What Does It Mean To Deconstruct Your Christian Faith?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ต.ค. 2024
  • High profile Christians such as Rhett and Link, the Gungors, Jon Steingard of Hawk Nelson, and more have deconstructed but what does that mean?
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    Welcome to Dealing With Deconstruction. If you find yourself questioning some of your deepest held beliefs and wondering if you can hold on to your Christian faith, you are in the right place. This is a safe place where we examine the questions that people on the same journey ask, and we are looking for the truth.
    If you feel lonely and ask many bigger-than-life questions, please consider subscribing. Also, consider shooting me an email with some of your story at timhullcoaching@outlook.com.

ความคิดเห็น • 70

  • @CatETru
    @CatETru ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am actually reconstructing and it's the best way to go. Coming to Christianity late in life on my own while always asking questions and studying Church history in depth helps.

  • @oneofmanyvessels554
    @oneofmanyvessels554 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had the Lord speak to me about others and I didn't and still don't quite understand what the term "de constrution" means. What He was teaching me was that those who don't believe at all or aren't sure about some things, let me say this, and this is not harsh or unloving. He told me that in ANY relationship (spouse, friend, classmate, coworker, etc.) there must be a modicum of trust (that's the word He used, and I had to look it up) in order for it to begin, and especially to continue and especially to grow or mature. Take Genesis, if we don't take God at His word, then there's no reason to believe anything He says. But as we give Him our trust (He deserves at LEAST that much), He will always prove Himself faithful! As we walk with Him and follow where He leads us, and believe what we read (the Bible is Him revealing Himself to us-- and more), then we know by trust (not just intellectual belief) He does what He says. Our faith in Him grows because we see He is true. Maybe, and this is NOT meant to be hurtful AT ALL, we have "believed" what we were told (not bad!), but never really TRUSTED. The Greek word is "pisteuo." It has both the sense of belief, but also trust. They are not the same thing. Trust involves acting upon that which we believe. If my dad is in the 3' section of the pool and tells me to jump because he will/promises to catch me, I can believe he will do it because I know He loves me. But I'm still standing there out of the water on the cement. But if I TRUST Him, then I will jump and let Him prove he will catch me. Then that helps me to KNOW that I can trust him, his love, his protection and will moee easily trust him the next time something unsure or doubtful comes up. And He will prove himself faithful again. We don't need to "deconstruct" but to act on our faith. But don't presume that He will do something He hasn't promised He will do. Also, God is in Heaven and we are on earth, His footstool. We are the creatED, not the CreatOR, so we can't give up while trusting just because He hasn't answered in our time frame or in the way we would like. Hope that helps!

    • @sshumkaer
      @sshumkaer ปีที่แล้ว +1

      True, and my point was no matter how nice of words you say de construction means to Destroy. You're changing Biblical facts to create a NEW Christianity that you agree with.

    • @sshumkaer
      @sshumkaer ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can also understand a person leaving the Catholic Church, Mormon Church, or Jahova Witness Church would be completely lost, as they don't really have TRUE BIBLES. That being said, the rest of the mainstream Church I have less understanding of, as they had access to the same things.

  • @theologytherapist
    @theologytherapist ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Not only do people "feel" like they can't share, but they often do share and are told that "the enemy" has a hold on them, that they're going down a wrong path and they're generally invalidated for their questions or struggles, no matter what the source of their deconstruction journey is, not that there's ever necessarily one identifiable source.

  • @joshuamartinpryce8424
    @joshuamartinpryce8424 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Loneliness doesnt come from leaving Jesus it comes from bad relationships and emotional baggage, or past hurts, or willingness to not have a partner or engage with people. This means that whether we are atheist or believing we will at times struggle with loneliness. Spirituality is different, the more we engage with spirituality and the more we invest in the Holy Spirit, the more we achieve relationship success and healthy mindsets and relationships. inside work and outside work, in personal life.

  • @calderian1609
    @calderian1609 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Illegitimate PTSD"? I dont like how that term was glossed over without explaining your meaning

  • @sues232
    @sues232 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I think there is a BIG difference between doubt and questions. Questioning as for clarification and truth. Doubting as its root in disbelief. You can clearly see the difference in the Christmas story between Zachariah and Mary.
    Mary was asking questions since the situation was new and couldn’t understand how it would happen… She was asking for clarification.
    Zachariah on the other hand allowed all his past disappointments (no children) and ‘religious self’ to hinder him from believing the word from the angel who stood before God.
    God’s reaction to both of them was quite different.
    Mary’s questions were simple answered.
    Zachariah had nine months to hear the last words of Gabriel spoken to him ringing in his ears and time for him to think about why he had unbelief in his heart. At the end of nine months his faith is stronger. God needed a man of God to raise a man of God. We later see Zachariah actually prophesied.
    Once again questioning is for clarification and truth. Doubting has its roots in unbelief… The enemy of our soul is at work.

  • @thebluecollarbibleguy5114
    @thebluecollarbibleguy5114 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So, is this a thing among second generation churchgoers? This is very difficult for me to grasp. Does it make a difference that I was not brought up in church and understood the ugliness of the world before I was saved? And I learned of Christ and the church through a lot of self study (along with mentors) as a late teen and twenties? I did not have things fed to me from infancy or young age.
    Do deconstructing people have a hard time separating people from God? I’m not sure I asked that correctly.

    • @stephanielopez4834
      @stephanielopez4834 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sometimes growing up in church means just doing what you’ve been shown. And as you grow, now you have to experience God for yourself and get to know Him. Not just follow something because someone said to do it. So when they start asking big questions they don’t have answers to, they may give up. But the answers are always there. Like treasures, the truth has to be sought (Matthew 6:33), it’s there. It’s ok to ask questions but faith is needed to endure, and when you endure and ask and seek and knock, you will find

  • @DesGardius-me7gf
    @DesGardius-me7gf 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Faith and knowledge are not the same thing.

  • @bradsmalley7675
    @bradsmalley7675 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ive been diving head first into studying and writing on eschatology in my blogs. Im now to the point where im getting ready to talk about apostasy. Ive really been working towards distinguishing deconstruction of "said" faith and destruction of "said" faith. Im getting there. And ive been learning a lot. Glad i ran into your channel tho.

  • @oneofmanyvessels554
    @oneofmanyvessels554 ปีที่แล้ว

    One last thing. Jesus did not tell Thomas it was ok to doubt, but He did say, "Do not doubt, but believe." That is that same Greek word, "pisteuo," and it is better translated as "trust." We said trust involves action. What else did Jesus then tell Thomas? He said, "touch my hands" and "put your hand in my side." What happened next? Thomas exclaimed "My LORD and my GOD!" Doubt dissipated. Faith increased big time! Jesus was faithful!

  • @JonathanMcLatchie
    @JonathanMcLatchie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent video! I really appreciate your channel. This is a space that is in much need of being filled.

  • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
    @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok Christians, I watched this girl Kristi and she had some real concerning points. Put God's personality on a human and tell me, how is it not a toxic abusive narcissistic relationship? That's the thing that seems most concerning. All he wants is for us to give up ourselves and just praise him incessantly, and he won't be there for us, but praise him anyway. (Please don't say, he IS there for us - that is gaslighting. God allows all kinds of evil and doesn't help Christians more than random chance helps anyone)

  • @nutjob9696
    @nutjob9696 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm a second generation Christian and I completely understand what it is like to doubt the faith you were born into. I'm grateful to have had the freedom to ask some of the difficult questions and there being the intelligent members of my parents church, who were willing to answer them. I wish and pray for everyone to have that opportunity so your doing a grate job. God bless you brother.

  • @A.S2400
    @A.S2400 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    New sub here !
    People are at different levels or paths on their journeys. Some just left, some left a decade ago but only now are realizing there are others out there who are also deconstructed.
    So yeah, I think we all need a little grace. It’s ok if you have doubts, but you’re also still dead sure about other things. You can hold on to say…morality in marriage, or purity- but let go of The one man and one woman marriage belief.
    Just using those 2 as a loose example.
    I feel like I belong NO where. I’m not democrat, I’m not Republican, I’m not lutheran but I’m also not Pentecostal. Balancing between a bunch of different “groups” I guess.

  • @alwayslearningtech
    @alwayslearningtech 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I think a really important question to ask is:
    "If Christianity isn't true, would I want to know?"
    For a lot of people, the answer is "no". It's okay if that's the answer for you. It's okay to want to keep believing regardless of the truth of the claim. I think people need to know that. Personally, I care more about truth than belief or what makes me feel good, but everyone is different and it's okay to value what your religion brings you.
    I am no longer a Christian and I think that overall, Christianity is more harmful than helpful but I fully support people who wish to remain a Christian or a member of any other religion, just as I also support people who desire truth regardless of the cost.
    I think you're doing a great thing for people who truly want to believe Christianity is true, though I think it would be great to also let people know it's okay to leave their beliefs behind, if the pursuit of truth takes them elsewhere. Focusing on truth rather than belief is important to a lot of people but I realise your channel is more focused on those who would rather keep their belief and I do appreciate that you're there for those people. We can't be all things to all people and what you are doing is helpful to a large group. Thank you for putting in the effort to make this happen.

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I agree. Truth is our cornerstone. I will have a video soon looking at what is Truth and look at how we come to know it.

  • @e-soldier3533
    @e-soldier3533 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When did Jesus ever acknowledged doubt as "OK"?
    “And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” - Matthew 13:58
    “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” - Matthew 14:31

  • @oneofmanyvessels554
    @oneofmanyvessels554 ปีที่แล้ว

    So, what DOES it mean to deconstruct? I never got an answer. I can "guess" based on what was said, but I never got a definition.

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  ปีที่แล้ว

      There isn't one single definition. I gave a broad range of how the term is understood.

    • @oneofmanyvessels554
      @oneofmanyvessels554 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DealingWithDeconstruction thanks. Can you give me a definition so I can understand and not think i get it? Please.

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@oneofmanyvessels554 the best I can do is what I said in the video. Trying to narrow it down more than that is a disservice to the reality.

  • @nowizzard2472
    @nowizzard2472 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Simple reasoning is all that’s needed. he can’t prove gods existence, there is no actual proof, just stories and personal experience.

  • @adiabozman9635
    @adiabozman9635 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What do you mean by legitimate and illegitimate PTSD??

  • @trishpulley
    @trishpulley 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This is the first video I've seen of yours, and sorry to say, it will be the last. I'm looking for a non-religious source of information on how to deconstruct, and you say "we should rest in our relationship with Jesus." I don't know what you're doing here, but it seems sketchy. Why is it that everyone I have found so far wants to siphon me off into another religion or profit off of me? I suspect you're doing both. Also, a criticism: some people need to deconstruct not just from any old religion but from a cult religion and you don't seem to have any fingers in that pie, at least in this video.

    • @djpotter6333
      @djpotter6333 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I thought this was an airport with your departure announcement…

  • @123mesey
    @123mesey 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Some of y'all are toxic, chill

  • @chadcrawford1502
    @chadcrawford1502 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have gotten so frustrated I quit the faith and have decided to Go to HELL and burn there for ETERNITY. God loves torture and abuse and God is Bone Dry weather in every capacity and I felt the desire of His Heart is watching me burn in Hell and SUFFER. The whole thing to me after years of abuse is like a Sadomasochism movie as God thrives off of pain suffering and abuse and torture.

    • @HorrorHousewife
      @HorrorHousewife 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your comment is like reading my heart & innermost thoughts. It's oddly both terrifying and comforting.

    • @chadcrawford1502
      @chadcrawford1502 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's like a horror movie except Hell is a real eternal horror movie 🍿 I feel without any popcorn 🍿.

    • @A.S2400
      @A.S2400 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re both wrong. God is love, he didn’t invent hell, the Roman Latin church did, as part of paganism blending with this new Jewish movement.

    • @HorrorHousewife
      @HorrorHousewife 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@A.S2400 You see, I don't believe that a "loving" God would create a place like hell to eternally torture His children, for not following commands perfectly.
      However, if I am wrong in my belief, I'll find out the hard way. It is torture and has been my entire existence.
      Also, if God is love, and is all powerful and all knowing, I don't understand why doesn't he stop children from physical, emotional, mental, and worst of all, sexual abuse. If there's so much love, I can't understand suffering of little babies and children with illnesses and disease. Which is also torturous for the parents.
      I'm not asking you why these things happen, because I have heard every excuse in the book as to why people justify the awful. I am just expressing why I personally struggle with the concept of the God and love I grew up being taught about. You never know what someone has been through.

    • @chadcrawford1502
      @chadcrawford1502 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@HorrorHousewife the perspective I see is it should read God Is Torture and Not Love. I can't wait to go to the grave yard and be done with this mess.

  • @oysterhead5150
    @oysterhead5150 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Marty Sampson from Hillsong also is not a Christian anymore.

  • @kimberlybaldridge5767
    @kimberlybaldridge5767 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well shit....how did this sneak into my feed?

  • @Spektor211
    @Spektor211 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does god exist? I don't think we can know that
    Did Jesus walk out of the tomb - I no longer believe so

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope you feel welcome here. Thanks for checking out the channel.

    • @Spektor211
      @Spektor211 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DealingWithDeconstruction thank you. And yes you are doing a great job of including all people on their journey. I just emailed you. Thanks for the good work you are doing here

  • @BillySells
    @BillySells 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Deconstruction of Faith is called the Falling Away! Open your eyes People

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not always.

    • @paulmorris6177
      @paulmorris6177 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      No it's not. It's questioning and THAT is exactly what churches/pastors/preachers/priests/deacons/bishops, etc, DO NOT want you doing! It's like a person that goes to buy a car and they say to the salesman, "Well, I don't know. Let me think about it for a while." THAT is a sale that is about to slip right through their fingers...and they start panicking! These people rely on YOU providing their incomes and ways of life. YOU are paying to keep that institution open and if you "fall away", (e.g. stop attending or (God forbid) going to another church), then you are directly taking food out of their mouths. "Open your eyes people" is a logical fallacy that plays to one's emotions. As if you're "missing something" and if you don't turn back, you're going to be "left out". That's asinine...

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As a pastor, I don't mind at all that people ask questions. We welcome them. The lead pastor at the church I work at is on a call in radio show taking questions everyday. So you are just factually incorrect here.

    • @paulmorris6177
      @paulmorris6177 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DealingWithDeconstruction Really? Churches are closing all over the country at historic rates. People are leaving organized religion faster than ever (deconstruction). According to PEW, Gallup and other polls the fastest growing segment of "religion" are "non-believers". Also the current generations (millenials and Gen Z) are the LEAST religious of any other generation. Just because you "take calls" doesn't disprove my points. If you lose enough people from a congregation, the congregation closes and the "clergypersons" either get moved to another church or they lose their incomes. Religion is a business. They are tax-exempt and must pay bills. No dollars, no business.

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      it seemed you were speaking in an absolute sense. It is wrong for church to not be open to questions. So us taking calls does disprove your point. The true church is not shrinking.

  • @sshumkaer
    @sshumkaer ปีที่แล้ว

    I must came to the wrong Channel. I was looking for why not a cheer leader.

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  ปีที่แล้ว

      What were you looking for?

    • @sshumkaer
      @sshumkaer ปีที่แล้ว

      @DealingWithDeconstruction well 2 things. My dad died June 6. I've been crushed, he brought us up in church, and I went to Bible College, so did I.
      I turned 41 on September 22. I had noticed for a long time now that people were just walking out the back door and leaving. Many of them just reimaigined what Christianity, regardless if it's not Biblical.
      I grew up Evangelical, Nazerine, Baptist, AG church, and Bible College. I grew up believing I was living in the last days as well. My father, I believe, went to the grave, still believing it. I haven't believed that my self for a long time. However, I don't believe this is Soul Baring Issue.
      My point is I don't condone walking away from the faith, reconstructing Christianity to fit your lifestyle , as to pick up your cross and follow Jesus.
      I don't actually even pretend to know how to fight against the movement. As it seems to me God needs to change alot of hearts.

  • @alexasteffen9894
    @alexasteffen9894 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm sorry, did you just say that there is legitimate and illegitimate PTSD?..???? I think you have no grounds to say that from ... Like WTF. Is there also legitimate and illegitimate heart disease? Or legitimate and illegitimate depression? Because maybe they just don't have a right to be depressed so it's just illegitimate... Damn dude maybe think before you talk

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I can fully understand how that can come across. And I apologize. But please let me give you some insight into my thought process. There have been times in my life when I remember a situation much more traumatically that it truly was. After I discuss it with others or do a little cognitive behavioral therapy I can look at the situation in a less traumatic way. This is not the same as heart disease at all. There is far more subjectivity in something like PTSD than heart disease. Now this isn't to say that depression isn't real or there are real chemical imbalances at play. There surely are. But the term PTSD can get thrown around when perhaps it shouldn't be. Thanks for commenting and watching.

    • @alexasteffen9894
      @alexasteffen9894 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@DealingWithDeconstruction well then perhaps we can say that the term PTSD should only be used when it is in fact diagnosed... That would solve the problem of "illegitimate" disease

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@alexasteffen9894 sure. I can go with that.

    • @A.S2400
      @A.S2400 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alexasteffen9894 it’s PTS, there is no D. It’s not a disorder OR a disease.

    • @paulmorris6177
      @paulmorris6177 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, Alexa there IS ILLEGITIMATE PTSD. People fake that all the time in the military to receive disability benefits. It happens ALL THE TIME! Civilians fake that everyday in order to receive SSDI benefits or file bogus lawsuits after a traffic accident so they can sue big insurance for a multi-million dollar settlement so they never have to work again. You can't be that stupid as to think that people don't fake PTSD every, single day. If you do, you need to do some research and pull your head out of your ass.

  • @pipedrmmr
    @pipedrmmr ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This visdeo is just more propaganda created to confusing people that are deconstructing. This is a lot of fast talking double talk from a master at gaslighting these people.

    • @DealingWithDeconstruction
      @DealingWithDeconstruction  ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh, look a veiled comment with no example saying how wrong you think I am. Sorry not in the mood for comments like yours.