Hi Gregor- I understand your point of view in wanting to experience being able to watch/film them working on your bike. I am able to do this with my mechanic as he is an independent business & we are great friends. However in your case due to insurance purposes, you are considered a liability being in a so called restricted area. There insurance coverage is structured as to not allow customers in working areas. If someone lets say allowed you to come into that working area & somehow you got injured, they would be liable for your injuries & possible have a lawsuit on top of it. I am not saying that you specifically would sue them, but in today's world you can be sure that many people would. I'm glad that you are still loving your bike. Nice topic. Have a wonderful day my Slovenian friend! Cheers!! Illinois, USA
That is a good point. Very reasonable. I get it. Somehow I was able to film it before and... after 2 years I expected to film it again, you know... I get their thoughts too, just like you mentioned. Because it is still in the warranty I have to take it to the official shop, otherwise I would do everything needed on my own. :) At least those things that I can. I filmed some interesting stuff recently. Very soon you are gonna see it. Appreciate your support Larry. Take care and say hi to Trisha. Cheers.
Rijetki su servisi koji dozvoljavaju uopće ulazak u radionu a kamoli da smo prisutni dok rade. Jedino što znam da je jedan kolega uspio ući i snimiti svoj Suzuki dok su mu mjenjali lanac i to me iskreno iznenadilo da su mu dozvolili. Sretno na budućim putovanjima, yamaha je 🔝.
Tako je. Slažem se ali meni su uvijek dozvolili, zato sam bio onak... iznenađen. :) Možeš vidjeti, da sam snimio i servise SV650 kod njih ali nema veze... Razumijem da i oni rade za pare pa ako je neko tamo nije to to kad rade. :) Hvala na ogledu Tomi. Nadam se da jesi dobro i planiraš još koju turu ove sezone. Da, Yamaha je super. :)
I suspect dealers don't want their techs being filmed as it opens them up for criticism of how they do things. They also want to protect what they do. You filming may show how easy it is to service the bike without paying dealer prices.
You are right in a way. Somehow with the Tracer 9 it gets a bit complicated, because you have to remove a lot of plastics to access the under the fuel tank section. I filmed the first to services, only the 3rd one is missing. :) Thanks for tuning in Richard. Appreciate it. Cheers. Is the MT-10 now working properly?
Hi Gregor- I understand your point of view in wanting to experience being able to watch/film them working on your bike. I am able to do this with my mechanic as he is an independent business & we are great friends. However in your case due to insurance purposes, you are considered a liability being in a so called restricted area. There insurance coverage is structured as to not allow customers in working areas. If someone lets say allowed you to come into that working area & somehow you got injured, they would be liable for your injuries & possible have a lawsuit on top of it. I am not saying that you specifically would sue them, but in today's world you can be sure that many people would. I'm glad that you are still loving your bike. Nice topic. Have a wonderful day my Slovenian friend! Cheers!! Illinois, USA
That is a good point. Very reasonable. I get it. Somehow I was able to film it before and... after 2 years I expected to film it again, you know... I get their thoughts too, just like you mentioned. Because it is still in the warranty I have to take it to the official shop, otherwise I would do everything needed on my own. :) At least those things that I can. I filmed some interesting stuff recently. Very soon you are gonna see it. Appreciate your support Larry. Take care and say hi to Trisha. Cheers.
Rijetki su servisi koji dozvoljavaju uopće ulazak u radionu a kamoli da smo prisutni dok rade. Jedino što znam da je jedan kolega uspio ući i snimiti svoj Suzuki dok su mu mjenjali lanac i to me iskreno iznenadilo da su mu dozvolili.
Sretno na budućim putovanjima, yamaha je 🔝.
Tako je. Slažem se ali meni su uvijek dozvolili, zato sam bio onak... iznenađen. :) Možeš vidjeti, da sam snimio i servise SV650 kod njih ali nema veze... Razumijem da i oni rade za pare pa ako je neko tamo nije to to kad rade. :) Hvala na ogledu Tomi. Nadam se da jesi dobro i planiraš još koju turu ove sezone. Da, Yamaha je super. :)
Good to catch a video, my friend!
Oh yeah. :) I knew that you will be back. :) Thanks for joining. Appreciate it.
Beautiful ride!! Beautiful country. Goad you are doing food, kook forward to next one.
Hi Roger. How are you? Hope you are doing well. Will do more. Soon my friend. :)
Looking forward to seeing your 22k review.
I am close. 21.500 km now. :) Will be, will be. Thanks my friend.
I suspect dealers don't want their techs being filmed as it opens them up for criticism of how they do things.
They also want to protect what they do. You filming may show how easy it is to service the bike without paying dealer prices.
You are right in a way. Somehow with the Tracer 9 it gets a bit complicated, because you have to remove a lot of plastics to access the under the fuel tank section. I filmed the first to services, only the 3rd one is missing. :) Thanks for tuning in Richard. Appreciate it. Cheers. Is the MT-10 now working properly?
I to je to za naredni period.. nisam čuo ili skužio cijenu servisa
Da, tako je. Oko 230 EUR je bilo. Mislim da je cijena sasvim OK. :)
Je, ok ke sa obzirom što su radili a mislim da je radni sat i kod tebe oko 40€
@@2W_Adventure Olje, filtar, vazudušni filtar in sviječice. :)
@@RRRRefuelRideRace Na koliko se mijenjaju svjećice mislim na svakih koliko kilometara
@@2W_Adventure Na Traceru 9 na 20.000 km. Na SV650 mislim, da je bilo na 18.000. :) To je po "manualu". :)
Servis je opravljen do naslednjega leta.
Da. 1x na leto ali na 10.000 km, kar pride prej. Hvala za ogled.