To you, politics means saying what you need to to maximize how much donor money you bring in. To the rest of us living in the real world, politics means our health, livelihood, shelter, and sometimes our lives. Politics *does* define us, because it's the difference between having a governor who is mocked internationally for asking everyone to pray for rain, vs a governor who acknowledges climate science and stops running a farm selling cattle feed overseas. I get that to you, and to a lot of people, politics is separate from reality, and you look at it as a game, or maybe just a job, but to most of us it's very real, because it has real impacts.
To you, politics means saying what you need to to maximize how much donor money you bring in. To the rest of us living in the real world, politics means our health, livelihood, shelter, and sometimes our lives. Politics *does* define us, because it's the difference between having a governor who is mocked internationally for asking everyone to pray for rain, vs a governor who acknowledges climate science and stops running a farm selling cattle feed overseas.
I get that to you, and to a lot of people, politics is separate from reality, and you look at it as a game, or maybe just a job, but to most of us it's very real, because it has real impacts.
Save Utah by voting for Phil Lyman.
Great and very important video
America First!! Our country is in big trouble! I can’t imagine getting along with any Democrat these days. That ship has sailed along time ago….
why not
Vote Phil Lyman
Cox you are no less either dude.
All these videos and yet no good or real life examples. Keeping it vague, good job.