I had great success (at age 42) with 3 days at the gym doing warmup (5-10 min) --> powerlifting (60+ min) --> cardio (20+ min) --> stretching --> eating a high protein meal (never mind the overall daily nutrition), plus 1 day of intense vinyasa yoga. Sleep and hydration are worth mentioning.
Tip 1: if you fast prior to exercise your body will oxidise fat more quickly Tip 2: the higher the intensity of the exercise the quicker your body will switch over to burning fat Tip 3: if you want to burn more body fat exercise intensely for 20 to 60 minutes and then move onto medium intensity cardio training Tip 4: if you must eat before exercise aim to keep insulin levels low if you want to oxidise more body fat (so eating fat and protein) Tip 5: high intensity exercise followed by moderate intensity exercise is optimal for fat burning overall
@@Bu.T.F.I problem with high intensity workout before "fat burning" routine: elevated lactate levels will prevent fat oxidization. Do the opposite: complete the fat burning routine first (so lactate levels stay nice and low) and then do the high intensity routine. 😊
I lost 60lbs in 3 months. 30yo male. Medium exercise exery morning for 45mins. Only eating between 2:30-8:30pm, and making those meals as clean and healthy as possible.
@ashik6419 I didn't want to waste the time and energy I put into my workouts. It was easy after a few weeks, motivated by weight falling off. My stomach chemistry changed also, so I really wanted the feeling of eating good food more than taste. Eventually the good food tasted better too
@@rolandlovett5695 but u too felt strong craving in the beginning? Whenever I try for diet and exercise There is extreme resistance and craving towards junk foods
@ashik6419 yeah, the fasting was a rough adjustment period overall. It gets easy though when you break through the wall. Honestly, I was extremely motivated by low self-esteem too. I was overweight most of my life, hate being made fun of. In a depression period, I ballooned up to my largest weight ever and just decided to choose the healthy road that would bring my happiness instead of continuing down the path I was on. Want to be a good role model for my son too, fitness was not a thing in my home growing up.
I feel like this can also be taken as “If you’re metabolically healthy (lean, under 20% body fat, maybe even somewhat muscular) then you really should just go on walks while fasted, and if you’re morbidly obese or just obese, you should go low or no carb like a carnivore type diet or at least animal BASED but still try to be fasting while you do level 1 steady state cardio by walking. There’s a reason jacked up dudes like ProPhysiques Paul R. says all he does for cardio is walk for like 2 hours a day and so does Thomas Delaurer who has an insane physique basically year round. He has an entire video on this.
Stress is a big contributer.. I lift heavy weights and work in a difficult physical environment.. But since I injured my achillies running has stopped and I've gained weight.
21 years ago wanted to lose my big belly (93cm circumference) quickly. Went to run (HIIT) during the mornings (before eating) and during the first week the training session would last maximum 15min. After 5min warmup (walking), 30-45 seconds flatout run, followed by 45-120sec break (walking), and then repeat this cycles 4 times in total. The second and third training sessions were the same (4 flatout sprints) during the first week. Second week (5 cycles), third week (6 cycles) and so forth. On week 10 (so roughly 2.5 months) my waist circumference had dropped from 93cm to 78cm. During that time I kept lifting weights twice a week.
@@Kmasse8 Yepp, nothing beats walking. Except perhaps walking uphill, it burns even more calories (since walking uphill will need a greater effort from the glutes) while still keeping heart rate in Zone 2. 💪🏼
Important to say that HIIT training without control of the load can influence the heart health. Important to start from moderate intensity if person has no work out experience.
Weather you're burning fat or glucose/glycogen depends on the intensity of the exercise. You can train your ability to burn more fat by doing low intensity continuous exercise below LT1 (zone 2). You can also train this by reducing your carb intake throughout the day and going longer between eating.
So you should exercise first thing in the morning before eating. Then have a drink of ginger and lemon and then have your first and only meal around 4 in the afternoon? Should work?
Good info! Just finished reading "Health and Beauty Mastery" - what an eye-opener! This book exposes so many hidden truths about the beauty and health industry that no one talks about!
You have zones 1 to 5 from low intensity to high. Intensity should be 80% low and 20% high in say a weekly schedule. I am doing 100% zone 2 with occasional bursts of zone 3 or 4. Some people have gone into high intensity after years of lack of exercise and suffered serious medical problems as they haven't developed core fitness. Better to start off slow while improving diet. Eg eliminate soft drinks this week / fortnight add a daily fruit such as an orange or 50g of nuts such as walnuts. It is also worth drinking around half litre of water before exercise as that reduces cramps and aches post exercise. Zone 1 and 2 should be comfortable and enjoyable so you want to continue. Note you can spend hours looking at videos when you can buy a college or university book second hand for a more holistic understanding. Browse through the contents and make sure it covers your starting point.
About 40 years ago, there was interest in Tai Chi and in Yoga for seniors and the elderly to increase mobility. Mobility improved and a 'surprise' benefit was measurably increased toning. Not body building type results, but slow, steady fat loss that was an unexpected bonus. At the time, continuous movement, time under tension, and stretching were suspected as 'hidden factors' not originally considered, but more studies were recommended because benefits didn't seem to plateau. There was one anecdotal report of a 90yo going from a wheel chair to winning a long distance race after a few years, but I can't find those results. Given that *stretching* is 'emerging' as an important part of bodybuilding, was there any followup research on those old Tai Chi etc. studies? [I think the original studies might have been from Cincinnati or Cleveland???]
I spent a year with a Tai Chi master. We focused on the forms and a few special exercises. There result was great muscle tone and super energy reserves energy reserves.
I was surprised with the amount of fat loss from Yoga,, physical therapy taught me the yoga exercises, I just didn't know it was yoga until I was done with physical therapy and started watching YT videos of yoga
It all boils down to four words................"EAT LESS.....EXERCISE MORE.." In other words....DO SOMETHING!!!! It does NOT matter what you do....just..............DO IT!!!
That only works for a few weeks Tim, as your body gets adapted to training it burns the same amount of energy overall as no training. - most people don’t make it to the few weeks of training though!
Im sure you are aware, but eating low glycemic carbs has the same metabolic effect as only eating fat and protein before exercise. 1. While high intensity followed by low intensity is optimal for burning more fat (calories) it is only effective for people who are willing to spend more than 40-60 minutes exercising. If you only have 30 minutes high intensity is more effective. 2. Doing the exercise is more important than intensity. Do what you enjoy and will continue doing.
It is literally calories in vs calories out whether you sit on the couch and eat less than you burn or do hours of hit and burn more than you eat. I personally went from 251 to 212 over 3 months doing minimal lifting and being in a 500/day calorie deficit. 39 pounds later I realized it is just that simple
What do you think about supplementing HMB and D3 as an active 55+ fit female who mostly eats healthy and exercises to help maintain muscle strength as I age?
Are you lifting ? It’s needed to keep bone density maximised. Where the muscle meets the joints, that intersection when stressed, triggers bone density increase. Always have great form, avoid injury, and make it hard for You, but not so hard you bust a brain cell! Combine intermittent fasting with high quality animal protein and very low sugar and simple carbs, and you’re on your way to better life and longer.
Hi Andrew, I recognized that after intense workouts I tend to get ill more often (also since my kindergarden kids bring lots of bacteria/viruses). Is there a way to reduce the „open window“ effect after workouts where the immune system is weakened? Would love to hear your opinion. Thanks for the great videos!
Can someone tell in simple words: 1. Is it better to eat before working out or not? 2. Does 45 mins strength training followed by 10 mins cardio help burn body fat faster?
I’m always trying to find nerdy sports scientists that specialize in female problems. it’s like it’s totally avoided cuz we have way too many roadblocks cuz we’re meant to have more fat. x_x
Exercise fasted, keep fats low so you burn your own more. It’s working for me in menopause. Fiber! Circuit train with weights or bands. Intermittent fast best you can.
@@briegookin2112check out ray peat he wrote a book about it called from pms to menopause. He also has interviews on TH-cam that are in depth and informative
@@CalmVibesVeethat’s so great. Happy for you. I am moving toward realizing this for myself. In menopause I lost my set point. I no longer can do what I used to as easily. I am finding my new identity and set point with the allowance of acceptance of it all 😅. I also realized I ran on ego my whole life. Now my goal is loving and accepting myself for who I am because I exist only 😊
I've read studies of fasting exercise for men and women. Apparently, it only works better for men. For me personally, doing HIIT and weight training works the best. I can feel the switch in about 30 min.
🚨 0:40 NO ONE… should do cardio before weights if doing it in the same gym visit. Cardio in the morning and waits in the afternoon is OK but most of us have a real job and a life outside the gym. 👊🏼
Question: If I am wanting to burn fat around the core area while I workout (I do 60 minutues of intense weight training followed by 30 to 40 mins of Cardo. 90% of the time first thing in the morning), should I stop taking my prework out Whey protein drink with 24 grams of protein and my vitamins and supplements? (It is between 150 to 200 calories and zero sugar). I follow all work outs with another protein drink, with Creatine and BCAA+G. Then I start my day. I really and trying to burn all this fat around my core. I work out 6 days a week and take Sundays off.
Hello, Sometimes, I'm not understanding. So, coach and PT say that fasting and training have a tendency to burn muscles. In the end. It better not ear before training or eat after? I'm getting lost with all the different options out there.
3 weeks i cut out starch/carbs, exercise 4times a week @45-60mins. I eat 2meals a day and snacks(apple and nuts). I exercise on an empty stomach, i eat my supper no later than 6pm. I feel energise now but the first week was challenging
90 minutes of fasted exercise is right where i need to eat something or i drop off about 15% workload. So less energy burnt vs have some carbs and smah out another hr.
Question....after HITT training-where we burn more glycogen--AH says we will then burn fat for up to 24 hrs, ie Oxidysing more Fat... But what if we eat something after the training..say a salad with protein...do we then interrupt the fat oxidization? seems that while we will burn more fat for up to 24 hrs after HITT type training...that any fat burning would end once we eat and our systems use the food for fuel..vs already stored fat? thoughts?
What if you are already burning fat through being fat adapted in Keto? Will you burn fat no matter what because the glycogen stores are already exhausted? It seem these rules are based on assuming you are eating Fat, Protein, Carbs, and you need to burn the glycogen from carbs first, then your body switches to burning fat. After which you can continue a low intensity exercise for continued fat burn.
This advice most likely isn’t good for women in their 50’s. Andrew Huberman has a podcast with Dr. Stacy Sims who has excellent insight into proper training protocols for women in their 50’s.
You simply cannot deplete your glycogen stores in 20 minutes... The muscles and the liver store approx. 400-600 grams of glycogen (depending on size and muscularity), which equals 2000 calories. No way you're gonna burn through this in 20 minites.
So how can you relate this to real people? I'm trained. My wife is not. I still have a decent amount of body fat. She has much more than me. We started our fat loss journey together. I've lost 25# in five weeks. She lost a few pounds her first two weeks and then nothing. I cut my calories and my sugar and upped my cardio and my weight training. Working like a champ. She started cardio and weight training, dropped her sugar and is trying tomfigure out maintenance calories. If she does anything fasted, cardio or weight training, she's literally passing out on me as we train. She can't do 90 minutes of zone two. Hell I can barely do that. I have to be walking a 14 minute mile to get into zone 2 heart rate. I sure as hell aint walking six miles at a time at that pace. Her zone 2 is significantly slower paced, but she aint doing 90 minutes of it. Doc says she's insulin resistant and has metabolic syndrome. I figure omce she gets enough muscle on her and gets her cario amled up more she should lose some weight and ner body should start responding better. Hopefully sooner than later cuz she's getting frustrated. She went from super sedentary to nkw pretty damned active and no weight is coming off. But no way am I training her fasted. 7:36
Different strokes for different folks I presume? We all differ so vastly do we not? I have not been to gym for 38 years. I sit on my behind in a chair 10 to 12 hours a day working. I have high BP - always above 150/98. Yet I can get down on the floor now and do a perfect plank for 2 minutes without breaking a sweat. Weird? I am 1.75 m and weigh 96 Kgs at age 67.
What about the difference between man and women. Dr gaby Lyon was pretty clear on not fasting for women before exercise, we need fuel. Do you disagree or don’t want to give this precision ?
I heard exactly the same. Specially among peri menopausal women and post menopause. Aldo Dr Stacy Simms says the same thing. She says that women are not small men. For women it will raise cortisol to high and impede fat oxidation while accumulating fat.
@@toriwolf5978 thanks, I was ok also after 9 years of fasting. The thing is, it s not because you get used to and feel fine that is the clevest way. My point is to follow some optimum data understanding how our biochimie works. Advising fasting if we discover how non optimal is for peri and menopause women is contreproductive in my opinion.
Makes sense but only if you aren’t weak and feeling rank from the blood sugar drop. When you first start getting sugar out it’s like a drug that needs to be weened. 😅😂❤
So much talking for some simple scientific fact delivery. While appreciate the knowledge and the information, I wish the delivery was condensed efficiently. He said: "Fasted exercise burns more fat due to depleting carbohydrate depots. To accelerate this, you can do higher intensity exercise because based on the first fact, you deplete your carbohydrate resources faster. If you must eat before exercising, make your choice of food non-carbohydrate in order to switch fat burng faster, so your body does not resort to readily available sugar first."
And then there's another study that suggests that "oxidizing fat" might not be even the primary driver of fat loss. They took a group of athletes to a high mountain area and they lost more fat, even though they oxidized less fat due to lower oxygen availability. The study title is "Abdominal fat reducing outcome of exercise training: fat burning or hydrocarbon source redistribution?" Anyways the most important thing you could do is (surprise!) eat healthy and exercise more. If exercising fasted makes you stick to it, then do it. If you can't stick to exercising fasted, then don't exercise fasted. No reason to make 10 mins video about it.
I keep trying to give this guy a shot because he's all over the internet but I just can't. Dude might as well be Vshred with his ability to interpret and pick out pieces of studies that fit his ideas and disregard the rest. There are no studies that show fasted exercise gives any meaningful change in fatloss. That means that though there is a difference after 90+ minutes of cardio it's so small that it doesn't matter. I'll also ask who out there struggles with weightloss but also runs for 90 minutes while also not fueling for that before hand? That's dangerous. Also insulin is not the enemy.. this guy bothers the hell out of me. But hey he's a "Dr"... what do I know.
He is a phd not an md... but even for a phd, surprising that he wouldnt question causation in a correlation study. We don't actually know if it's not simply that people who are stressed both fidget more and have more norepineohrine release... that norepinephrine is what makes you fidget!
My man you’re almost going completely CrossFittwrs Don’t do you’re completely inaccurate. You’re taking facts and put them together with different methods I hope people don’t listen to you they will get hurt
This is useless information without the actual numbers. How large is the difference between the different exercise routines? How large is the difference between fasted/non-fasted exercise? Leaving the numbers out makes me suspect that the difference is rather small, maybe even negligible.
I am sorry but "burning more" fat doesn't mean anything. 3-7%? 10-20%? 50!?! When you don't eat during exercise, you get really hungry afterwards and your body tends to convert available energy into "more fat" as an adaptation. Plus, athletic performance and adaptations suffer from fasted training...Average Joe, use a pinch of salt.
Yea yea and I heard “should you exercise while fasted” being talked about by Thomas delaurer on a video and he explained scientifically that when we exercise on an empty stomach we will actually tend to burn less calories afterward cause your body is trying to keep a. Balance thanks to homeostasis
who in the heck has 90 minutes to do continuous exercise, plus 10 minutes to get ready, 15 minutes to get to the gym, 10 minutes to shower and 15 minutes to fix my hair, and 15 minutes to get through traffic home. Is the government now gonna pay us to focus only on exercising, like they pay the migrants in NYC?
endurance athletes - people who love to to hike - my dad is 60 still rides bikes in races and has build his own business. it is all possible, comes down to your priorities and your decisions in life - not what the government will allow you to do
I had great success (at age 42) with 3 days at the gym doing warmup (5-10 min) --> powerlifting (60+ min) --> cardio (20+ min) --> stretching --> eating a high protein meal (never mind the overall daily nutrition), plus 1 day of intense vinyasa yoga. Sleep and hydration are worth mentioning.
Tip 1: if you fast prior to exercise your body will oxidise fat more quickly
Tip 2: the higher the intensity of the exercise the quicker your body will switch over to burning fat
Tip 3: if you want to burn more body fat exercise intensely for 20 to 60 minutes and then move onto medium intensity cardio training
Tip 4: if you must eat before exercise aim to keep insulin levels low if you want to oxidise more body fat (so eating fat and protein)
Tip 5: high intensity exercise followed by moderate intensity exercise is optimal for fat burning overall
Tip 1 and 4 are saying the opposite
@@Bu.T.F.I problem with high intensity workout before "fat burning" routine: elevated lactate levels will prevent fat oxidization. Do the opposite: complete the fat burning routine first (so lactate levels stay nice and low) and then do the high intensity routine. 😊
@@matrevel9938it says if you can't ignore food, in that case you should lower the insulin leval
@@matrevel9938well it’s saying it as an exemption. i.e IF you must eat, eat proteins before, whilst keeping in mind it is more effective to fast.
Fast and eat before exercise 🤔 how does this work ?
I lost 60lbs in 3 months. 30yo male. Medium exercise exery morning for 45mins. Only eating between 2:30-8:30pm, and making those meals as clean and healthy as possible.
How did u manage cravings
@ashik6419 I didn't want to waste the time and energy I put into my workouts. It was easy after a few weeks, motivated by weight falling off. My stomach chemistry changed also, so I really wanted the feeling of eating good food more than taste. Eventually the good food tasted better too
@@rolandlovett5695 but u too felt strong craving in the beginning?
Whenever I try for diet and exercise
There is extreme resistance and craving towards junk foods
@ashik6419 yeah, the fasting was a rough adjustment period overall. It gets easy though when you break through the wall.
Honestly, I was extremely motivated by low self-esteem too. I was overweight most of my life, hate being made fun of. In a depression period, I ballooned up to my largest weight ever and just decided to choose the healthy road that would bring my happiness instead of continuing down the path I was on. Want to be a good role model for my son too, fitness was not a thing in my home growing up.
Making time for health is making time for what truly matters. Thanks for this!
I feel like this can also be taken as “If you’re metabolically healthy (lean, under 20% body fat, maybe even somewhat muscular) then you really should just go on walks while fasted, and if you’re morbidly obese or just obese, you should go low or no carb like a carnivore type diet or at least animal BASED but still try to be fasting while you do level 1 steady state cardio by walking.
There’s a reason jacked up dudes like ProPhysiques Paul R. says all he does for cardio is walk for like 2 hours a day and so does Thomas Delaurer who has an insane physique basically year round. He has an entire video on this.
Stress is a big contributer.. I lift heavy weights and work in a difficult physical environment.. But since I injured my achillies running has stopped and I've gained weight.
Should you do weight training while in a fasted state? trying to lose body fat and gain muscle
21 years ago wanted to lose my big belly (93cm circumference) quickly. Went to run (HIIT) during the mornings (before eating) and during the first week the training session would last maximum 15min. After 5min warmup (walking), 30-45 seconds flatout run, followed by 45-120sec break (walking), and then repeat this cycles 4 times in total. The second and third training sessions were the same (4 flatout sprints) during the first week. Second week (5 cycles), third week (6 cycles) and so forth. On week 10 (so roughly 2.5 months) my waist circumference had dropped from 93cm to 78cm. During that time I kept lifting weights twice a week.
What about now? How much is your circumference 😅
@@Kmasse8 Yepp, nothing beats walking. Except perhaps walking uphill, it burns even more calories (since walking uphill will need a greater effort from the glutes) while still keeping heart rate in Zone 2. 💪🏼
@@anshultiwari1303 You should really feel some sort of stupid asking the man hoping the guy failed yet he knows his stuff. Look at you now.
@@inglescatalunya😅 10:13 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 10:13 10:13
Fantastic!! 🎉😊
The best advise so far- thanks. I have been fat most of my life- once insulin level goes down- I do see the change
Important to say that HIIT training without control of the load can influence the heart health. Important to start from moderate intensity if person has no work out experience.
Weather you're burning fat or glucose/glycogen depends on the intensity of the exercise. You can train your ability to burn more fat by doing low intensity continuous exercise below LT1 (zone 2). You can also train this by reducing your carb intake throughout the day and going longer between eating.
So you should exercise first thing in the morning before eating. Then have a drink of ginger and lemon and then have your first and only meal around 4 in the afternoon? Should work?
I lost over 20lbs by implementing strategies from Immortal Life book
where can i find it?
@@RobertHill96 i found it on instagram
@@RobertHill96 i got it on insta
@@RobertHill96 found it on insta
@@RobertHill96 i found it on insta
very insightful.
Good info! Just finished reading "Health and Beauty Mastery" - what an eye-opener! This book exposes so many hidden truths about the beauty and health industry that no one talks about!
Truly a great book
Bot comment
@@b2nicee which comment is a bot?
This is great information. Thanks for posting.
Great video. Andrew always has such awesome information and life hacks , to achieve your goals more efficiently. Thank you for sharing .
What is considered high intensity workout and what could be high intensity workouts for people to start doing who are not really in shape?
You have zones 1 to 5 from low intensity to high. Intensity should be 80% low and 20% high in say a weekly schedule. I am doing 100% zone 2 with occasional bursts of zone 3 or 4.
Some people have gone into high intensity after years of lack of exercise and suffered serious medical problems as they haven't developed core fitness.
Better to start off slow while improving diet. Eg eliminate soft drinks this week / fortnight add a daily fruit such as an orange or 50g of nuts such as walnuts.
It is also worth drinking around half litre of water before exercise as that reduces cramps and aches post exercise.
Zone 1 and 2 should be comfortable and enjoyable so you want to continue.
Note you can spend hours looking at videos when you can buy a college or university book second hand for a more holistic understanding. Browse through the contents and make sure it covers your starting point.
About 40 years ago, there was interest in Tai Chi and in Yoga for seniors and the elderly to increase mobility. Mobility improved and a 'surprise' benefit was measurably increased toning. Not body building type results, but slow, steady fat loss that was an unexpected bonus. At the time, continuous movement, time under tension, and stretching were suspected as 'hidden factors' not originally considered, but more studies were recommended because benefits didn't seem to plateau. There was one anecdotal report of a 90yo going from a wheel chair to winning a long distance race after a few years, but I can't find those results. Given that *stretching* is 'emerging' as an important part of bodybuilding, was there any followup research on those old Tai Chi etc. studies? [I think the original studies might have been from Cincinnati or Cleveland???]
I spent a year with a Tai Chi master. We focused on the forms and a few special exercises. There result was great muscle tone and super energy reserves energy reserves.
I was surprised with the amount of fat loss from Yoga,, physical therapy taught me the yoga exercises, I just didn't know it was yoga until I was done with physical therapy and started watching YT videos of yoga
It all boils down to four words................"EAT LESS.....EXERCISE MORE.." In other words....DO SOMETHING!!!! It does NOT matter what you do....just..............DO IT!!!
Love it 🎉🎉🎉
Hah! Oddly, I skipped breakfast and getting ready for the gym...great timing.
That only works for a few weeks Tim, as your body gets adapted to training it burns the same amount of energy overall as no training. - most people don’t make it to the few weeks of training though!
If that were true, we wouldn’t have a problem.
Your argument has been scientifically proved wrong
What to do then? @@johntownsend4722
Thank you for the wisdom drop.
Im sure you are aware, but eating low glycemic carbs has the same metabolic effect as only eating fat and protein before exercise.
1. While high intensity followed by low intensity is optimal for burning more fat (calories) it is only effective for people who are willing to spend more than 40-60 minutes exercising. If you only have 30 minutes high intensity is more effective.
2. Doing the exercise is more important than intensity. Do what you enjoy and will continue doing.
It is literally calories in vs calories out whether you sit on the couch and eat less than you burn or do hours of hit and burn more than you eat. I personally went from 251 to 212 over 3 months doing minimal lifting and being in a 500/day calorie deficit. 39 pounds later I realized it is just that simple
I lift heavy weights in a fasted state. It really works to help metabolism and weight loss.
Thank you, Dr!! I appreciate 🙏 your simplicity ✨️
Basically any type of exercise will burn fat,but consistency is the key.
What is the approx. length of time for fast walking to switch into burning that fat if there is not weight training involved
I'd like to know if any of this is different in a person with type II diabetes......
Excelente vídeo.
Ótimas considerações.
What do you think about supplementing HMB and D3 as an active 55+ fit female who mostly eats healthy and exercises to help maintain muscle strength as I age?
Are you lifting ? It’s needed to keep bone density maximised. Where the muscle meets the joints, that intersection when stressed, triggers bone density increase. Always have great form, avoid injury, and make it hard for You, but not so hard you bust a brain cell! Combine intermittent fasting with high quality animal protein and very low sugar and simple carbs, and you’re on your way to better life and longer.
Ps D3 needs K2 also which will help the calcium end up in your bones rather than vessels. That’s actually a big deal.
@@willcook403vitamin D with Magnesium is much better, Magnesium increases vitamin D absorption 👍
Hi Andrew, I recognized that after intense workouts I tend to get ill more often (also since my kindergarden kids bring lots of bacteria/viruses). Is there a way to reduce the „open window“ effect after workouts where the immune system is weakened? Would love to hear your opinion. Thanks for the great videos!
Does anyone know which episode of his podcast this is from? Thanks
Can someone tell in simple words:
1. Is it better to eat before working out or not?
2. Does 45 mins strength training followed by 10 mins cardio help burn body fat faster?
Is this also aplicable to women ? Women in menopause?
I’m always trying to find nerdy sports scientists that specialize in female problems. it’s like it’s totally avoided cuz we have way too many roadblocks cuz we’re meant to have more fat. x_x
Exercise fasted, keep fats low so you burn your own more. It’s working for me in menopause. Fiber! Circuit train with weights or bands. Intermittent fast best you can.
@@briegookin2112 tray dr stacy sims or lyle McDonald - he wrote a Women's book, even prior to Dr Sims
@@briegookin2112check out ray peat he wrote a book about it called from pms to menopause. He also has interviews on TH-cam that are in depth and informative
@@CalmVibesVeethat’s so great. Happy for you. I am moving toward realizing this for myself. In menopause I lost my set point. I no longer can do what I used to as easily. I am finding my new identity and set point with the allowance of acceptance of it all 😅. I also realized I ran on ego my whole life. Now my goal is loving and accepting myself for who I am because I exist only 😊
Great Information 💌
Great info!😄
Thank you.
great tips!
Thanks very insightful
You basically stole Huberman video, put some slides and subtitles and claims it as yours
But what about the podcast with Stacy Sims where she said that fasting with exercise makes you store fat??
I need a summary chart please !
Yeah i cant follow this lmao
I've read studies of fasting exercise for men and women. Apparently, it only works better for men.
For me personally, doing HIIT and weight training works the best. I can feel the switch in about 30 min.
As a woman, the most efficiently I've ever dropped 30lbs was a half hour of walking fasted every morning.
@@carwoman43 lucky you! Walking does nothing for me except increase my stamina. And that requires 4-5 hours walk on a hard track.
What if you eat after working out, you only described during and before workout
🚨 0:40 NO ONE… should do cardio before weights if doing it in the same gym visit. Cardio in the morning and waits in the afternoon is OK but most of us have a real job and a life outside the gym. 👊🏼
Question: If I am wanting to burn fat around the core area while I workout (I do 60 minutues of intense weight training followed by 30 to 40 mins of Cardo. 90% of the time first thing in the morning), should I stop taking my prework out Whey protein drink with 24 grams of protein and my vitamins and supplements? (It is between 150 to 200 calories and zero sugar). I follow all work outs with another protein drink, with Creatine and BCAA+G. Then I start my day. I really and trying to burn all this fat around my core. I work out 6 days a week and take Sundays off.
So how does this work if you have Type1 diabetes, and you have 2 types of exogenous insulin constantly in your system?
Sometimes, I'm not understanding. So, coach and PT say that fasting and training have a tendency to burn muscles.
In the end. It better not ear before training or eat after? I'm getting lost with all the different options out there.
Nice nice nice!! Thank you..
Thank you 😊
Kind of sounds like more broscience. I never thought I'd like exercise fasted, but it's working. Kettlebells HIIT/tabata. Rock it!
3 weeks i cut out starch/carbs, exercise 4times a week @45-60mins. I eat 2meals a day and snacks(apple and nuts). I exercise on an empty stomach, i eat my supper no later than 6pm. I feel energise now but the first week was challenging
If you fast before training, what happens to lean muscle mass?
90 minutes of fasted exercise is right where i need to eat something or i drop off about 15% workload. So less energy burnt vs have some carbs and smah out another hr.
Question....after HITT training-where we burn more glycogen--AH says we will then burn fat for up to 24 hrs, ie Oxidysing more Fat... But what if we eat something after the training..say a salad with protein...do we then interrupt the fat oxidization? seems that while we will burn more fat for up to 24 hrs after HITT type training...that any fat burning would end once we eat and our systems use the food for fuel..vs already stored fat? thoughts?
What if you are already burning fat through being fat adapted in Keto? Will you burn fat no matter what because the glycogen stores are already exhausted? It seem these rules are based on assuming you are eating Fat, Protein, Carbs, and you need to burn the glycogen from carbs first, then your body switches to burning fat. After which you can continue a low intensity exercise for continued fat burn.
Takeoff rapper while doing the legendary ATL “Hold up” dance 😂
Hi ❤it’s also for women too I mean your advice and also for women in 50 ?give us answers please
This advice most likely isn’t good for women in their 50’s. Andrew Huberman has a podcast with Dr. Stacy Sims who has excellent insight into proper training protocols for women in their 50’s.
ragi malt carb is great
You simply cannot deplete your glycogen stores in 20 minutes... The muscles and the liver store approx. 400-600 grams of glycogen (depending on size and muscularity), which equals 2000 calories. No way you're gonna burn through this in 20 minites.
what about cortisol
but will working out fasted also burn muscle?
So how can you relate this to real people? I'm trained. My wife is not. I still have a decent amount of body fat. She has much more than me. We started our fat loss journey together. I've lost 25# in five weeks. She lost a few pounds her first two weeks and then nothing. I cut my calories and my sugar and upped my cardio and my weight training. Working like a champ.
She started cardio and weight training, dropped her sugar and is trying tomfigure out maintenance calories. If she does anything fasted, cardio or weight training, she's literally passing out on me as we train. She can't do 90 minutes of zone two. Hell I can barely do that. I have to be walking a 14 minute mile to get into zone 2 heart rate. I sure as hell aint walking six miles at a time at that pace. Her zone 2 is significantly slower paced, but she aint doing 90 minutes of it.
Doc says she's insulin resistant and has metabolic syndrome. I figure omce she gets enough muscle on her and gets her cario amled up more she should lose some weight and ner body should start responding better. Hopefully sooner than later cuz she's getting frustrated. She went from super sedentary to nkw pretty damned active and no weight is coming off. But no way am I training her fasted. 7:36
Different strokes for different folks I presume? We all differ so vastly do we not? I have not been to gym for 38 years. I sit on my behind in a chair 10 to 12 hours a day working. I have high BP - always above 150/98. Yet I can get down on the floor now and do a perfect plank for 2 minutes without breaking a sweat. Weird? I am 1.75 m and weigh 96 Kgs at age 67.
It is all in the shit people eat. No one in a refugee camp has ever failed to lose fat.
What about the difference between man and women. Dr gaby Lyon was pretty clear on not fasting for women before exercise, we need fuel.
Do you disagree or don’t want to give this precision ?
I heard exactly the same. Specially among peri menopausal women and post menopause. Aldo Dr Stacy Simms says the same thing. She says that women are not small men. For women it will raise cortisol to high and impede fat oxidation while accumulating fat.
@@phoenixgirl11 yes i also follow her and it helps me understand better my body as a women on peri menopause
lol I fast always when exercising in morning don’t eat until one in the afternoon just never like to eat breakfast , just me I’m fine 👍
@@toriwolf5978 thanks, I was ok also after 9 years of fasting.
The thing is, it s not because you get used to and feel fine that is the clevest way.
My point is to follow some optimum data understanding how our biochimie works. Advising fasting if we discover how non optimal is for peri and menopause women is contreproductive in my opinion.
10 minutes of talking that should take 15 seconds to say.
Yes he hashes it🎉
So I just went for a 30 minute walk and then was going to do some strength training, but now I'm like is that backwords?
If HIIT is defined by 90-100 % in studies, then what is 'super' HIIT ?
Makes sense but only if you aren’t weak and feeling rank from the blood sugar drop. When you first start getting sugar out it’s like a drug that needs to be weened. 😅😂❤
How to burn fat:
Eat a bit less but keep protein high
4 times a week weightlifting
+10.000 walking a day
I lost 65 pounds in 4 months
So much talking for some simple scientific fact delivery. While appreciate the knowledge and the information, I wish the delivery was condensed efficiently.
He said: "Fasted exercise burns more fat due to depleting carbohydrate depots. To accelerate this, you can do higher intensity exercise because based on the first fact, you deplete your carbohydrate resources faster. If you must eat before exercising, make your choice of food non-carbohydrate in order to switch fat burng faster, so your body does not resort to readily available sugar first."
And then there's another study that suggests that "oxidizing fat" might not be even the primary driver of fat loss. They took a group of athletes to a high mountain area and they lost more fat, even though they oxidized less fat due to lower oxygen availability. The study title is "Abdominal fat reducing outcome of exercise training: fat burning or hydrocarbon source redistribution?"
Anyways the most important thing you could do is (surprise!) eat healthy and exercise more. If exercising fasted makes you stick to it, then do it. If you can't stick to exercising fasted, then don't exercise fasted. No reason to make 10 mins video about it.
What 5 exercises
I find if I take the playback speed to 2X I can do high intensity learning (HIL) and probably burn more calories.
90min of cardio sounds ridiculous
I thought he’d advice us to think our far away
This isn't entirely true for women training fasted
I keep trying to give this guy a shot because he's all over the internet but I just can't. Dude might as well be Vshred with his ability to interpret and pick out pieces of studies that fit his ideas and disregard the rest. There are no studies that show fasted exercise gives any meaningful change in fatloss. That means that though there is a difference after 90+ minutes of cardio it's so small that it doesn't matter. I'll also ask who out there struggles with weightloss but also runs for 90 minutes while also not fueling for that before hand? That's dangerous. Also insulin is not the enemy.. this guy bothers the hell out of me. But hey he's a "Dr"... what do I know.
He is a phd not an md... but even for a phd, surprising that he wouldnt question causation in a correlation study. We don't actually know if it's not simply that people who are stressed both fidget more and have more norepineohrine release... that norepinephrine is what makes you fidget!
So basically you don’t burn body fat till you use up most of your glycogen stores?
This is not for those who struggle to walk 15 min a day to lose weight 😬
Nah. Have a good meal before. You will be able to work out with more intensity. Your muscles will thank you.
Women workout better with a little bit of food.
My man you’re almost going completely CrossFittwrs Don’t do you’re completely inaccurate. You’re taking facts and put them together with different methods I hope people don’t listen to you they will get hurt
Very long-winded way to say exercise when you're hungry
I’m a historian let me tell you how to burn fat! 🤦♂️
Guys eat before u exercise 😂 athletes eat before they excercise. Half y’all fastin and can’t lift bc you ain’t eating 😂😂
This is useless information without the actual numbers. How large is the difference between the different exercise routines? How large is the difference between fasted/non-fasted exercise? Leaving the numbers out makes me suspect that the difference is rather small, maybe even negligible.
I am sorry but "burning more" fat doesn't mean anything. 3-7%? 10-20%? 50!?! When you don't eat during exercise, you get really hungry afterwards and your body tends to convert available energy into "more fat" as an adaptation. Plus, athletic performance and adaptations suffer from fasted training...Average Joe, use a pinch of salt.
Yea yea and I heard “should you exercise while fasted” being talked about by Thomas delaurer on a video and he explained scientifically that when we exercise on an empty stomach we will actually tend to burn less calories afterward cause your body is trying to keep a. Balance thanks to homeostasis
I've been fasting and doing exercise moderately. I've lost a lot of fat. But will try to do high intensity first then moderate
This dude talked for so long and it just got more and more confusing. Just get to the fucking point.
Don't do intermittent fasting and exercise , you will burn muscle and will be more prone to injury.
Not true.
Glad you sent a homosexual aagent hes distgusting better 😮keep an better eye on me
who in the heck has 90 minutes to do continuous exercise, plus 10 minutes to get ready, 15 minutes to get to the gym, 10 minutes to shower and 15 minutes to fix my hair, and 15 minutes to get through traffic home. Is the government now gonna pay us to focus only on exercising, like they pay the migrants in NYC?
endurance athletes - people who love to to hike - my dad is 60 still rides bikes in races and has build his own business. it is all possible, comes down to your priorities and your decisions in life - not what the government will allow you to do
Eating disorder territory.
This is dangerous. Don't do long bouts of exercise in a fasted state...