Jim Hagemann Snabe: Dreams and details for a decarbonized future | TED Countdown

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 38

  • @SCRT
    @SCRT 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, and may your dreams come true, stay safe and have a wonde‎rful day. ❤️

    • @apexpredator1018
      @apexpredator1018 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Who is "god" SPECIFICALLY? What is "bless" PRECISELY?

  • @BBMM388
    @BBMM388 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The world needs more people like you 👏👏👏👏

  • @RobinTurner
    @RobinTurner ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To think I would live to see the day when a shipping magnate says "The argument around affordability is just a bad excuse for not making the right decisions and investments." It's surprising and heartening to have people like this on board, so to speak.

  • @ferhatdemir1423
    @ferhatdemir1423 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Save our planet.

  • @hoppynaki
    @hoppynaki 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I find it disturbing that dozens of new homes are being built in my city, yet hardly a solar panel in site.

  • @TennesseeJed
    @TennesseeJed 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hope it ain't too late.

  • @jhunt5578
    @jhunt5578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The only way this would work is if governments around the world start pricing in extranalities. It shouldn't be free to dump GHGs into the atmosphere like an open sewer.

  • @chandnijoshi4527
    @chandnijoshi4527 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    enjoyed this a lot, gave me hope

  • @mustafakemalpasha983
    @mustafakemalpasha983 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I met Jim in person. He has a really open heart, he approaches people with a big smile and you feel that he is an awesome leader. I hope Jim will also sign good projects for our environment and inspire young people. Praying for you bro.
    ( Greetings from Turkey )

  • @loue6563
    @loue6563 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I am all for technology solutions and whatever we can do to change the damage we have done. But we keep seeming to forgot that our whole food system must change to really make a difference. We can still feed the world and even ship food to other places but the methods used have to change. We loose millions of tons of topsoil every year from plowing fields. No matter how many chemicals you put on the land it will not be able to grow food in just a few decades. We must switch to a regenerative system. Just being organic is not enough. Put animals back on pasture. Stop feeding them modified corn and other grains they don’t need or even process right. Not to mention how much healthier it would be for people consuming them. And we would not be plowing up all the millions of acres to grow the corn to feed them. Most of the corn grown is not as food for people it is to feed cows in feed lots that stand in feet of there own waste. That makes them sick makes our water shed sick. And us sick. Even the grains that are grown for direct food has been so changed it is not good for us. Even our vegetables are full of harmful bacteria and cause horrible outbreaks of ecolli. And other harmful even deadly disease. If we really want things to change our food system must change.

    • @Dan_Cattell_Art
      @Dan_Cattell_Art 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not only is "organic" not enough, it is pseudoscience doing harm.

    • @jhunt5578
      @jhunt5578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The regenerative ag thing is bogus. You can restore soils without farm animals by using cover crops, green manures and nitrogen fixing plants. Go and read the actual scientific literature and you will see they support plant based diets in order to help the environment. The IPCC themselves even state that a Vegan diet is the best scalable diet for the planet.

    • @loue6563
      @loue6563 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jhunt5578 having animals as part of nature is not a bad thing. If you want to be vegan great but don’t press your views on others. And an all vegan diet is not good for everyone. I have colitis and tried going vegan it made everything worse. Even Palio was not good for me at first. I had to go nearly all carnivore before it started to get better. I can now add in veggies and fruit which I love. But it is a slow process. I do think for most people a more plant based diet it optimal. But no one system is great for everyone. And if you eat vegan so not to harm animals then don’t buy commercial grown plants thousands of animals are killed in the process. One organic farmer if avocados said he has kill thousands of ground squirrels to stop them from destroying his trees. Not to mention all the other animals that are killed in fields from machinery. And as far as the science goes I have seen many studies that prove having animals as part of the regenerative system is a much more holistic approach.

    • @jhunt5578
      @jhunt5578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@loue6563 I never said having animals as part of nature was a bad thing.
      Dude you just "pressed your views" on pseudoscience regen animal ag, we are all free to voice our own opinions, not that I "pressed" anything I simply stated what the authority on climate change the IPCC said, that Vegan diets are best for the environment.
      The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, the World Health Organisation, the NHS, Mayo Clinic, Clevland Clinic, the dietetics associations of Britain, of Canada & Australia all state: Vegan diets are healthy for all ages and lower risk of heart disease and T2 diabetes. This is the science. Your anecdotes simply aren't good evidence. Gastroenterologists seem to stress the need for adequate fibre in the diet.
      I'm a Vegan not a pacifist, I'm not even a pacifist towards humans. Humans die in car crashes and home invasions, animals die by getting hit by machines and being killed as pests... none of these deaths are ideal or desirable and we should work to minimise them, however I see no deontological moral problem. Veganic farming and vertical farming can dramatically reduce animal deaths in plant farming in future. Regardless even if you look at it consequentially far less animals die in plant ag compared to animal ag even if you compare it to grass fed beef. The amount of plant food you get per hectare is monumentally larger compared to high welfare meat. The Davis rebuttal concludes "to obtain the 20 kilograms of protein per year recommended for adults, a vegan would kill 0.3 wild animals
      annually, a lacto-vegetarian would kill 0.39 wild animals, while a welfare
      omnivore diet would kill 1.5 wild animals" (tbf if someone ate a diet of all plants except hunted game that would result in fewer deaths than a Vegan diet and arguably be better for the environment too, however such a diet cannot be scaled to a large population and is deontologically indefensible);
      Again the IPCC say Vegan is best as does the Joseph Poore Oxford study. Plus you can do regen ag without methane emiting cows.
      "Green Manure aka mulch had higher contents of organic matter and numbers of microfauna than
      fertilised soils, and were more enriched in P, K, Ca and Mg in topsoils and nitrate N, Ca and Mg in
      subsoils. Manured soils also had lower bulk density and higher porosity, hydraulic conductivity
      and aggregate stability, relative to fertilised soils. There was no significant difference
      (P < 0.05) between fertilisers and manures in their long-term effects on crop production."
      "Cover crops are usually leguminous to improve soil health by guaranteeing permanent soil
      cover, adding organic matter to soil and fixing atmospheric nitrogen. *These help reverse soil
      (I can't put extranal links to these sources because TH-cam blocks stuff now.)

    • @mr.c2485
      @mr.c2485 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Your ideas are admirable and have merit, but , they’re not cost effective.

  • @samdeaconart3772
    @samdeaconart3772 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This gives me some hope, exciting direction to take it in! Its nothing new but just the idea of green demand fueling innovation and industrial ramp-up... if its taken up like this guy suggests then its a clear path to ditching the fossil fuels!

  • @canalsentir
    @canalsentir 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi from Mexico! Excellent vid as always from this TED Talks series! Yes that is a great polluter right now for sure, the global shipping industry! ..(also the airline industry). Excellent new techology discussed in this video! thank you! We also are putting out a series of how people can directly get involved and help fight the environmental problems/global warming. We make mostly highly creative vids and some documentaries.

  • @aarononeal9830
    @aarononeal9830 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ted needs to talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants tress the

  • @NathalieLazo
    @NathalieLazo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Incredible person who is reading this. Want to let you know that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. Blessings upon blessings come to you daily. Everything you need it’s on its way to you! Be ready to receive! You are healthy. You are strong. You are capable. True wealth is coming for you. You are blessed beyond measure. You are loved so much by many. Receive this TRUTH! Bless you always with everything great you deserve. You are greatness!

  • @StudioSkiesAndWater
    @StudioSkiesAndWater 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ...and we need everyone to stop eating animal products cause that is straight up bad for the environment, our health and is unethical. If you get your food from groceries, choose plants; it helps so much...

  • @TheUnkBoogie
    @TheUnkBoogie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sucks to be a carbon based human being these days.

    • @fionafiona1146
      @fionafiona1146 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why? human life could be carbon neutral and have been for 150 thousand years of our history as a species.

  • @raymondburns288
    @raymondburns288 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The religion of 'climate' has lost its collective mind