Had a friend freshman year of Highschool who was punched in the face for not giving his seat up to the senior, he didn't fight back out of fear of suspension yet ended up suspended anyway, when his parents found out he got suspended and didn't even throw a punch his dad looked at him and said something along the lines of "if you're faced with the same situation beat the fuck out of the kid since it makes no difference" principal had nothing to say
Duz111 That sounds like Oregon and Washington. Rules are that anyone involved in a fight gets suspended. So if you're in the north west and someone starts a fight with you, be the one to end it.
I went to school in California where both parties involved in a fight will be suspended, regardless of whether or not you throw a punch, and my grandma had a rule. Regardless of what the school decides, if you're defending yourself you are right. Needless to say, the few times I fought back I got a week vacation too :D
Defending yourself is not only a legal right, but an inalienable human right. Both parties involved in a fight in school normally get suspended because it's a he-said, she-said kind of deal. There's really no way to prove whether one side provoked it or not. However, my parents told me, and I will tell my child, that if they are ever faced with a situation where they are going to have someone commit a violent act on them and it is unavoidable, then they need to fight back, and I will not be angry at them for doing so. Kids today need to grow some fucking balls instead of going and crying and killing themselves. I was bullied a bit in middle school, until he messed with me on the wrong day and I hit him square in the nose, almost breaking it. He told the teacher that he'd slipped and hit his nose on a bench in the locker room so I never got in trouble. I was never bothered by a bully again.
In the high school my son goes to, every fight, even between girls and no matter the severity of the outcone- police are called and the students are charged with crimes just in time to screw up their chances for college!! College is foreign here in greenup, ky anyway. I'm lucky mine made it.too severe. He is 6'6 and over 300 so nobody challenged him.
+Alicos Smallwood Yeah, and that's just an example of government getting involved in shit they don't need to. If a kid goes to the hospital, I can see why calling the cops would be necessary. However, a few punches thrown and a black eye? Fighting between guys is pretty much a rite of passage. It's something that almost every kid has to face. Many of us have to face bullies, and sometimes a fight does break out at school. I didn't fight much, but when I did have beef with a guy (not bullying, just bad blood), we met a place outside of school and hashed it out with our fists. Cops don't need to be called for something that's natural for many males. That just shows how pussified our world is getting.
I'm from Tennessee and live here proud myself. But my school's motto that states "Let's be forgetful, punishment and destructive." A school where everything is sad, blank and destructing on my depression. Thank you for standing out for us.
As a former student of Lebanon High School I applaud you for speaking up for those who fear they can't! I am from the class of 2008 and I walked down a different set of blank halls, but had the same blank feeling. I hope that this gets the attention it deserves! #ellenshow #ellendegeneres #theellenshow
I'm a Tennessean, now mom of two, who attended Hillsboro High School (Nashville) and Lavergne High School. I can confirm a similar experience with high school, and any student who has the emotional strength to shine a light on the problem has my full support. High school (which was 100% unbearable for me despite loving to learn) only improved when I transfered to Middle College High School. It was like night and day, in all honestly, and I wish that more kids suffering through public HS could have the same opportunity. We need better solutions than punishing a student who is trying to make a POSITIVE change! So glad you were mentioned on the Philip DeFranco show! Well done Emily.
I am a recently retired high school English teacher. I would have been so proud and excited to have had you as my student. You are outspoken, creative, and brave. Don't stop.
I’m a middle-aged dad in Canada and I’ve never seen high school summed up so perfectly. Screw the administrators, you’ve done donething wonderful here. And please don’t stop writing!!!
While I understand that the delivery of the message is not in the most tactful way, I can appreciate the art of expression and the way you have gotten the point across here. The point, for those who are complaining about how this video is an attempt at making the school look bad, it isn't. At least it's not what I felt it's trying to convey anyways. Welcome to Lebanon High School - the point here isn't the the name of the school but the word high school. The writer here is trying to bring awareness to issues that are common in many high schools. And JUST because they are common doesn't mean it should be something that we merely sit down and accept. Just because it's a norm doesn't mean it's right. It's not about how bad or good that LHS is, it's about how these things need to be change universally. To many of the privileged us, I think we have all experienced bullying in some way, but not to the extend that some others have. Some kids have been bullied from freshman through senior year, take a second and think about how you felt when you were last bullied for like a few mins and amplified that by years. Can you imagine that? I shudder at the thought and to be honest, I'm happy I didn't have to experience that. True, every school have bullies and is she wrong? Not really, they do get brush off as kids or like they don't mean it. Even if the teachers care, how much can they prevent it? Does it mean they don't want to prevent it or that they are helpless in this system we're in to help at all? Of course, some doesn't really care but I'm sure there are those who cares. She's not trying to blame the authorities at LHS, but isn't it the common occurrence where these incidents get hushed because there's "not enough proof" to resolve it? How many kids get traumatized by these experiences, does it mean they are weak and deserve it if they can't man up or take it in their strides? I mean, HS shouldn't be a place filled with fake courtesy and plastic smiles but it is sometimes. And if the writer is just presenting what she saw and experienced - then why is it wrong? She's not condemning the HS, she's just using HER HS as an EXAMPLE just like any of us would. While gun threats doesn't happen in my HS - I'm glad to say mine isn't as harsh of an environment, and I'm sure it does happen in other HS in other countries where guns control aren't as strict as mine (Not saying that it should or shouldn't be). The exam-based education systems in some countries do not really encourage students to be creative. Again, this is a valid problem, if you are looking at the big picture, no, no, it's not just about LHS and I don't know how LHS is like but again - it's an example, that's her experience - not yours (even if you're from the same HS!), so you don't get to point fingers at someone when they are trying to make a difference. Blank walls - It does give off a feeling of bleakness doesn't it? Not everyone like the whitewash, and with the glaring fluorescent light bearing down on the students while they desperately trying to cram stuff into their brains. Or say maybe, windows overlooking some greenery with posters and arts or paintings on it. It's that much more relaxing and a conducive environment for learning? Again, not all schools are in the position to do so, and having a place to study with desk and boards are already something we should be thankful for. But if there's a way to make it more comfortable for students who'll be spending hours in a classroom - is it really bad to point it out? Suicide prevention is laughable in some schools/countries because of lack of mental awareness. Is it so wrong to point it out that we need more compassion in HS and communities in general? Is it such a bad thing to tell someone that they are not alone and if they hang in there, they will prevail through whatever awfulness they are experiencing in each corners of the world? Things that made them dread going to school and no it's not the homework. It is a poem, about HS and about her experience in her HS which happens to be LHS. It's an expression to try to spread awareness and hope. She's trying to tell the kids to not give up for god's sake! So, why is a poem on hang in there, HS isn't the end - you have a future beyond HS, so unforgivable that people need to criticize it to bits and the HS had to suspend her? To the writer, thank you for this wonderfully done piece, the message is very touching. :) But maybe... try to take into the social context next time. I understand you want to put in your personal experience and so that someone out there can feel the connection by being specific but the impression might have made the school feel defensive, though personally I felt they overreacting. Hope things get better on your side - keep your head up and stay strong.
Lebanon Highschool is the most passive school. A kid died only a few months ago and no one is still talking about that child. They excuse it as a tragedy but they arent focusing on how this child could feel so trapped with no way out that he made his way out. Lebanon needs to be reformed, they are heavyweight judges and I will never get over the injustice Kenny and all the other children who feel trapped have faced. -Abagayl Moore.
i feel sorry for people growing up with memes. I guess those replaced the motivational posters they had in my schools which memes were a parody of. Schools do need colour. Its crazy to have children meant to be getting their minds stimulated spending that time in such a cold sterile environment.
A2Z83 Kinda quite school after HS. In my opinion it was a shitshow, pure hell and did not enjoy any bit of it. I mange to find my own way and now I'm more successfully then ever.
Thank you for your courage, Emily. My wife graduated Lebanon high in 72. She told me stories... If you shine(do well) you make others who don't want to try, look bad. They will try to shoot you down. Shine on Emily.... My hats off to you.
As someone who's been a victim of bullying since elementary school, this really touched me. I'm still crying actually lol. Thank you so much. You are the hero this world needs. Thank you thank you thank you.
I'm sorry you go through that, it breaks my heart. Just know that you are amazing, you are perfect and beautiful and whole. Don't give up, you are worth the fight. Have hope and faith that tomorrow is a better day!
Even one child dying in high school for no good reason, is too many. Thanks for sharing. There is hope. For those youth that have been exposed to death at such a young age, we pray for you - it is a difficult cross to bear. What a world we live in - can there not be change? Look forward to hearing that LHS cheers up and embraces life again and Don't let the devil get a foothold - stand on guard. the blankness will pass, and life will return. Allow yourselves to grieve together and hold each other up.
Very well done Emily Gipson... I can think of no more noble and honorable task than standing up for those who cannot, for whatever reason stand up for themselves. Bullies always have and unfortunately always will exist. They do however lose power when someone, anyone has the strength to stand up to them. Very well done Emily Gipson, you are a true hero. I want to also add that I am amazed, however not really surprised by the attitude and response from the school's administration. They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Keep your chin up, keep standing in the gap, and God bless you.
I’m glad you made this! I just saw the article on Facebook, i don’t feel bad at all that the school officials feel ‘hurt’ by this. It should be a wake up call to change the way they deal with students being bullied. I was bullied to the point of contemplating suicide from the 5th grade to senior year. The school told my parents I needed to ‘not take things so personally’ and “grow a thicker skin”.
Egg this girl is young, it will take her years to be as intelligent as you are. I’m glad to see a young person do something other than act like an ass or eat tide pods. That is all I meant. I never said I was like her. I did grow a thick skin and continue to grow stronger because of it. My husband and I talk with my daughter daily to teach her to be tough but kind. But also to tell us if she’s feeling bullied or depressed. I lost far too many friends from high school and college to suicide to allow her to be like that.
(Retorical question) Why are they even hurt by this??? Their student KILLED HERSELF and you’re the one who’s hurt?!? You’re totally right they need to “grow a thicker skin.”
Your parents should have recorded what the school said then you have the stufd you need for a meeting with the school board if they do nothing COURT TIME!
Very powerful and moving message here! Schools are facing an epedemic to bullies- parents are not accountable and often just as bad! More students like you need to unite in school and stand up against bullies!
Powerful. I am showing this to my 11 year old daughter tomorrow. This could be and is any school. It was mine in the late 80s. It's systemic and only made worse by social media. Thanks for taking the risk. Wear your suspension with pride because if you were my daughter I would be proud of you. -Love from Sparks, NV
You are obviously doing something special when you recieve this much attention to your message. Thank you for caring about your school, your classmates and your community. Keep at it!
Don't lose your empathetic and compassionate heart, young lady. You want, seek, demand goodness and kindness and compassion. Don't lose your voice, young woman. You have a passion, and a fire that burns through your words. Do not let your words fall on closed ears. Nor your ideas to closed minds. Don't lose your thought, young adult. Be ever vigilant in the search for truth. Be tireless in seeking your path. Be careful in taking your actions. Be mindful in choosing your words. Don't lose yourself. Stay true to who you are. Accept those that would be true to themselves as well. Hold on to those that care for you. Seek the company of driven and compassionate people. Talk to people that would disagree with your ideas. I hope you take joy and pride in your work. I hope you've found peace in your undeserved suspension. Always seek the hearts of others. Always defend the defenseless. Always help the helpless. You've made a great start. God bless. -Anonymous
Yes. Never let anyone silence your voice. F the authorities. Suspending you only got you a bigger audience and more support. Thousands of people support you.
This is a problem with the American school system. As another example of a problem, some asshole threatened to stab a friend of mine, the only punishment he received was a call home and being told he can't eat at the same lunch table. In fact, my friend, the asshole, and I have a period together, and I can say for a fact that as he's still in the class and even though he threatened to kill a student in the class, there wasn't a schedule change. Also, I might as well add that he brought a knife to school. Another problem, there's a thing called Signs Of Suicide and after someone I knew took his life due to being bullied because he was gay they postponed teaching it, and someone else attempted, but thankfully failed, to take their life, but they still pretend like there isn't something seriously fucked up with the administration and there have been no changes. For a bit more context, I'm in the CCSD school district, which is in Nevada.
Here's a good one. A year before I was in high school, There was this kid who went on facebook and said he was going to shoot up the school. standard stuff, but the next day a janitor reported a car parked on the lawn. The car was the kids parents car, and had a bunch of guns in it. So what happened to this kid you ask? 10 days OSS. Fucking unreal. this is PVHS in brodheadsville pa, if you're interested.
Being the mother of a high school student not far from you, I thank you for your video. You were on point and very truthful. Being real and speaking the hurtful reality of schools these days. Good for you young lady!
You know what's really sad? The fact that this creative speech, written by a STUDENT, and posted to an online website is misinterpreted as what looks like 'propaganda' in the administrators' eyes of the High School. "Oh, look at this. They are saying that we don't care for our student body. We must enforce punishment to protect our attempt of pretending we care." I've been in a high school of over 4,000 students and I felt like I was stuck in a box with no room to grow. Teachers that only applauded those who were either known by the teacher or were already supposedly 'good students'. Teachers at high schools, believe it or not, do not give a sh*t about their students unless they are actually passionate about their subject. And sadly, I've only had maybe 2-3 of those teachers in my high school. Everything else was just blurry. Daily/weekly fights in the cafeteria or hallway (as entertaining as they sometimes are), and you know, other typical cliche bullsh*t that happens in high school. It's true, high schools do look like prisons. And it's true, high schools do not normally care about the majority, or even any of the students. A job is a job in their books. I'm paid to 'administrate', not to 'promote' or invoke creativity. That kind of mindset is what is destroying our education system to begin with. I could care less if someone is into sports more than academics, but if bullying is not taken care of at all, then why the fuck are you wasting everyone's time by letting them go to your campus and be vulnerable to bullshit. Great speech, if you are reading this 'Emily Gipson' - depression sucks and suicide is something that shouldn't be looked at lightly. In fact, most people I know that have had someone die at a young age care more about the popularity/media coverage of the death than the actual cause of the person's death.
OMG 200K SULFUR !! I’m so sorry that I’m just now getting back to this but thank you so much for your kind words❤️❤️ in down times in my life I like to look back at things like this:)
At my school 3 kids have died in the past 2 years of suicide. Thank you for this video. Thank you for speaking up. Thank you for not letting anyone force your voice down. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Emily!! Finally someone had the guts to speak the truth about what goes on inside of public schools. While not all teachers are bad, the rules don’t even give those good ones a chance to help. The system is definitely broken.
"I go to the same school and every single thing she said in that video is a lie." Oh yeah, tell that to the suicide victims. I'm pretty sure they didn't experience anything this brave girl said and they just did it for fun, right? You must be either completely stupid/ignorant or you are one of the bullies and you should rot in hell. But hey, that's just my 2 cents.
first off hell is not real u gay boi and they didn't do it for fun prolly idk i wasn't friends with the person but this vid gay and everything is a lye dumb ass bitch. but hey, that's just my 2 cents.
Just saw your video on Facebook and I felt such a strong urge to come subscribe to you and watch the whole video here. You’re spreading true positivity and change. Please keep it up throughout your entire life. You will help change our generation and the problem with bullies. Thank you girl. Thank you for speaking up.
It's not an obsession. MLK was one of the people who help shape America. He fought for rights of African American. He showed that someone's race shouldn't be something that was frowned at. At the end of the day we are all the same. We just look different and what would the world be like if we all looked the same?
Keep speaking your feelings! Don’t EVER let anyone silent you. No one should feel hopeless at any age but especially as a child. Kudos to you for speaking up for everyone who feels they have no voice. ❤️
Emily, you are so brave. I wish I'd had the guts to do something like this while I was in high school. Disregard the nasty comments and take pride in knowing that you are SO much more compassionate and empathetic than many adults. Stay strong, and know in the "real world" (after high school) unkind people are the outcasts - no one wants to work with a jerk. Stay strong and NEVER allow your voice to be silenced. The world needs more courageous, intelligent, compassionate, and caring young women like you. Brava
Almost everyday I wish I could go back and undo what a moron I was for bullying a kid till he suddenly moved & disappeared but it is done and cannot be fixed.
So proud of Emily; so sad about your loss. Your words are mature, helpful, and extremely expressive. May your ideas be implemented; and especially, may you and others be happy once again soon. from a former school counselor and teacher
As a victim of bullying by the same 4 guys for 3 years in elementary school and 1 year of total fear in middle school, I appreciate your passion. It got so bad that my mom kept a stock of iron on patches in the house to patch my constantly ripped close. When we talk to the school, it was, it didn't happen on school property so there was nothing we could do. With the parents is was, our boys would never do that, or as Emily said "Kids will be Kids". I finally got some help from a local police officer who would give me rides home from school and taught me to quit being a victim and finally fight back, which I finally did. BTW I totally got my butt kicked but the bullying stopped. So be strong, stand tall and ultimately refuse to be a victim and if you need to fight back....
Well done. After hearing that message I am in support of you Emily and those who cannot speak for themselves. For the millions around the world that are being bullied and hurt this very second I thank you. Thank you for making a stand.
"Kids will be kids" was just as prevalent in the 80s as it seems to be now. Same as "I'm sure they didn't mean it" and "we don't have any proof". Maybe the teachers should start actually paying attention to the long term repercussions of bullying.
I was bullied from grade school to about my middle school and I'm fine. I'm almost 22 and bullies never made me want to die. I learned to stand up for myself and I gained confidence. It can have negative repercussions if you let it. If you don't it can be a positive stepping stone.
That school is seriously fucked up. By suspending her, they admit they are guilty as fuck buffoons. Not unusual of course. School administrators are often sociopathic pricks. Something about the job attracts that type of person.
Thank You for taking a stand against bullying and bringing awareness to suicide prevention! Your message is being heard loud and clear and the administrators at your high school cannot keep this quiet! I couldn't find your administrators emails to let them know that they're in the wrong and how your video has reached people across the nations including me from California! I'm glad Philip Defranco mentioned your inspiring video! You did nothing wrong and please continue standing up for what you believe in! It takes great courage to stand up for not only yourself but many others and I usually do not comment but I just had to because you moved me so much!
Your words, thoughts and feelings are echoed my so many others out in the world today. YOU MADE YOUR VOICE LOUD AND CLEAR AND SHOWED STRENGTH AND LEADERSHIP BY PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE! YOU are part of the future of this great Nation. YOU are the strength that so many others fear. Stand strong, Stand tall and speak the truth that is in your heart. We are all fighting right along with you...ONE LIFE IS TO MANY, STAND UP, SPEAK UP, AND SPEAK OUT!
Public school is a prison. The best day of your life, as with mine, will be the day you get out of it. June 26th 2006 - I still remember leaving with Led Zeppelin's Achilles Last Stand playing in my headphones as I dashed out of it with a smile on my face I had never experienced before. Life gets better. Best of luck.
Thank you, I am older but the bullying I & my friends went through. It gets better, the dweebs kick butt in the end, socially, financially, emotionally, 30 years later we get together and laugh at everyone else!
I've got mad respect for you. This video has a strong message that needs to be heard. Bullying is an epidemic that needs to stop. I feel sorry for the kids who are forced to endure the abuse from angry individuals who lack empathy for their peer's and others. I really hope that things change at your school. I know how hard it is for change to happen. Again excellent video.
I wish I had the courage to do what you did here when I was in highschool. All of this applies so much to my school and my experience, I'm still crying. You're so brave. By punishing you, all they did was solidify your point. So I'm so sorry you were punished, but in the end it's only proved you right. I hope that brings some comfort. You've reached and touched so many people, you've done more good than that punishment does harm. You're a beautiful human being, thank you. Stay strong.
i love how the principle claims this isn't a bullying high school then proceeds to suspend kids that say otherwise. this guy could work for the catholic church.
He didn't suspend her because of what she said in this video. He did it because she's not allowed to record on campus during school hours. And she lied to the teacher about what she was doing in there, that's why she got suspended, y'all gotta wake up.
@@drummerboy9000100 Sooooo how come a girl committed suicide because she was bullied that bad at the school doesn't sound much like they tried with her did they?
@@enferrari13 And whats to say that he wouldn't suspend her while it was done after school hours because bullying isn't dealt with she is talking about how the school couldn't care less about stopping bullying she would still get suspended if she did it from home because it shows how they don't deal woth bullying or even do it properly if they decide to do their jobs properly
Wow - you are so incredibly brave! Don't doubt yourself or what you are doing - you are 100% right. Hold your head up. I am so sorry for your loss and I am so deeply sorry that the adults around you have let you down.
I saw your story on the Philip DeFranco show and i just had to come and show my support. I struggle with mental health often, and as a person who graduated last year, i know most schools in the US are basically just hormonal cesspools. I've lived from Texas to NY to Michigan, and at ALL levels of education, things were screwed up in some way or another. School went very far in making my low points even lower. To see a young women stand up and recite a poem about issues she believes, and then for her to get not only shot down, but punished, is beyond ridiculous. I sadly wasn't surprised to hear you got ISS, i have first hand seen many similar things happen. Please just know i support you fully, and from me to you, thank you so much for speaking out about issues that, in all honesty, suck to talk about, and doing it in such a passionate way.
I'm not from Tennessee but this relates to my school... not the death but we have had plenty of bomb threats, and gun threats. bullying isn't taken care of, because they haven't seen it & they claimed when someone told another person to kill their self that they said " unless she does anything reacting to that there's nothing we can do" this really hit home... this was beyond amazing!
Melissa Dove Wow, that is an awful thing for the school to say. My oldest is in 8th grade and one day at school a few kids overheard another kid make the remark to his friends about bringing a gun to school and shooting someone. The principal had several students tell her about his remark right after he said it. When the principal talked to him he said he was joking. That was his last day in that school, he was expelled. They told his parents he would not be allowed to enroll in any school in the district and he would have to seek help from a professional before enrolling in any other district. The school took the threat very seriously and immediately acted. In my opinion they did exactly what they should do in that position. It's hard for me to understand why some schools do what is right and others ignore the problems.
William Maxwell I was bullied during the 00s and fought back. Of course getting suspending and all came with it. So did with me and my parents suing the teachers, principal and the school board for not doing their job. Got almost 6-figures out of it, teachers and principal lost their jobs in the process and 2 school board members ended up resigning from their jobs from the lawsuit. It actually pays to just sue the school and people involved.
I know you already have and will continue to make a difference. Your words and the emotion you convey brought tears to my eyes. I'm sorry any child has to feel the way you and many others do. I admire your effort.
I'm not from Tennessee either and we sadly have the same problems here, I graduated in June 2017 but I still remember a few years before that (2014) that a classmate of mine died by suicide. His brother wanted to speak about it to the school but the school wouldn't let him as it might "give people ideas". I also was bullied on and off for 10 years and not much, if anything was done about it. Thank you so so much for making this video! You really are making a difference already! :)
You need to learn to stick up for yourself because no one else is going to. When I was in school and bullied, I would wait until my bully was alone and then I would strike without warning. Stand up to your bully. This worked several times and the bullies would always stop after that. Who cares if you get suspended for a week or two. Its worth it.
So you're saying that you shouldn't stand up for yourself? Violence is the ONLY language bullies understand. I had a run in with a few bullies and it ended with me punching them. But just because I knew I could beat them up I never made it a habit. When they tried to start something with me I told them 'I kicked your ass once I can do it again.' and they would leave me alone.
Earlier this year one of my best friends took her own life after years of suffering with depression. Those of us who were closest to her had to listen to her bullies try and cover their tracks and say how much of a good friend and beautiful person she was, and when we tried to tell anyone, they told us that they were just dealing with it in their own way. Nobody wanted to believe that they could cause such a thing, and now everything has seemingly been brushed under a mat to hide from everyone. I applaud you for making this video, and I hope you can make a difference and prevent this from ever happening again. And please know how powerful your words are
You're amazing, Emily. I'm a high school teacher in Indiana, and I encourage you to keep speaking your truth. If you were my student I'd give you bonus points for this. 👊🏻
That principal deserves to be fired for trying to silence you. It hurt his feeling... how the fuck does he think the kids getting pushed to suicide feel! Keep speaking your mind girl, the fucked system needs more people like you.
Egg You make me nauseous with how disgusting you are. You believe she is a spoiled brat for speaking out about bullying and suicide? You are sickening.
Hello. I used to go to Smith County high school and it is about the same. This message really struck hard in me. There was a suicide in our sister school due to bullying and I am so tired of these school officials trying to stop being from doing what is right because they don't want more publicity. Thank you so much for speaking up. Never lose your drive even when people try to stop you. You are incredible and I just wanted you to know.
Dear emily i went to that school and i agree 110% #welcometolebanonhighschool-where-popularity-is-more-important-than-others-lives People need to wake up in this world qll we have is eachother and if we cant make one girl feel like life is better than death then what makes us think that we can be anything other than selfish Emily i respect you more than you will ever know and this is coming from a us army soilder stay strong and. Stay you because this is the most touching thing ive seen in a long time
Keep doing what your doing! People like you are going to change the world! You deserve to be heard. This video deserves to be spread across the world. Thanking you so much for doing this it means so much!
Bravo Emily! More young people like you need to be willing and "will" stand up against bullying. I was bullied and tormented from 6th grade till I graduated high school. My family lacked money so that was the avenue that bullies had to make fun of me. This May makes 20 years since I graduated H.S. from a very tiny town in S.W. MO. I cannot say I am super rich or anything like that, but I make a decent living. I know, without a doubt, I am more successful than most of them. But what they did to me when I was younger still has me messed up today. I NEVER want to see any of them again. The school administrators did nothing to help me and basically just ignored my bullying. Bullying needs to stop, at one time I thought suicide was an option. To any who think it is, please don't. High school can be hell and I don't a solution for that. I can say, college and beyond is great, not perfect but hella lot better than high school. Keep up the good work Emily and make the admins feel bad for once. Sorry this been really long.
As someone who was bullied in school this is so brave of you. I know it can be hard to stand up for yourself at that age. Don't feel disheartened, your message IS being heard
Well I see nothing has changed since I graduated 33 years ago. We didn't have social media, THANK GOODNESS, but the bullies got their jobs done quite efficiently. The best way to handle a bully is to divert their attention. Everyone has a weakness. No Fear!
Good job young woman! Keep standing for what is right and for justice for all! And keep holding school administrators accountable for their lack of integrity. Never back down in your care and compassion for others.
forest sponseller. Everyone has an opinion so why is hers to be beholden? Oh, I get it she just shares your views. I bet you're quick to try and shut down any counter views. Hypocrisy at it's best.
lilcantrapman24 bahhh, that's too much. so you support bullying? you support people making fun of people committing suicide? yeah.... put your reactionary impulses away.
Thank you for standing up. I read about this video in an article on Newsela .com and I knew I had to watch it ASAP. Everyone should hear this!! School systems think bullying is a joke when it’s nothing to mess with.
Do not, under any circumstance, ever let anyone stop you from saying what you want said. That's one of the few things about America that's truly beautiful.
Teen suicide is too damn real, more teenagers would turn into adults if high school teachers would actually pay attention to teenagers and their feelings. We are more than our raging hormones. The faculty needs to stop trying to fix their image and start taking actions of accountability if they want their students to outlive them!
Yes, girl, I support you with your message when I was in high school I was bullied so badly and I didn't have anyone to run to even tho the school would say they would inforce there builying rules it never worked I had so many suicadal thought during my high school years and to tell you I wish I was like you and spoke out about it to this day it still effects me in social situations and I wish more people like you would speak out on the issue of bullying and like get it in to people's minds that even tho you inforce those rules people (especially teens) will usally never follow them thank you for this thank you for speaking out for all the kids and teens out there suffering in silence.
So proud of you, Emily. Sometimes speaking up is the scariest thing, but you did so very well. I hope you never stay quiet on important topics like this.
GOD BLESS YOU! I’m so sorry about you’re school and hopefully your peers have changed from being a bully to a person who helps one another and puts a smile on their face not from cruel jokes but from them helping them get back on their feet. And hopefully you noticed that you sound like a female preacher because that’s what you sound like a voice from God, oh and hopefully your teachers are actually doing something about other kids being bullied than them just turning to the other cheek
Emily, Your parents should be proud of you for taking a stand against bullying and for standing up while many others choose to sit back, those of which appear to be part of the faculty and administration there at Lebanon HS. The fact that you were suspended for this is appalling, because nowhere in this video have you attempted to incite violence. It is obvious to any reasonable person that the administration was hurt by the truth and rather than correct the issues at hand, they've chosen to issue the suspension in an attempt to silence you. Just know that you have been heard! You're doing a wonderful thing here, so do not let the negativity of others change that. Stay true to the course, and yourself! ✌️👌
Emily, You are beautiful, smart and brave. As a woman, I am very proud of you for having the courage to voice many others who experience being “BULLIED” every day not only in high school but in every day to day life because others allow this to happen and remain silent👍🏻
My class did a paper about your video it was really great to hear someone talk openly about this problem. I support what you said and so do my friends.
This is incredible girl! I don’t know you but I’m proud of you for taking a stand in your community. My community has had 4 suicides in the past 4 months and I had to share this video because I feel the same way. I hate that you were punished but it’s great that you’re taking a positive out of it! Thank you for saving lives!
Thank you so so so so so much for being brave and kind and strong enough to speak up for all broken and exhausted students who suffer from injustice and depression at the hands of administration. You are an amazing and admirable person who definitely didn’t to be punished.
Thank you for being courageous enough to share your feelings about this.Bullying is never okay and it's has to be taken seriously, when someone becomes distressed to the point that they take their own lives it's not something you can continue to ignore.Levanon highschool, do something! I also want to say that you have great principles and a good heart,stand by them.
Thank you so much for your work love. I'm a freshman this year and I found this video today. It'll be nice working with you. You sacrificed yourself for all of us. Thank you.
Man I just came here from Philly D and they suspended her for 2 DAYS saying this incites violence? Welcome to Lebanon High School where a cry for help and a battle cry are indistinguishable.
this is not what happened at all... its against the school's policy to film a personal video inside a classroom after school hours, even if the teacher agreed. if you actually read the news reports, you'd know this
Emily was given two days of in school suspension because she didn't have permission to shoot the video in the classroom. While she claims that she did, the truth is... she asked a coach for permission to use his classroom for the backdrop to a school project three weeks ago. Needless to say, he was mortified to see his name plastered on the board behind her. Secondly, she shot the video after school, and after all students not involved in curricular activities, were told that they needed to be out of the building.
@BornToRunBarefoot > Principal suspended the student [..] because it “hurt his feelings," Hmm, I wonder if he applies that standard to the bullies as well?
She got ISS for breaking the school rules, then while in the ISS room she started cussing out people that simply weren't agreeing with what she said and that's why she got OSS. Sorry to break it to y'all (:)
Had a friend freshman year of Highschool who was punched in the face for not giving his seat up to the senior, he didn't fight back out of fear of suspension yet ended up suspended anyway, when his parents found out he got suspended and didn't even throw a punch his dad looked at him and said something along the lines of "if you're faced with the same situation beat the fuck out of the kid since it makes no difference" principal had nothing to say
Duz111 That sounds like Oregon and Washington. Rules are that anyone involved in a fight gets suspended.
So if you're in the north west and someone starts a fight with you, be the one to end it.
I went to school in California where both parties involved in a fight will be suspended, regardless of whether or not you throw a punch, and my grandma had a rule. Regardless of what the school decides, if you're defending yourself you are right. Needless to say, the few times I fought back I got a week vacation too :D
Defending yourself is not only a legal right, but an inalienable human right. Both parties involved in a fight in school normally get suspended because it's a he-said, she-said kind of deal. There's really no way to prove whether one side provoked it or not.
However, my parents told me, and I will tell my child, that if they are ever faced with a situation where they are going to have someone commit a violent act on them and it is unavoidable, then they need to fight back, and I will not be angry at them for doing so.
Kids today need to grow some fucking balls instead of going and crying and killing themselves. I was bullied a bit in middle school, until he messed with me on the wrong day and I hit him square in the nose, almost breaking it. He told the teacher that he'd slipped and hit his nose on a bench in the locker room so I never got in trouble. I was never bothered by a bully again.
In the high school my son goes to, every fight, even between girls and no matter the severity of the outcone- police are called and the students are charged with crimes just in time to screw up their chances for college!! College is foreign here in greenup, ky anyway. I'm lucky mine made it.too severe. He is 6'6 and over 300 so nobody challenged him.
+Alicos Smallwood Yeah, and that's just an example of government getting involved in shit they don't need to. If a kid goes to the hospital, I can see why calling the cops would be necessary. However, a few punches thrown and a black eye?
Fighting between guys is pretty much a rite of passage. It's something that almost every kid has to face. Many of us have to face bullies, and sometimes a fight does break out at school. I didn't fight much, but when I did have beef with a guy (not bullying, just bad blood), we met a place outside of school and hashed it out with our fists.
Cops don't need to be called for something that's natural for many males. That just shows how pussified our world is getting.
I'm from Tennessee and live here proud myself. But my school's motto that states "Let's be forgetful, punishment and destructive." A school where everything is sad, blank and destructing on my depression. Thank you for standing out for us.
This student got suspended for this video because it hurt the principal’s feelings
Danielle Redmond it was correct
bruh we go to this school we know why she got suspended, wake up bro.
@@enferrari13 Why did she then?
Danielle Redmond it's true
As a former student of Lebanon High School I applaud you for speaking up for those who fear they can't! I am from the class of 2008 and I walked down a different set of blank halls, but had the same blank feeling. I hope that this gets the attention it deserves! #ellenshow #ellendegeneres #theellenshow
I came from defranco. I love this. I'm sorry you got in trouble! the internet stands behind you!!!
T J. Came from there too
Same, and my initials are TJ lol
No we don’t.... she got in trouble for being in class after hours
Han Solo what? She had permission to be in this room.
I'm a Tennessean, now mom of two, who attended Hillsboro High School (Nashville) and Lavergne High School. I can confirm a similar experience with high school, and any student who has the emotional strength to shine a light on the problem has my full support.
High school (which was 100% unbearable for me despite loving to learn) only improved when I transfered to Middle College High School. It was like night and day, in all honestly, and I wish that more kids suffering through public HS could have the same opportunity.
We need better solutions than punishing a student who is trying to make a POSITIVE change! So glad you were mentioned on the Philip DeFranco show! Well done Emily.
I am a recently retired high school English teacher. I would have been so proud and excited to have had you as my student. You are outspoken, creative, and brave. Don't stop.
I agree, would definitely off myself
lilcantrapman24 & MrNuclearhazard
Dudes! It's not a dick! Don't take it so hard!
Pretend she is. What’s stopping you?
lilcantrapman24 I had horrible teachers who didn't see their pupils as human, I wish I'd had teachers like this lady.
@@Bmancan84 Your edgy joke is not funny. Watch more Bob Ross.
I’m a middle-aged dad in Canada and I’ve never seen high school summed up so perfectly. Screw the administrators, you’ve done donething wonderful here. And please don’t stop writing!!!
While I understand that the delivery of the message is not in the most tactful way, I can appreciate the art of expression and the way you have gotten the point across here. The point, for those who are complaining about how this video is an attempt at making the school look bad, it isn't. At least it's not what I felt it's trying to convey anyways.
Welcome to Lebanon High School - the point here isn't the the name of the school but the word high school. The writer here is trying to bring awareness to issues that are common in many high schools. And JUST because they are common doesn't mean it should be something that we merely sit down and accept. Just because it's a norm doesn't mean it's right. It's not about how bad or good that LHS is, it's about how these things need to be change universally.
To many of the privileged us, I think we have all experienced bullying in some way, but not to the extend that some others have. Some kids have been bullied from freshman through senior year, take a second and think about how you felt when you were last bullied for like a few mins and amplified that by years. Can you imagine that? I shudder at the thought and to be honest, I'm happy I didn't have to experience that. True, every school have bullies and is she wrong? Not really, they do get brush off as kids or like they don't mean it. Even if the teachers care, how much can they prevent it? Does it mean they don't want to prevent it or that they are helpless in this system we're in to help at all? Of course, some doesn't really care but I'm sure there are those who cares.
She's not trying to blame the authorities at LHS, but isn't it the common occurrence where these incidents get hushed because there's "not enough proof" to resolve it? How many kids get traumatized by these experiences, does it mean they are weak and deserve it if they can't man up or take it in their strides? I mean, HS shouldn't be a place filled with fake courtesy and plastic smiles but it is sometimes. And if the writer is just presenting what she saw and experienced - then why is it wrong? She's not condemning the HS, she's just using HER HS as an EXAMPLE just like any of us would.
While gun threats doesn't happen in my HS - I'm glad to say mine isn't as harsh of an environment, and I'm sure it does happen in other HS in other countries where guns control aren't as strict as mine (Not saying that it should or shouldn't be). The exam-based education systems in some countries do not really encourage students to be creative. Again, this is a valid problem, if you are looking at the big picture, no, no, it's not just about LHS and I don't know how LHS is like but again - it's an example, that's her experience - not yours (even if you're from the same HS!), so you don't get to point fingers at someone when they are trying to make a difference.
Blank walls - It does give off a feeling of bleakness doesn't it? Not everyone like the whitewash, and with the glaring fluorescent light bearing down on the students while they desperately trying to cram stuff into their brains. Or say maybe, windows overlooking some greenery with posters and arts or paintings on it. It's that much more relaxing and a conducive environment for learning? Again, not all schools are in the position to do so, and having a place to study with desk and boards are already something we should be thankful for. But if there's a way to make it more comfortable for students who'll be spending hours in a classroom - is it really bad to point it out?
Suicide prevention is laughable in some schools/countries because of lack of mental awareness. Is it so wrong to point it out that we need more compassion in HS and communities in general? Is it such a bad thing to tell someone that they are not alone and if they hang in there, they will prevail through whatever awfulness they are experiencing in each corners of the world? Things that made them dread going to school and no it's not the homework.
It is a poem, about HS and about her experience in her HS which happens to be LHS. It's an expression to try to spread awareness and hope. She's trying to tell the kids to not give up for god's sake! So, why is a poem on hang in there, HS isn't the end - you have a future beyond HS, so unforgivable that people need to criticize it to bits and the HS had to suspend her?
To the writer, thank you for this wonderfully done piece, the message is very touching. :) But maybe... try to take into the social context next time. I understand you want to put in your personal experience and so that someone out there can feel the connection by being specific but the impression might have made the school feel defensive, though personally I felt they overreacting. Hope things get better on your side - keep your head up and stay strong.
Lebanon Highschool is the most passive school. A kid died only a few months ago and no one is still talking about that child. They excuse it as a tragedy but they arent focusing on how this child could feel so trapped with no way out that he made his way out.
Lebanon needs to be reformed, they are heavyweight judges and I will never get over the injustice Kenny and all the other children who feel trapped have faced.
-Abagayl Moore.
What the fuck is happening there
You just described every high school ever.
I feel real bad you think that way. This is not at all like the high school I attended in CT
I'd personally have blank rooms than all these cringe worthy meme posters all over my school.
i feel sorry for people growing up with memes. I guess those replaced the motivational posters they had in my schools which memes were a parody of. Schools do need colour. Its crazy to have children meant to be getting their minds stimulated spending that time in such a cold sterile environment.
A2Z83 Kinda quite school after HS. In my opinion it was a shitshow, pure hell and did not enjoy any bit of it. I mange to find my own way and now I'm more successfully then ever.
Welp, that is completely false
Thank you for your courage, Emily. My wife graduated Lebanon high in 72. She told me stories... If you shine(do well) you make others who don't want to try, look bad. They will try to shoot you down. Shine on Emily.... My hats off to you.
As someone who's been a victim of bullying since elementary school, this really touched me. I'm still crying actually lol. Thank you so much. You are the hero this world needs. Thank you thank you thank you.
I'm sorry you go through that, it breaks my heart. Just know that you are amazing, you are perfect and beautiful and whole. Don't give up, you are worth the fight. Have hope and faith that tomorrow is a better day!
Even one child dying in high school for no good reason, is too many. Thanks for sharing. There is hope. For those youth that have been exposed to death at such a young age, we pray for you - it is a difficult cross to bear. What a world we live in - can there not be change? Look forward to hearing that LHS cheers up and embraces life again and Don't let the devil get a foothold - stand on guard. the blankness will pass, and life will return. Allow yourselves to grieve together and hold each other up.
I love this. I’m glad there are people out there like you making a difference with their writing.
Very well done Emily Gipson... I can think of no more noble and honorable task than standing up for those who cannot, for whatever reason stand up for themselves. Bullies always have and unfortunately always will exist. They do however lose power when someone, anyone has the strength to stand up to them. Very well done Emily Gipson, you are a true hero.
I want to also add that I am amazed, however not really surprised by the attitude and response from the school's administration. They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Keep your chin up, keep standing in the gap, and God bless you.
I’m glad you made this! I just saw the article on Facebook, i don’t feel bad at all that the school officials feel ‘hurt’ by this. It should be a wake up call to change the way they deal with students being bullied. I was bullied to the point of contemplating suicide from the 5th grade to senior year. The school told my parents I needed to ‘not take things so personally’ and “grow a thicker skin”.
Egg I’m not being a winy brat, I’m sharing an experience i had when I was in school. I am no longer in school, but my daughter is.
Egg I own my own home and have a steady full time career, perhaps you should stop acting like a winy troll.
Egg this girl is young, it will take her years to be as intelligent as you are. I’m glad to see a young person do something other than act like an ass or eat tide pods. That is all I meant. I never said I was like her. I did grow a thick skin and continue to grow stronger because of it. My husband and I talk with my daughter daily to teach her to be tough but kind. But also to tell us if she’s feeling bullied or depressed. I lost far too many friends from high school and college to suicide to allow her to be like that.
(Retorical question) Why are they even hurt by this??? Their student KILLED HERSELF and you’re the one who’s hurt?!? You’re totally right they need to “grow a thicker skin.”
Your parents should have recorded what the school said then you have the stufd you need for a meeting with the school board if they do nothing COURT TIME!
Very powerful and moving message here! Schools are facing an epedemic to bullies- parents are not accountable and often just as bad! More students like you need to unite in school and stand up against bullies!
Powerful. I am showing this to my 11 year old daughter tomorrow. This could be and is any school. It was mine in the late 80s. It's systemic and only made worse by social media.
Thanks for taking the risk. Wear your suspension with pride because if you were my daughter I would be proud of you.
-Love from Sparks, NV
You are obviously doing something special when you recieve this much attention to your message. Thank you for caring about your school, your classmates and your community. Keep at it!
Don't lose your empathetic and compassionate heart, young lady. You want, seek, demand goodness and kindness and compassion.
Don't lose your voice, young woman. You have a passion, and a fire that burns through your words. Do not let your words fall on closed ears. Nor your ideas to closed minds.
Don't lose your thought, young adult. Be ever vigilant in the search for truth. Be tireless in seeking your path. Be careful in taking your actions. Be mindful in choosing your words.
Don't lose yourself. Stay true to who you are. Accept those that would be true to themselves as well. Hold on to those that care for you. Seek the company of driven and compassionate people. Talk to people that would disagree with your ideas.
I hope you take joy and pride in your work. I hope you've found peace in your undeserved suspension. Always seek the hearts of others. Always defend the defenseless. Always help the helpless.
You've made a great start. God bless.
Yes. Never let anyone silence your voice. F the authorities. Suspending you only got you a bigger audience and more support. Thousands of people support you.
Your words really describe so many things I have been through and experienced.
Thank you for speaking out. Thank you for refusing to be silent.
This is a problem with the American school system. As another example of a problem, some asshole threatened to stab a friend of mine, the only punishment he received was a call home and being told he can't eat at the same lunch table. In fact, my friend, the asshole, and I have a period together, and I can say for a fact that as he's still in the class and even though he threatened to kill a student in the class, there wasn't a schedule change. Also, I might as well add that he brought a knife to school. Another problem, there's a thing called Signs Of Suicide and after someone I knew took his life due to being bullied because he was gay they postponed teaching it, and someone else attempted, but thankfully failed, to take their life, but they still pretend like there isn't something seriously fucked up with the administration and there have been no changes. For a bit more context, I'm in the CCSD school district, which is in Nevada.
Here's a good one. A year before I was in high school, There was this kid who went on facebook and said he was going to shoot up the school. standard stuff, but the next day a janitor reported a car parked on the lawn. The car was the kids parents car, and had a bunch of guns in it. So what happened to this kid you ask? 10 days OSS. Fucking unreal. this is PVHS in brodheadsville pa, if you're interested.
Suicidal Person I also thought of that myself and I'm not so sure .
I'm from Lebanon (MiddleEast) .
I'm in CCSD as well, and it's really bad
Being the mother of a high school student not far from you, I thank you for your video. You were on point and very truthful. Being real and speaking the hurtful reality of schools these days. Good for you young lady!
You know what's really sad? The fact that this creative speech, written by a STUDENT, and posted to an online website is misinterpreted as what looks like 'propaganda' in the administrators' eyes of the High School. "Oh, look at this. They are saying that we don't care for our student body. We must enforce punishment to protect our attempt of pretending we care." I've been in a high school of over 4,000 students and I felt like I was stuck in a box with no room to grow. Teachers that only applauded those who were either known by the teacher or were already supposedly 'good students'. Teachers at high schools, believe it or not, do not give a sh*t about their students unless they are actually passionate about their subject. And sadly, I've only had maybe 2-3 of those teachers in my high school. Everything else was just blurry. Daily/weekly fights in the cafeteria or hallway (as entertaining as they sometimes are), and you know, other typical cliche bullsh*t that happens in high school. It's true, high schools do look like prisons. And it's true, high schools do not normally care about the majority, or even any of the students. A job is a job in their books. I'm paid to 'administrate', not to 'promote' or invoke creativity. That kind of mindset is what is destroying our education system to begin with. I could care less if someone is into sports more than academics, but if bullying is not taken care of at all, then why the fuck are you wasting everyone's time by letting them go to your campus and be vulnerable to bullshit.
Great speech, if you are reading this 'Emily Gipson' - depression sucks and suicide is something that shouldn't be looked at lightly. In fact, most people I know that have had someone die at a young age care more about the popularity/media coverage of the death than the actual cause of the person's death.
OMG 200K SULFUR !! I’m so sorry that I’m just now getting back to this but thank you so much for your kind words❤️❤️ in down times in my life I like to look back at things like this:)
At my school 3 kids have died in the past 2 years of suicide. Thank you for this video. Thank you for speaking up. Thank you for not letting anyone force your voice down. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Emily!! Finally someone had the guts to speak the truth about what goes on inside of public schools. While not all teachers are bad, the rules don’t even give those good ones a chance to help. The system is definitely broken.
All those who fought for change and a better tomorrow were met with resistance and intolerance. Thank you for what you did. Be strong.
I love you.
They tried to silence you. The only thing they did was give you a bigger audience. Be proud, young lady, be proud!
who did? I go to the same school and every single thing she said in that video is a lie.
My older brother goes to the same school as her and yeah there's bullying and there have been problems but things have improved
No dis shit fake as fucc it’s just as bad as every other high school
"I go to the same school and every single thing she said in that video is a lie." Oh yeah, tell that to the suicide victims. I'm pretty sure they didn't experience anything this brave girl said and they just did it for fun, right? You must be either completely stupid/ignorant or you are one of the bullies and you should rot in hell. But hey, that's just my 2 cents.
first off hell is not real u gay boi and they didn't do it for fun prolly idk i wasn't friends with the person but this vid gay and everything is a lye dumb ass bitch. but hey, that's just my 2 cents.
Just saw your video on Facebook and I felt such a strong urge to come subscribe to you and watch the whole video here. You’re spreading true positivity and change. Please keep it up throughout your entire life. You will help change our generation and the problem with bullies. Thank you girl. Thank you for speaking up.
The Wimpee's thank you so much for coming to watch the full video!!! I appreciate your support more than you know!
Emily Gipson you’re going viral love. And for good reason. Don’t allow your school’s administration to bring you down. Wishing you the very best 🙏🏻
Thanks for standing up for what you believe in! MLK would be proud.
No he wouldnt
I mean he probably wouldn't be ashamed, but you're right in that bullying and suicide prevention are not the topics he is renound for
America's obsession with MLK is hilarious
lol why does this shit have upvotes
It's not an obsession. MLK was one of the people who help shape America. He fought for rights of African American. He showed that someone's race shouldn't be something that was frowned at. At the end of the day we are all the same. We just look different and what would the world be like if we all looked the same?
Keep speaking your feelings! Don’t EVER let anyone silent you. No one should feel hopeless at any age but especially as a child. Kudos to you for speaking up for everyone who feels they have no voice. ❤️
Emily, you are so brave. I wish I'd had the guts to do something like this while I was in high school. Disregard the nasty comments and take pride in knowing that you are SO much more compassionate and empathetic than many adults. Stay strong, and know in the "real world" (after high school) unkind people are the outcasts - no one wants to work with a jerk. Stay strong and NEVER allow your voice to be silenced. The world needs more courageous, intelligent, compassionate, and caring young women like you. Brava
Almost everyday I wish I could go back and undo what a moron I was for bullying a kid till he suddenly moved & disappeared but it is done and cannot be fixed.
So proud of Emily; so sad about your loss. Your words are mature, helpful, and extremely expressive. May your ideas be implemented; and especially, may you and others be happy once again soon. from a former school counselor and teacher
As a victim of bullying by the same 4 guys for 3 years in elementary school and 1 year of total fear in middle school, I appreciate your passion. It got so bad that my mom kept a stock of iron on patches in the house to patch my constantly ripped close. When we talk to the school, it was, it didn't happen on school property so there was nothing we could do. With the parents is was, our boys would never do that, or as Emily said "Kids will be Kids". I finally got some help from a local police officer who would give me rides home from school and taught me to quit being a victim and finally fight back, which I finally did. BTW I totally got my butt kicked but the bullying stopped. So be strong, stand tall and ultimately refuse to be a victim and if you need to fight back....
Well done. After hearing that message I am in support of you Emily and those who cannot speak for themselves. For the millions around the world that are being bullied and hurt this very second I thank you. Thank you for making a stand.
"Kids will be kids" was just as prevalent in the 80s as it seems to be now. Same as "I'm sure they didn't mean it" and "we don't have any proof". Maybe the teachers should start actually paying attention to the long term repercussions of bullying.
I was bullied from grade school to about my middle school and I'm fine. I'm almost 22 and bullies never made me want to die. I learned to stand up for myself and I gained confidence. It can have negative repercussions if you let it. If you don't it can be a positive stepping stone.
Mr17283940 That's your anecdote, and that's good for you. Clearly others' circumstances are different.
Brave girl. She deserves recognition for standing up to the school for their unwillingness to match her courage.
That school is seriously fucked up. By suspending her, they admit they are guilty as fuck buffoons. Not unusual of course. School administrators are often sociopathic pricks. Something about the job attracts that type of person.
boi stealing someone else's comment for attention Smh
Heartfelt...yes you're making a difference. It hits home...have heard those excuses from principals before. Brought tears...
Thank You for taking a stand against bullying and bringing awareness to suicide prevention! Your message is being heard loud and clear and the administrators at your high school cannot keep this quiet! I couldn't find your administrators emails to let them know that they're in the wrong and how your video has reached people across the nations including me from California! I'm glad Philip Defranco mentioned your inspiring video! You did nothing wrong and please continue standing up for what you believe in! It takes great courage to stand up for not only yourself but many others and I usually do not comment but I just had to because you moved me so much!
Your words, thoughts and feelings are echoed my so many others out in the world today. YOU MADE YOUR VOICE LOUD AND CLEAR AND SHOWED STRENGTH AND LEADERSHIP BY PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE! YOU are part of the future of this great Nation. YOU are the strength that so many others fear. Stand strong, Stand tall and speak the truth that is in your heart. We are all fighting right along with you...ONE LIFE IS TO MANY, STAND UP, SPEAK UP, AND SPEAK OUT!
Public school is a prison. The best day of your life, as with mine, will be the day you get out of it. June 26th 2006 - I still remember leaving with Led Zeppelin's Achilles Last Stand playing in my headphones as I dashed out of it with a smile on my face I had never experienced before. Life gets better. Best of luck.
Thank you for all the work you've done with right to repair
Thank you, I am older but the bullying I & my friends went through. It gets better, the dweebs kick butt in the end, socially, financially, emotionally, 30 years later we get together and laugh at everyone else!
I've got mad respect for you. This video has a strong message that needs to be heard. Bullying is an epidemic that needs to stop. I feel sorry for the kids who are forced to endure the abuse from angry individuals who lack empathy for their peer's and others. I really hope that things change at your school. I know how hard it is for change to happen. Again excellent video.
I wish I had the courage to do what you did here when I was in highschool. All of this applies so much to my school and my experience, I'm still crying. You're so brave. By punishing you, all they did was solidify your point. So I'm so sorry you were punished, but in the end it's only proved you right. I hope that brings some comfort. You've reached and touched so many people, you've done more good than that punishment does harm. You're a beautiful human being, thank you. Stay strong.
i love how the principle claims this isn't a bullying high school then proceeds to suspend kids that say otherwise. this guy could work for the catholic church.
Have you been to this school? They actually try to prevent bullying from happening, but as you may see it is hard to do so
He didn't suspend her because of what she said in this video. He did it because she's not allowed to record on campus during school hours. And she lied to the teacher about what she was doing in there, that's why she got suspended, y'all gotta wake up.
@@drummerboy9000100 Sooooo how come a girl committed suicide because she was bullied that bad at the school doesn't sound much like they tried with her did they?
@@enferrari13 And whats to say that he wouldn't suspend her while it was done after school hours because bullying isn't dealt with she is talking about how the school couldn't care less about stopping bullying she would still get suspended if she did it from home because it shows how they don't deal woth bullying or even do it properly if they decide to do their jobs properly
Shaun Campbell I too like to start rumors about something that seems like a big deal but isnt
From Marion, witch is just down the road from Lebanon, You have my support and I’m glad someone finally stood up and spoke out
Wow - you are so incredibly brave!
Don't doubt yourself or what you are doing - you are 100% right. Hold your head up.
I am so sorry for your loss and I am so deeply sorry that the adults around you have let you down.
Your word are so powerful. Thank you for calling attention to the real issues, so that those suffering no longer feel alone.
Powerful! I’ve graduated high school long time ago, needless to say not much has changed. Greetings from Canada.
I saw your story on the Philip DeFranco show and i just had to come and show my support. I struggle with mental health often, and as a person who graduated last year, i know most schools in the US are basically just hormonal cesspools. I've lived from Texas to NY to Michigan, and at ALL levels of education, things were screwed up in some way or another.
School went very far in making my low points even lower.
To see a young women stand up and recite a poem about issues she believes, and then for her to get not only shot down, but punished, is beyond ridiculous.
I sadly wasn't surprised to hear you got ISS, i have first hand seen many similar things happen.
Please just know i support you fully, and from me to you, thank you so much for speaking out about issues that, in all honesty, suck to talk about, and doing it in such a passionate way.
I'm not from Tennessee but this relates to my school... not the death but we have had plenty of bomb threats, and gun threats. bullying isn't taken care of, because they haven't seen it & they claimed when someone told another person to kill their self that they said " unless she does anything reacting to that there's nothing we can do" this really hit home... this was beyond amazing!
Melissa Dove it’s so amazing that this has reached other states!!!!!
Melissa Dove I am praying for your school!
thank you ❤
Melissa Dove Wow, that is an awful thing for the school to say. My oldest is in 8th grade and one day at school a few kids overheard another kid make the remark to his friends about bringing a gun to school and shooting someone. The principal had several students tell her about his remark right after he said it. When the principal talked to him he said he was joking. That was his last day in that school, he was expelled. They told his parents he would not be allowed to enroll in any school in the district and he would have to seek help from a professional before enrolling in any other district. The school took the threat very seriously and immediately acted. In my opinion they did exactly what they should do in that position. It's hard for me to understand why some schools do what is right and others ignore the problems.
I went to Lebanon High School last year ant all she said was true
Thank You Emily.I was bullied back in the seventies and the pain is still real. Don't know why they never go after the bullies.
William Maxwell I was bullied during the 00s and fought back. Of course getting suspending and all came with it. So did with me and my parents suing the teachers, principal and the school board for not doing their job. Got almost 6-figures out of it, teachers and principal lost their jobs in the process and 2 school board members ended up resigning from their jobs from the lawsuit.
It actually pays to just sue the school and people involved.
You are my hero I wish You were my friend in highschool. You did the right thing.
Arnora fox thank you so so much!!!!
I know you already have and will continue to make a difference. Your words and the emotion you convey brought tears to my eyes. I'm sorry any child has to feel the way you and many others do. I admire your effort.
I'm not from Tennessee either and we sadly have the same problems here, I graduated in June 2017 but I still remember a few years before that (2014) that a classmate of mine died by suicide. His brother wanted to speak about it to the school but the school wouldn't let him as it might "give people ideas". I also was bullied on and off for 10 years and not much, if anything was done about it.
Thank you so so much for making this video! You really are making a difference already! :)
Sarah Turner this is in pa I believe
This brought me to tears, such passion and truth behind your words. Don't let anyone ever silence you.
You need to learn to stick up for yourself because no one else is going to. When I was in school and bullied, I would wait until my bully was alone and then I would strike without warning. Stand up to your bully. This worked several times and the bullies would always stop after that. Who cares if you get suspended for a week or two. Its worth it.
THANK YOU. I was hoping there was some out here in these comments with some heart.
"who cares if you get suspended for a week or two?" Colleges if they see a prolonged suspension for instigating violence on your record.
So you're saying that you shouldn't stand up for yourself? Violence is the ONLY language bullies understand. I had a run in with a few bullies and it ended with me punching them. But just because I knew I could beat them up I never made it a habit. When they tried to start something with me I told them 'I kicked your ass once I can do it again.' and they would leave me alone.
Earlier this year one of my best friends took her own life after years of suffering with depression. Those of us who were closest to her had to listen to her bullies try and cover their tracks and say how much of a good friend and beautiful person she was, and when we tried to tell anyone, they told us that they were just dealing with it in their own way. Nobody wanted to believe that they could cause such a thing, and now everything has seemingly been brushed under a mat to hide from everyone. I applaud you for making this video, and I hope you can make a difference and prevent this from ever happening again. And please know how powerful your words are
Home school sounds better and better every day.
You're amazing, Emily. I'm a high school teacher in Indiana, and I encourage you to keep speaking your truth. If you were my student I'd give you bonus points for this. 👊🏻
That principal deserves to be fired for trying to silence you. It hurt his feeling... how the fuck does he think the kids getting pushed to suicide feel! Keep speaking your mind girl, the fucked system needs more people like you.
yeah it's not like someone died or anything right? stay classy youtube commenters
Egg Get a life. It's obvious your just a loser attempting to get a reaction just so you can feel better about your sad pathetic self.
Egg You make me nauseous with how disgusting you are. You believe she is a spoiled brat for speaking out about bullying and suicide? You are sickening.
Hello. I used to go to Smith County high school and it is about the same. This message really struck hard in me. There was a suicide in our sister school due to bullying and I am so tired of these school officials trying to stop being from doing what is right because they don't want more publicity. Thank you so much for speaking up. Never lose your drive even when people try to stop you. You are incredible and I just wanted you to know.
Dear emily i went to that school and i agree 110% #welcometolebanonhighschool-where-popularity-is-more-important-than-others-lives
People need to wake up in this world qll we have is eachother and if we cant make one girl feel like life is better than death then what makes us think that we can be anything other than selfish
Emily i respect you more than you will ever know and this is coming from a us army soilder stay strong and. Stay you because this is the most touching thing ive seen in a long time
damion osteen thank you so much!!!
Look i know that people are harsh but you really can change the world if you stay this passionate i really do appreciate you for this
damion osteen thank you so much for the support!! And thank you for serving our country!!!
Keep doing what your doing! People like you are going to change the world! You deserve to be heard. This video deserves to be spread across the world. Thanking you so much for doing this it means so much!
Very powerful. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.
she didn't know that person.
Bravo Emily! More young people like you need to be willing and "will" stand up against bullying.
I was bullied and tormented from 6th grade till I graduated high school. My family lacked money so that was the avenue that bullies had to make fun of me.
This May makes 20 years since I graduated H.S. from a very tiny town in S.W. MO. I cannot say I am super rich or anything like that, but I make a decent living.
I know, without a doubt, I am more successful than most of them. But what they did to me when I was younger still has me messed up today. I NEVER want to see any of them again.
The school administrators did nothing to help me and basically just ignored my bullying. Bullying needs to stop, at one time I thought suicide was an option. To any who think it is, please don't.
High school can be hell and I don't a solution for that. I can say, college and beyond is great, not perfect but hella lot better than high school.
Keep up the good work Emily and make the admins feel bad for once. Sorry this been really long.
Powerful!! Hear hear!! Preach young grasshopper, preach !! Stay strong !
As someone who was bullied in school this is so brave of you. I know it can be hard to stand up for yourself at that age. Don't feel disheartened, your message IS being heard
Well I see nothing has changed since I graduated 33 years ago. We didn't have social media, THANK GOODNESS, but the bullies got their jobs done quite efficiently.
The best way to handle a bully is to divert their attention. Everyone has a weakness. No Fear!
Good job young woman! Keep standing for what is right and for justice for all! And keep holding school administrators accountable for their lack of integrity. Never back down in your care and compassion for others.
i have so much respect for you, right now! You are doing something really amazing
Kaiden Cook thank you!!
Beautiful spirits like this one are what that society needs to hear from more often!
forest sponseller. Everyone has an opinion so why is hers to be beholden? Oh, I get it she just shares your views. I bet you're quick to try and shut down any counter views. Hypocrisy at it's best.
Well aren't you just the hypocritical one! LOL!
lilcantrapman24 bahhh, that's too much. so you support bullying? you support people making fun of people committing suicide?
yeah.... put your reactionary impulses away.
Thank you for standing up. I read about this video in an article on Newsela .com and I knew I had to watch it ASAP. Everyone should hear this!! School systems think bullying is a joke when it’s nothing to mess with.
Scary to know my son goes to LHS next year.....ugh keep strong your town and world stands by you.
Do not, under any circumstance, ever let anyone stop you from saying what you want said. That's one of the few things about America that's truly beautiful.
Teen suicide is too damn real, more teenagers would turn into adults if high school teachers would actually pay attention to teenagers and their feelings. We are more than our raging hormones. The faculty needs to stop trying to fix their image and start taking actions of accountability if they want their students to outlive them!
Yes, girl, I support you with your message when I was in high school I was bullied so badly and I didn't have anyone to run to even tho the school would say they would inforce there builying rules it never worked I had so many suicadal thought during my high school years and to tell you I wish I was like you and spoke out about it to this day it still effects me in social situations and I wish more people like you would speak out on the issue of bullying and like get it in to people's minds that even tho you inforce those rules people (especially teens) will usally never follow them thank you for this thank you for speaking out for all the kids and teens out there suffering in silence.
Cheeky Smile 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
So proud of you, Emily. Sometimes speaking up is the scariest thing, but you did so very well. I hope you never stay quiet on important topics like this.
GOD BLESS YOU! I’m so sorry about you’re school and hopefully your peers have changed from being a bully to a person who helps one another and puts a smile on their face not from cruel jokes but from them helping them get back on their feet. And hopefully you noticed that you sound like a female preacher because that’s what you sound like a voice from God, oh and hopefully your teachers are actually doing something about other kids being bullied than them just turning to the other cheek
Your parents should be proud of you for taking a stand against bullying and for standing up while many others choose to sit back, those of which appear to be part of the faculty and administration there at Lebanon HS.
The fact that you were suspended for this is appalling, because nowhere in this video have you attempted to incite violence. It is obvious to any reasonable person that the administration was hurt by the truth and rather than correct the issues at hand, they've chosen to issue the suspension in an attempt to silence you. Just know that you have been heard!
You're doing a wonderful thing here, so do not let the negativity of others change that.
Stay true to the course, and yourself! ✌️👌
You are beautiful, smart and brave.
As a woman, I am very proud of you for having the courage to voice many others who experience being “BULLIED” every day not only in high school but in every day to day life because others allow this to happen and remain silent👍🏻
I was shocked to read today that this student was given a two day in school suspension for this.
that's not why she got suspended. read the news. (:
My class did a paper about your video it was really great to hear someone talk openly about this problem. I support what you said and so do my friends.
This is incredible girl! I don’t know you but I’m proud of you for taking a stand in your community. My community has had 4 suicides in the past 4 months and I had to share this video because I feel the same way. I hate that you were punished but it’s great that you’re taking a positive out of it! Thank you for saving lives!
I was bullied decades ago and I still remember. Thank-you for a beautiful video.
You have the world's support. Praying your school admin's eyes and hearts are opened.
Thank you so so so so so much for being brave and kind and strong enough to speak up for all broken and exhausted students who suffer from injustice and depression at the hands of administration. You are an amazing and admirable person who definitely didn’t to be punished.
Lebanon high school are the only ones that disliked the video.. powerful message young lady!
yeah because people from that school know that everything she said was wrong (:
Thank you for being courageous enough to share your feelings about this.Bullying is never okay and it's has to be taken seriously, when someone becomes distressed to the point that they take their own lives it's not something you can continue to ignore.Levanon highschool, do something!
I also want to say that you have great principles and a good heart,stand by them.
Keep speaking girl. God bless you.
You were on the Phil DeFranco show. HUGE following. Much respect to you girl. Speak your truth. Love from Australia
Like the fact that this person actually did something about this issue.
Matthew Taiariol. What? Trying to get on Ellen? How does that help anyone but her?
Thank you so much for your work love. I'm a freshman this year and I found this video today. It'll be nice working with you. You sacrificed yourself for all of us. Thank you.
Give the high school principal hell facebook.com/LHSBlueDevils/ @lebanonhigh on Twitter
As someone who was heavily bullied in highschool, I'm very proud of you for making this video. Thank you.
Man I just came here from Philly D and they suspended her for 2 DAYS saying this incites violence? Welcome to Lebanon High School where a cry for help and a battle cry are indistinguishable.
PesterWeaver wait Lebanon is in the US or the middle east??
Moe Plays Lebanon the school is in the US
Moe Plays Lebanon High School is in Tennessee, USA. Lebanon is also a country in the Middle East.. they are two separate places.
no, she got suspended for another reason lmao.
Very well spoken!!!!
U made the news way up her in Alberta Canada
@Emily Gipson, how did you get suspended for this?
this is not what happened at all... its against the school's policy to film a personal video inside a classroom after school hours, even if the teacher agreed. if you actually read the news reports, you'd know this
Emily was given two days of in school suspension because she didn't have permission to shoot the video in the classroom. While she claims that she did, the truth is... she asked a coach for permission to use his classroom for the backdrop to a school project three weeks ago. Needless to say, he was mortified to see his name plastered on the board behind her. Secondly, she shot the video after school, and after all students not involved in curricular activities, were told that they needed to be out of the building.
@BornToRunBarefoot > Principal suspended the student [..] because it “hurt his feelings,"
Hmm, I wonder if he applies that standard to the bullies as well?
She got ISS for breaking the school rules, then while in the ISS room she started cussing out people that simply weren't agreeing with what she said and that's why she got OSS. Sorry to break it to y'all (:)