As an ENFJ I don't give a shit how experienced or qualified or how their position makes them "an authority" I still poke at their ideas as if we were both in the same philosophy class lol. At first people often give me the "who the fck are you to say that?" but then I keep not giving a shit and they see it as bold and eventually realize that oh yes someone can be intuitive and insightful without a bunch of titles before and after there name!
I did not wake up today thinking that your video would explain how you can walk uphill to AND from school, everyday. You guys are awesome. That said, this guy has the right feeling orientation: "I need to get my tribe away from this slow decline into being bored, weak, nihilistic slobs who will die first when the proverbial crap hits the fan; no excuses!" I think his weakness is that he doesn't really understand nutrition or moderation. When video games are an existential evil, and you can never eat a zebra cake or Frito chips, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Why do I need to go to this extreme?"
More or less, yeah More generally: Fe: “In my experience, people tend to (‘emotionally’) value X, so I do and you should too” Te: “In my experience, people tend to (‘logically’) agree that X works, so I do and you should too”
@@TheRealFlenuan As a Ti Saviour this Fe modality makes me aghast, sometimes. Who gives a rat's ass if the majority / tribes values x if logic, empirical evidence has proven time and again it's BS? Then again my Fe Demon is ticked off whenever the same Tribe chastises me for not "getting it" or being "weird" whenever I dutifully point out said fallacies.
@@azmodanpc Coz what's the point in working on something that might not matter to you and/or everyone else in the spectrum? Why impart knowledge that is never asked for? Kinda like how Te dom feels unfulfilled because he/she ignored what they value or what matters to them. Too much of one thing and less of the other will make you terrible at both. That's why imbalances always looks terrible to witness from the outside perspective.
@@TheRealFlenuan I constantly annoy my family. They tell me I’m “controlling” and my rebuttal is always, “I’m not controlling, I’m HELPING” there is a very fine line between the two 😂
I appreciate you guys for trying to understand other functions, especially Fe. For some reason it's very very misunderstood. This video is a good example of how people without the function don't really see it at all. They just see the results of it. For the record, I'd like to say that if this is Fe, this is a very Si form of it and is unhealthy. This is how not to behave with Fe. The awareness and feeling the weight of the emotional state of another can definitely be attributed to Fe. As an Fe savior, I understand wanting to make sure your kids aren't arrogant jerks who lack appreciation or concern for others' experiences. However, this example in how to keep that from happening is a bit extreme. You guys should get healthy, knowledgeable Fe users to help you truly understand what's going on with Fe and why. Your attempts to comprehend our minds are endearing. Keep trying, you'll keep getting closer and closer to the proper understanding and hopefully come to like and value humanities most human of functions. ✌&❤
Your example relating it to Te is wrong. Te and Fe have different objectives. What's important to them is different. Fe is important on its own. It doesn't need a Te reason and thus doesn't always have one. I think to really understand you have to let go of the Te at least a little. Not everything can be translated from Fe to Te. A lot of Fe concepts just don't exist in that language. Edit: The second Fe Te analogy was pretty good. I also don't understand this person's shove, shove, shove attitude. Fe is both aware of and at least partially responsible for the mood of the room/tribe. That guy seems totally oblivious. Maybe that's just because he's a decider. A decider and his Fe & Si are both masculine I'm guessing...
I'm baffled as to why every damn type complains when he uses a bad example of their type but not when he does of his own or his wife's type. He's not saying Fe is bad. He's just trying to explain how Fe/Si see things, how the concept works. If anything, this video (especially the last explanation) has helped those intuitive in the comment section who have a relationship with Fe/Si empathize with their Ti reasons which they are unable to voice out most of the time.
@@joyandpeacefullaughter5307 Oh, it's not a complaint. I said I appreciate them trying and I meant it. And I have faith that they will get better and better at their comprehension of the functions they don't have over time. I'm trying to help everyone to better understand. My Ti wants accuracy for you guys. I'm glad you're learning and relating to us more easily.
Ngqabutho Mafu (enfj here) I see him as a clear esfj. Enfjs would never pull that shit because it is totally devoid of any long term/big picture/conceptual understanding and thus watching this dude go off on his sprouts pissed me tf off!😂 I can recognize he is an Fe user, but in the real world, all my brain would see is his si (which is the function that pisses me off the most) and because it is combined with Fe, it has the greatest possibility of setting me off because they are “Fe’ing wrong.” 😂 so yes, I identify him as a Fe user, but my brain categorizes him in a totally different category because of the si
Ok, I don't know any other ESFJ'S like this person. If anything he probably triggered his demon Ti to bring his repressed pain to others! So glad you guys made it clear that this person is an EXTREME example of an ESFJ that's clearly fighting his demons
Thank you for showing that you are as confused trying to understand Fe as I am... (I'm an INFP.) Generally I find Fe too confusing and exhausting to be around because I would literally never eat all sprouts on a vacation because someone told me to. That is a major hell no. Fe and Fi.... It's kinda like oil and water.
Supposedly I'm ESFJ... But we're not starving, nor in the desert, and we're on vacation, why eat sprouts to feel better?! If that person feels better - good for him, that was circumstantial, but there's no logic in this reasoning. Well nothing that I can understand from all this. There's a million other ways to apply feel good to a situation, but the logic here doesn't add up. I expect kids to reason like this imo, not grown ups. I seriously don't get it.
@@henkster6067 (a bit late but) I think that's what an unbalanced decider would do. He is looking at another person's decisions, seeing that they fit with his Si, and assimilating them without any logical reason. The Fe is reason enough as long as it fits the Si. In other words, he is prioritizing the values so much that he completely overlooks the logic. He is looking at others for values (Fe) while not looking for his internal logical consistency (Ti) to assimilate those values. He might've still come to a weird logical conclusion (seeing as Ti is personal) but at least he would've looked for the logic behind the decision
My dad is an ESFJ and my mum is an ISFJ. Together they form the ultimate SiFe couple where they know best and won't even shift their perspective to consider other perspectives. As an INTJ this disparity is incredibly infuriating, because I'm typically open minded about other perceptions and understand that everyone thinks differently.
@@fcsfra743 kind of like we all have a hypothalamus that governs some of our most basic behaviour but individually we expand uniquely/individually from there?
@@fcsfra743 YES! You get it! Other functions just have a hard time seeing it. But absolutely. It's an understanding or awareness oh humans, their thoughts and emotions.
@@Rek-Lore simply saying I try to predict the reaction of others based on assumptions. Like I relate the situation and state of the person to predict their next moves. But now I understand why Intjs actually listen XD. Not being like "Welllll actually" like most people with Ti.
@@jeffreysherman8224 well my very personal reason is that it can be just healthy for kids and also it will come handy a lot for them in their young adult lifes. When they get wise enough about the harsh parts of life.
So, as someone who has Fe somewhere in the stack, this is cringy. How can this guy be loyal to one person and dragging the entire tribe to be on board with this random guy's sprout philosophy? My Fe would say, "oh the tribe is hungry! Everyone I can see you are hating the sprouts, who's in the mood for burgers! Ahhh everyone is better now." My observation: this guy must be self above tribe. With loyalty to Si. I see his Si system processing took over the Fe human element. Sometimes I think Si is in more cahoots with people than Ti, in light of this example.
And what do you call that? He's using known information (Si) to instill tribe values (Fe) into his kids not giving a damn about the logical accuracy of his theories (Ti demon) or whether it works for the the tribe or individuals (Lack of Te)
In response to Shan's "I wouldn't dumb down my tool because other people have shitty tools", my take is that it is exactly what Te does. "it has to make sense to everyone" = "it has to make sense for people regardless of their capacity to understand". Savior Ti's don't care if you don't get it, but will care if it gets you mad because of our tools (cause our Fe is very very concerned with your Fi in the end)
Clearing things up, the most efficient process to get shit done is the Te way, but when it comes to defining, accurately and consistently with the rest of one's subjective knowledge, go for Ti
Everything about this video makes it one of my favorites. That guy's Fe. You guys processing Fe. You guys talking about objective v. Subjective. Love it. My demon Fe was compelled.
I think you're absolutely right about the toxic Fe, but I think he's another mis-typed ESTP. There's no warmth to the Fe. He's not teaching the kids to be social, he's teaching them to fight and survive. He's also not aware of how the team/fam feels until they break the rules and go for the Zebra cakes. It's all Se with Ti providing the do it my way cause I figured it out ("Let's go, I want proper movement!"). But nevertheless he thinks he's helping (Fe) because of his Ni fears about hypothetical/abstract starving kids and cavemen.
Title did not disappoint 😂😂 but yes, I haven’t heard it phrased that way “De is filtered with Oi, which is subjective.” Such a good point. Our functions are all so interconnected we can’t accurately look at them separately
Why is it “there are starving kids in Africa so shut up about your issues” instead of “there are starving kids in Africa why don’t we try help them by promoting education, gender equality and access to contraceptives”
Oof ! I’m convinced that people with Fe created most of the things I hate with society. ESPECIALLY traditional gender roles, religions that function like cults (ie mormons, Catholicism, radical Islamic groups), the taboo-ification of completely normal human things like sex, and the false, over-romanticised Hollywood image of love. Not to mention boomers, Karens, and the alienation of anyone who doesn’t behave like the majority group.
Old school grandma's and pa's "Si" teaching everyone the 'way of life' like they did. If it was some palace-rich ESFJ growing up, expect the best as well.
Lol nooooo. This is an extremely unhealthy ESFJ. My mom is ESFJ and has the attitude of, "I worked hard so you guys didn't have to grow up like I did."
Fe as a savior is in my mind very different to Fe as an aspirational / demon. With savior Fe we got ESFJ and ENFJ, who are basically Karen / Social Justice to the extreme, and you know it's kind of brilliant as long as their introverted side is somehow in check. Then we got aspirational Fe with ISFJ and INFJ. With them it's more like: everyone's got their own battles to fight and I want to do whatever I can to make it better for everyone. Really the whole Karen-problem is basically bunch of gone rogue Fe saviors. They read all the underground shady-ass conspiracy stuff because they are oh-so-holy intelligent and valuable people to the community. They sympathise with all of that and go preach their stuff to the internet and IRL. Really saddens me to see people like that. There's so much potential to Fe. Then people that lead with Ti, they have a whole different cavalcade of problems, most of which have to do with lack of control over their environment, being an asshole, etc.
Stereotypical ENFJ here and I hate social justice warriors with a passion because I see insane views and inability to see logic in stuff like very very well reasoned Supreme Court opinions such as in abortion cases since they really got out of fact sometimes an "abortion case" is purely a procedural case about appellate court jurisdiction and standards of review and when SCOTUS issues an adverse judgment to pro-abortionists they don't even read the opinion they immediately try to undermine the decisions because the author of the opinion is whatever type of Christian and they are all crazy pro-lifers.....for a side that claims to be open minded the mask has slipped off.....recently several social justice warriors went on a racist rant about Clarence Thomas because black people can think only one way that is allowed and I have encountered this with your typical middle aged white far leftist they see "conservative" and want to shun me but then they see "African American" and they can' least not in front of other students and professors! Sorry a bit of a rant but I'm a legal nerd and I can respect any well reasoned legal opinion even if I disagree with it personally.
My partner is a ESFJ and yeah this reminded me of her. I get frustrated when she refuese to accept new evidence or conflicting evidence if it does not fit her assertion about a situation. And often her assertions are based on one thing or experience. I am supposedly an INTJ btw, still not sure if that really is me.
It's not very accurate though. Fe is a different concept. They're trying, and little by little, I think they'll get the proper understanding. This isn't an accurate representation of Fe. At least not healthy Fe. The awareness of others' plights is Fe, but taking that kind of action is in my opinion quite immature. From an Fe savior.
This totally does not connect with me. INTP btw Is he trying to shame or belittle them into action. The 2 things I loath see someone using for motivation.
Fellow INTP here. My wife is an ESTJ and she does that all the time to me. I understand her way of thinking, so it has little effect on me. For example, I could have worked all do, done a fitness workout, shoveled snow from the driveway, and played with my 3-year-old son. When I sit down to play some videogames at the end of the night, I'm lazy and immature.
I think it's more about being lazy and not struggling implies a lack of awareness to the range of emotional packages in the world, and that is what is offensive to the esfj in this case. Because of course if you were aware you would be sensitive to it and you would feel guilty and want to put yourself through a similar hell in order to offer solidarity and not to feel guilty. And also to show hes not better than anyone else, but "hey I'm just as good as you"
the whole world: "esfj love cake and will bring you cake to make you happy" objective personality: "if (person they like) prefers sprouts, esfj love sprouts. and will not readjust, even if the other person loves cake"
@Mr. Dog yessssss constant running I mean she probably means well and us just a great mom... being an adult essentially is running around getting things done because you care about those whom you are responsible for, but finding systems and ways to do it without exhausting yourself is really important too. She sounds like she means well but may be stuck in a schema and those are both hard to see in ourselves and also hard to change.
AH! I guessed ESTJ just from his demeanor but, you're right, he's not focusing on the concrete benefits of fitness. He seems to be connecting with the reality of scarcity in a moralistic, rather than strategic, mindset. Is that about right? (INTP)
My Fiancèè's dad is the poster child of this. Woke her and her brother at crack of dawn every friggin day (weekends and holidays included, of course) just *because*. In his old age he softened somewhat. But not that much.
Is this example specific to M-Fe with demon F-Ti? He seems very forceful with the tribe and jumped very quickly to adopting sprouts as the new best thing.
Yes, I believe it is masculine Fe and Si. My mom is an ISFJ and I believe both Si/Fe are feminine. So I (NI/Fi) just reject the SI/fe most time like "nope, not doing that, I don't like it" and she's like "okay, please yourself, do what you like" or "what do you think about this?"
I'm leaning towards masculine Fe & Si. As an Fe savior, his Fe awareness is failing me. That rigidity is chafing the tribe, and me too just watching it. He's not representing us very well. Fe would notice the vibe of the room. He seems genuinely oblivious. those short clips at least.
That’s the vibe I got. I’m an INFJ with demon M-Fe. The stereotype of Fe is that it’s about harmony and caring for others’ needs, but masculine Fe just wants to persuade people or set the tone for the group. Feminine Ti (at least for me since I use it as a savior) serves more of a diplomatic role - “Let’s understand this person’s situation and consider what makes sense from their perspective. Let’s put heated emotions aside and reason this out.”
I think it’s less about “happiness” and more about competitiveness. He wants them to be biologically competitive with kids in Africa and the cavemen of the past. To him that’s what will give them the most competitive edge in the present. He’s completely focused on their physical health and not looking at their emotional/spiritual/mental health at all.
I don't understand this. This man is not exhibiting FE! I've known many, MANY ESFJs in my life. They care. They are not about control like this man. They are about helping and supporting.
@@meghanahanchate8667 well I got an isfj mom so I can kinda relate to it. Like yesterday she gave 30$ when I didn’t ask her nor do I want it from her. I wonder what it’s like having a father with very strong Fe?
I like M Fe in my life, but it gets way too extreme. Like let me focus on 1 or 2 issues that I can impact. Just because I’m not fighting off literal lions doesn’t mean I don’t have my own cross to bear. And yeah, most people have it harder in terms of class status, because I live in North America with essentials. Respect the amount of time, personal care, self love, and emotional space it takes to find out what difference you can make.
I genuinely don't know where people get the idea that Si is related to history overall. English is not my first language, I mostly have read into translated sources and to this day, nobody of my social circle who likes MBTI stuff made this association. It was very clear: Si cares for the past, with the familiar for the person, NOT History in general.
The Fe math is spot on. It’s exactly why unhealthy ESFJ’s in my life have driven me fucking insane. It’s like “no, I’m not a catharsis experiment for you because you had it hard. Fuck right off with that nonsensical bullshit and go talk to a therapist.”
I don’t think we are being fair to that ESFJ dude. Maybe what he trying to articulate is that we suffer from our own well-being. Being comfortable all the time is not good for us. Sometimes you have to go toward discomfort. Remember when you guys showed David Goggins. I read the book. He literally talks about doing what is uncomfortable. This ESFJ guy isn’t good at explaining it. So what, if what he is saying is true and we can match it up with patterns we can verify. You can’t throw out the baby with the bath water. My advice: listen to Sadhguru lectures or other mystic types. It will give your work more depth. xoxo
For Fe-Ti, Ti is really hard to change. So they will protect the way they do things. But since it is hard to do that, comfort is more about luck than their own effort, so they simply accept living harder lives if things don't go good for them. And they make others do the same. Tes just adapt to new conditions and change what they do. Because it is very easy to just ask others, how to solve problems, that we have. And they make others do things the same way, because it is more efficient.
Or you could do something to uplift those poor kids who have to fight lions while carrying big jugs of water all day, instead of making happy kids miserable. Like idunno, finance a well or something.
As an INFP I experience Fe people to be the ones who are up in everyone else's business telling them what to like and how to be. Fi is more live and let live.
I don't think it's Fi/Te but that groupthink mentality is common to both Te & Fe, just in different ways. Tribe above self. Whether "this is the right way to solve this problem, all the experts agree, so fall in line, idiot" or "this is the right way to behave and be a valuable member of society, so fall in line, weirdo," they both have that social pressure in common. "Conformity" in general is often associated with Si. Although that's not entirely accurate, SJs do struggle to tolerate and understand deviance from the norm, but I think the role of De is part of it and the need to continue a feeling of homeostasis or Si equilibrium kind of exaccerbates the tendency to keep doing what one has been doing all along. Si by itself would really only be concerned with continuing rituals for the self though. We can see this in anyone 3rd slot Si. They may have their own weird preferences and sensitivities and rituals and things they get OCD over, but they are very very unlikely to tell anyone else that they should do the same. It's really only when you couple that Si with De that the Si is projected onto the tribe. Or so it seems to me. People who are Tribe above self but Ni instead of Si usually don't seem so preachy... but maybe it's just because intuition is a bit more willing to make that quick leap in accepting a pattern, they come across more "open-minded" and forward thinking. So I think (and it also fits with my personal experience) that both unhealthy ESTJs and unhealthy ESFJs can come across the most intense in demanding conformity in this way, whereas INTJs and INFJs might be at the bottom end of that spectrum, among the Tribe above Self types. And if you include jumpers, Ni/Fi and Ni/Ti might be the most accepting/"live and let live" among types that are technically Tribe above Self.
@@hirsch4155 Thanks! haha I agree; many of them do fit the stereotype (though I feel the need to stress not all ESxJs are like that). Funnily enough, I have an ESFJ aunt named Karen!
@@heatherbryant4197 My sister is an ESTJ (99% sure) and her name is Karin too haha. I kind of feel bad for her especially because she’s in that age bracket of the stereotype, she can’t not be aware of the term and the memes (I wonder if it’s just a coincidence she’s been growing her hair long the last little while lol). She was uptight and anxious as a kid and I think then as an adult became a bit bossy as maybe a way to control life, now as she’s more mature I think she’s trying to find a better balance. I can have more sympathy probably because I knew her circumstances as a kid.
Under duress, in a sweltering heat, with lions chasing them and without a trace of sprouts to feed themselves. Then and only then can they study and become useful member of society!
@@kramasubbareddykramasubbar9886 Her strengths FeSi are my weaknesses, and vice versa... shes 8 years younger but is more responsible in certain areas (self-maintenance, health, staying warm, safety no risk).. After OP i realize all my constant tidal waves are from depending on my strengths Ne Ti .. I am learning more self maintenance and seeking approval external validation Fe .. I also realize I need to feed her more info, interests, thoughts, ideas.. because although often unsophisticated, she can take that info and make it workable.. like one of those indo meer cats that poops out expensive coffee beans. There goes my analogies again sigh
Fe implies that everybody shall do the same thing to learn from each other, share experience, help each other to grow and make tribe stronger. Naturally some people will love sprouts more than others, but it is a small price for a collective greatness of a tribe. One wants to belong to a group if he can treat it's achievements as his own. I wonder how else to establish sense of togetherness? I know it sounds like a rather basic reasoning. But it is how Fe types see it.
My father was like this. I know he was some kind of SJ but I thought it's either ISTJ or ESTJ, but maybe he could be some masculine Fe in your system. Still think he was xSTJ, though. I think it was just Si. Bad, bad Si.
As a Ti Dominant personality, I kinda see the point he's trying to make: too much coddling and comfort isn't really conducive to healthy living. Then again, the kids seem slim and fit enough, tough, and it's not like they want to make the *insert sport* team anytime soon. So what's the point to make them suffer through an improvised FMJ style boot camp?
whenever my brain decides to go yeah your problems but the those people over there dont have and nono no shove it away no negative emotion ahh sweet feminin fi!!just from the first 30 seconds of this video i am amazed i kind of admire this guy although i would no appreciate his forcefulness in real life at all!
During this video I was contemplating everything I do and asked myself omg is it possible I'm double looping esfj or isfj omg is this me.... *Confused INTP face* Ya nevermind
@@TheRealFlenuan obviously not. This was a joke about INTP never being fully sure. Because we're not. Always questioning the possibilities. Btw esfj is not complete opposite just because the letters are opposite. I share the same 4 functions as an esfj In the reverse order. An INTP will think they're like an ESFJ and an ESFJ think they're like an INTP because we peacock our demon function.
1st Ni must be given a reason/big picture before my brain will begin to listen. Next, Ti rules. 1. I’m not following anyone down the yellow brick road into their abstract mind because I have my own. I seriously won’t hear much of the story before my questions start. who, what, why, and how exactly do you know this info. Evidently I use knowledge as a tool. It’s like Fe forgot what they learned in school the proof part.
If this guy has Fe, it can only be his inferior function, cmon.. Fe looks for harmony, Fe is aware and cares for how people feel.. the only thing this guy cares about is his reasoning.. Probably Ti, or maybe Te/Fi (you gotta do this, that`s what I value)..
That's not even uphill both ways. You are only ever walking in one direction. Uphill both ways just means there's a hill in between and neither you or school is on the top. (or a valley) you have to walk uphill then downhill both ways, but the uphill part is the strenuous part.
It’s to drive out entitlement.. How does this have anything to do with “ my way is right?”. It’s about getting ppl to actually appreciate their starting privilege, which these two clearly miss in this vid.
Officially typed ESFJ(FeSi), but never do this. More like unhealthy TeFi. WTH, 😆. This is a horrible stereotype. Please read Jung, Berens, and/or Beebe.
@@FoeThaLoveOfMoney13 I love to talk About this. I see it as the opposite of Fi. They "are" other people's feelings. So imagine, we all want to feel good, and they feel good in accordance to other people's feelings... So, you can imagine how they Will please and do everything they can to create harmony. They don't even know how things make them feel usually..
It's amazing how people respect someone's opinions just because that person is physically fit and in front of a camera
The guys that kill me are the 27 year olds touting their workout/diet gnosticism.
As an ENFJ I don't give a shit how experienced or qualified or how their position makes them "an authority" I still poke at their ideas as if we were both in the same philosophy class lol. At first people often give me the "who the fck are you to say that?" but then I keep not giving a shit and they see it as bold and eventually realize that oh yes someone can be intuitive and insightful without a bunch of titles before and after there name!
I did not wake up today thinking that your video would explain how you can walk uphill to AND from school, everyday. You guys are awesome.
That said, this guy has the right feeling orientation: "I need to get my tribe away from this slow decline into being bored, weak, nihilistic slobs who will die first when the proverbial crap hits the fan; no excuses!" I think his weakness is that he doesn't really understand nutrition or moderation. When video games are an existential evil, and you can never eat a zebra cake or Frito chips, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Why do I need to go to this extreme?"
Yeah, every type can fall into their own extremes
Yes, who could possibly have predicted that it would be hard to find food in a DESERT. I swear, people sometimes...
When I read the title I thought you were talking about the grocery store. 🤣🤣
Me too. I know an ESFJ who loves Sprouts!
So would this be a correct understanding?
TE: Do x to become happy
Fe: Happy people do x..
More or less, yeah
More generally:
Fe: “In my experience, people tend to (‘emotionally’) value X, so I do and you should too”
Te: “In my experience, people tend to (‘logically’) agree that X works, so I do and you should too”
@@TheRealFlenuan As a Ti Saviour this Fe modality makes me aghast, sometimes. Who gives a rat's ass if the majority / tribes values x if logic, empirical evidence has proven time and again it's BS? Then again my Fe Demon is ticked off whenever the same Tribe chastises me for not "getting it" or being "weird" whenever I dutifully point out said fallacies.
@@azmodanpc Coz what's the point in working on something that might not matter to you and/or everyone else in the spectrum? Why impart knowledge that is never asked for? Kinda like how Te dom feels unfulfilled because he/she ignored what they value or what matters to them. Too much of one thing and less of the other will make you terrible at both. That's why imbalances always looks terrible to witness from the outside perspective.
De’s with Oi be like - control the tribe!!
Yessssss!!!! They are and I’m an ENTJ and this just makes me mad at them haha
Yeah, but not all are controlling. Some just want to help everyone. De/Ni people are some of the nicest I've known.
@@TheRealFlenuan sometimes helping is the same thing as controlling. This guy thinks he's helping his family by micromanaging them.
@@TheRealFlenuan I constantly annoy my family. They tell me I’m “controlling” and my rebuttal is always, “I’m not controlling, I’m HELPING” there is a very fine line between the two 😂
@@getreadywithmemamma you sure you don't do this as well?? 🤔
I appreciate you guys for trying to understand other functions, especially Fe. For some reason it's very very misunderstood. This video is a good example of how people without the function don't really see it at all. They just see the results of it. For the record, I'd like to say that if this is Fe, this is a very Si form of it and is unhealthy. This is how not to behave with Fe. The awareness and feeling the weight of the emotional state of another can definitely be attributed to Fe. As an Fe savior, I understand wanting to make sure your kids aren't arrogant jerks who lack appreciation or concern for others' experiences. However, this example in how to keep that from happening is a bit extreme. You guys should get healthy, knowledgeable Fe users to help you truly understand what's going on with Fe and why. Your attempts to comprehend our minds are endearing. Keep trying, you'll keep getting closer and closer to the proper understanding and hopefully come to like and value humanities most human of functions. ✌&❤
Your example relating it to Te is wrong. Te and Fe have different objectives. What's important to them is different. Fe is important on its own. It doesn't need a Te reason and thus doesn't always have one. I think to really understand you have to let go of the Te at least a little. Not everything can be translated from Fe to Te. A lot of Fe concepts just don't exist in that language.
Edit: The second Fe Te analogy was pretty good. I also don't understand this person's shove, shove, shove attitude. Fe is both aware of and at least partially responsible for the mood of the room/tribe. That guy seems totally oblivious. Maybe that's just because he's a decider. A decider and his Fe & Si are both masculine I'm guessing...
I'm baffled as to why every damn type complains when he uses a bad example of their type but not when he does of his own or his wife's type. He's not saying Fe is bad. He's just trying to explain how Fe/Si see things, how the concept works. If anything, this video (especially the last explanation) has helped those intuitive in the comment section who have a relationship with Fe/Si empathize with their Ti reasons which they are unable to voice out most of the time.
@@joyandpeacefullaughter5307 Oh, it's not a complaint. I said I appreciate them trying and I meant it. And I have faith that they will get better and better at their comprehension of the functions they don't have over time. I'm trying to help everyone to better understand. My Ti wants accuracy for you guys. I'm glad you're learning and relating to us more easily.
So the question is do you Fe types see him as a Fe user?
Ngqabutho Mafu (enfj here) I see him as a clear esfj. Enfjs would never pull that shit because it is totally devoid of any long term/big picture/conceptual understanding and thus watching this dude go off on his sprouts pissed me tf off!😂 I can recognize he is an Fe user, but in the real world, all my brain would see is his si (which is the function that pisses me off the most) and because it is combined with Fe, it has the greatest possibility of setting me off because they are “Fe’ing wrong.” 😂 so yes, I identify him as a Fe user, but my brain categorizes him in a totally different category because of the si
Ok, I don't know any other ESFJ'S like this person. If anything he probably triggered his demon Ti to bring his repressed pain to others!
So glad you guys made it clear that this person is an EXTREME example of an ESFJ that's clearly fighting his demons
Okay, I’m a heavily burdened/blessed INFJ. My wife of many years, is an ESFJ. How the hell we get along is far beyond this discussion.😑
Thank you for showing that you are as confused trying to understand Fe as I am... (I'm an INFP.) Generally I find Fe too confusing and exhausting to be around because I would literally never eat all sprouts on a vacation because someone told me to. That is a major hell no. Fe and Fi.... It's kinda like oil and water.
Fe+Si logic: “Sprouts saved this guy from starvation and now he feels great! Everyone I care about should eat sprouts all the time from now on!!”
@@TheRealFlenuan feel great
Supposedly I'm ESFJ... But we're not starving, nor in the desert, and we're on vacation, why eat sprouts to feel better?! If that person feels better - good for him, that was circumstantial, but there's no logic in this reasoning. Well nothing that I can understand from all this. There's a million other ways to apply feel good to a situation, but the logic here doesn't add up. I expect kids to reason like this imo, not grown ups. I seriously don't get it.
@@henkster6067 (a bit late but) I think that's what an unbalanced decider would do. He is looking at another person's decisions, seeing that they fit with his Si, and assimilating them without any logical reason. The Fe is reason enough as long as it fits the Si.
In other words, he is prioritizing the values so much that he completely overlooks the logic. He is looking at others for values (Fe) while not looking for his internal logical consistency (Ti) to assimilate those values. He might've still come to a weird logical conclusion (seeing as Ti is personal) but at least he would've looked for the logic behind the decision
@@DM00RE that makes a lot of sense thank you
Esfj energy is just exhausting
My dad is an ESFJ and my mum is an ISFJ. Together they form the ultimate SiFe couple where they know best and won't even shift their perspective to consider other perspectives. As an INTJ this disparity is incredibly infuriating, because I'm typically open minded about other perceptions and understand that everyone thinks differently.
Oh that's actually cool. As an intp I feel like there is actually one meaningful map of world and people's reaction are actually just founded on that
@@fcsfra743 kind of like we all have a hypothalamus that governs some of our most basic behaviour but individually we expand uniquely/individually from there?
@@fcsfra743 YES! You get it! Other functions just have a hard time seeing it. But absolutely. It's an understanding or awareness oh humans, their thoughts and emotions.
@@Rek-Lore simply saying I try to predict the reaction of others based on assumptions. Like I relate the situation and state of the person to predict their next moves.
But now I understand why Intjs actually listen XD. Not being like "Welllll actually" like most people with Ti.
@@jeffreysherman8224 well my very personal reason is that it can be just healthy for kids and also it will come handy a lot for them in their young adult lifes. When they get wise enough about the harsh parts of life.
So, as someone who has Fe somewhere in the stack, this is cringy. How can this guy be loyal to one person and dragging the entire tribe to be on board with this random guy's sprout philosophy? My Fe would say, "oh the tribe is hungry! Everyone I can see you are hating the sprouts, who's in the mood for burgers! Ahhh everyone is better now."
My observation: this guy must be self above tribe. With loyalty to Si. I see his Si system processing took over the Fe human element. Sometimes I think Si is in more cahoots with people than Ti, in light of this example.
Austin Bodiford he an isfj or ESTJ cos kinda reminds me of my ESTJ uncle lol
That guy doesn't care about how the others "feel" he's worried that the kids are going to become less physically agile than our predecessors.
And what do you call that? He's using known information (Si) to instill tribe values (Fe) into his kids not giving a damn about the logical accuracy of his theories (Ti demon) or whether it works for the the tribe or individuals (Lack of Te)
I'm an asshole and you know it.
Clap my hands.
In response to Shan's "I wouldn't dumb down my tool because other people have shitty tools", my take is that it is exactly what Te does. "it has to make sense to everyone" = "it has to make sense for people regardless of their capacity to understand". Savior Ti's don't care if you don't get it, but will care if it gets you mad because of our tools (cause our Fe is very very concerned with your Fi in the end)
Clearing things up, the most efficient process to get shit done is the Te way, but when it comes to defining, accurately and consistently with the rest of one's subjective knowledge, go for Ti
Everything about this video makes it one of my favorites. That guy's Fe. You guys processing Fe. You guys talking about objective v. Subjective. Love it.
My demon Fe was compelled.
That uphill both ways story at end was priceless 😆
I think you're absolutely right about the toxic Fe, but I think he's another mis-typed ESTP. There's no warmth to the Fe. He's not teaching the kids to be social, he's teaching them to fight and survive. He's also not aware of how the team/fam feels until they break the rules and go for the Zebra cakes. It's all Se with Ti providing the do it my way cause I figured it out ("Let's go, I want proper movement!"). But nevertheless he thinks he's helping (Fe) because of his Ni fears about hypothetical/abstract starving kids and cavemen.
Not sure if you nailed it for everyone but boy your point is solid
No that’s pure unhealthy Fe. It’s really irrelevant if it’s “warm” or not. Fe is values, Se is not. He’s pushing his values on the others.
Yees, totally.. I don`t see Fe at all..
The opposite actually..
Another mistype
Introverts being “knowingly biased” lol. As an INFP (lead Fi)... yeah this sums it up quite well.
Title did not disappoint 😂😂 but yes, I haven’t heard it phrased that way “De is filtered with Oi, which is subjective.” Such a good point. Our functions are all so interconnected we can’t accurately look at them separately
Why is it “there are starving kids in Africa so shut up about your issues” instead of “there are starving kids in Africa why don’t we try help them by promoting education, gender equality and access to contraceptives”
Because of people like him who have Fe instead of Te
Oof !
I’m convinced that people with Fe created most of the things I hate with society. ESPECIALLY traditional gender roles, religions that function like cults (ie mormons, Catholicism, radical Islamic groups), the taboo-ification of completely normal human things like sex, and the false, over-romanticised Hollywood image of love. Not to mention boomers, Karens, and the alienation of anyone who doesn’t behave like the majority group.
Old school grandma's and pa's "Si" teaching everyone the 'way of life' like they did.
If it was some palace-rich ESFJ growing up, expect the best as well.
Oh my gosh. This guy. I would avoid being in his presence in every way possible. Surely all ESFJs can't be this annoying. haha
Many people typed me esfj... Now i can just hope i am the Fe Ne guy 😂 but i am not sure...
Lol nooooo. This is an extremely unhealthy ESFJ. My mom is ESFJ and has the attitude of, "I worked hard so you guys didn't have to grow up like I did."
@@Naafidy My mom is ISFJ and is like this too.
@@Naafidy and you dont deserve me.... lol when super unhealthy.
Fe as a savior is in my mind very different to Fe as an aspirational / demon. With savior Fe we got ESFJ and ENFJ, who are basically Karen / Social Justice to the extreme, and you know it's kind of brilliant as long as their introverted side is somehow in check. Then we got aspirational Fe with ISFJ and INFJ. With them it's more like: everyone's got their own battles to fight and I want to do whatever I can to make it better for everyone.
Really the whole Karen-problem is basically bunch of gone rogue Fe saviors. They read all the underground shady-ass conspiracy stuff because they are oh-so-holy intelligent and valuable people to the community. They sympathise with all of that and go preach their stuff to the internet and IRL. Really saddens me to see people like that. There's so much potential to Fe.
Then people that lead with Ti, they have a whole different cavalcade of problems, most of which have to do with lack of control over their environment, being an asshole, etc.
Stereotypical ENFJ here and I hate social justice warriors with a passion because I see insane views and inability to see logic in stuff like very very well reasoned Supreme Court opinions such as in abortion cases since they really got out of fact sometimes an "abortion case" is purely a procedural case about appellate court jurisdiction and standards of review and when SCOTUS issues an adverse judgment to pro-abortionists they don't even read the opinion they immediately try to undermine the decisions because the author of the opinion is whatever type of Christian and they are all crazy pro-lifers.....for a side that claims to be open minded the mask has slipped off.....recently several social justice warriors went on a racist rant about Clarence Thomas because black people can think only one way that is allowed and I have encountered this with your typical middle aged white far leftist they see "conservative" and want to shun me but then they see "African American" and they can' least not in front of other students and professors! Sorry a bit of a rant but I'm a legal nerd and I can respect any well reasoned legal opinion even if I disagree with it personally.
My partner is a ESFJ and yeah this reminded me of her. I get frustrated when she refuese to accept new evidence or conflicting evidence if it does not fit her assertion about a situation. And often her assertions are based on one thing or experience. I am supposedly an INTJ btw, still not sure if that really is me.
haven't you posted this before?
I don't want to tutelage my own horn, however my personal flatulence will begin at the end of this sentence.
Thank you for video! Fe-Te analogy now makes more sence to me
It's not very accurate though. Fe is a different concept. They're trying, and little by little, I think they'll get the proper understanding. This isn't an accurate representation of Fe. At least not healthy Fe. The awareness of others' plights is Fe, but taking that kind of action is in my opinion quite immature.
From an Fe savior.
This totally does not connect with me.
INTP btw
Is he trying to shame or belittle them into action.
The 2 things I loath see someone using for motivation.
I know right? ESFJ's i know irl are obnoxious like that guy. It naturally puts me in bias to dislike them.
Fellow INTP here. My wife is an ESTJ and she does that all the time to me. I understand her way of thinking, so it has little effect on me. For example, I could have worked all do, done a fitness workout, shoveled snow from the driveway, and played with my 3-year-old son. When I sit down to play some videogames at the end of the night, I'm lazy and immature.
Funny because my Ti take is like my parent at least bullies me for good
I think it's more about being lazy and not struggling implies a lack of awareness to the range of emotional packages in the world, and that is what is offensive to the esfj in this case. Because of course if you were aware you would be sensitive to it and you would feel guilty and want to put yourself through a similar hell in order to offer solidarity and not to feel guilty. And also to show hes not better than anyone else, but "hey I'm just as good as you"
Gotta love the sprouts. Great title 👌 👍 👏
The choice of clips is endlessly entertaining
0:46 I think what he mens when he mentioned the poor kids that my judgment is not unfair !
Such a complex way to talk about Fe, Dave ;)
Guys! This filming angle was great! Use it again!
Most kids regardless of where they live are fit because they’re moving their bodies through PLAY. 🤦♀️ These poor kids.
the whole world: "esfj love cake and will bring you cake to make you happy"
objective personality: "if (person they like) prefers sprouts, esfj love sprouts. and will not readjust, even if the other person loves cake"
Yesssss! I have three of these people in our family and yesssssss!!!!!!!!!
@Mr. Dog yessssss constant running I mean she probably means well and us just a great mom... being an adult essentially is running around getting things done because you care about those whom you are responsible for, but finding systems and ways to do it without exhausting yourself is really important too. She sounds like she means well but may be stuck in a schema and those are both hard to see in ourselves and also hard to change.
AH! I guessed ESTJ just from his demeanor but, you're right, he's not focusing on the concrete benefits of fitness. He seems to be connecting with the reality of scarcity in a moralistic, rather than strategic, mindset. Is that about right? (INTP)
It's a good thing Shave can't see me cutting through old paint with a chisel because I can't find my knife.
Sooo I/Esfjs are the Karen’s? lol
@Mr. Dog shoot I have 10 years of sanity left then lol
@Mr. Dog true, tho I was joking, all the Karen’s have massive emotional probs regardless of type
He’s an extreme
My Fiancèè's dad is the poster child of this. Woke her and her brother at crack of dawn every friggin day (weekends and holidays included, of course) just *because*. In his old age he softened somewhat. But not that much.
Is this example specific to M-Fe with demon F-Ti? He seems very forceful with the tribe and jumped very quickly to adopting sprouts as the new best thing.
Yes, I believe it is masculine Fe and Si. My mom is an ISFJ and I believe both Si/Fe are feminine. So I (NI/Fi) just reject the SI/fe most time like "nope, not doing that, I don't like it" and she's like "okay, please yourself, do what you like" or "what do you think about this?"
I'm leaning towards masculine Fe & Si. As an Fe savior, his Fe awareness is failing me. That rigidity is chafing the tribe, and me too just watching it. He's not representing us very well. Fe would notice the vibe of the room. He seems genuinely oblivious. those short clips at least.
That’s the vibe I got. I’m an INFJ with demon M-Fe. The stereotype of Fe is that it’s about harmony and caring for others’ needs, but masculine Fe just wants to persuade people or set the tone for the group. Feminine Ti (at least for me since I use it as a savior) serves more of a diplomatic role - “Let’s understand this person’s situation and consider what makes sense from their perspective. Let’s put heated emotions aside and reason this out.”
Actually they typed him as Audio MF, so he would have F-Fe
This guy is Lois Griffin in real life.
No Ti present on this man... 0 logical reasons for his actions.
I think it’s less about “happiness” and more about competitiveness. He wants them to be biologically competitive with kids in Africa and the cavemen of the past. To him that’s what will give them the most competitive edge in the present. He’s completely focused on their physical health and not looking at their emotional/spiritual/mental health at all.
I don't understand this. This man is not exhibiting FE! I've known many, MANY ESFJs in my life. They care. They are not about control like this man. They are about helping and supporting.
I also thought he is not esfj 😅 - esfj
I luv esfjs, they make great awesome things motivated by their values
This was mind blowing.
I wonder what it’s like having an Esfj parent.
They go very far to care about u, so u are lucky in someways, but as they care too much becomes a problem.. it's not fun😅
@@meghanahanchate8667 well I got an isfj mom so I can kinda relate to it. Like yesterday she gave 30$ when I didn’t ask her nor do I want it from her. I wonder what it’s like having a father with very strong Fe?
Great understanding of Fe here by analogy to Te.
I like M Fe in my life, but it gets way too extreme. Like let me focus on 1 or 2 issues that I can impact. Just because I’m not fighting off literal lions doesn’t mean I don’t have my own cross to bear. And yeah, most people have it harder in terms of class status, because I live in North America with essentials. Respect the amount of time, personal care, self love, and emotional space it takes to find out what difference you can make.
I genuinely don't know where people get the idea that Si is related to history overall. English is not my first language, I mostly have read into translated sources and to this day, nobody of my social circle who likes MBTI stuff made this association. It was very clear: Si cares for the past, with the familiar for the person, NOT History in general.
Sprouts popped up on my radar, therefore everyone must eat sprouts. What?! Little dictator. His poor kids!
The Fe math is spot on. It’s exactly why unhealthy ESFJ’s in my life have driven me fucking insane. It’s like “no, I’m not a catharsis experiment for you because you had it hard. Fuck right off with that nonsensical bullshit and go talk to a therapist.”
You two look great in ultra HD
I don’t think we are being fair to that ESFJ dude. Maybe what he trying to articulate is that we suffer from our own well-being. Being comfortable all the time is not good for us. Sometimes you have to go toward discomfort. Remember when you guys showed David Goggins. I read the book. He literally talks about doing what is uncomfortable. This ESFJ guy isn’t good at explaining it. So what, if what he is saying is true and we can match it up with patterns we can verify. You can’t throw out the baby with the bath water. My advice: listen to Sadhguru lectures or other mystic types. It will give your work more depth. xoxo
For Fe-Ti, Ti is really hard to change. So they will protect the way they do things. But since it is hard to do that, comfort is more about luck than their own effort, so they simply accept living harder lives if things don't go good for them. And they make others do the same. Tes just adapt to new conditions and change what they do. Because it is very easy to just ask others, how to solve problems, that we have. And they make others do things the same way, because it is more efficient.
Or you could do something to uplift those poor kids who have to fight lions while carrying big jugs of water all day, instead of making happy kids miserable.
Like idunno, finance a well or something.
Or is that NF or something?
I think they misunderstood what he meant..
I think - Fear driven life when I think of ESFJ’s. It’s like every decision is rooted in fear and stubbornness.
(-4:04)/ 3:50 (Te) in action
I loved the ESFJ Math
It will be a useful idea
huh, I thought this was more of an Fi/Te thing. "you need to conform to how it was for me and how I think it should be".
As an INFP I experience Fe people to be the ones who are up in everyone else's business telling them what to like and how to be. Fi is more live and let live.
I don't think it's Fi/Te but that groupthink mentality is common to both Te & Fe, just in different ways. Tribe above self. Whether "this is the right way to solve this problem, all the experts agree, so fall in line, idiot" or "this is the right way to behave and be a valuable member of society, so fall in line, weirdo," they both have that social pressure in common. "Conformity" in general is often associated with Si. Although that's not entirely accurate, SJs do struggle to tolerate and understand deviance from the norm, but I think the role of De is part of it and the need to continue a feeling of homeostasis or Si equilibrium kind of exaccerbates the tendency to keep doing what one has been doing all along. Si by itself would really only be concerned with continuing rituals for the self though. We can see this in anyone 3rd slot Si. They may have their own weird preferences and sensitivities and rituals and things they get OCD over, but they are very very unlikely to tell anyone else that they should do the same. It's really only when you couple that Si with De that the Si is projected onto the tribe. Or so it seems to me. People who are Tribe above self but Ni instead of Si usually don't seem so preachy... but maybe it's just because intuition is a bit more willing to make that quick leap in accepting a pattern, they come across more "open-minded" and forward thinking. So I think (and it also fits with my personal experience) that both unhealthy ESTJs and unhealthy ESFJs can come across the most intense in demanding conformity in this way, whereas INTJs and INFJs might be at the bottom end of that spectrum, among the Tribe above Self types. And if you include jumpers, Ni/Fi and Ni/Ti might be the most accepting/"live and let live" among types that are technically Tribe above Self.
@@heatherbryant4197 That was a great post, interesting how you explained it. Not to be glib but it seems unhealthy ESJs are the Karens!
@@hirsch4155 Thanks! haha I agree; many of them do fit the stereotype (though I feel the need to stress not all ESxJs are like that). Funnily enough, I have an ESFJ aunt named Karen!
@@heatherbryant4197 My sister is an ESTJ (99% sure) and her name is Karin too haha. I kind of feel bad for her especially because she’s in that age bracket of the stereotype, she can’t not be aware of the term and the memes (I wonder if it’s just a coincidence she’s been growing her hair long the last little while lol). She was uptight and anxious as a kid and I think then as an adult became a bit bossy as maybe a way to control life, now as she’s more mature I think she’s trying to find a better balance. I can have more sympathy probably because I knew her circumstances as a kid.
ESFJs go to school both ways uphill
Under duress, in a sweltering heat, with lions chasing them and without a trace of sprouts to feed themselves. Then and only then can they study and become useful member of society!
We are preparing for the chaos we all fear
my mOM
How does a Male FF NeTi CPSB work best in a marriage with Female FeSi (ESFJ) SB/P(C)?? Anybody?
Not the most attached couple but a balanced couple I guess based on my understanding of the system till now.
Might be some conflict
But mostly ok I guess
They have a video on relationships, and they say it doesn't really depend on personality all that much.
@@kramasubbareddykramasubbar9886 Her strengths FeSi are my weaknesses, and vice versa... shes 8 years younger but is more responsible in certain areas (self-maintenance, health, staying warm, safety no risk).. After OP i realize all my constant tidal waves are from depending on my strengths Ne Ti .. I am learning more self maintenance and seeking approval external validation Fe .. I also realize I need to feed her more info, interests, thoughts, ideas.. because although often unsophisticated, she can take that info and make it workable.. like one of those indo meer cats that poops out expensive coffee beans. There goes my analogies again sigh
Fe implies that everybody shall do the same thing to learn from each other, share experience, help each other to grow and make tribe stronger. Naturally some people will love sprouts more than others, but it is a small price for a collective greatness of a tribe. One wants to belong to a group if he can treat it's achievements as his own. I wonder how else to establish sense of togetherness? I know it sounds like a rather basic reasoning. But it is how Fe types see it.
My father was like this. I know he was some kind of SJ but I thought it's either ISTJ or ESTJ, but maybe he could be some masculine Fe in your system.
Still think he was xSTJ, though. I think it was just Si. Bad, bad Si.
As a Ti Dominant personality, I kinda see the point he's trying to make: too much coddling and comfort isn't really conducive to healthy living. Then again, the kids seem slim and fit enough, tough, and it's not like they want to make the *insert sport* team anytime soon. So what's the point to make them suffer through an improvised FMJ style boot camp?
I also like sprouts especially on turkey sandwiches.
whenever my brain decides to go yeah your problems but the those people over there dont have and nono no shove it away no negative emotion ahh sweet feminin fi!!just from the first 30 seconds of this video i am amazed i kind of admire this guy although i would no appreciate his forcefulness in real life at all!
This titel is genius!
During this video I was contemplating everything I do and asked myself omg is it possible I'm double looping esfj or isfj omg is this me.... *Confused INTP face*
Ya nevermind
you can't be INTP+ESFJ; they're complete opposites
try to figure out your sub-temperament
@@TheRealFlenuan obviously not. This was a joke about INTP never being fully sure. Because we're not. Always questioning the possibilities. Btw esfj is not complete opposite just because the letters are opposite. I share the same 4 functions as an esfj In the reverse order. An INTP will think they're like an ESFJ and an ESFJ think they're like an INTP because we peacock our demon function.
1st Ni must be given a reason/big picture before my brain will begin to listen. Next, Ti rules. 1. I’m not following anyone down the yellow brick road into their abstract mind because I have my own. I seriously won’t hear much of the story before my questions start. who, what, why, and how exactly do you know this info. Evidently I use knowledge as a tool. It’s like Fe forgot what they learned in school the proof part.
If this guy has Fe, it can only be his inferior function, cmon..
Fe looks for harmony, Fe is aware and cares for how people feel.. the only thing this guy cares about is his reasoning..
Probably Ti, or maybe Te/Fi (you gotta do this, that`s what I value)..
Someone missed the point of this video
@@biboba604 so what was the point?
I just don`t agree
How do I get officially typed by these people?
That esfj shit kills mee
That's not even uphill both ways. You are only ever walking in one direction. Uphill both ways just means there's a hill in between and neither you or school is on the top. (or a valley) you have to walk uphill then downhill both ways, but the uphill part is the strenuous part.
Weird to see Fe get hammered on a video instead of Fi. What am I witnessing?!!!? 😂
It's really the Si that's the issue here
Fe+Ni and Fe+De would be very different
@@TheRealFlenuan true, but it still feels strange to see Fe with anything get slammed. Fe with Si is much different than Fi with Si.
6:36 wow, very true.
3:40 🥳
grandpa at the end 😂
So, it's grumpy old person syndrome? 😂😂😂😂
Ya'll have some serious bias against your concept of Fe
It’s to drive out entitlement.. How does this have anything to do with “ my way is right?”. It’s about getting ppl to actually appreciate their starting privilege, which these two clearly miss in this vid.
Oh my gods! How annoying lol
oof 😢
Officially typed ESFJ(FeSi), but never do this. More like unhealthy TeFi. WTH, 😆. This is a horrible stereotype. Please read Jung, Berens, and/or Beebe.
Yees, I think they are so wrong in this one..
They don`t understand the function feeling at all..
@@dianadias3 as a beginner, whats up with the feeling function for esfj? Please help
@@FoeThaLoveOfMoney13 I love to talk About this.
I see it as the opposite of Fi. They "are" other people's feelings.
So imagine, we all want to feel good, and they feel good in accordance to other people's feelings...
So, you can imagine how they Will please and do everything they can to create harmony.
They don't even know how things make them feel usually..
@@dianadias3 TYSM!^^
Dude is not an ESFJ.
Why you think that?
It's useless to argue. They use their own definitions, their own systems.
@@caffemocca8855 Even in their own system.
I cringed