A time for meat and metal |..|, Continuing to tell you about work: Yeah, no luck with the job. Tried not to screw up for a month, and it worked 90 percent of the time. But the beginning of October didn't work out. Plus add to that the attitude of people to a new person in the team as if he had offended them somehow. In addition, adults under 40-45 years old, established and earning money, stuffy and with stinky feet. And the bosses or I need a new employee)? What kind of growth can we talk about with a 3/3 schedule with day and night shifts of 12 hours? And it's a fucking issue of filming equipment, and the attitude as in a more serious structure. Well, the hell with them. And yes, it's not about Russia, I'm sure you can encounter this in many other places. Nevertheless, leave comments, what do you think of the musical heaviness)?
A time for meat and metal |..|,
Continuing to tell you about work:
Yeah, no luck with the job. Tried not to screw up for a month, and it worked 90 percent of the time. But the beginning of October didn't work out. Plus add to that the attitude of people to a new person in the team as if he had offended them somehow. In addition, adults under 40-45 years old, established and earning money, stuffy and with stinky feet. And the bosses or I need a new employee)? What kind of growth can we talk about with a 3/3 schedule with day and night shifts of 12 hours? And it's a fucking issue of filming equipment, and the attitude as in a more serious structure. Well, the hell with them.
And yes, it's not about Russia, I'm sure you can encounter this in many other places.
Nevertheless, leave comments, what do you think of the musical heaviness)?
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