Woah! Your conclusion was the opposite of what I was thinking. I liked the sound of the blue and subject A more. The lower range was more present and defined to my ears. Also the plucking on the first track. I re-watched the video a few times now. Everything sounds so much better, clear, and defined on the blue.
I currently have the 2m Blue and was considering switching to the MP-150 based on recommendations. Fortunately I didn't, the differences are negligible after listening to the wav file. Both are very close to each other for me. But I liked the Ortofon a little better. It sounded a little finer, more open and airier to me. But that may also be because I have the 2m Blue and am used to it. In addition, the Nagaoka M-150 currently costs 379€, in germany. I paid 165€ for the 2MBlue, so a price difference of 214€. So definitely the 2m Blue!
Had to switch to IEMs to be able to tell them apart - using my Sennheiser PX100 I could only distinguish a difference in the tracking test. I have the Blue and won't be upgrading/changing any time soon, there's so many other things in life one can spend money on... Thanks very much for doing these elaborate comparisons and reviews!
I'm there where you're at...I also have an ATX5E that came on my SL-23 back in 1976. I have been using an upgraded BLISS™Nude Hyperelliptical stylus; this cartridge is also very close in performance to the 2M Blue.
I've seen the other videos like this. I own an Ortofon 2M blue, so I might be a little prejudiced, but the recommended capacitance loading of the Nagaoka is 150 to 200 picafarads, while the Ortofon Blue's recommended capacitance is 150 to 300 picafarads, and you are probably hearing the difference between the two, rather than something intrinsic to either cartridge. In other words, if you like the Nagaoka better it is only because it is a better match with its phono preamp. And the Nagaoka has gone up in price since this review, while the Ortofon Blue has not. The Ortofon is "faster", as well.
I agree with the poster's assessment. They are extremely close. I have the 2M Blue and was considering the MP-150 but not after this video. I literally couldn't tell the difference, barring the tone test. I have been using the Blue for a while and it performs VERY well with IGD. Nothing to complain about whatsoever.
This makes me think of Steve Gutternburg's suggestion: don't purchase something similiar with a little difference, instead, either upgrade to next level, or purchase something totally different.
Great video and thanks for taking the time to do the test. This from a 2M Red and 2M Blue and MP150 guy... there's no really comparison...sorry in advance, this might disappoint a few (recently upgraded to the Bronze) and put the Nagaoka against the 2M Bronze and the MP150 beat the Bronze hands down.
Love your videos! As I type this (Nov, 2020): Ortofon Blue = $299 Cdn Nagaoka 150 = $489 Cdn A better comparison for someone in the Nagi's price range would be the Nagaoka 150 and the Ortofon Bronze, which is just $10 more.
Surprisingly close! I was thinking of getting the Nagaoka but the Ortofon is much cheaper here in Bulgaria. In fact Nagaoka is not sold here at all, the best ebay price with delivery from Japan is about 50% higher than the 2M Blue price from a local supplier. So the Ortofon seams a better deal overall. Are there any other interesting competitors in this price range? The new Audio Technica VM95 series seem interesting having a microline and shibata styli not breaking the bank. It would be great to see them compared to Ortofon and Nagaoka. :)
This is useful. The 3 kHz tone alone tells the story. The Nagaoka is a nice pure tone. The Ortofon has over tones due to distortion. Very high distortion to be that audible. Measurements would be better, but this is far better than the talk talk talk reviews that are useless. Thanks for posting!
I got pretty much the same results as you. The second track felt more engaging and bouncy, but the rest was very similar to me. Could not choose one on the A and B test either.
Interestingly when I put your wav samples on Adobe Audion and Audacity to do some analysis on the amplitude and frequency spectrum. The MP-150 has higher gain (amplitude), but the 2MBlue has more linear in frequency response . Both of these factors in gain or linearity are not very significant for me at all. The gain on MP-150 is for example the value of average RMS Amplitude is L= -22.73Db; R=-23.02Db while the 2M Blue L= -22.19Db; R=-22.07Db (Also based on these numbers, the channel balance of the 2M Blue is smaller(better - 0.12 Db) than the MP-150(0.29 Db). Nagaoka and Ortofon both listed max 1.5Db at 1KHz and this is within the spec even though the wav file is not a 1KHz test tone ). Humans ears can only detect loudness (amplitude) in magnitude of 3Db, therefore this gain for the MP150 is insignificant. For frequency let say 1K to 4K (easiest audible spectrum for humans) , the MP-150 has amplitude from -30Db to - 45Db while the 2M Blue is -30Db to -42.5Db, not very significant either. But the channel separation of the 2M Blue is almost exactly 1Db better than the MP-150. I analysed 1 sample of the wave file for each song (thus 2 total). For me, I would pick the 2M blue because the MP-150 higher price doesn't justify for the differences in which I believe undetectable for humans or at least for me :-). Btw, very good comparison and hopefully you would put a wav file for download on each comparison in the future :-)
Just listening to TH-cam through my old AKG headphones I can't hear a difference on the basis of the music examples. However the tracking comparison was clearly obvious. Videos like these are very helpful, thanks! 👍
Wow, thanks. The were so similar to my ears... until the tracking test. I will definitely consider the Nagaoka MP-150 when thinking about upgrading to the Ortofon 2M Blue. Again, thanks!
The 1st loop is consistantly louder then the 2nd ( measured this multiple times ) that clearly prevents an objective conclusion without level matching - which I did and to my ears the 2nd repeat sounds consistantly better
This one was hard to choose. They both sounded fairly similar, and I couldn’t tell the difference in the blind test. Perhaps a different type of song or two: one to make it hard to discern and another that makes them jump out as different, like a jazz tune with some air in between notes. The A/B song was just too jumbled with both to notice enough difference. Great video, though. Thanks for the comparison!
Great comparison. I preferred the Blue. It was clearer without being over bright. By comparison the MP sounded muffled and dull. If the Blue is properly aligned it tracks fine.
These were very close. I’d call it a draw. The Nagaoka sounded ever so slightly more sibilant and splashy in the listening test, but destroys the Ortofon in the tracking test.
The Nagaoka has the tiniest bit better articulation. Bass also just a tad punchier. Both are clean, the blue has just a bit leaner tonal balance. Both are comparable in quality and the differences are small and likely to go unnoticed . I still give the nod to the MP150. Also so cartridges can sound quite different with different phono stages because of loading differences. Excellent test.
I can't detect a meaningful difference in the Fogerty A-B. In the blind test, I prefer the Blue, but the Nag seems to have a hair more 300-550k. But there are so many variables once this gets to us, god knows what we are distinguishing.
Weird, i was thinking i preferred the NAG over the Ort until the blind test when i preferred subj A for its better bass... theres little diff in the sound and the rest of ones system would dictate which is better. Tbh neither of them track igd well enough - which i cant stand - so im going either 2M black LVB or NAG MP500.
Well,in germany the MP-150 is way more expensive than the 2M Blue. The Blue is around 200€ while the MP-150 is at least 300€. That shifts the perspective a bit on the price/quality ratio. Also the 2M Blue does better on a lighter arm,like for example on a vintage Dual. But better than both on a Dual arm is the AT ML440MLb. Which is around 220€. So.... Well,all mentioned cartridges are good ones. But to realy work to their best abilities,it needs some thought and probably a bit of fiddling with load capacity and impedance.
Same problem here. I can get an Ortofon 2m Blue locally in Australia for $280 to $300 no shipping costs. The only way to get a Nagaoka MP-150 is via ebay really for me, and that is a minimum of $370 AUD plus $37 tax! It's a real shame Nagaokas have gone up in price so much as the Ortofon 2m sounds great on my turntable but jumps if you walk anywhere near the turntable, where my Nagaoka MP-110 doesn't jump at all, but I need the extra detail the 2m blue gives over the MP110. Can't go back to the lack of detail and openness in treble that the MP110 suffers.
I have to agree, the Nagaoka is just overpriced and far away from the Value the Blue delivers. I have both, the Nag on a Linn Basik arm and the Blue on a Dual Golden 1. I find myself reverting back to the Dual and decided to swop the Blue onto the Linn arm, WOW, meaty and crystal clear. Also, personally I find the Nagaoka design really cheap - looks like a piece of chewing gum stuck on your arm, but that´s just me.
In my opinion the lower Nagaoka models were good value some years ago. And they aquired a reputation as such back then at a time when retro-hifi just grew out of its tiny niche and became a faction of the mainstream market. Although this reputation was not mainly the merit of those cartridges,but rather the disappearance of competitive products like for example the Denon DL-160 and a whole range of back than still available NOS cartridges from ADC,AT,Empire,Shure,Pickering,Stanton Ortofon etc.. That was roughly a decade ago,since then cartridge prices are constantly rising and meanwhile have doubled or even tripled while the overall available number of models in the affordabe (!) class have shrunk considerably. I mean in most cases it comes meanwhile down to choose a cartridge from Audio Technica,Grado,Nagaoka,Goldring or Ortofon.
@@viktor4860 100% agree with you. I do have a Nagaoka MP110 and my much cheaper Goldring E3 is way better with more clear details, better microdynamics and very fast bass response.
I guess i would need to upgrade to mp200 to get a Big diff in sound. I have 2m blue Good advice Being content and making the most of what I have is more longterm Than getting the better cartridge because it makes you want to upgrade thst too. Chasing that invidible dragon instead of realizing life is already complete.
I noticed that the cartridge lines (the red, blue, grn, and blk ones) coming from the back of the cartridge into the headshell and into the tonearm are different to each other in your respective set-ups. The 2M Blue's are thinner whereas the MP-150's are thicker, due to this, I believe that this may have hindered the accuracy. Might I suggest you do this comparison again with the exact same headshell set-up. I say this coming from personal experience, as I'm not being nit picky or biased in your conclusion, b/c I switched out those wires with a Japanese brand of hi end wires, it did make a big difference in clarity and sound.
Wonderful, complete demonstrations. and exact test for measurements of the Nagaoka MP-150 versus, and a comparison to the Ortofon 2M Blue MM Cartridge. However, I'd choose the MP-150 Moving Permalloy Cartridge; it has a Cantilever that is hardened tapered aluminum alloy, thus giving it a slight edge. Stylus is nude elliptical. Furthermore, the Nagaoka MP-150 has a special magnet - that's Permalloy, so that it has a bit of an advantage. From what the theory is; but also from plenty of reviews. There is the Nagaoka brochure that explains, and illustrate the design, and engineering of the cartridge body. Therefore, this specially designed permalloy magnet offers an advantage of playing back a record almost as good as a low to medium priced Moving Coil Cartridge!🔉🎵🎶
Is it just the youtube app or is there never any difference in sound for all these comparison videos. I even tried using skull candy crusher headphones.
Price has Jacked up on Nagaoka cartridges all out of proportion. In Canada where I live the MP150 lists for over $500! Hardly a bargain anymore. I don't know if the price hikes come from the source or we have greedy importers in Canada but at their current prices there is too much tough competition.
The 2M Blue has a clicky sound that really pierces my eardrum, I don't know which peak (or valley) in it's EQ curve causes this, but I know that on prolonged listening sessions this would drive me absolutely mad!
Thank you for the comparison. I very much like that you play the same piece on each cartridge. Would it be possible to extend the pieces. I think that would make it easier to judge the difference. Actually I wouldn't mind if you played the same complete track on each cartridge. If you then added some timestamps for different places on the track in your text people could just click back and forth between the two
Use Nagaokas since long time due to there neutral tonalety. As higher the range as less the output voltage (MP110 5,5 mV / MP150 4,5 mV, MP200 4mV) . Ortofon use higher output voltages (2M Blue 5,5 mV) ....more meat! Secondary, Nagaoka is a Moving Iron System which means lower moved mass as the Ortofon Moving Magnet. Overall therfore (in my expirience/observation) Nagaoka has a finer and more layed back appearence, which doesen´d mean that combined with any TT or Pre it will have the same result.
I thought the MP150 sounds much less congested when the track got busy. The voices seemed slightly more natural to my ears. That said, they are very close.
The 150 has more bass where the Blue seems more neutral. I correctly figured out the A/B on my first listen because I could hear the bass being more present on the B track. To me the Blue sounds better, but I didn't understand the tracking test. The MP150 is now $315 vs the 2M Blue which is $236 (both amazon). That's a big price difference now :( I just ordered my first real TT a Technics SL1200MK5 in mint condition, and I'm considering the MP-100/110 or 2M Blue.
i like the blue but they our both good,,, once you get to a certain level its more about different flavors and not about whats better,,,, its more like apples and oranges
I have the MP-150, but couldn't really hear much difference in the music tracks. There was big difference in the tracking test as the MP-150 won hands down.
Long term listening will reveal differences that instant A-B tests don't. That's because we don't have 100% discernment on brief listens. Sometimes when the differences are obvious and we can pick them out quickly. Other times it takes longer to latch on to the sonic signature. It's why some stereo systems sound impressive on first listen but can fatigue over the long run, and others sound great the longer you listen. On this test the Nagaoka sounds better the longer you listen. The Ortofon, not so much.
Definitely preferred the MP-150 especially on tracks 2 & 3; clearer, more open sounding, preferred the tonal balance; 2M Blue sounds a touch more rushed and has a sort of fake excitement to my ears. Aced the blind test immediately. However, MP-150 is 30% more expensive in the UK, where I am.
I'd have to give it up to the Nagaoka. They performed better than the 2M Blue on that tracking test. Not quite as good as the MP-110 in your torture test, but close enough for me. I was going to go with the 2M Blue for my new turntable when I got it because it was in stock and I could put it on right away, but I can wait the extra week and get the Nagaoka instead.
I've passed the blind test ) Nagaoka produces more dynamic and clear sound. Comparing Ortofon to different cartridges of a same price range, I ALWAYS wonder why does it exist? It's rough, a bit blatant... I would personally never purchase any of Ortofon, because there are always better or cheaper alternatives.
It really does not matter comparing the differing statistics relating to both cartridges because at the price point it's all subjective! In other words some will prefer one against the other! Me, I have the ortofon blue and find it quite superb with plenty of detail! It's pointless continually chasing the hi-fi dragon because you will never catch it!!!
The Nagaoka Mp 150 has a much better ability to react to the transient (start/stop of the sound). Besides it has a thicker sound body and gives very more beautiful mids.
Вертак и тонарм одинаков в обоих случаях, но ортофон высокоподатливый картридж, а нагаока низкоподатливый. Судя по тому что вертак японский, тонарм тяжелый, а значит нагаока находится в выгодных условиях
Even the Nagaoka MP-110 is better than the 2M Blue. That's pretty sad because the MP-110 is much cheaper than the 2M Blue. Nagaoka has far better sound quality and is far more superior to other brands that are much more expensive!!
How can anyone possibly dislike these videos? This guy does ridiculously good comparisons, who could do better?
Woah! Your conclusion was the opposite of what I was thinking. I liked the sound of the blue and subject A more. The lower range was more present and defined to my ears. Also the plucking on the first track. I re-watched the video a few times now. Everything sounds so much better, clear, and defined on the blue.
the same thing happens to me, I just sold a turntable with a blue cartridge and I regret it, I already bought another blue cartridge again
I have the 2M Blue on the Fluance RT-85 and it is just beautiful. No complains on my end.
I currently have the 2m Blue and was considering switching to the MP-150 based on recommendations. Fortunately I didn't, the differences are negligible after listening to the wav file.
Both are very close to each other for me. But I liked the Ortofon a little better. It sounded a little finer, more open and airier to me. But that may also be because I have the 2m Blue and am used to it. In addition, the Nagaoka M-150 currently costs 379€, in germany. I paid 165€ for the 2MBlue, so a price difference of 214€. So definitely the 2m Blue!
Had to switch to IEMs to be able to tell them apart - using my Sennheiser PX100 I could only distinguish a difference in the tracking test.
I have the Blue and won't be upgrading/changing any time soon, there's so many other things in life one can spend money on...
Thanks very much for doing these elaborate comparisons and reviews!
I'm there where you're at...I also have an ATX5E that came on my SL-23 back in 1976. I have been using an upgraded BLISS™Nude Hyperelliptical stylus; this cartridge is also very close in performance to the 2M Blue.
I liked blue better. Clearer in every aspect.
Ortofon seems to have the bass range sligtly more present.
Thanks, very useful video.
I've seen the other videos like this. I own an Ortofon 2M blue, so I might be a little prejudiced, but the recommended capacitance loading of the Nagaoka is 150 to 200 picafarads, while the Ortofon Blue's recommended capacitance is 150 to 300 picafarads, and you are probably hearing the difference between the two, rather than something intrinsic to either cartridge. In other words, if you like the Nagaoka better it is only because it is a better match with its phono preamp. And the Nagaoka has gone up in price since this review, while the Ortofon Blue has not. The Ortofon is "faster", as well.
I agree with the poster's assessment. They are extremely close. I have the 2M Blue and was considering the MP-150 but not after this video. I literally couldn't tell the difference, barring the tone test. I have been using the Blue for a while and it performs VERY well with IGD. Nothing to complain about whatsoever.
This makes me think of Steve Gutternburg's suggestion: don't purchase something similiar with a little difference, instead, either upgrade to next level, or purchase something totally different.
Great video and thanks for taking the time to do the test. This from a 2M Red and 2M Blue and MP150 guy... there's no really comparison...sorry in advance, this might disappoint a few (recently upgraded to the Bronze) and put the Nagaoka against the 2M Bronze and the MP150 beat the Bronze hands down.
Thanks for doing all these! These types of videos on TH-cam are always so helpful!
Love your videos!
As I type this (Nov, 2020):
Ortofon Blue = $299 Cdn
Nagaoka 150 = $489 Cdn
A better comparison for someone in the Nagi's price range would be the Nagaoka 150 and the Ortofon Bronze, which is just $10 more.
Surprisingly close! I was thinking of getting the Nagaoka but the Ortofon is much cheaper here in Bulgaria. In fact Nagaoka is not sold here at all, the best ebay price with delivery from Japan is about 50% higher than the 2M Blue price from a local supplier. So the Ortofon seams a better deal overall. Are there any other interesting competitors in this price range? The new Audio Technica VM95 series seem interesting having a microline and shibata styli not breaking the bank. It would be great to see them compared to Ortofon and Nagaoka. :)
This is useful. The 3 kHz tone alone tells the story. The Nagaoka is a nice pure tone. The Ortofon has over tones due to distortion. Very high distortion to be that audible. Measurements would be better, but this is far better than the talk talk talk reviews that are useless. Thanks for posting!
Definitely more instrument separation and dynamics with the 150, but not a massive difference.
I got pretty much the same results as you. The second track felt more engaging and bouncy, but the rest was very similar to me. Could not choose one on the A and B test either.
Short, precise, unambiguous. Thanks.
Interestingly when I put your wav samples on Adobe Audion and Audacity to do some analysis on the amplitude and frequency spectrum. The MP-150 has higher gain (amplitude), but the 2MBlue has more linear in frequency response . Both of these factors in gain or linearity are not very significant for me at all. The gain on MP-150 is for example the value of average RMS Amplitude is L= -22.73Db; R=-23.02Db while the 2M Blue L= -22.19Db; R=-22.07Db (Also based on these numbers, the channel balance of the 2M Blue is smaller(better - 0.12 Db) than the MP-150(0.29 Db). Nagaoka and Ortofon both listed max 1.5Db at 1KHz and this is within the spec even though the wav file is not a 1KHz test tone ). Humans ears can only detect loudness (amplitude) in magnitude of 3Db, therefore this gain for the MP150 is insignificant. For frequency let say 1K to 4K (easiest audible spectrum for humans) , the MP-150 has amplitude from -30Db to - 45Db while the 2M Blue is -30Db to -42.5Db, not very significant either. But the channel separation of the 2M Blue is almost exactly 1Db better than the MP-150. I analysed 1 sample of the wave file for each song (thus 2 total). For me, I would pick the 2M blue because the MP-150 higher price doesn't justify for the differences in which I believe undetectable for humans or at least for me :-). Btw, very good comparison and hopefully you would put a wav file for download on each comparison in the future :-)
Just listening to TH-cam through my old AKG headphones I can't hear a difference on the basis of the music examples. However the tracking comparison was clearly obvious.
Videos like these are very helpful, thanks! 👍
Wow, thanks. The were so similar to my ears... until the tracking test. I will definitely consider the Nagaoka MP-150 when thinking about upgrading to the Ortofon 2M Blue. Again, thanks!
The 1st loop is consistantly louder then the 2nd ( measured this multiple times ) that clearly prevents an objective conclusion without level matching - which I did and to my ears the 2nd repeat sounds consistantly better
Great comparison! I would probably choose the 2m blue over the MP-150
To me they are both the same! However I love your reviews! Keep up the excellent work!
This one was hard to choose. They both sounded fairly similar, and I couldn’t tell the difference in the blind test. Perhaps a different type of song or two: one to make it hard to discern and another that makes them jump out as different, like a jazz tune with some air in between notes. The A/B song was just too jumbled with both to notice enough difference. Great video, though. Thanks for the comparison!
Thank you audiorpheus for all your videos
Great comparison. I preferred the Blue. It was clearer without being over bright. By comparison the MP sounded muffled and dull. If the Blue is properly aligned it tracks fine.
Both are awesome carts. I would never tell the difference if i was simply enjoying listening to my vinyl.
These were very close. I’d call it a draw. The Nagaoka sounded ever so slightly more sibilant and splashy in the listening test, but destroys the Ortofon in the tracking test.
The Nagaoka has the tiniest bit better articulation. Bass also just a tad punchier. Both are clean, the blue has just a bit leaner tonal balance. Both are comparable in quality and the differences are small and likely to go unnoticed . I still give the nod to the MP150. Also so cartridges can sound quite different with different phono stages because of loading differences. Excellent test.
I can't detect a meaningful difference in the Fogerty A-B. In the blind test, I prefer the Blue, but the Nag seems to have a hair more 300-550k. But there are so many variables once this gets to us, god knows what we are distinguishing.
Weird, i was thinking i preferred the NAG over the Ort until the blind test when i preferred subj A for its better bass... theres little diff in the sound and the rest of ones system would dictate which is better. Tbh neither of them track igd well enough - which i cant stand - so im going either 2M black LVB or NAG MP500.
Well,in germany the MP-150 is way more expensive than the 2M Blue. The Blue is around 200€ while the MP-150 is at least 300€.
That shifts the perspective a bit on the price/quality ratio. Also the 2M Blue does better on a lighter arm,like for example on a vintage
Dual. But better than both on a Dual arm is the AT ML440MLb. Which is around 220€. So....
Well,all mentioned cartridges are good ones. But to realy work to their best abilities,it needs some thought and probably a bit of fiddling
with load capacity and impedance.
Same problem here. I can get an Ortofon 2m Blue locally in Australia for $280 to $300 no shipping costs. The only way to get a Nagaoka MP-150 is via ebay really for me, and that is a minimum of $370 AUD plus $37 tax! It's a real shame Nagaokas have gone up in price so much as the Ortofon 2m sounds great on my turntable but jumps if you walk anywhere near the turntable, where my Nagaoka MP-110 doesn't jump at all, but I need the extra detail the 2m blue gives over the MP110. Can't go back to the lack of detail and openness in treble that the MP110 suffers.
I have to agree, the Nagaoka is just overpriced and far away from the Value the Blue delivers. I have both, the Nag on a Linn Basik arm and the Blue on a Dual Golden 1. I find myself reverting back to the Dual and decided to swop the Blue onto the Linn arm, WOW, meaty and crystal clear. Also, personally I find the Nagaoka design really cheap - looks like a piece of chewing gum stuck on your arm, but that´s just me.
In my opinion the lower Nagaoka models were good value some years ago.
And they aquired a reputation as such back then at a time when retro-hifi just grew out of its tiny niche
and became a faction of the mainstream market. Although this reputation was not mainly the merit of
those cartridges,but rather the disappearance of competitive products like for example the Denon DL-160
and a whole range of back than still available NOS cartridges from ADC,AT,Empire,Shure,Pickering,Stanton
Ortofon etc..
That was roughly a decade ago,since then cartridge prices are constantly rising and meanwhile have doubled
or even tripled while the overall available number of models in the affordabe (!) class have shrunk considerably.
I mean in most cases it comes meanwhile down to choose a cartridge from Audio Technica,Grado,Nagaoka,Goldring
or Ortofon.
@@viktor4860 100% agree with you. I do have a Nagaoka MP110 and my much cheaper Goldring E3 is way better with more clear details, better microdynamics and very fast bass response.
Zockopa, do you know by any chance the effective mass of that Dual tonearm?
I can’t find Nagaoka MP150 in $250. The cheapest on eBay is $350. Did price go up ?
I guess i would need to upgrade to mp200 to get a Big diff in sound.
I have 2m blue
Good advice
Being content and making the most of what I have is more longterm Than getting the better cartridge because it makes you want to upgrade thst too.
Chasing that invidible dragon instead of realizing life is already complete.
I have both an MP 200 and a 2 M Blue and use them with a high resolution system (Magnepan 3.7i) the Blue gets very little use. Enough said?
To me, the Ortofon Blue sounded thinner.
they sound pretty similar to me
I realize Im kinda randomly asking but do anyone know of a good place to watch new movies online?
@Pedro Leonard Try flixzone. Just google for it =)
@Pedro Leonard try flixzone. Just google for it =)
go to soap2day.. Google it. 😊
These comparisons are outrageously high quality. Thanks so much for providing this service.
Thank you for the video :) I actually preferred the ortofon in all the samples.
Ortofon sounds warmer, sounds clearer and better
Thanks just ordered the MP -150. I found this video after I ordered looks like I did OK. Thanks for all the great content. 👍🏼👍🏼
I noticed that the cartridge lines (the red, blue, grn, and blk ones) coming from the back of the cartridge into the headshell and into the tonearm are different to each other in your respective set-ups. The 2M Blue's are thinner whereas the MP-150's are thicker, due to this, I believe that this may have hindered the accuracy. Might I suggest you do this comparison again with the exact same headshell set-up. I say this coming from personal experience, as I'm not being nit picky or biased in your conclusion, b/c I switched out those wires with a Japanese brand of hi end wires, it did make a big difference in clarity and sound.
Wonderful, complete demonstrations. and exact test for measurements of the Nagaoka MP-150 versus, and a comparison to the Ortofon 2M Blue MM Cartridge. However, I'd choose the MP-150 Moving Permalloy Cartridge; it has a Cantilever that is hardened tapered aluminum alloy, thus giving it a slight edge. Stylus is nude elliptical.
Furthermore, the Nagaoka MP-150 has a special magnet - that's Permalloy, so that it has a bit of an advantage. From what the theory is; but also from plenty of reviews. There is the Nagaoka brochure that explains, and illustrate the design, and engineering of the cartridge body. Therefore, this specially designed permalloy magnet offers an advantage of playing back a record almost as good as a low to medium priced Moving Coil Cartridge!🔉🎵🎶
Is it just the youtube app or is there never any difference in sound for all these comparison videos. I even tried using skull candy crusher headphones.
Nagaoka have best fine treble sounds and clear, Ortofon sound good, but sound more opaque or more off... Best Nagaoka...
Мне показалось что у Nagaoka 150 чуть больше воздуха и верха чуть менее зажаты?
Price has Jacked up on Nagaoka cartridges all out of proportion. In Canada where I live the MP150 lists for over $500! Hardly a bargain anymore. I don't know if the price hikes come from the source or we have greedy importers in Canada but at their current prices there is too much tough competition.
The 2M Blue has a clicky sound that really pierces my eardrum, I don't know which peak (or valley) in it's EQ curve causes this, but I know that on prolonged listening sessions this would drive me absolutely mad!
What is the tracking test exactly?
Great review, btw! Thanks!
They do sound more similar then diferent but the Nagaoka is a bit warmer and fluid and the Ortofon thinner sounding
Thank you for the comparison. I very much like that you play the same piece on each cartridge. Would it be possible to extend the pieces. I think that would make it easier to judge the difference. Actually I wouldn't mind if you played the same complete track on each cartridge. If you then added some timestamps for different places on the track in your text people could just click back and forth between the two
The Nagaoka has much more detailed midrange & overall balance imho.
Use Nagaokas since long time due to there neutral tonalety. As higher the range as less the output voltage (MP110 5,5 mV / MP150 4,5 mV, MP200 4mV) . Ortofon use higher output voltages (2M Blue 5,5 mV) ....more meat! Secondary, Nagaoka is a Moving Iron System which means lower moved mass as the Ortofon Moving Magnet. Overall therfore (in my expirience/observation) Nagaoka has a finer and more layed back appearence, which doesen´d mean that combined with any TT or Pre it will have the same result.
Can some body please tell me which song played in the blind test? Thanks!
Ok it’s Time bomb by the Format :)
I thought the MP150 sounds much less congested when the track got busy. The voices seemed slightly more natural to my ears. That said, they are very close.
Thanks for all the effort!
The 2M Blue wins my ears
Both excellent.
The 150 has more bass where the Blue seems more neutral. I correctly figured out the A/B on my first listen because I could hear the bass being more present on the B track. To me the Blue sounds better, but I didn't understand the tracking test.
The MP150 is now $315 vs the 2M Blue which is $236 (both amazon). That's a big price difference now :(
I just ordered my first real TT a Technics SL1200MK5 in mint condition, and I'm considering the MP-100/110 or 2M Blue.
I liked the Nagaoka better and also picked it in the blind test.
i like the blue but they our both good,,, once you get to a certain level its more about different flavors and not about whats better,,,, its more like apples and oranges
No need to upgrade from the 2m blue
Little vetter detail on the nag on the bass
I agree, upgrading from one to the other would be an expensive 'sidegrade' at best.
I have the MP-150, but couldn't really hear much difference in the music tracks. There was big difference in the tracking test as the MP-150 won hands down.
Long term listening will reveal differences that instant A-B tests don't. That's because we don't have 100% discernment on brief listens. Sometimes when the differences are obvious and we can pick them out quickly. Other times it takes longer to latch on to the sonic signature. It's why some stereo systems sound impressive on first listen but can fatigue over the long run, and others sound great the longer you listen.
On this test the Nagaoka sounds better the longer you listen. The Ortofon, not so much.
nagaoka hand down, sound clearer in the mid
Definitely preferred the MP-150 especially on tracks 2 & 3; clearer, more open sounding, preferred the tonal balance; 2M Blue sounds a touch more rushed and has a sort of fake excitement to my ears. Aced the blind test immediately. However, MP-150 is 30% more expensive in the UK, where I am.
I don't know the difference Are you really switching?
The MP-150 sounds a lot more coherent, which is something because the Ortofon Blue is no slouch.
I'd have to give it up to the Nagaoka. They performed better than the 2M Blue on that tracking test. Not quite as good as the MP-110 in your torture test, but close enough for me.
I was going to go with the 2M Blue for my new turntable when I got it because it was in stock and I could put it on right away, but I can wait the extra week and get the Nagaoka instead.
I thought tonality was similar but sibilance was better on the MP. The tracking test showed the true winner.
Very similar. Buy whichever one is on sale.
I've passed the blind test ) Nagaoka produces more dynamic and clear sound. Comparing Ortofon to different cartridges of a same price range, I ALWAYS wonder why does it exist? It's rough, a bit blatant... I would personally never purchase any of Ortofon, because there are always better or cheaper alternatives.
Nagaoka has more bass to me, 2m blue is a little polite in bass, and that’s how I did the blind test and got it right.
Nagaoka for me. No brainer
In the philippines cartridges are priced too high. A nagaoka mp110 is around $200
The MP seemed to be more high pitched
What was the phonstage i did ot found it
Can someone tell me what the song is in the A/B test?
Answered my own question. The Format - Time Bomb
MP110 is "muddier" than the blue !!
It really does not matter comparing the differing statistics relating to both cartridges because at the price point it's all subjective! In other words some will prefer one against the other! Me, I have the ortofon blue and find it quite superb with plenty of detail! It's pointless continually chasing the hi-fi dragon because you will never catch it!!!
i hear no difference at all. idk if thats good or bad
Would say ortofon edges it in the mid-range
Ortofon will tire your ears I suspect. Oh my goodness the MP150 is just heaven. I'll never afford one sadly.
Does anyone know the name of the first song in the test.
The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York
Good job.
They sound simmilar so i bought 2m blue becouse is cheaper than Nagaoka
I would say Nagaoka 150. On a side note, I find Ortofon cartridges are over hyped in general. :-)
For me, these two are so close I couldn't pick one over the other. My hearing just isn't that good anymore.
The Nagaoka Mp 150 has a much better ability to react to the transient (start/stop of the sound). Besides it has a thicker sound body and gives very more beautiful mids.
@@MegaPalesz While you laugh, go ahead and buy a hearing aid for your hearing, unless you already have one in the nursing home.
The hearing aid is what you need
@@MegaPalesz Look, I have already told you I this thing .... In addition to not hearing us, I am also afraid that you do not see us.
First song please
从事从声音上感觉 mp-110比2M Blue高一个级别
Honestly, the MP-150 is probably better than the 2M Black!
Вертак и тонарм одинаков в обоих случаях, но ортофон высокоподатливый картридж, а нагаока низкоподатливый. Судя по тому что вертак японский, тонарм тяжелый, а значит нагаока находится в выгодных условиях
What’s the first song?
The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York
🧐 🎧 🤔... Ups!! in my opinion, sound the same. Therefore I prefer ortofon which is more beautiful.
But i have the bronze
The MP-150 had tighter bass with more clarity and detail, IMHO.
creo que ninguno me convence, tendríamos que pasar al siguiente nivel, tal vez nagaoka mp 200 vs denon dl 110
Which mounts best to Pioneer head shell of Pioneer PL 518?
Would the MP-150 be the best cartridge for around 200? I know its 250 but I dont mind
In 2023 the price difference is substantial.
Even the Nagaoka MP-110 is better than the 2M Blue. That's pretty sad because the MP-110 is much cheaper than the 2M Blue. Nagaoka has far better sound quality and is far more superior to other brands that are much more expensive!!
You got that right!
The MP-150 sounds cleaner. I've considered buying one, or a MP-200 for a second table. My main runs a Cadenza Bronze.