Title Card 0:36 Bob has relevant information! 1:10 The Other Kind of Meta-Magic 1:30 Describe this wolf.... 2:02 Bodger --nose-- knows 2:17 For this episode, the part of Bodger will be played by Jason Statham 2:24 Fast Travel 3:11 Greg's Wand of Detect Magic 3:20 Bob rolls Survival to track wolves 4:00 Ben rolls a 19! He'll probably wish he'd saved that roll for *fighting* the wolves 4:10 Greg regrets his choice of Magical Item 4:54 Everyone rolls Perception 5:26 420 joke 5:35 *fwwww-dddddd* 6:12 Greg as Sir Points-Out-The-Obvious-Alot 6:17 *Extremely Charismatic* NPC 6:21 The Ranger's Guild 6:37 Blue Steel 6:47 More intensity! *More! MORE!* *_MORE INTENSITY_* 6:51-7:00 When the party leaves the brain cell at home 7:05-7:36 "I sneak passed him!", he shouted 8:15 Bob rolls Stealth (Disadvantage) to sneak passed the Ranger staring directly at him 8:30 Bob's foolproof plan fails 8:46-9:12 Rob throws them a bone out of mercy/pity 9:14 Bodger attempts to join the Ranger's Guild 9:39 Ring of Infinite Charisma 9:48-10:54 Bodger rolls Charisma (just for formality's sake) 10:15 When the DM gives you *extremely* clear instructions: "Whatever you do *DO NOT TAKE THE HIGH ROAD* " 11:00 But you just *NEED* TO TEMPT FATE 11:28 What was that warning again? I'm a little foggy about the exact specifics of the DM's warning? 12:41-12:51 This idea to purposefully ignore the DM's ominous warnings sounded a lot funnier before you left me to go it alone. 13:08 Bob rolls Stealth to sneakily sneak 13:31 Bob the Dice-Cursed Rogue walks the Ominous Path of Danger alone 13:44-19:46 Bob rolls Perception to look for Consequences 14:20 Why is the DM laughing? 14:31 Why is the DM smiling? 15:48 Why is it important that I'm *60ft* from anything? 16:06 Greg forgets the backstory Bob told him literally last episode 16:25 Why is the DM smiling AND laughing? 16:29 Why are you bringing up a detail like my footsteps echoing? 16:31 Starting to have regrets 16:49 "What would *Bob* do in this situation?" I'm starting to think Bob would rethink his life 17:24 TURNING AROUND 17:44 "As you are turning around...." OH GOD WHAT IS IT?! 17:48 Bob runs like a scared little girl 17:57 With friends like these, who needs BBEGs? 18:04 Words no player likes to hear from the DM 18:28 Bob rolls Investigation to look for Consequences 18:38 That doesn't make me feel any safer! 18:48 Greg checks Bob for magic 19:12 Wand of Detect Magic 0/2 19:41 The Safe Path 19:58 Greg rolls Insight to deduce what the DM is plotting (not really) 20:02 Why are you being so specific again? 20:07 _WHAT ARE YOU DOING DM?! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AND SMILING AND ROLLING SO MANY DICE?!_ 20:21 WHY AM I TAKING SLASHING DAMAGE?! 20:34 "What are you rolling?" I'm rolling to see if I can get a 20 and use it to help us.... 21:15 Rob's Rules; ANY roll he doesn't ask for is a Fail 21:26 Bodger rolls Perception (Disadvantage) for whatever help it might offer 21:40 You're doing it again, DM! 21:55 Stop doing that! 22:02 STOP LAUGHING! 22:20 Bodger takes charge 22:41 WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! WHY AM I TAKING DAMAGE?! I DIDN'T WALK THE PATH! 22:45 Bodger suggests a new plan. Spoiler Alert; it's the Old Plan 23:45 What everyone in the party is thinking 24:12 Baradun rolls Nature to study the river 24:19 Let me be clear.... *everyone listens this time* 24:53 Greg rolls History for stories of the river/path 25:30 *HINT, HINT* 25:52 Baradun rolls Survival for wolf tracks 26:19 Greg has a solution 26:47 _Ray of Frost_ 27:00 Great job, Greg 27:11 The party descends into chaos 27:40 What decision will our intrepid heroes make? Find out....NEXT TIME! 27:58
@@ryutheslayer123 I'm trying to improve as I go. Originally, it was meant to be just rolls, then just rolls and spells, then rolls/spells/abilities, then all that and funny bits.... ....and here we are 😅
WTF that arrow sound was bloody genuine. I have noticed Rob is really good at imitating sounds, but this one was impeccable. Also, I hope that our heroes will choose the path through the mines of Moria.
I don't think they were invisible, it was just a lot thicker brambles. Detect Magic only shows you if something visible has a magical aura. It doesn't show you invisible things. You need See Invisibility for that.
@@quirk8841 but if they were being made invisible through magic, it would show you their magic aura. Which technically means it should have shown him Baradun and some of his stuff glowing when he used it.
@@quirk8841it's a second level druid/ranger spell called Spike Growth. It would show up as transmutation magic because it's an active spell effect. "The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels. The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can't see the area at the time the spell is cast must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it."
@@ancapftw9113 Rules as Written, if something is made invisible through magic, Detect Magic does not show you their aura. Detect Magic specifically states that it has to be visible for the spell to show you its aura.
@@kbeazy_3050 I did think about Spike Growth but Bodger rolled a 15 on his perception check and it appeared natural to him. So if it is Spike Growth, they're dealing with a druid with a DC of at least 16 with a pack of wolves backup. Assuming the NPC druid has a 20 wisdom, that would mean (s)he is at least level 5. (I'm also assuming if it was a ranger then the guy from the ranger's guild wouldn't have sent them straight in to the "trap" without warning.) But Spike Growth isn't invisible, it's just camouflaged so it would glow under Detect Magic's use. Something under the effect of Invisibility would not glow.
Rob does a Twitch plays DnD on his twitch channel every Saturday. People in chat get to make decisions about what the character does, it's really cool!
This episode really displays Rob's skill as a DM. How he controls such a rowdy bunch, creates fear and suspense just from moving and his adaptability. I wish I could play with him as DM
It's obvious the ranger set them up to fail. LOL. The high road and the other side of the river are probably perfectly safe to traverse... and miles away from the wolves they're supposed to be hunting.
I really love that NOBODY at the table suggested Greg detect magic again while something invisible was ripping them to pieces, it's just so perfectly VLDL
It's hilarious to see how everyone is scared of going against Rob's plot but still can't resist playing out their characters and going by their whims. Another super entertaining video - can't wait for the next one; but I must.
Who better to play the dashing, daring, and charismatic ranger than Rob? 😂❤️ Also, Alan hitting the group with "literally NONE of you do drugs!" after the 420 bit had me rolling!
The episodes are getting better and better! The interaction between the guys and then these litte acting scenes which make the story even more alive...♡ Ah and btw... 420 BLAZE IT!
This is my first exposure to a full D&D game, and I must say. You guys made me want to play it with a bunch of good friends. Well done, and I eagerly await every one of these episodes!
To be honest, I'm happy this was your first campaign. This is more accurate to how an actual table feels than many other channels. I will recommend checking out Dimension 20 as well though, definitely another good DM. I'd recommend unsleeping city or fantasy high to get started.
This is one of the best campaigns I’ve ever watched. You guys acting out your characters really brings a whole new dimension to the narrative style of D&D. I hope other D&D TH-cam channels take a page from your book.
"Greg. More than just a garlic farmer." So far he fixed a sword and dabbled in a bit of magic. Plot twist: other characters are just figments of his own personality.
I just love the scene where Bob goes to investigate the upper path and as he walks on he grows more and more nervous and chickens out. It feels very realistic somehow xD
“Can I roll an insight check on the river” Listen river, you’re gonna tell me what I want to know, and you’re gonna give it to me strait. (Pun intended)
16:43 "Its a forbidden Path! "Yeah yeah yeah, LET'S MUG HIM!" Also, damn this guy Is a good DM. And that "OK, SO!" Killed me, the whole time i was thinking"yeah ok, now pass to the part where he Is kidnapped by Chtulhu or Just crushed by some rocks"
This pushed me to finally buy dnd starter and Essentials kit. I have roleplayed through forums and games for 20 years and participated in one-shots of cthulu, some dnd, some mutant and vampire masquerade... but I love making stories and have tried to make my own rp with roll rules during all these years, never feeling quite happy enough with it and thus burried my stories one after another due to too high expectations on my own creations with the rules.... And seeing this, seeing Rob DM, made me realise: Just start with something easy, dont force yourself to do the hardest version and put such extreme pressure and expectations on yourself... Just start the easy path and have fun. Laugh. Share. Be creative with help. Its ok! Thank you guys for being amazing and sharing your D&D adventures! They make me very happy and you have made me take a step I did not let myself take before. Thank you and please, keep sharing cause you invite us all to such a friendly and open atmosphere
Ohh man Bodger really is Rowen's ancestor... what with both of them being a model. (I love all the references, even back to the Ring of Charisma episode)
I can’t stop complaining about u guys having just just 70k subs. Plz share this videos guys. This guys are genuinely entertaining and do there work seriously, there are not many you tubers like this now a days in fact this guys are the only youtubers I have not regretted giving money in patreon. I can see my money in use in each and every video of them.
Love these! Rob, you’ve motivated me to learn to DM. You’re awesome :-D got myself the starter kits and Descent into Avernus. The DM guide and monster manual are on their way! Keep it up guys. Gives me something to look forward to each week :-)
I was expecting 4 rangers pointing their bows at him, either when he looked around the corner or when he tried to go back. I can just see a elf complaining "could you have made any more noise coming up the path?"
My solution for the slash grass. "So bob is being cut but not-so-high is not being cut yet. *takes bobs sword and sticks it in the ground between them* Have everyone back away from the sword in the direction we came from, then everyone able to do so attempts to burn the grass with fire, either normal or magic if they have it. (Greg used flaming garlic clove?) And just burn a 4ft wide path into the grass.
when bob travelled solo on the forbidden high road path, i was worried he might get ambushed by something, and the eerie creepy cave sounds are grating my ears it made my skin crawl, i was like, "bob, stop... turn around and go back to the group! shit bob, stop going any further, dude thats dangerous holy shit!" and i also thought he was secretly cursed, thank god greg used his magic detecting wand on him an doubled my relief that he was fine... i got worried again when suddenly took damage while walking on plain grass, i thought he was really cursed or something, welp bodger took damage too so it was something else, the grass may have been needle grass or something as bodger mentioned... and then the episode ended before they even decided what to do next! arrgghhhh! its definitely that feeling when you enjoyed watching something and i enjoyed this alot it suddenly ended outta nowhere. xD what the hell are they walking into? and that ranger earlier is hella suspicious, why would he direct the group into walking on that needle grass or whatnot? it was also seriously specific that they walk into those grasses, i kinda sense that the ranger isnt what he seemed to be? illusion magic maybe? if so, then damn... greg couldve used his magic detecting wand on him and call him out? so many dang routes in this story im so invested, hahahaha!
@@RobertHartleyGM and snagged me you did! hahaha looking forward for next friday! and i hope to whatever deity are there in DnD that you guys upload an hour video or so!
It was the 2nd level ranger spell sprike growth. "The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels. The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can't see the area at the time the spell is cast must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it."
@@kbeazy_3050 sure but that spell doesn't last long enough (it is concentration up to 10 minutes) AND Greg's detect magic would have still been active since he didn't say he had stopped concentrating on it and would have detected the magic even if none of them could see exactly where it is. Bob was gone for a couple minutes and they took a bit deciding which way to go initially so someone would have had to cast the spell while they were there (which would have been audible) or shortly before. Regardless, that spell allows a perception check BEFORE entering the affected area with DC equal to the save DC to notice the danger. Bob did not get a perception check to notice. Bodger asked to make one and rolled poorly. If the ranger was lying, the players were given no roll to attempt to detect the lie nor was there any indication out of character that such a roll should have been requested. You have to remember, these are new players so a bit of handholding is needed otherwise you wind up just reducing 2 players to nearly half health with no combat whatsoever.
I didn't comment on the previous episodes and I know I'm a little late since it's from 1 year ago, but guys, you're doing an amazing job and having the actors plat their own characters, with their amazing voice acting, is great ! Love what you do, now gotta go on your patreon because all your videos are awesome and this tabletop episodes convinced me to throw some gold to you :D thanks for your amazing work !
That. Was. AMAZING! My favourite episode so far. - The handsome rangers guild representative - The wonderful amount of witty cutscenes. - Rob's sound effects. (That arrow sound!!!!) - Greg's little artefacts - Bob's description of the wolves. I enjoyed all of that and so much more. Thank you for this amazing content. I'm sorry I was a tad late and I'm looking forward to Friday.
This session in a nutshell: The DM has given you a clear warning NOT to take the high road, what do you do? A) Take the high road. B) Poke the bear. C) Test the DMs patience. D) Court death. E) All the above.
Guys, i really appreciate what yall are doing here. I force myself not to watch. I like when I'm having a slow day at work, or going through a rough time in my life to binge watch these. Keep it up! Really enjoying the content
As im just now watching the D&D campaign, idk if it changes later - but I thoroughly enjoy the 30m episodes. Sure it would suck to have to wait a week, but with my low attention span and the multitude of other content you all put out, the 30m is absolutely perfect. It doesn’t feel like it HAS to be a commitment lasting hours. Perfect bite-sized pieces! Love love LOVE the content you put out!!! ❤️
Rewatching this now, the scene with the 'high road' really shows a good way to present suspense and gently discourage players from wandering off alone -- even when there's probably nothing up there.
Rowan was on it in today one. I love the references to the other shows. I look forward to every Friday to see what happens next. Keep up the great work guys.
Guys, Tabletop RPG sessions are usually 4- 6 hours, sometimes an entire weekend when you are young, do like Critical Role; you guys are hilarious and obviously having fun.
I see the veins in Bob's head modeling for the ranger LOL Love how they are remaining true to their characters even if its a very very bad decision hehe. Another great episode!
Title Card 0:36
Bob has relevant information! 1:10
The Other Kind of Meta-Magic 1:30
Describe this wolf.... 2:02
Bodger --nose-- knows 2:17
For this episode, the part of Bodger will be played by Jason Statham 2:24
Fast Travel 3:11
Greg's Wand of Detect Magic 3:20
Bob rolls Survival to track wolves 4:00
Ben rolls a 19! He'll probably wish he'd saved that roll for *fighting* the wolves 4:10
Greg regrets his choice of Magical Item 4:54
Everyone rolls Perception 5:26
420 joke 5:35
*fwwww-dddddd* 6:12
Greg as Sir Points-Out-The-Obvious-Alot 6:17
*Extremely Charismatic* NPC 6:21
The Ranger's Guild 6:37
Blue Steel 6:47
More intensity! *More! MORE!* *_MORE INTENSITY_* 6:51-7:00
When the party leaves the brain cell at home 7:05-7:36
"I sneak passed him!", he shouted 8:15
Bob rolls Stealth (Disadvantage) to sneak passed the Ranger staring directly at him 8:30
Bob's foolproof plan fails 8:46-9:12
Rob throws them a bone out of mercy/pity 9:14
Bodger attempts to join the Ranger's Guild 9:39
Ring of Infinite Charisma 9:48-10:54
Bodger rolls Charisma (just for formality's sake) 10:15
When the DM gives you *extremely* clear instructions: "Whatever you do *DO NOT TAKE THE HIGH ROAD* " 11:00
But you just *NEED* TO TEMPT FATE 11:28
What was that warning again? I'm a little foggy about the exact specifics of the DM's warning? 12:41-12:51
This idea to purposefully ignore the DM's ominous warnings sounded a lot funnier before you left me to go it alone. 13:08
Bob rolls Stealth to sneakily sneak 13:31
Bob the Dice-Cursed Rogue walks the Ominous Path of Danger alone 13:44-19:46
Bob rolls Perception to look for Consequences 14:20
Why is the DM laughing? 14:31
Why is the DM smiling? 15:48
Why is it important that I'm *60ft* from anything? 16:06
Greg forgets the backstory Bob told him literally last episode 16:25
Why is the DM smiling AND laughing? 16:29
Why are you bringing up a detail like my footsteps echoing? 16:31
Starting to have regrets 16:49
"What would *Bob* do in this situation?" I'm starting to think Bob would rethink his life 17:24
"As you are turning around...." OH GOD WHAT IS IT?! 17:48
Bob runs like a scared little girl 17:57
With friends like these, who needs BBEGs? 18:04
Words no player likes to hear from the DM 18:28
Bob rolls Investigation to look for Consequences 18:38
That doesn't make me feel any safer! 18:48
Greg checks Bob for magic 19:12
Wand of Detect Magic 0/2 19:41
The Safe Path 19:58
Greg rolls Insight to deduce what the DM is plotting (not really) 20:02
Why are you being so specific again? 20:07
"What are you rolling?" I'm rolling to see if I can get a 20 and use it to help us.... 21:15
Rob's Rules; ANY roll he doesn't ask for is a Fail 21:26
Bodger rolls Perception (Disadvantage) for whatever help it might offer 21:40
You're doing it again, DM! 21:55
Stop doing that! 22:02
Bodger takes charge 22:41
Bodger suggests a new plan. Spoiler Alert; it's the Old Plan 23:45
What everyone in the party is thinking 24:12
Baradun rolls Nature to study the river 24:19
Let me be clear.... *everyone listens this time* 24:53
Greg rolls History for stories of the river/path 25:30
*HINT, HINT* 25:52
Baradun rolls Survival for wolf tracks 26:19
Greg has a solution 26:47
_Ray of Frost_ 27:00
Great job, Greg 27:11
The party descends into chaos 27:40
What decision will our intrepid heroes make? Find out....NEXT TIME! 27:58
I love the descriptions in this comment!!!! So incredibly true!
I like how, for this series, each episode is, like, 80% shorter than Critical Role but you managed to make a timestamp list twice as long as theirs.
@@ryutheslayer123 I'm trying to improve as I go. Originally, it was meant to be just rolls, then just rolls and spells, then rolls/spells/abilities, then all that and funny bits....
....and here we are 😅
@@VivaLaDnDLogsI think it's time for you to go touch some grass my boy.
@@Krepticite Your advice has come two years too late. There is no grass, only Dungeons, and sometimes Dragons.
Damn I’m jealous. These guys look so cool and like they’re having so much fun!
They’re almost at 100,000 better like and sub to help them out!
Its hilarious to watch, love the characters lol
Dang I wish i could see more of these totally previously unseen people! I wonder where I would find more of these funny people
@@ka6scope99 I heard they ran some other channel, but it's pretty minor not many people have heard of it
I would like to see a D&D campaign where Rowan plays as DinkleDork lol
"You see a rather attractive human male." Rob "now it's my time to shine in costume."
WTF that arrow sound was bloody genuine. I have noticed Rob is really good at imitating sounds, but this one was impeccable. Also, I hope that our heroes will choose the path through the mines of Moria.
Thanks, I was pretty impressed myself actually!
wait that was real?
And they call them mines, MINES
@@jareddettlebach84This isn’t a mine. It’s a tomb.
Anytime Rowan's modeling cameos I die out loud
"I'm a model!"
Grass: *being dangerous*
Rowan: "You know what we should do?"
Ben: "What?"
Rowan: "Let's MUG EM'!!!!"
"Are you sure you are not the high sorcerer?!" Killed me :D
rather than being the journey of Baradun getting back his magic, it is instead the tale of how Greg the Garlic Farmer rose up to take his place!
"Im a model"
Okay that killed me. Hahahahahahahahaha
Had to pause and wipe my tears after watching this part just now 💀
That was hilarious with his eyes crossed 😂
@@jmarino715 IM DOING THE SAME RN
Greg: *wastes "detect magic" twice*
Also Greg: *doesn't use detect magic on the invisbrambles to see them*
I don't think they were invisible, it was just a lot thicker brambles.
Detect Magic only shows you if something visible has a magical aura. It doesn't show you invisible things. You need See Invisibility for that.
@@quirk8841 but if they were being made invisible through magic, it would show you their magic aura.
Which technically means it should have shown him Baradun and some of his stuff glowing when he used it.
@@quirk8841it's a second level druid/ranger spell called Spike Growth. It would show up as transmutation magic because it's an active spell effect. "The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.
The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can't see the area at the time the spell is cast must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it."
@@ancapftw9113 Rules as Written, if something is made invisible through magic, Detect Magic does not show you their aura. Detect Magic specifically states that it has to be visible for the spell to show you its aura.
@@kbeazy_3050 I did think about Spike Growth but Bodger rolled a 15 on his perception check and it appeared natural to him. So if it is Spike Growth, they're dealing with a druid with a DC of at least 16 with a pack of wolves backup. Assuming the NPC druid has a 20 wisdom, that would mean (s)he is at least level 5. (I'm also assuming if it was a ranger then the guy from the ranger's guild wouldn't have sent them straight in to the "trap" without warning.) But Spike Growth isn't invisible, it's just camouflaged so it would glow under Detect Magic's use. Something under the effect of Invisibility would not glow.
The Ranger costume was awesome. And bodger posing as a model looked like he was having a stroke
I thought he was taking a dump
I knew Rob would cast himself as a handsome character.
I run the gambit! I also cast myself as a half orc woman soon...!
I mean look at this guy. It's hard to be something you're not! 🤘
Type casting for sure.
@@RobertHartleyGM I expect to see you in full half-orc drag for that episode.
@@RobertHartleyGM I read that as "half an orc woman"
The return of the charisma ring!! 😂😄
I would like to join the rangers guild 🥴
@@VivaLaDirtLeagueDnD Dinkledork!!!!!!
And it still actually worked!!! 🤣
I freaking died when he said it. It was one of the best in universe jokes I have heard in this entire play through
Rob does a Twitch plays DnD on his twitch channel every Saturday. People in chat get to make decisions about what the character does, it's really cool!
Oh cool, what is his channel's name?
@@tiffanyparker370 www.twitch.tv/roberthartleygm he will do another one tomorrow!
@@macranjoh thanks!
What's his twitch?!
Nearly pissed myself laughing when Rowan rolled to join the Rangers guild
This episode really displays Rob's skill as a DM. How he controls such a rowdy bunch, creates fear and suspense just from moving and his adaptability. I wish I could play with him as DM
Props to the person who did the english subtitles at 4:34
All this reminds me of "Vital Cutscene" episode, just need Bob to say "skip" and everyone to sing "The Dragons of Schmargonrög!"
He can't say "skip" as a NPC. Bob is one of the muggers.
It's obvious the ranger set them up to fail. LOL. The high road and the other side of the river are probably perfectly safe to traverse... and miles away from the wolves they're supposed to be hunting.
Especially since the tracks lead directly towards the ranger. =)
You rolled a very high perception check...
@Jason Sirois u got perfect prediction mate. This week it’s revealed that ranger set them up.
I loved hearing the Ranger say take the left side and everyone immediately start repeating ’take the right side’
I really love that NOBODY at the table suggested Greg detect magic again while something invisible was ripping them to pieces, it's just so perfectly VLDL
It's hilarious to see how everyone is scared of going against Rob's plot but still can't resist playing out their characters and going by their whims. Another super entertaining video - can't wait for the next one; but I must.
Who better to play the dashing, daring, and charismatic ranger than Rob? 😂❤️
Also, Alan hitting the group with "literally NONE of you do drugs!" after the 420 bit had me rolling!
But 420 is funny anyway 😜
i legit just died at the charisma ring scene. my laugh was so loud it alerted the rangers guild
That callback to the "ring of charisma" was amazing!!! 😆
The episodes are getting better and better! The interaction between the guys and then these litte acting scenes which make the story even more alive...♡
Ah and btw... 420 BLAZE IT!
I know right? The cut-away scenes with them in costume are hilarious!
This is my first exposure to a full D&D game, and I must say. You guys made me want to play it with a bunch of good friends.
Well done, and I eagerly await every one of these episodes!
You should watch their 2 other D&D campaigns! They are very entertaining and fun to watch!
To be honest, I'm happy this was your first campaign. This is more accurate to how an actual table feels than many other channels. I will recommend checking out Dimension 20 as well though, definitely another good DM. I'd recommend unsleeping city or fantasy high to get started.
@@T-Mobull critical role was my first exposure the eso dnd series was good I wish the did more than 3 episodes though
You know it’s legit when Rowan starts modeling
All the puns are freaking great! And I love the flash of Rowen we get in "I'm a model" scene. Literally laughed out loud.
Haha Greg's paranoid about magic. Guess all that time getting messed with by Baradoon took its toll.
the countless portal away by baradun every morning, cause greg to have PTSD (portal traumatic stress disorder)
Morning Nice day for magic huh ha
@@testtest-je8xb Ain't it?
Adam is like the one sober dude at the table. I understand the feeling. lol
I love how they reference previous skits
6:48 No need for a magic detection spell, the magic is right here
When the DM smiles, it's already too late
This is one of the best campaigns I’ve ever watched. You guys acting out your characters really brings a whole new dimension to the narrative style of D&D. I hope other D&D TH-cam channels take a page from your book.
"Greg. More than just a garlic farmer." So far he fixed a sword and dabbled in a bit of magic. Plot twist: other characters are just figments of his own personality.
20:23 pls use that girly scream in the next epic npc man episode before saying "Hello adventurer"
I just love the scene where Bob goes to investigate the upper path and as he walks on he grows more and more nervous and chickens out. It feels very realistic somehow xD
“Can I roll an insight check on the river”
Listen river, you’re gonna tell me what I want to know, and you’re gonna give it to me strait.
(Pun intended)
Bob to Greg: "Are you sure you're not the high sorcerer" dead
Rob is AMAZING at keeping everyone on track and so quick and creative in his responses. Awesome DM.
Thank you!
The "I'm a model" joke is immortal!
"Its a forbidden Path!
"Yeah yeah yeah, LET'S MUG HIM!"
Also, damn this guy Is a good DM. And that "OK, SO!" Killed me, the whole time i was thinking"yeah ok, now pass to the part where he Is kidnapped by Chtulhu or Just crushed by some rocks"
This pushed me to finally buy dnd starter and Essentials kit. I have roleplayed through forums and games for 20 years and participated in one-shots of cthulu, some dnd, some mutant and vampire masquerade... but I love making stories and have tried to make my own rp with roll rules during all these years, never feeling quite happy enough with it and thus burried my stories one after another due to too high expectations on my own creations with the rules....
And seeing this, seeing Rob DM, made me realise:
Just start with something easy, dont force yourself to do the hardest version and put such extreme pressure and expectations on yourself...
Just start the easy path and have fun. Laugh. Share. Be creative with help. Its ok!
Thank you guys for being amazing and sharing your D&D adventures!
They make me very happy and you have made me take a step I did not let myself take before.
Thank you and please, keep sharing cause you invite us all to such a friendly and open atmosphere
Ohh man Bodger really is Rowen's ancestor... what with both of them being a model. (I love all the references, even back to the Ring of Charisma episode)
Is it pathetic that this series is one of the most exciting things I watch every week
9:00 "I was sneaking wasn't I?" - "Uhhh..." - "DID YOU NOT SEE ME?!?"
I can’t stop complaining about u guys having just just 70k subs. Plz share this videos guys. This guys are genuinely entertaining and do there work seriously, there are not many you tubers like this now a days in fact this guys are the only youtubers I have not regretted giving money in patreon. I can see my money in use in each and every video of them.
Love these!
Rob, you’ve motivated me to learn to DM. You’re awesome :-D got myself the starter kits and Descent into Avernus. The DM guide and monster manual are on their way!
Keep it up guys. Gives me something to look forward to each week :-)
I fucking died when he started talking with that ring. I didn't see it coming, but I'm so fucking happy he made a throw back to the video.
Bodger join the ranger guild once again, his charisma ring is too op.
It wasn't Bodger the first time.
I love how the green screen takes start getting wilder in this episode 😂
I love the suspense he builds with the forbidden path lol
I love how captions sometimes enhance the experience. *all the words* got me good xD
What I really hope is that all this Roleplay will be canon to the NPC man shorts.
"Rather attractive looking human male."
Now, and forever more, that pose shall be known as The Bodger.
I was kind of hoping for an Indiana Jones boulder as Bob went up the path.
I was expecting him to set off an avalanche trap or something =)
I was expecting 4 rangers pointing their bows at him, either when he looked around the corner or when he tried to go back. I can just see a elf complaining "could you have made any more noise coming up the path?"
My solution for the slash grass. "So bob is being cut but not-so-high is not being cut yet. *takes bobs sword and sticks it in the ground between them*
Have everyone back away from the sword in the direction we came from, then everyone able to do so attempts to burn the grass with fire, either normal or magic if they have it. (Greg used flaming garlic clove?) And just burn a 4ft wide path into the grass.
when bob travelled solo on the forbidden high road path, i was worried he might get ambushed by something, and the eerie creepy cave sounds are grating my ears it made my skin crawl, i was like, "bob, stop... turn around and go back to the group! shit bob, stop going any further, dude thats dangerous holy shit!" and i also thought he was secretly cursed, thank god greg used his magic detecting wand on him an doubled my relief that he was fine... i got worried again when suddenly took damage while walking on plain grass, i thought he was really cursed or something, welp bodger took damage too so it was something else, the grass may have been needle grass or something as bodger mentioned... and then the episode ended before they even decided what to do next! arrgghhhh! its definitely that feeling when you enjoyed watching something and i enjoyed this alot it suddenly ended outta nowhere. xD
what the hell are they walking into? and that ranger earlier is hella suspicious, why would he direct the group into walking on that needle grass or whatnot? it was also seriously specific that they walk into those grasses, i kinda sense that the ranger isnt what he seemed to be? illusion magic maybe? if so, then damn... greg couldve used his magic detecting wand on him and call him out?
so many dang routes in this story im so invested, hahahaha!
I have you snagged now! Mwahaha!
@@RobertHartleyGM and snagged me you did! hahaha looking forward for next friday!
and i hope to whatever deity are there in DnD that you guys upload an hour video or so!
It was the 2nd level ranger spell sprike growth.
"The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard spikes and thorns. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.
The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can't see the area at the time the spell is cast must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous before entering it."
@@kbeazy_3050 god damn... so it was the ranger!
@@kbeazy_3050 sure but that spell doesn't last long enough (it is concentration up to 10 minutes) AND Greg's detect magic would have still been active since he didn't say he had stopped concentrating on it and would have detected the magic even if none of them could see exactly where it is. Bob was gone for a couple minutes and they took a bit deciding which way to go initially so someone would have had to cast the spell while they were there (which would have been audible) or shortly before. Regardless, that spell allows a perception check BEFORE entering the affected area with DC equal to the save DC to notice the danger. Bob did not get a perception check to notice. Bodger asked to make one and rolled poorly.
If the ranger was lying, the players were given no roll to attempt to detect the lie nor was there any indication out of character that such a roll should have been requested. You have to remember, these are new players so a bit of handholding is needed otherwise you wind up just reducing 2 players to nearly half health with no combat whatsoever.
Bob crying as he's running back 😆
I didn't comment on the previous episodes and I know I'm a little late since it's from 1 year ago, but guys, you're doing an amazing job and having the actors plat their own characters, with their amazing voice acting, is great ! Love what you do, now gotta go on your patreon because all your videos are awesome and this tabletop episodes convinced me to throw some gold to you :D thanks for your amazing work !
Haha, bodger walking through the grass, even tho its hurting , lmao.
That. Was. AMAZING! My favourite episode so far.
- The handsome rangers guild representative
- The wonderful amount of witty cutscenes.
- Rob's sound effects. (That arrow sound!!!!)
- Greg's little artefacts
- Bob's description of the wolves.
I enjoyed all of that and so much more. Thank you for this amazing content. I'm sorry I was a tad late and I'm looking forward to Friday.
This session in a nutshell:
The DM has given you a clear warning NOT to take the high road, what do you do?
A) Take the high road.
B) Poke the bear.
C) Test the DMs patience.
D) Court death.
E) All the above.
Just want to say, never seen a video with 810 likes and 0 dislikes, your all doing something special keep it up !!!
Omg, they did it! They reenacted the rangers guild scene from npcman! Loved it!
I'm amazed on how many references to old skits are in there.
I love that as soon as Rowan puts on the charisma ring he turns into Rodney. What a beautiful callback.
Guys, i really appreciate what yall are doing here. I force myself not to watch. I like when I'm having a slow day at work, or going through a rough time in my life to binge watch these.
Keep it up! Really enjoying the content
As soon as this series was announced I knew it would be my favorite thing about Fridays. Can't wait for the Bodger Loop series
"I'm not scared" lol. This was funny. Good job guys
This series gets better and better. Love the in game scenes!
I love this series more with every episode
The modeling bit... gold, pure gold.
Damn, that's one very handsome ranger/DM we got in the thumbnail!
In my heart i was like "Join the rangers guild" and he actually did it 😂
Please make these an hour long once a week! Hate cliffhangers in such short time!
As im just now watching the D&D campaign, idk if it changes later - but I thoroughly enjoy the 30m episodes. Sure it would suck to have to wait a week, but with my low attention span and the multitude of other content you all put out, the 30m is absolutely perfect. It doesn’t feel like it HAS to be a commitment lasting hours. Perfect bite-sized pieces!
Love love LOVE the content you put out!!! ❤️
I appreciate how supportive Bodger and Bob are for each other
I am loving this campaign! You guys are doing an awesome job! I look forward to this every weekend, keep up the great work and enjoy the campaign!
These videos give me so much life! I did a little dance when i noticed this video went up today!
I laughed so freaking hard with the ring of charisma bit. You guys are great. Rob, you are an underrated DM that I'm definitely taking notes from :)
Finally, been waiting for this since todays FPS logic
Keep up the good work fellas, really excited to see where this goes.
Rewatching this now, the scene with the 'high road' really shows a good way to present suspense and gently discourage players from wandering off alone -- even when there's probably nothing up there.
Rowan was on it in today one. I love the references to the other shows. I look forward to every Friday to see what happens next. Keep up the great work guys.
The " I'm a model" got me XD
Love Rowan's Rodney voice. I've been practicing it lately and I'm getting pretty good at it myself lmao
Guys, Tabletop RPG sessions are usually 4- 6 hours, sometimes an entire weekend when you are young, do like Critical Role; you guys are hilarious and obviously having fun.
The silence and thumbs up. OMG! I broke out laughing! Again!
Loved that the Ray of Frost made one little ice cube that floated away. The cut scene of them watching it drift down river was funny as hell. =)
Bodger walking through the grass had me dying!
Love you guys so MUCH! These adventure episodes are the high point of my week!
Greg! Get your bloody wand out!
Also that Rob guy is so tricksy...
Tricksy little hobbit.
Man. I wish I could play D&D like this. Especially with Rob as DM. He's such a fantastic storyteller.
God I love these! I know they don't get as many views as your main channel, but man are these pure genious! Please keep these going!
You guys are so awesome on all your content I’m always waiting for new episodes
Perfect way to start a Friday, watching VLDL videos
These DnD episodes are my favorite
Never in my life did I think I'd enjoy listening to a bunch of dudes playing D&D, but here I am.
I feel like even though I know another one isn’t coming out tomorrow, I will check for it anyway. Always ready for another awesome episode. So funny
I see the veins in Bob's head modeling for the ranger LOL Love how they are remaining true to their characters even if its a very very bad decision hehe. Another great episode!