When I was about 20, I worked at PING in the grinding and finishing mill area for at least 3 years. I am now 57 and lost a good part of my hearing from the 120+ decibel tumblers. Karsten MFG did hearing tests back then and I used 2 forms of hearing protection. My audiologist said that my hearing was most certainly a work related injury and tried to contact them for testing records. DENIED... I could hire a lawyer and still may, but I don't see any love there. Dave Cocker also threatened to fire me because I am blind in my left eye. This is against the ADA of 1990. It wasn't law yet, but still shows how they really love their employees. Karsten Solheim was extremely generous! He paid well, gave quarterly bonuses, offered clubs at cost and provided great benefits. After he passed and his kids took over, it all took a downturn. Thankfully, I got an education and worked in the medical field for 32 years.
Made in the usa? No, that is a lie. They are assembled in the usa. I have ping clubs and all of them had heads built in other countries. This is just a straight out lie.
When I was about 20, I worked at PING in the grinding and finishing mill area for at least 3 years. I am now 57 and lost a good part of my hearing from the 120+ decibel tumblers. Karsten MFG did hearing tests back then and I used 2 forms of hearing protection. My audiologist said that my hearing was most certainly a work related injury and tried to contact them for testing records. DENIED... I could hire a lawyer and still may, but I don't see any love there. Dave Cocker also threatened to fire me because I am blind in my left eye. This is against the ADA of 1990. It wasn't law yet, but still shows how they really love their employees. Karsten Solheim was extremely generous! He paid well, gave quarterly bonuses, offered clubs at cost and provided great benefits. After he passed and his kids took over, it all took a downturn. Thankfully, I got an education and worked in the medical field for 32 years.
Made in the usa? No, that is a lie. They are assembled in the usa. I have ping clubs and all of them had heads built in other countries. This is just a straight out lie.