@@robertj5208Borrow? I'm just going to steal it. Apparently we can do anything and mangle scriptures to make it okay, so I guess stealing is alright if it doesn't disturb my conscience.
I was raised a Methodist and never thought i would leave, yet 5 years ago, i saw huge changes going on that made me sick so i left. This is not the Methodist Church anymore. Its been hijacked by insanity. They've stopped preaching from the Bible. They now preach stories of their own lives and how you can twist the scripture to fit you instead of you fitting to the standards of the Bible.
There are different Methodist denominations. Are you talking about the United Methodist Church? Thre are plenty of Methodist denominations that have a traditional understanding of Scripture, e.g. the Free Methodist Church.
Just left UMC. I feel as though it won’t always be optional to marry gay couples according to each pastor. I don’t think it will be optional for every church to say we don’t want a gay pastor. Bc if you’re following woke rules that’s not inclusive. It’s all about inclusion except if you’re a conservative following scripture
Amen! Exactly...they are saying its "optional" but thats a lie....if you don't comply with their wokeness they will remove you.....glad you got out...pray you find a good Bible based Church...God bless!
Exactly. The UMC says they have removed "harmful language" post- General Conference. You can't have it both ways. It's either harmful or its not. That's where liberals get tripped up (and why inerrancy/infallibility must be the standard.)
Amen, I pastor 2 churches that left the UMC two years ago, we are growing now and the congregations are excited and happy, we follow the Bible not the world.
This Rev has lost his mind. I guess for the last 2000 years we all got it wrong…a man can marry a man. Whenever I see sermons like this I’m convinced we’re almost at the end…sadly.
I agree with your observations. I too am convinced that we're almost at the end, but I'm not sad. After the end of this, is a glorious beginning. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm going to start counting the number of times I hear someone refer to a Wesley in this comment thread. Wonder how many people will mention Jesus? If you people were following Christ and not the doctrine of men, you wouldn't be dealing with what you're dealing with now. You had it coming.
Aloha from Hawaii🌸🌺. If we have truly been doing our homework, we are told in scripture that ppl would leave THE TRUTH and cling to false doctrines and following deceivers/false prophets and teachers. None of these kinds of things should surprise/amaze us. We know that evil seducers will wax worse and worse. What I do not understand is why the congregation continue to sit there listening to him. I would have gotten up, went to my car and drove off….never to return.
That is exactly what my family and I did. I spoke personally with a pastor at my church asking for a scriptural backing for the changes in UMC policy. He offered none. We left. I still love them and still send them admonition to repent but as for me and my family we shall serve the lord.
Amen , hes a good slick talker, however when you break down his commentary, its just woke nonsense....these progressives just repeat the same thing over and over again, people need to read their Bibles! God bless!
I watched the original video the pastor or a congregant posted. The video got enough negative comments who spoke truth to the pastor’s sophistry that the comments were eventually turned off. These heretics cannot bear the scrutiny of truth. They are only fooling themselves though. God does not relax His standards.
St. Paul's concern about women not speaking in the Church regards the office of "teacher" or pastor. In the Catholic Church women cannot be priests or deacons since the charism of teaching is part of both offices. Women can "read" Scripture from the pulpit, serve as Eucharistic ministers, and teach in church classes outside of the Mass. 😊😊😊 In order for a divorced person to marry in the Catholic Church, they must first be granted a valid canonical annulment of their previous marriage by a Diocesan Tribunal. If not, the divorced person can never remarry unless the former spouse is deceased. Weddings in the Catholic Church are NOT done at the sole discretion of the officiating priest. The priest must ensure that the wedding is lawful under canon law and would be approved by his bishop. Those who are not Catholic and wish marry in the Church must obtain prior permission from the bishop before being allowed to marry. FYI.
so sad.......whats really scary is that the people in the crowd are clueless and have NO discernment and sit there and are NOT leaving........the pastor is most likely not even saved nor could many of the people...hopefully some and that they would leave the church.........totally disgusting.....
@@UnashamedofJesus I never thought satan would make himself so obvious as he has in just a few years time, since Covid I believe we’re about see a revival of astronomical proportions
Wow, this guy is a total SHAM, and he's speaking with such boldness! Everything he is saying he will have to give an account for, he's leading the flock astray
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NLT): 3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
I left the Methodist Church after 20 years of faithful attendance and adherence to the Church. It is sad to see the garbage that was allowed to infiltrate the UMC. It is between them and God now.
Perhaps we need to do videos on praying over these liars and calling out the evil spirits and rebuking the foul spirits in Jesus' name. I will give this a try in the future.
@@UnashamedofJesus That was the first time I viewed that video and I trusted the Holy Spirit for words of rebuke and authority over the demons and their false doctrines. Give it a try.
Its clear he never did bible studies, there are eight components of the law of Moses, of which some do not apply to this dispensation. 1. The moral aspects of the law, i.e., The Ten commandments, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not covet etc. these will never change. 2. The judicial aspects of the law, deals with judgement in civil cases, manslaughter, cities of refuge etc. 3. Ceremonial aspects of the law, deals with Jewish feast, circumcision etc. 4. Dietary aspects of the law, deals with what to eat and what not to eat, clean and unclean animals etc. 5. The priesthood, deals with job description, dress, succession etc. 6. Tabernacle worship guidelines 7. Law of the of the first fruits and tithing 8. Sabbatical laws, deals with Sabbath, year of Jubilee
I just heard this man speak right before I noticed your video. Thanks for your commentary. Please remember that Paul warned the leaders of the Ephesian churches that some of them would twist the Word of God for gain (Acts 20:30). The Bible has always prophesied about these things in the end times. I can’t believe I’m witnessing it in real time.
The question is on his exegesis of scripture. He is just picking scripture and using the proof text type of interpretation. By doing so he is taking scripture texts out of context both immediate context and cultural. Instead of doing good exegesis, he is using the General Conference decision to allow homosexual marriage. He definitely does not recognize the authority of Scripture. This is why the denomination had about half of the UMC members left and formed the Global Methodist Church.
This guy’s voice is wonderful…and that is the problem! Now I know why Paul said, “ For some say, “His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing.” oh for unimpressive pastors!
Side note: I am from Arkansas. This UMC Pastor is from Arkansas. The tone in his voice is VERY CONDESCENDING to this Arkansas boy's ear. Obviously while he is highly intelligent on earthly matters, he is picking and choosing the parts of Scripture he wants to follow. I guess his conscience tells him this. I wonder what God says to him?
Amen! Very disappointing these Pastors are selling their souls to keep their pensions....Yes one day he will have to answer to The Lord...wont be pretty....God bless!
As a youth at UMC Summer camp I felt that God was calling me to the ministry. I felt very uneasy about this calling as I didn't feel that it was the Holy Spirit but a minister that didn't even know Jesus that was tricking me. I stayed a Methodist for 7 more years and I kept asking myself "what are they teaching?-It isn't the Gospel that I know" We got out and while there is NO perfect church because we are not perfect people the UMC is actually the church from Hell.
2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT): 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
Glad you are doing such exposés. Very clear critique of a spiritually confused man. Why are people ot getting up and leaving that meeting? Are they so ignorant or deceived? Do they not know that tolerating false teaching is condemned by the Lord (Rev 2:20)?
Note that the UMC does not have an inerrancy statement of the Bible, as a result, they don't put equal weight on the whole scripture. My prediction is that: they will say, the new testament is more important than the old testament; saying from Jesus is more important than Paul.
Yes they hate Paul because he calls out homsexuality as a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1) They hate the book of Genesis because of Sodom and Gomorrah, God destroyed an entire city because of sexual immorality....God bless
This guy is gonna be famous for all the wrong reasons. Imagine being , oh, let's say a history teacher...who has a seething contempt for history books...
Just found your channel today I belong to a UMC church that has been left behind. A good video to make would be one where the UMC’s explain how they interpret scripture.
I am a woman and women should never excerpt authority over the man when it comes to teaching the word of God. Because that is what God tells us in His perfect word.... This wicked world will pass away but the word of God will never pass away! It would be wise of you UMC to stop disobeying the word of God and become in right standing with the Lord before its too late.
Yes. I saw this one too, and I was going to do a video on this man with a lying spirit. I am moving away from focusing too much on scandals and lies and liars. Let us not forget that God has a remnant. This small number needs fed and edification. My videos don't get high numbers and are not widely circulated. But, I think the target for me is to reach the remnant who know that the father of all lies is now dominating so called "churches." Blessings in Christ Jesus.
They may have voted to change the rules in their book of discipline.........but you cant vote to change the words in the Bible. These people have no regard for the Bible whatsoever.
I've been a UMC member for 55 Years. My church voted to remain a UMC church. I thought I could live with that decision, but as I learn more about what that means for my church, I have decided I cannot. Sadly there are no global al.Methodist churches near me. I'm going to see if I would make a good baptist.
When I was young, my church, the Evangelical United Brethren Church, merged with the Methodist church. I was appalled. Even then, the Methodist church was liberal. The EUB Church was very conservative. I had no idea why they did that. The United Methodist Church has just gone farther and farther astray. Now, they've gone off the deep end. The rural United Methodist churches where I grew up are some of the churches that left the United Methodist Church. As for this "pastor". You could use the same justification of "being born that way" for pedophiles and serial killers. Did God make them that way? I think that's more the devil's work.
Subscribed. I’ve been a member of a UMC for the past 3 years, though I consider myself baptist. I like my pastor and congregation. But when we move (soon) I will get back to an independent baptist church.
God doesn't make mistakes in creating gender, but those who choose to have surgery to change the physical looks of their body are saying God makes mistake. This pastor doesn't mention that. Sadly, the pastors are playing on the minds of those who did not leave, many of whom are seniors. Was grace shown to some of the African delegates who didn't get notified in time about the conference so they could apply for visas? Was grace shown to the African delegates who came but had their travel time cut back even though they needed rest due to time change? Did they show grace when they offered the African delegates only American food when they were offered African dishes in past conferences? He didn't bring that up. They didn't want conservative African delegates to attend because they wanted their liberal changes made. He also did not bring up being told at the conference to avoid male language for God. If they haven't taken it down, the video is out there where a conference leader said that. Basically, now it is no longer the Methodist religion. LGBTQ+ community has taken over and it's the LGBTQ+ religion. How long do church members think it will be before they force all their pastors and churches to allow same sex marraiges inside the church? I left the United Methodist church when I saw this coming. Others left shortly after.
Amen! Your exactly right, the African Christians were treated horribly, totally discriminated against, yet the UMC will claim to be loving and inclusive, they are blasphemous liars...Thank God you got out....God bless!
The world is going to world. Goats can't understand truth. God is separating the sheep from the goats, wheat from the tares. By the way, when any church goes away from the authority of the word of God, that rebellion shows they don't belong to Jesus Christ.
Matt. 15:8- This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; 9-in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
1 Timothy 4:1-2 (NLT): Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.
That’s EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING. This man can say anything he wants, but it does NOT mean that I would have to remain there to listen to it. It just goes to show you that people do NOT DO THEIR OWN BIBLE STUDY and KNOW WHAT THEY BELIEVE and WHY. They probably know very little about the Bible period. THAT’s what makes this extremely SAD. We cannot afford to just sit in a congregation and let the “pastor” tell us everything….we MUST so our own homework.📚
Sin is subjective. I have a friend who is Dutch Reformed and a pacifist. He does not believe in the concept of justifiable homicide. Killing someone in self defense, or to prevent the death of others is no different than a Mafia hit or a driveby shooting. To prevent your murder is a sin, because God has decided to call you home through an act of violence, and preventing that violence is defying God's will, a very serious sin. Yet, that is not among the social teachings of the Dutch Reformed church.
@UnashamedofJesus Explain this. Catholics have no problem with alcohol. My grandmother, a member of the WCTU, thought Catholics committed a sin by accepting wine at communion. She even thought Jesus should have turned the water into grape juice, fruit punch, or lemonade at the wedding feast of Cana. Admittedly, a lot of sin can result from the consumption of alcohol, but her view was a tad extreme. But one man's (or woman's) sin is another's harmless error, to borrow a judicial term. I had a grade school classmate who thought that telling kids about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy was lying.
All these videos about the UMC are quite interesting once you have a little bit more scripture under your belt. It's like watching a group of people who have swallowed 10 deadly lies chastise a group of people who have swallowed 11.
Apostates have lost connection with the Lord, the head of the church, and are full of their own false sense of wisdom. "[T]hey are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. They have lost connection with the head." (Colossians 2: 18b-19a, NIV).
A gay pastor of any church label explaining why being gay is not a sin and not wrong is like me explaining to my landlord why I haven't paid my rent in months. I can't keep living in my apartment and not pay rent. I'm either gonna have to catch up on my rent or move out or be evicted.
Wow! Looks like this pastor is saying, “You can’t really know what the Bible means, so each person can decide for themselves.” If this is true, you are your on authority in matters of faith and godliness - your truth is sufficient. Here everyone does what is right in their own eyes - man is supreme, which is condemned in the Old Testament. The UNC has adopted Social Justice which justifies this teaching, however the root of Social Justice is Marxism, and Marxism is rooted in Gnostic teaching. The New Testament condemns adherence to any other theology, including Gnostic teaching. We CAN know what the Bible actually means if we use careful and proper exegesis. The Bible calls on believers to be “Bereans” - to question the teaching of any pastor, and to search the scriptures to determine if what we are being taught is actually, biblically true. It is not about us, it is about obedience to God!
Stop calling that guy in the pulpit a pastor. He is the wolf in sheep’s clothing as the Lord Jesus said. He’s twisting the Word in so many ways that what comes out of his mouth is heretically unrecognizable. Now we know what a good chunk of the Methodist community is made of. Thank God that we can now distinguish between the sheep and the goats. Romans 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Rom 1:32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. What about those two verses describing the UMC as exactly who they are. The judgment has been pronounced by God Himself. Let’s pray that maybe some will repent and get saved.
While do not know this pastor and I'm not a cheerleader for the LBGTQ, you and the commentator sound like the holier-than-thou religious leaders of the temple who criticize Jesus for several religious issues such as not washing his hands, healing on the Sabbath, and eating with sinners. I'm a member of the UMC and we have a relationship with Christ. We are not a cult as the commentator states. What you are doing is pointing out the speck in our eyes when you can't see the plank in your own eye. The UMC endured a painful experience and I don't appreciate all these negative comments about the UMC.
I also saw this clip come through my FB feed. In addition to His tone being ALL wrong, the notion that any one verse of Scripture is more or less important than any other is contrary to 2 Tim 3:16. As I thought about later, I also couldn't shake the clear disgust he was showing with any who might disagree with him. Sadly, this is the United Methodist Church.
Satan's original and eternal question to man, "did God really say...?"
AMEN! Well said....Satan has been denying scripture since the beginning...God bless
How about actually reading the Bible?
that was my immediate thought
They will not survive without repentance. Lord. Please open the eyes of these people of UMC. In Jesus name. Amen!
Amen God bless
This “pastor” proves that there’s a madness to their Methodist🤣
Amen! This is a product of the Liberal seminaries, cranking out Woke puppets...God bless
I may borrow that!!!!👍👍👍
@@robertj5208 👍
@@robertj5208Borrow? I'm just going to steal it. Apparently we can do anything and mangle scriptures to make it okay, so I guess stealing is alright if it doesn't disturb my conscience.
Extremely clever quip, at the level of a Groucho Marx wordplay masterpiece. Kudos! PS. ...and has the value added of being TRUE!
I was raised a Methodist and never thought i would leave, yet 5 years ago, i saw huge changes going on that made me sick so i left. This is not the Methodist Church anymore. Its been hijacked by insanity. They've stopped preaching from the Bible. They now preach stories of their own lives and how you can twist the scripture to fit you instead of you fitting to the standards of the Bible.
I never heard the Gospel of Christ all the time in that church. I never knew why Jesus died and was resurrected. I never heard about sin either
God is smarter than us I believe he is making a fool of umc leadership for every denominations benefit
I'm glad you got out sister, hope you found a good Bible based Church...Thanks for sharing your story...God bless!
I can't figure out for the life of me why I don't go to church.
Maybe one of these days it'll come to me.
(Comical sarcasm in that there comment)
There are different Methodist denominations. Are you talking about the United Methodist Church? Thre are plenty of Methodist denominations that have a traditional understanding of Scripture, e.g. the Free Methodist Church.
This man has no business being in the pulpit.
Amen he should step down, he's disqualified... God bless
Just left UMC. I feel as though it won’t always be optional to marry gay couples according to each pastor. I don’t think it will be optional for every church to say we don’t want a gay pastor. Bc if you’re following woke rules that’s not inclusive. It’s all about inclusion except if you’re a conservative following scripture
Amen! Exactly...they are saying its "optional" but thats a lie....if you don't comply with their wokeness they will remove you.....glad you got out...pray you find a good Bible based Church...God bless!
Exactly. The UMC says they have removed "harmful language" post- General Conference. You can't have it both ways. It's either harmful or its not. That's where liberals get tripped up (and why inerrancy/infallibility must be the standard.)
Try Presbyterian PCA
Amen, I pastor 2 churches that left the UMC two years ago, we are growing now and the congregations are excited and happy, we follow the Bible not the world.
The devil has a spokesman, this guy is it.
Amen...he has sold his soul...praying for this man...God bless
I was selective. I left the United Methodist Church for the Global Methodist Church.
Glad you were able to get out! God bless!
This Rev has lost his mind. I guess for the last 2000 years we all got it wrong…a man can marry a man. Whenever I see sermons like this I’m convinced we’re almost at the end…sadly.
Amen I believe we are living in the last days also.... God bless!
I agree with your observations. I too am convinced that we're almost at the end, but I'm not sad. After the end of this, is a glorious beginning. I'm looking forward to it.
God gives us grace, not the church. UMC disregards The Bible.
Amen...the UMC elevates the Book of Discipline over the Bible....they are a cult group...God bless
Another minister dependent on people not reading Scripture.
Amen! Well said.... God bless
Wow! That was so wrong on so many levels.
Amen! Welcome to the new Woke Methodist Church....
How the same sex activity results in children (future generation)? He would not be a pastor if John or Charles were alive. He is lost.
I'm going to start counting the number of times I hear someone refer to a Wesley in this comment thread. Wonder how many people will mention Jesus?
If you people were following Christ and not the doctrine of men, you wouldn't be dealing with what you're dealing with now. You had it coming.
The new UMC congregation either can’t or won’t procreate so the church will either on the vibe
Was that supposed to be a Sunday morning sermon or a TED Talk on how to do bad hermeneutics?
Amen! He's just trying to deceive the people.... This is why people need to read their Bibles... God bless!
Aloha from Hawaii🌸🌺. If we have truly been doing our homework, we are told in scripture that ppl would leave THE TRUTH and cling to false doctrines and following deceivers/false prophets and teachers. None of these kinds of things should surprise/amaze us. We know that evil seducers will wax worse and worse. What I do not understand is why the congregation continue to sit there listening to him. I would have gotten up, went to my car and drove off….never to return.
Aloha! Amen well said! As the Bible says "My people perish from lack of knowledge" Have a blessed day
That is exactly what my family and I did. I spoke personally with a pastor at my church asking for a scriptural backing for the changes in UMC policy. He offered none. We left. I still love them and still send them admonition to repent but as for me and my family we shall serve the lord.
The preacher was pretty convincing but his talent is wasted. He'd make a great car salesman!
Amen , hes a good slick talker, however when you break down his commentary, its just woke nonsense....these progressives just repeat the same thing over and over again, people need to read their Bibles! God bless!
Used cars!
I watched the original video the pastor or a congregant posted. The video got enough negative comments who spoke truth to the pastor’s sophistry that the comments were eventually turned off. These heretics cannot bear the scrutiny of truth. They are only fooling themselves though. God does not relax His standards.
Amen! Their biggest mistake was posting his videos exposing his darkness to the world! God bless
The IMC has been telling people what they wanted to hear for decades.
I grew up UMC I know now and I knew as a child my church was watered down
Amen! A watered down gospel doesn't save anyone! God bless!
St. Paul's concern about women not speaking in the Church regards the office of "teacher" or pastor. In the Catholic Church women cannot be priests or deacons since the charism of teaching is part of both offices. Women can "read" Scripture from the pulpit, serve as Eucharistic ministers, and teach in church classes outside of the Mass. 😊😊😊 In order for a divorced person to marry in the Catholic Church, they must first be granted a valid canonical annulment of their previous marriage by a Diocesan Tribunal. If not, the divorced person can never remarry unless the former spouse is deceased. Weddings in the Catholic Church are NOT done at the sole discretion of the officiating priest. The priest must ensure that the wedding is lawful under canon law and would be approved by his bishop. Those who are not Catholic and wish marry in the Church must obtain prior permission from the bishop before being allowed to marry. FYI.
Amen God bless
Putting social feelings over the Bible is making the Bible just another book not to be taken seriously.
so sad.......whats really scary is that the people in the crowd are clueless and have NO discernment and sit there and are NOT leaving........the pastor is most likely not even saved nor could many of the people...hopefully some and that they would leave the church.........totally disgusting.....
Amen God bless you
This preacher doesn’t want to lose his UMC retirement there forever he most sell his soul
That's exactly what it's about! The clergy sell their souls for a salary... What does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your soul? God bless!
@@UnashamedofJesus I never thought satan would make himself so obvious as he has in just a few years time, since Covid
I believe we’re about see a revival of astronomical proportions
We are to warn the wicked to turn from their evil ways so their blood won't be on our head
Amen...the prophet Ezekiel fortold us! God bless
When you let the world into your church, your church becomes Babylon with no decernment between the two.
Amen God bless
"They turn the grace of God into a license for immorality ... Blackest darkness is reserved for them forever."
Amen God bless
Broad is the Road that leads to destruction, Jesus is the truth life and the way no one comes to god except through Christ Jesus.
Amen God bless
Wow, this guy is a total SHAM, and he's speaking with such boldness! Everything he is saying he will have to give an account for, he's leading the flock astray
Amen sister God bless
Thanks for sharing. Great summary about the teaching of a false religion adopted by the UMC.
Thanks God bless you!
The devil doesn't have to work here they are already all lost
It’s every pastors job to preach the gospel and repentance and not to justify sins. This is just from the devil period
Amen! Well said... God bless!
We’ll said TRUTH!
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NLT): 3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
I left the Methodist Church after 20 years of faithful attendance and adherence to the Church. It is sad to see the garbage that was allowed to infiltrate the UMC. It is between them and God now.
Amen... Thanks for sharing your story.... Glad you got out! God bless
So so sad.....churches just becoming social clubs😢 and America needs Gods word so much right now
Amen! Jesus is sending letters out to the Churches like in Revelation....God bless!
The message to God from the United Methodist Church is that He'd better get with the times if He wants to stay relevant.
Sad but true! God bless
They kept changing the rules during the disaffiliation process. They WILL take punitive measures against pastors who refuse marry a same sex couple.
Amen! They will persecute any remnant left... which they have been doing for years... God bless
When you lit Woke into the church, you kick out the Father,the Son,and the Holy Spirit ! It is no longer a body of Christ, but a club house !
Amen! These Liberal denominations are nothing but cult groups! Have a blessed day!
Perhaps we need to do videos on praying over these liars and calling out the evil spirits and rebuking the foul spirits in Jesus' name. I will give this a try in the future.
@@sermonillustrations8433 Look forward to it... God bless
@@UnashamedofJesus That was the first time I viewed that video and I trusted the Holy Spirit for words of rebuke and authority over the demons and their false doctrines. Give it a try.
Its clear he never did bible studies, there are eight components of the law of Moses, of which some do not apply to this dispensation.
1. The moral aspects of the law, i.e., The Ten commandments, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not covet etc. these will never change.
2. The judicial aspects of the law, deals with judgement in civil cases, manslaughter, cities of refuge etc.
3. Ceremonial aspects of the law, deals with Jewish feast, circumcision etc.
4. Dietary aspects of the law, deals with what to eat and what not to eat, clean and unclean animals etc.
5. The priesthood, deals with job description, dress, succession etc.
6. Tabernacle worship guidelines
7. Law of the of the first fruits and tithing
8. Sabbatical laws, deals with Sabbath, year of Jubilee
10:35 Correct! The shepherds are not feeding the flock. They're feeding their own belly.
He doesn’t have to worry there aren’t any Bibles in the congregation to use in a challenge
Sad but probably true..... God bless
None in the Anglican Church in Canada that I attend
@@tbong9293 it’s a long known fact that there is fear in knowledge, which is why Catholics are instructed not to read the Bible
I just heard this man speak right before I noticed your video. Thanks for your commentary. Please remember that Paul warned the leaders of the Ephesian churches that some of them would twist the Word of God for gain (Acts 20:30). The Bible has always prophesied about these things in the end times. I can’t believe I’m witnessing it in real time.
Amen! Yes I believe we're living in the last days...apostasy of the Church... God bless!
The question is on his exegesis of scripture. He is just picking scripture and using the proof text type of interpretation. By doing so he is taking scripture texts out of context both immediate context and cultural. Instead of doing good exegesis, he is using the General Conference decision to allow homosexual marriage. He definitely does not recognize the authority of Scripture. This is why the denomination had about half of the UMC members left and formed the Global Methodist Church.
Amen God bless you
These false teachers have to answer to the Lord Jesus for mis-leading the flock.
Amen! God bless!
What is the historical context of the woman's role in that time period?
This guy’s voice is wonderful…and that is the problem! Now I know why Paul said, “ For some say, “His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing.” oh for unimpressive pastors!
Side note: I am from Arkansas. This UMC Pastor is from Arkansas. The tone in his voice is VERY CONDESCENDING to this Arkansas boy's ear. Obviously while he is highly intelligent on earthly matters, he is picking and choosing the parts of Scripture he wants to follow. I guess his conscience tells him this.
I wonder what God says to him?
Amen! Very disappointing these Pastors are selling their souls to keep their pensions....Yes one day he will have to answer to The Lord...wont be pretty....God bless!
Where can I find this video? I'd like to us it for a study and to add my own commentary
He is a dangerous man.
The Bible is being "reinterpreted" to agree with your lifestyle. And we wonder why Church membership is falling.
Amen! They are no longer a Christian Church but a cult group... God bless!
As far as the UMC pastors having
A choice to refuse to marry same sex couples im sure they would
Be fired if they did
Bingo! You actually think the clergy have a choice when the Bishops are all Woke Wolves lording over you? God bless!
As a youth at UMC Summer camp I felt that God was calling me to the ministry. I felt very uneasy about this calling as I didn't feel that it was the Holy Spirit but a minister that didn't even know Jesus that was tricking me. I stayed a Methodist for 7 more years and I kept asking myself "what are they teaching?-It isn't the Gospel that I know" We got out and while there is NO perfect church because we are not perfect people the UMC is actually the church from Hell.
Amen! Thanks for sharing your story! God bless you
I was in the UMC. In January the pastor gave a similar sermon. That was my last day there. I am a UMC refugee right now.
I'm glad you got out....you are never alone, we are the Church, praying for find a new Bible based Church...God bless
2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT): 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
Glad you are doing such exposés. Very clear critique of a spiritually confused man. Why are people ot getting up and leaving that meeting? Are they so ignorant or deceived? Do they not know that tolerating false teaching is condemned by the Lord (Rev 2:20)?
Thanks and God bless you! Yes very concerning people are just going along with this....
He's taking advantage of the congregation's ignorance of scripture and their pride.
Amen exactly God bless
Note that the UMC does not have an inerrancy statement of the Bible, as a result, they don't put equal weight on the whole scripture. My prediction is that: they will say, the new testament is more important than the old testament; saying from Jesus is more important than Paul.
Yes correct. Many in the UMC say Genesis is myth. Crux of entire Scripture. They don't give credence to Paul, except when they want to.
Amen! Its very obvious they dont regard the Bible as the Word of God, they have become a cult group!
Yes they hate Paul because he calls out homsexuality as a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1) They hate the book of Genesis because of Sodom and Gomorrah, God destroyed an entire city because of sexual immorality....God bless
Mat. 7:21 And many will come to me and say, Lord, Lord, Lord and I will tell them, get away from me you evil doers I never knew you.
Amen! The fear of God is not in any of them....God bless!
This guy is gonna be famous for all the wrong reasons. Imagine being , oh, let's say a history teacher...who has a seething contempt for history books...
Amen... he's just a puppet for a corrupted religious system.... God bless
like a vegan chef in a steakhouse
This sounds like some of the "unconscious bias" training I had to endure at work.
Yes the same Liberal nonsense that is being forced across America has invaded the Church....God bless
They have become the author and the finisher of their own faith.
Just found your channel today I belong to a UMC church that has been left behind. A good video to make would be one where the UMC’s explain how they interpret scripture.
Good idea brother! I'll see if I can find one....I dont think they even know how they interpret scripture...God bless!
I am a woman and women should never excerpt authority over the man when it comes to teaching the word of God. Because that is what God tells us in His perfect word.... This wicked world will pass away but the word of God will never pass away! It would be wise of you UMC to stop disobeying the word of God and become in right standing with the Lord before its too late.
@@truthbtold6118 Amen God bless
Keep telling the truth brother because only God's truth will set people free as Jesus said. The Lord bless and keep you!
Amen! Jesus came to set us free! Not keep us in bondage of sin and death...God bless
Excellent commentary Warren. Blessings on you for exposing this darkness and shining the light on it.
Thank you very much! God bless you!
Yes. I saw this one too, and I was going to do a video on this man with a lying spirit. I am moving away from focusing too much on scandals and lies and liars. Let us not forget that God has a remnant. This small number needs fed and edification. My videos don't get high numbers and are not widely circulated. But, I think the target for me is to reach the remnant who know that the father of all lies is now dominating so called "churches." Blessings in Christ Jesus.
@@sermonillustrations8433 Amen God bless
@@UnashamedofJesus All glory and honor and praise be unto the Lord Jesus Christ
@sermonillustrations8433 Amen God bless
Does their rule book of discipline out rank the Bible?
In the UMC it does...which is why they are a cult group...
They may have voted to change the rules in their book of discipline.........but you cant vote to change the words in the Bible. These people have no regard for the Bible whatsoever.
Paul taught us that their is a moral law in the Mosaic Law. So, he says that they do pick and choose. He also ignored 2000 years of church history.
Amen God bless
The pendulum always swings. Hopefully in the next few years there will be a resurgence of people who read and believe in God's word.
I predict the UMC wont exist in 10 years...total collapse...God bless
I've been a UMC member for 55
Years. My church voted to remain a UMC church. I thought I could live with that decision, but as I learn more about what that means for my church, I have decided I cannot. Sadly there are no global al.Methodist churches near me. I'm going to see if I would make a good baptist.
God bless you on your journey with Christ! We are here for you! God bless
When I was young, my church, the Evangelical United Brethren Church, merged with the Methodist church. I was appalled. Even then, the Methodist church was liberal. The EUB Church was very conservative. I had no idea why they did that. The United Methodist Church has just gone farther and farther astray. Now, they've gone off the deep end. The rural United Methodist churches where I grew up are some of the churches that left the United Methodist Church. As for this "pastor". You could use the same justification of "being born that way" for pedophiles and serial killers. Did God make them that way? I think that's more the devil's work.
Amen! Thanks for sharing your story! God bless you
Subscribed. I’ve been a member of a UMC for the past 3 years, though I consider myself baptist. I like my pastor and congregation. But when we move (soon) I will get back to an independent baptist church.
Good to hear... God bless
The UMC can’t survive without procreation.
They will be gone in less than 10 years....a cult group now... God bless
God doesn't make mistakes in creating gender, but those who choose to have surgery to change the physical looks of their body are saying God makes mistake. This pastor doesn't mention that. Sadly, the pastors are playing on the minds of those who did not leave, many of whom are seniors. Was grace shown to some of the African delegates who didn't get notified in time about the conference so they could apply for visas? Was grace shown to the African delegates who came but had their travel time cut back even though they needed rest due to time change? Did they show grace when they offered the African delegates only American food when they were offered African dishes in past conferences? He didn't bring that up. They didn't want conservative African delegates to attend because they wanted their liberal changes made. He also did not bring up being told at the conference to avoid male language for God. If they haven't taken it down, the video is out there where a conference leader said that.
Basically, now it is no longer the Methodist religion. LGBTQ+ community has taken over and it's the LGBTQ+ religion. How long do church members think it will be before they force all their pastors and churches to allow same sex marraiges inside the church?
I left the United Methodist church when I saw this coming. Others left shortly after.
Amen! Your exactly right, the African Christians were treated horribly, totally discriminated against, yet the UMC will claim to be loving and inclusive, they are blasphemous liars...Thank God you got out....God bless!
The world is going to world.
Goats can't understand truth.
God is separating the sheep from the goats, wheat from the tares.
By the way, when any church goes away from the authority of the word of God, that rebellion shows they don't belong to Jesus Christ.
Amen! Well said...yes the separation is coming! God bless you!
This pastor is telling us he is a liberal without telling us he is a liberal.
They will be known by their fruits (Matthew 7) God bless!
Love your channel name!
Thanks brother! God bless!
Clearly this congregation has so little knowledge of scripture that they don’t recognize how this pastor is twisting it. Cafeteria Christianity.
Amen! They are deceived because they don't know the Bible...God bless
I commented yesterday on this video, calling out his poor exegesis….and now the comments are turned off!
Not surprising....expose the darkness! God bless!
Matt. 15:8- This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; 9-in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
AMEN! Great verse that describes the UMC...God bless
1 Timothy 4:1-2 (NLT): Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.
This guy sounds kind of the same way joel osteen supposedly preachs,on both sides of his mouth!very troubling!
That's what they want, preach sugar coated messages to attract the crowds to make money, yet sending everyone to Hell....God bless
I could not sit and listen to this drivel for once service. I would pack out after 15 minutes
That’s EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING. This man can say anything he wants, but it does NOT mean that I would have to remain there to listen to it. It just goes to show you that people do NOT DO THEIR OWN BIBLE STUDY and KNOW WHAT THEY BELIEVE and WHY. They probably know very little about the Bible period. THAT’s what makes this extremely SAD. We cannot afford to just sit in a congregation and let the “pastor” tell us everything….we MUST so our own homework.📚
Amen sister! As the Bible says "My people perish from lack of knowledge"...these people need to read their Bibles...God bless
There are better arguments against the points this UMC apostate is trying to make, but you did a fair assessment
Thanks God bless
You notice that he pastor didn't allow any comments. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from him.
I heard they blocked comments after people were refuting him...I guess He's afraid to defend his position? God bless
Jesus said to sin no more to Mary
Mary Magdalene, that is.
He made a stole out of my great grandmother's sofa! I wondered what happened to it.
Haha....why is he even wearing that?
Sin is subjective. I have a friend who is Dutch Reformed and a pacifist. He does not believe in the concept of justifiable homicide. Killing someone in self defense, or to prevent the death of others is no different than a Mafia hit or a driveby shooting.
To prevent your murder is a sin, because God has decided to call you home through an act of violence, and preventing that violence is defying God's will, a very serious sin.
Yet, that is not among the social teachings of the Dutch Reformed church.
Sin is not subjective, that is a atheistic worldview. Sin is lawlessness, the moral law is defined by God, not ourselves God bless
@UnashamedofJesus Explain this. Catholics have no problem with alcohol. My grandmother, a member of the WCTU, thought Catholics committed a sin by accepting wine at communion. She even thought Jesus should have turned the water into grape juice, fruit punch, or lemonade at the wedding feast of Cana.
Admittedly, a lot of sin can result from the consumption of alcohol, but her view was a tad extreme. But one man's (or woman's) sin is another's harmless error, to borrow a judicial term.
I had a grade school classmate who thought that telling kids about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy was lying.
All these videos about the UMC are quite interesting once you have a little bit more scripture under your belt. It's like watching a group of people who have swallowed 10 deadly lies chastise a group of people who have swallowed 11.
Thanks God bless
Apostates have lost connection with the Lord, the head of the church, and are full of their own false sense of wisdom.
"[T]hey are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. They have lost connection with the head." (Colossians 2: 18b-19a, NIV).
Amen God bless
It’s good that the label “Woke” is available. It allows lots of ideas to be lumped together so they can be criticized quicker.
Seems to have Woke you up!
Stay true to God's Word.
Amen! The Bible is the foundation of the Church! God bless!
This UMC is about as corrupt and out of touch with the God's written word. He thinks it's okay to have a majority decide doctrine.
Amen! Well said...expose the darkness! God bless!
Satan was speaking through that pastor and twisting scripture just like he did in the Garden of Eden and just like he did when he tempted Jesus.
Amen God bless you
A gay pastor of any church label explaining why being gay is not a sin and not wrong is like me explaining to my landlord why I haven't paid my rent in months.
I can't keep living in my apartment and not pay rent.
I'm either gonna have to catch up on my rent or move out or be evicted.
Amen, this is the problem with gay clergy leading Churches, the blind leading the blind....God bless
More proof that we are living in the last days.
Amen... Jesus come quickly! God bless
Wow! Looks like this pastor is saying, “You can’t really know what the Bible means, so each person can decide for themselves.” If this is true, you are your on authority in matters of faith and godliness - your truth is sufficient. Here everyone does what is right in their own eyes - man is supreme, which is condemned in the Old Testament. The UNC has adopted Social Justice which justifies this teaching, however the root of Social Justice is Marxism, and Marxism is rooted in Gnostic teaching. The New Testament condemns adherence to any other theology, including Gnostic teaching. We CAN know what the Bible actually means if we use careful and proper exegesis. The Bible calls on believers to be “Bereans” - to question the teaching of any pastor, and to search the scriptures to determine if what we are being taught is actually, biblically true. It is not about us, it is about obedience to God!
Amen! Well said....Yes if people only read their Bibles...God bless!
Stop calling that guy in the pulpit a pastor. He is the wolf in sheep’s clothing as the Lord Jesus said. He’s twisting the Word in so many ways that what comes out of his mouth is heretically unrecognizable. Now we know what a good chunk of the Methodist community is made of. Thank God that we can now distinguish between the sheep and the goats.
Romans 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Rom 1:32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
What about those two verses describing the UMC as exactly who they are. The judgment has been pronounced by God Himself. Let’s pray that maybe some will repent and get saved.
Amen! God bless you!
While do not know this pastor and I'm not a cheerleader for the LBGTQ, you and the commentator sound like the holier-than-thou religious leaders of the temple who criticize Jesus for several religious issues such as not washing his hands, healing on the Sabbath, and eating with sinners. I'm a member of the UMC and we have a relationship with Christ. We are not a cult as the commentator states. What you are doing is pointing out the speck in our eyes when you can't see the plank in your own eye. The UMC endured a painful experience and I don't appreciate all these negative comments about the UMC.
He is picking a verse by using Levetical law and no comparison to what Jesus did on the cross
Yes it was a very bizarre text to compare with each other....he was trying to sound intelligent but it was an epic fail...
CHRIST saved me from my sins, not in my sins!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen! They don't seem to understand this...God bless!
Huge difference.
I also saw this clip come through my FB feed. In addition to His tone being ALL wrong, the notion that any one verse of Scripture is more or less important than any other is contrary to 2 Tim 3:16.
As I thought about later, I also couldn't shake the clear disgust he was showing with any who might disagree with him.
Sadly, this is the United Methodist Church.
Amen well said! Expose the darkness! God bless!