If it was a good car it wouldn't need a KNOCK SENSOR! By the time the knock sensor indicates that there's a problem it's too late... So why even discuss it!? It's not just for premature combustion it's for when the bottom of the engine where the crank is is failing. Kia and Hyundai have knock sensors on their engines. It's not to worry about premature combustion it's to let you know the engines going to die soon...
This information is very useful, thanks a lot
You have come up with new topic; you have presented clearly.
Thank you!
You are consistent and the content are fundamentals for those who drive vehicles
Thank you!
I could catch some differences between for the differences; thanks for the dedication in producing the video
thank you
I appreciate your effort in sharing this video; it is helpful who live with cars
It is clearly presented; I have clearly understood what does what knock sensor is?
Good content; keep it up
Thanks, will do!
Great video
Thank for sharing the video
thank you!
Good video; it is demonstrative
Thank you!
If it was a good car it wouldn't need a KNOCK SENSOR! By the time the knock sensor indicates that there's a problem it's too late... So why even discuss it!? It's not just for premature combustion it's for when the bottom of the engine where the crank is is failing. Kia and Hyundai have knock sensors on their engines. It's not to worry about premature combustion it's to let you know the engines going to die soon...