Call this function at a set rate. Say 3 times a second in the loop() Store result in an array that has time, and altitude. Have an SD card i2c module. After detection of landing write the array as a csv file to the SD card. You do it after landing because vibrations could interfere and cause data loss.
How would I be able to have this data record while launching it inside of a rocket?
same problem
Call this function at a set rate. Say 3 times a second in the loop()
Store result in an array that has time, and altitude.
Have an SD card i2c module. After detection of landing write the array as a csv file to the SD card. You do it after landing because vibrations could interfere and cause data loss.
Why the altitude output not stable almost from 0 --> 1.24 m ?
How do I make it so it continously makes a check what my altitude is? F.ex that it checks the altitude every 5-10 seconds