I wish Dr. Suzuki spoke at the Okanagan campus too. But alas, I was stuck there finishing off my last mid terms and preparing for finals. :/ Anyway, good speech.
My dad was born soon after the great depression, and it only seemed to make him ignorant to environmental issues. He buys things that are cheap, not sustainable.
I LOVE U DAVID REALLY DO but can u see these plans are kinda scary !!! i read these documents on agendaa 21 i willing to teach what i know on earth friendly choices to my children and hope they have somewhere FREE TO LIVE AND REPRODUCE if they so choose... am i alone in thinking we should look for alternative ways to save us all????? i cant be they only canadian apposed to agende 21!!!!!
I wish Dr. Suzuki spoke at the Okanagan campus too.
But alas, I was stuck there finishing off my last mid terms and preparing for finals.
Anyway, good speech.
My dad was born soon after the great depression, and it only seemed to make him ignorant to environmental issues. He buys things that are cheap, not sustainable.
I LOVE U DAVID REALLY DO but can u see these plans are kinda scary !!! i read these documents on agendaa 21 i willing to teach what i know on earth friendly choices to my children and hope they have somewhere FREE TO LIVE AND REPRODUCE if they so choose... am i alone in thinking we should look for alternative ways to save us all????? i cant be they only canadian apposed to agende 21!!!!!