another reason they dont change is because what they do works for them. Now you might think, How does it work for them if they are so miserable and hate themselves so much? That is a valid question. To answer it, we have to think like a narcissist. If you can see nothing but your own feelings, and you feel so empty and awful all the time, then probably what you'd care the most about are things that make that feeling go away. Just about the only things that do that are getting what they want and hurting other people. Getting what they want helps them feel less empty and more important, and abusing others makes them feel powerful and less of a victim. It also helps them blow off steam. Their self-hatred is poisonous. They can only deflect or deny it so long until it reaches a point where it has to come out. Hurt people hurt people, as they say, and it's really true.
      Narcissists take out their own self-hatred on other people because it's the only way they get any relief from it. When they can talk about how bad someone else is, and punish that person, they don't have to keep thinking about what a terrible, unlovable monster they are. There are people who disagree with this and all I can say to them is watch the narcissists you come across. Listen to what they say. The self-hatred is evident in every single thing they do. You can't miss it once you know what to look for. There is often talk about narcissists wanting positive attention, and it's true. The problem is that any positive attention they receive is self-limiting. It will only last so long, because even if narcissists do receive positive attention, they don't believe in it. So while that is something they really like, it is never enough for them. That's why the nasty, abusive side always comes out eventually.
      Narcissists like positive attention - such as people thinking they are smart or good looking or whatever, but they don't trust it. It makes them uncomfortable inside because they know the image people are admiring is fake and they feel others will see it, too. They are in a constant state of paranoia and fear that they will be seen through. This is why they may be saints in public but a terror at home. The fear and paranoia, as well as their ever-present negative feelings of self-hatred - have to come out. Somebody has to be the enemy that they can hate and fight and blame. Somebody has to be the villain. It can't be them; their disorder was spawned as a defense mechanism designed to keep them from ever hearing anything bad about themselves and their denial is absolute. So they take it out on people they have already decided don't care about them, usually because these people have seen what the narcissist is trying to hide. This ends up being everybody, eventually, because their self-hatred and self-abuse causes them to abuse others to try and get relief from it. You can do everything a narcissist wants the second they ask you to and you'll still be wrong somehow, because they want you to be wrong so they can attack you. They are looking for an excuse.
      So why would they change when their system works for them? They get what they want and they get to feel better. Those are the only two things they care about, and the way they behave accomplishes both of these things perfectly. They are miserable, sure, but, they don't believe that their behavior is causing them more problems because they don't believe there is a way out of that misery in the first place. All they care about is avoiding it as much as they can. If you pay attention, you'll notice that is what all their behavior is geared toward: making themselves feel better. They don't even notice how their behavior makes other people feel, and wouldn't care if they did. It's not important. What's important is that they need to feel better. If you get in the way of that, there will be a very large problem.
      This is why they accuse people of being hateful to them over the weirdest things, like saying you don't love them if they can't buy something or you won't give them something, for example. It isn't that they equate money or gifts with love - though some of them do. It's that getting that one thing is the only thing that can make them feel better and worthy and valuable, and you want them to feel worthless and bad and horrible which is why you won't give it to them. It sounds so stupid and childish to a non-narcissistic person, but they mean it. And of course, many times, that behavior gets them what they want, either because someone gives in out of guilt or simply to shut this person up.
      People don't continue to do things that don't work for them, and this is true of narcissists as well. You might say it's not working for them, considering the outcomes of many things they do, but that really all depends on what they were trying to get out of it in the first place, doesn't it? There is a quote that states, "It's not the having, it's the getting," which means the journey to a goal is just as important - if not more important - than reaching the goal itself. For narcissists, it's the opposite. It's not the getting, it's the having. They don't care how they have to get something, as long as they get it. And more often than not, they get what they want - not just because of their manipulations but because what they want is often not what people think it is. Their goals are often very different than most people's. These goals are usually very short-term and center on the same thing over and over.
      For example, if we look at a narcissist with a failed marriage that ended when their spouse left because of their abuse, we might say the narcissist didn't get what they wanted. But maybe they didn't want a successful marriage, or a marriage at all. And if that were the case, maybe they got exactly what they wanted. The truth is, their behaviors exist because of years of enabling and reinforcement. About the only time you will see a true change in a narcissist is when their previous behavior is no longer working for them anymore. Then you will see different behavior - although it's still designed to achieve the same goal. Usually however, all you will see is a change of partner, not a change in the narcissist. They would rather discard the person who no longer plays along then change their behavior. Maybe if the whole world could be convinced to stop enabling, reinforcing and giving in to the narcissist's behavior and they could not find anyone else to buy it, there could be a chance they would abandon it altogethe

    • @JohnWayne-86ed
      @JohnWayne-86ed 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@aliross2720 Very thorough summary, although it was quite long and detailed, I say summary because, well, you know the complexity and depths one could go into on the topic of narcissism, I personally don't have the concentration, motivation, nor desire to leave anything more than a snippet at a time here and there, scattered over different platforms around the internet lol. There were a few things you mentioned that brought about new perspective. I applaud you on this.

    • @sparkleypegs8350
      @sparkleypegs8350 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      People like her believe they are smarter than everyone else. They have no empathy and can never put themselves in anyone else's shoes to observe herself. She is always good, she is always the attacked one, she tries to be the other person rather than herself.

  • @VG00011
    @VG00011 2 ปีที่แล้ว +153

    My only concern with her now is her child. I fear this little girl is in great danger. Did you noticed how her own mother and sister Whitney feared that narcissist ?

    • @NZSaskia
      @NZSaskia 2 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      As a daughter to this kind of woman, I can confirm it has greatly affected me throughout my life, severe social anxiety, agoraphobia and not having children of my own.

    • @lindamca10
      @lindamca10 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I too fear the the same. Her sister has fear embedded in her facial expressions. I wasn't surprised to hear her mother was frightened of her. That poor little child.

    • @lindalmiller429
      @lindalmiller429 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      This worries me, too. I wouldn’t trust this woman with a goldfish, let alone a child!

    • @SilentKnight43
      @SilentKnight43 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Concern for her child is something that isn't addressed as much as it should be. After watching the majority of the trial I'd really question her ability to be a fit parent. I wouldn't be surprised if that poor child ends up with a raft of mental and emotional trauma as a result of her. Child welfare agencies would do well to keep a close eye on this going forward.

    • @ld3418
      @ld3418 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Is it even her child? She was never pregnant, has no husband for a family a child needs, used a surrogate, so whose child is it, really? Will be better off far away from this monster, whoever it is.

  • @candacemarie6059
    @candacemarie6059 2 ปีที่แล้ว +135

    The recording of Amber literally begging JD for fuel when he wanted to get some space was eye opening. You could hear how desperate she was and she believed she would die if he left.

    • @LilyGazou
      @LilyGazou 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      That was chilling.

    • @thankyoudearjesus1
      @thankyoudearjesus1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Yes, "chilling" is a good word for that!

    • @shelleythompson-brock6412
      @shelleythompson-brock6412 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      She didn't believe she would die. It was just another manipulative tactic to get her way. Feigning medical trauma is old-hat to her.

    • @lisacurtis8162
      @lisacurtis8162 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      it makes me wonder what horrible things happened to her in childhood. she is really batcrap crazy afraid of abandonment.

    • @fromgermany271
      @fromgermany271 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have seen / survived with my ex-wife. They sometimes know they are bad and beg for according treatment. Kudos to JD for (by evidence) not letting her being insured by his hand. Luckily I treated her like you should treat a narc: try not to be confused and ignore them.

  • @Stardusted1
    @Stardusted1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +326

    There’s tons of us dealing with these devils. It’s validating to me, to see that other people go through the same kind of unbelievable crap. When I was young and divorcing my husband, I told my lawyer I had a hard time telling people what he did to me because it was so insane, so crazy making, I did not think anyone would believe me. I didn’t realize then just how rampant this has become.

    • @lili_o_losa
      @lili_o_losa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Thank you for posting this. I too divorced my husband after 11 years and there's no way to explain why but just know my own truth is enough but man am I so happy that these types of relationshits are being exposed 🙏🏽 Thanks HG

    • @madmonkey823
      @madmonkey823 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I'm shocked at how many I recognize after learning how. I understand that some red flags don't indicate a narc, and we have to look at frequency over time, but there are so many people from my past, or other friends in relationships, or friendships with them. If I wouldn't look crazy I'd tell everyone I met about this, and how to guard themselves

    • @DivineSource444
      @DivineSource444 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Hugs sister… ♥️ I too am glued to this as I received zero validation of the insanity I went through.

    • @jennimac7568
      @jennimac7568 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      You're definitely not alone. I was married to a narcissist that also had untreated bi-polar disorder. I divorced him after 14 years and 2 children later and I felt people would think I was the crazy one when I explained why I wanted the divorce. To this day I am still convinced that if our daughter hadn't of been old enough to tell what she'd witnessed during the marriage then I'd probably still not be believed by others.

    • @ld3418
      @ld3418 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Having a narcissist mother, my entire life, til I learned of this psych defect at 54, was a nightmare. Genetics passed to my son as similar issues intensified at 32, like my mother. Tough to go no contact with only mother and only child, but their insanity has robbed me of 62 years. Want what's left for myself.

  • @fomcgirl
    @fomcgirl 2 ปีที่แล้ว +149

    He clearly is winning in the court of public opinion, not because he is the bigger star but because people can see that he had an abusive (narcissistic) mother and fell into a familial dysfunctional dynamic with Amber. His empathy was greatly reduced as a result, causing him to lash out at her at times and sink further into his own numbing addictions to ease the pain of trauma.

    • @magentass3064
      @magentass3064 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I agree, I don't watch films, had no knowledge of his personal life, knew who he was but did not take any notice! Watching the case, I am 100% pro Johnny, that performance of hers, OMG !! I was in a very abusive marriage, and left after the second beating ( I know should have done the first) absolutely disgusting her and her evil friends

    • @maryannenizio5074
      @maryannenizio5074 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      he even said he married his mother.... he told his shrink

    • @sanditaranto4980
      @sanditaranto4980 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He's no angel, let's not pretend otherwise. But there's a big difference between a flawed human being (like all of us) who lost his temper... and someone who harms others. He said some nasty things in private texts to other people. She hit him, clawed him, physically assaulted him on numerous occasions, slandered him, tried to frame him, worked to destroy his career, and lied nonstop.
      Johnny seems like a human. She seems like something else... except that I know from personal experience that humans can be the biggest "something else" of all.

    • @goldenparachute392
      @goldenparachute392 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @I AM we now know he won 😅

    • @sallycinnamon5370
      @sallycinnamon5370 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @I AM But in the UK they didn’t really go into whether she was telling the truth. They were determining if the newspaper had reason to think that the allegation were true. Essentially “It’s true I heard it.” Whether or not what she said was true was immaterial. What had to be established was that The Sun was reasonable to run the story.
      It’s the hardest thing about being a celebrity in a situation like this. That article didn’t have words by AH but she was the source. But it’s essentially impossible to sue the source for an article that paraphrases them. And it’s also essentially impossible to sue the publication because they just have to prove that they heard it from a source and it wasn’t OBVIOUS that the source was lying. They don’t have to prove that the source told the truth…just that the source did in fact give the information that they based their article on.

  • @Jessicaunarex
    @Jessicaunarex 2 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    They keep claiming she is 'tearful', yet there are no tears.

  • @juliefisk8066
    @juliefisk8066 2 ปีที่แล้ว +314

    I have a family member who will literally try and tell you that you did not see what you just saw. It's absolutely insane to watch and/or be a victim of this nonsense. When you try to correct the situation, it only serves to escalate the behavior into a more heated argument until you just want to walk away or give, which is exactly what they want...

    • @angelaramsay1778
      @angelaramsay1778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Im familiar with that circus act. It means we cant take them seriously as human being. Yes, they want us to give in.

    • @showmestategirl7001
      @showmestategirl7001 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Had a husband that did exactly what you commented. Any attempt on my part to correct the situation he would scream at the top of his lungs. I gave up and just didn't say anything anymore because we had 2 small children and I couldn't let them witness all his craziness.

    • @janneth1717
      @janneth1717 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That's Gaslighing! 😰😰😰

    • @goread5544
      @goread5544 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      What a lonely existence

    • @juliefisk8066
      @juliefisk8066 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@angelaramsay1778 agreed. I walked away just over 5 years ago. This person continues to try to reach out to me through other people including my husband, children, sister, mother. The only answer is simply nope. Their reply is "I don't understand what I did." While telling more and more lies about me even though we haven't spoken in over 5 years. It's fascinating the things I've learned about myself since then. 😂 I will never engage with them again, ever! I have peace about my decision

  • @leticiavillafranco6347
    @leticiavillafranco6347 2 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    Narcissists are so ducked! She was married to JD, she's beautiful physically, she has a career, fame, wealth and can not stop herself from fucking it all up! Poor Amber maybe she is the victim......but not JDs victim but of herself!!!

    • @ViolettaD1485
      @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      They all are. Have you listened to HG's videos on the people Harry's Wife needs to fear?

    • @Ms.Divine
      @Ms.Divine 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Imagine if she became self aware . ...

    • @angelajames6460
      @angelajames6460 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Harrys wife is the same. Had such a fantastic opportunity in the rf and f@cked it up.

    • @Songbirdstress
      @Songbirdstress 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      She had fame

    • @waywardrachel9637
      @waywardrachel9637 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Neither woman look beautiful anymore

  • @bcpr9812
    @bcpr9812 2 ปีที่แล้ว +130

    She's so dodgy and fake and obviously avoidant of taking any responsibility for herself. I feel secondhand embarrassment for her, it's hard to watch her even for 5 minutes. Probably because she also doesn't feel embarrassed or ashamed about her own behaviour, so those of us watching who have a capacity for that just pick up her slack on feeling those emotions.

    • @katerinakaye2228
      @katerinakaye2228 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I think 10-15 mins is my limit with her. She makes me sick, to think of all the pain & destruction she has caused in so many people’s lives. And the nerve to sit there and lie & manipulate, it’s just too much.

    • @missylee1539
      @missylee1539 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Wonderfully put. It’s very uncomfortable and incredibly draining for me to watch her. The embarrassment I feel towards her. The poor girl secretly hates herself. She just can’t SEE it because she’s THAT sick. She needs years of 24/7 psychological counseling in a group in house facility to even have a prayer of ever recovering. Not to mention how much counseling all the people left in her destructive wake will need too.

    • @vivianlevy3414
      @vivianlevy3414 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      People like her Do Not Feel Embarrassed about anything they do! They Lack Human Emotions.......

    • @blossom7801
      @blossom7801 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The same here. Secondhand embarrassment, I can’t watch her , too much of dishonesty, desperate , lie, list goes on.

    • @maryleung1425
      @maryleung1425 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@missylee1539 u are assuming that amber heard has normal human emotions ..... she doesnt.....if she had normal human emotions she wouldnt do what she did ....

  • @MG-ot2yr
    @MG-ot2yr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    She doesn't stop because she's on a speeding train and can't get off, stopping means admitting to lies and perjury charges. Her narcissism and arrogance got her in this mess, she made up these DV claims when she filed for divorce and got a restraining order with the idea that she'd extort Johnny for every penny she could get out of him, and convinced that he'd never go public about being a DV victim and if he did then nobody would believe him. She never envisioned sitting in a defamation trial currently having all her lies blow up in her face, there was a point while she was testifying on the cross last week that she definitely appeared to regret the predicament she's found herself in.

    • @rhondasisco-cleveland2665
      @rhondasisco-cleveland2665 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I disagree on one thing. Imo:
      She defamed him to get ahead of anything he might out her on: the abuse, finger, turd, trampy behavior, coke addiction. That she accused him of everything she was doing was so that no one would believe him if he talked. She would say it was just to get back at her. It’s classic behavior. I’ve been there too many times. They are monsters inside, but never see it that way. They are entitled to abuse you, steal from you, lie about you etc

    • @fozzydare7987
      @fozzydare7987 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      the only thing she said which was true was she wanted him to leave her alone - she needs him to do this because otherwise it means she has to face her karma of evil

    • @broadwaysam8405
      @broadwaysam8405 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not Johnny Depp’s style.

    • @Rey-Nolds
      @Rey-Nolds 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I caught that moment when she regretted sitting there and having to build upon her lies.

    • @buggerlugz6753
      @buggerlugz6753 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Or speed, looking at how she kept snorting her handkerchief.

  • @beefsuprem0241
    @beefsuprem0241 2 ปีที่แล้ว +112

    Pride comes before a fall.
    She cannot let a single thing pass, she always has to tack on a little pointless info or a backhand to Depp when questioned. There's no choosing her battles. She fights everything and it comes across as deeply petty and disingenuous.
    The constant glancing to the jury when answering is creepy as well.

    • @CGH250
      @CGH250 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Another MM

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Narcissists NEVER admit to being wrong, don't BELIEVE they can be wrong, and really couldn't give a damn if they are - they're here to suck off and abuse others, and then get rid of them when they lose control over them. I believe narcissism may have been how movies about blood-sucking vampires actually got 'birthed'! And this experience is what I believe Depp experienced, as it has been for so many others now coming forward in comment pages such as this.

  • @mytobytobster
    @mytobytobster 2 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    After watching today’s cross examination - she can’t stop because as HG EXPLAINS. I see revision of history at times you can almost see her making it up as she goes along- she spins.

  • @kauffrau6764
    @kauffrau6764 2 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    This is the most difficult fact to comprehend - that she doesn't know what she is doing. Also, raises the question - if she believes herself, why is her acting out the abuse so bad?

    • @ratatata1092
      @ratatata1092 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Bc belief can not substitute missing experience

    • @ViolettaD1485
      @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      She's not that talented.

    • @autumnleaves8553
      @autumnleaves8553 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Because she has little physical experience to base her narrative on. Even if she researches she's not emotive in her delivery as she has no memories.

    • @SoulThrashingBlackSorcery
      @SoulThrashingBlackSorcery 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      I believe she is stuck. She doesn't believe her lies, that's obvious by her acting. But I think she's incapable to telling the truth

    • @Bar_Bar27
      @Bar_Bar27 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not only that. Shes emotionless. A psychopath and she can't fake it to this level that shes in

  • @bcpr9812
    @bcpr9812 2 ปีที่แล้ว +344

    I don't think that Johnny Depp is a narcissist. Does he have some traits? Oh, sure, we all have some degree of narcissistic traits. Is he perfect? No. He has a history of substance use disorders, although he grew up with an abusive mother and then had to deal with Amber, and he has his demons as a result. He self-medicates his trauma. He has called her some nasty things, and said some nasty things in private conversations venting to friends, but I think it's reactive abuse and it's understandable coming from anyone on the receiving end of Amber's maddening behaviour to the degree and duration that he has been. Johnny kept trying to remove himself from Amber's aggression and need for violence, which is clear in the audio evidence yet Amber testifies to the opposite.

    • @znmm2588
      @znmm2588 2 ปีที่แล้ว +71

      He’s an empath

    • @angelapitts2123
      @angelapitts2123 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Well said

    • @asseyez-vous6492
      @asseyez-vous6492 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Johnny is definitely an empath. I’ve been on the receiving end of narcissists all my life, the last major one was gaslighting me like crazy, in turn, this made me crazy. I was drinking and knowing that something ‘wasn’t right’ with him. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I hated him. So did my dog. This was around 20 years ago and I’ve learned a lot about narcissism in the past 2-3 years. I finally understand! H.G. Has affirmed my learning. Learning about it was complicated but now I get it. It is when narcs get away with it that my blood boils. Why can’t people see what I see?

    • @SK-su3pt
      @SK-su3pt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @scottblack7182
      @scottblack7182 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bravo! do you feel noticed for this useless post? 😒

  • @rhondawalker2020
    @rhondawalker2020 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    She can't answer Johnny's attorney, she goes off on word salads and embelishes her answers with anecdotes on what Johnny did to her, oh me oh my......."I loved him" she can't love anyone, because she's a narcissist! Thanks HG!

  • @magentass3064
    @magentass3064 2 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    What I get out of this is, most of Johnny's employees/friends are still with him , some 20 or more years, mist friends/ employees are now not with her, not even her sister! My brother is an alcoholic and he does get frustrated, when he drinks, he has been known to be verbally abusive and has smashed things up, he has never raised his hands to a woman or indeed anyone! After yesterday's court, I was absolutely amazed how he put up with people walking in and out , all his penthouses, everyone said how abusive he was to them, but no one thought about moving out and paying rent! They seem to even go into his bedroom as and when they all wanted!! No nan would put up with all his wife's friends just occupying every inch of his space!! That Rocky set up a display of her jewellery in one of his flats, even though she lived in one rent free!! A lit of people have used him for all they could, deliberately plying him with drugs, so they could use his money for their own pleasures ! I am soo disgusted about how people treated him, her so called friends ( she doesn't speak to any of them anymore) all used the hell out of him! I am glad Johnny exposes all of those leeches

    • @minnie5301
      @minnie5301 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't know he coped with all those people in and out with no privacy and then not even allowed to see his own daughter

    • @broadwaysam8405
      @broadwaysam8405 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Leeching drug addicts.

  • @carolbell8008
    @carolbell8008 2 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I believe that she gathered some abuse stories from others and tried making them her own through her bad acting on the witness stand, let’s hope the jury isn’t dumb.

    • @anupamsircar111
      @anupamsircar111 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, the abuse story belongs to Kates James, AH's personal assistant who was fired and testified to this.

  • @dawnjoyce2163
    @dawnjoyce2163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    When some idiot comments that she's the victim, I can't be bothered to argue. I tell them to look up "HG Tudor" on TH-cam

  • @elizabethdumas4147
    @elizabethdumas4147 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Makes me wonder why the UK believed her nonsense. Don't they listen to HG Tudor or Lady Colin Campbell over there? They need to be educated about the Narcissist and all their lies and abuse.

    • @reneerayl3526
      @reneerayl3526 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It seems the judge, and the owner of the Sun, are friends. The judge should have recused himself but did not.

    • @Peaceshiet812
      @Peaceshiet812 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I can tell you that lots of us here in the UK were horrified at the outcome of that case, and are rooting for Johnny big time.

    • @REDinitial
      @REDinitial 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The judge, for whatever reason, seemed to be very biased towards AH. Depp's witnesses were discredited for being either his employees or medical staff, her witnesses were not for being her friends and having had financial gain from being on friendly terms with her at the time. The audio tapes made no difference to him because he valued her testimony in court, under oath, more, but in his case the text messages were revelatory despite his testimony in court, under oath. Many of her statements were taken at face value, either with no evidence (the donation of her divorce settlement) or where evidence pointed to the contrary (police officers' testimonies).
      He did not apply the same standard of evidence to both parties.

    • @Chris_mueller
      @Chris_mueller 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s absolutely concerning that this could happen. And even now, the fact that he might not win the defamation case and she might get away without legal consequences, leaves me speechless. She fabricated evidence, lied on oath several times, twisted facts, admitted to hitting him, and so on. Some people are put to jail for hitting someone once. And it also bothers me that we can mentally abuse someone for a lifetime without consequences, but then this person snaps once and she/he is the abuser.

  • @cynthiaguarino2016
    @cynthiaguarino2016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    One other point, narcissists must win at all costs no matter the consequences.

  • @BubblyinUSA2010
    @BubblyinUSA2010 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I believe she pushes him again and again, physically and verbally, until he leaves or blows up. His outbursts of anger is caused by her on purpose. She wants a fight. She yells at him all the time. She wants to do him in. Loves his money and famous status. She was arrested for assault by her last relationship, so why wasn’t that brought up in this defamation trial. Her mask is slipping, we all see it. She’s so mad she has been caught in her own lies. It’s great to see!

    • @angieremmel916
      @angieremmel916 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was brought up by he's lawyer Camille Vasquez this week when she was questioning Amber Heard. So, the court heard that Ms. Heard wad abusive to an ex girlfriend

    • @LgacLgac
      @LgacLgac 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Then we he does blow up she uses it to create these massive false stories he beat her to a pulp

  • @mariemohan2383
    @mariemohan2383 2 ปีที่แล้ว +105

    With all due respect, Amber Heard is not answering JD’s atty cross examination questions. She’s answering the questions she wanted JD’s attorney to ask, spinning it to make herself look good. For example, instead of admitting she never donated the money wherein she had the full 7 million dollars to do so, she’s changed the words to pledge and it’s JD fault why she’s hasn’t given the part of the money she stated she would. She’s trying to say that both words donate/pledge are the same, but they are not. Her testimony is full of circumstantial evidence with a bunch of hearsay. She’s acting to the point of a hostile witness without giving clear yes or no answers. These are “her truths” not “the truth”. You don’t see any fake crying now. Straight defiance. “Ms Heard, Ms. Heard, that’s not what I asked you.” Lol JD’s attorney says. It’s just amazing to me how much word salad there is from her. Definitely a learning experience. Yea, give her enough rope, HG. Wow, she’s a piece of work. smh.

    • @ViolettaD1485
      @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Notice how the attorney doesn't stop her right away--lets her spew out sufficient lines of BS so the jury can see for themselves she's full of it.

    • @sballer
      @sballer 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You’re exactly right! It gives such a good real life in your face example of what HG explains daily! It’s wild!

    • @susanb9109
      @susanb9109 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It’s really mouth dropping watching Her isn’t it? I just can’t believe what comes out of her mouth. I have to say she quick on Her feet though lol!

    • @teprakp
      @teprakp 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @Marie Mohan; I wonder if Harry’s wife is watching and taking notes ???

    • @johnllewlyndavies222
      @johnllewlyndavies222 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      There's talk of her being investigated for perjury in the UK because she said she had donated the money when she hadn't.

  • @trishayamada807
    @trishayamada807 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This hit home. I was in therapy and I asked my psychiatrist if I was a narcissist because my ex would call me one all the time. I ended up in therapy because nothing was making any sense to me and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t ever feel stable. I will always remember when my doctor said that narcissists would never think to ask if they are the problem. I still feel for my ex. He is suffering because of his issues, but you can’t say anything. It’s watching a train wreck looming and knowing you can’t stop it from happening. It can not be a peaceful way to live.

    • @bonnie7205
      @bonnie7205 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I understand how you felt.When I was in an abusive relationship, I could no longer feel stable or trust my own perceptions. So thankful to be free of the insanity. Glad you made it out too.

    @HIGHLANDER_ONLY_ONE 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    ***I get seriously ANNOYED, when people say the victim is also an abuser. They're NOT, we are NOT!! Imagine a case where you are walking on the street, minding your own business, and some loser, crazy, and unhinged person you don't even know comes to you, and PUNCHES you in the stomach, and starts pulling your backpack off of you. You won't let go, - all your private and important information is on your laptop, and he or she PUMMELS you some more, and you try to run away with your possessions, and she follows you, and continues to brutally punch you. How would you like it, when the cops come, they say that you're "equally " abusing each other, so there's nothing they can do, how would you like it, huh? That's how victims feel, when accused of also being an abuser. It is WRONG and INACCURATE. If we're tough or even crazy enough to fight back, because we don't want to be abused, nor be a door mat, that does NOT mean that we are also an abuser. In this case, he didn't even got her, he's pushed her to get her off of him. He's moved her to sit her on the bed so he could leave, he vouched back and called her names. He was DEFENDING himself. That he stayed with her stemmed of many childhood trauma, but also, she would LOVE BOMB him into staying with her which also stems because of his childhood traumas. That's INSULTING to say the least that a victim is an abuser!!!!***

  • @swinginga2136
    @swinginga2136 2 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    I see this in my own situation; how the unaware narcissist keeps on undermining himself.
    In audio consultation, HG predicted this scenario and explained this to me, which made me worry much less.
    HG’s video “give the narcissist enough rope” explains this in more detail.
    Excellent advice, thank you again HG. 🥇

    • @hgtudor-theultra
      @hgtudor-theultra  2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      You’re welcome, Swinging A

    • @sweetestperfection4280
      @sweetestperfection4280 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That has proven to be truth in my case as well.

    • @ehyeh365
      @ehyeh365 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Looks like she is given plenty of rope. Although she is enjoying this greatly… so far…

  • @fffffff6822
    @fffffff6822 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Hey, its not Ambers fault that Johnny Depps face was caught by her fist okay ? He could have ducked down. Its not her fault that the bottle she threw damaged his finger, why was he standing there in the first place ? If Johnny wasnt born, none of this would have happened. I rest my case.

    • @kimkhamis6420
      @kimkhamis6420 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There u go....!!! If only Amber read your comment. Lol

    • @Chris_mueller
      @Chris_mueller 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @LadyBugPicnic12
    @LadyBugPicnic12 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    The crazy making part for me is the projection. Amber says Johnny hit her and ruined her career. Makes me think of my sister who I had to cut off. It is so frustrating and unfair, and they’ll never let themselves see it. You just have to get away.

    • @Chris_mueller
      @Chris_mueller 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly there is never the relief we seek, the little confession. You really can only walk away and be thankful that you see now signs on such people much earlier.

    • @Indyghurl
      @Indyghurl 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Totally agree, i learned to really listen to my ex, learned what he was accusing me of was literally his confession as to his behaviour.

  • @lemonaid13
    @lemonaid13 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    The explanation of her behavior saddens me. I've watch the entire trial and its sad to think that she will never see where's she's wrong. She will never regard her behavior as outrageous.
    It's sort of a them against me mentality. "They're all against me, they all hate me", That's my parent.
    Neither she nor amber will ever understand why. 😔

  • @antb9521
    @antb9521 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    The alleged SA is extremely troubling. This behavior is usually associated with extreme deviants and serial killers, worst of the worst. Adding this to the list of abuse is very disturbing.

    • @Kraypaper
      @Kraypaper 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      In her world, words are interchangeable, convenient...whatever she needs them to be in the moment. Pledge,'s all the same!

    • @carolbell8008
      @carolbell8008 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Her lying and bad acting in the witness stand or the fake stories she spewed?

    • @maryleung1425
      @maryleung1425 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Kraypaperdonation or pledge ....its the same convienience for amber ....even tho its not ... in her mind she chooses to make it that way

    • @erigerontriteleia
      @erigerontriteleia 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Quite a few people have commented that JD is lucky to be able to get out of that relationship alive and without significant damage to his body except a severed fingertip. Things could have been much worse. The psychological, mental and emotional healing still have to take place.

    • @anupamsircar111
      @anupamsircar111 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The SA story was stolen from Kate James, AH's personal assistant.

  • @ludi82
    @ludi82 2 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    "Her narcissism does not let her..." sounds like an entity that controls her. I am still not sure if she more dangerous than a councious narc.

    • @narcissisticabusechronicle6586
      @narcissisticabusechronicle6586 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I truly believe narcissists have a demon and or demons that control them. Replace the word "narcissism" with the word "demon" which makes more sense. "Her/His demon won't allow her to see it".😳

    • @iconc1402
      @iconc1402 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Ekhart Tolle calls it the pain body, Jung calls it the shadow complex.

    • @aliross2720
      @aliross2720 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Narcissistic people have a hard time moving on from things. While they may exit the situation they don't ever seem to move on from it. Yhey don't seem to process things or accept them or come to terms with them so they can be at peace. It's more of an escape from things than
      anything else. For example years after they had a bad experience at a job or was a relationship they may continue to talk about it as if it just happened recently. All the emotion about
      the situation is still there. They will often still say the same things feel the same ways have the same conclusions. here may be no growth or expanding of perspective at all. If it involves the
      narcissist experiencing negative emotions they simply cannot see or hear anything past that.
      it is extremely difficult to deal with someone who cannot move on from things. It ends with people being harassed, punished and just tortured over things for years. This can be especially
      horrible because these can be things that never even happened. It results in endless cyclical arguments that never go anywhere, get resolved or end because this person simply cannot
      let it go. You end up explaining yourself over and over again just to be asked the same questions or be accused of the things. it doesn't get through, it never stops and it won't stop. Not only do they need to blame you for things in order to avoid shame for themselves, and not only do they want to punish you for supposedly hurting them .
      They're extremely rigid psychologically, they're inflexible and they have a very hard time integrating new data into their understanding of things. On top of suffering from a range of cognitive distortions they enter into a state of cognitive fusion where thoughts emotions
      and experiences become fused together. and become fixed in their minds' Their perception of reality and consequently their reactions, behavior reflect this fused experience rather than the experience of the actual situation or the moment. They reject information that refutes or disproves the fused experience, not just because they're psychologically rigid but also
      cognitive distortions. Their conclusions make sense to them. They might have been
      in this state of cognitive fusion for decades without ever questioning or even acknowledging it. Cognitive fusion and psychological inflexibility contribute to narcissists talking about the same
      things or asking the same questions over and over again as if they've never been discussed even though they have often multiple times.
      the inflexibility and subsequent rejection of new information is not just a result of these cognitive issues. They are also an automatic defense reaction because acceptance or consideration of the new information would cause narcissists to experience an unwanted or
      negative emotional event such as being wrong. Tto someone living in such a shame-based existence it's very dangerous. Shame is a core component of the narcissistic personality it is
      disproportionately strong and it can be triggered very easily. They spend their lives trying to outrun this shame and things like being wrong can cause a tidal wave of shame that they can't
      escape. This makes it very difficult for narcissists to process events, particularly if they involve negative emotions. Because narcissists have such a tendency to automatically perceive
      things negatively and because they will try to avoid negative emotional experiences at all costs. There are many things that happen which they're not able to process or accept.
      They can seem to move on from things quite easily but that's often because they're not moving
      on from things they are moving away from things towards something someone or somewhere else. That's not moving on it's escaping. We see this very clearly in the use of gaslighting, word salad, projection, blame shifting, shame dumping and virtually all of their other toxic behaviors/ it's all about avoiding escaping potentially negative emotional experiences/
      They cannot process or hold negative emotions, they have to simply vent them out this may
      release some of the pressure for them in the moment but it does not address the emotion in any way so it just sits there. This is why they still seem angry upset or hurt or bothered by things for so long ,even things that happened decades ago/ In order to move on from things you have to be able to process what happened and the emotions that came with it/ Then
      you have to be able to accept it. Narcissists don't do any of that and consequently they do not move on. They move away.
      This overwhelmingly has to do with things narcissists believe have been done to them/ Because they don't bond with other people the loss of a relationship only seems to matter when they believe the other person did something to them, which is often the relationship itself, though is not the focus or the problem. It's what was done wrong to the narcissist that is what they cannot move on from. This is ironically also why they move away so quickly from things they've done to other people. Being told they've done something wrong exposes narcissists
      which triggers shame. The lack of ability to process negative emotions keeps them stuck in what they believe has been done to them, but it also allows them to move away from the
      things they've done to other people. Time has stopped for this person and will never move on but in others time is flying by too fast for them to even catch. When you don't process emotions
      this keeps the situation fresh as if it just happened at the same time avoiding everything and just moving away from it can make events and experiences seem farther away than they really were. This results in sometimes talking about things from decades ago as if they just happened but also talking about things as if they happened decades ago when they just happened.
      Their concept of time in this way can be very vague and seems often to be based on how emotionally impacted they were by something. If it has no emotional meaning for them it
      seems to have no meaning at all.
      Hoovering is the narcissist is trying to avoid a negative emotional experience by re-securing the relationship. This is not evidence that they care about somebody. It's evidence that losing control over other people terrifies them because they're dependent on other people to

    • @fozzydare7987
      @fozzydare7987 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aliross2720 this is the longest comment i jave ever seen on YT just saying! ;) i am interested to read will have to come back tho when i have a spare half hour :)

  • @catic6587
    @catic6587 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Hi HG! I was watching this trial and identifying so much of what you previously described in your video’s about a narcissist behavior! I began to see micro gestures, smirks, façade, pity play, lack of accountability, the need to be in control etc etc, one after the other. I also remember a video where you said that the only place you can really confront a narcissist is in courtroom and now I really understand why…. She’s like the perfect “living manual” of describing how a narcissist operates. At this point, she’s the best example because there’s so much filmed material. Thank you again for sharing this knowledge and making it so clear to understand… it makes my life so much easier. And I say “easier” because at least when one understands a situation, one can put their mind at rest and not ruminate over “why’s” :)

  • @joricardochard2824
    @joricardochard2824 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    People who have life long friends and employees is not a narcissist. Both Amber and MM do not have anyone in their life long term. That speaks volumes.

    • @mercedesharrison5550
      @mercedesharrison5550 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This is not true at all. My dad is a major narc and has friends for 50 plus years and my mother never had friends because he gave her a hard time about it. I also lost many friends because I made friends with narcs and high narc tendencies when I was young only to get older and realize I needed to remove them because they were so abusive.

    • @katenkaren6692
      @katenkaren6692 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      A lot of family are co dependent and also natrcassit ..all addicted to the cycle of abuse.
      I've seen many people with tons of friends they constantly put each other down..they love the get backs and power and control cycle..
      Sick relationships.

  • @7babi3
    @7babi3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Today she is dressed and behaves like dr. Curry. People noticed that. They ignore it’s character traits acquisition. And she keeps constantly doing blame shifting. She even criticized her lawyers! The cops! Everybody lies except her... also paranoia is shown. But no way she’s going to admit anything or just answer “yes/no” to the lawyer in cross examination. No hope. Thank you: perfect timing and analysis 🎯🎯🎯 (the result anyway is not going to be so important. I guess it is important that people are taking awareness and information on narcissism)

    • @ViolettaD1485
      @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The result matters to people who want to see one less narcissist get away with it. Even victims of DV have been posting they don't believe her.

    • @mytobytobster
      @mytobytobster 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Juror number 9 - despises her

    • @susanb9109
      @susanb9109 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      She constantly blames everyone else! She had an answer for EVERYTHING and it’s never her fault. Good catch on the Dr. Curry outfit, she really imitates a lot.

    • @7babi3
      @7babi3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ViolettaD1485 yes Violetta, but then there are legal technical parameters to have defamation, so I am not sure 100% JD will win. I hope so. His lawyers are very good. Anyway the public opinion already has a clearer idea of the situation and is observing her behavior with critical lenses, so this is already a very good result in order to increase narcissism knowledge

  • @rockpaperscissors.
    @rockpaperscissors. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    HG hasn't had time to assess JD because AH is such a dumpster fire. 🔥

  • @chammiebelt816
    @chammiebelt816 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I don't think Johnny is a narcissist... At some point the empath has had enough ! This is when survival mode kicks in and trys to defend yourself against the real monster.In this case it is Miss Turd.

  • @stu8642
    @stu8642 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We need a separate trial to establish whether her dog really stepped on a bee though. The truth must come out!

  • @katanyajason3316
    @katanyajason3316 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    This is gold! Thank you HG. I've been watching her go through the most damning situations and then all of a sudden she'll flash a little "Nailed it" smile. She really does think she's got everyone fooled. I know she's already initiated her self-destruct mode but still please someone make her stoooooooopppp!! 😂

  • @lisarochwarg4707
    @lisarochwarg4707 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Lousiest actress I've ever seen. Maybe worse than Markle.

  • @heatherfranklin9076
    @heatherfranklin9076 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    She is quite literally her own worst enemy. I spent 27 years with a narcissist and had come to believe that I was the problem following years of gaslighting. I was completely unaware of narcissism. By chance I came across an article and that was my awakening. After that I saw the full picture and you can't ever unsee it once you've become aware. I left him. Took me seconds to see Amber Heard in her true light. And yes they always have an impact on their children. They don't all choose the same path as the narcissistic parent and thank goodness for that.

  • @heartlocket91
    @heartlocket91 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Johnny Depp is an Empath.
    Spoiler: I was wrong. 😂

  • @ViolettaD1485
    @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    You can't prove a negative--that he never abused her--but what his lawyers can do is demonstrate how specific allegations of abuse are false. A broken nose would have swelling that makeup wouldn't cover. The cover-up she claimed to use on her black eyes and swollen lip wasn't on the market yet. A dog can't poop out twice its body-mass.
    And she is helping them, whether she likes it or not, because she continually contradicts not only what she said years ago, often recorded, but even what she just said a few minutes ago.

  • @1WhoCares
    @1WhoCares 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Enjoyed this very much! I truly do appreciate any information on her particular school and cadre - as my ex is the same, and gives an interesting performance in court as well!
    "Give the Narcissist Enough Rope" is one of my favourite videos of yours, HG

  • @daviniusb6798
    @daviniusb6798 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Finally! I was waiting for someone to speak up about how she really FELLS like being a victim. Everytime JD wasn't paing attention to her, everytime he felt asleep while she was around, he violated her, abused her. The whole "MeToo" thing is, in her eyes, just a placeholder for whatever you are complaining about.
    I think JD's lawyers should have asked her in court what all those thing mean to her. We heard that pleged and donated are the same for her, so what about "punching, beating, abusing, molesting" and so on?

  • @annbraden2666
    @annbraden2666 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I get no narc vibes from Johnny. No word salads for one.

  • @bluezinnia847
    @bluezinnia847 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Brilliant H.G....I've been totally glued to this trial. My heart is with Johnny Depp for sure:) Amber Heard has paid for her good looks, but she absolutely cannot act. Johnny fell for the wrong woman, and he is doing his best to get away from her, and stand up for his good standing in his acting career. I stand with Johnny.

  • @Murcurybun
    @Murcurybun 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    She also continuously keeps looking at Johnny but he hasn't looked at her once. Why do you think this is?

    • @marindakemp6619
      @marindakemp6619 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      JD told she would never look in his eyes again. It was on tape that was played in Court.

    • @ViolettaD1485
      @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm hoping it's because he or his lawyers got ahold of HG's "Narcissist in Court" material! Don't look at them, in my case (a phone hearing) don't talk to them: address everything to the judge or hearing officer. She has tried to provoke a reaction from him, just as HG warns narcs in court will, but Johnny's not playing.

    • @bethotoole6569
      @bethotoole6569 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It came out in court today. During the meeting she convinced him into during the time frame of the restraining order,, the fought and he told her she’d never look into his eyes again. She kept saying it was because he ‘couldn’t’ look at her. They played the tape.. he told her.
      How freakin’ weird they taped every conversation!!

    • @janparish8055
      @janparish8055 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      She said it's because he knows he's guilty, I think it's because he can't stand the sight of her.

    • @MissFunnyBunnyKC
      @MissFunnyBunnyKC 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Because it fuels the narcissist to give them attention. To narcs, attention means giving over control of yourself to them.

  • @maxhammer4067
    @maxhammer4067 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    When are we getting to what jhonny is, the Amber stuff has been by far some of your best work, it's just perfectly executed

  • @lisalynch629
    @lisalynch629 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They lie when caught red handed,when truth would work better

  • @naomisherred166
    @naomisherred166 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    At first during the trial I was so happy her lies were so obvious and obviously court of public opinion then started to swing JD's way. I am so glad he has been vindicated. Now though I feel sorry for AH too as she is committing self-sabatage to such an extreme degree. I really hope she will get some proper psychiatric help but sadly I don't think she will of course...

  • @pat_an466
    @pat_an466 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I haven't been following the proceedings at all, but I do get to see snippets (through Twitter in particular). And I've listened to your analyses, of course, HG, so I know from you what she is. I can see from the snippets I've accessed that she's less than convincing. Well, actually, that she's clearly lying (and a bad actress, too!).
    This is another fascinating explanation, HG. I get that it's the narcissism doing the driving and causing her reactions, and that it's automatic rather than a deliberate and considered act. But even given that, it's still hard to really grasp just why the narcissism lets her (and others you've covered) look so fake and so bad. You would think it would guide them to deal with the situation in a different way, to at least seem more convincing. I know she thinks she's convincing, but somewhere down the line I'd have thought the narcissism would itself realise something's wrong, and to shift the way of doing things. Then again, I'm looking at it through my own lens, not that of a narcissist!
    What I'm interested in now is what Johnny Depp is. I don't know enough about him and his life to have an opinion, though I've seen a lot of things where he has gone out of his way to help people, which sort of suggests an empath - albeit one with drugs/drink abuse. You mention about the case being difficult to prove for him, which I can see it will be. It's always easier to prove something that did happen, rather than prove that something didn't happen (assuming for a moment that it didn't). But yes, if the aim is to clear his name with the public and film makers, then he's doing well on that side, regardless of the case itself.

  • @thomasinavolkman4456
    @thomasinavolkman4456 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    She is wearing bee earrings, is she mocking us?

    • @marlajacques6947
      @marlajacques6947 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      She’s mocking her dog 😆

    • @jobotmang
      @jobotmang 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      yes. we've fuelled her.

  • @Vixinaful
    @Vixinaful 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    What a nasty piece if work, I was sure she was an upper but shes just a mid ranger, wow!

    • @mohsonshah9149
      @mohsonshah9149 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Lower mid range

    • @ViolettaD1485
      @ViolettaD1485 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      With the physical abuse, she's just a shade of word salad away from being a Lesser.

  • @mysticme777
    @mysticme777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Excellent analysis as usual...
    Thanks HG❤

  • @jayeharrison4533
    @jayeharrison4533 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I hope you start live-streaming the trial as it happens. I’ll swing back by at check this out after court is over.

    • @antb9521
      @antb9521 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      HG's time is better spent on analysis.

  • @nancydenmark4873
    @nancydenmark4873 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think their was mutual combat. I also think neither will win any money. I think it will be a wash! But I believe JD has won in the court of public opinion.

  • @leighalaughlin4056
    @leighalaughlin4056 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    It has been great watching the trial with my new knowledge from your videos

  • @ludi82
    @ludi82 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank u it s life changing i have been studying narcissim since 2013 but ur approach is changing the game. I am still attracting and interacting with lots of narc i ll eventually take one session or one course. Thank u so much

    • @captainbarbosa6567
      @captainbarbosa6567 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      As an empath i do too. But the only cure is to stay away from them, turn away and walk away and yes stay away. Stop attracting them by starting to love, respect and honor yourself. Protect yourself, set your boundaries and keep your boundaries. Healing oneself is the only way and that includes looking into the deep shadow aspect of oneself as well. Once you've healed enough the narcs won't bother you.
      Healing takes time and work but can be done. I found plenty of helpful information on YT, for instance Surviving narcissism has lots of videos with focus on the healing. And sorry don't mean to push this info on you i know you didn't ask for advice but having been in my healing process for a decade i know what it can be like so just wanted to reach out. Wish you all the best. 🙏

  • @pamelaprotheroe1081
    @pamelaprotheroe1081 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Heard and Depp, now starring in "The Taming of the Shrew". Perfect for Tudors.

  • @ninabroch6485
    @ninabroch6485 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My guess is that Johnny Depp is a normal. Narcissist seems totally improbable - neither do I believe he is an empath. Time will show, when our mysterious hero, H. G. Tudor, will reveal all. I find his analyses riveting. Thank you for being so brilliant and so generous with your time and effort, H.G.

  • @blacksmith88
    @blacksmith88 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Johnny was in serious trouble but I haven’t really heard in any video or recording that Amber actually cared and supported him, figured out ways she could actually help him. No kind words, rather it's all about her..and her friends and their needs and feelings.

  • @Aashka_The_Mystic
    @Aashka_The_Mystic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    She keeps looking at the jury. It's weird and I know it's some form of manipulation.

    • @susanb9109
      @susanb9109 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly! It drives me crazy watching her do it. It’s very uncomfortable to watch.

    • @kimkhamis6420
      @kimkhamis6420 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Probably she feels they will warm up to her and get their sympathy.

    • @kimkhamis6420
      @kimkhamis6420 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I heard from a at least 2 people on TH-cam that were in the court noticed the jurors aren't very impressed with her.

  • @Aashka_The_Mystic
    @Aashka_The_Mystic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Also, pledges are the same as paying someone allowing according to AH lol

  • @biggyziggy5777
    @biggyziggy5777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It all just sounds so exhausting !

  • @mirananaim5971
    @mirananaim5971 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You say you have NPD. You analyse "your kind" with sharp perspicacity. However, how can you be one and have this very accurate and high EQ? They usually don't.
    And...Good analysis, as usual. Thank you.

    • @mohsonshah9149
      @mohsonshah9149 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      He is upper greater narc, those narcs are who are greater know they are narcs but also they know that they have alot of cognitive empathy, lesser and mid range narcs don't have that much cognitive empathy!! The more higher you go the higher the cognitive empathy is! Cognitive empathy is different to emotional empathy!! Non have emotional empathy

  • @learobinson6227
    @learobinson6227 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I very much enjoy this narrators voice!

  • @char8095
    @char8095 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    She is literally hoping he sues her again! That means he is still fighting with her, it means she is relevant, it means she exists. She lives for the fight… if someone isn’t fighting with her she disappears. This is her slamming on the bathroom door.

  • @joanneblack7697
    @joanneblack7697 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ty HG! One of the most important things I have learned from you is about the type of Narcissist who simply CANNOT see or be aware of what they are. It saves so much time and sanity to know that I need not debate, or explain things to this type of person, but simply GOSO. 💯

  • @KC-oh4rr
    @KC-oh4rr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I got to watch the cross today in the background while I was working. All I could think of what HG saying the collateral consequences of the narcissist. I bet the continued threats to control by Camille Vasquez all day long was stretching her ability to contain her heated fury. Apparently there was a heated exchange between her and her female lawyer yesterday after she threw them under the bus. Redirect was considerably short today. I actually feel bad for her attorneys. I do not think they are bad attorneys I just think they have an awful client.

  • @hmk6063
    @hmk6063 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Her entire self is build on lies. She’ll just get worse, because she’s living in her deluded alternative universe where she’s perfect and everyone else is lying except for her.

  • @jans1857
    @jans1857 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This is so incredible and hard to understand! Thank's for the great analysis series on AH (and others)!! They are very educational!! I'm sure JD is an empath (but not what kind) and will be analysed as such. I've done enough rounds in the knowledge vault and can't see anything indicating him as a narcissist. Introvert.., and a victim of abuse. This woman seems completely horrible!

    • @mariaokhapkina6971
      @mariaokhapkina6971 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't think he is an empath.
      This clip here I find particularly telling. This woman has just fought a fierce battle for him, yet he doesn't even turn to acknowledge her, until she herself comes up to him for a hug - you can see she waited for him to turn around but he simply forgets:

  • @justlookattheflowers4239
    @justlookattheflowers4239 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This was very good thanks.

  • @monicaLynn7
    @monicaLynn7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    HG; someone mentioned you on one of the lawyer panels in the court livestream today. It would be fascinating if you mention out to them, your information would be incredibly valuable.

  • @mauisheri
    @mauisheri 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Interesting! It still confounds me that they cannot 'see the writing on the wall'!
    Everything has to fit into their version of who they are, and what they need, and want to happen. Most of these people seem intelligent enough to recognize the truth of a situation and know they are wrong, but still, astonishingly, they refuse to even consider the possibility of an error in judgment on their part. Their treatment of others, even their family members, if they don't do as the narcissist wants is just cruel.

  • @lesliecas2695
    @lesliecas2695 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    #SaveOonaghPaige. SAVE THE BABY!!!

    • @ludi82
      @ludi82 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I am sorry i d say it s too late because if her Dada is Elon she has lots of dna leading her becoming a narc or greater and she is in unsafe environement. All we can do is pray

    • @dwsel
      @dwsel 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ludi82 Rosemary's baby?

    • @lesliecas2695
      @lesliecas2695 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dwsel Amber adopted a baby a year ago. Her name is Oonage Paige and she's about a year old.

  • @janetelainedeloach6501
    @janetelainedeloach6501 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Being unaware does not make her any less annoying or guilty in Her relationships..... A narc is a dangerous personality......

  • @tootstoyou1
    @tootstoyou1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    HG …. You’re spot on and revelatory with so much regards Amber Heard. Her intensely narcissistic personality will not allow her true (and possibly) better self to ever manifest. What a curse to carry. If that makes me sound sympathetic towards her ….. I’m not!!

  • @victorgojocco1716
    @victorgojocco1716 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Clearly Narcissism is an effective instrument of the Devil. .. literally!

  • @anonamasnoname9098
    @anonamasnoname9098 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    She is very sick. If by some bizarre evil plot she comes out ahead with the jury some real funny stuff is going on.

    • @wildflash6319
      @wildflash6319 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Funny stuff lol has been going for years my friend 😉

  • @loumac1302
    @loumac1302 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Both of my parents were narcissists. They were miserable people.

  • @PaperMario64
    @PaperMario64 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I used to think Trump was the biggest celebrity Narc we’ve seen, but AH takes the whole cake and the punch (no pun intended).

    • @marlajacques6947
      @marlajacques6947 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think many get mixed up between a narcissist and one having narcissistic traits

  • @rivkaruthgolan
    @rivkaruthgolan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Her mother died relatively young. Her father’s dysfunctional and abusive behavior took a toll.

  • @stanlibuda5786
    @stanlibuda5786 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Omg... what a voice..... first I thought that Christopher Lee is speaking... ;-) ... make some audio books, please! 🤩

  • @laurataylor3159
    @laurataylor3159 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    He's using this court case to prove the allegations aren't true. He's a very private person for him to take it to this point he knows he's innocent. He needed the world to see what a double crossing manipulator she is. Is he perfect not quite nobody is. I definitely don't see him as a narcissist. He has a conscience.

  • @edsherwood2173
    @edsherwood2173 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Because without Johnny or her being a victim she’s nothing

  • @Mrs.AD0099
    @Mrs.AD0099 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm glad to see the subs on your channel up. More people need to listen to you.

  • @pattyflanders8021
    @pattyflanders8021 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    So, if she believes the lies that she tells, does that mean that a lie detector test would be ineffective?

    • @susanb9109
      @susanb9109 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting question! I’d love to know the answer myself.

    • @lmrushing7375
      @lmrushing7375 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Probably, maybe. From what I have come to understand, If she is a true sociopath the polygraph will not read any micro tells of distress thus giving at least a non conclusive. Sociopath have no consciousness of wrongfulness so their vitals will not give them away. Not an expert just parroting what I’ve read over the years.

  • @coltzahradnick7285
    @coltzahradnick7285 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I mean seriously who the hell s**** on somebody's pillow and blame the damn dog

  • @donhiebert3750
    @donhiebert3750 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Excellent insight here!

  • @georgiajeff912
    @georgiajeff912 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Smug life.

  • @blueskiesneyes
    @blueskiesneyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How does a narcissist become aware that they are a narcissist? Would also being a narcissist protect a narcissist from admitting this, even to themselves?

  • @kit7940
    @kit7940 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    She wont stop until she finds another victim.

  • @pinkcarnation231
    @pinkcarnation231 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It would be interesting if you could have a couple of hours in which these narcissists had clarity of thinking and could be shown what they look like with these antics.

  • @scotttully8572
    @scotttully8572 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    She chose her victim in advance, knowing she could gaslight people based on his sex and substance abuse. She's used to fooling many... but NOT everyone!

  • @EdmundKempersDartboard
    @EdmundKempersDartboard 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You can't hold up a mirror and have them see the same person everyone else does. That's one reason this case is so fascinating.

  • @Shyeena
    @Shyeena 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Today was an Amber train wreck. I have more i could say but I won't waste that much time. A narcissist is as a narcissist does.

  • @laurasolomon1675
    @laurasolomon1675 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The way it came out was that Camille entangled her in her own words, and destroyed the credibility of her accusations. Amber condemned herself with her own mouth.

  • @katherinegeorge4945
    @katherinegeorge4945 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't see why he has to prove his innocence when she hasn't proved his guilt and he has never been found guilty in a court of law. I thought it is innocent until proven guilty.

    • @erigerontriteleia
      @erigerontriteleia 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      In this case Johnny has been guilty till proven innocent. Why else was he dropped from all his movie contract after that infamous op-ed that she wrote accusing Johnny of being a wife-beater, that from then on she’d be the high-profile face of abused women in the world. She tarnished and destroyed JD, his life and career. Even shy and private person that he is, he took the courage to go public in this messy and expensive trial to prove his innocence and clear his name.

  • @danielaversiani5592
    @danielaversiani5592 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much to explain why she is acting the way she’s acting. I really couldn’t understand.

  • @gracejones2831
    @gracejones2831 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    she showed so much arrogance and anger when Depp's team would question her. I wonder if her lawyers were trying to get her to stop acting that way and to start acting more likable.