@@loganwhitcomb2091 i too would like to see this along with different racial slurs, slang, and cussing words from starwars like leathernecks for ithorians and such
Eck2: Gets embarrassed dancing with a twi'lek Eckhart: humans spread across the galaxy and can breed with some non-humans Me: Can I have 1. a Twi'lek, 2. a Togruta, 3. a Chiss and 4. a Zeltron please? Also, favorite races are mentioned plus Wookies. What's the point of having a beautiful alien harem if you don't have a best friend to crack open a cold one with after fighting the Empire all day?
Actually, it might not have been that many. The transfer of pathogens between species is very rare, and aliens and the pathogens they are susceptible to would have had very different evolutionary pathways compared to us and our pathogens.
@@pranavmadala2561 I disagree. If those species can breed, surely there are sufficiently similar biological reasons (like DNA / RNA analogues) for both conception and infection. We even caught public lice from sex with gorillas.
Battlefront 2's description of humans actually references that their planet of origin is unknown, however their homeworld is widely considered to be Coruscant.
And with their high int stats and a more advanced crafting ability that seems to have no defined limit other than the human's own mastery and skill, they can create complex tools and mounts capable of augmenting their stats to immense levels to match and surpass builds that would have easily levelled them.
Almost anywhere? You must mean almost anywhere between sea level and about 3km high. Minimal accommodation? You must mean minimal accommodation beyond two to fifty liters of drinkable water per person per day, plus as much water as necessary to grow food.
@@sanjaymatsuda4504 That's only for the current build that humans can reach. Given time, they'll be able to learn the incredibly useful "Terraform" ability, which would allow them to shape their environment so that it would be a better place to set up high-tier nests in...or spec in enough points in both the "Engineering" and "Architecture" branch of their Crafting ability to unlock "Underwater Infrastructure". As for the water problem, they already have methods of converting undrinkable water to drinkable water, it's just that it isn't employed on a scale that would make the water crisis nonexistent.
Because the human race is the Mario of the Star Wars species, an All-round class. Not the strongest, not smartest, not fastest, not the oldest. But no significant disadvantages either.
I disagree. I think humanity is exceptional in a number of ways. A hardy construction, and ability to keep going even when in extreme environment makes humanity on the up and up. Add in the simple fact that humans are creative, and industrious and you have a chemical mixture set to success.
@@irontemplar6222 I agree, but its all relative. This is the case within the Star Wars universe, but perhaps in our reality, we are some where on a spectrum of intelligent species that have existed within the universe, all having varying degrees of these attributes that you mentioned. Ego tells us that we are at the top of the list, but reality tells us that we are a sample of one and have absolutely no idea of the potential intelligences out there.
@@marsbase3729no apparently its the opposite. Because 99% of the time we cant seem to create a fantasy or science fiction race without them immediately being humans, but better in most subjects, and occasionally worse than us. We fail to acknowledge our own abilities, because we think they are and would be the standard if not inferior. also your own argument can be used aginst you for all we know the rest of the galaxy is full of dumb races, and that's why we have received no contact. because they are still kicking around in the stone age. But that's the Femie paradox for you.
@@irontemplar6222 I'd argue that Umbarans are smarter than humans, but are less willing to explore and advance. Zygerians are just as smart But, they made a lot of people hate them with their slave trade. Rakatans are smart but, they made a lot of toxic decisions that made them hated throughout the galaxy and put them back into a stone age. Twileks are just as smart But, often end up being slaves. Kel Dor are smarter than most humans imo because they tend to be more collective, focused, and rational. Mon Calamari are smarter than humans, but their biology makes them less adaptable on land.
@@irontemplar6222 your strongest sith lords (before darth vader) aren't exactly human, theres nothing exceptional about them if you look into the past.
@@RebelOfTheNorm242 How freaking wild would that be tho? Let's get speculative for a second say in 2-300 years we've cracked Warp tech and can bend the fundamental laws of the universe to our benefit. How wild would it be to discover that Earth is a forgotten colony of some massive intergalactic Human Empire?
Reminds me of humans in The Witcher books. The part where the dwarf explains to Ciri that humans breed fast and are good at killing (Geralt says essentially the same a bit later)
It would make sense. Humans in real life went from muzzle loading muskets, to landing on the moon in less than 100 years. Imagine that in the Star Wars galaxy over thousands of years, access to countless worlds of resources, and elements. I read an interesting article that there could be elements out there that are inherently anti-gravity. Harnessing this element would give us lightspeed travel virtually overnight
@ChairForce sorry, you need to update your science. It has been proven somewhat recently when we detected gravitational effects from two different black holes in space.
@@DudeGuy999 Everyone came from africa originally and spread outwards. Europeans were the last ones to colonize, though the scale of it was much higher than any other previously.
@@1jidion Not mention the introduction of new alien species in the sequel trilogy that we've never seen before that hang around in the background and are barely developed lore wise.
yep, bad story writing. Same goes for Star Trek, Mass Effect (wtf is up with the unholy fetish for *hock joins* in ME) . Need not look further designs of the "Aliens" . They'll just take a human, paint it blue and there you have it Alien. Where is *Halo* has done a fantastic job. Look at the various Alien Species--with the exception of Forerunners. The Aliens are so different and inspiring. If you think deeply you can imagine that there are probably close approximations out there.
@@pastordonkoh7692 to be fair making an alien that's not using makeup and doesn't require an obscene amount of money or just plain cgi can be difficult.
@@pastordonkoh7692 to be fair about specifically the asari in mass effect I don't think they physically look like what they do as stated in some bits of lore because every race sees asari as looking like themselves even when races are radically different from human they all hauntingly perceive themselves in the asari. Spookiest of all this even continues to be the case where the power that hides the asari's true forms also applies to statues on the asari homeworld. But to be fair mass effect actually did have a good deal of diversity of appearences of species of aliens even so far as having walking jellyfish the only real painted human outliers that come to mind though is the quarians (but we don't really know their true body structure outside the suit i don't think) and the asari which may not actually look the way we perceive them.
Olivier No, you need to accept the Greater Good, as rest of human Tau Septs soon shall understand. There will be harmony and cooperation reigning through all of the galaxy.
what if humanity in real life exists all over the universe, and millions of years ago for whatever reason a colony was placed on earth with no surviving evidence of there being any other human life outside of earth
If a colony was placed on Earth we abould be able to notice it in the groups of amino acids we use. And we share tons of DNA with other species and have common ancestor species that are millions of years old
@Christine Taggart I think you misread something. A common hypothesis for abiogenesis (the origin of life from non-living chemical compounds) is that some amino acids that life uses/needs came to earth in meteorites. But if DNA came from outer space that would undoubtedly confirm the existence of alien life, albeit bacterial life. So trust me, no DNA of ours came from outer space
I think Plagueis commented as well on this in that humans are arrogant, demanding, cunning and just biologically more adaptable then other species. Favourite species? Gotta say Whiphid.
Humans are actually wildly frail, barely adaptable to our own planet without gear, preparation, etc. Held up by our intelligence and opposable thumbs. Essentially fine dexterity (ability to manipulate tools, etc) and highly developed intelligence, is why we dominate Earth. In Star Wars we’re pretty much biologically one of the weakest races.
@@krawr2187 biologically frail yes, but he mentions other species that are far less resilient and suspectible because of their own sensitive and flawed immune systems. Weak yes, but a bit more resilient then a lot of other species that exist in the SW universe.
Sergio Ruiz the Chiss are literally an example of forced evolution by the environment and our ability to just "Get Good" at living in such environments 👌
@@krawr2187 yes, individually. IMHO it's the group, the community that makes us strong. E pluribus unim: one from many. A dozen firefighters can perform miracles. You often see aliens alone and humans in clumps. Han, Chewie, Leia, and Luke hold a rather impressive set of talents that mesh well.
I always figured humans were seen as useful servants by the Rakatans given how wide a variety of environments we can inhabit. Thus humans ended up sprinkled all over the galaxy.
Probably a mix of: - birth-rate (many longer lived species have fewer children) - adaptability (humans can live almost everywhere - cold? So what, warm clothes work and they aren't reptiles who might shut down in the cold...warm? Again, wear almost no clothes and sweat to cool) - favourable planets colonized - low mortality (some other species fight each other and are likely to die young) - mindset (humans bond together to hunt and survive, while still being individualistic - unlike say the Togruta who (if raised on their homeworld) often aren't very individualistic and see the clan as more important than themselves!) Favourite species hm? - Either the Falleen or the Twi'leks :)
Possibly or my opinion is most likely because of pure coincidence combined with humans head start in technology and their history and pressure to adapt and expand and other alien species had no need to do so because courisaunts history was violent human nations or at the time the zhell must have fought each other and fought the tuang evidently the zhell won because had they lost the would be drivin offworld like the original mandalorians aka the tuang so the zhell won and possibly felt the need to survive by expanding leading to there dominance and itd probably be no different with an alien species, just like naturally humans are more adaptable, horny and so on in everything else than some species NOT ALL but some species and some other species like tugruta or sith can be more so at all those and possibly have more potential than humans its a massive universe out there and even then beyond that the multiverse think about it. Of course just all my opinion.
Humans are slow breeders and woman are susceptible to dying in child birth. Our hips narrowed and heads enlarged making it difficult to give birth compared to our mammalian relatives. Our bodies are not particularly adaptable. Sure we can wear clothes, but so can any other species. We are born and live naked with our fragile skin exposed to the elements. We overcome this with our intelligence. Your point on teamwork is valid though, we are very social creatures. Realistically, if we were looking at purely biological reasons for humans success in Star Wars, Plagues's description wouldn't be too far off. Brains, team work, and murder, that's humanity's motto.
@@Heligoland360You're downplaying alot and overreaching the rest. Humans are not slow breeders, for out size we breed incredibly fast. Also humans have pretty much evolved past mating seasons so being able to reproduce year round is a huge benefit. Yes women can still die during childbirth, except with modern medicine the rates are almost zero in developed countries because there has to be some major issues with the woman for the pregnancy to threaten her life. Yes, childbirth is harder on humans because of the large head and smaller hips, but again, with modern medicine babies just shoot out a good amount of the time, my wife never had any issues with labor all three times and neither did my sisters. Our bodies are very adaptable, that's why people in high altitudes have more hemoglobin, why blacks are better in extreme sunlight, why whites are better in colder areas, and why people who dive constantly for food and fish have developed larger lungs and better oxygen distribution so they can hold their breath a crazy amount of time. No, other animals cannot wear clothes, they'd need humans around to make the clothes. We didn't have anything but rocks and sticks when we took over the world, which happened basically overnight, and it's because of how easily we can adapt. It took elephants millions of years to evolve to the artic and it took humans like 2,000 years
@@joelbibeault1169 No we don't breed incredibly fast for our size, that's ludicrous. Gorillas are larger and reach sexual maturity twice as quickly and have shorter gestation times to boot. Blue Whales reach sexual maturity age 5. Aged 5! That's 3 generations by the time humans can get out 1. Gestation times are longer for them tho tbf. The fact that humans are comparable to whales in breeding speed makes us slow breeders. This is not to mention litter sizes, which for most animals is more than one. A dog can have more young in one year than most humans will have in their lifetime. Edit, sorry didn't read the rest because that complaint was silly. As for adaptability, you mention regional evolved differences between humans like skin tone. Those take 10s of thousands of years to evolve, not merely hundreds like in Stellaris, otherwise black Americans would be pale af by now. Yes humans adapted to vastly different environments through the use of technology such as clothing, but we are talking about physiological adaptivity as any species could use technology to adapt. I wouldn't call humans non-adaptive, as you mentioned with adaptation to elevation, tanning, and warm-bloodedness, but our lack of fur makes us completely reliant on clothing to survive any changes in temperature. Compare that to rats which cover a similar range to humans, but with no tech, or wolves which change the thickness of their coat dependent on season and climate. We're not that adaptive even compared to animals on Earth. We're especially lackluster in the Star Wars universe where you have the Mon Calamari breathing on land and underwater. We're on the lower end of mid for adaptability realistically.
@@joelbibeault1169 We are not fast breeders for our size. Gorillas are significantly larger, but have shorter gestation times and reach seuxal maturity twice as quickly. Whales reach sexual maturity aged 5. Aged 5! They have longer gestation periods than humans (10-18 months), but not that much longer. They have longer gaps between children, but shorter gaps between generations. Our breeding speed is comparable to the largest animals on Earth, that is not "very fast for our size".
I always liked the old theory that the Celestials transplanted some early humans on Earth and placed them in the Star Wars Galaxy and they eventually multiplied and spread out across the Galaxy, becoming the humans we know of in the films today.
There was another theory that was about a wormhole drive malfunction in a live test of a colony ship in the 26th century causing a ship and all it's inhabitants to be warped to the star wars galaxy. Which is another old theory now
In movies, It's very important for the heroes to have expressive and relatable faces, hence why the main characters of the entire serie are all humans.
I am reminded of how I explain heavy human populations in my tabletop games. "They are so numerous because they are the fastest-breeding sentient species known. They might as well be bipedal rabbits." Also, favorite race in Star Wars has to be the Trandoshans. Mad love for those BAMF space lizards.
@@CatoNovus I get what you mean, but I don't think 'respect' is the right word lol. As for Trando's, I don't hate the entire species or anything, just the slavers and individuals like Bossk. Besides, while trandoshans look cool, I think the Noghri are cooler. 😁
@@DraconimLt Keep in mind, I don't conflate the concepts of respect and admiration. I respect Darth Vader, but I don't like him. Also, a lot of people like to say those of us who were 10 and under when we first saw RotJ liked it because of the Ewoks and how they remind us of our teddy bears. I didn't care for my teddy, but I did have a plush gator in a polo shirt(which itself, had a stitched-on gator emblem) that I loved, so I'll admit my probable bias on that. I hated the Ewoks. Years after first seeing RotJ, I'd heard that originally the battle of the Second Death Star was going to be over Kashyyk, and felt like we got robbed.
@@CatoNovus I know what you meant by 'respect', but the definitions of respect are: 1) a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements & 2) due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. I think the word 'recognition' works better here, ie. 'worthy of recognition', no sense of a positive (or negative) bias to the term then. You can recognize any quality without approving of it, respect implies a possitive without a qualifier word. As for a battle over Kashyyyk (you missed a 'y' lol), that'd've been cool! Wookies joining the fight? Heck yeah!
Fun fact: The Chiss were basically confirmed to be a forgotten human colony that evolved in a different direction due to minerals on the planet. As best as I can remember, Chiss and Zeltrons could both have children with regular humans.
I saw a video awhile ago about how humans could’ve arrived through sleeper ships from our galaxy to the starwars galaxy by falling through a wormhole? Idk it also had something to do with humans fighting against rogue AI that had imprisoned them.. it linked with one of Lucas’ earlier films apparently idk
To be fair, Corgis have the potential to become a highly advanced race, they just realized they're better off being second fiddle to humans and are waiting until we kick the bucket.
@@steppin-razor convergent evolution would only give rise to a species that "looks" human or actually only similar to a human. Twi'liks,Zarbaks & say the Turguta would be examples of convergent evolution. So would other bi pedal species. Genetically they shouldn't even be able to breed with a human unless humans & other humanoids in Star wars have a common origin(but hey this is sci fi right...Captian Kirk probably has lil green kids accross the galaxy himself so its possible guys like Han & Lando have half human love children accross the Star Wars galaxy also) Also humans should have specieted over the 100's of thousands of years spent in vastly differnt climates with no contact to each other to the point that offspring would be nearly impossible. Humans have covered the globe but also come from a small base population that has intermingled genetically for the last 100k years our more. But back to convergent evolution. Bats & Birds are examples of convergent evolution. The Wolf & the extinct Tasmanian Wolf is another example. Whales & Sharks are another. They only look similar because they evolved in similar habitats(yeah i know im over sciencing the Star Wars universe
The Chiss have always been a fascinating faction for me, both in terms of their culture and the potential of their position in the galaxy, thankful for the Thrawn's Revenge mod for letting us be able to play with Chiss tech and influenced units. The Tradoshans as well, because Bossk is always fun to play, but I also enjoy the trope of the alien species of hunters. Would like to see a game where you play as a custom bounty hunter in Star Wars and have the option to play as a Trandoshan, but with each optional species having pros and cons.
I always found this aspect interesting. In the RPG one of my favorite characters to play as would be an alien that noticed this, and became determined to be the next great hero of the galaxy. Because of he didn't, just another human would.
Hey Ech I don't know how others feel but my favorite videos are when you sound super excited and up beat. I know it sounds stupid but when your excited I feel excited and it makes the videos more intriguing. Thanks Gaege A.
@@Trolasso_Gazpachero Well but it is questionable, should we some time in the far far future, form a planetary and later on galactic government, that the 300+ languages we got on Earth would all survive. There would be a common tongue, depending on how politics evolve this will be either English or Chinese, but probably English, since it's already established (or a mix of the two?) and then maybe some other few dialects and languages ascending from languages with a large number of speakers like the Romanistic languages and Germanic and Slavic Languages, with maybe some nowadays disctinct languages like Spanish and Italian mixing and forming a unified new language. I doubt that small distinct languages with only a few hundred or a only few thousand speakers are going to survive, they'll probably go extinct and become dead languages like Latin, with historians learning them so they can understand, from their point of view, ancient texts.
" I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?" Twi'leks are my favorite
Well it hasn't been ruined by Hollywood's political agenda yet. Not from a lack of trying though on the part of GW though. Of course we could have other franchises. Twilight Imperium has an interesting tech and Humans are plentiful but not dominant.
There is this unfinished book that was supposed to come out before episode 1 that was supposed to tie all of Lucas’s films together and explain how humans got from Earth to Coracant via accidental time travel through a black hole because they were fleeing the world of X-23 or what ever the name of that movie was called
im glad someone addressed this issue, from reading the expanded universe it seemed weird that humans were dominate. the reason given is what i suspected tho.
The covenant wouldn't last five minutes in the starwars universe. Their weapons are crude plasma weapons. There's a gas in the starwars universe that dissipates plasma bolts. Their main weapon would be useless, their capitol ships would be at a major disadvantage in the starwars universe, AND the master chief is less capable than an average Jedi knight. Force users would wreck any covenant force with relative ease.
@@azarishere6442 That's a tough one. There's some species who would be immune to the flood, but more than likely the flood would take over the majority of the universe.
@@azarishere6442 But also, maybe not. I'm not super well versed on the flood, so I may be wrong about this but they can only advance as far as the best technology that surrounded them, which if true would put them at a pretty big disadvantage. Not the least bit the amount of personal armour that exists within starwars, not to mention personal shields. It's a fight that could go a lot of ways.
The Humanoid form is biologically superior. Not the human race in particular though. We're squishy little things with an uncanny ability to have an ego that eclipses stars...
@Bernie M no its literally. Biologically superior form for intelligence. The being must be bipedal so that its eyes can observe its surroundings and contemplate rather than stare at the ground. Leaving its arms free to manipulate tools and objects. Forward facing eyes to distinguish depth and for hunting as to give the required nutrients for brain growth.
Is Palatine xenophobic though? Seems to me that as a Sith (and a rather clever fellow) he would be more of a meritocrat (albeit a consciously evil variant of meritocrat).
Was just thinking about this yesterday. I’d like to see a Bith or something in a main role in Star Wars. A Darth Tenebrous movie would be awesome. And that Darth Plagueis book was awesome!
Yesss! I agree! It would be SO great to see an alien be a protagonist in a film! It'd be a leap in creativity and bravery for the creators which we just haven't seen yet!
Yeah it's be sick to have a movie about a Bith Sith. I think that one problem, though, is that people only associate Bith with the cantina band, rather than actual characters. I think that the first alien protagonist in a movie should be a species that would be more widely recognized outside of one scene, like maybe a Mon Calamari, or maybe take species that are seen more in the shows, like a Togruta, Twi'lek, or Lasat.
I think the idea of humans chosen by the force as something like a universal wildfire They propagate everywhere, and always cause trouble. Some times they do horrible shit (the empire, the clone wars, etc etc) but other times they do very good things too (Luke Skywalker was a human after all) They bring life to the galaxy the same way a wildfire revitalizes a forest and gets rid of dead dried up trees.
Favorite species, besides humans because I am one (last time I checked anyway) would probably be Wookies. They have the capability to expand much further than they have but choose not to and their lifestyle hides how technologically advanced they actually are.
9:30 As an avid 40k fan, and always some degree of xenophobe in Stellaris, I have to say: Human. Yes I know I can play non xenophobe, and no, I dont want to.
Exactly only reason I keep any xenos alive is because i need to build my army to crush them later. Then I make em work to the bone untill their species is extinct.
Not to mention, the Pius Dea period of the Republic probably helped a lot since it was incredibly human-centric and led multiple crusades against other species.
Seeing all of the comments here detesting the foul xenos here really makes my day. The reason humanity rules the stars is because it is our destiny, just as it is the destiny of the xeno to pave our way.
That type of prejudice would surely doom humanity if/when we approached other advanced civilizations. They would see us as a virus and wipe us out, especially if they have any allies.
storm trooper star wars: well its complicated as to why humans are the dominant species ~ ten minute explanation. what about your galaxy storm trooper 40k: XENOCIDE BRUDDAAAAAAH!
Eternal Emperor Valkorion had the Rakata not been cannibals with shortsighted goals they coulda easily outranked humans as superior species. Hell, had they also not enslaved every race they came across, their Infinite Empire might have never fell... It's truly a terrifying thought about how powerful the Infinite Empire would have been after another 25,000 years of dominant while cooperating with other races instead of eating or beating 💀
Khải Hoàng they’re physically larger and were more intelligent then humans at the time due to having a lot of education from the Kwa so I’m not sure about that they were disgusting creatures but they definitely were superior to humans in their prime if they weren’t they wouldn’t have overpowered us and enslaved us
It never ceases to amaze me how much external, fan-made canon has been extrapolated from just 9 little movies. Even more so when you realize that the vast majority of it came from only the first 6 movies.
@@thehumanoddity their look is actually a benefit cuz now the homies can see the emotional spectrums of people and survive in cold ass environments like Alaska with a T-shirt on and say "It's a cool day alright. Let me go get my workout shorts." 🤣
My favorite Star Wars species in Legends are the Amarans, perhaps unsurprising given my username. The Amarans are a diminutive vulpinoid species, resembling bipedal red foxes and standing a little taller than an Ewok on average. They're known for being gregarious and habitual hagglers; they also have a propensity for taming non-sentient species. Sadly, the Amarans haven't appeared in Canon yet, but one can always hope!
When I saw the video title I knew you would bring up that excerpt. I had to pause the book when listening to it because that was such a crazy info dump
@@volka2199 i've always thought the galactic republic or was it the empire?? had a fascist feeling to it kind of with aryans (humans) being the one true race
Some huge fleet action over at EcksToo! th-cam.com/video/yZDWW8SZ6W4/w-d-xo.html
Please like and sub, helps me grow the channel!
Could u make a video on the different ways aliens were persecuted under the empire, or something like which aliens were more prosperous then others.
@@loganwhitcomb2091 i too would like to see this along with different racial slurs, slang, and cussing words from starwars like leathernecks for ithorians and such
Eclipse vs Knight hammer
My favorite Legends species are the Yinchorri, Trandoshans, Chiss, and Kel Dor. Favorite canon species are Chiss, Kel Dor, and Umbarans.
Eck2: Gets embarrassed dancing with a twi'lek
Eckhart: humans spread across the galaxy and can breed with some non-humans
Me: Can I have 1. a Twi'lek, 2. a Togruta, 3. a Chiss and 4. a Zeltron please?
Also, favorite races are mentioned plus Wookies. What's the point of having a beautiful alien harem if you don't have a best friend to crack open a cold one with after fighting the Empire all day?
The amount of interspecies stds must have been truly staggering
Prob create a super std whipe out mass of people 😂
First person to get space aids
Actually, it might not have been that many. The transfer of pathogens between species is very rare, and aliens and the pathogens they are susceptible to would have had very different evolutionary pathways compared to us and our pathogens.
@@pranavmadala2561 I disagree. If those species can breed, surely there are sufficiently similar biological reasons (like DNA / RNA analogues) for both conception and infection. We even caught public lice from sex with gorillas.
@@rajasmasala I just assumed humans were banging aliens around the galaxy and not making babys.
Aliens: let us focus our species to be the best at what we do.
hazy Humans are Space Orcs
@@Bluesonofman WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
THE FORCE: Wich sun?
Humans: ...ALL OF THEM
This was an excellent book.
The Force: I like your style, kid.
Battlefront 2's description of humans actually references that their planet of origin is unknown, however their homeworld is widely considered to be Coruscant.
So we just sort of showed up and started taking shit?
Well that’s certainly sounds like us
It's because we can't keep it in our pants.
Hey There is Thing
i Have Three Questions
Can i Eat it?
Can i Saftey Eat it?
Is it Moving?
but first i stick my dick in it
Pants? Don’t you mean planets?
i'm a failure at school and i suffer i dont have any friend does that makes me an expandable or a waste human more than others
@@radiumuppet and also that.
jh 64 nope
Humans are generalists, able to live almost anywhere with minimal accommodation. The perfect build for mass expansion.
And with their high int stats and a more advanced crafting ability that seems to have no defined limit other than the human's own mastery and skill, they can create complex tools and mounts capable of augmenting their stats to immense levels to match and surpass builds that would have easily levelled them.
Alpha Wygerion someone’s been watching tier zoo haven’t they
@@justsomeguy1014 Indeed.
Almost anywhere? You must mean almost anywhere between sea level and about 3km high. Minimal accommodation? You must mean minimal accommodation beyond two to fifty liters of drinkable water per person per day, plus as much water as necessary to grow food.
@@sanjaymatsuda4504 That's only for the current build that humans can reach. Given time, they'll be able to learn the incredibly useful "Terraform" ability, which would allow them to shape their environment so that it would be a better place to set up high-tier nests in...or spec in enough points in both the "Engineering" and "Architecture" branch of their Crafting ability to unlock "Underwater Infrastructure". As for the water problem, they already have methods of converting undrinkable water to drinkable water, it's just that it isn't employed on a scale that would make the water crisis nonexistent.
Imagine all the fetishes in star wars that people developed.
Imagine all the fetishes Star Wars has created.
Me:*being force choked*
Harder daddy
Sith: what
Me: what
@@MoonGuardian866 There's a Dorkly episode about that. 🤣 "Darth Vader is too good at Force Choking"
Like Lando and his pansexualism?
Because the human race is the Mario of the Star Wars species, an All-round class. Not the strongest, not smartest, not fastest, not the oldest. But no significant disadvantages either.
I disagree. I think humanity is exceptional in a number of ways. A hardy construction, and ability to keep going even when in extreme environment makes humanity on the up and up. Add in the simple fact that humans are creative, and industrious and you have a chemical mixture set to success.
@@irontemplar6222 I agree, but its all relative. This is the case within the Star Wars universe, but perhaps in our reality, we are some where on a spectrum of intelligent species that have existed within the universe, all having varying degrees of these attributes that you mentioned.
Ego tells us that we are at the top of the list, but reality tells us that we are a sample of one and have absolutely no idea of the potential intelligences out there.
@@marsbase3729no apparently its the opposite. Because 99% of the time we cant seem to create a fantasy or science fiction race without them immediately being humans, but better in most subjects, and occasionally worse than us. We fail to acknowledge our own abilities, because we think they are and would be the standard if not inferior.
also your own argument can be used aginst you for all we know the rest of the galaxy is full of dumb races, and that's why we have received no contact. because they are still kicking around in the stone age. But that's the Femie paradox for you.
@@irontemplar6222 I'd argue that Umbarans are smarter than humans, but are less willing to explore and advance. Zygerians are just as smart But, they made a lot of people hate them with their slave trade. Rakatans are smart but, they made a lot of toxic decisions that made them hated throughout the galaxy and put them back into a stone age.
Twileks are just as smart But, often end up being slaves. Kel Dor are smarter than most humans imo because they tend to be more collective, focused, and rational. Mon Calamari are smarter than humans, but their biology makes them less adaptable on land.
@@irontemplar6222 your strongest sith lords (before darth vader) aren't exactly human, theres nothing exceptional about them if you look into the past.
* human writes story *
Wow. There’s a lot of humans in this story. 😮
It's not like we live with another equal species even the other creatures looks like animal/insect hybrids
n ziom what? Insects are animals
You must be philosopher🤭🤯
It reflects certain problems today....
Star Wars happened "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away". Maybe we're descended from the humans of Coruscant.
Hmm, yes, the fruit of a long forgotten voyage to the unknown.
Harry Sachz that theory has been debunked
So is earth beyond the unknown regions then
@@pogmonke5217 Not sure you can "debunk" the imaginary.
Rievaulx you can
"Lets see dem aliens, where are their leaders?!"
Lord Vader: "yo."
Vader was human himself
Matthew J Canty-Barnes Master Chief “I need a weapon.”
“The Emperor sends his regards”
Dante, Lord Regent of Imperium Nhilous, and Chapter Master of the Blood Angels
@@RebelOfTheNorm242 How freaking wild would that be tho? Let's get speculative for a second say in 2-300 years we've cracked Warp tech and can bend the fundamental laws of the universe to our benefit. How wild would it be to discover that Earth is a forgotten colony of some massive intergalactic Human Empire?
@@stephennelson4954 well,then we assimilate....cause resistance would be futile lmao
Easy: we are the horniest.
Open BoBs
I mean with relatively short life spans and a high infant mortality rate. Fix the latter and you end up with a species that can multiply like rabbits
Would be funny if that’s true IRL. Might be why aliens seem to be so fascinated with our genitals.
It would be if raising kids where cheap and easy...
and life is cheap
Because in our first contact like the old saying goes: "If there's a hole, there's a way."
If there's a hole, we have to thrust our instincts
Oh no...
@@noneofurbusiness906 Oh yes
@@noneofurbusiness906 OwO
muhahahaha, thx for that laugh
Reminds me of humans in The Witcher books. The part where the dwarf explains to Ciri that humans breed fast and are good at killing (Geralt says essentially the same a bit later)
@LagiNaLangAko23 so much for originality in fiction) (JK)
@cade clark Exactly!
@cade clark Why? History has shown that, that happens from time to time.
@@jh-ij4by sweet dude
He also says humans adapter to magic better
I wish I could post that meme of Obama putting a medal on himself in the comments section.
Hey you stole my irl name
Be gone
Verified channels should be able to post pics in the comments
It would make sense. Humans in real life went from muzzle loading muskets, to landing on the moon in less than 100 years. Imagine that in the Star Wars galaxy over thousands of years, access to countless worlds of resources, and elements. I read an interesting article that there could be elements out there that are inherently anti-gravity. Harnessing this element would give us lightspeed travel virtually overnight
Now that you mention it it does make sense for something like that to happen
@ChairForce it was proven recently that gravity is a wave. Mass does not “have” gravity
@ChairForce sorry, you need to update your science. It has been proven somewhat recently when we detected gravitational effects from two different black holes in space.
@ChairForce whatever dude, no need to get all upset, you don’t have to believe me. I could hardly believe it the first time I read it myself.
@ChairForce Where did you guys learn all of this science? It sounds really interesting. I just wish the conversation was much more civil.
Because if theres one thing we learned from history its humans love colonization
I think you mean the anglos/Saxons
@@DudeGuy999 no, he does not.
momentum nope, all humans.
@@NamelessKing1597 true
@@DudeGuy999 Everyone came from africa originally and spread outwards. Europeans were the last ones to colonize, though the scale of it was much higher than any other previously.
My favorites are Twi'lek and Togruta, for....reasons.
DutchDread same lol
Togruta 💛
Togruta 💙
I'd smash! 😁
Sometimes it feels like the Disney films forget that there are aliens in Star Wars.
they did, i noticed a strange lack of aliens in the disney trilogy
@@1jidion Not mention the introduction of new alien species in the sequel trilogy that we've never seen before that hang around in the background and are barely developed lore wise.
I'm genuinely blanking on any new alien characters beside the one small orange woman in force awakens
@@noname-do5wo yeah and the-
Well there was also-
Actually no I can't name anymore.
@@justnoah2073 there was the oversized banana slug who was fixing a panel by staring at it.
because CGI, puppets, animatronics, and makeup is expensive.
Aliens in fiction: just give it a different forehead
Blaine R. Boob jobs are expensive but people still keep that business going financially 😋
Especially back in 1977
Uh huh
God I hate answers like this. No shit. But everyone is here for a lore-friendly explanation.
Because humanity has more plot armor than other races.
U lazy bitch
yep, bad story writing. Same goes for Star Trek, Mass Effect (wtf is up with the unholy fetish for *hock joins* in ME) . Need not look further designs of the "Aliens" . They'll just take a human, paint it blue and there you have it Alien. Where is *Halo* has done a fantastic job. Look at the various Alien Species--with the exception of Forerunners. The Aliens are so different and inspiring. If you think deeply you can imagine that there are probably close approximations out there.
@@pastordonkoh7692 to be fair making an alien that's not using makeup and doesn't require an obscene amount of money or just plain cgi can be difficult.
@@pastordonkoh7692 to be fair about specifically the asari in mass effect I don't think they physically look like what they do as stated in some bits of lore because every race sees asari as looking like themselves even when races are radically different from human they all hauntingly perceive themselves in the asari. Spookiest of all this even continues to be the case where the power that hides the asari's true forms also applies to statues on the asari homeworld.
But to be fair mass effect actually did have a good deal of diversity of appearences of species of aliens even so far as having walking jellyfish the only real painted human outliers that come to mind though is the quarians (but we don't really know their true body structure outside the suit i don't think) and the asari which may not actually look the way we perceive them.
LMAO I'm not surprised that one of the contributing factors is that we can, do, & WANT to bone as many aliens as possible. Hilarious
Subverse, ever heard of that before?
Clap damn alien cheeks
We have gigantic books about doing the reproductor act without actually reproducing
Because it's humanity's manifest destiny to rule the stars. The rest of them are foul xenos
I thought that was obvious...
Many fools don't understand this yet. Some even wish to cooperate with those freaks
All the xenos will perish beneath our threads. As the chaos gods wish it.
I mean I love golden papa.
@@johndanes2294 It's Slaaneshmas.
That's a lot of WH40k references right there.
Olivier No, you need to accept the Greater Good, as rest of human Tau Septs soon shall understand. There will be harmony and cooperation reigning through all of the galaxy.
We breed like rabbits.
Function in packs like wolves.
Defend ourselves with the ferocity of a Honey Badger.
And build our planets like with the efficiency of beavers
Humans are Space Orcs
Thats a good one
Im imagining the power puff girls intro while reading that
what if humanity in real life exists all over the universe, and millions of years ago for whatever reason a colony was placed on earth with no surviving evidence of there being any other human life outside of earth
I like this theory
If a colony was placed on Earth we abould be able to notice it in the groups of amino acids we use. And we share tons of DNA with other species and have common ancestor species that are millions of years old
Because we have conclusive proof that we evolved from earlier life forms
@Christine Taggart Well if an ancient text says it it must be true. Who would lie in an ancient text?
@Christine Taggart I think you misread something. A common hypothesis for abiogenesis (the origin of life from non-living chemical compounds) is that some amino acids that life uses/needs came to earth in meteorites. But if DNA came from outer space that would undoubtedly confirm the existence of alien life, albeit bacterial life. So trust me, no DNA of ours came from outer space
I think Plagueis commented as well on this in that humans are arrogant, demanding, cunning and just biologically more adaptable then other species. Favourite species? Gotta say Whiphid.
Humans are actually wildly frail, barely adaptable to our own planet without gear, preparation, etc. Held up by our intelligence and opposable thumbs. Essentially fine dexterity (ability to manipulate tools, etc) and highly developed intelligence, is why we dominate Earth. In Star Wars we’re pretty much biologically one of the weakest races.
@@krawr2187 biologically frail yes, but he mentions other species that are far less resilient and suspectible because of their own sensitive and flawed immune systems. Weak yes, but a bit more resilient then a lot of other species that exist in the SW universe.
Sergio Ruiz the Chiss are literally an example of forced evolution by the environment and our ability to just "Get Good" at living in such environments 👌
That's true especially if you look at humans on other video games.
@@krawr2187 yes, individually. IMHO it's the group, the community that makes us strong. E pluribus unim: one from many. A dozen firefighters can perform miracles.
You often see aliens alone and humans in clumps. Han, Chewie, Leia, and Luke hold a rather impressive set of talents that mesh well.
Why are Humans so dominant? BECAUSE THE GOD EMPEROR WILLS IT!
Exterminatus is the best way of controlling xeno's population !
Strike from the skies brothers!
Praise you blessed Lord LoverDuck. You are truly a paragon of humanity and the Imperium of Man.
Wrong universe
@@ManMan-ko7ll naw man. RIGHT UNIVERSE. 40K is always RIGHT!
I always figured humans were seen as useful servants by the Rakatans given how wide a variety of environments we can inhabit.
Thus humans ended up sprinkled all over the galaxy.
Because humans don't need to spend 4 hours on makeup.
well half of us anyway.
Yeah it all comes down to budget. Itd be insane if every character was a unique species and you almost never saw humans
@@ubivermiscerritulus195 There's a reason that Han Solo ended up being human, and not a weird green frog man like George Lucas originally wanted.
You don't know my wife
Probably a mix of:
- birth-rate (many longer lived species have fewer children)
- adaptability (humans can live almost everywhere - cold? So what, warm clothes work and they aren't reptiles who might shut down in the cold...warm? Again, wear almost no clothes and sweat to cool)
- favourable planets colonized
- low mortality (some other species fight each other and are likely to die young)
- mindset (humans bond together to hunt and survive, while still being individualistic - unlike say the Togruta who (if raised on their homeworld) often aren't very individualistic and see the clan as more important than themselves!)
Favourite species hm? - Either the Falleen or the Twi'leks :)
Possibly or my opinion is most likely because of pure coincidence combined with humans head start in technology and their history and pressure to adapt and expand and other alien species had no need to do so because courisaunts history was violent human nations or at the time the zhell must have fought each other and fought the tuang evidently the zhell won because had they lost the would be drivin offworld like the original mandalorians aka the tuang so the zhell won and possibly felt the need to survive by expanding leading to there dominance and itd probably be no different with an alien species, just like naturally humans are more adaptable, horny and so on in everything else than some species NOT ALL but some species and some other species like tugruta or sith can be more so at all those and possibly have more potential than humans its a massive universe out there and even then beyond that the multiverse think about it.
Of course just all my opinion.
Humans are slow breeders and woman are susceptible to dying in child birth. Our hips narrowed and heads enlarged making it difficult to give birth compared to our mammalian relatives.
Our bodies are not particularly adaptable. Sure we can wear clothes, but so can any other species. We are born and live naked with our fragile skin exposed to the elements. We overcome this with our intelligence.
Your point on teamwork is valid though, we are very social creatures.
Realistically, if we were looking at purely biological reasons for humans success in Star Wars, Plagues's description wouldn't be too far off.
Brains, team work, and murder, that's humanity's motto.
@@Heligoland360You're downplaying alot and overreaching the rest. Humans are not slow breeders, for out size we breed incredibly fast. Also humans have pretty much evolved past mating seasons so being able to reproduce year round is a huge benefit. Yes women can still die during childbirth, except with modern medicine the rates are almost zero in developed countries because there has to be some major issues with the woman for the pregnancy to threaten her life. Yes, childbirth is harder on humans because of the large head and smaller hips, but again, with modern medicine babies just shoot out a good amount of the time, my wife never had any issues with labor all three times and neither did my sisters. Our bodies are very adaptable, that's why people in high altitudes have more hemoglobin, why blacks are better in extreme sunlight, why whites are better in colder areas, and why people who dive constantly for food and fish have developed larger lungs and better oxygen distribution so they can hold their breath a crazy amount of time. No, other animals cannot wear clothes, they'd need humans around to make the clothes. We didn't have anything but rocks and sticks when we took over the world, which happened basically overnight, and it's because of how easily we can adapt. It took elephants millions of years to evolve to the artic and it took humans like 2,000 years
@@joelbibeault1169 No we don't breed incredibly fast for our size, that's ludicrous. Gorillas are larger and reach sexual maturity twice as quickly and have shorter gestation times to boot.
Blue Whales reach sexual maturity age 5. Aged 5! That's 3 generations by the time humans can get out 1. Gestation times are longer for them tho tbf.
The fact that humans are comparable to whales in breeding speed makes us slow breeders. This is not to mention litter sizes, which for most animals is more than one. A dog can have more young in one year than most humans will have in their lifetime.
Edit, sorry didn't read the rest because that complaint was silly.
As for adaptability, you mention regional evolved differences between humans like skin tone. Those take 10s of thousands of years to evolve, not merely hundreds like in Stellaris, otherwise black Americans would be pale af by now.
Yes humans adapted to vastly different environments through the use of technology such as clothing, but we are talking about physiological adaptivity as any species could use technology to adapt.
I wouldn't call humans non-adaptive, as you mentioned with adaptation to elevation, tanning, and warm-bloodedness, but our lack of fur makes us completely reliant on clothing to survive any changes in temperature. Compare that to rats which cover a similar range to humans, but with no tech, or wolves which change the thickness of their coat dependent on season and climate.
We're not that adaptive even compared to animals on Earth. We're especially lackluster in the Star Wars universe where you have the Mon Calamari breathing on land and underwater. We're on the lower end of mid for adaptability realistically.
@@joelbibeault1169 We are not fast breeders for our size. Gorillas are significantly larger, but have shorter gestation times and reach seuxal maturity twice as quickly.
Whales reach sexual maturity aged 5. Aged 5! They have longer gestation periods than humans (10-18 months), but not that much longer. They have longer gaps between children, but shorter gaps between generations. Our breeding speed is comparable to the largest animals on Earth, that is not "very fast for our size".
I always liked the old theory that the Celestials transplanted some early humans on Earth and placed them in the Star Wars Galaxy and they eventually multiplied and spread out across the Galaxy, becoming the humans we know of in the films today.
Is that old theory now? It still exists in swg but as myth now
There was another theory that was about a wormhole drive malfunction in a live test of a colony ship in the 26th century causing a ship and all it's inhabitants to be warped to the star wars galaxy. Which is another old theory now
40k Lore (real)
In movies, It's very important for the heroes to have expressive and relatable faces, hence why the main characters of the entire serie are all humans.
Yeah, like jar jar and chewbacca
@@chungosbruhthe1st jar jar is a comic relief and Chewbacca is solo's sidekick. Not main characters
I am reminded of how I explain heavy human populations in my tabletop games. "They are so numerous because they are the fastest-breeding sentient species known. They might as well be bipedal rabbits."
Also, favorite race in Star Wars has to be the Trandoshans. Mad love for those BAMF space lizards.
But what about the attacks on the Wookies?!
@@DraconimLt Disregarding any morality, any species that can fight and/or hunt Wookiees is worthy of respect.
@@CatoNovus I get what you mean, but I don't think 'respect' is the right word lol. As for Trando's, I don't hate the entire species or anything, just the slavers and individuals like Bossk. Besides, while trandoshans look cool, I think the Noghri are cooler. 😁
@@DraconimLt Keep in mind, I don't conflate the concepts of respect and admiration. I respect Darth Vader, but I don't like him.
Also, a lot of people like to say those of us who were 10 and under when we first saw RotJ liked it because of the Ewoks and how they remind us of our teddy bears. I didn't care for my teddy, but I did have a plush gator in a polo shirt(which itself, had a stitched-on gator emblem) that I loved, so I'll admit my probable bias on that.
I hated the Ewoks. Years after first seeing RotJ, I'd heard that originally the battle of the Second Death Star was going to be over Kashyyk, and felt like we got robbed.
@@CatoNovus I know what you meant by 'respect', but the definitions of respect are:
1) a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements & 2) due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
I think the word 'recognition' works better here, ie. 'worthy of recognition', no sense of a positive (or negative) bias to the term then. You can recognize any quality without approving of it, respect implies a possitive without a qualifier word.
As for a battle over Kashyyyk (you missed a 'y' lol), that'd've been cool! Wookies joining the fight? Heck yeah!
Fun fact: The Chiss were basically confirmed to be a forgotten human colony that evolved in a different direction due to minerals on the planet. As best as I can remember, Chiss and Zeltrons could both have children with regular humans.
well you see... the galaxy...its *Takes deep breath*
*Its Free real Estate*
Damn bro I'm laughing so hard right now 😐
@@Water90435 your sarcasm hasn't gone unnoticed but it seems at least 200 people disagree with you.
@Andy Gygi 😑 that's even worse
@@Water90435 from my point of view YOU ARE UNFUNNY
Humanity First! Purge the xeno scum and lease them their own lands!
Budget, for the most part.
I saw a video awhile ago about how humans could’ve arrived through sleeper ships from our galaxy to the starwars galaxy by falling through a wormhole? Idk it also had something to do with humans fighting against rogue AI that had imprisoned them.. it linked with one of Lucas’ earlier films apparently idk
Yeah I guess that book was never finished so it's not cannon. Oh well
I agree, Humans are really easy to costume, proof is: I cosplay as one everyday ;)
Hey that was my cosplay
Humans are Space Orc
hey u copy me- i mean nice drip dude for dressing as a human
Ecks bias is showing, as a corgi he isn't willing to acknowledge humanity's excellence.
To be fair, Corgis have the potential to become a highly advanced race, they just realized they're better off being second fiddle to humans and are waiting until we kick the bucket.
Sayvion Washington *Literally every domesticated animal*
Think that's a shiba inu but ok
Doge is totally a Shiba Inu
Question remains if they didn't come from Earth are they really human
They would say the same thing about us.
Star Wars is actually a fictional universe
@@matthewtuckman4447 that's why he said would.
Convergent evolution?
@@steppin-razor convergent evolution would only give rise to a species that "looks" human or actually only similar to a human. Twi'liks,Zarbaks & say the Turguta would be examples of convergent evolution. So would other bi pedal species. Genetically they shouldn't even be able to breed with a human unless humans & other humanoids in Star wars have a common origin(but hey this is sci fi right...Captian Kirk probably has lil green kids accross the galaxy himself so its possible guys like Han & Lando have half human love children accross the Star Wars galaxy also) Also humans should have specieted over the 100's of thousands of years spent in vastly differnt climates with no contact to each other to the point that offspring would be nearly impossible. Humans have covered the globe but also come from a small base population that has intermingled genetically for the last 100k years our more. But back to convergent evolution. Bats & Birds are examples of convergent evolution. The Wolf & the extinct Tasmanian Wolf is another example. Whales & Sharks are another. They only look similar because they evolved in similar habitats(yeah i know im over sciencing the Star Wars universe
Cuz we have the best moustaches in the galaxy!
Nahhh. I think Dex would disagree with you.
Omikron, I see you your Dex and raise you a Tom Selleck, Steve Harvey and a Friedrich Nietzsche. 😉
The British: "My true successor"
Michael Or: A Worthy Opponent, Our Battle Will he Legendary!
@@odd-ysseusdoesstuff6347 What's with the random capitalizations, lmao.
Technically "predecessor".
The Chiss have always been a fascinating faction for me, both in terms of their culture and the potential of their position in the galaxy, thankful for the Thrawn's Revenge mod for letting us be able to play with Chiss tech and influenced units.
The Tradoshans as well, because Bossk is always fun to play, but I also enjoy the trope of the alien species of hunters. Would like to see a game where you play as a custom bounty hunter in Star Wars and have the option to play as a Trandoshan, but with each optional species having pros and cons.
I always found this aspect interesting. In the RPG one of my favorite characters to play as would be an alien that noticed this, and became determined to be the next great hero of the galaxy. Because of he didn't, just another human would.
Hey Ech I don't know how others feel but my favorite videos are when you sound super excited and up beat. I know it sounds stupid but when your excited I feel excited and it makes the videos more intriguing. Thanks Gaege A.
Naked Monkeys: *Exists*
Plagues: “Why aren’t you at the top?!”
Did you say colonialism?
*Rule Britannia intensifies*
Time to go on a Crusade
britannia rules the spacewaves
is this a code geass reference?
@@ce8354 *Hyperlanes
2:37 a.m
*My brain: I don't need sleep! I need answers!*
Cumin: Spice of Life, as they say.
@@samjones4635 "I'M A THROWBACK!"
I am the senate
@@jonathanhamilton8751 not yet.
Generation Tech would love this video. Humanity first!✊
I don't know that. He look like he has a bias for the xeno-scums(sorry for the pleonasm)
I just can't watch generation tech... Its Alan's voice. Can't bear it. Sorry
@@alexandrub8786 ? I mean he hates dolphins, can’t get much better then that
I mean the almost the entirety of the galaxy can speak english so i guess the british have colonized it
Just cause hollywood is englishspeaking.
Or you see a lot of mix in any part of the commonwealth, or maybe any natives or mix in united states? Ha!
@@Trolasso_Gazpachero Well but it is questionable, should we some time in the far far future, form a planetary and later on galactic government, that the 300+ languages we got on Earth would all survive.
There would be a common tongue, depending on how politics evolve this will be either English or Chinese, but probably English, since it's already established (or a mix of the two?) and then maybe some other few dialects and languages ascending from languages with a large number of speakers like the Romanistic languages and Germanic and Slavic Languages, with maybe some nowadays disctinct languages like Spanish and Italian mixing and forming a unified new language.
I doubt that small distinct languages with only a few hundred or a only few thousand speakers are going to survive, they'll probably go extinct and become dead languages like Latin, with historians learning them so they can understand, from their point of view, ancient texts.
@@MagiconIce obviously bro, I can't argue that
Häh, ich dachte die Galaxie spricht deutsch.
The sun will never set on the British empire
" I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?"
Twi'leks are my favorite
I would disagree.
more like absolute domination and destruction of everything that is not humans.
suffer not the xenos to live.
Yes, inquisitor. This Slaaneshi cultist right here.
Yeah glory to the emperor and all that, but the Twi’leks are kinda cute though...
Well it is because we have this thing called Generation Tech who bravely fought there way through the alien scum
they founded Cerberus
@D the great dolphin wars were the most brutal wars 8n human history... we didnt win either
Suffer not the Alien
Darth Plagueis TLDR: *Humans see something neat* Ooo, what's that?
It of course would be us to steal something from a more advanced species.
He who controls Coruscant controls the galaxy.
'In the grim darkness of TH-cam comments Warhammer 40K fans dominate'
Well it hasn't been ruined by Hollywood's political agenda yet. Not from a lack of trying though on the part of GW though.
Of course we could have other franchises. Twilight Imperium has an interesting tech and Humans are plentiful but not dominant.
Yes my friend...FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!
@@Marinealver what? Can you elaborate?
@@Marinealver lol "politcal agenda" who believes this nonsense
Please make another video about humans cross breeding in Star Wars. I never heard about this before!
Encountered it in The Clone Wars for the first time, too. No mentions in KOTOR I/II or SWTOR...
I approve this request.
Humanity Forever. We are the beginning, and the end...
Especially "the end"...
There is this unfinished book that was supposed to come out before episode 1 that was supposed to tie all of Lucas’s films together and explain how humans got from Earth to Coracant via accidental time travel through a black hole because they were fleeing the world of X-23 or what ever the name of that movie was called
Because they have the high ground.
because we do not have enough aliens on earth to star in star wars.
Yup, Area 51's capacities are not that high
Aliens are not interested to colonize earth
im glad someone addressed this issue, from reading the expanded universe it seemed weird that humans were dominate. the reason given is what i suspected tho.
Why did I get a Spanish Colgate ad for this video?
MercenarySnail I got an Australian Subaru commercial a while back. I think TH-cam had a stroke and hasn’t recovered
Because no one expects *the Spanish inquisition*
9 de cada 10 dentistas lo recomiendan. ¡¡Blanquea los dientes en 3 semanas!!
Pablo prefiero crest
I prefer crest
Also Crest vs Colgate
@@pablitozgz fucking hell. I hate that ad. And I speak spanish
My favourite species in Star Wars: Probably the Togruta
I love the Kel For species personally
Clapping alien cheeks good job. Leave it to humans to ask “I wonder if I can mate with this alien”
if I should fuck it, or kill it, or in that order.
i hope Rex can mate with Ahsoka and make a baby jedi the jedi are exctinct
@@jh-ij4by *B O N K* go to horny jail
@@Daniel-wy2kx plz no
Every human gansta
Until they made first contact with the Covenant
Or forerunners
The covenant wouldn't last five minutes in the starwars universe. Their weapons are crude plasma weapons. There's a gas in the starwars universe that dissipates plasma bolts. Their main weapon would be useless, their capitol ships would be at a major disadvantage in the starwars universe, AND the master chief is less capable than an average Jedi knight. Force users would wreck any covenant force with relative ease.
@@aaronself2411 flood
@@azarishere6442 That's a tough one. There's some species who would be immune to the flood, but more than likely the flood would take over the majority of the universe.
@@azarishere6442 But also, maybe not. I'm not super well versed on the flood, so I may be wrong about this but they can only advance as far as the best technology that surrounded them, which if true would put them at a pretty big disadvantage. Not the least bit the amount of personal armour that exists within starwars, not to mention personal shields. It's a fight that could go a lot of ways.
We are Human, it's our destiny to rule the stars to rule them all.
Nah, it's our destiny to create an Orion Belt Federation from the former Convenent races, and start exploring galaxies.
It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself!
Wow. Mindlessly spreading like a virus. What a fulfillment of our potential....
@@AV57 it’s a meme/joke
Destiny doesn't exist and we'll be turned to dust like everything in the universe
I mean it’s not just humans, it seems like a ton of species are extremely humanoid.
The Humanoid form is biologically superior. Not the human race in particular though. We're squishy little things with an uncanny ability to have an ego that eclipses stars...
@Bernie M no its literally. Biologically superior form for intelligence. The being must be bipedal so that its eyes can observe its surroundings and contemplate rather than stare at the ground. Leaving its arms free to manipulate tools and objects. Forward facing eyes to distinguish depth and for hunting as to give the required nutrients for brain growth.
@@BB-ce5ev Dolphins and Ants disagree
@@apenasmaisumdiogo.7115 ants never have been on the Moon
I don't know about ants, but Dolphins certainly did before us, How do you think they escaped the Vogon invasion?
Humans have the best civilization so ALIENS flock to human world and ruin them. BUILD THAT SPACE WALL Emperor Palpatine .
#Crooked Palpy can’t control the illegal XENOS. Sad!
The Emperor Protects
And make the xenos pay for it
Is Palatine xenophobic though? Seems to me that as a Sith (and a rather clever fellow) he would be more of a meritocrat (albeit a consciously evil variant of meritocrat).
In real life, we are located Mid Rim at most, specifically in the Orion spur.
In Milky Way, yes. But that Galaxy is supposed to be far, far away...
@@KUBAABRA i wwish they did explain an origin relating to our universe though
Because they could travel without moving and they produced the Muad'Dib, the Kwisatz Haderach!
Wait... What universe is this again?
The humans control the spice, and he who controls the spice controls the universe.
Was just thinking about this yesterday. I’d like to see a Bith or something in a main role in Star Wars. A Darth Tenebrous movie would be awesome.
And that Darth Plagueis book was awesome!
Yesss! I agree! It would be SO great to see an alien be a protagonist in a film! It'd be a leap in creativity and bravery for the creators which we just haven't seen yet!
Yeah it's be sick to have a movie about a Bith Sith. I think that one problem, though, is that people only associate Bith with the cantina band, rather than actual characters. I think that the first alien protagonist in a movie should be a species that would be more widely recognized outside of one scene, like maybe a Mon Calamari, or maybe take species that are seen more in the shows, like a Togruta, Twi'lek, or Lasat.
I think the idea of humans chosen by the force as something like a universal wildfire
They propagate everywhere, and always cause trouble. Some times they do horrible shit (the empire, the clone wars, etc etc) but other times they do very good things too (Luke Skywalker was a human after all)
They bring life to the galaxy the same way a wildfire revitalizes a forest and gets rid of dead dried up trees.
Because we are the most curious creatures
Yeah it's cooked how humans are
because it is our manifest destiny
valarauka we’re running out of destiny to manifest
@@EthanThomson come to the dark side, we have cookies
@@valarauka6611 from dark empty space to shining empty space.
Isnt that expanding?
“Why dose humanity dominate”
My brain: because we be thicc though
Also my brain: but why, why do you think of such accursed literature
Favorite species are the Trandoshans and Wookiees. They’re both incredibly cool and the shared history make me like them more.
Humans - the SW Galaxy's invasive species :D
Saberian Dream where did this come from. Sounds like something The Joker would say honestly 👀
Humans are Space Orcs
@Aesthetic Decision Those are even worse. Advocating for the wholesale genocide of farm animals.
@Aesthetic Decision Vegans. What do you think will happen to lets say cattle when meat and milk get banned? (Mind you Im being slightly sarcastic.)
As opposite to real life humans who aren't an invasive specie?
Short answer? We have short lives, breed like rabbits, and have a seemingly unending appetite to explore and colonize as far as possible.
And we’re aided a tad bit by our human writers human bias
Favorite species, besides humans because I am one (last time I checked anyway) would probably be Wookies. They have the capability to expand much further than they have but choose not to and their lifestyle hides how technologically advanced they actually are.
9:30 As an avid 40k fan, and always some degree of xenophobe in Stellaris, I have to say: Human. Yes I know I can play non xenophobe, and no, I dont want to.
Diamond The Wise wow wait are you me
Exactly only reason I keep any xenos alive is because i need to build my army to crush them later. Then I make em work to the bone untill their species is extinct.
Wise words
@@Jebu911 usually eat the xenos then replace them with droids
There is a reason why 40k attracts a lot of incels
Not to mention, the Pius Dea period of the Republic probably helped a lot since it was incredibly human-centric and led multiple crusades against other species.
Seeing all of the comments here detesting the foul xenos here really makes my day. The reason humanity rules the stars is because it is our destiny, just as it is the destiny of the xeno to pave our way.
we are going to the stars - oh looks like there is others here - lets kill them all.
death to all aliens, Humanity first
That type of prejudice would surely doom humanity if/when we approached other advanced civilizations. They would see us as a virus and wipe us out, especially if they have any allies.
@@AV57 Not if we wipe them out first
Just wanna point out, there's a planet close to the deep core called N'zoth. Star Wars prophesied World of Warcraft confirm.
Finally a video using the Darth Plagueis book for reference. My favorite of the novels
Answer: Humans made the movies.
This comment has 66 likes I can’t ruin it.
@@Drheims I almost did lol, but I turned it back to 66
@@duffmicduff7559 Aw man someone else liked
Nothing holding me back now!
0:22 "do you think RoS could recanonize the Star Forge"
"If one falls, ten more will take his place!"
storm trooper star wars: well its complicated as to why humans are the dominant species ~ ten minute explanation. what about your galaxy
storm trooper 40k: XENOCIDE BRUDDAAAAAAH!
Purge the unclean! Ave Imperator!
If the rakata did not have the plague they may of took the place of humans in the galaxy
1. But they had the plague
2. Humanity first
Eternal Emperor Valkorion had the Rakata not been cannibals with shortsighted goals they coulda easily outranked humans as superior species. Hell, had they also not enslaved every race they came across, their Infinite Empire might have never fell...
It's truly a terrifying thought about how powerful the Infinite Empire would have been after another 25,000 years of dominant while cooperating with other races instead of eating or beating 💀
BlackShogun 27 I agree
No they won't, because they're not humans, they're xenos, and they're unclean.
Khải Hoàng they’re physically larger and were more intelligent then humans at the time due to having a lot of education from the Kwa so I’m not sure about that they were disgusting creatures but they definitely were superior to humans in their prime if they weren’t they wouldn’t have overpowered us and enslaved us
It never ceases to amaze me how much external, fan-made canon has been extrapolated from just 9 little movies. Even more so when you realize that the vast majority of it came from only the first 6 movies.
Twi'leks, Zabraks, and Chiss are my favorite species.
Chiss are just physically deformed humans.
@@saberiandream316 wtf
@@thehumanoddity their look is actually a benefit cuz now the homies can see the emotional spectrums of people and survive in cold ass environments like Alaska with a T-shirt on and say "It's a cool day alright. Let me go get my workout shorts."
Legends: Original Mandalorian
Canon: Twi'leks
Just a question, from where are the scenes of 8:34 and 9:32?
1:01 So what you are saying, is that Humans can knock up Twileks?
they can, even they can have children .
@@danielchavez919 don’t even think about it, or I’ll get someone to purge you
My favorite Star Wars species in Legends are the Amarans, perhaps unsurprising given my username. The Amarans are a diminutive vulpinoid species, resembling bipedal red foxes and standing a little taller than an Ewok on average. They're known for being gregarious and habitual hagglers; they also have a propensity for taming non-sentient species.
Sadly, the Amarans haven't appeared in Canon yet, but one can always hope!
WOW has created a fox race called Vulpera, you might like them
Nobody wants your space furries
Gotta admit. Ur outro never gets old lol.
That intro song is a favorite lately.
HOME - Resonance
Because the Emperor PROTECTS!
When I saw the video title I knew you would bring up that excerpt. I had to pause the book when listening to it because that was such a crazy info dump
*Humans are the übermenschen in Star Wars.*
The... what??
@@thalmoragent9344 the megaultrasuperduperhumans oder auch übermenschens
@JC Yep similar concept
The coming race, huh?
@@volka2199 i've always thought the galactic republic or was it the empire?? had a fascist feeling to it kind of with aryans (humans) being the one true race