You Must Be Kidding Me' Therapist Moments

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  • Fresh AskReddit Stories: Therapists of reddit, what was your "You must be kidding me" moment? --- LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!
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  • @jenniferrose4216
    @jenniferrose4216 3 ปีที่แล้ว +185

    I'm a massage therapist, and I had a very uncomfortable interaction with a client. As I was massaging her shoulders, she said, "are they bad?" I responded there was some tension, but not anything overly concerning. She asked again "are you sure they aren't bad? Am I bad?" Again, reiterated that there was just tension. Then she just start saying over and over again "I'm bad. I know I am, just tell me I'm bad". Umm...I think she's seeing the wrong kind of therapist 😶

    • @ykkynmrnki1424
      @ykkynmrnki1424 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10 he is technically bad

    • @onyxnite521
      @onyxnite521 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Should have just told her she was bad probably would have gotten a big tip lol

    • @tabora_
      @tabora_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@onyxnite521 "if I say yes will you give me a good tip?" "Yes...?"

    • @tidepodpadthai2633
      @tidepodpadthai2633 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@tabora_ she's probably expecting a different kind of "tip"

    • @msi8311
      @msi8311 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m so sorry. If I were an LMT I would say conversations are extra charge. Yikes.

  • @Sunset553
    @Sunset553 3 ปีที่แล้ว +187

    I did an Internet deep dive once on the topic of people who remove their eye. I think it was in a plot of some prison show I watched.
    I learned that in psychiatry it’s called a focal suicide. It’s rare. Even rarer and to me, tragic, is that sometimes a patient has removed both of them.

    • @yayatweakalot3328
      @yayatweakalot3328 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      hmm this is very interesting, i will b sure to look into this.

    • @zareenatheasimone3945
      @zareenatheasimone3945 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Oh god, the idea of people mucking about with their eyes is so freaky. Worst nightmare.

    • @ihavenocockandimustcream
      @ihavenocockandimustcream 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      oh fuck theres a name for that?? i thought i was the only one,,

    • @juliejanesmith57
      @juliejanesmith57 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It almost always involves religious-associated delusions and untreated schizophrenia.

  • @erinpriester7899
    @erinpriester7899 3 ปีที่แล้ว +407

    Kid- I eat finger/toenail clippings! No one is grosser than me!
    Guy with 💩 under his bed- Hold my crap...

    • @mrman6025
      @mrman6025 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@rin-sv2sk its a joke... i might be out of reddit but idc r/woooosh

    • @mp3studio69
      @mp3studio69 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      what bout that dude that EAT HIS OWN FRICKIN EYEBALL!

    • @juliejanesmith57
      @juliejanesmith57 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The beginning of this one made me really feel really bad about myself because I bite and sometimes eat my fingernails. But NOT TOENAILS, and good GAWD bot OTHER PEOPLE’S clippings, and I don’t “save it for a snack”, its a nervous habit. I’m even a germaphobe who scrubs them with alcohol and a nail brush before biting them- its the dry, flakyness of clean nails that i like anyway.

  • @tiffanyh629
    @tiffanyh629 3 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    "I was hired to be a mental health provider but was ended up doing a ton of case management bc nobody wanted to." (13:58)
    This hurts.

    • @MangoMagica
      @MangoMagica 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah my heart just breaks for this lady, I hope she’s okay now

  • @GraceTheTDI
    @GraceTheTDI 3 ปีที่แล้ว +512

    "I'm a porn addict...I watch it 3 times a week for about 15 minute at a time" those r rookie numbers, once a day is the minimum

    • @michaelevans1112
      @michaelevans1112 3 ปีที่แล้ว +69

      That's also not addiction levels. Addiction starts when it interferes with your life. Almost anytime can look at 45 mins a week and be just fine lol. Just my thoughts

    • @tristantheoofer2
      @tristantheoofer2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      breh its not even close to considered addictive at dat point liek... 45 mins a week is legit not even rookie numbers

    • @icel8828
      @icel8828 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @excalibur1251
      @excalibur1251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I watch Up to 2 Hours worth Everyday.

    • @brabbit330
      @brabbit330 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@excalibur1251 That’s cool. Does it get in the way of work/school though?

  • @blur655
    @blur655 3 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    When my sister was still in the kindergarten there was a little girl that used to hit her and also others. She was very selfish and rude. My sister told the teacher countless of times but they said that the little girl had a mental illness and that that's why she acts like that. But she was pretty much bullying my sister. So one day that little girl pushed my sister hard and my sister that was tired of enduring her bad behavior, slapped the girl for the first and last time. After that incident that little girl never once hit nor pushed my sister again.

    • @anathemat-002
      @anathemat-002 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      My little brother went through almost the exact same thing. He's in elementary school, 4th grade when this happened, and there was a mentally ill/severely autistic child in most of his class rotations. The school is not equipped to handle a kid like that, so they pretty much let him get away with murder. This kid would take my brothers stuff and throw it over the school fence on the playground, hit him, etc. All to pretty much no punishment for the other kid.
      One day the kid threw my brother's water bottle over the fence and I guess it all added up because my brother clocked the kid in the face and he dropped like a bag of rocks, or so I hear. The school tried to get him suspended for it, and while I don't necessarily think that it's right to hit people, the school not taking care of the situation left my brother no other choice.
      The other kid is fine. Hopefully he gets some real help from a better school so nothing like that happens again.

    • @blur655
      @blur655 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@anathemat-002 yes i agree, even when a person is mentally ill the teachers should be able to guid the child into being respectful and not just simply ignore that type of behavior. That way they aren't doing anyone a favor. But it's also cause they don't know better, so I also hope that both the boy and the girl will hopefully get help from persons that are better informed and understanding of them.

    • @onyxnite521
      @onyxnite521 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Your sister learned how to really handle bullies not the lie that you tell a teacher but the real way you knock them on their butts

    • @kawaiitoxikk3471
      @kawaiitoxikk3471 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I have aspergers and ADHD, i was bullied and kicked a guy in the balls, he never bullied me again

    • @RialVestro
      @RialVestro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      All these stories about violent kids with mental illness in school... I can do you one better. The violent kid with mental illness was my older brother... so I lived with this at home, every day...
      I'm also going to let you know it's not just a matter of kid acts like that because of mental illness. Our mother was abusive to us and he was only copying her behavior. I don't blame my brother for how he acted, because of his mental disabilities he legitimately can't understand that he was hurting me.
      What's really weird is my brother seems to have a some what warped sense of reality. He once threatened me with a REAL kitchen knife not realizing it was actually shape but on another occasion also ran away from me because I had a toy sword with a rubber blade he was sure would cut him. He also threaten me with a stapler once and was so sure that it was completely safe that he actually stapled his own thumb before he realized why I was so scarred of it.
      Our mother on the other hand should know better, she doesn't have that excuse, and it's her fault that he acted that way. He never would of been like that if she didn't teach him that destructive behavior in the first place. My brother currently lives in foster care. I almost died multiple times, one of which I was too young to even remember but I was told that when I was 2 or 3 my brother had beat me with a rake, actually broken the rake and I was covered in my own blood. Another time at a public pool my brother who can't swim either, for some reason had this crazy idea that he could teach me to swim by holding me down under the water. My dad had gotten him off of me and pulled me out of the pool. I came close to blacking out and couldn't really see what was going on. I wasn't even sure how I had gotten out of the pool till I was able to dry my eyes and calm down. And the third incident my brother tried to strangle me. At this point I got MYSELF free then proceeded to cuss out my mother who just stood there watching. My dad was at work when this happened and my mother just watched and did nothing while my brother tried to strangle me. That was the one and only time I ever cussed in front of my parents as a kid and I didn't even get in trouble for it because I almost died. Soon after that is when my parents took my brother to a foster home where he could actually get help which was better for both of us.
      We visit him on holidays and his birthday which is two days after mine despite him being 5 years older than me. We actually get along much better now cause for one, I'm more understanding about his disability than I was back then. A lot of those attacks were partially my own fault, I couldn't understand why he could count, spell, or do any of the stuff I could. He didn't have good coping mechanisms for dealing with someone making fun of him and just like my mother taught him to do, he would resort to violence. I don't tease him anymore and he doesn't resort to violence to solve problems... as often as he use to... He's had a couple relapses and almost got arrested once but I think they let him off with a warning when they realized where he lives and why he's there.
      This is another great reason to NOT spank your kids. You might see it as discipline not abuse but to a child there is no difference. My mother used violence as a "teaching" tool which only ever taught my brother to be violent as well. If she had taken the time to TALK TO US and explain things to us my brother would of copied that behavior instead and learned to articulate his feelings safely using words rather than violently. I might have also learned much sooner than I did what he was going through. Instead she taught him that if someone is doing something you don't like, just beat the crap out of them.
      My dad never hit us, and I think my brother was also usually less violent when he was around, because my mom also acted differently whenever he was around. She was always careful to wait till he was at work and there was no one else home which made it even more obvious that she knew what she was doing was wrong when she put so much effort into trying not to get caught. Only thing she didn't count on was me staying after school, going over to friends houses without asking, going over to neighbor's houses, ect. all because I was afraid of being home alone with her while my dad was at work. One of my teachers had called the police when I told her why I didn't want to go home and one of our neighbors also called the police after I begged her not to tell my mom where I was. She was threatened with jail time if the cops received another abuse call and that's the only reason she stopped. She didn't know who made those calls or how they knew what was going on, it was completely anonymous. Pretty sure she still doesn't know.
      Anyway... from personal experience... I can tell you... those kids most likely were being abused at home and coping their parents behavior at school because that's the only thing they knew how to do. What might seem like an over reaction to you is perfectly normal for them because that's all they've ever experienced. They have to unlearn that behavior. Not everyone who is mentally ill acts this way. Most people who have experienced abuse are averse to hurting others which is why my dad never did that, and why I'm also apposed to violence unless it's in self defense. It didn't help that my brother also had speech problems that made communicating his feels verbally a lot harder so that also probably contributed to him resorting to my mother's methods. It was literally the only form of communication he knew how to do.
      It's hard to understand that when you only see the person a few hours a day at school. Actually living with them, seeing what their home life is like, puts an entirely different perspective on things than just "Oh he's mentally ill so that's how he acts" And teachers should not just be making excuses for them and letting them do whatever they want. They should be making sure that kid is getting the help they need for the safety of themselves and others they interact with.
      Side note: For those who mentioned punching the other kid after teachers were no help. I hope you tried avoiding the kid before resorting to that. It might not always be possible, especially if you're in the same class, but but out on the playground you can usually just go play some where else and avoid the kid entirely rather than confronting them. And some times... if if you're a really weak kid... avoiding them is your only option as trying to fight back could only get you hurt worse. Especially if your bully is older than you. I look intimidating because of my size but due to all the abuse I went through and my fucked up nerve that continue to shoot pain signals years after that abuse ended, I don't actually have the strength to fight anyone even if I wanted to. I spent a lot of time in school avoiding people as much as I could. Some times even just being near a teacher is enough to detour a bully from bothering you. They don't always even need to do anything except stand near you. Hitting them might perpetuate the issue and escalate things more, after all, that's likely what started the problems in the first place. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Of course there's also treat others how you want to be treated but I think the same thing applies. Only resort to giving them a taste of their own medicine when nothing else has worked and it's your last resort.

  • @jfernandez7098
    @jfernandez7098 3 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    That eyeball one is gonna keep me up at night, anything that involves messing with an eye freaks me the hell out. eyeballs, neck, or nails being injured freak me out really badly

    • @Anonymous_Gambito
      @Anonymous_Gambito 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh, I'm sorry you had to hear that, then

    • @5jerry1
      @5jerry1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      ~ There is an old Lucio Fulci film called "Zombie" which has a scene where someone has a long wooden splinter driven through their eye; I had to turn away when that scene came on.

    • @jfernandez7098
      @jfernandez7098 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@5jerry1 oh Jesus Christ that sounds fucking terrifying

    • @5jerry1
      @5jerry1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jfernandez7098 ~ Horrifying is more like it. Typical low budget zombie movie. The dead rise from shallow graves and one tries to break into a house with someone in it. She tries to blockade the door (it's on an island, so the door isn't very sturdy) and just as she's right up against it, the zombie punches through the door, grabbing her by the hair. She's struggling to get away and the damage to the door has caused a long shard of wood to protrude, right at her face. It pulls her closer (the shot is excruciating) and as the eye gets right up to it, that's where I turned my head. There's a horrifying scream as it breaks off. That's where I started looking again.
      It's a scene you can still see long after the movie ends.

    • @onyxnite521
      @onyxnite521 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol eyes are just crunchy pulpy meat hahaha

  • @autowarranty2852
    @autowarranty2852 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    6:22 I get that it's serious, but I can't stop laughing at a 14 year old running away from a kid welding a lunchbox

  • @unluckypuppy13
    @unluckypuppy13 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    There was a diabetic in a group home whose blood sugar levels were just all over the place. He had been screaming at staff about messing up his medications for weeks. Turns out he had a 5 lb bag of sugar with a spoon hidden under his bed, and the dog food he had been eating. Keep in mind that he was allowed to walk down to the Dollar general so out of all the stuff he could have bought from Dollar general that's what he picked.

  • @laytonpro8655
    @laytonpro8655 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That last one man. My flatmate is studying psychology and she’s told me that most people who want to go into counselling after have been through some kind of trauma/mental illness themselves, most get into the industry cause they want to help people the wish they themselves had be helped

  • @blindpeopledostuff3587
    @blindpeopledostuff3587 3 ปีที่แล้ว +539

    Some of these are too much. Someone needs to take the 11-year-old hyper sexual girl away.

    • @vim6459
      @vim6459 3 ปีที่แล้ว +48

      Ikr. Doesn't exposing children to stuff like this not count as abuse?

    • @AllenTax
      @AllenTax 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@vim6459 If you can't prove it. It is dismissed. Babys and kids are also often not able to register as to stand on their own to defrnd themselves.

    • @vim6459
      @vim6459 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@AllenTax :C sad.

    • @J_e_s_s
      @J_e_s_s 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      @@AllenTax that is true but an 11 year old is most definitely more than old enough to talk. It should be reported, I think. If they know that the parents regularly watch porn in front of her then that alone should be enough to look further into her home life, possibly exposing more inappropriate things/abuse/neglect.
      I really need to get my shit together completely and wholly because I need to become a foster parent. The system is too jammed up to help all of the kids that need it and too many fall through the cracks.

    • @Thomas-os6xn
      @Thomas-os6xn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@vim6459 ofc it is

  • @JKiowa325
    @JKiowa325 3 ปีที่แล้ว +237

    Pro tip: don’t watch this while eating.
    Source: Me watching this while eating

  • @austinwilburn1772
    @austinwilburn1772 3 ปีที่แล้ว +118

    The first story on water is real, of course, by reminds me of one story. A mother got into a radio contest and basically had to drink 2 gallons of water to win. She won but later that afternoon died.

    • @852internationalconnect
      @852internationalconnect 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      It literally swells up your brain making it push against the inner sides of your cranium causing brain damage and seizures

    • @arianebolt1575
      @arianebolt1575 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Two things going on here- the radio contest, I believe, was to drink water without urinating, leading to bladder rupture and infection. Drinking too much water at once can drown a person internally because the kidneys can't clear it that quickly.

    • @austinwilburn1772
      @austinwilburn1772 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@arianebolt1575 I should of probably mentioned this is a story that I just heard years ago. No source material, sorry.

    • @arianebolt1575
      @arianebolt1575 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@austinwilburn1772 Yeah- details tend to get lost. Bottom line, listen to your body.

    • @gnarthdarkanen7464
      @gnarthdarkanen7464 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Worth pointing out that LONG TERM over-hydrating "out-paces your kidney function" and tends to start presenting as "edema"... which is just "swelling" and can be random all over the body, though often tends to follow gravity... SO a lot of sitting and standing will give rise to leg and foot swelling... AND there's also "pulmonary edema" which is fluid gathering in the lungs, and is a lot like COPD or asthma... It CAN (but not always will) result in brain swelling, damage, and eventually seizures and death that way...
      Another good term for this kind of "water poisoning" is "Hyponatremia" which often also results from long-term overhydration, and is (technically) a LOW sodium level.
      SHORT term, however, the cases of water going toxic starts with the shear strain on the stomach. This is why insurance around "competitive ingestion" tends to run so high, and why a LOT of people seriously disapprove of the sport(s). Water is heavy (2 pounds per quart/1Kg per Liter) and some competitive eaters will use it as a means to stretch their stomachs. It's dangerous, but so long as they're careful about their limits, it's dubiously less self destructive than over-eating habitually... as the caloric intake can lead to all the issues of obesity...
      Should you manage not to rupture your stomach, there's also the hazards to the intestines, as your body will try to stop absorbing what it considers no longer useful but hazardous, resulting in diarrhea... Then of course, there's the strain on your bladder when and as the kidneys DO their jobs, but of course, you refuse to relieve yourself of the waste... Willpower can be a hell of a thing, but it can also kill... ANY internal rupturing involves hemorrhaging at the very least, and generally includes serious issues with infections, necrosis, gangrene, blood poisoning, and if not treated promptly, death...
      Obviously, while you struggle to force down liquids, there's the other side of choking and potentially drowning... SO folks, there's just nothing good to come of over-doing it in a drinking contest, no matter what the particular liquid is. Water DOES have an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and this includes a number called LD50, which stands for "Lethal Dose to 50%" meaning that the quantity described, per pound bodyweight is known to reliably kill 50% of the lab rats it was tested upon... DO NOT take water lightly. It can be the bringer of life and is the primary resource for carrying nutrition throughout your body, including the electrolytes that let your brain and nerve system function, but it can also kill you... just like about any and everything else. ;o)

  • @whataguy7032
    @whataguy7032 3 ปีที่แล้ว +147

    I got eight or nine minutes into this and had to nope out of here.

    • @sallypoe
      @sallypoe 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I made it to the methadone guy drinking his spit. I think that was after the 5 minute mark. Godspeed to you for lasting as long as you did.

    • @m_winewood
      @m_winewood 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      You come back here and finish this video

    • @manavpreetsingh5154
      @manavpreetsingh5154 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i Made it to the 3 minute mark where the guys eats his own shit

    • @GRKTheGreat
      @GRKTheGreat 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      My eyes hurt now...

    • @katkameo6413
      @katkameo6413 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      5 minutes....🤮🤮🤮

  • @laurenj432
    @laurenj432 3 ปีที่แล้ว +94

    Does anyone ever worry irrationally they’ll find their own story on one of these videos?

    • @laurenj432
      @laurenj432 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Gi Gi Lmaooo right😂

    • @icannotcomeupwithanything4609
      @icannotcomeupwithanything4609 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same. 0-0

    • @onyxnite521
      @onyxnite521 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No because when I go to the therapist I lie and get the diagnosis I want instead of letting them know how truly insane I really am lol

    • @peachbandaid8566
      @peachbandaid8566 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@onyxnite521 that’s not good..

    • @dalpz205
      @dalpz205 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You only worry about one of the vids on reddit?

  • @Ai-kyu
    @Ai-kyu 3 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    My mother exposed us to the images of what could happen to your head if you get in an accident while riding a bike without a helmet.
    I can't remember what the images were, but we sure as hell never ride a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc without a helmet, and actually helped me cause I did get hit by a car once. My helmet was totaled, but my head was fine.

    • @Luv2sing836
      @Luv2sing836 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My school did something similar with texting while driving. They had a personal injury lawyer come in and show us video evidence from his cases, which included people hitting pedestrians and killing them or maiming them, or crashing into things and killing or maiming themselves. Sure as hell worked on me…

    • @girlieantics
      @girlieantics ปีที่แล้ว

      same but my dad did this for brushing our teeth by showing us people with rotton teeth. I can say I have very very good teeth and my dentists make it known.

  • @Darwinsmom
    @Darwinsmom 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The second part of the story at 16:23 about a chain reaction of events reminded me of a memory from decades ago. I was hospitalized after a car accident and shared a 4-bed room with three very old ladies (I was just 17). The first night I spent there the lady diagonally opposite me passed away. The staff who came in to remove her body awoke the little fragile lady across from me, and she managed to tear the delicate skin on the back of her hand and it caused a fair bit of commotion as they cleaned her up and dressed her wound. The lady in the bed beside me was quite agitated over all the activity and got out of bed. Next thing I knew she was pounding on my legs screaming (in the thickest Scottish brogue I have ever heard): "Lizzy, get up and get me breakfast! Get up and get me breakfast!". I swear I could hear the Twilight Zone theme music in my head by the time things settled down!

  • @cristinat.8639
    @cristinat.8639 3 ปีที่แล้ว +159

    Eating his own eyeball...yup, that's enough internet for today.

    • @billycollins8307
      @billycollins8307 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      The eating family nails is enough internet

    • @yaabelna
      @yaabelna 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      *reads comment*
      *leaves video*

    • @sigh_yuri
      @sigh_yuri 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@yaabelna same! i literally went looking for an excuse to leave

    • @tidepodpadthai2633
      @tidepodpadthai2633 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@billycollins8307 I'm just so confused why the family would give them to him

  • @youraftermyrobotbee
    @youraftermyrobotbee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    The "porn addict" sounds like a baptist, or like someone (probably the girlfriend) in a very baptist/evangelist Christian community badgering him to seek "help." The anti-porn ethos is strong with those types. It sounds like a joke, but it can legitimately lead to a lot of anguish, heartbreak, and ruined marriages when a guy watches regular-guy amounts of porn and his wife feels betrayed that he's "committing adultery with her in his heart" and not respecting her/their Christian values. If you don't want any porn in your relationship, that's actually fine; that's your boundary to set. But it's on you communicate those values up front and not just assume that a "good" person wouldn't do that.

    • @BobBob-vy9ds
      @BobBob-vy9ds ปีที่แล้ว

      I just remember the time my sister told me I shouldn't watch porn because it would ruin relationships, and it is just like, I have never dated someone in my entire life? I don't plan to anytime soon. Also naked people turn me off so porn doesn't really due it for me, unless I find very specific ones.

  • @khaozd
    @khaozd 3 ปีที่แล้ว +330

    I dipped right after the eyeball one 🙂

    • @scorpiomoon9981
      @scorpiomoon9981 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      ayo nagito pfp :D but same

    • @khaozd
      @khaozd 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@scorpiomoon9981 :D

    • @melissacooper4282
      @melissacooper4282 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'm still in shock over the eyeball story!

    • @Bowswa
      @Bowswa 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Good job

    • @lazarus7477
      @lazarus7477 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I mean eyeballs are basically human meatballs so it probably wouldn't taste too bad

  • @AffyMoon
    @AffyMoon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Giant props to all these therapists man, so many people are downright insane and the thought of having to deal with them is just too much

    • @RialVestro
      @RialVestro 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's really offensive. You realize those are some pretty rare extreme cases right?
      Most of the insane people you're talking about you probably interact with on a daily basis without even realizing it. Having to deal with you ignorant rude ass normal people is just too much.
      That being said... I wouldn't want to deal with those cases either... I'm just making a point that's not the majority of cases therapists see. A lot of people seek therapy for a wide variety of reasons and the vast majority are able to live functionally in society totally unnoticed by normies as any different from them.
      I proudly call myself insane cause in my experience what people consider to be normal is just as horrific as anything in this video. Ironically enough I still manage to blend in with society mostly because people have these stereotypes of what they think the type of people who seek therapy are like but it also prevents a lot of people from going to therapy who need it because they don't think they need it. So please don't group us all in your limited understanding of what an insane person is. That's not helpful to anyone.
      The only part I agree with is props to therapists, they have to deal with a lot of shit and some times we forget they're people too with their own issues. Some times I wander if there are therapists who specifically treat other therapists. How does that even work?

  • @TurtleChad1
    @TurtleChad1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    A turtle approves of these "you have to be joking" moments

    • @jamesgoines4635
      @jamesgoines4635 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Love your name it hilarious. 😂

    • @Vetresity
      @Vetresity 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      A ferret approves of a turtle approving you have to be kidding me moments

    • @saltedcaramelsalt
      @saltedcaramelsalt 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Vetresity a cat approves of a ferret approving of a turtle approving you have to be kidding me moments

  • @sarahsays194
    @sarahsays194 3 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    Dude, I JUST finished eating Shepards pie.....

    • @NaruShadow
      @NaruShadow 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I'm so sorry. I hope your body didn't decide to un-eat it after that story 😂

    • @dalpz205
      @dalpz205 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's here in US too. Most ppl use beef

    • @tylisirn
      @tylisirn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Was it a nice pie?

    • @sarahsays194
      @sarahsays194 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tylisirn Delicious. It was from Cheesecake Factory. 🤤

    • @TrueDeathblacK
      @TrueDeathblacK 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@trashyclips4488 Don't try to tell me there's no google in the US. I didn't know what a shepherd pie was but I just googled...

  • @flying_Night_slasher
    @flying_Night_slasher 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    7:46 "A person is most vulnerable while taking a crap" does that mean that the guy was laying there for 15 minute's crapping in his bed? Also the way how it went that he looked out the window and said it remind's me of a game cutscene but people modded the dialogue so the guy say's that like imagine playing Grand Theft Auto or some other dark and/or gang related game and one of the mission cutscene's has the guy look out the window and say that and it felt really out of place.

    • @NaruShadow
      @NaruShadow 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sounds like a Saints Row game

    • @andylutz3505
      @andylutz3505 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well, of course it was out of place. Wasn't it coming from a crazy person?

    • @flying_Night_slasher
      @flying_Night_slasher 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@andylutz3505 Well I mean if you mod that into the game the cutscene would feel out of place but yes I agree with you that the guy's crazy.

    • @immanuelrundel6643
      @immanuelrundel6643 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, he did not crap his bed. But he was thinking loudly, and exposed, what he was thinking... he plotted, how he could get the Person and he came up with: "well, he is most vulnerable while crapping". Therefore, the guy who watched him, decided to stand up for the rest of his shift.

  • @hermiendelange4343
    @hermiendelange4343 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Comment on the walking dead post. We used to have an art college in my town and when I was about 4 or 5 they had a road safety awareness drive at the college. My mom, having two pretty hyperactive kids (brother is ADHD and I'm ADD, diagnosed by 3 psychiatrists) she took us to go and have a look. The image of that is still burned into my brain at 32. She admitted later that she thought it wouldn't look so realistic. To this day neither my brother nor I get into a car without putting on seatbelts immediately. My point being is that sometimes these things can have a positive, yet disturbing, effect.

    • @RialVestro
      @RialVestro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My high school actually did something similar. It happens ever other year... they should probably make it once ever four years cause the whole school participates anyway and being every other year means every student has gone through it twice... thought maybe it's done that way in case a student was absent on one of those days... It technically lasts a full week but the first day is when the most realistic part happens... they stage a car accent outside the school. There's actual police and ambulances blocking the road. They get a couple beater cars that were going to be demolished anyway and set them up where it looks like they had just crashed. Students are laying in the road motionless, they do the whole chalk outline thing around them before taking them away in body bags. The body bags have small air holes specifically for this and they aren't in them very long as they get let out immediately after they're out of sight of the crowd. There's a while announcement made about the students who "died".
      I should mention... while I was in high school there were also two students who ACTUALLY died and the same announcement was made... The thing is though... because I knew from my Freshman year that they staged this event I thought they were just doing that again. Turns out they weren't doing it that year and that was a real announcement. That's how real the staging was when I couldn't even tell the difference between the staged event and an actual student death.
      Anyway... there is one part that was obviously staged which they continued doing through out the week the event would take place. A student would be dressed as the Grim Reaper and every five minutes through out the school day another student would "die" grave stones would be placed all over the campus representing each student. The "dead" kids would also be walking around looking like the "I like Turtles" meme kid with the while make up and darkened eyes. And just like in Among Us, the dead can't communicate with the living. They still attended regular classes as ghosts though they might get to leave a class early whenever they "died" and got taken to have the ghost make up put on that they'd wear for the rest of the week. The reason why the Grim Reaper would "kill" another student every five minutes is because that's supposedly the natural average for how often a drunk driving accident occurs and seeing how many tomb stones and "ghosts" walking around the campus gives a more visual perspective than simply telling us some statistics that don't really mean anything.
      In a similar vane the rather low percentage of people with DID has commonly lead people to believe it's a rare disorder, but bringing up that it's the same percent as the number of people with red hair gives them something visual to look at and realize... oh that's actually not that rare. It actually gives you a better perspective when you can see how many that really is.
      It's pretty effective event... though unfortunately even if you don't drink and drive you can still fall victim to someone else being stupid enough to do it... and weirdly enough it's usually the drunk who survives the crash not the innocent bystanders... which is what happened to those two students who ACTUALLY died that weren't part of the event. Boy and girl, about 16-17 years old, were out on a date when they got hit by a drunk driver. I didn't know them, and the announcement sounded very similar to the usual speech they would give for the event except it was followed by a moment of silence rather than everyone gathering outside to view the accident and there were no "ghosts" or tomb stones placed around the school... that's when I realized that one wasn't staged.

  • @aksprkl6594
    @aksprkl6594 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "A person is most vulnerable while taking a crap"
    I imagine one would be, after eating a lightbulb.

  • @super-luckabsol4834
    @super-luckabsol4834 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    10:32 "From then on, I made sure to always have access to a door and never put the client between the door and myself again..."
    It's one thing if that event served as a reminder to the principle, but, like, dude. You're ostensibly a professional trained to help regulate unstable behavior - you should have already known that. Keeping clear access and positioning to the door/escape route amidst potentially dangerous situations such a basic safety measure even McDonald's teaches it.

  • @Anonymous_Gambito
    @Anonymous_Gambito 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    4:48 I might be wrong but I'm gonna vote on "They were totally conservative christians"

  • @tr4cy444
    @tr4cy444 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    dawg- the one where the guy ate his own shit is just 💀💔

  • @amberandrew6396
    @amberandrew6396 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel so bad for the last woman in the story, can't imagine the trauma she has and I'm glad the guy was understanding when she broke down like that. Everyone has their own problems

  • @TDF9055
    @TDF9055 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The family that demanded a brain surgery are horrible people. I really hope CPS got involved.

  • @logandevore1990
    @logandevore1990 3 ปีที่แล้ว +69

    Hi everyone how you doing today.

    • @diegoscoffeemug
      @diegoscoffeemug 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Pretty good, thanks!

    • @logandevore1990
      @logandevore1990 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@diegoscoffeemug good! Keep that going for as long as possible and you will be doing good for a long time. Have a good day

    • @diegoscoffeemug
      @diegoscoffeemug 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@logandevore1990 Thank you! ❤️❤️

    • @lucasfilmsphotography
      @lucasfilmsphotography 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Not great but thanks for asking

    • @logandevore1990
      @logandevore1990 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@diegoscoffeemug no problem dude!

  • @MissBTarot
    @MissBTarot 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I'd describe these as 'OMG WHY?' rather than the much tamer 'You must be kidding' but OK 😶

  • @starchybinkie4701
    @starchybinkie4701 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I know this doesn’t relate to the video but I just remembered it, so my friend showed me a website that was very deep in the internet, and we saw what dead bodies look like, we saw several gun wounds, 7 Asian women decapitated etc. My friend was gagging a little bit, but I was just looking at them, while eating a slim Jim, I was not affected by it what so ever. We were 11

    • @panzerkrieg3509
      @panzerkrieg3509 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm the same way i can watch gorey things and cuntine eating my food with no issue lol. I remeber my friend made me watch a video of someone cutting of their foot-

    • @Novawitch26
      @Novawitch26 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ha I'm the same way with that stuff! And I'm studying to be a coroner because of it, might as well put it to good use ya know?

    • @icannotcomeupwithanything4609
      @icannotcomeupwithanything4609 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't even know how to respond...

    • @anathemat-002
      @anathemat-002 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I saw some similar things when I was younger. A video of a man cutting off the head of his penis, and a person getting cut in half with a chainsaw stand out the most. It's horrifying and disgusting, but I've always had a strong stomach.
      I'm thinking about getting into the medical field now, though, so maybe being able to handle the gore was a sign.

  • @graceanderson7933
    @graceanderson7933 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I used to be in this program when I was a teenager where a therapist would take kids with mental health problems on public outings to teach them life skills like ordering for themselves at restaurants and taking the bus and generally how to cope and function in the real world. My therapist was telling me this story about another client he had who locked him out of the house when he came to pick him up and threw a cinderblock at him from the backyard. Thankfully he missed and no one was hurt. Then the kid's mother came out screaming at him like it was somehow his fault her son threw a fucking cinderblock at him and basically was being a huge Karen. He then requested to have that kid taken off his caseload and never had to see him again

    • @RialVestro
      @RialVestro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That escalated quickly... not where I thought that story was going. Side note... this sounds like a program EVERYONE should have access to. I mean they tell us school is suppose to prepare us for real life as an adult but most of the things I learned in school I never use in my every day adult life. The kinds of things this person was teaching kids are things I do every day that I had to figure out on my own that no one ever taught me. I wish I had gone on outings like that as a kid as I think that would of been much more valuable than learning things I can now do on my phone without even thinking about it.

  • @angel_cake1207
    @angel_cake1207 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I accidentally made my therapist cry too and I had no idea what to do and I just never went back to her. It’s one of the most awkward things I’ve ever experienced

    • @Napash.Masharath
      @Napash.Masharath 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      she was probably burnt out. it happens

    • @onyxnite521
      @onyxnite521 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hahaha your therapist must have been new if they are still so emotional and cry from your story they won't make it on the job I highly doubt this is true though

    • @BobBob-vy9ds
      @BobBob-vy9ds ปีที่แล้ว

      @@onyxnite521 Dude, sometimes you just cry randomly? Like yes it's a therapist job to remain professional, but sometimes especially if you're having a hard day, you just can't hold it in.

  • @curtisfranzen986
    @curtisfranzen986 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm going to turn the table. I was patient. I had a very rough childhood. I'm not going to get into that too much, just enough to say I saw stuff between 3 and 7 that has freaked out grown adults. These experiences led to "behavioral issues". Mom got me into therapy. Mom, after a few visits asked me what I thought of the Dr. . I still remember my response to this day. "Mom, he's playing checkers, I'm playing Chess". Mom got me a new Dr. .

  • @LilySaintSin
    @LilySaintSin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    The nail story! 🤮🤮🤮

  • @sobree9743
    @sobree9743 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Just a tip, dont listen to this while eating waffles in the morning.

    • @ykkynmrnki1424
      @ykkynmrnki1424 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Specially: meatball, spaghetti, chocolate etc

  • @rainyrayrae
    @rainyrayrae 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    aljdjaks when it got the the nail eating one i went from "oh god he eats them? that's horrifying" to "oh he's nine that's not so bad" to "hiS FAMILY DOES WHAT" so fast i got fuckin whiplash

  • @xfuriousapex
    @xfuriousapex 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was friends with Ed, a schizophrenic who had spent most of his life in various institutions. He spent some time in a prison for the criminally insane. All he did was steal (then return) a car, but he had mental health problems so that's where he ended up. So one night he told me this story: There was another inmate in the prison who had decapitated his own mother. There was a fly buzzing in the windowsill. Ed told that dude to eat the fly. And he did.
    That was the whole story.
    I said, "Weren't you afraid that guy would get mad and hurt you when you told him to eat a fly?"
    "No. He was the nicest guy in the world. Totally non-violent."
    "But you just said he decapitated his own mother."
    "Well yeah, he did that. But other than that he was really gentle. He wouldn't hurt a fly."
    "But you just told me he ate a fly."
    Ed thought about it for a while and said, "OK, I see your point."

  • @californiacobra527
    @californiacobra527 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dude, my bff, her hubby, and a few other friends used to get together every week when the new episodes of TWD were running and their kids (about 6 and 8 at the time) LOVED watching the show with all us adults. It didn't scare them, but it also didn't make them say weird sh*t like wanting to hurt themselves either. It was just entertainment to all of us.

  • @PoloWolf47
    @PoloWolf47 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When I was very little my dad played resident evil in front of me, and also exposede to violent movies. My parents did that while fully understanding that kids watching gory stuff can become violent, and they wonder why I'm like me now

  • @geraldthepuppy9693
    @geraldthepuppy9693 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My parents never showed me anything overly morbid, and encouraged me to stay away from anything like that until I was older, but if I went looking for it they wouldn’t stop me.

    • @BobBob-vy9ds
      @BobBob-vy9ds ปีที่แล้ว

      I just remember whenever I saw gory stuff being excited by it (not in a sexual way). Like I remember between the ages of 4-7 seeing a baby bird with it's leg torn off and smiling and it making me happy. Now I would possibly call myself a sadist though it's weird. I like the sight of blood, and seeing animals die (only times have been when they were put down by a vet). Yet I whether or not I like looking at gore changes day to day, plus I'll cry at those sad dog commercials. Main reason why I'd become a pathologist (forensic pathologist would be better for this) is to cut open dead bodies. Really wanna do that, and that way it's legal. Tho right now I think if I were to try and go to college I'd end up dead because high school makes me wanna die from stress, and I can only imagine going to school for 14+ years to become a forensic pathologist would be stressful. I don't like compactions or anyone expecting anything from me, and a lot of people wanna get into med school.

  • @nyotamwuaji6484
    @nyotamwuaji6484 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "A person is most vulnerable when taking a crap"
    Thats...not untrue.

  • @olivia-qr1ei
    @olivia-qr1ei 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I mean, therapist-client confidentiality or whatever but it's cool

    • @RialVestro
      @RialVestro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      They never named any of their patients. A long as their identities are anonymous and no knows who their talking about they can pretty much say whatever they want. They aren't breaking any client confidentiality agreement as long as no personal information that could identify the client is shared.
      Also if the client is a danger to themself or others those confidentiality agreements don't apply anyway. And a lot of these cases I'd say fall under that category.

  • @unluckypuppy13
    @unluckypuppy13 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Another group home story, there is a man who had diarrhea and had trailed it all over the house. Like from the bathroom in a trail all the way to his room and up to him. Adamantly denied it was him and refused to do anything about it. 🙄

  • @muurrarium9460
    @muurrarium9460 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    LOL @ physical therapist: those things really happen all the time, why so shocked?
    (source: been there, done/seen that)
    The same 'pick up an elderly patient to do *whatever type of therapy* in a care facility' ... ALWAYS make sure you pass a bathroom (preferably several different ones) first. Those people have been sitting down for a long time, sometimes hours; when going vertical and active they invariably "need to go potty" . Always plan those little side-trips. They need to happen 90% of the time. Best get it over with before the serious part of the session starts.

  • @scarletrose5783
    @scarletrose5783 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    11:00 Brain injury story....
    The family is being unkind to their son/brother by calling him stupid due to a brain injury.
    And what do you call them for believing that a brain transplant will turn him back to normal??
    Laughing uncontrollably on the spot is a normal reaction for the untrained. Therapist will excuse himself to the restroom like he's having an urgent nature call.

  • @greendragonfly4831
    @greendragonfly4831 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is where I get flaws for my characters and NPCs in D&D

    • @fatnoot5428
      @fatnoot5428 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      💫💫 mental illness is not a joke

    • @greendragonfly4831
      @greendragonfly4831 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fatnoot5428 but does exist and therefore becomes represented in fiction. I'm also pretty severely mentally ill but do my best. GFY

  • @brabbit330
    @brabbit330 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yikes on that last story with the therapist who cried in the coffee shop. It sounds like she has her own stuff she needed to work through and really wasn’t helping her client by revealing all that.

  • @notafbiagent473
    @notafbiagent473 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1:03 *killer queen has already touched this post*

  • @norainnoflowers1551
    @norainnoflowers1551 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    not the therapist but a client (anxiety and depression) when I moved to the midwest while in grade school.. I was absolutely shocked that out of the 6 people who attended group therapy, 2-3 of them had multiple (like starting at 7 and 10) siblings, some of which (including themselves) were the product of *ncest. We were in “the bible belt” and it was only like 3-4 years ago…

    • @BobBob-vy9ds
      @BobBob-vy9ds ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, coming from a large family (no *ncest as far as I'm aware) then I do find it funny when people freak out over it. I don't know what to say when people question it, because for some reason even though my sisters would get mad once people automatically asked if we were catholic (my mom is, and so is the family she comes from, my dad is a christian and advise people to not marry catholics) which we technically were from association, don't know why that stereotype exist, other than possibly "to give god children." Anyways, I have 7 siblings (one is my twin), yet I never really think of that as big, because my mom has 15 siblings (two died shortly after birth, maybe lived for a year or less, so counted kinda, but usually left out and only say 13). My grandpa will joke about how he and my grandma shouldn't have been shocked when they got pregnant the second time since they were still, "doing the exact same thing as before."

  • @ValentineS97
    @ValentineS97 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the one with the finger and toe nails is just like “DO NOT ENCOURAGE THAT BEHAVIOR WTF”.... 🙃

  • @switchingaccountsyoinks3370
    @switchingaccountsyoinks3370 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    lmao that reminds me of how i used to watch the walking dead with my family when i was like- 7 or 8. im 14 now

  • @VaBeachBeach2971
    @VaBeachBeach2971 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My son is 15 and has autism and I thank god everyday he is not violent in anyway. Doesn’t really make to much of a fuss either except when I take him to the drs I guess because when he was younger we went to Drs a lot to try find out why he was developmentally delayed. He had blood test and stuff so now he does not like the Drs. Thank god he’s not violent. There have been times where his teacher has called to tell me another student hit him but he didn’t hit back. This has happened only once. He is an extremely picky eater though.

  • @chloeirvine78
    @chloeirvine78 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Last story was why I was taken aside in highschool and told never to work in anything involving psychology, even though I would ace the class without any effort.
    Since highschool my life has gotten more traumatic so I guess its a good thing I got this advice.

  • @Athlynne
    @Athlynne 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I as a patient might've given a psychiatrist one of these moments. You know how they sometimes ask you if you ever see things that other people don't? Well, having grown up in a family where the supernatural is common, I stupidly decided to tell him about the time I saw the Green Man (Celtic Pagan thing, like a god of nature) and how it was one of the happiest moments I've ever had. Yeah...guess who ended up on an anti-psychotic drug? I had the last laugh, though; as it turns out, anti-psychotics actually really help with my anxiety, and I still take one daily.

  • @mon6335
    @mon6335 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bro, I'm literally in year 7/high school and my father watches the Babadook and some other extreme horror movies, and one night my mother got mad at him and I said "OI dad, put on a good horror movie." my mother was not impressed.

    • @kawaiitoxikk3471
      @kawaiitoxikk3471 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The babadook?isnt that the guy that comes out of a book and haunts you?

  • @pancon9947
    @pancon9947 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've been drunk from water before. It's very crazy

    • @kastrral
      @kastrral 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can't get drunk from water lmao

  • @danielledouglas99
    @danielledouglas99 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This comment relates to the broke foot story, but not the therapist part. Sometimes the doctors are dumb, my grandma broke a bone in her foot when she was a kid, she went to the hostipal and got a cast, well she got it before the swelling went down so when the swelling went away the cast was easy to slip off and her foot never healed properly. She proceeded to break it like 5 or so more times, I remember specifically a story in which she broke this bone again but was so use to it she continued rollerblading depsite the injury. Anyways since the bone was incapable of not breaking she got it removed and hasnt broken a bone in her feet since.

  • @jordandennis6794
    @jordandennis6794 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    3:49 Yep that's enough internet for the day

  • @CplBurdenR
    @CplBurdenR 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The last one. Considering the rest of the list, I was skip reading and saw "CBT" and "Scrotum" and braced myself for the worst. Thankfully, just an emotional ride.

  • @smithaf0601
    @smithaf0601 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That last one is why therapist need to go to therapy before practicing. I get it, but how can you be a therapist who breaks down when hearing about...alcoholic fathers?

  • @Molten2004
    @Molten2004 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    0:54 my name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old-

  • @peanutbutter7357
    @peanutbutter7357 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know a girl who drowned herself drinking water, it was so sad and no one could tell how she done it and her sister said she'd been in the hospital and on different medication to suppress her desire to die (now thaþ I'm older she must of been ballting some demons remembering her scars on her neck and wrists)

  • @tallybone
    @tallybone 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    That last one tho... made me cry a little

  • @emmett77
    @emmett77 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    lmao i feel attacked by this thread😂😭 i c*t through my entire right cheek, no pain (only initially but that’s the same with s*lf h*rm) at all. had to get stitches and was sent to a psych ward ... so yeah i was one of these patients except i did it at home at 1am and when my psychiatrist found out, i was already in the psych ward

  • @RialVestro
    @RialVestro 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    You'd be surprised how EASY it is for people to overdose on water without even trying. A lot of people have it in their heads that when it's recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day that doesn't mean you're dehydrated if you drink less than that. That's the recommended average not a strict rule that you actually need to follow. Also all drinks contain some amount of water in them. In general if you just drink fluids whenever you're thirsty you'll be fine. I mention the last bit because people are genuinely baffled how I can survive YEARS without ever drinking purified water... I know some health nuts who won't drink anything else cause they think it's some how going to dehydrate them even though it actually has the same hydrating power as water. There are other reasons why you might want to avoid certain drinks but dehydrating you isn't one of them. And of course purified water is healthier over all as long as you don't over hydrate which is also possible but it has no flavor.
    I know my habits aren't the healthiest but I don't want to live a long miserable life, I'm going to get whatever little enjoyment I can wherever I can find it. I like soda, it's going to bite me in the ass eventually but I don't care. I'm not going to drink the most boring flavorless thing in existence when I can have a Pepsi. Living to 100 isn't appealing to me. To be perfectly honest I'd be happy if I never lived to see 40. No matter how healthy your life style is people's health seems to decline after 40, some more so than others. That natural ageing process can't be completely stopped no matter what you do, you can slow it down and that's great for you if that's what you want to do. That's not what I want.
    There's comedian who explained this a lot better than I can... look up Fluffy. There's also a quote from "A Fault in Our Stars" that sums it up pretty well.

  • @nerf2752
    @nerf2752 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    *saved in horror folder for story writing*

  • @scottlewis9947
    @scottlewis9947 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The nail clippings one is crazy

    • @rianplaz99
      @rianplaz99 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I bite and eat mine out of anxiety but Jesus fuck I would never save them and eat my family’s

  • @paxundpeace9970
    @paxundpeace9970 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    5:20 underrated

  • @jozefienvoets2744
    @jozefienvoets2744 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    if you think it's okay to beat your kids because your parents did it and you "turned out okay", you did not exactly turn out okay.

  • @167logan
    @167logan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That hyper sexual story is so sad. He's right about CPS. I've seen them jump down families throats for much much less.

  • @JillianNoelle
    @JillianNoelle 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is more like “most disturbing things”.

  • @hanklittleton4468
    @hanklittleton4468 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When your not first but still early 😳

  • @daniellefores4491
    @daniellefores4491 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Goodness, don't listen to this before having dinner.

  • @sliestwheel
    @sliestwheel 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    1:30 the parents are D&D bards

  • @PikminandOatchi
    @PikminandOatchi 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "Wish I was doc".

  • @lovelysakurapetalsyt
    @lovelysakurapetalsyt 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    My therapist has looked like "wtf" with the shit I've told her about my dad (and he's utterly horrible)

  • @kibblesguy5443
    @kibblesguy5443 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Minecraft Steve 3:53

  • @tazzoholic
    @tazzoholic 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    First story is easy for me, i sometines faint because my sodium and potassium was too low, am not even trying to overdose on water so sometimes i substitute pocari sweat or gatorade instead of water

  • @gettingshotsomeonesgonnapa8635
    @gettingshotsomeonesgonnapa8635 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I do that all the time? I store them in a box too. I Just don't eat them.

  • @silverserienty9384
    @silverserienty9384 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nope nope nope nope nope nope!!!!!
    The spit one grosses me out so goddamn much, I even sometimes get nauseous when I try to just the last of a drink because some douche when I was in kindergarten told me the last of the drink is just back wash and that you are drinking spit at that point 0-0

  • @iferawhite7661
    @iferawhite7661 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    22:53 Am I stupid? I don't get this one. ...skid-marks... bereavement... feeling guilt... I can't connect the dots

    • @newablooms6719
      @newablooms6719 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same... I just assumed the og wanted to laugh or something

  • @angrygalamb
    @angrygalamb 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    3:30 you're telling me it's not normal to watch dr. Bones with your mom when you're 7? This might explain why i'm so messed up ugh

  • @markiusgalfordii9248
    @markiusgalfordii9248 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had to go to counseling because the judge decide I was addicted to marijuana so I'm carrying a piece of paper in one hand and I'm going to my rehab doctor he asked me so what type of drugs do you do I'm like marijuana he's like really because we're going to drug test you and we're going to find out one way or another and if you lie to me it's not going to be easy for you I'm like okay take blood take hair or pee in a cup if you want me to he gets the test back the week later and then calls the judge up and tells the judge he is there to treat people with real drug problems not people with occasional use of drugs and he said marijuana is not a drug to go to counseling about so I got to go there and do nothing because the judge would not take no for an answer so we would just hang out and Mark me as completed even though I did nothing LOL

  • @mackenzieglidden2968
    @mackenzieglidden2968 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dam my friend dad is pyhpist and he said he had the scariest child there he was happy skipping and then just lays on fall and does scarry noises and couple days later he went missing and was found in the woods he also put cut the arm of the man who found him

  • @valevisan
    @valevisan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    *All I'm wondering is if that eyeball that any taste to it*
    *I'm weird as hell-*

    • @tylisirn
      @tylisirn 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @impagain
    @impagain 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I literally almost threw up at the fingernails one. I've never gagged that hard at one of these videos before...

  • @itsbeenawhilehowareyou4825
    @itsbeenawhilehowareyou4825 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here’s the problem: I might need therapy, but talking to a therapist means telling them everything and telling them everything means they’re gonna tell my parents about it and I don’t want that- cause it’s gonna change everything and my dad will probably be even more disappointed, so for now my therapy sessions are the notes app-

    • @morningglory10
      @morningglory10 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Therapists legally can't tell your parents anything without your permission. The only exception is if you say you're going to hurt your parents, then they can warn them but that's it.

    • @Cheolnobaka
      @Cheolnobaka 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah pretty sure they can loose their license for telling your parents

    • @maximumgames2990
      @maximumgames2990 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Cheolnobaka The issue is that some of them are sh*tty and will do it anyway, even though they shouldn't be. However, if they do, you can grab the law and bash them with it.

  • @hannahouellette827
    @hannahouellette827 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    okay I love the walking dead, but I can't remember the part where they stab themselves bc they don't wanna be eaten? When is this? I honestly can't remember anyone killing themselves bc they don't want to be eaten. HELP

  • @nezumi217
    @nezumi217 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When the saying kids make you crazy may be a more literal statement than a light hearted jab

  • @jozefienvoets2744
    @jozefienvoets2744 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    okay but honestly? sympathy for the devil is a pretty damn good song.

  • @calebfielding6352
    @calebfielding6352 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hate it when kids can go around hitting, kicking, and biting and no adult steps in and hits back. That little brat who was hitting their teacher and mom and when mom stops her and tells the adults on the mom is a major problem. Once that brat turns 18 years old they are going to end up dead or in prison, all because adults wont stop that bad behavior when the kid is 2.

  • @catcat365
    @catcat365 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would know, I would know..
    For a window view example; I watched my step dad play things like grand theft auto 5 and call of duty when I was 4 5 6 years old, around before I turned 7 I started playing gta5, I still play it to this day on my own ps4 because it is a fun game, but clearly that was horrible parenting. And that's just one example.

  • @AlniTak_
    @AlniTak_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    i lasted an entire 2 minutes, and than noped out of here

  • @Duke00x
    @Duke00x 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    He (guy that peed on car) was just asserting dominance.

  • @ari913
    @ari913 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    ive literally watched over 200 of these reddit videos and that eye story was the worst

    • @kimberlyh.1090
      @kimberlyh.1090 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait till you find the one with the post-partum woman in the Psych Ward who made a worker pass out on the floor...

    • @ari913
      @ari913 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kimberlyh.1090 oh yea i know the one, things affect different people differently i guess

    • @kimberlyh.1090
      @kimberlyh.1090 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ari913 At least she didn't eat hers though, so you've got me there. 🤢

  • @californiacobra527
    @californiacobra527 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    If a 9 year-old girl ripped out a chunk of my hair, someone else would have to deal with her because I'd want to cease her existence if you know what I mean. Having my hair purposely yanked and ripped out by anyone would make me uncontrollably hateful and angry!